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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

Debating Covid? DON'T! Discussing Fox News reporting on Covid? DON'T! 

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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:26 AM, JD5166 said:

My mother was a recovering alcoholic, but I don’t know much about the steps and the “program.” Do you get to run around telling people that you think they have problems with alcohol? I know she worried about me, but never once did she tell me she thought I was an alcoholic. (I might be, tho.) lol


Yes i am an alcoholic and yes I drink and will continue to do so. There are a lot of people in aa like Brown Shart, and it isn’t for me. Too much preaching and newly sober people who think they know everything. It isn’t the only way, and some of us can control it. 

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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:34 AM, Mu Shu said:

Yes i am an alcoholic and yes I drink and will continue to do so. There are a lot of people in aa like Brown Shart, and it isn’t for me. Too much preaching and newly sober people who think they know everything. It isn’t the only way, and some of us can control it. 


I went to a meeting once and it was very scary.....they practically chased me to my car when I bolted at the end. Nice people, not for me either. I guess I wasn’t ready., not far enough down. If I was going up like BW - a big fat attention succubus, it’s even less appealing. 

ETA we have a new BASS LAKE! 

Edited by JD5166
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My husbands grandpa is a recovered alcoholic (40 plus years sober- he’s 93). When his wife died a few years ago we went to her funeral and were completely blindsided by it being held at his local AA chapter. We had to bow out at hour three because we had a five hour drive home. Listening to everyone’s stories was sobering but creepy as shit since we were supposed to be there for a funeral 🤷‍♀️ 

I think she’s as much an alcoholic as I am (maybe more since I don’t day drink). I think She’s looking for anything to excuse her shit ass parenting skills. Covid has made everyone take a second look at their lives and she’s trying to be a martyr. I think a lot of people would classify as alcoholic in these past 10 months where they didn’t before. Her motto is: Deflect, deflect, deflect.

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  On 1/21/2021 at 4:01 AM, charming said:

This reunion was taped not too long ago when we were at almost 400,000 covid deaths and counting. Kelly is still on her bullshit Fox News talking points questioning if masks really work like pants and farts? Are you fucking kidding me? Get her off my screen. I can't take her fake little victim tears because Andy asked her questions about her OWN COMMENTS. God's way of thinning the herd was just a simple thought bubble? A more loathsome piece of shit has never been on this show and yes worse than Tamra.


Can she take Brownie with her?

I kind of miss Tamra to be honest.  And I'd love to see how Shannon threw her under the bus...shame it happened off screen.

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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:55 AM, GussieK said:

Can somebody explain the bizarre exchange between braunwynn and Elizabeth about how Elizabeth lies. And why BW is talking to E’s ex?  I am confused. 


Brown Wind says she was with a friend and Elizabeth’s ex rang this friend. Elizabeth’s ex is now engaged to a woman he’s been seeing for 5 yrs. I think the ‘Elizabeth is lying’ thing comes from the fact she split from hubby less than 5 yrs ago? That she hadn’t mentioned he was cheating? Who knows?!


Sarcasm: sooooo many posts here about the reunion 😆

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To be fair, Andy asked B if she thought Shannon has a problem with alcohol - she answered “Yes.” Most of us here think Shannon has a problem with alcohol - and it was that question that led to her phone call with John and her decision to use the Stella situation. Seems Shannon (and maybe John too) really needed to change the subject, and it may have worked - we’ll see in part two. 

Edited by nexxie
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  On 1/21/2021 at 12:34 PM, Mu Shu said:

Kelly is right about Andy and his politics. That shit needs to stay off this show. Brown noser is deliberately tossing every woke storyline against the wall to gain his approval. My guess is she’s a fucking hypocrite. 

You know, people blame Tamra for this becoming a shit show. No, it came from that woman hating Cohen sack of shit. He gets a pass for the behavior he accuses others of. I don’t care how much of an asshole Kelly is, I’d like to see her rip him a new one. He took too much pleasure in telling her how so many people thought she was an uneducated idiot. 


I’d like to know more about how B was chosen for the show - someone said three cast members knew her and had heard she wasn’t honest. Did Andy know her too?

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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:40 AM, TexasGal said:

Kelly is awful, as always, but I think she looks the prettiest.  Elizabeth looks nice in that color but I don’t like the dress.  Gina’s outfit looks nice until she moves her arm and the nude mesh stuff creates a weird arm roll.



  On 1/21/2021 at 3:37 AM, Axie said:

In the preview for next week, did Kelly yell that she's black?  I can't imagine being around her, just watching her is exhausting.


In the early pics, Gina’s outfit looked great - but that mesh stuff changed my mind too. Maybe Kelly screaming she’s black was just about her outfit - or her black heart. 

Edited by nexxie
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Andy seems really pissed at Kelly. Especially when he mentioned that fans of the show were suggesting a boycott because of Kelly. She better be careful.  Braunwyn is not attractive. That hairdo is ridiculous. She is no Barbara Eden.  Why or why do these women with the fake hair have to pull it forward and stoke it?  Gina's hair cut looks the best. Kelly had been saying for awhile that she knows Braunwyn is faking the alcoholism Like she has some kind of inside knowledge. She needs to spill. 

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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:21 PM, 65mickey said:

I am quite sure her mother was not hopsitalized in ICU in the midle of a pandemic to get her blood sugar under control.  I don't believe that for one second.


My mother was hospitalized in the middle of the pandemic for something completely non-COVID related. She didn't make it. She never contracted COVID. It can happen.

There are other diseases out there, many of which are being ignored by patients and doctors, due to the pandemic. Resources are scarce, appointments are few and far between, and people are scared to go to a place like a doctor office or hospital to be treated,  because there is a risk of catching COVID once you go there. 

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I feel Gina was the winner of this.  She looked good and kept her cool throughout the show.  Brawny, on the other hand, looked ridiculous and acted like an asshole.  So she's an alcoholic lesbian who never loved Sean.  That hair looked like I Dream of Jeannie and  the outfit wouldn't look good on  a teenager.  Her make-up didn't help either as she looked old and mean.  Andy didn't ask her about traveling during the pandemic and we know she did.  I also saw pics of her partying.  To me this means she will be back next year unfortunately for us.  

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  On 1/21/2021 at 10:07 AM, CrinkleCutCat said:

Brown Wind says she was with a friend and Elizabeth’s ex rang this friend. Elizabeth’s ex is now engaged to a woman he’s been seeing for 5 yrs. I think the ‘Elizabeth is lying’ thing comes from the fact she split from hubby less than 5 yrs ago? That she hadn’t mentioned he was cheating? Who knows?!


Sarcasm: sooooo many posts here about the reunion 😆


Didn't Elizabeth say that her ex got someone pregnant - I think episode 1 or something.?  Shannon looked puffy in the face. I really hope brownstain doesn't come back next season


@thesupremediva1 I am so very sorry for your loss and all that you went through.

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  On 1/21/2021 at 3:11 PM, OFDgal said:

feel Gina was the winner of this.  She looked good and kept her cool throughout the show.  Brawny, on the other hand, looked ridiculous and acted like an asshole. 


 Andy:  "Gina, it looks like you finally figured out your hair." 

Me:  RUDE!  (But her hair did look great).

Shannon should have sat down in front of mirror before agreeing to that outfit, especially the platform shoes.  

Emily looked really good. 


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Dare I hope this is Kelly's swan song? She's no OG, it's not wise to lay into Andy that hard. It is ironic that she had a good season (by her rock bottom standards, but still) yet her social media antics still got her hated by the audience. FFS Kelly, "covid's overrated" is not the hill to be dying on. Is she scared that she has to tow her husband's employer's line?

If Shannon's been sitting on that info on Braunwyn and Stella, then she's a horrible person for agreeing to continue working with her. She iced out Vicki for two years (and I applauded her for it) and what Vicki did had nothing to do with Shannon's family. But Shannon's motivation seemed 0% concern for her daughter and 100% humiliating Braunwyn, so fuck right off, Shannon. And I can't even stand Braunwyn!

I'm still confused about Braunwyn's status with everyone. Clearly Kelly, Shannon, and Elizabeth loathe her. But Braunywn had been saying for months that she was on bad terms with everyone, even before the reunion taped. Yet at the beginning of the hour she was like "I know I can count on Gina for anything at all" while Gina was like "bitch what?"

Enjoying Emily and Gina, hoping for a massive cast shakeup and that they're the only two left standing. My understanding is that Andy doesn't have the kind of pull on the franchise that he used to, but he seemed fed up with all of these women and the reunion had barely started.

Edited by dmeets
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  On 1/21/2021 at 12:34 PM, Mu Shu said:

Kelly is right about Andy and his politics. That shit needs to stay off this show.


Isn't Andy Kelly's boss?  Who would talk to their boss that way?  Kelly is going to shoot her mouth off one too many times at this rate.   She needs to remember where she is and take a lesson from Gina - be nice to Andy's favorite.  


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  On 1/21/2021 at 2:21 PM, 65mickey said:

Either Kelly is stupid or completely brainwashed about Covid. I am quite sure her mother was not hopsitalized in ICU in the midle of a pandemic to get her blood sugar under control.  I don't believe that for one second. She continues to parrot that nonsense about masks not working, and her text about Covid being God's way of thinning the herd is inexcusable. She should be fired for that alone. And none of the actions of the previous housewives contributed to the deaths of over 400,000 people no matter how disgusting these actions were. 


People got sick and were hospitalized before covid though. ICUs are not a Covid invention. People get sick and die from things that are not covid-related, even now, in the middle of a pandemic (can't wait til we can retire that phrase!)

Masks: this is a subject I know something about. Some are very effective, some are virtually useless. It depends on fabric, fabrication, fit and the behavior of the mask wearer. I always wear a good mask, and have been doing so from the beginning, back when my government was telling people not to wear them because masks don't work. My pro-mask position in March 2020 was something I had to defend, ironically (or not) mostly from people who are the most pro-mask today.  The truth is, there are a number of mask studies published in scientific journals (the science) and they do not all reach the same conclusions -- some studies find general masking effective and others don't. Science (usually) takes a long time to reach consensus and there is always disagreement, and there is disagreement today, in the science, about the effectiveness of masks.  

I think Kelly is wrong and has drawn the wrong conclusion if she thinks masks don't work. It's true that some don't, but some do offer a considerable amount of protection when you are indoors, but the opinion that masks are useless, (and it's not my opinion), is not a crazy one. It is indeed backed up by some scientific studies., pre and during, Covid.

Edited by Jel
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  On 1/21/2021 at 5:00 PM, Cosmocrush said:


 Andy:  "Gina, it looks like you finally figured out your hair." 

Me:  RUDE!  (But her hair did look great).

Shannon should have sat down in front of mirror before agreeing to that outfit, especially the platform shoes.  

Emily looked really good. 



The shoes were ghastly, and Andy is rude a lot. I'm so over him. He has been ruining the reunions for me for a long time. 

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Braunwyn texting her daughter about the "good stuff " is really, really concerning to me.  If it were a man on the cast, we'd all be wondering if this man is trying to groom Shannon's daughter.   I'm wondering whether this was the ultimate goal.  That may sound like sick speculation, but none of us would text a teen offering alcohol.  [edit:  I didn't realize the "good stuff" meant drugs -- even worse!]

Edited by Boo Boo
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  On 1/21/2021 at 5:01 PM, dmeets said:

If Shannon's been sitting on that info on Braunwyn and Stella, then she's a horrible person for agreeing to continue working with her. She iced out Vicki for two years (and I applauded her for it) and what Vicki did had nothing to do with Shannon's family. But Shannon's motivation seemed 0% concern for her daughter and 100% humiliating Braunwyn, so fuck right off, Shannon. And I can't even stand Braunwyn!


Actually, fuck right off Braunwyn.   I'm wondering if Stella didn't tell her that until now?  

If it were Sean or Shane doing the same thing, we'd all be thinking they are trying to groom the kid.  I'm not so sure that isn't what Braunwyn was doing.  

There's zero reason to text a castmate's teen daughter to begin with but to offer up alcohol [edit: didn't realize it was drugs she was offering up!] is extremely creepy.  Shannon's kid was that much on her mind that she texted her.  Now why is that?   

Edited by Boo Boo
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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

Debating Covid? DON'T! Discussing Fox News reporting on Covid? DON'T! 

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