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S09.E03. Carrie's Story LIVE CHAT

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3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I loled at this because I am a faculty member at a large research university and do you know what the number one topic of conversation on the faculty message board is? Its finding a good plumber, electrician, contractor, etc

This makes me laugh because its so true. I'm an admin at a university and I work for a professor, who is fabulous and competent in every way, but every time she needs someone to fix her furnace or something she asks me to recommend someone. 

2 minutes ago, Arynm said:

Throw in true crime and the War of the Roses and I am there!

Oh, true crime for sure! Wars of the Roses in a casual way. I could hold my own, I think. I also love "behind the scenes" stuff, I have tons of books by chefs, for instance. I worked in restaurants for years, and my son went to culinary school and works as a cook, so I'm interested. Oh, and true medical. I love stuff by doctors about how they do brain surgery and stuff. 

1 minute ago, mmecorday said:

A show about Bobby Flay and Piranha Mouth in Italy? That's a no for me.

My vision of hell is having to watch Bobby and Giada on continuous loop for eternity. 

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I'm totally into the Tudors. Its one of my "things". Like the Elizabethans in general. North Korea, Stalinist Russia, China under Mao, cults, memoirs of crazy childhoods.....

I'm a Tudor person, too, though trying to learn more about the Plantagenets. I've been watching videos from North Korean defectors. Some of them are informative (and very sad), others are 'North Korean tries Texas BBQ' types. Some of the defectors are former military and they review videos on military training and hardware, mostly from the US, but South Korea and the UK as well. 

I used to have my own 'Little Red Book.' My son still shakes his head at me over that. All I can say is that I was young. 😃

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

This makes me laugh because its so true. I'm an admin at a university and I work for a professor, who is fabulous and competent in every way, but every time she needs someone to fix her furnace or something she asks me to recommend someone. 

Oh, true crime for sure! Wars of the Roses in a casual way. I could hold my own, I think. I also love "behind the scenes" stuff, I have tons of books by chefs, for instance. I worked in restaurants for years, and my son went to culinary school and works as a cook, so I'm interested. Oh, and true medical. I love stuff by doctors about how they do brain surgery and stuff. 

My vision of hell is having to watch Bobby and Giada on continuous loop for eternity. 


9 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I loled at this because I am a faculty member at a large research university and do you know what the number one topic of conversation on the faculty message board is? Its finding a good plumber, electrician, contractor, etc


12 minutes ago, aliya said:

I give Mike props because he champions the trades and telling people that not going to college doesn't mean you are a failure. We are losing our tradespeople to retirement and need an influx of newcomers. I think a lot of people need to appreciate how work gets done and not put people down because they are plumbers or pipe fitters or work in retail. I say this as a professor and a person who's been surrounded by such elitists in academic environments for decades. It's not meant personally. 

Shout to my fellow HiEd faculty/staff!! 🙂

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4 minutes ago, 7EasyPayments said:

Are Bobby and Giada a pair ? I won't say, pair of what.....

I read too much celebrity gossip, and they say she is eager to please on her knees. I don't know if Flay is one of her men.


5 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

I'll bet Dr. Paradise is hinting that he should get his own show.

If his office was in a car, Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. Or if he want to sabotage their diets, Cheeseburger with Paradise.

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8 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

We have a Tech college here for that kind of career and the band Metallica gives scholarships. I dated a guy who did plumbing/HVAC and he made good money. He ended up hooking up with a woman he met on a service call (I guess it happens in real life too, not just porn)

We do too, but people push their kids to go to college because they think it will improve their child's economic or social status.  My grandfather was a master plumber with his own company. Back in the 40's when my mother was a teen, she went to camp, they had their own home during the Depression, they had a phone and a car - things many people didn't have, much less black people. They also sent her to college. And that was back then.

People don't realize how well you can do in some of the trades. 

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11 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

Good thing she doesn't watch KDramas on Netflix, because they are always eating delicious looking foods 

Indian movies, too. And French ones. Always famished after watching. 

4 minutes ago, aliya said:

I'm a Tudor person, too, though trying to learn more about the Plantagenets. I've been watching videos from North Korean defectors. Some of them are informative (and very sad), others are 'North Korean tries Texas BBQ' types. Some of the defectors are former military and they review videos on military training and hardware, mostly from the US, but South Korea and the UK as well. 

I used to have my own 'Little Red Book.' My son still shakes his head at me over that. All I can say is that I was young. 😃

I've read countless memoirs by people who've escaped from North Korea.  It is so terrible and heartbreaking. 

3 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

Real World Tami said that people on the show shouldn't complain about the edit they get.  She said something like, However you're portrayed, that's pretty much the reality of how you are.  

Words to live by.  

I believe that was the immortal Heather B. from season one!

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

Mrs. Floatingbison got me hooked on 90 Day, and once in the San Fran airport she was certain she saw Jorge (of Jorge and Anfisa) from behind.  Turns out it was just some overweight dude in a blue button down shirt.

And we are thankful to your Mrs. that you watch that trash and snark along with us. 😂

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Before she said a flash flood destroyed the trailer, I wondered if she was going to say Chris said "Bye, Felicia". 

I hope they both keep going with their diets, and get healthier. 

I think one reason some of the weight loss surgery programs start with a liquid diet pre-surgery is to see who will do the program, and who isn't committed enough to get surgery.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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7 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

They are paying me $$$ to retire, so I'll be retired faculty in a few months. Then I can watch tv reruns all day and night


@Pepper Mostly

WootWoot!!!!  Congratulations!   I've wanted to retire since I was in my 20s.  I have a long time to go, so I will live vicariously through you. 🙂


ETA:  How are y'all doing this to me?!?!

Edited by umgoblue
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6 minutes ago, aliya said:

I used to have my own 'Little Red Book.' My son still shakes his head at me over that. All I can say is that I was young. 😃

Nice, I remember one of my favorite books when I was little was about this girl during the great leap forward. But lets be honest everyone goes through a phase where they are a communist/tankie, fascist, or extreme libertarian. Its part of growing up! 😛

  • LOL 1

"I don't why, but sometimes I get these CRAVINGS??  Like for a hamburger sometimes??"   Could that be because people are literally sitting in the same room with you, shoving burgers into their pig faces?  Shit's RUDE, y'all.  That is not cool.  They need to not be doing that around her if she's going to succeed.  

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