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S15.E07: Renewals and Regrets

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

Episodes happen in episode time. Do not mention any current information or social media.

This is NOT a place to debate anything about COVID. Do not engage in this conversation.  Stick to the show.

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30 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Shannon’s egg moment made me super uncomfortable. Like, just eat the eggs and go back to your regular diet when you get home later in the day. That kind of reaction should probably be reserved for true food allergies. Unless you have an egg allergy or some other medical reason not to eat egg or egg yolk, a single whole egg will not kill you. I get that it’s frustrating not to get what you ordered, but THE DRAMA. GEEZ.

I was appalled at how rude she was to the hotel help the night before...her behavior the next morning was just disgraceful. Taking a bite of the egg and making faces then putting it back on the plate with the other uneaten eggs...making faces at the orange juice after smelling it first, then complaining that the egg whites weren't cooked right and not eating them. OMG...she is just an entitled rude stuck up snob. And her drinking is out of control. She cannot handle hard alcohol...stick to wine spritzers honey you made an ass out of yourself and embarrassed your boyfriend and daughters. She needs counseling and to get off the show. Was the boyfriend making fun of her at the reception when he was talking to her daughters? I don't see this relationship lasting long...he seems somewhat normal but I think he's one of those guys that lurks around the Housewife tapings or finds out where they socialize so he can meet one and hook up. Marty from RHONJ was one of those guys and there have been a few of them that have pursued some housewives from the RHONY cast through the years.

16 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

It will be gone in 60 days .. it’s all big pharma lol how freaking stupid does she think she sounds now 

That's an Info Wars conpsiracy theory that was floating around during the early months of the pandemic. 


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On 11/25/2020 at 9:51 PM, Steph J said:

Is it wrong that I hope Braunwyn knowingly sent the two kids with lice over to her awful mother's house?

Ha ha!!! I loathe her mother...and her  husband looked like he had the hots for Braunwyn...he was making me uncomfortable with the way he was manhandling her....eccchhhh. Her mother looks like a hippie clown that traveled around with Wavy Gravy back in the '60's.

Edited by BrownBear2012
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16 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Back in March, people figured covid would be over in 60 days..so can't fault Elizabeth for that.

Shannon seems sad still, but man Brownie's son is a prick (just like his parents).  And is anyone surprised Sophie opted for Texas for college..anyone?

Emily is 2 faced...but this is the same woman that's friends with Gretchen, Lizzie and Tamra.  Didn't she not like anyone speculating on her relationship with Shane..yet now she's doing it to Elizabeth?

Elizabeth reminds me of Vicki..if she didn't scream  or woohoo all the time.  Her Indiana Jones style hat was interesting 

 I never bought into the  "it'll be over in a couple of months" thing...Maybe because my father was an epidemiologist and he had said a few years back that a pandemic like the one in 1918 is overdue and we would likely have one at some point in the near future. 

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10 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:


That's an Info Wars conpsiracy theory that was floating around during the early months of the pandemic. 


yea the second Kelly trotted out the "more people die from the flu" line I was like here we go ....

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

yea the second Kelly trotted out the "more people die from the flu" line I was like here we go ....

She said that before in another episode...she's such a moron. And her immaturity was on full display last night in another middle school level of sex talk and bragging about how much sex she and Rick have. I think she would even make Howard Stern blush with the crude and over the top way she doles out sex advice and then brags about her own sex life. 

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Gina's talking heads and funny expressions are awesome. 

While Casita usually irritates me, I agree—she was cute and funny in this episode, and I also loved how firm she was with Elizabeth when they were by the pool.

Also loved Emily’s “I don’t get it, I’m trying to get it” re: Elizabeth and Jimmy. 

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Would any one really miss these women if Covid did take them out I don't think they would it even appears their own children don't really like them.


Shannon again showing she has no clue when it comes to nutrition and is so judgmental


All parts of the egg are healthy and to moan about that then goes drinks orange juice yes she really understands the healthy options completely clueless women. (I bet she is typical calorie counter or low fat diet like so many who have no idea)


The other thing that annoyed me was her comment about covid if she is at such high risk why are you going to parties with people and if you have so called lung problems etc why are you drinking all that alcohol she is such a fake drama queen (I bet she ends up claiming she had covid or people around her)


I still don't buy into Brawn being alcoholic I have known many she strikes me as a binge drinker which is terrible for your health but alcoholic no you can't just turn it on and off like she has shown she does.


Elizabeth is partially right regarding big pharma but the problem is they didn't have any data on this which is why their was so much panic if you see doesn't matter if its set group ending in icu and just dying they will panic also that is not good for them to make $$$ they want you sick for years not dead.

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14 minutes ago, mon berg said:


All parts of the egg are healthy and to moan about that then goes drinks orange juice yes she really understands the healthy options completely clueless women. (I bet she is typical calorie counter or low fat diet like so many who have no idea)



the fact that she was killing her Liver and drinking like she does isnt healthy in itself lol but it was the eggs DAMN those eggs

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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Shannon has been nutty and miserabe from season 1. She berated and humiliated David right down to correcting his grammar on camera and telling him that she was more cultured because she "took cotillion" and he didn't.She never missed a chance to. bad mouth his family.  And that insane apology for the affair that she made him do in front of the children was beyond horrible.  David was definitely no prize and he hurt her terribly but I got to say I felt for him having to put up with her craziness for years.   Maybe last season or 2 was OK for her but yikes this year she gone nuts again. It's funny that both Shannon and Dorinda have problems with alcohol and can't seem to see how badly they act when drunk. And Shannon is modeling bad behavior in front  of her daughters. 

The thing I remember most about them was this.  The guy got up about 3 a.m. to go make roads for his Company.  He got home around 3 pm STARVING and ate chips or whatever snacks were around.  Why couldn’t she have dinner ready to his convenience?  She always chastised him for eating junk before dinner.  She never went out of her way for him as far as I could see.  It always had to be her way.  A stupid observation, but maybe important to a hardworking man who wants a hot meal when he comes home.  IMO.  Plus, I don’t think she cared for sex.  I really don’t blame him for cheating as there was more annoying things about her.  She  wasnt fun to be around.

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Shannon sucks the joy out of everything, even sex I’d bet  

i will admit to naively thinking that COVID-19 would blow over in a few months and trying to be optimistic about it and am not a conspiracy theorist. 

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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22 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:


A tincture for her sphincter!!  🙂 

6 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I was kind of liking Elizabeth but the conspiracy theorizing about COVID and "Big Pharma" is a huge turnoff.

This was the first time I'd heard that conspiracy theory!  It's interesting to see these women in seeming denial over Covid-19, but I don't know which months this was filmed.  I was following the news closely at that time with how bad things were in China, and figured it was headed this way.  We started ordering masks and other supplies for our dental office in January - Feb., anticipating the possible oncoming shortage and price hike.   I also started buying a little extra each week at the grocery store for home/pantry items.  Of course none of us could see just how bad it would get, but from the previews for next week, it looks like it might be sinking in with the HWs.  Looks like Shannon is going to have a little meltdown about the paper towel shortage.  Their lack of social distancing is making me anxious!!

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10 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

The implication she was trying to make was that they "Big Pharma" "released" this strain of the "flu like virus" that they already had a vaccine for to make money and pull up their stock prices

Here's what gets me about Elizabeth's "Big Pharma" thing (aside from the Covid is a hoax nonsense): As Elizabeth never ceases to remind us, she's part of the 1%, so even if none of that money she's throwing around is rooted in shareholdings in a pharmaceutical company or two, there is an approximately 0% chance that no portion of her wealth is rooted in shareholdings in an industry (or industries) that profiteers off of tragedy and disaster and exploits people's fears and bad circumstances.  Being able to capitalize on shit like that is how people get rich and then get richer.  So for her to be like, "You can't believe what they say, they're just trying to make money off of you, you gotta watch out for them" is a touch hypocritical because she's one of them whether she realizes it or not.  Dollars to donuts she's someone who is wealthier now than they were pre-pandemic.

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6 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Ha ha!!! I loathe her mother...and her  husband looked like had the hots for Braunwyn...he was making me uncomfortable with the way he was manhandling her....eccchhhh. Her mother looks like a hippie clown that traveled around with Wavy Gravy back in the '60's.

I think Doctor Deb looks like Wavy himself!


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10 hours ago, nexxie said:


Really - on all counts. Seems Shannon missed her taping time - John was presentable, but Shannon had obviously just dragged her butt out of bed and producers filmed it anyway.

John seems as enabling as Sean - perhaps he’s in this thing for the TV exposure? In any case, Shannon’s kids need to stage an intervention asap.

I’m wondering ifDavid is doing anything about how Shannon is acting around the girls.  I’m sure the girls are telling him what’s going on.

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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I think Doctor Deb looks like Wavy himself!


Nailed it.

My take on Dr Deb:  Deb was a stunningly beautiful woman.  As soon as she got older and her looks started to fade, she needed to do something else to be center of attention since her beauty wasn't doing it anymore.

And voila!  She's a clown!

What I find super interesting though, is she convinced her younger and still pretty attractive husband to also dress like a tie dye tub threw up on him.

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23 hours ago, nexxie said:

Yikes! Shannon must’ve pissed off the editors somewhere along the line.

i've been thinking the  same thing!  she is being shown in worst light.  jon seemed to be annoyed with her.

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19 hours ago, Bossa Nova said:

I will bet this is Shannon's last season. 

Not sure if it will be by her choice or production's.

I' ve been sensing that even from her couple of appearances on Watch What Happen Live this season. 

She's bland. She seems "over it" as they say.

I think she can't relate to the new cast, how the show has evolved, and misses Tamra and Vicki. 

she's a lot older than the others.  

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I think Doctor Deb looks like Wavy himself!



1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

I’m wondering ifDavid is doing anything about how Shannon is acting around the girls.  I’m sure the girls are telling him what’s going on.

I don't think David cares anymore...he's moved on. New woman and new baby on the way.

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5 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

The thing I remember most about them was this.  The guy got up about 3 a.m. to go make roads for his Company.  He got home around 3 pm STARVING and ate chips or whatever snacks were around.  Why couldn’t she have dinner ready to his convenience?  She always chastised him for eating junk before dinner.  She never went out of her way for him as far as I could see.  It always had to be her way.  A stupid observation, but maybe important to a hardworking man who wants a hot meal when he comes home.  IMO.  Plus, I don’t think she cared for sex.  I really don’t blame him for cheating as there was more annoying things about her.  She  wasnt fun to be around.

Shannon is very high maintenance in every sense... from her wacky holistic "medical" rituals to her need to be the smartest person in the room with the best house, the best car, the best business model and blah blah blah...I'm beginning to think her new boyfriend is just along for the $$ and the exposure. I don't see how any guy could tolerate this unless they were lookng for some kind of pay off. 

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35 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

ever heard of fox news?  fox news pedals this nonsense ..not about the drug companies but they down play the virus .  kelly had to back down  from her statements this summer.  she essentially said the virus was weeding out the herd, so no big deal if people died..  she had to apologize.  her statement made sense to me as soon as she announced her engagement to a fox news reporter.  she didn't think that up by herself.

Kelly has zero sensitivity. She's just a loud mouth bully who has no off switch. If she has no problem with "culling the herd" then she should not be upset or in mourning if one of her family members catches it and dies. 


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14 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Kelly has zero sensitivity. She's just a loud mouth bully who has no off switch. If she has no problem with "culling the herd" then she should not be upset or in mourning if one of her family members catches it and dies. 


Her mom has it I read a few days ago. 

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Braunwyn and Sean seem so awkward on camera together sometimes. Elizabeth is kind of boring to me. I wish they would bring Tamra or Vicki back lol. Shannon is so whiny. She probably needs a different boyfriend,this one doesn't seem to be making her happy. 

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1 hour ago, ErikaOnline said:

Braunwyn and Sean seem so awkward on camera together sometimes. Elizabeth is kind of boring to me. I wish they would bring Tamra or Vicki back lol. Shannon is so whiny. She probably needs a different boyfriend,this one doesn't seem to be making her happy. 

Sean seems like he is just biding his time, maybe he is playing along just so Brawny has a story line.  Shannon's boyfriend is at most her wrangler/handler, what does he see in her if this is a common occurance?  Shannon's name should be Shannon "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" Storms-Beador.  Side note to her handler, keep her away from any and all kids that are not hers, cringe is not a strong enough word.  My new life goal is to get really tanked then find a Hispanic person so I can blather on about the cube of queso in Spanish (side note to self, learn Spanish).

Brawny inviting Emily and Gina to AA seems odd, shouldn't those two be going to Alanon instead of being a pair of looky lu's to what should be a private or anonymous gathering?  I have never known an alcoholic to only drink one thing and nothing else, Brawny liking tequilla more than wine, vodka, etc...wouldn't she just drink the next available if there were no tequilla available? 

Elizabeth is sort of all over the map about her life, we will never get the fact from fiction and her boyfriend looks like a very tall toddler.  Her dress at the renewal was bad as was Emily's and to add insult to injury she topped it off with a headband and bad earrings.  Gina dipped in to her 1989 New Jersey wardrobe box and pulled out that lumpy sweater dress and then something fell out of Betsy Johnson's hair!  We got a little of everything from our time spent in that very low ceilinged claustraphobic event space, didn't we? 

Back in the day when I was just starting to date after my multi million dollar divorce settlement (not, lol), I dated a guy who took me to NYC for a long weekend and we stayed at The Parker Meridian over looking Central Park, it was devine, now I want to someday go to Palm Springs and stay at the Parker just to have room service delivered via tricycle. 

Kelly pushing Elizabeth in the pool was an odd thing to do, I wonder if Elizabeth's phone was ruined?  


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On 11/26/2020 at 9:44 AM, 65mickey said:

And she was just mouthing what she heard other conspiracy believers say. Wonder if she has any remorse for her words now after 262,000 Americans have died?

Remorse? It's  not like she killed people.


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11 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Shannon is very high maintenance in every sense... from her wacky holistic "medical" rituals to her need to be the smartest person in the room with the best house, the best car, the best business model and blah blah blah...I'm beginning to think her new boyfriend is just along for the $$ and the exposure. I don't see how any guy could tolerate this unless they were lookng for some kind of pay off. 

What about her quirks.  Didn’t she insist to have the house sealed up  and no electronics in the house ?  Those three girls had to live by her crazy rules.  Plus, what is Dr. Moon accomplishing with her health?  Nothing.  She needs psychiatric help and AA.  Like Dorinda, it looks like it’s the end of the road for her possibly.

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4 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

The majority of these HW's are redhats who seem to be completely disinterested in world affairs and completely incapable of critical thinking. I have zero respect for any of them.


My son and I went though the various iterations of the housewives in October, theorizing about who would vote for whom. We thought Orange County would vote in one direction (possibly with the exception of Shannon), Atlanta would vote in the other and the rest would be split.

I think Kelly is getting her COVID “info” from Fox reporter Fiancé Rick.

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11 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

My son and I went though the various iterations of the housewives in October, theorizing about who would vote for whom. We thought Orange County would vote in one direction (possibly with the exception of Shannon), Atlanta would vote in the other and the rest would be split.

I think Kelly is getting her COVID “info” from Fox reporter Fiancé Rick.

Interesting, why Shannon? OC is a very red county (known as the “orange curtain” around here). Shannon strikes me as just the person to vote Republican, along with Kelly, Elizabeth, Emily, Vicki, Tamra. The only one who I believe would vote Democratic is Brawny, and I’m unsure about Gina.

Shannon is disgusting to me, for many reasons. Like Dorinda, I can’t stand watching her. Gina has completely grown on me, Emily is ok. Brawny, like someone said above, strikes me more of a binge drinker who opted for a storyline. I still don’t buy her addiction story. Elizabeth is incredibly annoying and a try hard. Kelly continues to be dumb as a rock and trashy.

Edited by DeeplyShallow
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5 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

Shannon is so whiny. She probably needs a different boyfriend,this one doesn't seem to be making her happy. 

What "type"of boyfriend would synch with Shannon, much less make her happy? Now that we've seen her pre-divorce, divorce, post-divorce and she claims she is the "real, for real"what healthy man could/would put up with her?

Edited by itsadryheat
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2 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Interesting, why Shannon? OC is a very red county (known as the “orange curtain” around here). Shannon strikes me as just the person to vote Republican, along with Kelly, Elizabeth, Emily, Vicki, Tamra. The only one who I believe would vote Democratic is Brawny, and I’m unsure about Gina.

Shannon is disgusting to me, for many reasons. Like Dorinda, I can’t stand watching her. Gina has completely grown on me, Emily is ok. Brawny, like someone said above, strikes me more of a binge drinker who opted for a storyline. I still don’t buy her addiction story. Elizabeth is incredibly annoying and a try hard.

Orange County being solidly republican was even a plot line on West Wing when Sam ran his doomed campaign. Without going too much into politics (which is forbidden here) Shannon strikes me as someone whose self identity/professed beliefs would not allow her to vote for the current administration and all it represents. I think Brawny doesn’t have any real political notions and, based on her 1% status and seeming obliviousness to the world around her would vote Republican. Of course this is all conjecture and speculation and could be entirely wrong.

By the way, from my non fluent Spanish perspective, Shannon was doing as fine in Spanish as she was in English at that point in her drunken conversation. That is to say, she had the right words and basic grammar, but was just being an idiot asking the housekeeping staff if they thought the temperature of the room kept the cheese safe to eat. Since she clearly wanted to be told it was ok, they told her it was ok.

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On 11/26/2020 at 8:36 AM, Silver Bells said:

 I don’t get why she let this new guy into the house to live with her and her three girls, especially when he has three of his own.

He's not living with her. He still has his own home and has not made any move to take the relationship any further than where it is. Living separately and dating. Maybe you're thinking of Gina who let her new man move in with her and her 3 kids rather quickly. 

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3 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

What about her quirks.  Didn’t she insist to have the house sealed up  and no electronics in the house ?  Those three girls had to live by her crazy rules.  Plus, what is Dr. Moon accomplishing with her health?  Nothing.  She needs psychiatric help and AA.  Like Dorinda, it looks like it’s the end of the road for her possibly.

She definitley has some sort of personality disorder along with general anxiety disorder. Her kids deserve medals for living with this...the twin seems sweet and very mature for their age. Shannon should be thanking god for them because she could have ended up with three rebellious and mouthy teenagers that would have had her spending time visiting them in juvie lock up.

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5 hours ago, amarante said:

Actually people like her did kill people and still do kill people. If you believe COVID is like the flu or a hoax or will disappear when Trump is out of office or any other of the insane theories, you are not likely to take the measures that are recommended by knowledgeable scientists.

Also anyone who trots out an argument that BigPharma is behind it as a scheme to make money selling vaccines is anti-vaxxer because that is the misinformation they spread about every vaccine. And those who don't vaccinate are potentially responsible for loss of life. With COVID they added an additional wrinkle about Bill Gates and Soros making money with Gates having chips installed. Anyone who was spouting this at ANY time is hooked into the vast network of nutty conspiracy theory. Ironically these disinformation campaigns are super spreaders of misinformation.

If you become infected  with COVID you will infect others and some of those will die or have severe complications even if you personally don't suffer. 

I don't know about Elizabeth but Kelly continued to spread misinformation during the period when it was clear to any sane individual that the pandemic needed to be taken seriously. She even talked about how it was just thinning the herd.

By the time this was taped, most of the people I was friends with knew that a shit storm was about the happen and weren't minimizing the implications. 

If anyone was looking for health information from these women, they are too stupid to survive anyway. Regret, maybe, embarrassment for sure, remorse, I don't agree.

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5 hours ago, amarante said:

Actually people like her did kill people and still do kill people. If you believe COVID is like the flu or a hoax or will disappear when Trump is out of office or any other of the insane theories, you are not likely to take the measures that are recommended by knowledgeable scientists.

Also anyone who trots out an argument that BigPharma is behind it as a scheme to make money selling vaccines is anti-vaxxer because that is the misinformation they spread about every vaccine. And those who don't vaccinate are potentially responsible for loss of life. With COVID they added an additional wrinkle about Bill Gates and Soros making money with Gates having chips installed. Anyone who was spouting this at ANY time is hooked into the vast network of nutty conspiracy theory. Ironically these disinformation campaigns are super spreaders of misinformation.

If you become infected  with COVID you will infect others and some of those will die or have severe complications even if you personally don't suffer. 

I don't know about Elizabeth but Kelly continued to spread misinformation during the period when it was clear to any sane individual that the pandemic needed to be taken seriously. She even talked about how it was just thinning the herd.

By the time this was taped, most of the people I was friends with knew that a shit storm was about the happen and weren't minimizing the implications. 

I'm a Registered Nurse. I understand everything you do about Covid and more, None of that nonsense caused people to die. The virus is still spreading despite widespread mask use. We can treat it effectively for most now.

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3 hours ago, OdinO. said:

I'm a Registered Nurse. I understand everything you do about Covid and more, None of that nonsense caused people to die. The virus is still spreading despite widespread mask use. We can treat it effectively for most now.

The places that actually have widespread mask use have a much lower rate of transmission than those that don’t. In the states where it is county by county, the non mask mandatory counties have twice the rate of transmission.

I am sure the 2,000 Americans dying daily would be surprised to find that it can be so effectively treated. The ones who survived with organ damage may be surprised as well.

Edited to add: frankly I think the CDC would be surprised by your opinion because it contradicts the advice from their epidemiologists.

Edited by NYCFree
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Braunwyns drag Queen boy is an asshole! She has no reason to be proud of him and parade him on the show. The anorexic girl seems like a jerk as well.
Shannon is such an unhappy woman. It’s time for her to go. 
The new woman is so odd. Her clothing choices are bad  She goes on about the divorce too much. The time for her to be on the show would have been when she was still married. 

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1 hour ago, NYCFree said:


I am sure the 2,000 Americans dying daily would be surprised to find that it can be so effectively treated. The ones who survived with organ damage may be surprised as well.

True I just had a friend die in ICU from complications due to Covid .... it’s irresponsible for people like Kelly and Elizabeth to be so dismissive of it .... and yes No you shouldn’t be taking medical advice from housewives but A lot of people watch this and parrot what these women say and think ...and that is even scarier 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Housewife Watchers,

Time to get back on track. 

  1. Yes, you can discuss what the housewives said about Covid on the show.  That does not mean that this thread should turn into a debate about Covid protocols, death rates, etc.  We are discussing statements made by and actions taken by people on a reality show.  That should be the focus and the extent of the discussion. 
  2. Adding to this, that does not mean debating every comment other posters made.  Let's put aside whether statements made by any housewives would lead to the death of others.  We are getting much too far afield and straying from watching a reality show to ugly reality that many watch these shows to take a break from. 
  3. Let's end the speculation on how housewives may or may not have voted.  The episode was recorded early this year, in the before times.  There has been no discussion of political figures or the election which was months away at that point.  Unless it is ever discussed on the show, it is off topic and a violation of the site's politics rule and the forum master mod notes.

Questions?  PM @PrincessPurrsALot directly. We do not discuss moderator actions in the forums.  

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11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Brawny inviting Emily and Gina to AA seems odd, shouldn't those two be going to Alanon instead of being a pair of looky lu's to what should be a private or anonymous gathering? 

AA has Open Meetings where anyone is welcome to attend. However, it's clearly stated in every meeting, "Who you see here, and what you hear here, stays here." So yapping to friends about what was said at a meeting is NOT cool. At all.

The housewives are really pissing me off with their use of AA as a plot line while breaking the most fundamental principal of AA - ANONYMITY!!! The reason that no one is supposed to come out as an AA member in "press, radio, and films" is to prevent exactly what we're seeing: showing AA as something it is not. Women flit in and out, to satisfy judges, and serve as really crappy examples of people who use the meetings and steps to re-evaluate their relationship with alcohol and to change the disfunctional beliefs that made us want to drink in the first place. AA is different for every person, but the steps and principles are intended to be respected by everyone.

And it's serious - literally life or death for those of us blessed with the alcoholism gene. Even if one person decides not to try the program, based on how ineffective it appears on Bravo, it's one person too many.

9 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

I still don’t buy her addiction story.

I do. I celebrated my 40th year of sobriety in July and have met thousands of (sober) drunks. She uses pregnancy as a way to control her drinking though, and I must admit that it's the first time that I've observed that strategy. But we drunks are resourceful and capable of infinite self-deception, so I wasn't shocked. I've heard (much) stranger games that we play with ourselves.

7 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

She definitley has some sort of personality disorder along with general anxiety disorder. Her kids deserve medals for living with this...the twin seems sweet and very mature for their age. Shannon should be thanking god for them because she could have ended up with three rebellious and mouthy teenagers that would have had her spending time visiting them in juvie lock up.

Shannon may want to hold off on that "Thank You!" until she reads the book that her daughter is writing! 😆

2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Someone who has the type of problem that Braunwyn described herself as having this season—shaking if she didn’t get a drink—doesn’t turn up their nose at wine for water.  I’ve heard of people who would put hand sanitizer in their iced tea to catch a buzz.  Just a little bit more to add to the contradiction pile that is Braunwyn...

You underestimate how sneaky we drunks can be! Sounded fine to me, that is, turning down wine, but not for the reason stated...I assume that she just doesn't want to gain weight or to mix vodka (the sneak's choice!) and wine (can make you throw up before you get to where you need to be). The thing that non-drunks miss (or don't understand) is that there is always a stash somewhere nearby, so you can get the buzz that you need without pounding them down publicly.  Most people have a friend or two that get suddenly and mysteriously hammered when it didn't appear that they were drinking more than anyone else. They kitchen is the perfect place for women to sneakily supplement...someone always needs something from the kitchen!

Edited by OldButHappy
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Shannon was very Shannon in her simpering reaction to the scrambled egg whites.  She wouldn't eat the regular omelet but did take a bite out of what appeared to be a quesadilla. There was so much food available, but none of it was up to her exacting standards.  Given how drunk she was the night before should should have been hydrating and eating some bread to absorb the excess acid in her stomach (if the booze was already gone).  Mass quantities of tequila? A-okay for our precious princess.  Egg yolks?  Begone spawn of Satan!  How the heck does anyone put up with her? 

Gina has been remarkably agreeable.  She's the only one who seems to be able to let something go.  

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I don’t think any man can make Shannon happy. Miserable seems to be her default setting. It’s exhausting just watching her. She takes “neurotic” to a new level. 

I feel sorry for her daughters. I hope they turn out ok. Based on what I’ve seen, there best chance is getting out of the house ASAP. 

I grew up with a narcissistic/borderline mother who had various addictions. I’ve never fully recovered from all the damage. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 

I see signs of it in Braunwyn’s mother too. It’s not surprising Braunwyn is screwed up. She needs to stay away from her mother. 

Gina’s THs are welcome relief from most of the other stuff happening on this show. 


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11 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

AA has Open Meetings where anyone is welcome to attend. However, it's clearly stated in every meeting, "Who you see here, and what you hear here, stays here." So yapping to friends about what was said at a meeting is NOT cool. At all.

Yeah, the whole discussion about it over dinner with Gina, Shannon, Elizabeth and their SO’s really gave me a bad feeling.  Not cool.

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I'm still reeled (tm Shannon) by the fact that these women (well mostly Shannon and Kelly a little) got so upset by the fact that there would be no tequila at the party. They acted like they were going to a dry reception in a dry county where alcohol doesn't exist. It was one night without tequila. ONE NIGHT. And they couldn't do it. 

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Can a person bring friends to an AA meeting? It seems that the arrival of three women from RHOC would be a distraction to the other attendees.

I didn’t care for the big pharma comments but around that time, I’m guessing February, I didn’t understand the impact of the virus and was shocked at what followed.  The more that Liz is on the less I care about her. What is up with her and the odd Jimmy? Will she get less $ for having a lover?
Shannon is ridiculous. She goes on and on about the dumbest things. I thought her, her boyfriend and her daughters all together in the suite with the booze was a bit much. I know these girls have witnessed a lot but Shannon’s insistence on getting a tequila “for the road” in front of her kids was absurd.  At one point I thought Shannon’s oldest was drinking a white claw but it turned out it was the boyfriends daughter.


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56 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Can a person bring friends to an AA meeting? It seems that the arrival of three women from RHOC would be a distraction to the other attendees.

I didn’t care for the big pharma comments but around that time, I’m guessing February, I didn’t understand the impact of the virus and was shocked at what followed.  The more that Liz is on the less I care about her. What is up with her and the odd Jimmy? Will she get less $ for having a lover?


The cameras don't follow them into the AA meeting and don't even film outside the meeting place so they wouldn't be a distraction in terms of HW or compromise anonymity in any way - i.e. it's not like when they film at a restaurant and the cameras are inside the restaurant as well as outside.

I think one of the housewives said that a school was shut and I believe the renewal vow was shut on March 10 which was just before California locked down completely. The Bay Area locked down a week earlier. So at the time of the renewal vow, most people were aware that it was a huge big deal because the news was filled with hospitals in NYC as well as Italy overflowing, 

Edited by amarante
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21 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Brawny, like someone said above, strikes me more of a binge drinker who opted for a story line. I still don’t buy her addiction story. Elizabeth is incredibly annoying and a try hard. Kelly continues to be dumb as a rock and trashy.

Agree. While I do believe she has a problem with alcohol, I find some of the things she said just don't make sense to me.

She described an incident where she kept drinking every 15 minutes. She couldn't stop for any longer than 15 minutes because she started getting the shakes. If her drinking has been that out of control, then I don't see how she could have stayed sober during any of her pregnancies. I'm also remembering her bragging in her first season that she was still lactating and just finished breast feeding the youngest who looked about 7 months at the time. So are we supposed to believe she consumed 0 alcohol for a 1 1/2 years with each of her 7 kids? Meaning she has been sober for 10 years out of her 20 year marriage? I'm also not buying her 30 days sober story and how she's sharing her journey and yet no comments about withdrawals and her minute to minute struggle to just function.

Braunwyn and her mom (aka Clownwyn) need to get off TV

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On 11/27/2020 at 10:00 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Elizabeth is sort of all over the map about her life, we will never get the fact from fiction and her boyfriend looks like a very tall toddler.  Her dress at the renewal was bad as was Emily's and to add insult to injury she topped it off with a headband and bad earrings.  Gina dipped in to her 1989 New Jersey wardrobe box and pulled out that lumpy sweater dress and then something fell out of Betsy Johnson's hair!  We got a little of everything from our time spent in that very low ceilinged claustraphobic event space, didn't we? 





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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I'm still reeled (tm Shannon) by the fact that these women (well mostly Shannon and Kelly a little) got so upset by the fact that there would be no tequila at the party. They acted like they were going to a dry reception in a dry county where alcohol doesn't exist. It was one night without tequila. ONE NIGHT. And they couldn't do it. 

And when did Shannon become obsessed with tequila? Wasn’t she also a “vodka, soda, lots of lime in a tall” drinker? 

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On 11/26/2020 at 12:52 PM, chlban said:

I  certainly didn't think Covid would be over in 60 days, back in March and neither did most of my close friends. Elizabeth lost some points with me on that stupid statement, and I find this whole "He won't sleep with me because I am legally married" to be suspect. There is something going on there we aren't in on. Yet. I do think Shannon has a drinking problem, but I am no more interested in seeing it as a story line than I am with Brown Wind. This show has really jumped the shark. I wonder how the ratings are this year.

Why is Bravo making alcohol the focus of their shows.  Every show we have to watch an alcoholic go down the tubes.  I watch these shows for enjoyment and laughs, not to see a woman go off the rails.  We all have to deal with our own shit .. t.v. Should be pleasurable, not depressing.  They should show more vacations with interesting places, shopping in nice stores, some slap stick comedy, like LuAnn falling into bushes, etc.  No more three ways, bratty kids, and who’s dick is bigger.  (Kelly)

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