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S08.E05: My Big Fat Broken Heart

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Twit re-writing history. She told Heather and Ashley that Chase said he still loves her. Ummm... No, he didn't, Twit. She asked him on the phone,

Whit :"Are you in a relationship with her"? (regarding baby mama)

Chase: Yes

Twit "Do you love her?"

Chase: Yes

He may have said he loves Twit as a friend or cares about her but she made it sound like "He still loves me" as if there is a shred of hope for them as a couple.  The lies she tells!!


She probably wants to spin it as ‘He made a mistake and really wants to be with me but he needs to be a good father so he will stay with baby momma.’ It seems chase is willing to go along to an extent as in the preview he says “ Well I had to break one woman’s heart and it wasn’t going to be the woman who is carrying my child.” However his tone was boarder line hostile. He is ready to grab that cheque and disappear into obscurity.

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12 hours ago, auntjess said:

So how for how long can they string out this story line?  Next week is called "Whitney Confronts Chase," but hasn't she done that in the past 2 episodes?
I love that U-verse describes her as "a 380-pound dancer and radio host who has learned to embrace her body..."

AT&T describes her as a dancer who is on a weight loss journey 🤣 

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Todd’s smirking snark when they gathered to decorate cars is the stuff I live for!  “I am shooketh. Whitney was going to be a blushing bride, but all of that came to a crashing halt when Chase...Congratulations to him and his baby mama is what I would like to say to them.”  Followed by one of his famous knowing looks and a nod.

Regarding that sweet dog, I am hoping it actually belongs to one of the production people. She is just too well-behaved and well-adjusted for me to believe she was recently in a shelter and then dropped into the chaos known as Whitney’s life.  Maybe the dog earns a check from TLC, too?

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If some guy cheated on me and wanted to meet up, no way in hell I’d meet him half way. His ass can come to me. 

However, I also wouldn’t have a paycheck that depended on the meeting. 

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I can’t help but wonder if Chase’s real girlfriend got tired of him pretending to be another woman’s fiancé on national television and decided to put a stop to it. After all, there are ways to prevent a pregnancy.

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43 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

If some guy cheated on me and wanted to meet up, no way in hell I’d meet him half way. His ass can come to me. 

However, I also wouldn’t have a paycheck that depended on the meeting. 

I don’t think Chase wanted to meet up at all. Whitney convinced him to “make an appearance” for the storyline. I’m surprised he didn’t make her go to Wilmington. 

34 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t help but wonder if Chase’s real girlfriend got tired of him pretending to be another woman’s fiancé on national television and decided to put a stop to it. After all, there are ways to prevent a pregnancy.

I’m not sure she got pregnant on purpose. I’ve always believed the leak that made the pregnancy public which then forced the show to admit it was on purpose. I’m sure Chase signed a confidentiality agreement. But once the baby was on the way I think Chase and the mom decided they didn’t want to play this anymore, especially since the wedding was scheduled to be after the baby was born. If he was involved in filming it could even threaten his ability to be at the birth and then care for the baby etc. So I think they got a friend to leak the news. Once it was out online the show couldn’t ignore it and he was free except for the break up part of the storyline. 

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OK, I broke down and watched this episode because the title was just too appealing.

Follow me here. She had a panic attack. So the doctors told her not to work out???  In what fucking world does she exist? I have dealt with depression and anxiety my entire life and the first thing they will tell you is to get off your ass and exercise because it creates endorphins that make you feel better. So what a convenient excuse for her to just sit on her ass. She is a piece of work!!

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

Follow me here. She had a panic attack. So the doctors told her not to work out???  In what fucking world does she exist? I have dealt with depression and anxiety my entire life and the first thing they will tell you is to get off your ass and exercise because it creates endorphins that make you feel better. So what a convenient excuse for her to just sit on her ass. She is a piece of work!!

That's exactly why I don't think she went to the hospital for panic attacks. She's had cardiac scares in the past and at her size, there's no telling what might have sent her to the ER (twice!). And as we've pointed out, antidepressants are tiny little pills that come in little bottles. That looked like the kind of bottle that we'd see with antibiotics or steroids (which are much bigger pills). 

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4 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t help but wonder if Chase’s real girlfriend got tired of him pretending to be another woman’s fiancé on national television and decided to put a stop to it. After all, there are ways to prevent a pregnancy.

Nah, I suspect it was too much bubbly on New Years Eve, which led to a forgotten  condom. 

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So in my opinion she was blindsided by the pregnancy - I think her snark and nasty attitude in the last few eps were because Chase was sticking to the storyline he was paid to do and hadn't gone ahead and fallen in love with her like I'm sure she was hoping would happen even though she knew it was fake.  So she was giving attitude in preparation for the fact that she was dumping him at the end of the season.  Having him take control of his storyline in such a public and humiliating way is certainly cause for buckets of tears!

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1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

Whitney has lost control of the narrative. She’s angry, bitter, nasty, and miserable. And she has no one to blame but herself. 

To me the sad part is that she doesn't really get why.  Of course it's easy to blame your fat when you weigh over 300 lbs.  But for instance - I've been cheated on by dirty rotten boyfriends and then have had cause to say something like "that fucker's getting married and I haven't had a date in months".  But I have never phrased (or thought of it) in such a way as "Well, he doesn't have ME but he does have the wife he married" - to me that was a weird way for her to be thinking - like this man who's happy with his pregnant girlfriend is sitting around at night going "but damn, I don't have Whitney".  Clearly he doesn't care or he'd be with you!

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3 hours ago, princelina said:

So in my opinion she was blindsided by the pregnancy - I think her snark and nasty attitude in the last few eps were because Chase was sticking to the storyline he was paid to do and hadn't gone ahead and fallen in love with her like I'm sure she was hoping would happen even though she knew it was fake.  So she was giving attitude in preparation for the fact that she was dumping him at the end of the season.  Having him take control of his storyline in such a public and humiliating way is certainly cause for buckets of tears!

I think you're right about this.  I think that while she still thought Chase was single and a free agent she was under the delusion that she could "win him over" even though their relationship was fake at the start.  And him turning up suddenly and without warning with not only someone else but a baby to make it all the more final was a genuine crushing blow.  So at least some of those ugly tears we saw were genuine, as was all that stuff about thinking that if she were thinner this wouldn't have happened, as if that's the only reason he didn't succumb to her "fabulousness".  As if her repugnant personality wasn't the main thing that put him off - and as if harboring childish hopes that some guy she hired to play her fake "fiancé" was going to fall for her "in real life" wasn't pathetic, and sad.  Or thinking that she was the one in control of the situation and making it all happen to her own benefit.

But no matter all that, it was a genuine crushing blow to her at a bad time during the pandemic, when I'm sure her thoughts also went to her weight as the reason she is high risk for severe illness with the virus, and more wishful thinking that if she could just be thin all of that worry would lessen as well.  I get that.  If only I could lose a few decades and a few pounds I wouldn't be high risk for Covid either, plus men would be all over me like they used to be, LOL.  But she vacillates between being over confident and caving underconfidence, and it's really sad.  What she really needs is psychotherapy at this point. 

I had a crushing blow during the early days of the pandemic when my 92 year old father died of Covid in NYC.  It was a truly tragic situation and I could not have a proper funeral or memorial for him and I was forced to cremate him.  I have no other family other than my husband and so those days were very dark indeed for me because other than phone calls and zooms I had no way to meet with anyone in person to process my grief.  So I get how she could be feeling at this point, even though her self indulgence doesn't compare with the real horror that I and others who have lost people to this have gone through.  I just hope her father gets a clue soon.  

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From an E! News article, published last month:

”...While she's been able to lean on those closest in her life, online critics claiming her relationship with Chase was fake haven't made matters any easier. "It's really disheartening to me that every relationship I've ever been in that's been public, people have said this. This is nothing new," she pointed out. "I read about myself online all the time. People actually say that my friends are paid actors or that nobody could really like me, so obviously they must be getting a big benefit from it."

Whitney notices the speculation ramps up more so around her romantic relationships with men. "It's not surprising. I think it's just sad. I think it's a sad reflection on the fact that people think that fat women can't be loved or that they have a feeling that this person is too attractive or this person's too good for her or why would they want her?" she said. "To me, it just speaks about how people view fat women."

Riiiiiiiiiight.  It can’t possibly be that beneath all of that fat lies an incredibly unattractive personality...or that every one of her made-for-TV-romances hasn’t involved anyone (including her) with enough acting talent to persuade viewers it was genuine in the first place.  It MUST be society’s disdain for fat women.

Edited by kicotan
Visuals & grammar
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2 hours ago, kicotan said:

From an E! News article, published last month:

”...While she's been able to lean on those closest in her life, online critics claiming her relationship with Chase was fake haven't made matters any easier. "It's really disheartening to me that every relationship I've ever been in that's been public, people have said this. This is nothing new," she pointed out. "I read about myself online all the time. People actually say that my friends are paid actors or that nobody could really like me, so obviously they must be getting a big benefit from it."

Whitney notices the speculation ramps up more so around her romantic relationships with men. "It's not surprising. I think it's just sad. I think it's a sad reflection on the fact that people think that fat women can't be loved or that they have a feeling that this person is too attractive or this person's too good for her or why would they want her?" she said. "To me, it just speaks about how people view fat women."

Riiiiiiiiiight.  It can’t possibly be that beneath all of that fat lies an incredibly unattractive personality...or that every one of her made-for-TV-romances hasn’t involved anyone (including her) with enough acting talent to persuade viewers it was genuine in the first place.  It MUST be society’s disdain for fat women.

Exactly!  Plus how just the opposite of her now to claim that others doubt that she could attract such men when she herself was sitting on the couch blubbering all through this episode that just the opposite is true, that it's a sad reality that a woman of her size is routinely rejected by men in favor of a thinner woman - so which one is it?  And she also complained in this episode about how most men don't look deeper - honey, it's not that, they DO look deeper and are grossed out by what they find about your personality more than your appearance!

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27 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

honey, it's not that, they DO look deeper and are grossed out by what they find about your personality more than your appearance!

I think what happened with Ryan and Chase are examples of this. I think Ryan went into business with Whitney because he wanted to start the online stuff and he really believed Whitney was an advocate for exercise at any size and meeting people where they are physically. Then when the storyline called for a boyfriend Chase agreed. He figured he’d make some money, travel, hang with Ryan. How bad could it be? But then, after it was too late, they looked deeper and discovered that Whitney is horrible. Chase’s ability to act around her got worse as he got to know her to the point where eventually he could barely stand to be with her. Ryan is angry and disgusted by her because she was lazy during NoBSActive and after he put all of that work into NoBS and it was succeeding in spite of Whitney, she cancelled it because she’s hurt over a fake breakup. And from the scene where she begrudgingly gives him a check, it appears she didn’t even want to keep up that bargain or acknowledge that he had anything to do with NoBS. 

She was fat the entire time she knew Ryan and Chase. They only started being disgusted with her when they got to know her. So again, it’s not because she’s fat.

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1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

Once again Whitney completely distorts everything to fit her ‘poor me’ storyline. 

First, I have never seen any comments that say her friends are fake or that she’s too fat to have friends. We all know that Heather, Todd, Buddy, Tal etc have been her friends for a long time. What we have said on this forum is that because everyone but Whitney has a life, it does look like she sees these people much outside of filming. This is pretty typical for high school relationships. We’ve also said that these friends all look very tired of playing the ‘blow sunshine up Whitney’s ass’ game. The second they tell Whitney anything remotely true or confrontational (like a real friend would) she shoots daggers at them. We know Heather is sick of the ‘Buddy’s ex-girlfriend’ role. Whitney has enough influence on how the show goes to show Heather as more than that. But she didn’t. I could go on, but we all know the examples. The point is that NEVER has anyone said her friends are fake. She’s just crappy to them and they are getting sick of it. Absolutely none of that has anything to do with her weight. 

As far relationships, yep we’ve said they are fake. That’s because they are and poorly done ones at that. Don’t claim to have a guy in the bag when everyone knows he’s gay. Don’t claim to be engaged to a guy who has been living with another woman for several years (I can’t remember the date someone posted that they moved into the house they are in). Don’t claim a relationship is real when it coincides perfectly with the filming of your TV show. Stop doing crap like that and people will stop saying you hired someone.

And really no one here has said she can’t have a real relationship. As Buddy pointed out, and she tried to ignore, fat people have successful relationships and marriage. It’s harder to attract someone. That’s just reality. But her issue is her lack of anything in her life and her personality. She needs to get off her ass. Get a job. Get a life. Bathe regularly. Wear clothes. Learn to think about someone other than herself. Establish some kind of adult components to her life. Then, even if she’s obese, she could find someone. She said in her whine to Buddy that no one will ever just feel lucky to have her. Well no - probably not. Who would feel happy to have such a narcissist in their lives. But again - that has nothing to do with your weight. 

So no Whitney, try reading comments again. On the whole people are not saying your friendships and relationships are fake because fat people can’t have those things. People are saying that while being obese makes finding a partner harder, your narcissistic, obnoxious personality is what is preventing you from establishing a real relationship and is driving your friends away.

This (in the bold). And yes, as usual, Whitey defaults everything to her being fat versus her vile, annoying, self-centered and delusional personality. Half the people in this country are fat and married or in relationships, so Whitney has no ground to stand on here. 

As far as the "fakery", Chase often appeared to have no interest in Whitney which is why I thought the whole thing was fake. If he was a plant, she clearly fell head over heels and he was just not that into her but went along with the story. Sometimes it looked like he wouldn't get away from Whitney fast enough when a scene was over with. How could the audience NOT see this relationship as fake? 

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

Exactly!  Plus how just the opposite of her now to claim that others doubt that she could attract such men when she herself was sitting on the couch blubbering all through this episode that just the opposite is true, that it's a sad reality that a woman of her size is routinely rejected by men in favor of a thinner woman - so which one is it?  And she also complained in this episode about how most men don't look deeper - honey, it's not that, they DO look deeper and are grossed out by what they find about your personality more than your appearance!

Ugh, when she was outside with Buddy and trying to use her weight as her excuse for everything, I kept saying, "No, it's because you're an asshole." 

I never cared much for Ryan, but damn, when he blew on the glass, drew a heart in the steam, waved, and then walked away with that Cheshire cat smile on his face, I think I sort of loved him in that moment.  😂


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33 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Ugh, when she was outside with Buddy and trying to use her weight as her excuse for everything, I kept saying, "No, it's because you're an asshole." 

I never cared much for Ryan, but damn, when he blew on the glass, drew a heart in the steam, waved, and then walked away with that Cheshire cat smile on his face, I think I sort of loved him in that moment.  😂


That was my favorite part of the entire episode - and probably top 5 for the series. 

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I don't see where this show goes from here. 'Whitney tries to heal her broken heart'? By what- throwing herself back into her 'business'? Working out really, really hard? 🤣 Surely they're not going to try another romance-with who? Buddy has stuck around, but doesn't show any sign of being willing to act the part of a lover. Hire another actor and do a better background check this time?

Other than that, what is there? She can't actually lose weight, because that would destroy the premise of the show. But as she is, she's boring and pretty depressing, with no 'fabulous' future likely anymore.

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1 hour ago, Persnickety1 said:

I never cared much for Ryan, but damn, when he blew on the glass, drew a heart in the steam, waved, and then walked away with that Cheshire cat smile on his face, I think I sort of loved him in that moment.  😂


That smile was one of the few genuine moments on this show and I loved it.

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Besides the super obvious lack of chemistry or even basic politeness between Chase and Whitney, what drives home that it was definitely fake for me was how much everyone in Whitney's life was on Chase's side.  Babs talked about how much she genuinely liked him and they seemed very relaxed with each other.  Ashley went so far as to say she was happy for Chase and wanted to congratulate him 😂  Todd also said something about congratulating him, as far as I remember.   Buddy, who I think genuinely didn't like Chase, was confused as to why Whitney was so miserable while she was moping on the couch.  Even Whitney telling her fans to be nice to him and "liking" pictures of his baby screamed "fake"  None of that would have happened if this wasn't a "made for tv" relationship.  None of these reasons have anything to do with her weight. 

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On 12/9/2020 at 11:18 AM, bichonblitz said:

I was liking Buddy (normally can't stand the lump) because he seemed completely 

I wish Whit would pay more attention to the dog. That sweet, well trained beautiful dog. She ignores him. Where's the snuggles and petting and kissing? Put a leash on him and go for a nice long walk. You can do that in quarantine, Twitney. 

No, she probably can't. 1. Lazy 2. Physically unable (remember Hawaii?)

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12 minutes ago, Cache said:

No, she probably can't. 1. Lazy 2. Physically unable (remember Hawaii?)

Oh lordy, who could possibly forget???   

I can never decide which was more entertaining, her attempt at skiing or that Coconut marathon.  😂

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9 hours ago, kicotan said:

From an E! News article, published last month:

”...While she's been able to lean on those closest in her life, online critics claiming her relationship with Chase was fake haven't made matters any easier. "It's really disheartening to me that every relationship I've ever been in that's been public, people have said this. This is nothing new," she pointed out. "I read about myself online all the time. People actually say that my friends are paid actors or that nobody could really like me, so obviously they must be getting a big benefit from it."

I believe that what happened with Avi could have been real 😄 

7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

As far relationships, yep we’ve said they are fake. That’s because they are and poorly done ones at that. Don’t claim to have a guy in the bag when everyone knows he’s gay. Don’t claim to be engaged to a guy who has been living with another woman for several years (I can’t remember the date someone posted that they moved into the house they are in). Don’t claim a relationship is real when it coincides perfectly with the filming of your TV show. Stop doing crap like that and people will stop saying you hired someone.

You forgot:  Don't pretend to be pregnant or a lesbian for a 2-episode story arc

6 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Ryan is angry and disgusted by her because she was lazy during NoBSActive and after he put all of that work into NoBS and it was succeeding in spite of Whitney, she cancelled it because she’s hurt over a fake breakup.

Ryan and Todd should team up - he could do the strength training and Todd the cardio/dance!  They could call it NoBsActuallyActive!

3 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I don't see where this show goes from here. 'Whitney tries to heal her broken heart'? By what- throwing herself back into her 'business'? Working out really, really hard? 🤣 Surely they're not going to try another romance-with who? Buddy has stuck around, but doesn't show any sign of being willing to act the part of a lover. Hire another actor and do a better background check this time?

Other than that, what is there? She can't actually lose weight, because that would destroy the premise of the show. But as she is, she's boring and pretty depressing, with no 'fabulous' future likely anymore.

See I totally disagree with this.  It's not like she's going to get down to 125 between seasons.  The original premise of the show was supposed to be two-fold - that she was working on getting healthy, but not waiting until it finished happening in order to try new stuff.  I think that actually going on a "weight loss journey" is one of her few options left to save the show.

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Or they could bring back Lennie, still devastated from Whitney losing his baby, to suggest they try again, and also check out adoption as a couple. It would be pretty revolting, but I wouldn't put it past them. Or maybe Caneche, or Neeshi or Puppygirl or Goosiegirl, or whatever else she's calling that poor dog, could turn out to be of (fake) championship quality, and Whitney could start taking her around the country to compete in (fake) dog shows.  A few fake blue ribbons would make Whitney feel so much better!

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9 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

that poor dog, could turn out to be of (fake) championship quality, and Whitney could start taking her around the country to compete in (fake) dog shows. 

Oh, I can see her now- in leggings and sports bra, lumbering around the show ring with the dog, huffing and puffing and having to stop every few seconds to catch her breath, while the dog stands there waiting for her to catch up.😆

38 minutes ago, princelina said:

The original premise of the show was supposed to be two-fold - that she was working on getting healthy, but not waiting until it finished happening in order to try new stuff. 

Really? I just started watching this year, but I definitely had the impression that she was just trying to be 'fit', not thinner. In fact, I thought she was actively hostile to suggestions of weight loss. Also, she's had 8 seasons, and she looks exactly as fat as she did in 2015. 

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23 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Or they could bring back Lennie, still devastated from Whitney losing his baby, to suggest they try again, and also check out adoption as a couple. It would be pretty revolting, but I wouldn't put it past them. Or maybe Caneche, or Neeshi or Puppygirl or Goosiegirl, or whatever else she's calling that poor dog, could turn out to be of (fake) championship quality, and Whitney could start taking her around the country to compete in (fake) dog shows.  A few fake blue ribbons would make Whitney feel so much better!

I would love to believe you are wrong but you could very well be right. 
Part of me is wondering if it really is over. It would explain the barnacles willingness to say closer to what they think than the ‘Whitney is amazing’ drivel they’ve done before. But with COVID, it seems like it would be harder to start a new show than to let one continue even if it’s pathetic and dull. 

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5 hours ago, sempervivum said:

I don't see where this show goes from here. 'Whitney tries to heal her broken heart'? By what- throwing herself back into her 'business'? Working out really, really hard? 🤣 Surely they're not going to try another romance-with who? Buddy has stuck around, but doesn't show any sign of being willing to act the part of a lover. Hire another actor and do a better background check this time?

Other than that, what is there? She can't actually lose weight, because that would destroy the premise of the show. But as she is, she's boring and pretty depressing, with no 'fabulous' future likely anymore.

Wasn't the original premise of this show Supposed to be a weight loss journey?

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4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I can never decide which was more entertaining, her attempt at skiing or that Coconut marathon.  😂

Leprechaun in parade for me.


Or, maybe Dr. Proctor since he's closer in Atlanta?

I think she'd do better with him, because  Dr. Now would NOT tolerate her bullshit.

Edited by auntjess
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2 hours ago, Nicmar said:

Wasn't the original premise of this show Supposed to be a weight loss journey?

I could be wrong but I thought it was Fat Acceptance.  Perhaps not a weight LOSS journey, per se, but a “I’m not getting near 300 but I won’t push 400 either because PCOS and I’m a DANCER so don’t discriminate against me or bully me because it is physically impossible for me to not be fat and I’m fabulous anyway” journey...or something to that effect.

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4 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Really? I just started watching this year, but I definitely had the impression that she was just trying to be 'fit', not thinner. In fact, I thought she was actively hostile to suggestions of weight loss. Also, she's had 8 seasons, and she looks exactly as fat as she did in 2015. 


3 hours ago, Nicmar said:

Wasn't the original premise of this show Supposed to be a weight loss journey?

The original premise, from what I recall, was that PCOS had rendered her fat and depressed, but then she danced with Todd just for the joy of it, and when the video went viral and haters started hatin, she realized that she didn't care, and whilst she wanted to be healthy, she didn't want to miss out on life while waiting to achieve the perfect weight.  She didn't even think she necessarily needed to ever be the perfect weight - but told us that she knew extreme obesity was not healthy and she was going to tackle it! So we were treated to episodes, for example, of her going bathing suit shopping for the first time in EVER, and visiting the beach to frolic exuberantly in the waves.  At the same time we were also shown a doctors appt which outlined future problems (like the diabetes!) which were creeping up on her, and which she bravely determined to master.  She did eat healthy for a week or two and brought her blood sugar down a bit, and that's the last we heard of that.  By season 2 she had done nothing towards the fitness/health goals, and that's when she announced to Buddy, on camera, that she "liked being fat" and the shenanigans ensued.  And so it has been for the rest of the seasons.  She did show off working out with Will for a bit,  until he busted her on camera with a car full of junk food wrappers and half of a giant cookie ("But I am trying!  I didn't eat the whole thing!" she bleated through sobs).  Before she bought her house Babs was shown dragging dirty food plates and empty wine bottles out of her room.  Glen opened the hatch of her car to scold her because it was filled with trash, mainly empty fast food wrappers and soda bottles, etc.  And of course the famous eating ice cream in the car, and her three pizza apps which can bring her a tasty treat at any time of the day.  I wouldn't say she went downhill as much as her true behaviors were exposed, and her original goal of getting fit was thrown out the window because it involved effort.  So now she acts like that was never her goal in the first place.

1 hour ago, auntjess said:

Leprechaun in parade for me.

Me too 😄 

Edited by princelina
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On 12/9/2020 at 12:18 PM, bichonblitz said:

The friends driving three hours to Charlotte to drive by Whit's with ballons and birthday wishes was sweet but I don't think they would have ever done that if the producers didn't tell them they had to. 

For the record, it's only 1 1/2 hours each way...drive up, endure Whit, leave, go have a nice lunch outdoors and commiserate, then drive back...not too bad, especially since they're getting paid for it!  

On 12/9/2020 at 4:44 PM, DanaMB said:

If some guy cheated on me and wanted to meet up, no way in hell I’d meet him half way. His ass can come to me. 

Her reasoning was so odd...I don't want him in my house on the one hand, and I'm not driving all the way to Wilmington on the other.  So why couldn't he drive to Charlotte and they just meet somewhere that wasn't her house?  Makes a heck of a lot more sense than meeting at some random gas station (which she called a "rest stop"), which means she has to inconvenience herself.

On 12/8/2020 at 9:48 PM, Hana Chan said:

Taking steps to lose weight isn't betraying her ideals because those ideals just sucked.

I don't actually think that it's losing weight that would betray her ideals...I think that if she ended up losing weight by making a decision to eat well and exercise, and not with the express goal of losing weight, that she'd be fine with it.  I think it's the intentionality of WLS that betrays her ideals.

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4 hours ago, auntjess said:

Leprechaun in parade for me.

I think she'd do better with him, because  Dr. Now would NOT tolerate her bullshit.


8 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

Oh lordy, who could possibly forget???   

I can never decide which was more entertaining, her attempt at skiing or that Coconut marathon.  😂

Leprechaun and skiing, yes, but let’s not forget her attempt to do her signature move, Todd’s reaction,



and the fact that she basically got an “award” for lifting her foot 2 inches off the ground.


Edited by Irate Panda
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I must have watched the wrong episode, because I went to the show's Facebook page, and saw this.



Whitney’s heart was broken but her friends helped her rise above… if you missed it, grab your tissues and catch it again on #MyBigFatFabLife

OK, I still have the tissues, what was I supposed to do with them?

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30 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How obnoxious do you have to be to be given the most devastating news of your life and your mama bails on you 2 day later? Wow. Babs wasn't hanging around for that any longer than she had to. 

I think it was scripted, so Babs and Whit both knew that it was coming.

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I know I am way late, but my god Buddy looks ROUGH. What even happened dude? Anyway, everyone else said what I wanted to say, but it's so crazy to me that Whitney was immediately "I need to find another man." Like at least try to remember you're pretending you were in love with him and you probably need to wait longer than ten minutes to try and start looking for another dude to pester into knocking you up. I also could have done without her whole "nobody treats fat people well, everyone judges me and the person who chooses to be with you" pity party, it just exposes how fake her "I'm fat and empowered" spiel is. 

Deep down she knows that her weight negatively affects her life. But if she admitted that, then she'd have to actually work to change herself, and we all know she won't. It's too much work and it's also too scary to do try and then maybe still not end up happy because the weight isn't her only issue, it's jus the one that's immediately obvious. It takes a pretty brave person to look at the ways in which you're making your own life worse and really change and not many truly ever do it.

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

How obnoxious do you have to be to be given the most devastating news of your life and your mama bails on you 2 day later? Wow. Babs wasn't hanging around for that any longer than she had to. 

Yeah, I did think that was weird, especially, since they been pushing the whole Babs needs to be saved from Glen pandemic storyline. Also, got a giggle out of Heather’s kinda point out Buddy can kind of drop everything to rush to Whitney.  If they label this woman as Buddy’s ex-girlfriend one more time 🙄, it would be like if they labeled  Todd, Whitney’s eternal dance partner every episode.  If anything it should say, Whitney’s friend, I mean it’s Whitney’s show and she’s enough of a friend she made Heather her “maid of honor”.  

Who’s the guy that shows up in the previews?  Was that supposed to be Lennie?

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2 hours ago, missnoa said:

I know I am way late, but my god Buddy looks ROUGH. What even happened dude? Anyway, everyone else said what I wanted to say, but it's so crazy to me that Whitney was immediately "I need to find another man." Like at least try to remember you're pretending you were in love with him and you probably need to wait longer than ten minutes to try and start looking for another dude to pester into knocking you up. I also could have done without her whole "nobody treats fat people well, everyone judges me and the person who chooses to be with you" pity party, it just exposes how fake her "I'm fat and empowered" spiel is. 

Deep down she knows that her weight negatively affects her life. But if she admitted that, then she'd have to actually work to change herself, and we all know she won't. It's too much work and it's also too scary to do try and then maybe still not end up happy because the weight isn't her only issue, it's jus the one that's immediately obvious. It takes a pretty brave person to look at the ways in which you're making your own life worse and really change and not many truly ever do it.

This is what irritates me, she’s makes it seem like fat people never find love anytime or where.  Yet, I met plenty of people that were fat and married.  More than half the country is overweight/obese, so none of these people are dating or married?  I’d be fine if she said, it’s harder being fat....blah blah blah.  So being fat affects her dating life, but in no way is a detriment to her health? Ummm...ok.  The only thin people on the show are Todd and Tal, Heather is not fat but is not thin either, all the other are chunky to overweight yet are married, were married or in committed relationships.  I’ll even throw out Babs and Glen if you want to say they were thin when they got married, but Ashley is in a committed relationship and Buddy stays finding a woman (only God knows how).  So this fat theory only applies to Whitney somehow. I just get so tired of her whining about something that is not really her problem.

Edited by Irate Panda
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On 12/9/2020 at 12:07 AM, John M said:

Buddy being the sense of reason, wow.

"Plenty of fat women have happy marriages."


Maybe you would find more luck finding a partner if once they looked past your weight the only thing there wasn't an awful personality desperate for any kind of attention, even if it means humiliating yourself. 

very well said John

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