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S17.E06: No Time for Despair


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I don't know if the show originally planned it that way or whether the story changed due to Covid, but I am impressed that they connected the las sex trafficker from last season to be the accomplice of tonight's creepy guy.

Maggie's speech to Amelia, like Jackson's last week with Richard, was PSA, and when Richard talked about how he was afraid Covid was going to affect their own not just by people dying, but in ways they didn't even know yet and Amelia said that Maggie wasn't answering her phone I was sure they were going to show her drinking and overdosing on pills, or something. 

Are they circling back to chem-testing Tom with Mer?

Edited by LexieLily
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Teddy. Is. The. Worst. How did she think telling Owen that their child is named after a lover that she had an affair with would go? My mom and I laughed at her stupidity.

10 minutes ago, pennben said:

Also, will be interesting to watch the sex trafficking story continue to develop—is the trafficker side  story unique enough not to be woke, but the victim’s side considered woke? Time will tell. 

What does this mean?

19 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Maggie's speech to Amelia, like Jackson's last week with Richard, was PSA,

It may have been a PSA, but I detected no lies.

  • Love 13

I will never get over Teddy naming her and Owen's child after her ex lover. That's low down dirty. Owen laughing was probably the most appropriate response at this point because how much lower can Teddy go? The writers really did a number on her and, for the life of me, I don't know why. 

This whole thing with Meredith is anti-climactic because Grey's Anatomy is not going to kill off their lead. The only good thing about her latest predicament is getting to see the likes of Derek and George (and hopefully other OGs in the future) on the beach. 

The child sex trafficking plot has already run its course for me. And it's very clear that shady red head is just a vehicle for Hero!Deloser in yet another desperate attempt from the writers to try (and fail) to make him closer to being Meredith's equal. Personally, instead of trying to cram in as many social justice issues as possible in every episode, I'd prefer the weaving of stories between the doctors and patients like the show so seamlessly used to do. And surgeries! 

Tonight once again showed the great rapport between Meredith and Tom, and it's such a shame that these moments have been few and far between. The writers have purposefully back-burned Meredith/Tom interaction and are now doing it to Meredith/Hayes, completely ignoring where the natural chemistry is.

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, pennben said:

Also, will be interesting to watch the sex trafficking story continue to develop—is the trafficker side  story unique enough not to be woke, but the victim’s side considered woke? Time will tell. 

It was a bold move and sadly, trafficking has been going on more because they are kidnapping people of minorities and also how uprisen thanks to COVID it has happening. As Owen said: "Who kidnaps someone during a pandemic?" Yes, hundreds of thousand of people are dying, but that doesn't magically keep people from: robbing places, killing people because they looked at them wrong, or stopping black markets. The problem is, Bob was not going to flip on the red head and eventually his: "It was them, they started it." would have eventually been exposed even with the dumb ass cops over on Station 19. Though, what really makes it a problem is, the idiot bitch went to the hospital hoping to kill Bob or thinking she could flip this. Shows as she might be able to lure girls on social media and then have goons like Bob kidnap and lock these girls up. She is too dumb to be: "Oh crap, I have to leave Seattle and set up somewhere else." 


  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, pennben said:

Owen can fuck right off with his sanctimonious anger.  That is all for now.  

Ordinarily I agree with this sentiment but not so much today.  Teddy told him she named their child after an ex in just sort of this matter of fact sort of way well after the fact.  Teddy all acting like this was something you just tell people and he's supposed to be happy she's finally opening up.  

I like Tom when he's not actively being evil so I liked his vibe with Mer.  I'd be cool with them.

  • Love 20

I'm kicking myself for not recognizing the red haired woman.  I feel like that shouldn't have been a "twist" because I should have recognized her...  Oops.  I'm certainly glad Deluca did!  I knew she didn't get mugged, obviously, because she was so blatantly shady from the get-go, but silly me for not recognizing the actress...

I was so happy that Owen laughed in Teddy's face and then told her off.  And Richard too!!  She deserves all of that and so much more.  Owen deserves so much better.  Is Leo considered just Owen's kid?  Owen and Amelia's?  Owen and Teddy's?  I thought for sure Amelia was going to ask about him or show more of an interest when she and Owen were talking.  Oh well.  

An episode without second-ortho-guy is fine by me, but no Linc??  Now that's a crime.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
fixed typo
  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, pennben said:

Owen can fuck right off with his sanctimonious anger.  That is all for now.  

Sorry, but wholeheartedly disagree.  Assuming you are talking about Teddy - Owen had every right to be angry, and so much more.  He was calm and collected, in my opinion.  He should have been raging because Teddy is a liar and a cheater and a horrible person.  He's just been screwed over so many times, he has every right to be angry.

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Is Leo considered just Owen's kid?  Owen and Amelia's?  Owen and Teddy's? 

It seemed when they first broke up that Amelia was going to show an interest but that doesn't seem to be the case now. A few weeks ago Teddy said she'd take Leo if something happened to Owen because he's Allison's brother... but really.. lets face it.  These kids are all Owen's mom's problem now.

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1 minute ago, bybrandy said:

It seemed when they first broke up that Amelia was going to show an interest but that doesn't seem to be the case now. A few weeks ago Teddy said she'd take Leo if something happened to Owen because he's Allison's brother... but really.. lets face it.  These kids are all Owen's mom's problem now.

Eventually they'll probably all become Linc's.  Seems like all kids are now Linc's problem. 🤣🤣

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5 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Sorry, but wholeheartedly disagree.  Assuming you are talking about Teddy - Owen had every right to be angry, and so much more.  He was calm and collected, in my opinion.  He should have been raging because Teddy is a liar and a cheater and a horrible person.  He's just been screwed over so many times, he has every right to be angry.

In 2 years, we’ll be rooting for Teddy if the show is still on!  If Owen, the liar & cheater & horrible person to Christina can be rehabbed by having someone lie & cheat & be a horrible person to him.....probably shouldn’t write off Teddy so quickly😀

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5 minutes ago, pennben said:

In 2 years, we’ll be rooting for Teddy if the show is still on!  If Owen, the liar & cheater & horrible person to Christina can be rehabbed by having someone lie & cheat & be a horrible person to him.....probably shouldn’t write off Teddy so quickly😀

I've been re-watching past seasons, and I just watched Cristina's last season not too long ago.  Owen was not that horrible to her.  At least in my opinion.  But I also never said he was perfect either. 

I just think he has every right to be mad, and I also don't think the circumstances are similar.  Owen had a drunken one night stand with a woman from the bar and confessed.  Teddy has been emotionally cheating on Owen all along because she has feelings for Koracick, and wasn't going to say anything.  She's only sorry she got caught.  Owen was sorry he did it.  Plus, he did it when he and Cristina were separated and Teddy did it on their wedding day - another big difference.  Teddy is bisexual and was in love with a woman, whom she then named her daughter after and Owen had no idea.  Also a big difference.  And as someone whose middle name is her father's ex-fiancee from before he met my mother, being named after an [unknown] ex-lover IS a big deal.  (In my case, my mother was fully aware, it's a super common middle name, and she didn't care.  But Owen was blindsided and didn't get to make that choice.)  

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Grey's is really doing a wonderful job this season tackling some very rough storylines. I was really digging Meredith and Koracick hanging out. I love how Greg Germann plays him, incredibly damaged but also vulnerable and decent. I teared up at 'Dad, Dad, Dad'. 

And it's totally keeping with Meredith's character to go help that patient. This is the same woman who told a gunman to shoot her instead of Derrick, who treated Owen while actively miscarrying and who grabbed the bomb in the OR. 

I know I said it earlier but Richard reaming out Teddy was sorely needed. 

Maggie talking to Amelia was heartbreaking. And every word she said was true. As I said in the Station 19 thread, just because a message comes across as a PSA doesn't mean it's an invalid message.

  • Love 19
5 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I've been re-watching past seasons, and I just watched Cristina's last season not too long ago.  Owen was not that horrible to her.  At least in my opinion.  But I also never said he was perfect either. 

I just think he has every right to be mad, and I also don't think the circumstances are similar.  Owen had a drunken one night stand with a woman from the bar and confessed.  Teddy has been emotionally cheating on Owen all along because she has feelings for Koracick, and wasn't going to say anything.  She's only sorry she got caught.  Owen was sorry he did it.  Plus, he did it when he and Cristina were separated and Teddy did it on their wedding day - another big difference.  Teddy is bisexual and was in love with a woman, whom she then named her daughter after and Owen had no idea.  Also a big difference.  And as someone whose middle name is her father's ex-fiancee from before he met my mother, being named after an [unknown] ex-lover IS a big deal.  (In my case, my mother was fully aware, it's a super common middle name, and she didn't care.  But Owen was blindsided and didn't get to make that choice.)  

Yes and Owen and Richard going at Teddy was what made sense. I mean, why wouldn't they be mad at her. Teddy has basically made up her own excuses or reality to make herself feel better. Now, all this out in the open and Owen laughed, because how stupid it all is, but at the same time he is: "you are a stupid and horrible person!" 

  • Love 6

Owen is always “sorry” he did “it”.  He’s had a lot of its to apologize for! I guess, while Teddy is awful & in the “Owen” phase for her character, that doesn’t mean I have sympathy for him.....he’s an ass. 

so, the show never effectively rehabbed him for me, I suspect Teddy wlll be the Owen for others.  But, like it or not, her ‘rehab’ started tonight after Richard told her to take inventory—-I’m guessing that won’t work soon, but I’m impressed at the number of Owen defenders!  Years ago, unfathomable!!

  • Love 4

Warning:  Rant to follow:

How is possible to agree with something a character is saying and still despise how it is delivered?  Maggie's speech about POC and COVID was just like nails on a chalkboard.  I think its because McCready just isn't a strong enough actress to pull off such a scene.  Chandra Wilson could have done it with no problem.  McCready, not so much.  It felt like watching a freshman in a high school play trying to deliver a dramatic monologue (back when kids were allowed to have high school plays).  And show, if you are going to have a character deliver a big dramatic monologue about how COVID affects a certain community disproportionately, DO NOT turn around and in the very next scene have the same character 1) open a door unmasked after working in a hospital surrounded by sick patients and no quarantine, 2) have her greet another character -- also unmasked -- who has had to travel to meet her, also without quarantine, and 3) not socially distance but instead have the two unmasked people immediately embrace.  Blech.  And speaking of the boyfriend, does he have any other defining characteristic other than hating his father?  Will we get the inevitable storyline where he either 1) reconciles with his father, or 2) his father dies and he regrets not reconciling with him. 

This show spends way too much time complimenting its own characters.  Tom talks about how great Meredith is (as if that point needs to be driven home more).  DeLuca talks about how great Bailey is.  Owen talks about how great all doctors and nurses are (which I would tend to agree, but seems kind of self serving here).  Seriously, if these doctors focused as much on COVID as they did doling out the compliments, it would probably be cured by now. 

Were they doing a chemistry test between Tom and Meredith? I must say I liked her better in her scenes with him than when she's with either the Italian Stallion or the Leprechaun.  Of course, I think Germann is one of the strongest actors on the show.  He'd likely have chemistry with a fence post.  He even made Helm somewhat bearable last episode.  Somewhat. 

So the Italian Stallion and his "that's a spicy meatball" sister are going in hot pursuit after the trafficker.  Is a fiery crash that takes out all three out of the question? 

When will occasional lesbian Teddy realize that when you are already in a hole, stop digging.  What possible reason could she have for telling Owen about Alison?  (Assuming she really does want to get back together with him.  If not, I guess that's the reason.) 

No Linc.  Boo. 

I would give the show so much credit if they actually had the guts to kill off Meredith.  Of course, that will never happen.  Would probably be difficult to film a series in total darkness once the SUN is no longer around to shine her light over everyone. 

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of this one. 


Edited by Bulldog
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1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

Yes, like I can't figure out how Linc is going t end up raising Harriet but it seems like it might be inevitable.  

Something happens to April offscreen, Jackson and Katherine can't leave work since they own the hospital, so Linc magnanimously offers to take her in - what's one more small child to look after? Too bad it's not safe to film with children, because an "Uncle Linc's Daycare" spinoff would lift everyone's spirits.

2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Maggie's speech to Amelia, like Jackson's last week with Richard, was PSA, and when Richard talked about how he was afraid Covid was going to affect their own not just by people dying, but in ways they didn't even know yet and Amelia said that Maggie wasn't answering her phone I was sure they were going to show her drinking and overdosing on pills, or something. 

I think he meant more like people wanting to leave the profession or switch specialties after this (like Jo).

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When Richard was talking to Bailey at the end about how great the toll is going to be on the health care workers, I was shouting "THAT'S WHY YOU NEED THERAPISTS ON STAFF." Ahem.

2 hours ago, PepSinger said:

It may have been a PSA, but I detected no lies.

I was with Maggie all the way till she said that if the virus affected White people the way it affects Blacks, mask wearing would be legislated. I was willing to give Jackson a pass last week but I have to comment here.

I did a literature search and while people of African and SE Asian origin are more affected by COVID-19, the reason why is not known. Is it because they are less likely to have good medical care and living conditions? Is it because they are more likely to be in a job that doesn't let them work from home (e.g. bus driver)? Is there something in their morphology?

Interestingly, mortality rates in Africa are lower than in Europe and North America and it's been suggested that it's because they are more accustomed to epidemics and accepting the safety procedures like hand washing and social distancing that mitigate them.

Countries like Belgium, Italy and Spain have higher per capita mortality than the US but a much lower percentage of African-origin people. That goes against what Maggie was saying.

If Maggie's statement wasn't an actual lie, it was a lot of bending of the facts.

1 hour ago, bybrandy said:

We really could use a woke indigenous character on this show come to think of it.

Or any indigenous character at all.

The Covid pandemic has been devastating on First Nations communities but you wouldn't know it from this show.

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I think Maggie’s statement was in response to early rates in the United States.  That wasn’t a lie or a bending of facts.  That was the reality. Remember, they are, at least as far as I know, just in the early days on the show.  
Since the show isn’t beyond that & this is just a thread about a fictional show, I won’t comment further on actual stats or why they are where they are at in the US (or were at). & why what Maggie said made sense in those early days if you think about it. 

Edited by pennben
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1 hour ago, pennben said:

so, the show never effectively rehabbed him for me, I suspect Teddy wlll be the Owen for others.  But, like it or not, her ‘rehab’ started tonight after Richard told her to take inventory—-I’m guessing that won’t work soon, but I’m impressed at the number of Owen defenders!  Years ago, unfathomable!!

I want to be clear: the show hasn't "rehabbed" Owen for me, either, and I am not an Owen fan. It's just that he's done nothing wrong in his relationship with Teddy, and he's done nothing to deserve the humiliation and embarrassment she's caused for him.

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

I want to be clear: the show hasn't "rehabbed" Owen for me, either, and I am not an Owen fan. It's just that he's done nothing wrong in his relationship with Teddy, and he's done nothing to deserve the humiliation and embarrassment she's caused for him.

I seem to remember Owen jerking Teddy around like a yo-yo for years. Not even just romantically- he tried to have her fired too if I recall correctly. Teddy is unquestionably at her most awful lately but Owen can fuck off as far as I’m concerned. 

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Ok, I watched a very dodgy Youtube version as I am away from home with no way of seeing it.  

I loved the Meredith/Tom bits, it was almost as if there was some normalcy, just two people talking and although it was serious, it seemed nice.  

DeLuca was very caring with Bailey.  I like him (the character) when they don't try to force a pairing with him.  Both with Maggie and Meredith just felt wrong.  I kept seeing Bailey regress back into her OCD ways, but she hasn't so far.  

I may have glossed over the Teddy/Owen scenes and the Teddy/Richard scenes.  I will rewatch them when I have a better version.  Teddy is another whom I like better single.  If I have to choose a partner for her, I liked her best with her dead husband, the one she married to give him insurance, or Tom.  Her and Owen just seem wrong to me.  I liked him best with Cristina, but that won't happen, Sandra Oh is happy in Killing Eve, she's not coming back to be second to Ellen Pompeo.  

Maggie and her man, yes, they should have been wearing facial coverings and quarantining, but both have been through so much, I get the need for comfort from each other.  Maybe they will quarantine together?  

I missed Linc, and I can't understand why Amelia is at the hospital and not at home with the baby.  I know it is for the storylines, but if I was a doctor and had a newborn at home, I wouldn't want to risk bringing anything into my home.  Nor would I want to be parted from my baby.  The Linc's Daycare idea is awesome, btw!

It was good to get flashes of Jo and Jackson and NOT together (unless my youtube version skipped them 😉 ), they certainly don't belong together.  Has Jo decided she wants to join the Gyn-ie squad and wear the dreaded pink scrubs?  I really need to rewatch the last episode, I know she delivered a baby and loved the joy of it all.  

It was sweet to see Helm doting over Meredith at the end, she has stayed devoted to her throughout, despite not having a chance.  

I thought when we saw Dr Irish, we would see him with Meredith at some stage, but he just dealt with the trafficked girls with Avery and had a very minor part.  In terms of the trafficked girls, DeLuca and his sister at the end were good.  Hopefully they catch the red-headed lady.  

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7 hours ago, l star said:

I seem to remember Owen jerking Teddy around like a yo-yo for years. Not even just romantically- he tried to have her fired too if I recall correctly. Teddy is unquestionably at her most awful lately but Owen can fuck off as far as I’m concerned. 

Did he?  I don't remember that...  I recall Teddy showing up at Seattle Grace and confessing that she loved him, while he was still married.  He told her that he couldn't be with her and to move on.  I thought he wanted her fired because she was a horrible cardio teacher to Cristina (at a teaching hospital!  She wasn't teaching anyone).  Then they made up and he arranged for that dream job for her directing the Army's medical response, or whatever it was in Germany.  When he went to be with her later, because Amelia told him to, she's the one who dumped him, right?  Then she shows up pregnant - and surprise! - it's his baby and she wasn't going to even tell him.  She waited months to tell him.  Just like she never told him for decades about the "love of her life" Allison.  Owen and Teddy probably have the most backstory - they've supposedly been best friends for decades.  Teddy keeping that kind of secret is a huge blow.

Like I said above, Owen isn't perfect.  He's done his fair share of crap too - just like every character on this show.  I just can't see how he's the bad guy when it comes to him and Teddy though.  Especially now.  When even *Richard* weighs in on your life, you know you done screwed up.  

It's not about whether the show has "rehabbed" Owen for me or not - it's that either way, he still doesn't deserve the crap that Teddy does to him.  (And in all honesty, every character has significant flaws, so either they are all rehabbed or none are.  I just go with it.)  

  • Love 9


11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

When Richard was talking to Bailey at the end about how great the toll is going to be on the health care workers, I was shouting "THAT'S WHY YOU NEED THERAPISTS ON STAFF." Ahem.

I was with Maggie all the way till she said that if the virus affected White people the way it affects Blacks, mask wearing would be legislated. I was willing to give Jackson a pass last week but I have to comment here.

I did a literature search and while people of African and SE Asian origin are more affected by COVID-19, the reason why is not known. Is it because they are less likely to have good medical care and living conditions? Is it because they are more likely to be in a job that doesn't let them work from home (e.g. bus driver)? Is there something in their morphology?

Interestingly, mortality rates in Africa are lower than in Europe and North America and it's been suggested that it's because they are more accustomed to epidemics and accepting the safety procedures like hand washing and social distancing that mitigate them.

Countries like Belgium, Italy and Spain have higher per capita mortality than the US but a much lower percentage of African-origin people. That goes against what Maggie was saying.

If Maggie's statement wasn't an actual lie, it was a lot of bending of the facts.

Or any indigenous character at all.

The Covid pandemic has been devastating on First Nations communities but you wouldn't know it from this show.

As of Dec 8 1 out of every 800 black person in this country had died of Covid and 1 out of every 750 indigimous person and that is likely due to lack of access to care both in crisis but also more uncontrolled pre-existing conditions due to lack of access to care.   What the numbers are in other countries don't matter at all for what Maggie is seeing in Seattle and it doesn't matter at all for how legislation has gone with regard to this disease.  

If 1 out of every 750 white people were dead in this country we'd be taking it much, much, much more seriously.  That was Maggie's point and we can't know for certain unless those numbers flip... it is very, very, very likely.   

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, pennben said:

I think Maggie’s statement was in response to early rates in the United States.  That wasn’t a lie or a bending of facts.  That was the reality. Remember, they are, at least as far as I know, just in the early days on the show.  

It wasn't a lie then..  It isn't a lie now.  

1 in every 1000 black people had died of Covid when the statistic made a little bit of a splash when mentioned during one of the presidential debates on September 29th.  People were all, "that' can't be right" but it fact checked out."  That number was fact checked to 1 out of every 1020 in mid September.

As of December 8th 1 in every 800 black people in this country have died of Covid.   We're still going through rising numbers in the winter surge.  This number is likely going to get higher in the coming weeks.   


  • Love 8

Geez what is happening with Teddy?

Who names their child after someone they had an affair with? Also maybe discuss that story before you name them with your partner.  She’s terrible.  Also how can she keep feeling sorry for herself while everyone is suffering. 

Maybe I could get behind Owen and Jo.  Doesn’t two negatives make a positive or something

I feel so terrible for Tom and Meredith.  Also those girls who had to set the fire, how terrifying. 

  • Love 4
58 minutes ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Did I zone out? I don’t remember anything about Owen and Amelia and a “controversy surgery”


I think Amelia performed brain surgery on the guy who had a stroke.  The controversy was about saving his life when he was such horrible, criminal, asshole person who kidnapped those girls so they could be trafficked.

Edited by izabella
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I don't mind the PSA topics being covered--I like to see a show do that--but I wish they were better written and delivered. They really jump out as PSAs as opposed to a natural conversation or part of the storyline. 

I get that Teddy is hoping to come clean but she didn't fully come clean (and I was having an affair) and really how would you expect Owen to react? They really wrote her into a ditch. 

Glasses is less annoying when he's interacting with Jo. I still keep hoping they'll kill him off though. 

I hope they keep Tom. Such a great actor. 

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25 minutes ago, RedbirdNelly said:


Glasses is less annoying when he's interacting with Jo. I still keep hoping they'll kill him off though. 


I realized last episode that Glasses was living her and I felt so sorry for her. Between the hospital and having to put up with Glasses at home,, no wonder she feels like she lacks joy in her life. 

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16 hours ago, Bulldog said:

How is possible to agree with something a character is saying and still despise how it is delivered?  Maggie's speech about POC and COVID was just like nails on a chalkboard.  I think its because McCready just isn't a strong enough actress to pull off such a scene.  Chandra Wilson could have done it with no problem.  McCready, not so much.  It felt like watching a freshman in a high school play trying to deliver a dramatic monologue (back when kids were allowed to have high school plays).

Yes.  She was definitely the wrong person to be delivering that message.  Also, it's a good thing there had to be some distance between them because with her deranged lisping, I was afraid she was going to spit on Amelia.  I liked how Amelia just sat there and listened calmly. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

Glasses is less annoying when he's interacting with Jo. I still keep hoping they'll kill him off though. 

45 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

I realized last episode that Glasses was living her and I felt so sorry for her. Between the hospital and having to put up with Glasses at home,, no wonder she feels like she lacks joy in her life. 

I just realized after an interview with CL that Glasses/Jo once hooked up. I wonder if any of the writers remember that.


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Tom and Meredith do play off each other well. I kind of like him as another Alex for her, though. They have that more comfortable chemistry, which could go more romantic, but he's still getting over what's her name. Teddy. 

I don't mind the PSA-type story lines. I've read about everything they've included this season, but it doesn't seem to sink in where it needs to in the world. Grey's has a huge audience through netflix as well as cable TV. If anyone should be bashing us over the head with all of it, it's a big show like this one. 

With Owen and Teddy - he is as bad as she is. He was all "confused" and would always go back to Cristina, but then he cheated on her, because she didn't want what he wanted. It's all ridiculous. Amelia sent him to Teddy, she booted him out when she found out why he was there (which was an unexpected move from her). Of course they needed the drama, so they brought her back, and end up making her the bad guy. Again. Owen dumped a woman he was talking about marriage and children with - and looking for a home together - because he loved Cristina. He was in bed with one woman in the morning, and another that night. 

*Not looking to get into it with anyone, on any of this.

Edited by Anela
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Did anyone else think it was Tom when Meredith saw the monitor going off across from her room? I was relieved when it wasn't (yes, I'm a Tom fan...). I think it was realistic that they had her collapse and decline after trying to save the patient--one of the things they've said makes COVID so challenging is that people can seem to be doing/feeling better, then suddenly crash.

I'm not generally a Maggie fan, but I do like her with Winston. And I totally teared up when he showed up at her door (though I was sort of like, "but masks!")

And I also didn't recognize the redhead, but I have some degree of face blindness and am bad at recognizing people anyway...but it might have helped if they'd done one of those epic "previously on" (do they do those anymore?) and included a clip of that episode.

And I really have no idea how Teddy thought confessing to the Allison thing was going to help Owen forgive her...

Edited by MarylandGirl
Realized one part should have gone in Spoilers and Speculation instead.
  • Love 7

I gotta take a victory lap y'all. I called this after the premiere.

Seriously, I almost fell out when Teddy confessed. I know I've been saying that Koracick is going to die but I'm starting to wonder if it may be Teddy. At this point I don't know if it will be COVID or Owen just shoving her in front of an ambulance on his way to court to change Alison's name to "Cristina." 

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