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"The View": Week of 1/18/2021


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Monday, Jan. 18 –  “The View” honors Martin Luther King Jr. Day; Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO); Performance from Keedron Bryant

Tuesday, Jan. 19 – The Political View with Andrew Yang

Wednesday, Jan. 20 — Pre-empted for the Presidential Inauguration

Thursday, Jan. 21 — Day of Hot Topics

Friday, Jan. 22 — George Lopez (“No Man’s Land”)

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Meg started out saying some thoughtful things but it devolved into a big ol’ word salad. What the heck was she babbling about at the end?  I think she lost her train of thought again as she did earlier this month.

I wonder if she really is worried about her job. That was a far different tune than she was singing last summer re BLM. 

Edited by Haleth
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What MeAgain said in her opening rambling:

"If there's anything I have learned personally in the past year in 2020 it's just how deep and intense the original sin of slavery in America is..."

I'll translate her true thoughts which she had to tweak before camera time:

"If there's anything I have learned personally in the past year in 2020 it's just how deep and intense Motherhood is for a republican 36 year old woman in America is..."

Then she went on and on and on throwing in buzzwords like 'deep rooted racism' and 'deep conversations', and other nonsense about thanking Sunny for those conversations (sure). 

The camera then went to Whoopi who had the most disinterested expression on her face, but someone must have said something in her ear to wake her up from her daydream and she snapped to it - "We'll be back...."

When they came back, they turned their attention to Sunny, who made sure she brought up Colin Kaepernick, and how he's been treated for the past few years for standing up for black men in America - a nice slap in the face to 'deep thoughts' MeAgain, who has had nothing but crap to say about him for the past few years and promoted 'cancel culture' for his actions.

Poor Sara, the redheaded step child, was tasked to follow Sunny with her thoughts of MLK and racism, and it's just hard to listen to Betty Boop get tangled into such topics she knows so little of. When such topics come up, she should just say, "I'm just a little ol'  farm gal from Iowa. I just want to go back to doing bubbly stuff on 'Strahan, Sara and Keke.' "

The only thing missing from today's show was Greta Monahan, showing up with a special VYD on 'Martin Luther King Jr' memorabilia, which I'm sure MeAgain would have filled her shopping cart with this morning.


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2 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

I bet that went over well with Sunny.

19 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

George Lopez.....again ?

Was he ever on last week?  We were pre-empted many times (as one would expect) and i didn't see him.  What is he even on to promote? 

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Wow, Meghan managed to behave herself on MLK day.  I expect tomorrow on Political View day she'll find something to yell about.  Her hairstyle did look nice, but she either smeared her upper lip or was drinking chocolate milk during the show, and the fake eyelashes on MM & Sunny still look ridiculous.

And Whoopi wore a painter's/chef's smock with no splatters on it.

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Poor Sara, the redheaded step child, was tasked to follow Sunny with her thoughts of MLK and racism, and it's just hard to listen to Betty Boop get tangled into such topics she knows so little of. When such topics come up, she should just say, "I'm just a little ol'  farm gal from Iowa. I just want to go back to doing bubbly stuff on 'Strahan, Sara and Keke.' "

At this point, the ABC/producers haven't owned the problem.  It has gotten worse since Sept.

Today Sara was going back and forth from reading the teleprompter to reading her cards. I assume she has the cards as a back up in case something happens to the teleprompter, as I'm sure news anchors do.

ABC needs to be working with her to improve but they just keep giving her a daily script. It's really not fair to her.  They can't think she is good on this show!

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I don’t know. I thought Whoopi was really good today. When she’s speaking from the heart, she’s very coherent. Like when she was telling Sara not to be hopeless.

And I was glad that she called what happened on the 6th what it was: Domestic Terrorisism.

3 hours ago, Kromm said:

Most of the world rolled their eyes at that and said "it's only NOW clear to you, Meghan, that slavery was bad?" 

I KNOW! It’s like she’s just coming to this realization?  That the years and years of racism weren’t real? I couldn’t and didn’t believe her, as much as she tried to come off sincere, simply based on her attitude and what she’s said in the past on this show for the past four and a half years. 

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56 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I don’t know. I thought Whoopi was really good today. When she’s speaking from the heart, she’s very coherent. Like when she was telling Sara not to be hopeless.

And I was glad that she called what happened on the 6th what it was: Domestic Terrorisism.

I KNOW! It’s like she’s just coming to this realization?  That the years and years of racism weren’t real? I couldn’t and didn’t believe her, as much as she tried to come off sincere, simply based on her attitude and what she’s said in the past on this show for the past four and a half years. 

I stand by my belief that if the election had went the other way Meghan would still be burying her head in the sand. She just wants to keep her job.

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12 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

Yeah, Fedida who helped hire McCain and, I imagine, protected her place on this show through all the drama she's caused. Birds of a feather and all that. When she was fired last year, suddenly McCain was kissing Sunny's behind like nobody's business. I did laugh today when Sunny followed McCain and brought up Kaepernick, who McCain repeatedly went after. You know Sunny did it on purpose. Sunny will never be as direct as Joy was last week because Joy's in more of a safe position than she is, but she throws these veiled barbs at the brat all the time.

When McCain brought Fedida up, I actually think what she said was a little bit of biting-the-hand-that-feeds-you. Maybe it'll fly under the radar, but I imagine ABC wouldn't like the way she attempted to smear them...

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So MeAgain said, in order to counter what Joy said, that she is hopeful. In her long rant.

Then, when she asked her question of Cori Bush, she said she was hopeless. And Cori spent a lot of time answering MeAgain as she nodded along.

So which one is it, MeAgain, hopeful or hopeless? Or maybe you are just stupid.

It was painful to watch MeAgain try to talk about MLK day.


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4 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

At a time when so many people in this country are hunkering down and choosing sides without even listening to someone "on the other side," I'm thrilled when people like Meghan admitting they are still learning and listening.

But is she really learning and listening?  Forgive me if I am a little leery of Meghan professing to be woke (finally) to the social injustices that have plagued our country.  It wasn't that long ago she was condemning  Colin Kapernik for kneeling to draw attention to those same social injustices.  Call me a cynic but IMO this is just Meghan trying to be on the right side of history.  When it comes to racial issues and Meghan all I will say is the apple doesn't fall from the tree.

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"It looks like a war zone." "It's like Baghdad."

While seeing a lot of army personnel around DC seems that way, I feel like saying this is downplaying what happened and what is happening in the war zones around the world. It's much worse than what we're seeing. Not that it's not scary or disheartening to see the army out and about in DC, but "like a war zone"  is a shortsighted statement.

Also...Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake." I get why Whoopi brought it up, but it's a fake quote.

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Joy managed to get in some good points/perceptions about Melania but she left out a biggie: Melania’s GOP convention speech which was flagrantly plagiarized by a speech formerly delivered by Michelle Obama. I wonder if we’ll ever find out if she did the plagiarizing herself or was set up.

Edited by TimWil
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15 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

..Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake." I get why Whoopi brought it up, but it's a fake quote.

But her point is a good one that people may be remembered for something (even if incorrect).

Sorry, Meg, but your guy destroyed any credibility this country has on the world stage, especially wrt Putin. Biden has a lot of repairing to do before he can demand anything from Russia. 

Edited by Haleth
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Not a Yang fan either. He comes across so insincere.  

I'm not from New York. so maybe I shouldn't say anything but holy hell Meghan, she repeated a couple times how much New Yorkers and herself HATE Diblasio. Idk if that's true but such ugly language when she has been all shaky voiced and talking about unity and changing the ugly tone of conversations 🤷🏽‍♀️.

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6 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

I'm not from New York. so maybe I shouldn't say anything but holy hell Meghan, she repeated a couple times how much New Yorkers and herself HATE Diblasio. Idk if that's true but such ugly language when she has been all shaky voiced and talking about unity and changing the ugly tone of conversations

Hypocrisy, is thy name for Her Twatness.

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