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S08.E05: Who's The Boss?


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Brandon and Julia: Brandon, where is your spine? Your parents are treating your fiance as though she is hired help or some foreign temporary worker. What an awkward dinner with the parents and grandpa. What's that bite on Julia's neck? Oh dear, there is some action going on. But no babies. The two of them never have time alone. Choosing May 9 as a wedding day? Oh noes. Mother's Day is the next day and we can't ruin Mom Brandon's celebration. That is *her* day and *her* weekend. You just can't instantly become a farmhand. Brandon may need to figure out what he wants or find that Julia will dump him and go back to Russia.

Jovi and Yara: Nonjovi sure likes his drinking. And they ordered a useless white rug. Hope they bought some Scotchguard to spray it with so it stays relatively clean. White and I do not get along and anything and everything gets it dirty. Looks nice til it's not. Poor Jovi has to go away for a month. Well, if he had chosen a more independent woman to marry, she won't be as unhappy. I do wonder if she just sees him as a stepping stone to get to LA, where she wants to be. Maybe she confused Louisiana with LA. Yara wants to be a Russian Kardashian. The whole miscarriage thing seems a bit wonky and maybe it was real, maybe it was not.

Stephanie and Ryan: So, she is funding him and his family? Paying his salary? Stop the money train. He likes his lifestyle. He likes having nice things. You are not his wife to be and more of a walking ATM for him. Helping a little is one thing. Doing all this stuff is a 'no'.

Tarik and Hazel: Taking her to the Edgar Cayce Centre is a good idea? She wants a church wedding - one of her choice. Get a JP, get married and eventually have a church wedding. Both of you would have to look in to baptism and other type of records you have and see if you need any documentation from the Bishop or whatever to see if you can get married in a church. And avoid marriage counselling classes, and pay a good deal of money to have a 'church' wedding. You have 90 days and not a year to get any paperwork in order. Maybe she wants a 6 hour ceremony like the kind she had at her parents' church. Please stop with the tank tops at a restaurant. Wear a shirt. That breakfast looked huge!

Natalie and Mike: What do they see in each other? Natalie wants the bright lights and big city of Seattle. Not a rural farm or acreage type. I couldn't imagine being stuck there and having to clean the litterbox of a cat that doesn't like me. She has nothing to do. She was excited about seeing the waterfall. Not too excited about the root beer float or eating at a brewery type place. Mike's steak looked good and if he can afford it, eat it. If he wants to go vegetarian, he will. Can't force him to not eat meat.

Rebecca and Zied: Zied seems so sad to leave his family. Rebecca's new apartment in her former building is okay. Who cares if you moved out at one point? She really likes to point out to everyone that he is her 27 year old fiance and has waaaay too much of him at her place. Get some other blankets, mugs, etc.


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3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Mike's big truck probably uses a lot of gas. Can't imagine how much money on gas he spends a month for a 6 hour daily commute.

He has a couple of options. If he takes the ferry across Puget Sound, he will need to drive sixty-some miles each way (depending on where in Seattle he works).  Or he can drive about twice as far and take a bridge across. I think the cost of taking his truck on the ferry would be much greater than the cost of gas.  The travel time may be comparable (unless it is really busy or he times it wrong and he has to wait for a ferry).

Edited by kirklandia
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Does Mike still have money problems? Natalie can't accuse him of being cheap. They have had a couple of pretty nice get-aways. Inn at the Market in Seattle and the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls are splurge-worthy. 
The Snoqualmie Brewing Company is more my speed. I celebrated my birthday there in 2019,  back when you could go out and celebrate birthdays.

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35 minutes ago, kirklandia said:

Does Mike still have money problems? Natalie can't accuse him of being cheap. They have had a couple of pretty nice get-aways. Inn at the Market in Seattle and the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls are splurge-worthy. 
The Snoqualmie Brewing Company is more my speed. I celebrated my birthday there in 2019,  back when you could go out and celebrate birthdays.

I think he said he managed to pay off his debt. I feel like it might have been manufactured drama to begin with...

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6 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

If what Yara said is true about the miscarriage and presumably a D&C in Albania with no passport and no contacts, I’m disgusted. It’s inhumane to leave a fellow human to suffer such a procedure all alone in a foreign country. Jovi seems deeply uncomfortable every time Yara has a feeling. His teeth make me more uncomfortable every week. 

Not to defend Jovi because he is a hot mess, but I believed his confusion when she brought it up.  I wonder if the dr told her to she needed a D&C within so many days and the expectation was for her to return home to have that done (which would make sense) so he leaves Albania but her missing passport delayed her return home so she unexpectedly had to get a D&C in Albania.  If true it is awful for her, but not Jovi’s fault.  I was surprised it happened 1.5yrs ago and they are just discussing this now.  The lack of communication and emotional connectedness does not bode well for their future.

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6 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

If what Yara said is true about the miscarriage and presumably a D&C in Albania with no passport and no contacts, I’m disgusted. It’s inhumane to leave a fellow human to suffer such a procedure all alone in a foreign country. Jovi seems deeply uncomfortable every time Yara has a feeling. His teeth make me more uncomfortable every week. 

To me, his entire expression while she was crying was bored and irritated. He showed no compassion whatsoever. You'd think he would also feel emotional about the loss of *his* child. Circumstances about work and where he had to be aside, he doesn't seem to have been there for her in any sense of the word while she continues to suffer from the trauma of her miscarriage. This isn't something to dismiss as "no big deal." It should be a big deal to him, too.

Not the person to have kids with.

Brendan needs to grow up, along with some appendages. His toxic hovercraft of a mother will be the death of their relationship, even if they manage to marry on  "Mother's Sacred Shrine Day," May 9th.

  • Love 18
7 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

I find Hazel’s slow speech and dead eyes so off putting and can’t get on board with why Tarik thinks she’s an Asian Angelina Jolie. 

I used to think Jovi and Yara were the most joyless couple on the show but Mike and Natalie are really giving them a run for their money. They briefly had fun for like 7 seconds at the falls but she immediately went back to henpecking him. Wtf is with Natalie lurking behind Mike the whole time he was shooting fireworks? It reminded me of Trump during one of the Hilary debates. So Mike is fundamentally on a “different path” from Natalie but naturally,  a lifelong commitment is the way to go right? There’s nothing like a romantic dinner and hearing your dining companion criticize your menu choice and general lifestyle. She gave him a coquettish look like she’s Kendall Jenner who can entice a man to change his ways because of her entrancing beauty. Look in the mirror again, you joy sucking clown. 

I like Julia more and more every episode. Brandon is a straight up rube and she handles everything he throws at her in stride. Sightseeing all day with parents? Ok. Dinner with relatives and no alone time? She’s still lovely. “How did that hickey happen?? There’s no way sex could occur if you don’t sleep in the same room! How could you possibly get married during Mother’s Day? You know I birthed you from my vagina right?!” At least Brandon finally had the balls to say something. His mom helicopters so hard, it’s a wonder he isn’t still breastfed. If she were my mom, I’d move abroad and call her once a year on May 10. 

Does Zied speak in French or Arabic or both? I pick up on the odd French word but it doesn’t all sound French (to me). I actually think Zied is kind of cute with glasses and his new hair. 

If what Yara said is true about the miscarriage and presumably a D&C in Albania with no passport and no contacts, I’m disgusted. It’s inhumane to leave a fellow human to suffer such a procedure all alone in a foreign country. Jovi seems deeply uncomfortable every time Yara has a feeling. His teeth make me more uncomfortable every week. 

French and Arabic! My friend is from Tunisia. She also knows some Italian. When she gets upsets she mixes them all up and yells in French, Arabic, and English. She has a lot to say about most of the Tunisian people on this show!  

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

Look in the mirror again, you joy sucking clown. 

hahahahahaha this totally cracked me up.  She is exactly that and does it with clenched teeth.  Yes she was happy for a whole minute before she went back to her "sucking the life out of room" mode.  

Mike does not look like he is in any hurry to give her back that ring.  Honestly I don't know why he has her there other than to get the pay check from 90 DF.  And if the drives 3 hours one way to work he is insane.  I get that Settle is too expensive but surely there is a place closer to Settle he can afford.  In Georgia you can drive 30 minutes out of Atlanta and be in the woods or farmland.  It just depends on which direction you go.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, renatae said:

To me, his entire expression while she was crying was bored and irritated. He showed no compassion whatsoever. You'd think he would also feel emotional about the loss of *his* child. Circumstances about work and where he had to be aside, he doesn't seem to have been there for her in any sense of the word while she continues to suffer from the trauma of her miscarriage. This isn't something to dismiss as "no big deal." It should be a big deal to him, too.

Not the person to have kids with.

Brendan needs to grow up, along with some appendages. His toxic hovercraft of a mother will be the death of their relationship, even if they manage to marry on  "Mother's Sacred Shrine Day," May 9th.

He also never apologized.  Instead focused on excuses.  I would never trust a man who would leave me in a foreign country after having a miscarriage because I lost my passport.  A decent man would call his work and tell them he is delayed in Europe due to an emergency and will miss two days.  

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36 minutes ago, Lesia said:

Rebecca looks big(ger) a little bit, no?

Nothing the right filter and ring light can't fix.  


Just now, Bluesky said:

He also never apologized.  Instead focused on excuses.  I would never trust a man who would leave me in a foreign country after having a miscarriage because I lost my passport.  A decent man would call his work and tell them he is delayed in Europe due to an emergency and will miss two days.  

Friend Jovi's live-in girlfriend Sarah straight up told us Jovi is not a decent man before Yara set foot on U.S. soil:   

"It’s kind of crazy to think that a girl is coming all the way from the Ukraine to be with Jovi... I mean, Jovi out of all people?”




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Now I know why I’ve been married forever.  I wasn’t a whiney, selfish, spoiled Bitch that had to have FUN all the time.  From the looks of these girls, the Ukraine seemed better than here.  I think they expected big cities, Coach stores, nite clubs and fun.  Yara wants to be with Kim K, hahaha.  Natalie and the beef eater have zero personality.  Why is she always talking thru her teeth?


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Quotes edited out of last night's show:

Julia and Brandon:  "How dare you schedule your silly once-in-a-lifetime wedding on the most sacred day on the American calendar!  Now I'll never get Mother's Day to myself again!  Oh, it's on a different Sunday every year...never mind."

Tarik and Hazel:  "How am I going to get Hazel to convert to my non-religion?  There must be a way!"

Mike and Natalie:  "Actually, I meant that I would have one week for each *type* of meat I like followed by a meatless week."

Jovara:  "And that means stop wearing your shoes to bed too!"

Rebecca and Zied:  "This converted warehouse is much nicer than the converted grain silo I used to live in."

Stephanie and Ryan:  "Yes, I pay my boyfriend's salary and send his family money.  I also sent a stimulus package to Belize last week.  He has to marry me now."

Edited by Dobian
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3 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I can't imagine driving 3 hours each way to work and have that fucking loon waiting for you to entertain her the second you walk in the door.

I’m wondering what the hell they have in common.  She is a whiney child and he’s a .. I don’t know what.  Desperate?   She will try to change him.  He’s holding back the ring.  Maybe he’s smarter than we think.  Does anyone think they had sex yet?

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

If a person doesn't want to live in a modular home on a farm in a cold place, why would they become engaged to a man who lives in a modular home on a farm in a cold place?

And why is she pushing so strongly for marriage? The green card I guess. There’s no love there. There’s no love between any of these couples actually.


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Julia feeding the farm critters for the first time was must-see TV! She didn't really comment on it specifically, but pig pens smell HORRIFIC, and she was having to tromp through some awful muck. I'd love to know what those 'day jobs' are that Brandon's parents have, and how have those animals been getting fed during the day, up until Julia the indentured Servant arrived? I laughed when she asked if the animals needed to be fed every day!🤣

I don't understand why Rebecca had to rent in the same building? Especially since she admitted she couldn't afford it. Hope Zied gets licensed/bonded/whatever to do HVAC work right away, because I would guess Becky is just about tapped out. I doubt he's going to appreciate the bare, cavernous warehouse esthetic, either. And yes, she looked like she was going to bust out the seat of those jeans, although Zied isn't exactly slim either

Both Natalie and Stephanie have the same frozen upper lip, although Steph is doing a better job speaking with it than Nat. Agree with everyone who commented that the prominently featured business sign and discussion about what she offers 'medically' (eyeroll) is the real reason for her being on the show.

Mike's acreage is in a beautiful location, but his house and yard are a dump. I wonder if he has some way of protecting Natalie while she's alone all day in the wilderness? Since she's such a non-violence advocate, I don't suppose she'd be interested in learning to handle a firearm, but what's she going to do if some thug pulls up in the driveway? Or even if she trips over that scattered mess of firewood, and breaks her leg?

I think we heard Yara's real heart speaking during that rant about 'penthouse for 27 million' and 'best friends with Kim and Kylie'. Wonder what she thinks she has to offer that would get her those things? And I believe Non Jovi truly loves his home state, and Yara's contempt will be the last straw for him.

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3 minutes ago, Inga said:

Ok, I’m confused. Natalie does know that SCALLOPS are living creatures right???? How could she say that stuff to him when she ordered SCALLOPS!!! And why didn’t he say that to her??? I’m thinking because he thinks scallops are a vegetable???  What a hypocrite!!! 

She was ordering shallots, but her  English was off. 😄

  • LOL 13
2 hours ago, Gobi said:

I may be wrong, but I suspect Father Brandon has some extramarital hanky panky in his past, so he can get all the way off his moral high horse.

Oh, I think Papa Brandon is a randy old fuck. My theory is that he's banging "helpful" neighbor Ashley. She swans around like she owns the place, and she barely hides her disdain for Julia, probably because she's afraid she'll turn Papa Brandon's head. 

1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

Julia feeding the farm critters for the first time was must-see TV! She didn't really comment on it specifically, but pig pens smell HORRIFIC, and she was having to tromp through some awful muck. I'd love to know what those 'day jobs' are that Brandon's parents have, and how have those animals been getting fed during the day, up until Julia the indentured Servant arrived? I laughed when she asked if the animals needed to be fed every day!🤣


I felt terrible for Julia. She's expected to get up at dawn and feed chickens, collect eggs, and slop hogs? And neighbor Ashley actually has the nerve to snot "there's no room for princesses on the farm!" Fuck you Ashley. You are a bitch. 

  • Love 23
35 minutes ago, Inga said:

Ok, I’m confused. Natalie does know that SCALLOPS are living creatures right???? How could she say that stuff to him when she ordered SCALLOPS!!! And why didn’t he say that to her??? I’m thinking because he thinks scallops are a vegetable???  What a hypocrite!!! 

Plants were living too.

Think Natalie has never owned leather clothing, shoes, or handbags?  They died for you!

  • Love 5
42 minutes ago, Gobi said:

She was ordering shallots, but her  English was off. 😄

Um, no she ordered scallops. The waiter repeated her. And when the dish was brought out, we saw it, and the waiter said here are your scallops !

p.s. i know ur joking, i was just completely baffled by her ordering scallops, dammit!

Edited by Inga
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1 hour ago, Dakisela said:

I'm almost 65 and in my first marriage 6 years.  My husband lives in Massachusetts and I live in Pennsylvania.  We see each other on week-ends and every Friday is "date night".  It's a beautiful relationship that I highly recommend. 

I agree - my hubby and I live in the same state, lol, but we do have separate bedrooms.  I NEED MY SPACE.  I have thought of a retirement career as a flight attendant - I can be gone for days at a time!!  When he goes to his hunting cabin, I offer to help him pack.

The thing about the Jory/Yara thing is:  She had to know his schedule.  Lots of spouses have jobs that take them away from home for stretches of time, and I won't even to get into our awesome soldiers SERVING overseas for months, if not years.

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