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S12.E22: Reunion Part 1

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13 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

ETA: I’m curious to understand why anyone thinks Scott is any sort of gentleman. She crawled back to him after he dumped her at least twice. Could have even been three times. If Tinsley is so sweet and wonderful, why did it take multiple breakups for Scott to figure it out? He completely controls the relationship and she kowtows to him because she likes the trappings he offers. I don’t think ‘persevering’ through a guy dumping you multiple times is something to be proud of. It’s gross. 

Exactly!  Watching Tins literally collapse at this guy's feet for stopping by her hotel suite in NYC is the main reason I could never really respect her and I kind of wonder why Scott would.   I wonder if she had let the first break up stick she could have met a guy who liked/loved her the way she is/was instead of trying to make herself into someone he would marry? 

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1 minute ago, Cosmocrush said:

Exactly!  Watching Tins literally collapse at this guy's feet for stopping by her hotel suite in NYC is the main reason I could never really respect her and I kind of wonder why Scott would.   I wonder if she had let the first break up stick she could have met a guy who liked/loved her the way she is/was instead of trying to make herself into someone he would marry? 

 It that’s the way her mother raised her that’s all she knows that’s all her mother has drilled into her her whole life get married make babies  ... I think if it’s seriously what SHE really wants then that’s ok if it makes her happy... there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother and a homemaker... but I really hope and it does look like that’s her choice and not something to just please her mother 

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Well the last 5 minutes were way more entertaining than the 2 BH reunion episodes. Worth the price of admission. I remember seeing that quick clip in the season 11 preview but it was never aired. I'm so glad they aired it and I'm glad Tinsley brought it up. It did seem that Dorinda started having an issue later in the season with Tinsley. That would track with her finding out about the money loan in Miami. The fact that production felt they needed to remove Tinsley from the house because they feared for her safety, speaks volumes. 

Dorinda's deflecting was on full display again. Gets asked about her drinking, immediately talks about how she doesn't go out every night like Ramona. Who wants to bet that in part 2 or 3 Do is going to bring up Lu's arrest? Even when Sonja was discussing how the "water pill" caused her to get wasted (which I don't believe for one second) Dorinda had to make sure everyone knew she took the same pill and it doesn't affect her. I really don't get why Sonja keeps defending her. I would be happy if she's gone from next season too. I'm not interesting in watching her stumble around in a drunken stupor. 

Bring on part 2!


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It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. 

Edited by Axie
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I watched early this morning and thought it appropriate that, while Dorinda was on one of her Deflect-athons, the garbage truck showed up and instead of hearing her tirade, I heard the dulcet sounds of the dump.

Count me in with those who could have done without the ten minutes of COVID shaming. I get as upset at people misbehaving and taking stupid risks as anyone (and I live in a highly impacted area myself), but shaming Ramona for her silly in-house family videos—when so many others were doing the same thing—was completely over the top. COVID is a serious matter—but it’s also unhealthy to doomscroll and otherwise keep yourself in a completely negative mindset. I’m not a Pollyanna (you should hear the music I’ve been listening to), but I also think you need to focus on SOMETHING positive and fun or else your health goes down. Note I am not speaking of people grieving losses, or dealing with illness. Or even about taking this whole thing seriously and doing everything you can to soberly care for yourself, those you love, and by extension your community. Just that in general, as we try to cope, we need occasional encouragement as well as a little fun and distraction. 

And speaking of shaming... Wow. Dorinda. Admittedly I used to find some of her antics funny, but season by season she’s gotten worse, and  this season she was SO horrible. If Tinsley was like “a mint in her mouth” or whatever, she must have been an Altoid because apparently that mint really overpowered her. And did nothing to clean up her foul mouth.

I also caught LuAnn’s comment about Leah being “younger, but a mom like us.” Another dig at Tinsley and Carole? She could have also said “younger, but she has a mug shot like I do.”

I’m also kind of over the dissection of why people choose to get married. None of them actually care about Tinsley, so why make a fuss over her being with Scott? I mean I have my assumptions about why they do, but it just looks petty. The berating of Denise about whatever she did or didn’t do with Brandi is worse, but both are equally tiresome.

I will say, I like that they did this in person rather than Zoom style. And I agree with whoever mentioned the rugs! What a weird arrangement. They spent all that time decorating the set; surely they could have found a more elegant solution than what they produced.

On a completely separate note, My sincerest condolences, @thesupremediva1.

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I wish celebrities such as Sarah Paulson and John Oliver would choose their words more carefully. 

Sarah Paulson was very enthusiastic with regard to Dorinda, her first few seasons. 

I think Dorinda mistook this enthusiasm for unconditional approval of all of her behavior, even as her tantrums became more irrational and frequent. 

(I am giving SP the benefit of the doubt. I honestly don’t know how or if her opinion of Dorinda has changed.)

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15 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

myself), but shaming Ramona for her silly in-house family videos—when so many others were doing the same thing—w

The photos they showed were the most benign of Ramona’s stories and photos. She was frequently in her stories out at restaurants and places sans mask including one of her dancing at a bar or restaurant which I believe Leah was referring to not the one they showed. Also, a ton of her stories don’t add up like her saying she donated plasma because she had the antibodies. The antibodies tests in May and June were not considered that reliable and they were only taking plasma from people who had a documented case of COVId not just an antibodies test so I completely understand where Leah is coming from and find pointing that out the farthest thing from virtue signaling. 

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43 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Exactly!  Watching Tins literally collapse at this guy's feet for stopping by her hotel suite in NYC is the main reason I could never really respect her and I kind of wonder why Scott would.   I wonder if she had let the first break up stick she could have met a guy who liked/loved her the way she is/was instead of trying to make herself into someone he would marry? 


39 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

 It that’s the way her mother raised her that’s all she knows that’s all her mother has drilled into her her whole life get married make babies  ... I think if it’s seriously what SHE really wants then that’s ok if it makes her happy... there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother and a homemaker... but I really hope and it does look like that’s her choice and not something to just please her mother 


36 minutes ago, Axie said:

It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. 

We're talking about two different things here.  1) A guy who kept dumping Tinsley and Tinsley trying to show him she is worthy by all she is capable of being and 2) How she was raised and what she says she wants.

To the latter, you are right Kid that there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting married, having children and being the housewife one always wanted to be.  Hell, that's who I would be if I had met the right man at the appropriate age. 

What I'm saying is I don't think Scott is worthy of Tinsley because he kept dumping her, and she shouldn't have to prove anything to him. At 44-45, she is who she is. I personally feel Tinsley thinks Scott is the answer because he has money and fractional ownership in a private plane and a fancy home in Chicago and can financially provide the life she is accustomed to. But Scott calls the shots. He decided when he wanted her in his life and when he didn't. And when he didn't, it broke her heart (all 2 or 3 times).

That's a classic narc move, break up, make up, buy presents, break up again, make up again, buy more presents/trips to make the person feel special, but also to control them*. Behave yourself and you'll be rewarded. Be who you are and you'll get dumped again. And now she's fallen at his feet trying to show him how domestic she can be. Why does she have to prove anything? To Axie's point, all he has to do is show up with a full tank of jet fuel and she's putty in his hands. Or collapsed on the floor as it were.

Let's face it. Pickings are slim over the age of 40. It's unfortunate, but they are. But I'll be damned if I would ever hang my hat on a bro like Scott who was so unsure of me he couldn't stay in the relationship and work it out. I KNOW I'm worth more than that, and Tinsley is too. 

*I have the jewelry and stamps in my passport to prove it and I learned my lesson the hard way.

Edited by RedDelicious
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You know for all Tinsley’s faults the way Dorinda went after her only succeeded in making Tinsley more sympathetic than ever.  Like before all this, I liked Tinsley but I really didn’t care.  Now, I am 100% pro-Tinsley.  I know not everyone feels this way obviously, but it must just eat at Dorinda that at least some people do.  Even if she will never ever admit it, I think it literally keeps her awake at night.

Thinking about it now I can see a normal person being a bit embarrassed about the whole lending money situation, but it wasn’t Tinsley’s fault.  Or Scott’s for that matter.  I can understand her being pissed at John for embarrassing her, but obviously the level she took it to was completely insane.

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I had fertility issues and I had IUIs. I’m not at all insulted with the turkey baster jokes. It’s almost like it’s the first time people have heard it. I think my husband and I actually joked about turkey basters at the time because he was deployed so much. Who GAF? And I really don’t like Dorinda or Tinsley. I just can’t believe that’s the line Andy draws. You get booted for a turkey baster joke but not for something like faking cancer. 

Edited by sealit
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27 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The photos they showed were the most benign of Ramona’s stories and photos. She was frequently in her stories out at restaurants and places sans mask including one of her dancing at a bar or restaurant which I believe Leah was referring to not the one they showed. Also, a ton of her stories don’t add up like her saying she donated plasma because she had the antibodies. The antibodies tests in May and June were not considered that reliable and they were only taking plasma from people who had a documented case of COVId not just an antibodies test so I completely understand where Leah is coming from and find pointing that out the farthest thing from virtue signaling. 

Believe me, I’m not excusing Ramona. Those would have bothered me too.  I’m referring to the ones Ramona filmed at home—Leah seemed to have a problem with those in addition to the less benign ones. 

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4 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

She continued to deny it on Twitter last night after the show aired. "There was no clip or they would have shown it" she said. What a nut. 

Lol, I also looked at Twitter. She really does deny it. I'm guessing she didn't watch the show. So she didn't know.  As much as Dorinda acts like she's a straight talker, Dorinda lives in denial about a lot of thing. I can't remember what episode it was but Lu and Dorinda were getting into it and Lu says something like "you want me to be honest, you want me to tell you the truth?" Dorinda starts screaming "no, no, I don't!" Leah starts making a shocked face, Dorinda thinks Leah is agreeing with her. Leah tried to explain that she agreed with Lu.

That told me everything about Dorinda. She's good with if you never call her out. Her drinking her mean bullying behavior. She doesn't want you to be honest with her. My point is of course she didn't watch the reunion she knew she came across like an asshole.

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2 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I’m referring to the ones Ramona filmed at home—Leah seemed to have a problem with those in addition to the less benign ones. 

That is what they showed but Leah only mentioned dancing she didn’t say at home. They showed a video of that one but there were others of her dancing when she was out and about maskless. 

Edited by biakbiak
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Just now, biakbiak said:

That is what they showed but Leah only mentioned dancing she didn’t say at home. Ramona did and they showed that one but there were others of her dancing when she was out and about massless. 

Ok, I can only go by what I saw—I believe they were there, but Bravo showed the home ones, hence my initial reaction. 

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Party of one, maybe, but I didn’t have a major issue with Dorinda’s “turkey baster” comment, only because I’ve heard it on RHOC with regard to Meghan King Edmonds, who also got IVF, and no one was fazed.  It’s not like Dorinda said Tinsley had a barren womb because she’s evil and frigid; Tinsley is a woman of a certain age who has frozen eggs, so if she’s going to get pregnant, it’s going to be through artificial means.  “Turkey baster” is an informal way of acknowledging that.  Dorinda absolutely had bad intent when she said it, which I would never deny, but I’m just not sure why the comment was taken so harshly outside of that.  If one of the other women would have said it, would anyone have cared?

I do think that people would've cared if any of the other women made that comment. It's a trash thing to say, even in "jest." Dorinda wasn't joking at all. She was basically saying that since it'll be hard for Tinsley to have kids the "old-fashioned way" she has to resort to IVF. Tinsley is better than me. I would've been put Dorinda in her place. I would've told her that it's a good thing Richard isn't here to see what a raging twat she is. But that's me. 

Whew, boy, Dorinda on that phone call. She reminded me of the gangster in that movie from Home Alone. I'm surprised she didn't end the call with "keep da change, ya filthy animal." I hope John booked himself a lovely spa day after he and Dorinda broke up. 

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17 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I’m so happy for Tins. I go to Chicago all the time, well, before quarantine. Maybe I’ll bump into her in the future, I know the pet shelter she mentioned. And of course these bitches can’t be happy for her...looking at Sonja and Dorinda right now. Jealous bitches. 

Right? Both had resting bitch face. None of these women will ever have a husband again...they are too self centered, self absorbed and selfish. 

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18 hours ago, Steph J said:

You know... I hear enough about Covid in my everyday life.  I really don't want to hear these nitwits talking about it during my little bit of TV escapism.

ITA. I was getting a headache so I fast-forwarded. 

Also have no desire to ever hear another word about Leah's vagina. Please stop. 

I thought they all looked pretty good. My favorites (face only) were Leah and Luann. Not so good: Ramona (mostly the hair). 

Andy was fawning over Leah and mostly gave her a pass on her drinking, so I expect she'll be back next season. I'm glad he called Dorinda out for deflecting. She is a master at it! She really irritated me, especially her smug "I'm excited" in the beginning. No remorse whatsoever over how she behaved this season. 

And if Dorinda thinks staying away from bars means she's not an alcoholic, then she is either clueless or in denial. Just look at how alcohol affects you when you do drink, Dorinda. Have you watched yourself over the past four seasons? That is your first clue.

Reminds me of how my mother used to say she and my dad didn't have a drinking problem because they went to work and came home every night. Yep, they sure did, and then they got sloshed every night starting at 5:30. 

I don't believe Sonja's "water pill" excuse for a minute. Surprised Andy let that one pass. It's pretty obvious she was on some kind of prescription medication. Another person making excuses for her drinking. (Her hair was just so-so to me. Kind of flat.)

Given Dorinda and Sonja's denials, it was refreshing hearing Luanne admit she needs to watch her own drinking and didn't like seeing herself in the clips. 

Tinsley's nose looked really narrow. Did she have it done or was it just make-up? I didn't really like her hair that way, but she is lovely.

Still don't understand the naked hatred Dorinda has for Tinsley. 




Edited by Sweet-tea
Mar, you nailed it!
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4 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

I do think that people would've cared if any of the other women made that comment. It's a trash thing to say, even in "jest." Dorinda wasn't joking at all. She was basically saying that since it'll be hard for Tinsley to have kids the "old-fashioned way" she has to resort to IVF. Tinsley is better than me. I would've been put Dorinda in her place. I would've told her that it's a good thing Richard isn't here to see what a raging twat she is. But that's me. 

Whew, boy, Dorinda on that phone call. She reminded me of the gangster in that movie from Home Alone. I'm surprised she didn't end the call with "keep da change, ya filthy animal." I hope John booked himself a lovely spa day after he and Dorinda broke up. 

Absolutely agree about Doreinda's passive aggressive remark about the turkey baster. It was a nasty remark and she meant it to be a nasty jab at Tinsley. Drunk or sober, Dorinda is a mean spirited person who is negative and cruel. I don't care about her "pain" from losing husband years ago...a lot of people have lost their spouses...they don't take their "pain" out on people with nasty remarks and continued verbal abuse. Seeing Tinsley stand up to her with the real reason Dorinda has been so obsessively attacking her was eye opening! So let me get this right...and correct me if I'm wrong...Scott made a sizable money loan to John and somehow Tinsley facilatated it and Dorinda was pissed about it? And that phone call she made to John was cringe worthy and scary...WOW! Threatening him full on Tony Soprano style was almost sociopathic. If my interpretation of this is correct, Dorinda has some real issues that need some serious therapeutic attention. Obviously her relationship with John was unhealthy and toxic for him...she clearly has to be the one in control and I believe she verbally and emotionally abused him...he seemed like a passive person to me. Goodbye Dorinda...don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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4 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I love living in Canada 🇨🇦 but when someone posts a link to a YouTube video it usually says unavailable in your area. So annoying. 😡

I preferred this social distancing set up to RHOBH, who went for the Brady Bunch boxes. It’s too bad the howives don’t check what their fancy outfits look like when sitting down. I don’t know what Sonja’s boobs did to deserve being caged and mashed against her ribs like that. Usually the gals like their gals on full display.

I read somewhere that whenever filming resumes that the plan is to revolve around Leah’s life for a more youthful cast. I probably won’t bother with that.  The nastiness is not fun to watch but I do enjoy being entertained by the antics of aging narcissists.  It’s too bad Dorinda is such a horror, she possesses wit and her one liners can be quite funny, plus there’s the Berserk-shires episodes. I’ll miss those.
A cast of ‘Leahs’ could be boring. 

I will not watch a bunch of Leah's. I usually fast forward through anything of her and her boring life, and I am already sick of her annoying sister. I detest Leah, if that is the direction they go, I am out. Disgusting woman.

Edited by chlban
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22 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I don't believe Sonja's "water pill" excuse for a minute. Surprised Andy let that one pass. It's pretty obvious she was on some kind of prescription medication. Another person making excuses for her drinking. (Her hair was just so-so to me. Kind of flat.)

Tinsley's nose looked really narrow. Did she have it done or was it just make-up? I didn't really like her hair that way, but she is lovely.

I think the "water pills" are to combat menopausal bloat. For them I think it's a weight thing as opposed to a blood pressure thing. But to your point, I don't really believe the water pill excuse either. If it was Adderall to attempt to control weight I would believe it. Because I've seen some Adderall heads go off the RAILS when they drink and it is a lot like what we saw out of both Sonja and Dorinda. 

I also thought Tinsley's nose and face looked different. Comments on Daily Mail say she had another nose job and I suspect, fillers. 

Edited by RedDelicious
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3 minutes ago, film noire said:

So what, exactly, did Scott "generously" help John with? Madam Paulette? Personal debt?  Inquiring minds want to know!  (And thanks, Tinsley, for bringing old school "Dominick Dunne for Vanity Fair"gossip to this reunion!)

Fronting funds for Madame Paulette cleaning discounts on Coupon Cabin! 

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2 minutes ago, chlban said:

I will not watch a bunch of Leah's. I usually fast forward through anything of her and her boring life, and I am already sick of her annoying sister. I detest Leah, if that is tge direction they go, I am out. Disgusting woman.

I figured out my issue with Leah and Dorinda.

They are just so joyless in everything.

Ramona, Sonja and Lu still have moments of enjoyment in their messy ass lives.

Leah and Dorinda are me doing yoga, "Namaste yourself and fuck off".....

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31 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

ITA. I was getting a headache so I fast-forwarded. 

Also have no desire to ever hear another word about Leah's vagina. Please stop. 

I thought they all looked pretty good. My favorites (face only) were Leah and Luann. Not so good: Ramona (mostly the hair). 

Andy was fawning over Leah and mostly gave her a pass on her drinking, so I expect she'll be back next season. I'm glad he called Dorinda out for deflecting. She is a master at it! She really irritated me, especially her smug "I'm excited" in the beginning. No remorse whatsoever over how she behaved this season. 

And if Dorinda thinks staying away from bars means she's not an alcoholic, then she is either clueless or in denial. Just look at how alcohol affects you when you do drink, Dorinda. Have you watched yourself over the past four seasons? That is your first clue.

Reminds me of how my mother used to say she and my dad didn't have a drinking problem because they went to work and came home every night. Yep, they sure did, and then they got sloshed every night starting at 5:30. 

I don't believe Sonja's "water pill" excuse for a minute. Surprised Andy let that one pass. It's pretty obvious she was on some kind of prescription medication. Another person making excuses for her drinking. (Her hair was just so-so to me. Kind of flat.)

Given Dorinda and Sonja's denials, it was refreshing hearing Luanne admit she needs to watch her own drinking and didn't like seeing herself in the clips. 

Tinsley's nose looked really narrow. Did she have it done or was it just make-up? I didn't really like her hair that way, but she is lovely.

Still don't understand the naked hatred Dorinda has for Tinsley. 




The water pill excuse is pathetic. Just another excuse for her sad drunken behavior but not taking any ownership for her real problem...alcohol abuse. I've been taking a water pill for five years and have never been told my physician once that alcohol is verboten. I even asked my doctor in August when I saw her if driinking and taking the pill has side effects...she said no...it just will make you urinate more. Ramona "diagnosing" this is a joke....she just wants her "friend" to be her drinking buddy...when they are buddies and not bickering.

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16 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Dorinda’s insecure? She didn’t come from money, and John’s not super wealthy (I’m assuming). The fact that her boyfriend accepted money from the rich boyfriend of her rich cast mate maybe stung.

It was a little pathetic when Dorinda called out “tagline!” when they aired the scene of her saying Tinsley was like a mint in her mouth. The show really is all she has. Ramona thought Dorinda was showing some awareness in saying sorry for the turkey baster comment—but that wasn’t it, because Dorinda didn’t mean it, she said “yeah they all laughed” immediately after. (And good for Tinsley for saying it’s out there and will never go away!) No, it was when Dorinda admitted she had no outlet in which to express herself, so she turns to drinking. That is so sad. 

Dorinda had a huge “fall from grace” when Richard died. She went from having money and hobnobbing with the elite to being a housewife dependent on the show and John to keep her in some kind of wealthy lifestyle. John supplied her with coke and clothes, but she was embarrassed to be with him and not someone of Richard’s caliber.

I believe she wasn’t mourning Richard as much as the lifestyle she once had in more recent years. That’s also why she was such a nasty troll to Sonja- too many similarities and she couldn’t deal.

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15 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Well, you aren’t offended on behalf of your sibling and nieces/nephews, and that’s fine. 2 of mine were IVF babies and I AM offended and will always be offended. Dorinda is trash.

Siblings. Plural. And I'm just not. We never made a thing out of it. But that doesn't discount anyone else's feelings including yours. You don't need me or anyone else to say you're entitled to your opinion.

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18 hours ago, ChitChat said:

It's no wonder that the production team didn't want Tinsley to stay in the house with her that night.  Yikes!  If looks could kill.  At least we finally know what happened.  Interesting watching Dorinda lie as the footage of her phone call with John aired.  Thank you Bravo for finally showing this.

I skipped through the show and missed this part. Can you tell me about when it was played? 

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19 hours ago, Steph J said:

You know... I hear enough about Covid in my everyday life.  I really don't want to hear these nitwits talking about it during my little bit of TV escapism.

I think it was incredibly useful and important knowledge to know that Ramona had COVID, Lyme Disease, and a Sinus infection yet has been travelling to New York, Aspen, and Florida since February, actually.  No wonder so many people have gotten sick and died.

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18 hours ago, charming said:

I think Dorinda was wrong to take her frustration out on Tinsley if she was embarrassed by this information. However, I do kinda sorta see her point about Scott not being on the show. She had to bring John on the show and some of the women went after him, calling him names, etc. So why does Scott get a pass? 

Many women have left this show of their own volition.  Carole?   Heather?  Were any of them fired?  Bethenny?  There have to be women who left the show on their own volition and weren't fired.  So why do they all get a pass but Tinsley doesn't?  A lot of them only have opportunities because of RHONY.  So?  They can still leave.  RHONY isn't prison.

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16 hours ago, Jextella said:

I don't think Tinsley lied about her dating life, Scott, money, etc. Well, maybe she swept a few things under the rug, but they were harmless things.  I agree with Ramona when she said why should Tinsley share everything? She's just going to get yelled at.  Plus, I think it's just the nature of her story.  It was repetitive like Sonja said. Between being yelled at and recycling the same story, she had no choice but to clam up.   

The other thing about Tinsley is that I could honestly care less if her goal in life is to be a housewife. It's what she wants and there ain't a damn thing wrong with it. And, other than Ramona and now Leah, it's what all the other women were when they were married. I do believe that Dorinda and Sonja are jealous of Tinsley and Tinsley's situation. 


Does anyone recall the season and episode of the scenes where Dorinda assumes the black man is the waiter?

I agree.  And if Ramona said that, wow, I missed that, and that's very insightful for Ramona, LOL.

As if Sonja's stories aren't repetitive.  She's been working on the house for 65 years, and Tinsley's been with Scott for what?  Two?   Three?

Also, I totally agree with you if Tinsley wants to be a housewife WHO. CARES.  If she loves Scott and wants to "prove" things to him WHO. CARES. She's. HAPPY. 

I also think Dorinda did that in her first season, Season 7, because it was even part of introducing who Dorinda is as a person.  (Sad trombone.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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16 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Hopefully Dorinda was blindsighted by showing that footage.

She posted this on Twitter, which makes no sense. People are asking her if she even watched the show last night. Maybe she didn’t.


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5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I wish I remembered where I read it so I could post it, but, I read somewhere that Carole R. said Dorinda's problem with Tinsley started after she and John had done a Coupon ad for Scott.  Carole and her then boyfriend, the chef, had done an ad and Scott gave them a trip so Dorinda and John did one and then something went sideways.  It's never been clear to me what happened, though.

Very interesting.  Thank you

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3 hours ago, Wicked said:

Why do Sonja and Dorinda take diuretics? Is this something that is prescribed by a doctor for some kind of condition or is over the counter that they take for weight loss or something?

I take them for high blood pressure. But, I only lost weight when I first started taking them and only a fee pounds. Then your body adjusts, I guess, because the minimal weight loss stopped. A lot of people have high blood pressure.

Edited by chlban
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3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Well the last 5 minutes were way more entertaining than the 2 BH reunion episodes. Worth the price of admission. I remember seeing that quick clip in the season 11 preview but it was never aired. 


2 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

You know for all Tinsley’s faults the way Dorinda went after her only succeeded in making Tinsley more sympathetic than ever.  Like before all this, I liked Tinsley but I really didn’t care.  Now, I am 100% pro-Tinsley.  I know not everyone feels this way obviously, but it must just eat at Dorinda that at least some people do.  Even if she will never ever admit it, I think it literally keeps her awake at night.

Same, same, same.

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7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

SO MUCH THIS! Heather must be angling for a spot on the show

She was on WWHL last night and for days before, she was all over social media saying that she was going to make a big announcement. People were speculating that she would announce she would be joining the show next year. Instead she said that she now has a podcast. I know a lot of people liked her on the show, but her personality is just way too much for me. She is very “in your face”.

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3 hours ago, Axie said:

It always bothers me when women act towards men the way Tinsley acts towards Scott. She has to prove her worth while all he has to do is show up. 

It seems like Scott is giving, and/or trying to give Tinsley absolutely everything she wants in life?  So I'd say that's pretty good.  

1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I wonder if Lu asked Scott for money, too, so that she could buy that huge house.

Tinsley would have kept that private as well.

Luann asked (the late) Dennis for sure....

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