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Who, What, When, Where?!: Miscellaneous Celebrity News 2.0

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My m-i-l suffered from aphasia, secondary to a left brain stroke.

I too thought it odd that the media releases referred to it as a stand-alone.  My guess is that his family/team just really doesn't want to use words like dementia or alzheimers.  Big words that are tough to say.


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Chris was right not to ask them to have Will Smith arrested.

Can you imagine the visual of Will Smith, one of 5 black Oscar winners, being led away

 from the Oscars?  And if he resisted at all, it coul look even more ugly.

Would have overshadowed The Slap.

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2 minutes ago, aghst said:

Chris was right not to ask them to have Will Smith arrested.

Chris' joke may have been questionable, but the way he handled everything after Will Smith started towards the stage has been pretty good. Even his reaction to being slapped on stage in front of a huge audience out of the blue. I think his reaction was one of the main reasons I thought it was staged because I'm used to someone being slapped to have a more violent reaction but Chris handled it with a quick quip and carried on. 

I think it is a pretty common Oscar thing for the host to pick out and "roast" various members of the audience. At least I remember it happening a lot in the past. This time it just happened that the subject of this particular roast has a husband who can't keep his impulses in check. 

I do feel bad for Jada in regards to the GI Jane comment now that I know why she is bald. I honestly just thought she kept her hair short or shaved to show off her phenomenal bone structure. I thought it was a beauty choice rather than something she would rather not have done. 

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5 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

the way he handled everything after Will Smith started towards the stage has been pretty good. Even his reaction to being slapped on stage in front of a huge audience out of the blue. I think his reaction was one of the main reasons I thought it was staged because I'm used to someone being slapped to have a more violent reaction but Chris handled it with a quick quip and carried on. 

That's really stood out to me too. If Smith hadn't hit him, I think there would have been some mild commentary the next day about the joke being mean toward a woman with alopecia and the fact that Jada clearly didn't like it. Chris Rock would have been the asshole of the story but of a rather small story. 

But he actually handled the slap and the aftermath really well and in a professional manner, especially compared to Smith. Even when he had the chance to unload during his first standup event afterward, which would have seemed par for the course for a comedian, he demurred. 

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God do I hate April Fools.  I never know what's real or not.

I wish we could retire it. It's rarely cute little pranks between friends and mostly media organizations doing dumb stuff. There's enough misinformation. And it's such a waste of time. 

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38 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Chris' joke may have been questionable, but the way he handled everything after Will Smith started towards the stage has been pretty good. Even his reaction to being slapped on stage in front of a huge audience out of the blue. I think his reaction was one of the main reasons I thought it was staged because I'm used to someone being slapped to have a more violent reaction but Chris handled it with a quick quip and carried on. 

Agree. I hated the joke, but Chris couldn't have handled everything after being hit better. He is a brilliant guy and showed tremendous class. I guess his experience dealing with bullies and hecklers came in handy. 

I'm in the camp that does still like Will and don't think this defines him. I saw that he resigned from the Academy, also his public apology a few days ago. I think he owes Chris a personal apology though. I also hope he eventually addresses all this in a more heartfelt manner publicly, perhaps on video. I think it's easier to tell if someone is genuine that way, than by releasing a written statement that could be written by anyone. 


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2 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

And sorry Millennials, we're still going to blame you kids for tons of crap: overpriced avocado toast, the desperate need for unwarranted "self care" and narcissism included.  

I must have missed some posts but lol 

overpriced avocado toast > overpriced eggs

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I think/hope that that was an April Fools Joke.  LOL.  Avocado Toast is a scapegoat that billion dollar conglomerate media companies use as a way to try and blame Millennials for not owning houses, you know, instead of the economy and low wages.  And billion dollar conglomerate entities buying up property and reselling it to us.

It's common for people with million/billion dollar trust funds to write articles in big media outlets that say "Millennials could own a house if they simply stopped buying avocado toast."  Sure you know, Barbie's Dream House maybe?


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I'm an older millennial who's never had anything avocado-related a day in her life (seriously), so whatever weird stereotype surrounding that stuff that some people seem to have of us millennials, I clearly don't fit it :p. 

And I never expected to own a house as it was, simply because my family's always been on the lower end of the economic scale and have always rented every single place we lived in, be it a house or an apartment, so I just figure that's going to be my lot in life as well. I'd be (happily) shocked if I ever found myself with enough money to afford to buy a home of my own. 

Edited by Annber03
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I have 2 millennials in my office.  They each spend over $12.00 a day on Starbucks.  I spend $0 a day on the very good coffee my office provides us for free.   

That $3K+ a year they spend on flavored water, along with their $12 per PAIR Bombas socks, are great examples of them choosing what's important to them.  Whatever, just don't complain you can't afford anything.

Ok, done with the Smiths & millennials in any capacity. 

*Bored Now* (In my best Bad Willow Rosenberg voice )  Though millennials may not get that reference....  :P



Edited by SnapHappy
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1 minute ago, Zella said:

I've never had any avocado toast. Have I failed the Millennial test? 

I'm a Gen Xer so I'm all, what even is avocado toast? Do you toast the avocado? Doesn't it fall apart in the toaster? Oh, it's toast with avocado on it? How is that a "thing"? It's just toast. You Millennials are so weird. lol 


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5 minutes ago, Zella said:

I'm not entirely sure why people assume that an entire generation of people are all the same. I think it says more about the stereotypers than the ones being stereotyped. 

The thing that gets me about the people who constantly gripe about millennials is that they talk about us like we're all young whippersnappers just out of college and lump us in with the younger generations. Many of us millennials are inching ever closer to 40 (I'm 37). Not exactly like we're children here, or anything. 

Not that that makes the stereotypes and snarking at young people justifiable or fair, mind, just stating a fact. 

Edited by Annber03
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2 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

The thing that gets me about the people who constantly gripe about millennials is that they talk about us like we're all young whippersnappers just out of college and lump us in with the younger generations. Many of us millennials are inching ever closer to 40 (I'm 37). Not exactly like we're children here, or anything. 

Not that that makes the stereotypes and snarking at young people justifiable or fair, mind, just stating a fact. 

Yeah I'm just 4 years younger than you. Most people I know who are bitching about Millennials are actually bitching about Gen Z people. LOL 

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14 minutes ago, Zella said:

I've never had any avocado toast. Have I failed the Millennial test? 

There was a really cute Tweet where someone had no idea why everyone liked Avocado Toast:


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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11 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I'm a Gen Xer so I'm all, what even is avocado toast? Do you toast the avocado? Doesn't it fall apart in the toaster? Oh, it's toast with avocado on it? How is that a "thing"? It's just toast. You Millennials are so weird. lol 

There's also mushroom toast.  I learned about it in a French cookbook.  People tried to make it the new avocado toast but it never took off.  (It's good though.). 

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12 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

I have 2 millennials in my office.  They each spend over $12.00 a day on Starbucks.  I spend $0 a day on the very good coffee my office provides us for free.   

That $3K+ a year they spend on flavored water, along with their $12 per PAIR Bombas socks, are great examples of them choosing what's important to them.  Whatever, just don't complain you can't afford anything.

Just to balance things out a bit… I gave birth to three millennials. Two of them own houses. All of them make their own coffee (or tea).  I don’t know if any of them buy $12/pair socks but if they do, I assume it’s because they’ve determined that they will outlast 12 pairs of dollar store socks. Are we even now?

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4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Ever since I bought a Nepresso more than 5 years ago I have never had to step into a Starbucks....... but to each their own.  I think, if going to Starbucks everyday makes you happy, fucking do it.  

There was a great tweet where someone said what kind of economy is this where we're not allowed something simple that makes us happy everyday in order to have a house.  Giving up Starbucks everyday is not going to get you a house in my city I can promise you that 100%.

People of all ages think I'm some sort of cyborg for not drinking coffee. LOL I just don't really understand why people invest so much energy into what other people are drinking in the morning. 

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5 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

The youngest millennials are in their mid to late 30s so your reference is right on point.

Millennials are basically 20ish-40ish right now.  The youngest Millennials are still in their 20s.


Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.[1] 


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Not that that makes the stereotypes and snarking at young people justifiable or fair, mind, just stating a fact. 

Hey, let me snark about Gen Z if I want to. tbh, though, it's mostly celebs and people who are too online. Ordinary teens and children are pretty bearable to be around.

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3 hours ago, supposebly said:

There seems to be some confusion about Bruce Willis' diagnosis. Aphasia is caused by brain damage of one kind or another, not the other way round.

It is harder to treat people who have aphasia because of cognitive decline.

There are different kinds of aphasia depending on what kind and when/where the brain damage occurs. Dementia is just one kind of brain damage that may cause aphasia.


Maybe I'm having the wrong impression but it seems to me a lot of news outlets write about the aphasia, which is secondary to his cognitive decline.

I think that some of the confusion is due to the statement from the family that the aphasia resulted in 'cognitive issues' when, obviously, the reverse is much more likely.  I suppose they were trying to deflect attention from his cognitive problems and that it why it was worded that way, but, you're correct, aphasia is caused by dementia or other diseases of the brain, not vice versa.

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Unless he did it privately, he still has not apologized directly to Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes, & Regina Hall. It was supposed to be their moment. Amy made a joke about how hiring them was cheaper than hiring one man, I guess they aren't even of enough consequence to be worthy of an apology.

I foresee a rehab stint (Hollywood's career renewal of choice) in Will's future.

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25 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Ever since I bought a Nepresso more than 5 years ago I have never had to step into a Starbucks....... but to each their own.  I think, if going to Starbucks everyday makes you happy, fucking do it.  

There was a great tweet where someone said what kind of economy is this where we're not allowed something simple that makes us happy everyday in order to have a house.  Giving up Starbucks everyday is not going to get you a house in my city I can promise you that 100%.

I have Nespresso too but Nestle the parent company is still doing business in Russia and they've had a sordid history with children's formula in the 3rd world.

So no more Nespresso capsules for me.  Peete's will have to do.

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2 minutes ago, aghst said:

I have Nespresso too but Nestle the parent company is still doing business in Russia and they've had a sordid history with children's formula in the 3rd world.

So no more Nespresso capsules for me.  Peete's will have to do.

Peets is top-notch stuff. My evidence? Two cups a day. 😀

As for Will and rehab, what kind? Does he even drink?

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The Academy can't seem to get it's stories straight

Will Packer Claims Chris Rock Said Will Could Leave, Rock Sources Say That's a Lie


The producer of the Oscars is now saying it was Chris Rock who did not want Will Smith removed from the Dolby Theater after the slap, but according to a well-placed source with direct knowledge ... that's just not true.

Will Packer appeared on "Good Morning America" Friday and gave his blow-by-blow of the evening. He said after the slap he talked to Chris and said the LAPD was present and wanted to know if Chris wanted Will arrested, but Chris made it clear he did not. No one is disputing that happened.

Here's what IS in dispute ... Packer said it was Chris who said he did not want Will removed from the Dolby theater. Sources connected to Chris tell TMZ ... that was NEVER said. As one source put it, "Chris told Packer 'I'm not pressing charges. All I want to do is leave.' He was never asked if he wanted Will removed. This is the Academy covering itself." An Academy source tells TMZ, "Will Packer is not speaking on behalf of the Academy."


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3 minutes ago, GaT said:

The Academy can't seem to get it's stories straight

Will Packer Claims Chris Rock Said Will Could Leave, Rock Sources Say That's a Lie


I saw the Packer interview and he said he told the police that Rock didn't want Smith removed, but, when he told the story, it seemed like he never specifically discussed this with Rock; that Rock did tell him he didn't want to press charges.  It seems like he extrapolated it based on Rock's overall response to the incident, but he never specifically said that Rock told him that Smith didn't need to be removed from the ceremony.

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Billy Joel gave us "We Didn't Start the Fire" to remind older generations that the 50s weren't the boring nothing generation that many liked to pretend, or belief were. Maybe one of the Gen Z or Millennials will give us a song too. 

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I’m a Gen Xer and I love avocado toast. Have a failed my generation? It’s mashed avocado on toast, it’s not that dramatic. 

Personally, I’ve never understood caring at all how someone else spends their money. I appreciate that younger generations (damn that make me feel old) are more aware of the need for self-care. I wish I was raised to focus on my own needs. Most other Gen Xers I know are trying to learn that now. 

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5 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

I think that’s true.  Jimmy Kimmel even mentioned that the joke was not really funny when he was on Bill Simmons’ podcast on Sunday night right after it happened.  He was definitely on Chris’s side but just gently noting that it wasn’t much of a “joke.”

That reminds me of my favorite exchange from Seinfeld, when Jerry becomes offended by the religious jokes that former Catholic-turned-Jewish convert Tim Whatley is telling.  He suspects that Tim converted only to be able to tell both Catholic and Jewish jokes without repercussions.  Jerry goes to a priest (I think Tim’s former priest) to complain and mentions that they’re old, unfunny jokes to boot.

The priest says, “And this offends you as a Jewish person?”

Jerry responds, “No!  It offends me as a comedian!” 

That's one of my favorite episodes and lines from Seinfeld and some up the whole show so well.  

They argue over all the little annoyances of life and care nothing about the bigger issues. 

Like when George converts to Latvian orthodox.  'Yeah, sure.....what do I care?'

Those arent buoys.....

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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2 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

Gen X’er here who loves avocado toast and am very sad to hear we are known as the Karen generation.  I don’t yell at anyone.

I thought Karens were Boomers, given the popularity of the name peaked somewhere in the '50s. 

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3 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I think it is a pretty common Oscar thing for the host to pick out and "roast" various members of the audience. At least I remember it happening a lot in the past. This time it just happened that the subject of this particular roast has a husband who can't keep his impulses in check. 

I do feel bad for Jada in regards to the GI Jane comment now that I know why she is bald. I honestly just thought she kept her hair short or shaved to show off her phenomenal bone structure. I thought it was a beauty choice rather than something she would rather not have done. 

Just because it's been a regular occurrence to roast people in the audience of the Oscars doesn't mean it's something that has to continue. I think examples given of some of the other past hosts behavior along with what happened Sunday shows that maybe  the writers need to rethink the scripts for future telecasts. Instead of writing insulting and embarrassing bits like the one I've read about that involved Bradley Cooper they could cut stuff like that to save time instead of what ABC/Disney ordered done in regards to awards.

2 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I wish his show were still on. 

Me too. It could be clunky at times but I think it could have been a good Summer series to show for people looking for new stuff to watch. I kinda liked Marlon Wayans's show that was on around the same time.

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8 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Humor is subjective.  I found the joke to be vaguely amusing, others found it pretty funny, and still others thought it wasn't funny at all.  Kind of like most humor.

It made me wonder if there was a reboot I didn't know about. Like wtf that movie is 25 years old. What a timely reference. I feel like it would have been funny at the 1998 Oscars.

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3 hours ago, Jaded said:

I kinda liked Marlon Wayans's show that was on around the same time.

I also really enjoyed his show and was disappointed when it was canceled. Out of the collective Wayans brothers I've always thought that Damon and Marlon were the ones that were naturally funny on their own while Keenen and Shawn were hit or miss.

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57 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

The joke wasn't funny, but it's the Oscars. Jokes are rarely funny, they're usually intended to gently poke fun at some of the most sensitive egos on the planet without going too far. I guess Rock miscalculated that one.

The only funny part of all this is that Will Smith, who takes himself ever-so-seriously and has been trying to get awards recognition for years, finally manages to do it... on a night where he utterly trashes his reputation in front of the whole world and where no one is talking or thinking about the Oscar he won.

What was supposed to be the crowning achievement of his career is now being talked about like it's the end of it. I don't even dislike him particularly, but that kind of chaotic self-destruction just makes me shake my head and laugh. What a fucking idiot.

Agreed. I haven't watched award shows in ages and this incident is the only reason that I know what happened. I've always been a fan of Will based on what I've seen of him as a person but I can take or leave the most of his films. That being said Will has always seemed to hold himself with a certain level of class and humbleness but slapping someone (no matter the reason) on such a night was not a good look. He's a grown ass man with a prominent career and he should definitely know better. YMMV regarding humor but I've always liked Chris Rock and I was sickened that this happened to him but impressed with how he conducted himself and didn't react with violence. 

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3 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Will resigning from the Academy means he can't vote for the awards and can't attend any Academy member only functions. It doesn't impact his eligibility for any future nominations. So it's really an empty gesture.

Exactly. And since he now has his Oscar, he probably doesn't give a shit anymore anyway.

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To the idea that April Fools should be done away with, there are still bright spots.

Jimmy Kimmel & Fallon switched shows last night and it was delightful.   Higgins even put on a thick fake mustache so Kimmel would feel at home (ie like Guiermo).  And I liked Kimmel pointing out Quests documentary and Oscar,  because that deserves more attention than the Will Smith nonsense.  Apparently it had been in the works for two years (but COVID getting rid of in house audiences delayed it).  I'm n9t a fan of Fallon's (other than his SNL stuff), but both men were so adorable last night.

What a relief these two are compared to Conan, Letterman & Leno.

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I agree with others that the slap was probably a build up of the jokes that Will has taken ever since the entanglement situation.  I know they are “bad marriage for life” but they don’t need to share their personal business with the public.

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3 hours ago, roamyn said:

To the idea that April Fools should be done away with, there are still bright spots.

Jimmy Kimmel & Fallon switched shows last night and it was delightful.   Higgins even put on a thick fake mustache so Kimmel would feel at home (ie like Guiermo).  And I liked Kimmel pointing out Quests documentary and Oscar,  because that deserves more attention than the Will Smith nonsense.  Apparently it had been in the works for two years (but COVID getting rid of in house audiences delayed it).  I'm n9t a fan of Fallon's (other than his SNL stuff), but both men were so adorable last night.

What a relief these two are compared to Conan, Letterman & Leno.

They also switched guests another time, announcing Will Ferrell and having Ryan Reynolds coming out and then the reverse on the other show and pretending it was a big mix up.

People probably think it's adorable but I actually PVR'd Fallon's show wanting desperately to see Will so I was not as amused.
😏   I had to suffer through Kimmel to see one of my heroes.

10 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Will resigning from the Academy means he can't vote for the awards and can't attend any Academy member only functions. It doesn't impact his eligibility for any future nominations. So it's really an empty gesture.

That's exactly what I was wondering about.  Thank you.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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