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S01.E08: Hot Tub Confessions

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While Heather works on expanding her business, Lisa and John have a heart to heart about how much work she’s taking on and Whitney enlists her husband, Justin to have a difficult conversation with her father. And although Meredith and Seth decide to give their marriage another shot, after a fun day of snowmobiling, Whitney grows curious about Meredith’s marriage and wonders if there is any truth to what Jen is implying. Later, Lisa, Meredith, Jen and their husbands hang out at Jen’s house; While the women dish about their marital issues, the men give their side of the story.

Airdate: 12.30.2020

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he was really disappointed that you didn't show up to a show he himself was late to... Gross ... she is beating down this man and obviously doesn't want to be with him .. look at her body language she is saying she wants him but her total body language in that scene says something else totally 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Too much drama around the husbands, Whitney’s father and Merediths  idiot son (Brooksy, blech) on this show. Guess there’s not enough interesting stuff going on with the HW’s. At least Jen’s sons seem like good kids. 

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How the hell did she not know who was watching her children?? yes you can brag about how you can get a reservation anywhere but you don't know who is taking care of your children ...I dont know why I am still watching this show ... Nothing about it is fun .. at this point I feel like its just hate watching ... 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Listening to Charlotte Pickles and her kewpie doll haired husband dramatize their marital issues for the cameras was gross.  Did these two sell their souls for the sake of some publicity for Mama and Sonny Marks to get some publicity for the "brands"? jWhy does their vocal fried spawn have to make an appearance even when he is not physically there?  


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Another boring episode. Hate watching this at this point. Who cares if Meredith and Seth are happy or not, nobody’s business but theirs. 
Whitneys Dad, entitled much, I certainly wouldn’t pay 30k for his rehab when he thinks she owes him for everything he paid for her as a child. Jerk. 
I was surprised Jen’s husband holds to Muslim beliefs but he’s ok with his wife being a raging drunk. 

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This show has been a bust imo - but tonight’s episode was more interesting, with the guy talk and the hot tub conversation. Also enjoyed the snowmobiling, and Whitney confronting her user dad. (A list of what she owes him?! wtf)

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Nothing says a space is open and thriving like filming an extended scene where the store is empty of people, save Meredith and her husband with the Dennis the Menace hair.  I’ve had the same complaint about Melissa Gorga on RHNJ and her boutique Envy in the past—n’er a customer to be seen.  Really makes me want to roll up in there!

@Sun-Bun was so right last week about Lisa and how busy she is—my s-i-l is the same way.  I think she spent more time talking about how busy she was than working.  The busiest period of my life was my first year in law school, and it looked nothing like this.  I was so busy that as soon as I got to a bar, I started drinking and getting down with my friends—there was no time to sit around discussing how busy we were (and we weren’t even as busy as we claimed—if we were so busy, we wouldn’t be on IM with our books in front of us and having that count as “studying.”)  Most people aren’t as busy as they think they are or possibly wish they were.  Me, I’m simple in that I’m happy with the more free time I have, so I don’t really get this merry-go-round of exasperated sighs and lamenting about being busy.  It’s not time-effective!

Bethenny Frankel, as much as I hate her, seems very busy.  Lisa just seems like she is playing that role on TV.  There is that Voltaire quote that if God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.  I feel like if there was no Sundance to make Lisa so “busy,” Lisa would either cease to exist or have to invent a Sundance equivalent, and the season finale would be that she found out it was all fake, like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy thought he was going back to Willoughby, only for the viewer to realize he had jumped off the back of the train to his death.  Actually, that would be about the best thing that could happen to this franchise right now.  

Whitney’s dad is such a creep.  I wish he would team up with Brooks and they could march off the show together.  The dad is the most self-reliant person he knows, but he won’t share a room in rehab?  I can’t even really entertain this.  All he has talked about since episode one has been wanting to start doing hair again—ok, so get off your ass and rent the fucking chair; what’s stopping you, bruh?

What did Jen used to look like, that she didn’t only used to look pretty, but she was the prettiest woman Coach Shah had seen in his life??  Lisa:  “has anything changed?”  Coach:  “nothing changed.”  Mwhahahahahaha.  Usually when a guy kisses his wife’s ass like that, he is scared of her, he has a girlfriend or both.  Hmm.  That, and cue to his real feelings about Jen later in the episode: “Damn, why you on me like this?”  

The scenes with the guys were a welcome change—someone give Coach Shah a place on this show!!  Him asking Lisa and her husband about peddling alcohol was everything.  Lisa sounded so full of shit with her answer—the answer is, as Lisa’s husband said, alcohol is not permitted by LDS, that’s it.  If she drinks it—which she was shown doing earlier in the episode—and sells it, she’s violating the tenets of her church.  This is not an essay type answer.  

The other two men sort of sounded like they were making shit up as they went along in the bromance, and Seth seemed drunk.  Lisa’s husband was just warbling on about making more time and Diet Coke, which is pretty much literally all the Barlows have given us so far this season (that, and Mormon 2.0, which has never been defined, so I am led to believe it is “take what you like and leave the rest,” which is antithetical to organized religion, if I think about it).  

Wow, Heather showing the character there by not letting Whitney or Jen get her to lean into the gossip about Meredith’s husband/boyfriend. Saying that she didn’t care was literally the most integrity shown by a Bravo TV person in...two years?  I gained a lot of respect for Heather, and I simultaneously lost whatever I had left for Whitney.  It’s one thing to speak on someone’s marriage loud and proud and own your bitchiness like Jen did last episode, but for Whitney to whisper to Heather that she had to update her on something as if it concerned Heather, Whitney is such a two-faced bitch.  And, I know I posted this last week, but it bears mentioning again:  infidelity is where Whitney’s marriage started, both hers and Justin’s.  And in the first episode, she was so indignant that people didn’t accept her choices to break up two marriages and get married at five months pregnant, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and it’s someone else with the scandal, she is hopping to talk about it.  That’s just gross to me.  Whitney is gross to me.  Now that I’ve seen it, she has become physically ugly to me.  It’s like her insides are seeping to her outsides, which happens a lot on Bravo.  

I have to say that the show flowed better with (almost) no Mary.  This show is boring with just the five women and it’s boring and crazy and stupid with the six—my verdict is...Bravo, please end the season soon so I can put myself out of my misery.  Train accident optional.  

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It’s amazing how many Housewives go on and on about how ‘busy’ they are and how they take care of everyone else except themselves...yet, we never see them actually doing anything except talking about how busy they are. 

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Whitney’s dad fully expected her to ‘rescue’ him again. You can tell how he talked about how he always had his own salons etc. and the dead face he got when he realized she wouldn’t immediately fold. He froze and then switched gears. She needs to cut ties and walk away.  He’s so used to doing the bare minimum to get back in good graces aka handouts. 

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From what I read...Mary started filming part time from this point on.

Seeing Whitney's dad...it makes sense why she went for her current hubby...father figure.  I imagine she and Ashley from Potomac would click.

Love is either blind, or absence makes the heart grow fonder...only explanation about Mr. Shah's feelings about Jen.

Heather is still my fav.

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8 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Meredith...and.....her. Husband.   Speak...soo....haltingly?....like...they...forgot. Their. Lines?...or..like. They’re....high? ...and oh hi Brooksie! Hey Brooksie! Smoochie love you, genius gifted special child!......... “Ugh. Thanks for missing my show.” 



Meredith telling her husband that he has to apologize to Brooks...I thought he did, twice on the phone, once at the fashion and then again on the phone at the store.  She is treating this missing the fashion show as if Brooks is a 10 year old and his father missed a school play (where he is playing a tree, lol). 

Mary's fake conversation to her son about buying a Prada bag for his girlfriend using her credit card...let's say that really happened, why wouldn't she make him pay her back?  Isn't this the same kid that allegedly stayed out all night without letting his parents know his where abouts?  Mary is raising spoiled kid, I hope she is not expecting much from him in the future, the seeds are planted.  Anyone else notice the strange microwave on legs on her counter, I do not think I have ever seen one like that, it is all I see in her kitchen scenes.  BTW, Google microwave on legs and you get some funny things.

Whitney nailed her father's entitlement.  He is snowing everyone with his wanting to, "get back in the game," and there is no way he is ready, right now he is using all of the ways to do anything but get back in the game.  He went back to sober living to buy time, he thinks it is some resort where he paid for a private room.  He is telling everyone what they want to hear but to me he is not thinking sober.  Whitney is not buying in to his bullshit, addicts are manipulative and she knows it, it is always some on or something hindering them, it is never theier own doing, ugh.  I remember the load of shit my husband's son used to try to pul on us, if his mouth was moving he was lying...he would tell you what he thought you wanted to hear, my husband paid for a lot of rehabs but finally said no, the son is doing very well now, has is own business which is  expanding, making a nice living, etc...although I am still waiting for that step where he apologizes for all the trouble he caused.

Jen's TH blue dress with the many, many large ruffles looks like it would stand up on it's own.

Heather annoys me but she seems to be the favorite, crazy because she is annoying with the sex talk.  Are we supposed to believe her company is worth 20 million dollars? 

Owning a tequila company and being Mormon may get the side eye from the church, I knew a medical supply sales rep that would not rep a certain product because it was derived from a pig, this person kept kosher so I am not sure how Mormons would feel about the person that sold something that was forbidden in their religion.

Jewish church Seth?

Ugly art work in the Shah residence.  Coach saying recruiting is a year round business, football is not a year round sport so how is he seeing the players play?  Coach telling us that he is often home alone because Jenn is off working somewhere, something is not sounding right.



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10 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

The scenes with the guys were a welcome change—someone give Coach Shah a place on this show!!  Him asking Lisa and her husband about peddling alcohol was everything.  Lisa sounded so full of shit with her answer—the answer is, as Lisa’s husband said, alcohol is not permitted by LDS, that’s it.  If she drinks it—which she was shown doing earlier in the episode—and sells it, she’s violating the tenets of her church.  This is not an essay type answer.  

The other two men sort of sounded like they were making shit up as they went along in the bromance, and Seth seemed drunk.  Lisa’s husband was just warbling on about making more time and Diet Coke, which is pretty much literally all the Barlows have given us so far this season (that, and Mormon 2.0, which has never been defined, so I am led to believe it is “take what you like and leave the rest,” which is antithetical to organized religion, if I think about it).

I don't know why this attitude surprises anyone. I see it all the time in "good church going Christians". I once heard a woman rationalize that one could "cheat" during Lent on Sundays; because if you eliminate the Sundays, you're left with 40 days of sacrifice (no chocolate, etc), and somehow that number was the correct amount of days to go without. I see people that claim to be good Christians with far from Christian attitudes; Look at Mary Crosby. The fact that people are picking and choosing which tenets to follow and bending the rules to suit their lifestyles is not unique the Mormon 2.0s. 

I find it strange that Heather considers herself Mormon, but dislikes so many of their beliefs. From what she says, they're more judgemental than Dana Carvey's Church Lady.


I wonder if they have a high suicide rate.

Edited by SweetieDarling
I hope that didn't sound confrontational
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when Whitney is alone with her dad they are like a couple. It’s a thing. They have some boundary problems. There is more chemistry between them than her own husband. What is the age diff between her dad and her husband ? Her husband is more of an old man than the dad.

I find  them compelling . And Whitney’s half infantilized voice and “Wild” (I think she thinks it is wild) sexuality expression is something to watch. Yikes. 




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The forensics of the snowmobiling:

Ski Doo/BRP makes MANY snowmobiles for different jobs and terrain. Those machines are SkiDoo Summit models.  The Summit is NOT made for 2 people to ride @ the same time.They are tilty, tippy suspension mountain backcountry sleds.  I have never ever seen one with a 2up converted seat for a reason.  Their rear suspension called T motion- the top horizontal top of the letter T is where you are sitting, and the vertical part of the letter T is MEANT to allow the sled to tilt for sidehilling - when you lean on a snowmobile in mountain country like as you are climbing something with a double fall line in mountain country. The Summits are back country machines made for off trail and playing like they did in those big meadows.  Most of the people who sign up for these excursions want that, and to ride ALONE.  The long tunnel and track has big paddle teeth for deep snow. 

All that tipping over is exactly what the Ski Doo Summit is MADE to do. It is made to tilt for leaning. They very obviously didn't want to do one machine per rider and the company took the 2 up seats off some Ski Doo Renegades or Touring sleds -trail models that can accomodate 2 riders at the same time-  and snapped them on the Summits because the show wanted the couple vibe. I am surprised the outfitter considered doing it. 

The 600cc engine is a way better beginner choice for them than an 850cc I will give them that and everyone had helmets and was outfitted properly. The fact that they couldn't even get thru flat meadows without tipping isn't good- good thing they were not hill climbing and playing on real mtn country. 

*** edited to add that I looked up Lofty Peaks website and they show the Summit 600 rental as single rider only! They are red on the website because they are a diff mode yearl than on the show. Not a 2 person machine.  It was a recipe to get someone hurt. 


The 80's kiddie snowmobile model Lisa showed is so slow that even at full speed w/2 kids on it any adult could keep up running. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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25 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

when Whitney is alone with her dad they are like a couple. It’s a thing. They have some boundary problems. There is more chemistry between them than her own husband. What is the age diff between her dad and her husband ? Her husband is more of an old man than the dad.

I find  them compelling . And Whitney’s half infantilized voice and “Wild” (I think she thinks it is wild) sexuality expression is something to watch. Yikes. 




That’s funny I thought the same thing about Whitney...and her half-brother!  They seemed very flirty or something in that wrestling scene a few weeks back.

In any case I think her dad said in one of the earlier episodes that he was 63...or 65. And they just celebrated her husband’s 52nd birthday. So, about a decade apart. 

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1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

I don't know why this attitude surprises anyone. I see it all the time in "good church going Christians". I once heard a woman rationalize that one could "cheat" during Lent on Sundays; because if you eliminate the Sundays, you're left with 40 days of sacrifice (no chocolate, etc), and somehow that number was the correct amount of days to go without. I see people that claim to be good Christians with far from Christian attitudes; Look at Mary Crosby. The fact that people are picking and choosing which tenets to follow and bending the rules to suit their lifestyles is not unique the Mormon 2.0s. 

I find it strange that Heather considers herself Mormon, but dislikes so many of their beliefs. From what she says, they're more judgemental than Dana Carvey's Church Lady.


I wonder if they have a high suicide rate.

Growing up, the term “shopping cart Catholic” was thrown around a lot- derisively by the devout and somewhat proudly by those who saw themselves as “Catholic 2.0” or whatever. It’s incredibly common in many religions, but it does seem to be more jarring when we hear about Mormons who make their own rules. Perhaps it’s because we have a cultural association with Mormons as being more strict and insular than other religious people? I have often heard that the Mormons in places outside Utah, particularly Vegas, are a bit less stringent, but I’m not sure how accurate that is. My main reference point is Brandon Flowers from The Killers (and he’s since moved to Park City) so I’m by no means an expert. Maybe Lisa will drop his name by the end of the season.

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It seems to me that the Meredith/Seth separation was concocted for a story line.  Why else would they subject their marriage to the camera like they did (especially since they are now back together)?

 I like Jen much more when Mary is not around. This episode was enjoyable because the cast actually did something and there was no Mary.

Heather is my favorite and I kind of like Whitney too. Unlike some of the other posters I do see chemistry between Whitney and her husband. They seem to have the strongest marriage on the show.

Meredith should stand up straight and stop talking out of the side of her mouth. Of course if she did that it would be hard to tell her apart from Lisa.

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35 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

That’s funny I thought the same thing about Whitney...and her half-brother!  They seemed very flirty or something in that wrestling scene a few weeks back.

In any case I think her dad said in one of the earlier episodes that he was 63...or 65. And they just celebrated her husband’s 52nd birthday. So, about a decade apart. 

Thank you! They look so similar in age to me. 

Did her Dad get that nose from cocaine? ( I to realize I am going to hell for asking this question. Heaven for the climate hell for the company as they say.)

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2 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Growing up, the term “shopping cart Catholic” was thrown around a lot

In my neck of the woods, it was "cafeteria Catholic".  I'll take a heaping portion of charity, a dollop of judge not lest ye be judged, and a side of do unto yourselves...but I'll pass on the misogyny, homophobia and defense of pedophiles.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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16 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:


Bethenny Frankel, as much as I hate her, seems very busy.  Lisa just seems like she is playing that role on TV.  There is that Voltaire quote that if God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent him.  I feel like if there was no Sundance to make Lisa so “busy,” Lisa would either cease to exist or have to invent a Sundance equivalent, and the season finale would be that she found out it was all fake, like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy thought he was going back to Willoughby, only for the viewer to realize he had jumped off the back of the train to his death.  Actually, that would be about the best thing that could happen to this franchise right now.  

Whitney’s dad is such a creep.  I wish he would team up with Brooks and they could march off the show together.  The dad is the most self-reliant person he knows, but he won’t share a room in rehab?  I can’t even really entertain this.  All he has talked about since episode one has been wanting to start doing hair again—ok, so get off your ass and rent the fucking chair; what’s stopping you, bruh?


The other two men sort of sounded like they were making shit up as they went along in the bromance, and Seth seemed drunk.  Lisa’s husband was just warbling on about making more time and Diet Coke, which is pretty much literally all the Barlows have given us so far this season (that, and Mormon 2.0, which has never been defined, so I am led to believe it is “take what you like and leave the rest,” which is antithetical to organized religion, if I think about it).  



Did you happen to watch Jeopardy yesterday??  That quote was one of the "questions!"

BrooKS MarKS can walk in front, and creepy dad can jog behind him - on their way out!

Right?  I am so sick of hearing about the Barlow's GOALS, and her diet coke needs and wants.  Is there anything else going on with them?  


15 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

From what I read...Mary started filming part time from this point on.


Really?  Did she see the writing on the wall, and realize people around the world will be talking about her grandpa fucking?  

The discussion about the Prada purse.  Barf.  


4 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:


I find  them compelling . And Whitney’s half infantilized voice and “Wild” (I think she thinks it is wild) sexuality expression is something to watch. Yikes. 


YES.  She says things that I would imagine someone saying at like 16 to prove they are really "wild."  I probably said some of that myself.  Now I see it as immaturity, and I am so embarrassed.  I wonder when she will mature?

"I hope I get laid!"  OMG I am cringing, who says that?  

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Watching this a day later! 

I'll say it: I am feeling kind of sorry for Brooks, only because everyone hates him SO much.  Then again, I have no idea if he's living off this attention instead of shocked, so maybe my "slight" concern is misplaced.

I'm having a very hard time caring about his parents at all, however.  But seriously, fucking Ohio?  I'm in Western NY, which is basically East Ohio, so, blech.


Edited by Lassus
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I will reiterate - at least with her and her dad's story in the conversation at the home - that I find Whitney to be a real adult, and a quite normal and mature person compared to everyone else in the cast.


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9 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Mary's fake conversation to her son about buying a Prada bag for his girlfriend using her credit card...let's say that really happened, why wouldn't she make him pay her back?  Isn't this the same kid that allegedly stayed out all night without letting his parents know his where abouts?  Mary is raising spoiled kid, I hope she is not expecting much from him in the future, the seeds are planted.  Anyone else notice the strange microwave on legs on her counter, I do not think I have ever seen one like that, it is all I see in her kitchen scenes.  BTW, Google microwave on legs and you get some funny things


I encourage everyone to do an Internet search and look at images thank you @Baltimore Betty for the suggestion.

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9 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Jewish church Seth?

Right? Now, our Christmas tree topper is a Star of David since my husband is Jewish and I was raised Catholic. we haven’t been to Catholic Church in about 3 years, and over 20 years since we went to Jewish Church, I mean temple...

Off topic, every year I put something Jewish in hubby’s stocking. Haiku’s for Jews is second place, the Moses action figure with a detachable 10 commandment tablet and an overview of his super powers on the back of the box including parting the Red Sea is 1st place. Pretty sure I will never be able to top it.

Edited by Stats Queen
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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

  Anyone else notice the strange microwave on legs on her counter, I do not think I have ever seen one like that, it is all I see in her kitchen scenes.  BTW, Google microwave on legs and you get some funny things.


I think this microwave is for a built in space. I need to trade with Mary, because I bought a regular model for my built-in space and have been using little pieces of cardboard to raise up my microwave oven to the right level for the last 15 years! 

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14 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

He hasn't changed at all.  With typical junkie grandiosity he is too good to share a room, refuses to rent a chair and rebuild his business, but is more than willing for his daughter to bankroll his new salon.  He'll be using before long.

I really enjoyed the metaphor of Heather snowmobiling free, fast and unencumbered while the couples were struggling.

He's the Frank Gallagher of the Housewife Franchise.

Edited by howiveaddict
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10 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Thank you! They look so similar in age to me. 

Did her Dad get that nose from cocaine? ( I to realize I am going to hell for asking this question. Heaven for the climate hell for the company as they say.)

Dude is no way close to being sober or clear.  He can’t even talk without grinding his teeth.   

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On 12/31/2020 at 9:40 AM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

And Whitney’s half infantilized voice and “Wild” (I think she thinks it is wild) sexuality expression is something to watch. Yikes.

If Pollyanna grew up to be a hooker she would be Whitney.  It’s ... something.

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1 hour ago, lil sweetpea said:

Bless you both @Stats Queen and @Baltimore Betty! I have a mild case of covid and was feeling pretty sorry for myself today. This made me laugh so hard. You have no idea. Thank you! 

OH DEAR!!! I am glad that I could brighten your day, get well soon!

14 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

He's the Frank Gallagher of the Housewife Franchise.

Who is Frank Gallagher?

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2 hours ago, GussieK said:

I need remedial help. What are we googling?  I have a more than mild case of Covid. Sorry. But I need a laugh. Send help. 

Wow, I am so sorry you have Covid, hopefully you will feel better soon and get the all clear. 

For whatever reason when Mary (a name I cannot say without doing an immitation of Jackie from 227) films in her kitchen all I focus on is her very odd microwave on legs, well that and the orlon wigs she favors.  So I thought I'd look in to that legged microwave and I Googled "microwave on legs," I got some very funny images.  

Back to Mary, she has all that money for Birkin bags but Grandpa Daddy does not have a full set of lower teeth? 

Hugs to you and a speedy recovery😷

Edited by Baltimore Betty
I am showing my age, Room 222 was on eons ago.
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13 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Wow, I am so sorry you have Covid, hopefully you will feel better soon and get the all clear. 

For whatever reason when Mary (a name I cannot say without doing an immitation of Jackie from 222) films in her kitchen all I focus on is her very odd microwave on legs, well that and the orlon wigs she favors.  So I thought I'd look in to that legged microwave and I Googled "microwave on legs," I got some very funny images.  

Back to Mary, she has all that money for Birkin bags but Grandpa Daddy does not have a full set of lower teeth? 

Hugs to you and a speedy recovery😷

Thanks!  I was looking for pics of Birkin bags LOL. I have a GE microwave with little rubber legs. Have had it for years. 

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Whitney’s dad sure does love talking about how he loves to work and yet does not work.

It’s like me talking about how much I love to train for the Boston Marathon and yet....

Edited by bosawks
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If all Brooks has to dwell on is his bruised feelings about Dad not showing up for his "fashion show.." he needs to go back to college.

I was fascinated by Meredith's talking heads (blue dress) where she is wearing a witness-protection type wig and her giant boobs over that itty-bitty waist made her look like an anime figure or someone's bad instagram alteration. And her left upper lip seems stuck down so she always has a very lopsided look to her mouth. Too much botox, perhaps?

Speaking of, Whitney got her lips blown up since last episode (a visit to Heather's spa, probably) and her chest is giant. Does she have to tell us on every episode how she wants to get laid, dance in a provocative way, or wear a dress that plunges literally to her navel?  She's trying too hard.

Jen acted more on the normal side tonight while entertaining at her "chalet." The whole hot tub scene just seemed fake and forced to me. Meredith: "Seth and I are putting in the work and are really committed to make the marriage work." I think I've read that in every women's magazine article in the past two decades.  Such boring dialogue.  

Whitney is a gossip and is showing her age and immaturity in trying to get information about Meredith and her supposed boyfriend.  

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