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S16.E13: Power Of Veto Competition #4

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 My God, this is the gayest season of BB ever.  You could put Marcellas, Beau and Andy on a season together and it wouldn't be as gay this.  I applaud how chill everyone is with being gay and touchy feely and I'm all for it.  But damn.  I feel like you could start a side game for the home player:  who's bi, who's in the closet, who's heteroflexible, who's questioning, who's in denial.  Dear Zach, I'm not sure about all the single ladies lining up but I bet there's a few couples who'd like to like to hit Octoberfest with you.  And Cody can assure us Caleb wasn't yummy in his shirt.   Because.....he's not Zac Efron?


 OMG, the veto was worse than I thought.  I assumed Victoria won, but she totally whiffed it and only won thanks to Caleb's idiocy.  And to top it off, Caleb was only in it thanks to Brittany's idiocy.  I thought Victoria was at least going to be able to have 'I won veto when I needed to' to hang her hat on when she's inevitably nominated next week, but she doesn't even have that.  She should be wearing a Germitard (which likely would have cause her to DOR) and is now appears just that much more pathetic.


 I hope like hell that Caleb wins HOH this week.  He's sure to put up Cody and I will laugh my ass off if Cody goes home after being convinced "Brittany is coming for all of us, Caleb is coming for none of us".   Uh, no Derick. Caleb isn't coming for you he is coming for Cody.  It would serve Cody right to go out after buying that bullshit and not playing what's best for him.


 Did Victoria have a meeting at D&D Advertising after the veto meeting?  Someone should tell her the house is not Melrose Place and she is not Heather Locklear.


 If none of them want Donny out , why didn't they use Hayden of the replacement nominee.  They other guys apparently have no use for him.

  • Love 7

Oh Cody.  You look incredibly weak.  I'm sorry, but have to agree with what you said your brother would think.


The whole "Caleb is our ally" argument is a joke.  I mean, hello.  So was Devin.


I also think getting rid of Brittany after she did her punishment is really low.


I'm over the Derrick and Frankie show.  I hate the way they repeat their spiel in the DR like we are suppose to believe it.   "Caleb can't go.  Cody has an enormous ego."

Edited by vb68
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Well, that sucked.  Stupid move, Cody.  It won't surprise me at all when one of his "allies" wins HOH next week and he goes home after Frankie and Derrick convince the rest of the Detonators that Cody was ready to go after Caleb this week.  Even though Cody didn't do it, they'll paint him as not loyal, and, heaven forbid, as "a threat."  Just dumb dumb dumb.  


And Frankie - ugh.  I'm so tired of him winking at the camera and even more tired of him running around being such a little weasel (is that what Cody called him? - already forgot!).  I really wish he had not gone to wake Derrick up.  Why is he so invested in Caleb?  

  • Love 3

I never, ever, ever want to hear the words "blood on my hands" again. Ever. Please Grodner, give me a contestant who relishes it, who brings in a gross of rubber gloves and asks "please could someone bring me some blood, I wish to stick my hands all in it."


Victoria is seriously completely useless. And I loved Donny's "bless his heart," re: Cody. Is it too late to change Caleb's thread title to "love-struck fruit-loop dingus fooligan"?

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 13

Every year the producers continually tinker with the program but always manage to completly miss one of the show's greatest flaws.

For the love of Jocasta's Jesus will they please STOP with the confessionals interspiced into the Veto Competition!?! You can instantly tell who won based on their demeanor and sure enough to make matters worse the VERY FIRST confessional was with Victoria. Her huge smiles and peppy demeanor was a dead give away that she would have the veto at the end. To a lesser extent AMAZING RACE also has this problem.


Meanwhile Frankie groping Cody's buns was horrific...just horrific. Makes one long for the days of the night vision camera while April and Ollie were going at it under the covers. Good times!


I actually want Caleb to stay. As a person who watches BB to be entertained this guy is providing comedy gold. The sneaking up the stairs...playing with the dagger while Cody is hands on with "his girl" sends the entertainment quota off the Richter Scale. So glad we'll be getting another week with him and hopefully we'll finally get a showdown between him and Cody over Amber.


Nicole and Christine are boring. Nuff said.

I just lost a bet with myself.  I was sure that Caleb was going to take the trip for 2, and then hound Amber about whether she'd go with him.  


Well, I did see on the live feeds that he asked production to book him and Amber a cruise to Atlantis. I apologize if anyone considers this a spoiler, I just chalk it up to another one of Caleb's delusions!

Oh, yeah- Caleb with that plastic dagger while stating at Cody and Amber!! God, that was amazing. Is Caleb for real with all this, or is he playing it up for tv time? Because the former? Is terrifying.

I don't even think Cody is interested in Amber romantically. And I KNOW Amber is not interested in Caleb romantically. So this is not so much a triangle as it is a .. Nothing.

I hope this really bites Cody in the butt.  Zack was dead right.  Keeping Caleb is good for everybody else's game.  Cody's game, well you can't be totally sure.  Caleb is a reliable vote - for now - with the alliance he is no longer in.  


Frankie gets more annoying every episode.


I don't get this fear of Brittney somehow "coming after" them.  She's an army of one.  The chances of her winning HOH and getting a veto winner who will do what she wants are small.


I want to see Dreck gone soon.  I have this dislike of undercover cops and I don't like how his job experience gives him an advantage.


I hope Donny survives,

  • Love 5

Ugh and double ugh. Yeah Cody you should be mad at yourself for taking the cowardly (and since his convo with Donny) and against your word way out. That was weak. Really. Really.


Speaking of weak WTF did they come up with these "Team America" 'missions'?? It was hard to even make sense of them when they read them off. Stupid. Although I guess that's today's theme, the stupid things people will do for $5,000. *looks at Caleb*


ETA: Oh yeah they were totally right when trying to get him to put Caleb up. He will definitely now get the first swing at Cody because Cody was too chicken to do it himself!

Edited by Wandering Snark

I just couldn't feel too badly for Brittany since I can't stand her and all. "I'm all alone in this house Waah." Well whose fault is that?

I see Victoria as a ghost in the house with the way she is edited so Brittany's cattiness towards her practically every time she opened her mouth came off extremely bitchy to me. Why does Brittany feel she is the only deserving winner?

Donny better not go home.

It amuses me that Nicole could come up with torso but was unsure about contraption.

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I've never really felt bad for a contestant on a show like this or Survivor, Amazing Race, etc bc something was 'too hard' to do.  But that 2400 goal kick in 24 hours seemed fucking brutal. And I truly felt for Brittney.



I think they look like jerks for voting her out after that too.


I noted how they were all there cheering at the end.  I'm kinda cynical, but I think they all knew that part would make it into the show. Other than Donny, I'm not sure than anyone was that supportive.

  • Love 1
I noted how they were all there cheering at the end.  I'm kinda cynical, but I think they all knew that part would make it into the show. Other than Donny, I'm not sure than anyone was that supportive.


And I think Brittany knew that as well that most of them were looking strictly for screen time, as it looked like she initially tried to avoid some of them and then they all grouped around her.

Well, I did see on the live feeds that he asked production to book him and Amber a cruise to Atlantis. I apologize if anyone considers this a spoiler, I just chalk it up to another one of Caleb's delusions!

He also asked Cody if he'd trade the Germany trip for the 5000. I hope Caleb doesn't know where Amber lives. That boy creeps me the fuck out.

Oh Cody, you are so pretty, why do you have to be so weak and dumb?   Whatever his brother is saying about Cody tonight, I'll second it.  I can't believe I almost fell for it  when Cody shook Donny's hand and told him he was not going to put him on the block but then I remembered I was spoiled so...  


Oh, yeah- Caleb with that plastic dagger while stating at Cody and Amber!! God, that was amazing. Is Caleb for real with all this, or is he playing it up for tv time? Because the former? Is terrifying.

From everything I've seen on BBAD I don't think he is playing it up - that's him.   As entertaining as crazy can be on this show I wanted him out before jury because the thought of that guy in the jury house with Amber and without surveillance is beyond creepy.    I'd be fine with Amber leaving too for the same reason and because I don't find her entertaining at all. 


It seemed like Donny was out there with Brittany  during the brutal soccer thing for most, if not all of the whole time while everyone else slept, ate, whatever.  I'll be sorry to see Brittany go home after that but Donny better not go either.  Hey Grodner, now is the time for the coup d'etat - save Donny and make Cody nominate someone else.  Ha!


Frankie is starting to grate on my nerves and not just the theatrical stuff;  I am hating his gameplay too.

Oh, yeah- Caleb with that plastic dagger while stating at Cody and Amber!! God, that was amazing. Is Caleb for real with all this, or is he playing it up for tv time? Because the former? Is terrifying.


I can't even believe that shit was for real! Where did that fake knife come from anyways? Hilarious and terrifying, all at once. Amber's gonna have to go deep undercover after the show. Move from the country, even.

1. Cody is a moron - my goodness man, Zach and Donny have both made excellent points as to why you should get rid of Caleb.  Caleb not only doesn't like you, and will have NO problem coming after you if he is HoH, but he has shown that he is not loyal to whatever alliance you all just agreed you really don't have!  And now, not only have you failed to get rid of a threat, you have put up a favored player!  Not only that, he had a good reason to put Caleb on the block so there would not have been any "blood on his hands" Caleb decided to go against the alliance, so there is good reason to put him up.  Frankly, at this point, I think Cody deserves to go home.  I can't blame Derrick or Frankie, they are playing the game.  They are playing dirty, but they are playing the game.  If you want to sit there and not make a move that would ONLY benefit your game, and instead make a move that makes you look like a jackass, then you deserve what you get.


2. Britney - I think it was a little ridiculous for her to do the challenge.  If I were her, I don't think I would have done it.  The risk isn't worth the reward, even if she stayed, she would be pretty useless since it would take her a while to recoup.  Her time could have been better spent trying to read the house and see if she could engineer a backdoor move.


3. Deserving to be in the house - The more I think about it, the more I think that any talk about who "deserves" to be there is a little ridiculous.  Mostly because in this house, it seems to be mostly based on who has kids and who needs it as a measure of who "deserves" to be there.  I think if you're busting your hump, playing a smart game and making moves you deserve to be there.  I don't think you "deserve" to be there because you may need the money more than someone else.


4. Team America - that challenge was stupid.  The most physically threatening players are men.  Frankie and Derrick saying that Amber is the biggest female physical threat told me all I needed to know.  They were going to put up a woman no matter what.

It says something about his gameplay that I hate Frankie even more than Zach.  Derrick is the only male member of the Detonators that I can tolerate... maybe that's not fair because Frankie's currently playing the part of the annoying Sabrina in BB Canada that did all the dirty work for her early Alliance before it blew up but I never like the players whose role is mostly to tattle and betray the others.  Lost all respect for Cody once he did Donny like that.


It's weird because I don't even care that much for the rest of the disorganized mess of floaters and semi-alliances that constitutes the rest of the house... but the only player left to root for is Donny.  Nicole and Christine are likeable, but they don't have any real strategy other than stay out of the way of the Detonators target.  So right now, I will simply wait for the hopeful demise of Frankie and Cody until someone else with a semblance of a game emerges.  I'm not holding my breath because the only solid player seems to be Derrick and he's aligned with all the assholes right now.


All these hamsters MUST have been told by TPTB to "Gay it up" this season.


As a straight man, I would NOT let Frankie be touching my ass constantly like Cody does. ( Hell, I'm a gay man, and I wouldn't let Frankie be touching my ass like that!


And Cody? How exactly do you know that Caleb doesn't look "Yummy" in that shirt? Hmmmm.

Edited by ShadowDenizen

All these hamsters MUST have been told by TPTB to "Gay it up" this season.


As a straight man, I wouldn't NOT let Frankie be touching my ass constantly like Cody does. ( Hell, I'm a gay man, and I wouldn't let Frankie be touching my ass like that!


And Cody? How exactly do you know that Caleb doesn't look "Yummy" in that shirt? Hmmmm.


LOL!  He was really right up in his ass, it was uncomfortable for me to watch because I feel like an impromptu ass rub with one person kneeling is something you all should be doing in private.....maybe with some candles and soft music or something....

  • Love 3

I have decided I don't have a problem with the idea of deserving to be in the game. These people are stuck on a sound stage 24/7 for a long time with people that many of them would not have hung out with. They are required to vote people out in order to win $500,000. Short of someone being insanely repulsive, they have to ocme up with a reason for voting people out. Hence the "deserve" argument.


Essentially, they are justifying ending someone's shot at $500,000 which they are all aware that is a lot of money and life changing for all of them. So the stuff that looks petty to us can be used to justify ending someone's shot at a life change amount of money.


It takes someone who is really confident in themselves to simply say "I am here to play a game and win $500,000. We are all here for the same reason. I am cool with voting people out solely for that." That person is someone who is not going to feel bad about ending a persons chance at $500,000 because this is just a game.


So saying that some one deserves the money more then someone who is being voted out is simply a psychological response to protect people from feeling awful about costing another person $500,00. It is a protection against seeing themselves as selfish or petty or like a bad person. Let's face it, BB and Survivor are not won by people who play an honorable, loyal, game that society would say is based on behaviors that we think are great. You win by making alliances, stabbing people in the back and lying. These are not behaviors that any of us see as good. So if you can justify said actions because you and your alliance are more deserving or less obnoxious or whatever, you can feel better about what you are doing in the moment.

  • Love 4

I have decided I don't have a problem with the idea of deserving to be in the game. These people are stuck on a sound stage 24/7 for a long time with people that many of them would not have hung out with. They are required to vote people out in order to win $500,000. Short of someone being insanely repulsive, they have to ocme up with a reason for voting people out. Hence the "deserve" argument.

Essentially, they are justifying ending someone's shot at $500,000 which they are all aware that is a lot of money and life changing for all of them. So the stuff that looks petty to us can be used to justify ending someone's shot at a life change amount of money.

It takes someone who is really confident in themselves to simply say "I am here to play a game and win $500,000. We are all here for the same reason. I am cool with voting people out solely for that." That person is someone who is not going to feel bad about ending a persons chance at $500,000 because this is just a game.

So saying that some one deserves the money more then someone who is being voted out is simply a psychological response to protect people from feeling awful about costing another person $500,00. It is a protection against seeing themselves as selfish or petty or like a bad person. Let's face it, BB and Survivor are not won by people who play an honorable, loyal, game that society would say is based on behaviors that we think are great. You win by making alliances, stabbing people in the back and lying. These are not behaviors that any of us see as good. So if you can justify said actions because you and your alliance are more deserving or less obnoxious or whatever, you can feel better about what you are doing in the moment.

This! All this! I can't say I hate anyone in the game because it's not a gamr of who is the nicest. It's a game of getting rid of people so you can win the money. I would never give up my chance at $500,000 because someone is just so sweet. That's why I like Frankie and Derrick, they are there to win and if it means manipulating people to make it happen so be it. I also like Donny becuase he too is there to play and win the game. So I'm okay with team America because it is comprised of the only three people actually playing the game for the win.

Ummmm, Caleb playing with that toy sword while Amber canoodled with Cody was super creepy. I bet he wished it were a real sword. 


Good on Victoria, she did pretty well in that Veto. Caleb is an idiot for taking the money and Cody an even bigger idiot for not backdooring him while he has the chance. He should have listened to Donny and not his stupid alliance members. No, Caleb is not a "loyal number". If he was so loyal, he would have chose the Veto and not forced his alliance member to have to replace one of his targets. And while it's true that Brittany may be after all of them and Caleb only has issues with Cody, Caleb is great at comps and Brittany....not so much. 


I always say it, but these people wait around to make big moves...thinking they'll have forever to take out these threats. And they never do and the threat stays in the house until it's too late. 


Seeing Cody give himself those penalty kicks was pretty hilarious. 


HATE this week's options for TA tasks. 

I felt like the producers wanted me to feel sorry for Cody regarding the butt kicks.  They kept showing him having to get up, go to the yard, etc.  And, even had TH about how tired he was.  And yet, every time they showed him in the back, Brittany was there kicking her goals and Donny was there encouraging her.  I think they wanted me to feel sorry for the wrong person.  And, I don't understand why they played up his penalty rather than hers.  

  • Love 3

OK, Caleb really needs to stop with the "Beast-Mode-Cowboy" crap. AND he needs to seriously tone the creeper factor by a notch (or 10.)


Poor, stupid Cody. It's a good thing you're so hot, and relatively likable, since you're game play is for-shit. (And you need to tone down the "Blood on your hands" whining by a notch (Or 10.)


Britanny is a nobody, and will be unlikely to staty long enough to pull together an alliance quikc enough to save her. You totally should have taken out Caleb, and you would then probably have had Amber on your side for the remainder of the game.


And these "America's Choice" challenges are beyond stupid; teh 2 choices are typically ridiculous, and I don't think the TA concept should be used to influence the game like that. (THe "Nominate a Strong Player" bit was particularly egregious, since Amber does NOT fall into that cateogry.)

Edited by ShadowDenizen
  • Love 2

I have decided I don't have a problem with the idea of deserving to be in the game. These people are stuck on a sound stage 24/7 for a long time with people that many of them would not have hung out with. They are required to vote people out in order to win $500,000. Short of someone being insanely repulsive, they have to ocme up with a reason for voting people out. Hence the "deserve" argument.


Essentially, they are justifying ending someone's shot at $500,000 which they are all aware that is a lot of money and life changing for all of them. So the stuff that looks petty to us can be used to justify ending someone's shot at a life change amount of money.


It takes someone who is really confident in themselves to simply say "I am here to play a game and win $500,000. We are all here for the same reason. I am cool with voting people out solely for that." That person is someone who is not going to feel bad about ending a persons chance at $500,000 because this is just a game.


So saying that some one deserves the money more then someone who is being voted out is simply a psychological response to protect people from feeling awful about costing another person $500,00. It is a protection against seeing themselves as selfish or petty or like a bad person. Let's face it, BB and Survivor are not won by people who play an honorable, loyal, game that society would say is based on behaviors that we think are great. You win by making alliances, stabbing people in the back and lying. These are not behaviors that any of us see as good. So if you can justify said actions because you and your alliance are more deserving or less obnoxious or whatever, you can feel better about what you are doing in the moment.


I guess its not that I have a problem with "deserving" to be there per se.  But I more have a problem with "I deserve to be here because I have two kids" or "I deserve to be here because I have three kids and a cat" or "I deserve to be here because I have three kids, a cat, and a hamster"  


This is a game, to me, you deserve to be here if you're playing the game, and you deserve to be there even more if you're playing the game well.  You don't just deserve to be handed money because you feel like you need it.   Almost everyone feels like they need it or else they wouldn't be there, and why is your reason so much more worthy than anyone elses?  To me, by saying you really deserve to be here is like saying that someone else doesn't really deserve to be here because their reasons aren't as good as yours, but who are you to judge?  To me, the basis of deserving to be there should be based on your ability and willingness to play the game.

  • Love 1
Almost everyone feels like they need it or else they wouldn't be there, and why is your reason so much more worthy than anyone elses


As an aside. I think the "Famewhore Principle" is almost as much a factor as the money for many of these people. (Like Caleb, thinking he's the "Next Big Thing", when BB has failed to make a star of anyone in it's run.)

Isn't Brittany going home no matter what and the other nominee is just a pawn?  So Cody puts up Caleb and Caleb stays.  Caleb comes after Cody.  Cody puts up Donny and Donny stays but Donny would not come after Cody.  It made sense to me, but then again it's very early in the morning and I got little sleep last night.........

I think they were saying that enough people are tired of Caleb that if he was the replacement nominee it would likely be Caleb that was going home.  And I think Caleb would be the better choice, he seems like a wildcard in that his entire game seems to be motivated by Amber and he screwed his alliance members.  So he doesn't always go along with the alliance or else he would have kept that POV.  He isn't always going to be a "number" for them, he hates Cody and will take him out if he can to get him away from Amber, and the minute Amber tells Caleb to do something that goes against the other alliance members its all over.  Caleb is not that bright and is totally obsessed.  It sounds like Brittany wouldn't be able, at this point, to get much of an alliance going, and frankly she won't be all that much of a challenge if she is physically hurt from the 2400 kicks, so its likely that they could have just gotten her out next week.

As an aside. I think the "Famewhore Principle" is almost as much a factor as the money for many of these people. (Like Caleb, thinking he's the "Next Big Thing", when BB has failed to make a star of anyone in it's run.)

This does seem to be a thing, but it also confuses me, unless CBS runs people from one reality show to another.  Like the way MTV does with people on Road Rules, like maybe this season you do Big Brother because Big Brother "famous" and then get to do the Amazing Race.  But, to me, the most famous person from BB has been Aaryn....and for all the wrong reasons.

  • Love 2

Several of this season's hamsters sent tapes for the other CBS shows Survivor and Amazing Race. So I wouldn't be surprised to see them turn up there eventually. We've already had Hayden on Survivor, and Brendan/Rachel, Jeff/Jordan, and Allison/Donnie (remember them?) on Amazing Race. And Jeff has a regular BB gig which keeps him out there, so I do think it's not out of the question for some of them to look at this as one big long audition.

  • Love 1

My favorite two parts of last night - CreepModeCowboy slinking around to avoid the cameras and catch HOH action.  Then the reactions on everyone's faces when he took the money instead of the POV.  We had to rewind it and watch it again


So hoping the double HOH ends with a double eviction...with the bootees being Amber and Caleb,  Amber going to the Jury House and Caleb out but going insane worrying that Cody will be in there alone with her.

To be fair, Cody was pretty much between a rock and a hard place. If he nominates Caleb he goes against his alliance and risks them turning against him, and if he nominates Donny he risks Caleb coming after him. Kind of a lose-lose situation. 


So what do we think Cody's brother is calling him, a bitch or a pussy?


Zach has the same problem Dan Gheesling had - he doesn't know how to use his inside voice in the Diary Room.


Even though there was a lot of luck involved in this Veto competition, Victoria did at least make it all the way to 2nd place, so she didn't totally blow it.


Caleb and Houseguests like him are why we need reunion shows. I desperately want to know what his reaction will be when he gets home and realizes he looks like a crazy stalker and not some lovestruck hero. Does he take it in stride and go along with the joke, maybe becoming the next Jessie?  Or do they lock him away in a rubber room?

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