goofygirl September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 I think Ashley got pregnant again because Micahel won't use protection and neither will she. Also, she wanted more than one child and wanted them to have the same father. Finally, mo $$$$!!!! 1 2 Link to comment
Sheenieb September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 Quote I didn't get it either. When I saw the preview - I thought it was part of some Monique secret drinking game, where one uses a bottle that has a plug and you guzzle as much as you can. Why on each would you mention something so personal to people you barely know. And then to use the largest wine bottle he could find (side-note: Is that how big they are Sams/Costco ? Also, what confused me about it was that he turned the bottle upside down, so I was like, is he insinuating that Monique gives him ass love? 🤔 Either way, that was not cool. Ashley, if you're at the point where you're sniffing your husband's drawers, then it's time to call it quits. Sidenote, has anyone ever found irrefutable proof of cheating by sniffing underwear? I was surprised that hear that people really do that in real life. Mo had a really bad episode. She was doing the most about the side conversation. Everyone else was out there and had a good time, so who cares? Also, that fire looked too high. 1 11 Link to comment
qtpye September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 14 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said: I'm in public relations and the idea that anyone spent $200,000 on a podcast is crazy to me. 13 hours ago, laprin said: Yeah, I work in media. We do podcasts all the time. I assume she created a studio for her podcasts. It would include lights, microphones, headphones, maybe boom arms, sound proofing. It’s still a lot. 8 hours ago, byrd said: Monique is coming unhinged. It's just a matter of time before she loses it on Chris. It would not surprise me if the rumors were true, she is seeking attention and she needs the mommy space that she's not getting often enough. Chris is country and a jerk sometimes, but Monique is truly tired I can see it all over her . T'Challa is all she has. I was proud of Candiace the episode. Something is not right with M. I think she is paranoid that the ladies are plotting against her. There was Candiass admitting that Giselle wanted to go in on Monique and perhaps suggest that the third child is not her husband’s. This supposedly happened at Andy’s baby shower. Monique strikes me as a perfectionist and a reality show is never going to have your best interests at heart. Being the picture perfect wife of a rich successful and perhaps jerky guy is starting to wear her down. Karen drunken rant (which was hella amusing) shows how money changes the power dynamics in a relationship. Before, Ray was a kindly older gentleman of means that took Karen off the farm and into a better life ( her words). Remember when she used to call him the black Bill Gates? Now he is annoying old guy that she bailed out of a tax jam. His elderly ways are cramping her style. I want to say this loud and clear...the Darby marriage issues does not make the show interesting. They have beaten that dead horse to the ground for 3 seasons. At this point, I feel like Ashley and Michael are trolling us to supposedly give her juicy story lines (yawn). 2 15 Link to comment
shoetingstar September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 15 hours ago, BloggerAloud said: Monique is like a hop, skip, and tear of a yellow wall paper away from a one of those trapped-in-a-loveless marriage heroines you would read about in your high school English class. She's also reached a level of insanity about Candiace because you can't be actively hostile towards at this cabin thing and then be angry that she's not coming to film to record that podcast you have insanely sunk 200,000 dollars into. And Robyn is completely right about Monique projecting stuff because she doesn't want people to be talking about her marriage troubles and I don't know if it is the Bravo edit or not but so far all of Candiace's comments have been strictly about Monique and haven't mentioned anything about her marriage, unlike a lot of the other ladies. Was this a reference to THEE Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman?! Love that story! Monique is definitely acting on the edge of unhinged. 15 minutes ago, qtpye said: Something is not right with M. I think she is paranoid that the ladies are plotting against her. There was Candiass admitting that Giselle wanted to go in on Monique and perhaps suggest that the third child is not her husband’s. This supposedly happened at Andy’s baby shower. Monique strikes me as a perfectionist and a reality show is never going to have your best interests at heart. Being the picture perfect wife of a rich successful and perhaps jerky guy is starting to wear her down. Karen drunken rant (which was hella amusing) shows how money changes the power dynamics in a relationship. Before, Ray was a kindly older gentleman of means that took Karen off the farm and into a better life ( her words). Remember when she used to call him the black Bill Gates? Now he is annoying old guy that she bailed out of a tax jam. His elderly ways are cramping her style. I want to say this loud and clear...the Darby marriage issues does not make the show interesting. They have beaten that dead horse to the ground for 3 seasons. At this point, I feel like Ashley and Michael are trolling us to supposedly give her juicy story lines (yawn). I've been reading Ray the other way, that Ray has some resentment and is not as interested in her. Definitely not as lovey-dovey as he once was with her while she's begging for his attention. Crazy as it sounds, I think Ashley doesn't mind Michael's affairs are coming out - it guarantees her spot on the show. Plus, the 2 kids give her future security if she leaves him. I think they either have an open marriage or she let's him cheat because she likes the money and doesn't want to be left with nothing. Monique got on my nerves this episode. Like calm the fuck down. I normally like her, but she was way out of line. I'm not the biggest Candyass fan but how were you friends if you can't talk to her about what is bothering you? Just be a grown ass woman instead of the snide remarks. Dammit, I hate that the show has me feeling sympathy toward Wendy. I did not like her on her 1st few episodes and still chuckle when I flasback to T'Challa scared the mess out of her! I notice Bravo Editors play that clip every week too lol. 2 11 Link to comment
drivethroo September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Sheenieb said: Ashley, if you're at the point where you're sniffing your husband's drawers, then it's time to call it quits. Sidenote, has anyone ever found irrefutable proof of cheating by sniffing underwear? I was surprised that hear that people really do that in real life. You know what your vagina/secretions smell like. You know what your partner's body/secretions smell like. If there's a completely different smell going on, what's up? However if you have to go around smelling secretions in the underwear you should probably not be in that relationship. 2 hours ago, shoetingstar said: Crazy as it sounds, I think Ashley doesn't mind Michael's affairs are coming out - it guarantees her spot on the show. Plus, the 2 kids give her future security if she leaves him. I think they either have an open marriage or she let's him cheat because she likes the money and doesn't want to be left with nothing. I think Ashley was cool with it when they were dating and first married. That's why he married her, because she was a young, naive girl from a less than desirable and impoverished background. The thought of the things Ashley must have done sexually to get this man to provide for her and her family makes me sick. Remember, when she first came on she was humping Robyn from day one, telling strangers about her sex life and just being out there and Gizelle & Robyn were calling her a "thot" (which bothered her). No one will call you a "thot" if you're not out there acting "thottish." Remember, Karen didn't want Ashley around her daughter lest Ashley's ways rub off on her young daughter. But, those are things you think are cool and fun when you are young. Now that she's getting older, around other women and become a mother I think Ashley is seeing this isn't really the lifestyle she would like to participate in. Michael didn't marry her to be an equal partner and start a family with her. Michael married her to be a sex toy and arm candy. That's why he was frustrated she wasn't having sex with him immediately after giving birth and being injured by said birth (remember, this episode was filmed in October, 3 months after Dean's birth in July). Ashley wasn't opening up her bootyhole or any other hole to Michael because she was tired and injured so he went elsewhere. It's probably why she and Monique are friends because Monique's husband acts like she's sex toy arm candy too. The difference between Ashley and Monique is Ashley has seemed to accept that she will have to accept Michael's tendencies (and occasionally participate) in order to keep the nice lifestyle for her and her children. Monique resents the fact she has to accept Chris' sexual desires to keep the lifestyle for herself and her children. I think Monique lived with Chris for years before they got married, she was probably sucking and licking and WAPing as much as Chris' heart desired because she wanted that lifestyle. Now she's expected to keep it up, along with raising the kids, managing the household and her BRAVO and outside endeavors. Monique is TIRED. It's probably another reason Monique (and Ashley) have/had a bone to pick with Candiace: she's the only one who didn't have to be WAPing and swinging & sucking in order to have a lovely roof over her head because her mom is keeping her, not a man (and why it strikes a nerve with Candiace: because no man was willing to keep her, she has to be kept by her mom). Candiace is also child-free and living a carefree life and Monique is having to deal with her disrespectful/controlling husband, 3 children under 6 years old, the pressure of having to be "perfect" (I'm pretty positive her husband demands she look her best at ALL times and snap back immediately after having the kids) and trying to measure up to women who don't see it for her. So Monique could be looking at Candiace through that lens. Monique could also be experiencing post partum depression herself; the last baby was not even a year old when these scenes were filmed. I'd like Show to explore Karen and Ray a bit more. The tax issues from 3 seasons ago is still an issue. Karen is resentful she had to bail Ray out because of the tax issue. She was probably counting on that money for her golden years and if Ray is broke because he wasn't paying taxes and she had to: Sell and leave the home she loved because Ray didn't pay his taxes Use her nest egg up to bail Ray out Be expected to leave her life in the DC area and move down to Florida because Ray wants to retire Karen is TIRED. She spent 20some years catering to Ray's needs and her kids' needs and now when it's finally time for Karen, she's expected to give all of that up to cater to Ray's needs yet again. When is it time for Karen? But that's not what Ray signed up for: he signed up for arm candy/younger woman/sex toy when he married Karen and he's not getting what he paid for all those years ago. Ashley & Monique need to take heed: Karen is who they'll be in 20 years. Edited September 15, 2020 by drivethroo 23 Link to comment
Sharonana September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 (edited) I have been married for 42 years and dearly love my husband. I can barely stand to touch his dirty underwear much less sniff them. 😬 Geebuzz Ashley!!! 🤢🤢😝 There's gotta be a better way to find out if the man is cheating. Edited September 15, 2020 by Sharonana 14 3 Link to comment
Alonzo Mosely FBI September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 (edited) On 9/13/2020 at 10:58 PM, Bronzedog said: Did Chris Samuels ask for breakfast the second he walked in the door? No wonder Monique is so attached to that bird. The bird is the only one who has to stay and listen to her. Although he/she did escape for awhile a few weeks ago. I feel badly for Monique. Also can you imagine Dorinda, or Lisa Vanderpump or any of the other cities howives making pop and fresh danish as breakfast? Chain pizza delivery? Or catering out of tinfoil every single meal? Poor Monique in addition to everything else feeling so off the food situation did not help the other wives were not happy. The food looked heavy and not classy. Gawd 8-10 ppl at your house? Hire a chef for the weekend! 21 hours ago, luckyroll3 said: Monique seems really fragile. It's like she was doing fine holding everything together, and then she had this last kid and created cracks at all the tension points where she was working hard to keep everything in one piece. Now she's just fucking unravelling. She seems angry all the time. Agree Monique is tired! Chris is always going on about how she better perform, so I suspect he isn't happy that the "performance" isn't what it used to be. Agree that's why T'Challa is her BFF right now. I feel a little badly for Monique right now. She's carrying a lot around. To the poster upthread who asked I assume that Chris was simulating Monique performing oral because he got down on his knees. Of course the GIANT prop was his penis, ugh. 13 hours ago, OdinO. said: That's interesting. I was unaware of the caste system in Nigeria. Can anyone here translate the caste system to the ppl on 90 Day Fiance? I had no idea that there was a caste system in Nigeria until it was explained w/Dr Wendy's situation. OMG and I almost forgot! DO NOT EVER SPRAY LIGHTER FLUID ON A LIT FIRE, PEOPLE! I could tell you some stories. Yeah it's not as flammable as say gasoline or other fuels but do not every do it! She is lucky she didn't turn into a fireball. Edited September 15, 2020 by Alonzo Mosely FBI 11 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 40 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said: I feel badly for Monique. Also can you imagine Dorinda, or Lisa Vanderpump or any of the other cities howives making pop and fresh danish as breakfast? Chain pizza delivery? Or catering out of tinfoil every single meal? Poor Monique in addition to everything else feeling so off the food situation did not help the other wives were not happy. The food looked heavy and not classy. Gawd 8-10 ppl at your house? Hire a chef for the weekend! I know! Hiring a chef and kitchen staff would have given her a much needed break from the kitchen and she could have enjoyed her birthday a little more. Catering from foil pans is not a big deal but they could have had chafers to keep the food hot, maybe set up a nice looking buffet, I get a little OCD about the randomness of buffets, hodgepodge placed on a crowded counter top, foil lids all over the place, sharing space with the package of English muffins and snack foods, I am getting hives thinking about it. (Yes, I know it seems a bit much but I have a lot of years in catering and I have a trigger about messy buffets). Also, I was not impressed with the little touches in that lake house, I don't know why I was expecting nicer shelving in the pantry, hated the wall colors, I know, stupid stuff. 7 Link to comment
TV Diva Queen September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 I'm seeing here that a podcast studio costs about $100k Me thinks Monique paid the contractor $100k, had him produce receipts for $200k and she put the extra $100k in her exit strategy fund. at least I hope she did. 6 1 1 Link to comment
Alonzo Mosely FBI September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 21 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: I know! Hiring a chef and kitchen staff would have given her a much needed break from the kitchen and she could have enjoyed her birthday a little more. Catering from foil pans is not a big deal but they could have had chafers to keep the food hot, maybe set up a nice looking buffet, I get a little OCD about the randomness of buffets, hodgepodge placed on a crowded counter top, foil lids all over the place, sharing space with the package of English muffins and snack foods, I am getting hives thinking about it. (Yes, I know it seems a bit much but I have a lot of years in catering and I have a trigger about messy buffets). Also, I was not impressed with the little touches in that lake house, I don't know why I was expecting nicer shelving in the pantry, hated the wall colors, I know, stupid stuff. Right w/the food??! That house is a bad marriage of 2004 and "let's add a modern expensive oasis pool!" -- "we need to add a fancy firepit!" "Let's upgrade the master bath!" hodgepodge. 5 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 15 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said: I'm seeing here that a podcast studio costs about $100k Me thinks Monique paid the contractor $100k, had him produce receipts for $200k and she put the extra $100k in her exit strategy fund. at least I hope she did. Her exit fund from Chris or the show? 4 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 1 minute ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said: Right w/the food??! That house is a bad marriage of 2004 and "let's add a modern expensive oasis pool!" -- "we need to add a fancy firepit!" "Let's upgrade the master bath!" hodgepodge. Although, the back side of that house looked really nice with the lighting...when it comes to a lake house or beach house I would have opted for a different aesthetic, why make build a house that looks like every neighborhood inland? 6 Link to comment
TV Diva Queen September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 8 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: Her exit fund from Chris or the show? Chris 2 Link to comment
Panda Bear September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 On 9/14/2020 at 9:41 AM, luckyroll3 said: Monique seems really fragile. It's like she was doing fine holding everything together, and then she had this last kid and created cracks at all the tension points where she was working hard to keep everything in one piece. Now she's just fucking unravelling. I agree with you, except I don't think she was doing fine before the last kid. She ran her car into a tree in season three because she was exhausted (and perhaps drunk from day drinking with Ashley). She was already at her breaking point before she had Chase, but her husband didn't seem to give a shit then and he still doesn't. As frustrating as I found Monique in this episode, I feel really bad for her. I also remember her saying that Chris picks fights with her around her birthday in season three, because the focus isn't on him. Still true, it seems, in season five. If she did have that affair, I can't say I blame her. 12 Link to comment
biakbiak September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 18 minutes ago, Panda Bear said: She was already at her breaking point before she had Chase, but her husband Also, she had at least one miscarriage before she had Chase. Link to comment
Rlb8031 September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said: I feel badly for Monique. Also can you imagine Dorinda, or Lisa Vanderpump or any of the other cities howives making pop and fresh danish as breakfast? Chain pizza delivery? Or catering out of tinfoil every single meal? Poor Monique in addition to everything else feeling so off the food situation did not help the other wives were not happy. The food looked heavy and not classy. Gawd 8-10 ppl at your house? Hire a chef for the weekend! She did have a chef, at least for the first night when they ate dinner at the table outside (and Ashley and Wendy got into it). I think his name was Chef Jeff? The problem is that Monique is a control freak, perfectionist, who insists upon projecting that she "has it all". So that translates into "I'm going to cook every meal, because it will be easy." "I've made a plan (fishing, bonfire, etc.) and everyone has to come along and do what I do because its what I find to be relaxing." and "I gave up control over one meal (to Chris) and now he wants to bring some rando in to cater". She's losing her mind trying to give the appearance of easy-breezy while doing 100% of everything for 8 women on her own. No wonder T'Challa is stressed... Edited September 15, 2020 by Rlb8031 more thoughts 1 1 7 Link to comment
Neurochick September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 12 hours ago, Sheenieb said: Also, what confused me about it was that he turned the bottle upside down, so I was like, is he insinuating that Monique gives him ass love? 🤔 That's what I thought he was doing. I thought he said the bottle was Monique, and then he turned it over, as if to imply anal sex. 1 Link to comment
Sharonana September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: I know! Hiring a chef and kitchen staff would have given her a much needed break from the kitchen and she could have enjoyed her birthday a little more. Catering from foil pans is not a big deal but they could have had chafers to keep the food hot, maybe set up a nice looking buffet, I get a little OCD about the randomness of buffets, hodgepodge placed on a crowded counter top, foil lids all over the place, sharing space with the package of English muffins and snack foods, I am getting hives thinking about it. (Yes, I know it seems a bit much but I have a lot of years in catering and I have a trigger about messy buffets). Also, I was not impressed with the little touches in that lake house, I don't know why I was expecting nicer shelving in the pantry, hated the wall colors, I know, stupid stuff. And not only all that, Monique is walking around the kitchen with a damn bird on her shoulder. Yuck!!! Bird feathers and a sprinkling of bird poop are not any condiments that I'd like to eat. 1 1 4 Link to comment
qtpye September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 (edited) 10 hours ago, drivethroo said: You know what your vagina/secretions smell like. You know what your partner's body/secretions smell like. If there's a completely different smell going on, what's up? However if you have to go around smelling secretions in the underwear you should probably not be in that relationship. I think Ashley was cool with it when they were dating and first married. That's why he married her, because she was a young, naive girl from a less than desirable and impoverished background. The thought of the things Ashley must have done sexually to get this man to provide for her and her family makes me sick. Remember, when she first came on she was humping Robyn from day one, telling strangers about her sex life and just being out there and Gizelle & Robyn were calling her a "thot" (which bothered her). No one will call you a "thot" if you're not out there acting "thottish." Remember, Karen didn't want Ashley around her daughter lest Ashley's ways rub off on her young daughter. But, those are things you think are cool and fun when you are young. Now that she's getting older, around other women and become a mother I think Ashley is seeing this isn't really the lifestyle she would like to participate in. Michael didn't marry her to be an equal partner and start a family with her. Michael married her to be a sex toy and arm candy. That's why he was frustrated she wasn't having sex with him immediately after giving birth and being injured by said birth (remember, this episode was filmed in October, 3 months after Dean's birth in July). Ashley wasn't opening up her bootyhole or any other hole to Michael because she was tired and injured so he went elsewhere. It's probably why she and Monique are friends because Monique's husband acts like she's sex toy arm candy too. The difference between Ashley and Monique is Ashley has seemed to accept that she will have to accept Michael's tendencies (and occasionally participate) in order to keep the nice lifestyle for her and her children. Monique resents the fact she has to accept Chris' sexual desires to keep the lifestyle for herself and her children. I think Monique lived with Chris for years before they got married, she was probably sucking and licking and WAPing as much as Chris' heart desired because she wanted that lifestyle. Now she's expected to keep it up, along with raising the kids, managing the household and her BRAVO and outside endeavors. Monique is TIRED. It's probably another reason Monique (and Ashley) have/had a bone to pick with Candiace: she's the only one who didn't have to be WAPing and swinging & sucking in order to have a lovely roof over her head because her mom is keeping her, not a man (and why it strikes a nerve with Candiace: because no man was willing to keep her, she has to be kept by her mom). Candiace is also child-free and living a carefree life and Monique is having to deal with her disrespectful/controlling husband, 3 children under 6 years old, the pressure of having to be "perfect" (I'm pretty positive her husband demands she look her best at ALL times and snap back immediately after having the kids) and trying to measure up to women who don't see it for her. So Monique could be looking at Candiace through that lens. Monique could also be experiencing post partum depression herself; the last baby was not even a year old when these scenes were filmed. I'd like Show to explore Karen and Ray a bit more. The tax issues from 3 seasons ago is still an issue. Karen is resentful she had to bail Ray out because of the tax issue. She was probably counting on that money for her golden years and if Ray is broke because he wasn't paying taxes and she had to: Sell and leave the home she loved because Ray didn't pay his taxes Use her nest egg up to bail Ray out Be expected to leave her life in the DC area and move down to Florida because Ray wants to retire Karen is TIRED. She spent 20some years catering to Ray's needs and her kids' needs and now when it's finally time for Karen, she's expected to give all of that up to cater to Ray's needs yet again. When is it time for Karen? But that's not what Ray signed up for: he signed up for arm candy/younger woman/sex toy when he married Karen and he's not getting what he paid for all those years ago. Ashley & Monique need to take heed: Karen is who they'll be in 20 years. It feels love like the saying about when you marry for money, you earn every penny. 1 hour ago, Rlb8031 said: She did have a chef, at least for the first night when they ate dinner at the table outside (and Ashley and Wendy got into it). I think his name was Chef Jeff? The problem is that Monique is a control freak, perfectionist, who insists upon projecting that she "has it all". So that translates into "I'm going to cook every meal, because it will be easy." "I've made a plan (fishing, bonfire, etc.) and everyone has to come along and do what I do because its what I find to be relaxing." and "I gave up control over one meal (to Chris) and now he wants to bring some rando in to cater". She's losing her mind trying to give the appearance of easy-breezy while doing 100% of everything for 8 women on her own. No wonder T'Challa is stressed... The United States is a country where people brag about working themselves to death. You are looked down upon if you take vacations or imply you have an easy life. Women are particularly put on the spot to make it look like they effortlessly have it all. It is even harder for black women and women of color since we often feel like we need to prove our worth by working twice as hard as everyone else. Early in my marriage, I was like Monique without all her money. I had a husband who traveled for his job and was gone five days a week. I had a full time job, 2 small children, and a house I basically had to keep up myself. I asked no one for help and people often called me for favors. We had parties and I was expected to do all the cooking, cleaning, and hosting. I bet most of you know a woman just like this, particularly if she is a black woman. We are expected to take care of everything and smile like it is a privilege. Monique was totally out of pocket but after a lovely weekend at her home, all anyone will remember is that she fell asleep and they were all a little bored. That’s another thing...the people we are often trying to prove ourselves to are so not worth it. She has to stop trying to be perfect and chill. Maybe hire the nanny her husband was talking about and just enjoy her life of privilege and stand up for herself more in the marriage. Edited September 15, 2020 by qtpye 13 Link to comment
Popular Post lasu September 15, 2020 Popular Post Share September 15, 2020 On 9/14/2020 at 9:49 AM, bosawks said: I'm the type of person who, if commanded to call you "Dr. Wendy", would do so ad nauseam. Every single member of that catering crew would have been introduced to "Dr. Wendy". "Have you met Dr. Wendy" "I'd like to introduce to Dr. Wendy" "Do you know Dr. Wendy" "Look! It's Dr. Wendy" "Hey, Dr. Wendy" And that's all I would ever call her. This makes me think of when Mike "the Situation" went on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and in that version, you actually hear Big Brother call contestants to the Diary Room and talk to them. They trolled him so hard; they called him "The Situation" every damn time. "The Situation, please come to the diary room." "Did you enjoy the task today, The Situation?" "Why do you feel like you're not getting along with Random Contest, The Situation?" All in a British accent. It was glorious. This is two weeks in a row where I have felt like I didn't completely hate Candiace. I got my flu shot today, so maybe that will help. I don't know. And Monique AND Chris are getting tough edits this season. I've really liked Monique, but she is starting to slip. I truly think she boxed herself into an idiotic corner with this whole No Lazy Moms bullshit. It drives me crazy when rich people don't know how to rich. Stop working yourself to the bone, you're RICH! Throw. Money. At. The. Problem! God, I could rich so much better than these rich people rich. If I were to rich, the only reason I wouldn't get bed sores is because I would pay someone to roll me over. They say youth is wasted on the young, which is accurate, but if you can't rich like a rich person, you shouldn't be allowed to be rich. I could SHOW these people how to rich. Alas, I can only show you how to poor. And I still don't work as hard as Monique! Rich FAIL! 22 4 Link to comment
qtpye September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 31 minutes ago, lasu said: This makes me think of when Mike "the Situation" went on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and in that version, you actually hear Big Brother call contestants to the Diary Room and talk to them. They trolled him so hard; they called him "The Situation" every damn time. "The Situation, please come to the diary room." "Did you enjoy the task today, The Situation?" "Why do you feel like you're not getting along with Random Contest, The Situation?" All in a British accent. It was glorious. This is two weeks in a row where I have felt like I didn't completely hate Candiace. I got my flu shot today, so maybe that will help. I don't know. And Monique AND Chris are getting tough edits this season. I've really liked Monique, but she is starting to slip. I truly think she boxed herself into an idiotic corner with this whole No Lazy Moms bullshit. It drives me crazy when rich people don't know how to rich. Stop working yourself to the bone, you're RICH! Throw. Money. At. The. Problem! God, I could rich so much better than these rich people rich. If I were to rich, the only reason I wouldn't get bed sores is because I would pay someone to roll me over. They say youth is wasted on the young, which is accurate, but if you can't rich like a rich person, you shouldn't be allowed to be rich. I could SHOW these people how to rich. Alas, I can only show you how to poor. And I still don't work as hard as Monique! Rich FAIL! It reminds me of this man I knew who earned at least $750,000 as a surgeon. He was complaining about how long it took to do the grocery shopping for his family and it was a giant time suck. I asked him why the hell did he not just get his groceries delivered. He said he felt bad about "wasting money" on a expense like that. You should always be conservative with your expenses but the point of money is to give you security AND make your life easier...not harder. Monique, you can work exactly as much or as little as you need to. This is an amazing option that most people do not have. Do you remember how Giselle finagled an "intern" from her sorority for her now failed makeup brand? You could do that, but unlike can actually afford to pay people. This also allows someone else to have fruitful you are still contributing to society by creating a job. Also, most of the people who you are trying so hard to impress do not give a damn about you, so top trying to impress them and enjoy your life. 6 Link to comment
vmcd88 September 15, 2020 Share September 15, 2020 Monique’s husband is an ass. Potomac is my favorite cast. 8 Link to comment
shoetingstar September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 6 hours ago, vmcd88 said: Monique’s husband is an ass. Potomac is my favorite cast. You rhymed - Monique would be proud! lol 5 Link to comment
Kerrey92 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 10 hours ago, qtpye said: Monique, you can work exactly as much or as little as you need to. This is an amazing option that most people do not have. Except she has a company/blog “Not for Lazy Moms” or some such nonsense so it wouldn’t be on brand for her to have a bunch of help. I think that’s stupid and that she should have help especially when the kids are as little as hers and so physically demanding. But I can see where in her mind she doesn’t want to be considered “lazy” when she’s trying to launch this brand. 1 Link to comment
luckyroll3 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) And if she did stop working or all of a sudden hired a bunch of help, you just know Monique's mother-in-law would be in the corner whispering, "See, I told y'all about that heifer! Now she's too good to work/do housework/take care of her own kids/etc. and just wants to spend my baby's money!" Edited September 16, 2020 by luckyroll3 19 Link to comment
OdinO. September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 22 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: Although, the back side of that house looked really nice with the lighting...when it comes to a lake house or beach house I would have opted for a different aesthetic, why make build a house that looks like every neighborhood inland? Toll Brothers or Van Metre spit all over that ugly design. 3 Link to comment
OdinO. September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 15 hours ago, lasu said: This makes me think of when Mike "the Situation" went on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and in that version, you actually hear Big Brother call contestants to the Diary Room and talk to them. They trolled him so hard; they called him "The Situation" every damn time. "The Situation, please come to the diary room." "Did you enjoy the task today, The Situation?" "Why do you feel like you're not getting along with Random Contest, The Situation?" All in a British accent. It was glorious. This is two weeks in a row where I have felt like I didn't completely hate Candiace. I got my flu shot today, so maybe that will help. I don't know. And Monique AND Chris are getting tough edits this season. I've really liked Monique, but she is starting to slip. I truly think she boxed herself into an idiotic corner with this whole No Lazy Moms bullshit. It drives me crazy when rich people don't know how to rich. Stop working yourself to the bone, you're RICH! Throw. Money. At. The. Problem! God, I could rich so much better than these rich people rich. If I were to rich, the only reason I wouldn't get bed sores is because I would pay someone to roll me over. They say youth is wasted on the young, which is accurate, but if you can't rich like a rich person, you shouldn't be allowed to be rich. I could SHOW these people how to rich. Alas, I can only show you how to poor. And I still don't work as hard as Monique! Rich FAIL! They aren't THAT rich. 4 hours ago, Kerrey92 said: Except she has a company/blog “Not for Lazy Moms” or some such nonsense so it wouldn’t be on brand for her to have a bunch of help. I think that’s stupid and that she should have help especially when the kids are as little as hers and so physically demanding. But I can see where in her mind she doesn’t want to be considered “lazy” when she’s trying to launch this brand. I raised 3 little kids with no help. It's not that hard unless you make it hard. 4 Link to comment
lasu September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 1 hour ago, OdinO. said: They aren't THAT rich. Well, yes, nor am I actually THAT lazy. It was just exaggeration for comedic effect. 7 Link to comment
Sweet-tea September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) 21 hours ago, Panda Bear said: I agree with you, except I don't think she was doing fine before the last kid. She ran her car into a tree in season three because she was exhausted (and perhaps drunk from day drinking with Ashley). Yep. She was stressed. I'm skeptical about her claim to have just fallen asleep too. She had been out drinking with Ashley and then drove home, "fell asleep" and crashed her car. Were police called? Because if they showed up, seems like they would've done a sobriety test. She may have gotten a DUI. It seemed like she dodged a bullet. There were comments from others about her drinking that season and then they stopped. Despite what she tries to project, Monique seems really stressed to me. I can see it in her body language when Chris is chastising her about something. Edited September 16, 2020 by Sweet-tea 2 Link to comment
biakbiak September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 7 hours ago, Kerrey92 said: Except she has a company/blog “Not for Lazy Moms” I wonder what she would have named it if Chris was in played basketball or hockey. 1 Link to comment
bichonblitz September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 3 hours ago, OdinO. said: I raised 3 little kids with no help. It's not that hard unless you make it hard. Exactly! I know plenty of women with kids that work full time jobs outside the home, come home tired and do everything there, too. Some of them single, too. No sympathy for Monique whatsofuckingever. Hire a goddamned nanny and housekeeper and STFU. As far as the jerk husband situation you are on your own. Start saving your coins in a secret bank account. because Chris seems like the kind of guy that would hire the best lawyer in Potomac to make sure you left him with nothing but the clothes on your back. Having said all that, I'm one of those people that thought Monique had a great marriage with a respectful, loving husband. How wrong I was. I have to eat my words on that one! 1 5 Link to comment
Sheenieb September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 Quote And if she did stop working or all of a sudden hired a bunch of help, you just know Monique's mother-in-law would be in the corner whispering, "See, I told y'all about that heifer! Now she's too good to work/do housework/take care of her own kids/etc. and just wants to spend my baby's money!" Yup. This is why you really have to live your life the way you see fit and not care about the opinions of others. But, I also agree that Monique doesn't hire help because it would be off brand, so she backed herself into a corner. It's like in Legally Blond when Elle found out that Brooke Windham, fitness instructor, had liposuction. You can't be out here branding yourself as not "a lazy mom" but turn around and hire help. I hate that she did that to herself. She, like most Black girls and women, internalized the "strong Black woman" trope. All being a "strong Black woman" does is give you a chronic illness or put you in an early grave. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. It's lifesaving. I hoped Monique changed the name of her business back when she was doing the essential oils. Didn't her brother tell her that the name was problematic? But here we are. 3 Link to comment
Rlb8031 September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 41 minutes ago, OdinO. said: I raised 3 little kids with no help. It's not that hard unless you make it hard. Part of what makes it hard is that when you are in a partnership with another person each of you gets to give your opinion and you have to at least pretend to take the other person's opinion into consideration. When its just you, you decide and move on. It would be just as easy for Monique - she'd just have to ignore everything Chris wants or says, which would create a bigger issue. 1 3 Link to comment
OdinO. September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 13 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said: Part of what makes it hard is that when you are in a partnership with another person each of you gets to give your opinion and you have to at least pretend to take the other person's opinion into consideration. When its just you, you decide and move on. It would be just as easy for Monique - she'd just have to ignore everything Chris wants or says, which would create a bigger issue. I had a husband but no professional help. 1 1 Link to comment
Neurochick September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) 21 hours ago, qtpye said: It reminds me of this man I knew who earned at least $750,000 as a surgeon. He was complaining about how long it took to do the grocery shopping for his family and it was a giant time suck. I asked him why the hell did he not just get his groceries delivered. He said he felt bad about "wasting money" on a expense like that. I went to school with lots of rich kids. Every single last one of them was cheap, still are. And THAT'S how they stay rich. Poor folks spend $500 in a pair of sneakers, while rich folks look through the papers for bargains. Quote Having said all that, I'm one of those people that thought Monique had a great marriage with a respectful, loving husband. How wrong I was. I have to eat my words on that one! I was always skeptical. Monique rubbed me the wrong way when she told Gizelle she had four houses. Now I know she said that to "one up" Gizelle, but why one up her? If your life is great, you don't need to one up anybody. It's like how Wendy had to mention her "4 Degrees" constantly. Why do you feel the need to even say that? If someone told me they had four houses I would have a whole bunch of questions for them. Do you rent them out? If you do rent them out, do you use a management company? If you don't rent them out, who lives there while you're away? And do you trust those people? How is the security system on all of those homes? Do you worry about squatters? Edited September 16, 2020 by Neurochick 1 3 Link to comment
BloggerAloud September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 3 hours ago, Neurochick said: I was always skeptical. Monique rubbed me the wrong way when she told Gizelle she had four houses. Now I know she said that to "one up" Gizelle, but why one up her? If your life is great, you don't need to one up anybody. It's like how Wendy had to mention her "4 Degrees" constantly. Why do you feel the need to even say that? I don't see a problem with it because she got the shady tone Gizelle was throwing when she said, "You don't have a home?" so you going to volley some shade, throw some shade back. 11 Link to comment
Marley September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 I don’t know what it was or if I missed it before but I found Wendy’s husband super attractive in this episode. From how he looked to how he interacted with everyone and Wendy. I don’t understand the point of the guys coming though. It seemed like they were barely there had a quick lunch and left. Seemed like a waste. I usually like Monique but she was so annoying this episode. Chris Samuels seems like a jerk. If someone told me not to yawn while they were talking to me I would yawn more. But I am also single lol. 5 Link to comment
qtpye September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Neurochick said: I went to school with lots of rich kids. Every single last one of them was cheap, still are. And THAT'S how they stay rich. Poor folks spend $500 in a pair of sneakers, while rich folks look through the papers for bargains. I was always skeptical. Monique rubbed me the wrong way when she told Gizelle she had four houses. Now I know she said that to "one up" Gizelle, but why one up her? If your life is great, you don't need to one up anybody. It's like how Wendy had to mention her "4 Degrees" constantly. Why do you feel the need to even say that? If someone told me they had four houses I would have a whole bunch of questions for them. Do you rent them out? If you do rent them out, do you use a management company? If you don't rent them out, who lives there while you're away? And do you trust those people? How is the security system on all of those homes? Do you worry about squatters? That is because you would never ask the question that Gizelle asked in the first place. Gizelle wanted to shame Monique because she figured someone like Monique could never afford a house in Potomac. G asked a shady question and M came back with a shady answer that shut her down. Gizelle shades any new beautiful woman she comes across. She is probably being nice to Dr. Windy because they are in the same sorority so she does not have to assert her "Big Sister Gorgeous One" status. G also has a lot of nerve to talk about hair considering what she wears on her own head (she makes fun of M's hair in this video). Edited September 16, 2020 by qtpye 6 Link to comment
For Cereals September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 On 9/14/2020 at 9:32 PM, Sheenieb said: Also, that fire looked too high. How did those s’mores not taste like lighter fluid? 3 Link to comment
Neurochick September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 48 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said: I don't see a problem with it because she got the shady tone Gizelle was throwing when she said, "You don't have a home?" so you going to volley some shade, throw some shade back. Still doesn't make sense to me, to me it makes you look like a fool, like it doesn't take much to rattle you. 1 Link to comment
LibertarianSlut September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 If Monique is actually running herself ragged and not hiring domestic help—which Chris explicitly told her was an option at the beginning of the season—because she is afraid what it would do to her Not For Lazy Moms brand, then I find that very sad and silly. First of all, there is nothing lazy about outsourcing. Monique could have 12 nannies, and that wouldn’t be, on its face, lazy. It depends what she is doing in the meantime. If she was working 18 hours at a start-up, she certainly wouldn’t be a “lazy mom.” People could question her priorities, but “lazy” wouldn’t be the correct descriptor for that behavior. Secondly, the market responds to honesty. I’ve hated the idea of Not For Lazy Moms—which sounds like a combination of a chastisement and a warning—since the first time I heard it. If Monique wanted to rebrand and actually cater to “lazy moms,” as a sort of child-rearing hacking brand, I would find that so admirable. She could just drop the “Not” or cross it out and call it “Not For Lazy Moms” and when she did her 2 billion dollar podcast, she could say, “you know, I thought I was going to go for the do-it-all mom demographic, but then, when I had my third child at the age of 35, I realized I was too tired for all of that and I don’t give a damn about perfection. Life is too short.” I think that would really speak to women who don’t want to be caught in that hamster wheel of doing it all. Add to the fact that more and more women are having babies at 35 and older—especially women of means—and the message could really resonate. It could be like that wildly successful “for Dummies” book series that has been around forever. I wouldn’t say I find laziness a virtue, but I really admire crafty innovations and efficiency. One of my favorite books of all time is called The Lazy Intellectual. People want to do things that are easy, not hard. I think that’s a truism. So, instead of running herself ragged and acting hostile and bitter, I think Monique should do a 180 on her brand and let it all hang out and I think it would be fabulous. 1 11 Link to comment
Stats Queen September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 9 hours ago, bichonblitz said: Having said all that, I'm one of those people that thought Monique had a great marriage with a respectful, loving husband. How wrong I was. I have to eat my words on that one! Me too, but he’s a huge %#$& proud of his %@#$ part. His all about me was on full display when apparently his first thought about his wife/brood mare is what does she do for me. I’m disappointed and extremely disgusted. 5 Link to comment
RealReality September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 I've been binging this entire show and just caught up! I really feel like I've been on a journey with these women. I think Monique is salty that Candace is getting along with the other women and no one is freezing her out. Wendy and her four degrees are also probably going to ride hard for Candace so that may end up leaving Monique out of the circle that she has tried so hard to get into. I don't read Candace's social media, but I think she has comported herself well with the women this weekend. I had to LOL at Candace pretending to care for Ashley with that information. She went to Gizelle with the information because she knows Gizelle is messy. Good on Gizelle for making it a private conversation, because last year Gizelle would have told Candace that she should bring it up at the bonfire and then Gizelle would have denied any responsibility at all. She didn't even tell Robyn!?!?!?? Am I the only one who thinks that Michael purposefully had an "affair" with a woman to quell the rumors that he is gay? It seems like most people (myself included) think that Michael was grabbing butts and said he wanted to suck Juan's dick last year. I realize that saying these things doesn't necessarily make Michael gay, BUT, I think a lot of people would think that a guy who grabs mens butts and says he wants to suck someones dick IS gay. And so it would cast doubt on the story IF Michael had an affair with a woman. I mean, it seems kinda convenient that he is doing all the stereotypical asshole straight man cheating things.....going out the strip club with the boys......stories of him smelling of perfume......he has a history of going to the strip club because he wants to see boobies so bad......and I noticed this season, moreso than normal, he makes more kinda sexual comments about how Ashley looks....its like he is trying too hard. 1 2 Link to comment
RealReality September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 On 9/13/2020 at 6:50 PM, Vanderboom said: In what universe is Gizelle Bryant a better writer than Eric Jerome Dickey?! No....Gizelle Bryant's GHOSTWRITER is a better writer than Eric Jerome Dickey....maybe I think it was bullshit that the ghostwriter didn't get to share the podium or recognition. When these organizations hand out awards to people on a reality show so they can get some TV exposure it makes me think so much less of the organization. Like when some bar association handed Phaedra Parks an come on. On 9/13/2020 at 6:58 PM, bosawks said: Ashley must be playing the percentages, One of these times when she goes to Michael to make sure nothing happened, nothing will have happened..... He probably just bumped into someone's hotel room. Totally innocent. 1 5 Link to comment
RealReality September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 On 9/13/2020 at 7:36 PM, Legalbeagle421 said: You never cease to make me laugh (in a good way, of course) with your on-point commentary. I very much appreciate it. I was really grossed out by Chris when he barked at Monique "don't fall asleep while I'm talking to you" or whatever he said. Chris and Monique are relatively religious, right? He gives off that "the Bible tells us women must submit to their husbands" vibe that makes me run from religion 🏃🏾♀️. On 9/13/2020 at 7:51 PM, malibu said: Could Michael hate Ashley any more? He is just so uninterested in her and his child and can't even be bothered to hide his disdain. I don't know how she allowed him to impregnate her again but I really hope there's a huge payday for her attached to it. Otherwise, she is really stupid for staying with him. I have second hand embarrassment for her. I've seen a few posters say that when you marry for money you pay for it every day. Both Ashley and Monique's marriages give me that feeling. I work and pay my own bills, but at some point I'm off the clock. Monique and Ashley have to work like 24 hours a day. On 9/13/2020 at 7:58 PM, Bronzedog said: Did Chris Samuels ask for breakfast the second he walked in the door? No wonder Monique is so attached to that bird. The bird is the only one who has to stay and listen to her. Although he/she did escape for awhile a few weeks ago. I want to hug the producer at Bravo who captions t'challa's chirps. That shit is so corny and hilarious to me. On 9/13/2020 at 8:24 PM, dosodog said: Yes! Yes she did! If weren't for Bravo editing, I would confidently say the Darbys have an open marriage based on that. So....why check his emails, texts and SMELL HIS UNDERWEAR?!?! I don't think any relationship is worth being involved with if I have to resort to smelling my partner's underwear. YES! THIS! Ashley has to retroactively think of something to explain all this away and save face. On 9/14/2020 at 5:54 AM, BloggerAloud said: Monique is like a hop, skip, and tear of a yellow wall paper away from a one of those trapped-in-a-loveless marriage heroines you would read about in your high school English class. She's also reached a level of insanity about Candiace because you can't be actively hostile towards at this cabin thing and then be angry that she's not coming to film to record that podcast you have insanely sunk 200,000 dollars into. And Robyn is completely right about Monique projecting stuff because she doesn't want people to be talking about her marriage troubles and I don't know if it is the Bravo edit or not but so far all of Candiace's comments have been strictly about Monique and haven't mentioned anything about her marriage, unlike a lot of the other ladies. On 9/14/2020 at 6:49 AM, bosawks said: I'm the type of person who, if commanded to call you "Dr. Wendy", would do so ad nauseam. Every single member of that catering crew would have been introduced to "Dr. Wendy". "Have you met Dr. Wendy" "I'd like to introduce to Dr. Wendy" "Do you know Dr. Wendy" "Look! It's Dr. Wendy" "Hey, Dr. Wendy" And that's all I would ever call her. I would find that hilarious, but I don't think Wendy would understand that you were shading her with that, I bet she LOOOOOVES being called Dr. Wendy and dollars to donuts she makes her college age students call her Dr. Wendy. On 9/14/2020 at 8:12 AM, laprin said: Yeah, I work in media. We do podcasts all the time. I assume she created a studio for her podcasts. It would include lights, microphones, headphones, maybe boom arms, sound proofing. It’s still a lot. Thank you both for explaining this, because I had no idea that podcasters made enough money for a podcast to be worth investing 200k in for a new podcast. I was like "oh I am never getting a patreon account if podcasters are making this much money, I had no idea CBD companies and simplisafe were spending that much on commercials!" 3 Link to comment
RealReality September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 On 9/15/2020 at 1:09 PM, lasu said: This makes me think of when Mike "the Situation" went on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and in that version, you actually hear Big Brother call contestants to the Diary Room and talk to them. They trolled him so hard; they called him "The Situation" every damn time. "The Situation, please come to the diary room." "Did you enjoy the task today, The Situation?" "Why do you feel like you're not getting along with Random Contest, The Situation?" All in a British accent. It was glorious. This is two weeks in a row where I have felt like I didn't completely hate Candiace. I got my flu shot today, so maybe that will help. I don't know. And Monique AND Chris are getting tough edits this season. I've really liked Monique, but she is starting to slip. I truly think she boxed herself into an idiotic corner with this whole No Lazy Moms bullshit. It drives me crazy when rich people don't know how to rich. Stop working yourself to the bone, you're RICH! Throw. Money. At. The. Problem! God, I could rich so much better than these rich people rich. If I were to rich, the only reason I wouldn't get bed sores is because I would pay someone to roll me over. They say youth is wasted on the young, which is accurate, but if you can't rich like a rich person, you shouldn't be allowed to be rich. I could SHOW these people how to rich. Alas, I can only show you how to poor. And I still don't work as hard as Monique! Rich FAIL! I'm already weary of celebrity brands because I think its kinda greedy. Do Gwen Stephani, Jessica Simpson and Beyonce really need the money? They could do so much more by wearing up and coming designers or giving free publicity to lesser known brands from deserving designers. People have only so much disposable income and you're already so rich....let someone else make a few bucks too. That problem is compounded with Monique, because she is pushing essential oils through an MLM, which have a rich history of being predatory. So, she is trying to earn money she doesn't need by scamming poor people. I think thats just awful. You have five homes, why scam poor people for more money? ALSO, didn't she say in season 2 that "wifey doesn't work?" 14 hours ago, BloggerAloud said: I don't see a problem with it because she got the shady tone Gizelle was throwing when she said, "You don't have a home?" so you going to volley some shade, throw some shade back. It wasn't just that comment, Monique ALWAYS humblebrags about her wealth. The comment about how "this 9000 square foot, 5 bedroom home just won't cut it for us!" was just an example. She mentioned the price of her house on multiple occasions, which I also found humblebraggy--"we just closed escrow on this 4.75 million dollar home" I agree with @Neurochick that its kind of tacky. But, had it only been a snapback at Gizelle, I would agree with you. 1 2 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 Yesterday by chance I saw Dr. Wendy Four Degrees on Fox News, she was giving her opinion on something topical, (I was not paying attention) and I thought how long will Fox or any news program want her on after seeing her act crazy on RHOP? Also, she opted to wear a sequins (on her shoulders) for that interview. 2 2 Link to comment
RealReality September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 (edited) 2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said: Yesterday by chance I saw Dr. Wendy Four Degrees on Fox News, she was giving her opinion on something topical, (I was not paying attention) and I thought how long will Fox or any news program want her on after seeing her act crazy on RHOP? Also, she opted to wear a sequins (on her shoulders) for that interview. Im very surprised they booked her. I wonder if they checked her updated bio? She has only been on this year and RHOP may not be crossover viewing for the audience and staff? Sadly, Fox might revel in having a black female commentator whose views they can subtly dismiss because she is on a trashy reality show. Did she present well? Did she make sure to mention her four degrees? Did all hell break loose when someone forgot to call her a doctor? Id also like to know more about these shoulder sequins because in my mind it's like a michael jackson epitault Edited September 17, 2020 by RealReality 2 2 Link to comment
qtpye September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 (edited) 7 hours ago, RealReality said: I've been binging this entire show and just caught up! I really feel like I've been on a journey with these women. I think Monique is salty that Candace is getting along with the other women and no one is freezing her out. Wendy and her four degrees are also probably going to ride hard for Candace so that may end up leaving Monique out of the circle that she has tried so hard to get into. I don't read Candace's social media, but I think she has comported herself well with the women this weekend. I had to LOL at Candace pretending to care for Ashley with that information. She went to Gizelle with the information because she knows Gizelle is messy. Good on Gizelle for making it a private conversation, because last year Gizelle would have told Candace that she should bring it up at the bonfire and then Gizelle would have denied any responsibility at all. She didn't even tell Robyn!?!?!?? Am I the only one who thinks that Michael purposefully had an "affair" with a woman to quell the rumors that he is gay? It seems like most people (myself included) think that Michael was grabbing butts and said he wanted to suck Juan's dick last year. I realize that saying these things doesn't necessarily make Michael gay, BUT, I think a lot of people would think that a guy who grabs mens butts and says he wants to suck someones dick IS gay. And so it would cast doubt on the story IF Michael had an affair with a woman. I mean, it seems kinda convenient that he is doing all the stereotypical asshole straight man cheating things.....going out the strip club with the boys......stories of him smelling of perfume......he has a history of going to the strip club because he wants to see boobies so bad......and I noticed this season, moreso than normal, he makes more kinda sexual comments about how Ashley looks....its like he is trying too hard. I think we all know at this point that Michael is probably bisexual (not that it matters). Even in the strip club he was bragging about having "a boyfriend and a wife". I remember a while ago Mathew Broderick was caught supposedly having an affair with a 25 year old woman. I remember that everyone was laughing at at because most people thought it was set up by him and Sara Jessica Parker, to squash the gay rumors that have plagued their entire relationship. Personally, I am bored of the Darby marriage. I think the ladies are only now being nice to Ashley because they think her fucked up life will do the following: Keep the franchise going-every season the Darby's have a scandal Take attention away from their own fucked up lives To me, it is obvious that Michael is bisexual and they probably have an open marriage. The rule probably is that Michael can sleep with other men and probably Ashley can sleep with other women. The fact that Ashley gets extra salty whenever you imply her husband likes men (something I believe she was well aware of when she married him) just shows you how stupid she thinks we are. I think Michael left his former wife and children for Ashley, not because she was the baddest bitch walking, but because she promised to turn the other way when he stepped out with men (something wife number 1 probably did not tolerate or maybe even know about). She probably looked at this as a very good deal for herself. She got to run a restaurant, her mama got to live in a nice place rent free, and any children they had together would have a rich daddy. When you come from poverty, these are not easy things to pass up. Edited September 17, 2020 by qtpye 3 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty September 17, 2020 Share September 17, 2020 1 hour ago, RealReality said: Im very surprised they booked her. I wonder if they checked her updated bio? She has only been on this year and RHOP may not be crossover viewing for the audience and staff? Sadly, Fox might revel in having a black female commentator whose views they can subtly dismiss because she is on a trashy reality show. Did she present well? Did she make sure to mention her four degrees? Did all hell break loose when someone forgot to call her a doctor? Id also like to know more about these shoulder sequins because in my mind it's like a michael jackson epitault The sequins were less than MJ would wear but more than a serious news commentator would wear. I did not hear her say she has four degrees, maybe it was on the crawl that running, lol. I am sure someone at FOX knows about her new gig on RHOP but she was introduced as a Johns Hopkins University professor. Her presentation, (what little I paid attention to) was good, she did not seem nervous, she calmly said what ever she said...she needs a glam team and a stylist. Is it bad that that was my take away? 3 Link to comment
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