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S12.E10: Third Week's a Charm

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Sorry, couldn’t get rid of that mother fu..er up there.  Don’t know how to erase things.

Oh Jake, get over it already and stop being a beggar.  She is just not into you.  Give up already and have some pride.  It’s actually making me sick.

1 minute ago, LennieBriscoe said:

No way Virginia did that flower-petals-and-chocolate-and-fruit set-up herself. 

She should of sprinkled some vodka on the sheets to get her thru the night instead.

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Erik, in this episode and the preview, is going to prove too flip with relationship ultimatums (children; where to live)  for Virginia. 

3 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Damn.  It looks like in the previews Jake and Haley are arguing again.  No, Jake, she doesn't like you.

Haley needs to burst out with, "You can't handle the truth!" 

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17 minutes ago, Airy2021 said:

This is officially a joke. This is fake. I do not for a second believe he bought someone he doesn’t intend to be with a BRAND NEW Mercedes Benz. No way. 

I'd ask for proof of purchase if I were Paige.  I do not believe one thing that comes out of Chris' mouth, if his mouth is moving, he is lying.

Married couples are supposed to discuss expenses, no matter how they split the finances at least mention thoughts about making a large purchase...Chris buys a Mercedes for another woman without even discussing it with his wife!  I guess Paige would be more upset if he really did buy that car.

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Vincent can overcome his sensitivity issue. He and Bri are the only couple I take seriously. The rest of them? I’m treating as comedy gold!

So Chris’ ex sang, Oh, Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

Chariot? LOL! Chris feeding her fried chicken that’s been more than two hours not refrigerated? 🤣🤣 

Jake, you just got back into bed. She said hands off—your next question is how about some sexual touching? 🤣🤣😅

My fervent hope for Virginia is a 12-step program and a 1-2-3 divorce from that control freak.

K, that’s not funny, but really, Ginny, RUN!



Edited by buttersister
He’s insufferable. Everyone cheats on him because it’s their way out!
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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I thought Haley said she'd been in a relationship for five years and it ended when he got someone else pregnant.  So unless she was dating him when she was 16, the relationship ended when she was 21, and she hasn't been in a relationship since then--I don't understand the timeline. 

That's the timeline presented.  "Picky???"

2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

 So why didn't Vincent apologize to Brianna sooner?  Why did it have to be public?  

Oh that's right.  TV.

How do you know that Vincent hadn't apologized before this? Editing.  I think you know that if it happens off-camera often the producers will ask you just to do it again.  We just know what they want to show us.  Do you think when they wake up on camera they don't do it more than once if the cameraman doesn't get the shot the way they want it? These guys often film 8 to 10 hours and we see about 15 minutes of their weekly interaction.

2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

These questions are so cringe worthy. Clara wants to get laid so bad, Ryan is stupid if he can’t see this. 

I am sure that he knows it but he actually wants to have some kind of emotional connection and level of commitment and caring about Clara before boning her. Clara just wants sex which is her right and apparently her habit.  She said she was in a five-year relationship and they were having sex maybe twice a year so I can't see why she can't wait more than six weeks to have sex with Ryan. It's not like she was used to having sex weekly. I know she got married at first sight thinking she have sex real soon. Too bad she doesn't understand she's been missing out by not having real connection in her intimate relationships and only having sex.  She complains that that relationship didn't give her what she wanted so she should understand this is something different stop letting the producers have you talking about sex all the time.

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How much money does Chris make??? He’s buying his pregnant baby mama a brand new Mercedes Benz??? This is also something you do closer to the end of a pregnancy. My friend had a baby with an ex and she needed a car and the ex did buy her one because he felt responsible for her and his child having a way to get around but he bought a used car that didn’t close more then 10,000 dollars. You don’t buy a woman named Mercedes a Mercedes Benz (You know she wanted a Benz because of her name and he got her what she wanted cause he’s into her far more then he is Paige) just because she’s having your baby unless you are seriously loaded and have zero financial woes or concerns. 

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I honestly believe Chris and Paige’s storyline is a fake. Only, they neglected to tell Paige.

Given that the least thing seems to set him off, I was nervous when Bri kept commenting on Vinny’s “big head”.

I am guessing this season is 5 and 0.  These couples do not seem compatible. I am having a hard time understanding how they were matched.

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2 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

“We haven’t included God.”  Chris had better get to an interior room because he’s about to be struck by lightning.  This guy is so far from conducting himself in a godly (or even halfway decent) way.  I continue to have zero sympathy left for Paige. 

He is disgusting. She is naive. My patience is gone. 

3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:
3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

This all could have been avoided if Haley had been honest & said she does not want to try, but she's being completely disingenuous.

I think both Paige and Haley have been talked into just riding out the farce by production until D Day.

I couldn't agree with you more.  Both women look like they're doing this under duress.  I think this week pretty much confirms the suspicion I voiced last week that the show is now forcing them to go through the remainder of the season as if they are really putting everything into it, when you can tell that both women are crying inside to be set free.  It is just abusive to force them to keep beating a dead horse in these go-nowhere relationships.  Haley admitted that she has tried but just can't connect with this guy.  He gives her smirky, dismissive one word answers to things that should be conversation starters.  She feels cut off at the pass at every turn with him.  Every time things seem to be going in the right direction he throws more pressure on her about her attraction to him.  Just STOP IT already, you're only sabotaging yourself.  He is acting like a 14 year old, not a guy pushing 40.  He has no clue how to handle a woman.  My husband just can't take his behavior anymore.  Haley admitted that if they were dating she would not be there.  I am sorry but it is just nasty to blame her at this point just because she tends to be "too picky".  A lot of women would have thrown in the towel by now if faced with the likes of Jake, including me, so it's not fair to blame what is happening on her pickiness or to force her to continue to deal with him as if there's any chance in hell it's going to change.  We all know what it looks like when people are clicking and they are just not clicking.  Period, the end.  Stop blaming her for it.  It just isn't there on both ends.

Edited by Yeah No
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1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

I don’t even believe that Chris bought Mercedes a Mercedes. I think he gets bored easily and wants a reaction from Paige so always has another story in his pocket . There’s just never a dull moment with that drama king . 

Yeah, I'm not buying it.  Plus at this point I think the lie is more of his mind fuckery with Paige and probably the show too, for forcing him to continue with these interactions.  He is also being forced by production into filming these scenes.  I just don't get why the show seems to think this is what will make it "entertaining".  We can see through the charade so it's only sabotaging the audience's perception of the show and hurting the participants.

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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

So did Mindy. Breaking up & continuing to film is apparently allowed.

Erik & Virginia are dancing around their “different views about the country,” and I know we’re not supposed to talk politics on here, but I think it’s a really big deal to be on opposite sides politically in 2020 - I don’t date men who I’m not aligned with politically, and I definitely wouldn’t marry someone with opposing political beliefs. Even Virginia said she doesn’t know couples with opposing views that are together. Like, Erik saying he “doesn’t deal with social issues” is a complete turnoff. It’s also different for me, as a Black woman, because my life is a social issue. Erik is white, straight, cisgender, male, and isn’t poor, so he has the luxury of not having to pay attention to social issues. Virginia said her sister is gay, so I’d guess LGBTQ issues are important to her, and Erik has basically told her he doesn’t care about stuff that will affect her, and isn’t interested in opening his mind - he literally said “I know what I believe and that’s it.” I couldn’t be married to that.

The more I learn about Eric and Virginia the more I think the only thing keeping them interested in each other at this point is sex because they have so little in common otherwise.  Unfortunately when that part of the relationship cools down they really are going to need to find something in common in order to last for the long haul.  At this point I don't really have the greatest feeling about that.  I actually think both of them are too young to have mellowed out in their views on certain subjects and learned how to live with someone that doesn't agree with you on some issues.  My husband and I have disagreed on hot issues over the years but somehow that never affected our love for each other.  Usually if there is real love you tend to grow to be more alike after a few decades anyway.  But in my case my husband and I shared complementary views on most things, and it's funny how even in areas where we aren't complementary he eventually tends to come around to see it my way all by himself, LOL.  It looks like Eric and Virginia are at odds about a lot of things and I don't think it bodes well for their future.  They can't even agree on when and if to have kids.  They're beginning to remind me of Tom and Lillian from several seasons ago.  They had hot chemistry but their lifestyles and life goals were very different.  They lasted past decision day but ended up divorcing after a few years.

Plus it really bugs me how Eric treats Virginia like he's her father or something.  His paternalistic attitude toward her is bordering on creepy and controlling.  He obviously doesn't trust her with other men AT ALL and I don't know if she is fully appreciating how insulting that is of her.  If he doesn't trust her that much or respect her enough not to treat her like a child, well, I don't know whether he should really be involved with her (or her with him).

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3 hours ago, Airy2021 said:

Why aren’t these matchmakers taking political stances and religious beliefs into account unless the people are like Paige and Chris and super Jesus-y? If they matched me with someone totally opposite of my own religion or my own political beliefs I would struggle and probably wind up divorced. Those are deal breakers to most. Clara and Ryan are on different pages with religion and Eric and Ginny are polar opposites politically. These things should be taken into account before they match the couples. 

I find it interesting that we have not seen this more on other seasons.  It's almost like this season they decided to deliberately match people with opposite opinions on major issues just to see what would happen.  

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3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

The way Clara talks about sex in such a matter of fact manner, she sounds like a sex worker.  I think that's the turnoff for Ryan and he might be afraid to have intercourse with her. 

I thought the same thing.  Her attitude about this is just bone chilling for me.  She came off almost like sex for her was nothing more than a sport or a day at the gym.  Maybe even less than that because even doing those things you might have some kind of emotions involved.  She was over the top about not experiencing any emotional component at all with sex.  I actually don't blame Ryan for being turned off by it.  It also makes me wonder if she didn't suffer some kind of sexual abuse as a child.  Usually divorcing sex from emotions to that extreme has roots in some kind of traumatic sexual experience that would make a person want to block out any emotional experience during sex so that they could bear the abuse better.  It's also no coincidence that a lot of sex workers and porn actors come from a background of abuse.

Also, Viviana taking Clara aside and asking her if she thought Ryan was lying and that he might be a virgin made me wonder if the experts didn't know beforehand that he was a novice sexually and that they were matching two people who were opposite extremes sexually.  Just more of the show "screwing around" with the matches so to speak.

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I think Haley should move in with Paige, Jake should go back to his house and continue to throw fun pool parties for the gang, and Chris can go fuck himself. There. Solved it.

Someone explain Clara to me. She falls in love constantly but does not equate sex with love at all. Okay......I am starting to understand Ryan’s hesitation with her. I think he sees a lot of red flags with her and is waiting until decision day. He is holding his cards pretty close - he is not giving much to production. I think when she says things like I’ve had a lot of sex and it was all meaningless, it’s not making him want to get invested with her. And screw Viv for insinuating he’s a virgin just because he’s hesitant to be the latest in a long line to fall into Clara’s vagina. I still think it’s reverse sexism - she would never be like that if it was Clara hesitating and Ryan was the one pressing for sex.

Erik and Virginia. When he says “I know what I believe and that’s it”, I kind of understand where he’s coming from. My husband and I do not agree on some things politically, and we have had some ugly fights. I hate arguing about politics and I’ve said almost the same thing Erik said to my spouse because we are not going to agree. No arguing is going to change either of our minds. Agree to disagree is sometimes all there is to do. But why do these fools keep matching people that are so opposite? It’s like these two come from two different planets. The fact that they are the second best couple this season says how crappy this season really is.

And speaking of the best couple- were they even on tonight? Oh yeah, Champagne Vinny apologized for being a big (emphasis on big since he outgrew his shirt apparently) baby.

Is it me or was this episode abysmally boring?

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~I don't think much of Clara's and Ryan's relationship getting an extension. I see more tolerance of each other than desire or compatibility. 

Much the same with Virginian and Erik. I suspect he's probably more right wing and she is liberal. That has irreconcilable differences all over it and great sex isn't the glue that binds. I have family split along those lines and its hard to communicate. They will probably both be heartbroken in the end. I think they will give it an extension.

Really Chris ever hear the verse, 'Where your heart is there your treasure will be also'. Yeah you should tell your wife of a major new expense before you make the commitment dick head. At this point though Paige gets what she deserves I have a verse for her to...'You will know them by their fruits'. I don't know what more he could do to prove he's a scum bag...a 666 on his forehead? Quit using God as a band-aid.

There is nothing Jake can do to salvage this marriage. She's never going to be attracted, she has checked out. Biding her time. She should rip the band aid or he should. Its a waste of time. Sooner he moves on sooner he'll find a good match on his own. 



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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Clara saying she’s never had an emotional bond with sex is sad to me. Junk food sex is good - I’ve had my share - but slow-cooked nourishing sex is fulfilling. I’d have a hard time with someone in a long-term relationship who viewed sex as basically any other bodily function. Not that sex has to be deep lovemaking every time, but never? When you’ve had relationships? She falls in love all the time, by her admission, but she’s never had feelings attached to sex?

Yes, I found her admission quite odd and I felt sad for her. Even sadder was when she said that she didn't know if she'd ever have those feelings about sex and would feel bad that she could not give that to Ryan.

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57 minutes ago, Rae Spellman said:
2 hours ago, Airy2021 said:

How much money does Chris make??? He’s buying his pregnant baby mama a brand new Mercedes Benz??? 

One can lease a lower end model for $349-$500/month. 

The cheapest lease deal I found was $400/month with $4,000 down, not really that cheap depending on your perspective.  But he said he bought her a Mercedes.  All lies anyway, IMO.

Also, it's not just about how much it costs to buy or lease one, it's the high overhead involved in terms of insurance, maintenance and repair.  My husband worked for Mercedes for years and has owned them so we know all about that first hand.

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8 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think Haley should move in with Paige, Jake should go back to his house and continue to throw fun pool parties for the gang, and Chris can go fuck himself. There. Solved it.

Someone explain Clara to me. She falls in love constantly but does not equate sex with love at all. Okay......I am starting to understand Ryan’s hesitation with her. I think he sees a lot of red flags with her and is waiting until decision day. He is holding his cards pretty close - he is not giving much to production. I think when she says things like I’ve had a lot of sex and it was all meaningless, it’s not making him want to get invested with her. And screw Viv for insinuating he’s a virgin just because he’s hesitant to be the latest in a long line to fall into Clara’s vagina. I still think it’s reverse sexism - she would never be like that if it was Clara hesitating and Ryan was the one pressing for sex.

Erik and Virginia. When he says “I know what I believe and that’s it”, I kind of understand where he’s coming from. My husband and I do not agree on some things politically, and we have had some ugly fights. I hate arguing about politics and I’ve said almost the same thing Erik said to my spouse because we are not going to agree. No arguing is going to change either of our minds. Agree to disagree is sometimes all there is to do. But why do these fools keep matching people that are so opposite? It’s like these two come from two different planets. The fact that they are the second best couple this season says how crappy this season really is.

And speaking of the best couple- were they even on tonight? Oh yeah, Champagne Vinny apologized for being a big (emphasis on big since he outgrew his shirt apparently) baby.

Is it me or was this episode abysmally boring?

It was a bit dull plodding along to a seemingly known conclusion.

Yes that is weird about compartmentalizing sex as a function separate from deep love, passion and affection. I have known guys who can make furious love with someone and have no feelings for them whatsoever. But never met woman built that way.

I don't see how any couples can get along if they have diametrically opposed views on politics, children, drinking and partying and religion. Not exact same views but not in completely different direction.


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7 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Erik, in this episode and the preview, is going to prove too flip with relationship ultimatums (children; where to live)  for Virginia. 

Haley needs to burst out with, "You can't handle the truth!" 

The were to live should be compromised on - but I don’t think children can be. If you want them or you don’t. That’s a huge issue. 

I do think he’s quick to make all of these statements though. But he seems to go back on them and actually compromise. If they stay together they should go and buy some thorn together. Does he own his place and she rents? 

2 minutes ago, eyelash said:

I figured it would be free food from his Subway franchise.  Guess it must have already been closed by then.

I think it closed in March 2020

4 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

Much the same with Virginian and Erik. I suspect he's probably more right wing and she is liberal. That has irreconcilable differences all over it and great sex isn't the glue that binds. I have family split along those lines and its hard to communicate. They will probably both be heartbroken in the end. I think they will give it an extension

My husband and I are different politically. We just don’t talk about it. He has definitely grown more and changed some of his views on the social issues after being exposed to more in life. So maybe that can happen for them? 

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Unfiltered: Cal, Erik, Haley, JamieO

Haley looks like she dressed from Ginny’s closet with the pleather party pants and cammie  top.

JamieO has given up on dressing nice...she threw on a white nursing shirt and clipped in her extensions...

One clip shows Jake asking Haley if she thinks he is pretty.

Poor Haley must have thrown up a little in her mouth as she reaches for something neutral to say and luckily recalls one of the oldies but goodies....”I don’t know right now”...good one Hales.....

Erik’s thighs aren’t much bigger than his calves...he is one petite dude....

Ginny’s beer gut is in full display at the driving range...take a pee, girl...your tummy is bloated from the pre-partying before you picked up the driver and basket of practice balls.

Hope that isn’t your liver enlarged from the daily booze fest...

Erik and Haley are muy simpatico...both are travel warriors and calm...this is at least watchable...this week...don’t make me regret myself....

Cal...are you telling us your dreamy fantasy...Jake pantless only in a tool belt....ick.

Jake is fouling the nest by his relentless beat downs of Haley not being attracted to him...get past it man....

Jake’s self esteem is so wrapped up in how Hales is not enthralled by his muscles that he is lost...

His monotone is how he controls his emotions...by muting them.

Edited by humbleopinion
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11 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I can’t believe there’s 45 minutes left.  
I felt like Erik was dismissive of Virginia’s stance on social issues. Hopefully he’ll start to think about these things rather than not seeing them because they don’t affect him. I could see she was really hurt by that. 

Out of a million flight attendants and passengers, he has to fall head over heals for her?  An alcoholic?  His judgement is impaired.  I wouldn’t fly with him.

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4 minutes ago, Cancun said:

I’m going to rewatch, but I think we saw an entire episode without Ginny drinking?? Is that possible?!  Really, not much drinking from any of the cast this episode. I wonder if they were instructed “no alcohol during Viv’s serious working session with them.

What was just out of camera was a Booz-ala-poolza...Production’s reward for Ginny’s sober-ish session with Viv.

Her DT (delirium tremens), twitching and spastic tics made me twitchy just watching....

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10 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Clara saying she’s never had an emotional bond with sex is sad to me. Junk food sex is good - I’ve had my share - but slow-cooked nourishing sex is fulfilling. I’d have a hard time with someone in a long-term relationship who viewed sex as basically any other bodily function. Not that sex has to be deep lovemaking every time, but never? When you’ve had relationships? She falls in love all the time, by her admission, but she’s never had feelings attached to sex?

It would have been interesting if Viv had delved deeper into this.  The natural next question for Clara is how she feels about monogamy. Might she stray, especially if their sexual appetites don’t match and given her feelings are so “whatever” about the meaning of sex? Would she be ok if Ryan cheats sexually one day? 

But no, the good “doctor” takes Clara aside and gossips about whether Ryan might be a virgin. 🙄

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When Chris told Paige he bought a chariot for his King or Queen I was begging Paige to look that fool in the eye and scream “Illegitimate children cannot be Kings or Queens you stupid funeral f*cker!”

Buying the benz reminded me of another reality TV narcissist, Vicki from RHOC.  She showed up with a brand new BMW shrieking at her daughter that she bought her a car and she should be more excited.  As Vicki was leaving she handed her daughter paperwork and quickly said “I made the first payment.  The $XXX monthly payments for the next 3 years are on you” and then dashed right out of there.   

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