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S11.E16: We Need to Get a Divorce

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3 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Amani is the Player Slayer! I love love love this couple!! I want to hang out with Womani. I want to double date with them. I want Truman Show type feed of their story. 

I'm verklempt as well. 😭😭

Yes! I don't want a divorce from them! 

Amani and Woody at least have to become  regulars on the various Post-MAFS offshoots!

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14 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

They didn’t say the most important part.  Olivia wanted a guy with lots of money so they could travel the world in style, drink fine wines, eat expensive, etc.  He had a mortgage and wasn’t a spender.  Besides she didn’t look like she wanted kids, as kids cost money, and there would go her traveling.

Well, there is that.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm watching Unfiltered and Amani is wearing some FUGLY, BIG ASS lime green shoes.  WTF?

Also, does Jamie have another dress besides the blue one?


The producers make Jamie wear the same dress for editing.  

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14 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

Not a mistake to try when you don't have a reason to try there's nothing that horrible and plenty potential..

There's no reason to start right now in case they're on the purposes of turning everything around. They can always get a divorce. In two weeks they can say let's get a divorce but they might as well try to see what the relationship is when it's not being examined on TV. I've been saying that Karen really fears the judgment of her parents and her church. I don't think she would want them to clearly now because the TV would ask them are you having sex and then she have to say yes. And I think in private she can be doing it and then let people gradually understand that.

Honestly, Decision Day is everyday, not just this day. 

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I’m not totally convinced that Miles and Karen will ultimately stay together (it takes everything I have not to read spoilers), but I sure hope he at least gets some before it crumbles.  I’ve never needed anyone to have sex more.  He deserves a great woman.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Haha! Woody included a dog!

Dog is coming with in 6 months.  He will wanna share that experience with Armani knowing that they're not ready yet for a baby, a fur baby is a good start.

Edited by Kira53
fur baby was messed up by the dictate.
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I’ve been watching this bullshit show from day one and I have to say, I think this has been one of the more successful seasons just in terms of good matches and the camaraderie between all of the participants.   They’re all so nice (except for you, Christina).  It’s genuinely nice to see.  

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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1 hour ago, rebel2u said:

Olivia needs to find someone A LOT like herself if she chooses to marry again.  She doesn't appear to do well with someone who does not see the world exactly the same way she does. 

She wants what she wants.  No exceptions.  She’s still blaming him for everything.

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34 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Yes! I don't want a divorce from them! 

Amani and Woody at least have to become  regulars on the various Post-MAFS offshoots!

I want Woody to do “ Unfiltered”.  I’m sick n tired of seeing “Legs Otis” and roll the clip!

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Christina lives in her own little delusional world, doesn’t she? I’m so glad Henry put her on blast about “the text”.  Her acting innocent and shocked pissed me right off. Henry deserves better!

Edited by CSunshine76
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Maybe as a special gift for their first anniversary, Karen will finally allow them to consummate the marriage.


Karen is a beautiful woman, but whoever did her makeup for the episode done her dirty! Her face was a completely different color than the rest of her.

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44 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

Dog is coming with in 6 months.  He will wanna share that experience with Armani knowing that they're not ready yet for a baby for the for baby is a good start.

Maybe not - I have always felt like Woody about a dog and here's why:  I don't want to miss happy hours after work/fun events/vacations/last minute other fun things because I have to go let the dog out.  I would miss them happily for my child, and then it's no problem to be bound by a dog's needs too.  Team Woody on this one 😄 

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Between Christina and Henry I believe his rendition over hers. I don't know how she can be surprised he brought this up it sealed any slim change the marriage had. Of course she thought it was a disservice after he already said I'm done with this situation. No Henry can pick far better friends than you Christina. He said the kind of woman he sought...it was Married at first sight that did the disservice.

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Ok, not gonna lie: I got totally teary listening to Woody when he was talking about their relationship. THIS is why I keep watching this show, not all the bullshit drama! They are hands down my favorite  MAFS couple in the history of this show. I loved when Woody said “It’s the start of our love story. It’s new, but it feels like old love.” All the feels! ❤️
I bet as soon as they put down the champagne glasses the producers handed them a video camera and said “Welcome to Couple’s Cam!”

I really enjoyed this season. Lots of likable people, and just enough drama to be interesting. Plus some successful matches. To think I was thiiiiiiis close to not watching after last season. Thank God for Amelia’s bird hat - it’s the only reason I tuned in initially!

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18 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Brett is giving off mixed signals now.  I don't know what to make of either of them.

He is such an ass and what is so obvious is how much the rest of the cast dislikes him yet they seem to like Olivia..

18 hours ago, rebel2u said:

Olivia needs to find someone A LOT like herself if she chooses to marry again.  She doesn't appear to do well with someone who does not see the world exactly the same way she does. 

Really, we only her saw her with Brett?

Edited by endure
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Christina is a lying liar who lies. Not sure why Henry had to apologize. Seems to me that “the experts” should have been the ones to apologize, for putting them together in the first place. I believe the outcomes would have been different if Henry had been matched with Olivia and Brett with Christina. 

I would bet good money that the only couple that will celebrate their 5 year wedding anniversary will be Woody and Amani.

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3 hours ago, princelina said:

Maybe not - I have always felt like Woody about a dog and here's why:  I don't want to miss happy hours after work/fun events/vacations/last minute other fun things because I have to go let the dog out.  I would miss them happily for my child, and then it's no problem to be bound by a dog's needs too.  Team Woody on this one 😄 

Doggy door, at least for all of those things besides vacations.  Then you get someone to housesit for you when you vacation.  That's what we've always done. 

Edited by greeneyedscorpio
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5 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Amani: “He’s so extra, but in the best kind of way.”  That is so sweet.  Woody, please don’t mess this up.  Please.

This is key to me. I once heard on the a dating show from a guy that what he is truly waiting for a woman that loved him the way he was. He knows that at times he can be a goofball. But, what he wanted was someone who always felt that yeah, he's a goofball but he's my goofball and I love it. It's a wonderful thing to be 100 percent yourself and still be loved. Warts and all 

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5 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Woody, "How do I say this..."  "I got you a dog!"  Out comes the dog in a Gucci backpack or a baby front pouch.

Ugh. I'm sure he will do this. For whatever reason, the whole world seems intent on having pets. At least, they will have a good home.

Miles and Karen are that couple we get every year. There is always one couple that they together just because they feel like it. Not because it seems like it will last. They can always divorce whenever. 


I do look forward to Woody and Amani post show. Also, how they work outside of their bubble. Could more separate time lead to wandering eyes for Woody? I hope not.

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4 hours ago, princelina said:

Maybe not - I have always felt like Woody about a dog and here's why:  I don't want to miss happy hours after work/fun events/vacations/last minute other fun things because I have to go let the dog out.  I would miss them happily for my child, and then it's no problem to be bound by a dog's needs too.  Team Woody on this one 😄 

I just have always thought that notion of living with animals is gross. Being around animals makes my skin crawl and I could never look at animal like a human being as many others do. I respect them as living beings. I damn sure don't value them over human beings like so many others do. The whole concept of pets to me is bizarre. People being such extreme animal lovers probably is a part of my feelings. Being what they are.

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Henry was really showing himself to be a mensch in this episode, plus he was looking very attractive.  Even though he knows Christina is a wacko he never once descended to her level and even wished her well in the end.  What a class act.  My mother always said you can tell a lot about a man from his shoes.

Speaking of being all verklempt, Woody got me all in the feels too and I reached for the tissues.  Talk about being "deep"!  This guy is much deeper than he looks!  He seems so much like an old friend - once he found a love like that he never wandered from her even though everyone thought he would.

Miles and Karen - It seems like my initial gut instinct that they would stay together on decision day but split soon after might come true after all.  I really feel sorry for Miles.  Karen has too many issues and would make his life miserable.  He deserves so much more.  Say what you want about him, but he has put his all into this marriage and not gotten anywhere near what he has put in back.  Plus he keeps doing this earnestly hoping it will help turn things around.  Those IMO are good qualities being wasted on her.  She can't appreciate him.  Mr. Yeah No said that in a few years she will regret this.

Bennett and Amelia do seem like beshert.  I can only hope that they continue to grow together and in love.  Amelia's family lives in Virginia so going back there is not going to be that hard for her.  There's no reason Bennett can't go back and forth from there to NOLA since he has that cute shed to stay in when he's there, probably rent free or at least dirt cheap.

Brett and Olivia - I've flip-flopped on who I don't like more all season long and now I just feel like it's a tie.  He's a douche and she's at least publicly presentable and decent, but privately I would probably not want to be friends with her.

I do feel like I liked most everyone this season more than in past seasons in general - factoring out Christina, none of them were really whack-jobs or villains.  If the worst we got this season was her and Brett that's really not too bad compared to previous seasons.

Also, Jamie O. always wears the same dress all season long, and this blue dress was not the same one she wore last season.

It's also not uncommon for the women to show up on decision day decked out like they're going to a club.  The looks are so similar from season to season it makes me wonder if they have "guidance" from production on how to dress.

I think this will go down in history as my favorite season of MAFS, though, and I have seen them all.  I've often heard that people in NOLA are the nicest people in the world, and judging from how this group compares to all the weirdos/nasty people in prior seasons, I can see the truth in that.

Edited by Yeah No
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35 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I just have always thought that notion of living with animals is gross. Being around animals makes my skin crawl and I could never look at animal like a human being as many others do. I respect them as living beings. I damn sure don't value them over human beings like so many others do. The whole concept of pets to me is bizarre. People being such extreme animal lovers probably is a part of my feelings. Being what they are.

Most pet owners would not say that they value their dogs or cats over their family.  A lot of them would say they value them as much, though, and consider them a part of the family.  Now my mother, a huge animal lover, used to say that she couldn't trust people that didn't love animals because dogs especially are so loyal and true and full of good qualities, that anyone who would reject that is somehow too cold and unfeeling, and therefore not to be trusted.  I'm not sure about that, but I can understand that people that have not grown up around or lived with such devoted animals might not understand how they are as important to their owners as other members of the family, though.  They really are some amazing creatures when you get to know them.  I grew up around dogs and took for granted how amazing they were.  Now at an older age I am realizing that they are even more amazing than I ever realized they were when I was younger, maybe because I am seeing them with more mature eyes now than back then.  You really have to experience it up close to understand it. 

I myself was never a cat lover - the only cats I knew when I was young were mean old alley cats.  In fact it took a renter bringing in his mother's cat when she died to turn me around on them.  This cat and I bonded so well it was actually a little scary to me after a while because I didn't see it coming.  Same thing happened with my husband, who outright hated cats but this one turned him around too.  So it can happen.  I still think Woody is one of those guys that turns his nose up at a dog but then when he gets one will fall in love with it as hard as he fell for Amani, LOL.

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3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Ugh. I'm sure he will do this. For whatever reason, the whole world seems intent on having pets. At least, they will have a good home.

Miles and Karen are that couple we get every year. There is always one couple that they together just because they feel like it. Not because it seems like it will last. They can always divorce whenever. 


I do look forward to Woody and Amani post show. Also, how they work outside of their bubble. Could more separate time lead to wandering eyes for Woody? I hope not.

I'm with you on dogs. But I know myself well enough after seven decades that I am not a caretaker type. And perhaps dog- (and cat-) owners can try to understand this point of view, rather than argue what they perceive  as what we are "missing." We get it. Dog-lovers love dogs. I do, too. Yours. 

As for "wandering eyes," Woody ain't blind! But he seems to have had Cupid's arrows strike his heart, his mind, and his soul---his very core---so I don't think any outer "parts" will be straying. Woody has found what he dared not hope for. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I just have always thought that notion of living with animals is gross. Being around animals makes my skin crawl and I could never look at animal like a human being as many others do. I respect them as living beings. I damn sure don't value them over human beings like so many others do. The whole concept of pets to me is bizarre. People being such extreme animal lovers probably is a part of my feelings. Being what they are.

Amen to all of this. I have never been a fan of the concept of pets. And animal people gross me out. Dogs on the bed, cats in the kitchen, liter boxes in random parts of the house (y'all know it is an open tray of poop over there right?), Fido licking em on the mouth. All gross and none of it is for me.

I hope Woody sticks to his guns if he really doesn't want a dog. Nothing seems worse to me than walking behind some animal picking up their poo.

Animal lovers will attack in 3, 2...

Edited by Brooklynista
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10 hours ago, Myrtle Urkele said:

I wondering why she made this choice. Even on D-Day they both commented on the lack of intimacy. Unless they have been intimate but I've kept that information to themselves.

After they agreed to stay married there was no touching, no kissing, there's no real warmth. I know the editing monkeys makes us see certain narratives but Karen is rather cold towards Miles in general. Whelps if their both happy, who am I to judge?🤷🏾‍♀️

What’s the point of watching if the editing monkeys are fooling around with viewers?  It’s idiotic and annoying.  They made Amani say she wanted a divorce.  Not cute!  Hardy haha.

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5 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I just have always thought that notion of living with animals is gross. Being around animals makes my skin crawl and I could never look at animal like a human being as many others do. I respect them as living beings. I damn sure don't value them over human beings like so many others do. The whole concept of pets to me is bizarre. People being such extreme animal lovers probably is a part of my feelings. Being what they are.

Thanks for sharing. While I'm shocked to hear that being around animals makes your skin crawl, it opens my eyes to the other extreme end of how people feel about animals. I think this it's something that then has to be taken into account in picking a partner. While I don't think that Olivia and Brett should've been matched just because they love cats, clearly you could never be a good match for either of them because viscerally and psychologically an animal could not be part of your life, to say nothing of being in the same home.  Thank you again for offering some insight into this.

I do believe that Woody's objections are not the same as yours. I think this couple would enjoy taking care of a little dog and Woody would be the one finding the best outfits and Halloween costumes for the dog.  

Edited by Kira53
I don't remember to proofread.
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9 hours ago, rlc said:

Maybe as a special gift for their first anniversary, Karen will finally allow them to consummate the marriage.


Karen is a beautiful woman, but whoever did her makeup for the episode done her dirty! Her face was a completely different color than the rest of her.


43 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Amen to all of this. I have never been a fan of the concept of pets. And animal people gross me out. Dogs on the bed, cats in the kitchen, liter boxes in random parts of the house (y'all know it is an open tray of poop over there right?), Fido licking em on the mouth. All gross and none of it is for me.

I hope Woody sticks to his guns if he really doesn't want a dog. Nothing seems worse to me than walking behind some animal picking up their poo.

Animal lovers will attack in 3, 2...

I grew up with two dogs and a bird. I know how much care is needed to take care of pets and it is a responsibility that I do not take lightly.

I now am raising two children practically on my own as their father is travels a lot for work and I work full time. I always have people who insist I have to get a dog and I can not handle one in my life, as of now.

Animals are wonderful but they love you have to provide everything for them...similar to a child. You also need to clean up after them.

Also, being an animal lover does not automatically make one a good person. Adolf Hitler was very good to his dogs.

I hope Woody and Amani foster a dog beforehand so they can see if Woody is ready for the responsibility.

Shallow comments:

Karen is beautiful and chic. However, her makeup was not done properly and I think her orange wrap dress seemed to constrict her movements.

Miles looked good in the powder blue suit. It is not something everyone can pull off but it suited him. He seemed grown and not like an overgrown puppy. I hope Karen can open up to him soon. I am worried she is not physically into him and never will be.

Olivia almost looked like she had her freakum dress on. I do not recall her wearing anything so revealing and short before. She looked good and that color suited her quite nicely. I think Brett still contacts her in hopes of "hitting that". I do think he is more physically attracted to her then she is to him. His eyes kind of lit up when he saw her in that dress (maybe he thought he was going to get lucky after they taped).

Brett has many female fans and I am sure he will not be lonely. He does not seem to be picky about who he dates as long as she picks up the tab for dinner.

Olivia is disappointed that they failed and is probably (rightly) a little angry at the expert for matching her with a man that is so polar opposite of everything she wanted...right down to having kids. I think she is weirdly competitive and some part of her feels like she "lost".

I really like Bennett and Amelia and Amelia's outfit was probably the least quirky thing she has worn on this show (including her wedding dress). I did notice that Bennett was much more controlled in his quirkiness before he met her. When he dressed quasi normal...he was quite a nice looking guy. She will never set boundaries for him which might be good or bad. Not a fan of the tattoo

Christina and Henry. I noticed that Christina kept on saying "I never thought you were gay" so the conversation never steered towards "Are you making this up to blackmail him" territory. To me, It is obvious she made the whole thing up.  I think she is very messed up and is lucky that Henry is such a nice guy.

The color of her dress looked nice on her but it seemed like she was wearing the wrong undergarments ( or she might just not be wearing a bra).

Woody and Amani might be one of the best matches in the show's history. They glow when they are around each other and it is a pleasure to watch.

Dr. Viviana's look was a total miss. The dress was ugly, her makeup was off (she seemed a little orange...like Karen), and her shoes looked like stripper heels. She is usually a bit of a stunner so this was a surprise.

I have to give Pastor Cal props for always looking professional and put together.

I have already forgotten what Pepper was wearing.

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I really enjoyed the last segment of the couples getting together talking about and sharing a little about their decisions. I believe that vacationing/honeymooning together is a good idea for the couples as well as the viewers. I know everything is about ratings since it's a TV show, but these are people and having support of others going through the same process is a gift to them. I truly believe that there are some new lifetime friendships being created. I wish Bennet and Amelia would in New Orleans to take part in the socializing because they're a great couple too. Maybe they'll be back in New Orleans in 2022 when COVID-19 is more stabilized.

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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Miles and Karen - It seems like my initial gut instinct that they would stay together on decision day but split soon after might come true after all.  I really feel sorry for Miles.  Karen has too many issues and would make his life miserable.  He deserves so much more.  Say what you want about him, but he has put his all into this marriage and not gotten anywhere near what he has put in back.  Plus he keeps doing this earnestly hoping it will help turn things around.  Those IMO are good qualities being wasted on her.  She can't appreciate him.  Mr. Yeah No said that in a few years she will regret this.

I think Karen is very reserved.  She and Miles will probably divorce in the future, but it won't be on TV.

I would love to ask Henry this question:  When he realized that Christina lied about living in NOLA, after she told him she lived in the CBD, why didn't he go to the producers there and then and say something?  That's fraud IMO.  How did she get on the show?  How did Christina fudge the home visit?  That bothers me more than the gay comment for some reason.  I mean if I was dating a man who lied to me about where he lived, it would be game over.  

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We just got a quick glance but that tattoo of Bennett's looked almost like a DIY job, like a prison tattoo.  Maybe one of his friends did it for him. 

I think Brett would be very difficult to be in a relationship with.  He says all the right things, but with no real sincerity or actions behind it.  Then, you never know when he's going to drop something rude and hurtful on you.  I could easily see him pointing out if you gained a few pounds. 

Henry would be easy to get along with, but you could be in a relationship for years and still not know him. 

I would love to see Miles and Karen's relationship blossom and mature, but I have a sinking feeling it's just not going to last.   They are missing basic chemistry.

Agree that this was the best season yet.  It's hard to imagine a season with just three couples, like they started with. 

Edited by suzeecat
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5 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I just have always thought that notion of living with animals is gross. Being around animals makes my skin crawl and I could never look at animal like a human being as many others do. I respect them as living beings. I damn sure don't value them over human beings like so many others do. The whole concept of pets to me is bizarre. People being such extreme animal lovers probably is a part of my feelings. Being what they are.

I don't agree with this statement, but I know many people who feel this way and there's nothing wrong with it.  I think Olivia and Brett were matched because they were both cat lovers; you need more than that.  



I really enjoyed the last segment of the couples getting together talking about and sharing a little about their decisions. I believe that vacationing/honeymooning together is a good idea for the couples as well as the viewers. I know everything is about ratings since it's a TV show, but these are people and having support of others going through the same process is a gift to them. I truly believe that there are some new lifetime friendships being created. I wish Bennet and Amelia would in New Orleans to take part in the socializing because they're a great couple too. Maybe they'll be back in New Orleans in 2022 when COVID-19 is more stabilized.

That was my favorite part.  I also liked what Olivia said about NOLA at the end.

Edited by Neurochick
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56 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Amen to all of this. I have never been a fan of the concept of pets. And animal people gross me out. Dogs on the bed, cats in the kitchen, liter boxes in random parts of the house (y'all know it is an open tray of poop over there right?), Fido licking em on the mouth. All gross and none of it is for me.

I hope Woody sticks to his guns if he really doesn't want a dog. Nothing seems worse to me than walking behind some animal picking up their poo.

Animal lovers will attack in 3, 2...

No attack here, lol.  I’ve had them all .. for the kids.  Even flew two cats on the plane when we moved to Florida for a year, then back to N.Y.  because driving was too much for them.  Cost me a fortune,but didn’t tell the husband how much.  Feed them, walk them, keep them clean, take them to the vet, giving pills, etc.   At a certain point, way too much trouble, but if they make you happy, that’s o.k.  I see people in my development walking their dogs three times a day in the freezing cold.  That’s love.  I do admire the dogs that help the soldiers mentally when they come back from the wars, plus the Police Dogs that catch the criminals.  They are amazing.  Plus, they are watchdogs for people that are alone.  They hear everything.  People in the city have dog walkers.  That’s nice, if you can afford it.

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7 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

We just got a quick glance but that tattoo of Bennett's looked almost like a DIY job, like a prison tattoo.  Maybe one of his friends did it for him. 

The skin around it had a big rash. It almost looked infected!

I'm sure tattoo parlors weren't open because of COVID during the time they were filming.

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13 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Sneakers for Amani.  The show didn't give Jamie a budget for clothes so she showed them by wearing that one dress.  Cheap show!!

The producers make Jamie wear the same dress for editing.  If they need to get film of her from a previous show to add in to something they are filming new she is dressed the same.

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Re:  Jamie's blue dress.  I actually have that exact dress, in black.  I get compliments every time I wear it, and I love the blue color.  I think we are ragging on Jamie wearing the dress because she and her ridiculous extensions are so annoying.

Re:  Pets.  I grew up with an adorable dog, but I'm with @Racj82 on the issue of pets.  As an adult, I'm just not a pet person.  So when Woody expressed this to Amani, it's thought of as this bad thing, because "everyone" loves their pets so much.  I get it.  All my friends and family have pets, and these days, it seems like you have to have pets.  He's going to lose this battle, as I see a dog in their future, but I wish there would be more understanding for us non pet people.

I was on a Southwest flight once where I had paid extra for bulkhead seat, as I had had foot surgery, with the boot.  The couple who sat next to me was an elderly couple, where the husband had just had hip surgery.  We sat down with his cane at our feet.  The flight attendant came over (pre take-off) to ask one of us to move to a middle seat in the back of the plane, to allow a lady with her dog to sit down.  All 3 of us were so pissed off that the pilot had to come out.  Finally, someone else in bulkhead across the aisle moved.  What had happened was that the lady with the dog had sat in the back, but her dog and another dog started to get into a fight.  We could not believe they were asking people who literally just had surgery to give up their extra-paid seat so that dogs could fly in peace.  Oh, and the dog that sat across from us in bulkhead, barked and whimpered the entire flight.

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I would LOVE to see Bennett & Amelia on a couples cam too!! I’m in, no question!! I enjoyed them from the beginning.

Woody & Amani surprised me. I grew to enjoy them. I think Amani has a great head on her shoulders. I think she needs to take the place of one of the matchmakers on the show or at least give her a spot!

Miles is a catch. I’d like to be matched with someone like him!! He’s open, genuine, great sense of humor, & handsome! All those qualities make him attractive on top of his good looks!!

I realize from posters upthred he seemed selfish. I don’t think we ever really got a true picture of how he puts Karen first. She didn’t seem be vocal about it until the end. 

I enjoyed watching him through the season. I picked up on a lot of the bells & whistles he brings to the table. I really want him to find someone that appreciates him!


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12 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Re:  Jamie's blue dress.  I actually have that exact dress, in black.  I get compliments every time I wear it, and I love the blue color.  I think we are ragging on Jamie wearing the dress because she and her ridiculous extensions are so annoying.

Re:  Pets.  I grew up with an adorable dog, but I'm with @Racj82 on the issue of pets.  As an adult, I'm just not a pet person.  So when Woody expressed this to Amani, it's thought of as this bad thing, because "everyone" loves their pets so much.  I get it.  All my friends and family have pets, and these days, it seems like you have to have pets.  He's going to lose this battle, as I see a dog in their future, but I wish there would be more understanding for us non pet people.

I was on a Southwest flight once where I had paid extra for bulkhead seat, as I had had foot surgery, with the boot.  The couple who sat next to me was an elderly couple, where the husband had just had hip surgery.  We sat down with his cane at our feet.  The flight attendant came over (pre take-off) to ask one of us to move to a middle seat in the back of the plane, to allow a lady with her dog to sit down.  All 3 of us were so pissed off that the pilot had to come out.  Finally, someone else in bulkhead across the aisle moved.  What had happened was that the lady with the dog had sat in the back, but her dog and another dog started to get into a fight.  We could not believe they were asking people who literally just had surgery to give up their extra-paid seat so that dogs could fly in peace.  Oh, and the dog that sat across from us in bulkhead, barked and whimpered the entire flight.

I grew up with pets and do not have the time to properly care for them right now.

I think the problem is there is an assumption "that everyone's life is better with animals"  and that is simply not true.

It is also why so many poor animals end up in shelters because people underestimate the commitment required to take care of them.

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15 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Re:  Pets.  I grew up with an adorable dog, but I'm with @Racj82 on the issue of pets.  As an adult, I'm just not a pet person.  So when Woody expressed this to Amani, it's thought of as this bad thing, because "everyone" loves their pets so much.  I get it.  All my friends and family have pets, and these days, it seems like you have to have pets.  He's going to lose this battle, as I see a dog in their future, but I wish there would be more understanding for us non pet people.

Despite my love of dogs I have never actually owned my own dog in adulthood.  My husband and I worked full time, never had kids, traveled a lot and didn't feel all this would be fair to a dog.  So here we are in our 60's stuck at home a lot because of the pandemic and I've started yearning for a dog.  But old habits are hard to break.  It's been a very long time since I've lived with a pet plus with my germaphobic nature, which has gotten more intense since the world got more knowledgeable about germs, I'm not really loving the idea of a pet getting into bed with me, licking my face, etc.  Plus there's the incredible cost of pet ownership today.  I know because some of my best friends own dogs or cats and right now my husband and I can't spring for that kind of regular expense.

I can actually understand Woody's attitude given how crazy it seems like the younger generation has gotten over their dogs.  Even from my perspective it seems a little obsessive, and I generally recoil against such trends myself.  

Edited by Yeah No
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42 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think Karen is very reserved.  She and Miles will probably divorce in the future, but it won't be on TV.

I would love to ask Henry this question:  When he realized that Christina lied about living in NOLA, after she told him she lived in the CBD, why didn't he go to the producers there and then and say something?  That's fraud IMO.  How did she get on the show?  How did Christina fudge the home visit?  That bothers me more than the gay comment for some reason.  I mean if I was dating a man who lied to me about where he lived, it would be game over.  

Karen didn’t even kiss Miles goodbye when she left the apartment.  That alone speaks volumes to me.  Then, she decides to stay with him?  Production probably paid her more to stay.  For awhile.  They didn’t want three to go and two to stay.  They would have looked bad for them.  I just can’t believe she will sleep with Miles either.  She had enough time to do that.  It’s just not there for her.









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Regarding pets - I have always had them.  I am also a long-term volunteer at my local animal shelter.   I see enough animals get returned by owners who really want to keep them but who are in difficult situations (job loss, eviction, moving into nursing home, etc.) ... these animals were loved and well taken care of.   I also see animals who were adopted out of a whim (think Christmas present) and then when the cuteness wears off, or the person realizes that the animal is a responsibility ... then that animal is brought to the shelter.    

Owning an animal is a responsibility.    I don't judge anyone who says they are not a pet person, just like I don't judge people who say they don't want to have human children.  I actually think it's great to know enough about yourself to make good choices for you and not to hurt another being in the process.

Someone had suggested that Armani and Woody foster a dog first, and I think that's a great idea.  

And specifically about the show ... I watched most of the decision episode, and I am realizing that I like MAFS better when there are successful matches.  I mean, I wouldn't go on a reality show thinking they'd find my match, but it warms my heart that there are a few folks out there who did connect this way. 

And I didn't see all the episodes this season, so I don't know if they showed Olivia trying to have deep conversations with Brett.  I think they were a bad match, and not that I like him at all, but I find her exhausting.  Hopefully she can go on match.com or some other site and find some better options for herself.


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9 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

And I didn't see all the episodes this season, so I don't know if they showed Olivia trying to have deep conversations with Brett.  I think they were a bad match, and not that I like him at all, but I find her exhausting.  Hopefully she can go on match.com or some other site and find some better options for herself.

I don’t see anything wrong with Brett.  He says it like it is and is honest.  To me, Olivia is the type that wants what she wants, no ifs, ands and buts.  Brett will not change being practical.  She will not change being frivolous.  I would have loved to go to Europe too, but the husband didn’t want to.  Was I going to pout about it and get mad?  He’ll no.  Someone has to give in.  Mine doesn’t like plays, but he goes with me.   Olivia won’t give in for anything.  She should of at least tried and gave it a whirl.  Not every couple agrees on everything.  Brett still seems interested in her.  Things could be worked out.

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5 hours ago, NannyBails said:

And specifically about the show ... I watched most of the decision episode, and I am realizing that I like MAFS better when there are successful matches.  I mean, I wouldn't go on a reality show thinking they'd find my match, but it warms my heart that there are a few folks out there who did connect this way. 

I'm not calling any of this season "successful matches" until after the finale/reunion show. Let's see who is still together then.

Is the finale next week?

Edited by OnTime
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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I think Karen is very reserved.  She and Miles will probably divorce in the future, but it won't be on TV.

I would love to ask Henry this question:  When he realized that Christina lied about living in NOLA, after she told him she lived in the CBD, why didn't he go to the producers there and then and say something?  That's fraud IMO.  How did she get on the show?  How did Christina fudge the home visit?  That bothers me more than the gay comment for some reason.  I mean if I was dating a man who lied to me about where he lived, it would be game over.  

I also wondered why Henry didn’t bring up her lying about living in Nola. I thought Pepper did home visits of everyone? I’m guessing the show didn’t want it brought up because it would prove how little they know about these people. I’m guessing there were other lies too. I think Christina needs help and should never have been cast.

I still think only Amani and Woody will stay married. They are awesome together. Miles and Karen won’t make it because she will never be intimate with him and he will get tired of doing all the work in the relationship.

My unpopular opinion about Amelia and Bennett is that they care about each other but once the cameras are off Amelia will turn off her quirky persona and be someone else in Virginia and Bennett may not fit into her next “lark” . Had to laugh at his yellow ruffled Capri pants!

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21 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I'm not calling any of this seasons "successful matches" until after the finale/reunion show. Let's see who is still together then.

Is the finale next week?

According to next weeks t.v. Guide, there is no Married at First Sight next week.  Christmas movies are on.  So when there’s a reunion, will they reveal who’s still together?  Wonder how many weeks went by since last nights show and the final reunion.



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