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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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I said The Domesday Book.   I think it was a better guess than Don Quixote or the Magna Carta, which isn't a book.  So, I'm feeling slightly better about myself.

The only missed clues I got were Elton John, American Beauty and the Beast and How Green was My Valley Girl, but only after the wrong answer.

I got the entire category opposites right.  Not a particularly good game tonight.

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I initially thought Magna Carta, but changed to Gutenberg Bible in plenty of time to write it down.  I hoped Tyler would stick around a little longer.

Were there any TS in the first round?  If so, I didn't get any then, but in the second round, I got Elton John Legend, American Beauty and the Beast, bangle, and medulla.

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19 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Were there any TS in the first round?  If so, I didn't get any then, but in the second round, I got Elton John Legend, American Beauty and the Beast, bangle, and medulla.

Just checked the archive; there were not!

There were several in DJ; I got Elton John Legend, American Beauty and the Beast, and High Plains, 

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Like Josh and some of you, I wrongly guessed Magna Carta for FJ, I think because with the way it was worded:

  • Completed around 1455, it sometimes gets another name because a famous copy was found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin

--it made us think of something that had different versions, including in the 15th century
--but the "Cardinal" part did make me think it should be something religious, I just didn't get to the Gutenberg.

Tyler was not wrong to bet it all, given that History had been a strong subject of his. Too bad for him it wasn't Geography though.

It will be interesting to see if Josh has Jeopardy! staying power.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Has Joel Osteen joined the J! writing staff or something?  There seem to be more bible clues than there used to be.  (I mean, any religion/mythology clue or category is not likely to go well for me, and that's obviously on me, but at least mix it up more!)  I know I'm not the first to mention this, and I'm sorry I can't recall who has brought it up before, but it bugs me and today turned out to be the day I was in a bad enough mood to complain about it.

Putting me in a better mood, I smiled at how happy George Stephanopoulos visibly was as he gave his closing remarks about enjoying this chance to guest host.

I missed three in subtitles (it would have been two, as I knew Evangeline, but I couldn't spit it out in time), and one in Grammy winners, but got everything else in the first round.

In DJ, though, I only ran SEC and 6-letter words.  I was terrible in the pop culture category, only getting the first two (which really bugged me, as I'm usually quite good at before & after categories, but it being about pop culture - where I'm hit and miss - did me in; I often only knew one part and couldn't guess my way to the other in time).  I missed three in High as well.  At least in Science & Nature and On Life I only missed one each.

I correctly guessed FJ, even though Mazarin meant nothing to me and I had no idea the Gutenberg Bible was known as anything else, just because mentioning a cardinal made me figure it was a Christian text and, given the time frame - and my limited knowledge of religious texts - the Gutenberg Bible was all I could think of.  I kind of thought that was going to turn out to be a stupid answer, but instead it turned out to be a situation where my ignorance served me well.  I'll take it!

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FJ:  From the clue I was pretty sure it was a book. The only referent I had for Mazarin was the Sherlock Holmes story about the Mazarin Stone. The year looked about right for the Gutenberg Bible so I went with that.

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4 hours ago, Roaster said:

FJ: The first thing that came to me was The Gutenberg Bible, but I thought: that can't be right.  I've never heard of Cardinal Mazarin, and the Gutenberg Bible is what it's always called.  I've never heard of the Mazarin Bible.

But I couldn't think of anything else.  So in the game I would have written "What is the Gutenberg Bible?" but I can't honestly say I knew it.

That was basically my thought process as well. “If a copy was found in a library it’s probably a book, and the Gutenberg Bible is a famous book from around then with copies, but I’ve never heard it called anything else, but I can’t think of a better answer so I’ll go with that!”

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36 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

No, because in our town, WoF comes on first.

It's Jeopardy first, then Wheel of Fortune, which I consider a guilty pleasure.

I did not mean any insult. I'm not always the best at Jeopardy, so watching something I'm better at makes me feel less dumb.

Edited by nokat
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3 hours ago, nokat said:

It's Jeopardy first, then Wheel of Fortune, which I consider a guilty pleasure.

I did not mean any insult. I'm not always the best at Jeopardy, so watching something I'm better at makes me feel less dumb.

Small Talk...

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For FJ my kneejerk response was King James Bible.  I realized the date was far too early.  You would have thought my mind would then go to Gutenberg Bible but it did not. I don't know where my mind went.

I did get the ts's of high plains, bangle, and How Green Was My Valley Girl.

G'bye George.  You did a good job.

Edited by Trey
correct spelling of Gutenberg.
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3 hours ago, Trey said:

For FJ my kneejerk response was King James Bible.  I realized the date was far too early.  You would have thought my mind would then go to Gutenburg Bible but it did not. I don't know where my mind went.

That was my response too - clearly I wasn't getting the timeframes right. I knew it was the Bible, but instead of going to Gutenberg I went with King James thinking well, maybe this Cardinal I never heard of claimed it for himself. 

I was really ticked with myself. Given the date, and a weird little connection I have with Gutenberg, I should have gotten it. Especially since I just read a section of a German history book discussing how his printing press was a game changer, allowing the masses access to ideas not controlled by the churches.

Oh well.

It was a pretty miserable board for me. I could blame it on tiredness (and one miss was because of an unfortunately timed yawn), but I can't. It's just very little of it played to my strengths.

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12 hours ago, nokat said:

Do any of you like to dumb it down a bit and watch Wheel of Fortune so you feel smarter after missing the final?

lol...I generally can't stand Wheel of Fortune. If I don't turn it off right after J! the contestant intros usually drive me to the remote. I was listening to a podcast episode yesterday with Katie Sekelsky talking about her experience and they started out talking about the test and audition process, and it also came up that WOF tapes next door. One of the hosts asked "if you don't pass do they put you on Wheel of Fortune?" 😮 🤣 (It was a "bonus content" episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself, but if you are a supporter of the Maximum Fun podcast network and have access to it, it's definitely worth a listen. I don't actually listen to that show (I'm a supporter for a different one) but I saw her name and Jeopardy so of course I had to.) She also mentioned that she was originally supposed to play back in March 2020 and she got the message last minute that the pandemic had shut down filming, then of course she got pushed back even further because she doesn't live in CA. So she missed her chance to play with Alex as host.

3 hours ago, Trey said:

G'bye George.  You did a good job.

I agree; I thought he did great. In part because I didn't really "notice" him. He had no annoying quirks or verbal habits or anything like that (to me, at least). 

4 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

That was my response too - clearly I wasn't getting the timeframes right. I knew it was the Bible, but instead of going to Gutenberg I went with King James thinking well, maybe this Cardinal I never heard of claimed it for himself. 

I thought King James Bible briefly but then I remembered that was early 1600s.

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Has anyone been to Guttenberg, Iowa?  It's named after the town of Guttenberg in Bavaria, not Gutenberg the printer, but the library displays a replica Gutenberg Bible.  Guessing that the post office is flexible about spelling.

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I thought King James Bible briefly but then I remembered that was early 1600s.

Unfortunately, I did not remember the dates - even though I could work it out if I was asked a Tudor/Stuart question.

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10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

lol...I generally can't stand Wheel of Fortune. If I don't turn it off right after J! the contestant intros usually drive me to the remote. I was listening to a podcast episode yesterday with Katie Sekelsky talking about her experience and they started out talking about the test and audition process, and it also came up that WOF tapes next door. One of the hosts asked "if you don't pass do they put you on Wheel of Fortune?" 😮 🤣 (It was a "bonus content" episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself, but if you are a supporter of the Maximum Fun podcast network and have access to it, it's definitely worth a listen. I don't actually listen to that show (I'm a supporter for a different one) but I saw her name and Jeopardy so of course I had to.) She also mentioned that she was originally supposed to play back in March 2020 and she got the message last minute that the pandemic had shut down filming, then of course she got pushed back even further because she doesn't live in CA. So she missed her chance to play with Alex as host.

Thanks for mentioning that.  I'm listening to it now.  Fun & interesting.  She was the bolo tie lady!

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On 7/16/2021 at 10:51 PM, nokat said:

Do any of you like to dumb it down a bit and watch Wheel of Fortune so you feel smarter after missing the final?

I do much better at Jeopardy than at the Wheel.  I always end up arguing with the "category."

"That's a phrase?  That's just two random words!"

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George definitely grew on me during the week.  I think he was probably doing a fine job all along and I was just in an awful mood Monday and Tuesday.  So of course, there he already goes.  Was this the first time they had the host announce who was coming next?

I just wasn't really getting it this episode, unfortunately.  I missed the quotations marks in "O"pposites.  When we got to the clue for "American Beauty and the Beast," I thought, hmmmm, I didn't know Perrault's character was named Lester.  Yikes.

Nothing against Josh, but I would rather have seen more of Tyler.

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23 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

Nothing against Josh, but I would rather have seen more of Tyler.


Tyler is filed as one of my "most favourite" contestants - excellent voice and manners, witty, intelligent... and cuter than a cutter. I'd visualized him winning the TOC someday... and I even thought, "hey - give HIM a shot at being host of J!" IMO, he's perfection.

Back to reality... I really have to do a better job of not investing so much "like" into contestants.

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I got Gutenberg Bible instantly.  Never heard of the other name for it.  Tyler sure was cute.  Nothing like a man in uniform.  I've noticed military personnel do really well on J!

Edited by PaulaO
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I got half of FJ instantly, but the other half came to me in plenty of time to write it down.  

Ishmael was the only TS I got, and it was a complete guess.  I was shocked that I was right.  


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Had to go to a wake so I got home juuust in time for the final....for which I will give myself a score of 3/4 correct. I got Hawaii and I knew it had to be Alaska but I couldn't think of an island (well, I thought of Baffin but that's Canada and also kind of on the wrong side of the continent, so I knew that was wrong).

Didn't really see enough to form an opinion on Robin as host; she seemed fine from the few minutes I saw.

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2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I got Hawaii and I knew it had to be Alaska but I couldn't think of an island (well, I thought of Baffin but that's Canada and also kind of on the wrong side of the continent, so I knew that was wrong).

My thoughts were identical.


About Robin: She reminded me of when I am nervous in a new situation. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for her?
I really did not like her outfit. I've seen her in much more flattering garb. Hopefully that will improve too.


I really like the champ's voice.

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2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

About Robin: She reminded me of when I am nervous in a new situation. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for her?

I really did not like her outfit. I've seen her in much more flattering garb. Hopefully that will improve too.

The problem with "first day jitters" on this show is they film five games a day, so our day 5 is still their day 1. 

I didn't even see what she was wearing.

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Does anyone else get distracted by the Visual clues and miss whatever they ask entirely?

I've noticed that I see pretty buildings or structures or natural wonders and think "Wow, cool. I would love to see that".

I may have no idea what the item in question is but the thrill of discovery is what I like most about Jeopardy. That and ANY music category.

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I'm trying to re-set my body clock, but managed to sleep through the news, WoF, and most of J!.  I didn't see the FJ clue long enough, but considering the correct response, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. 

I was disappointed that I didn't get Ishamel - "Isaac and Ishmael" being the name of an episode of The West Wing.

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8 minutes ago, stonehaven said:

Does anyone else get distracted by the Visual clues and miss whatever they ask entirely?

I've noticed that I see pretty buildings or structures or natural wonders and think "Wow, cool. I would love to see that".

I may have no idea what the item in question is but the thrill of discovery is what I like most about Jeopardy. That and ANY music category.

Yes. Distracted by any clue times a thousand.

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Some jitters and awkward slow responses aside, I thought Robin did quite well.  She was energetic and seemed very natural with the contestants, and I find her voice positively mellifluous.

I knew where Natchez is from "Show Boat," my very favorite musical. I doubt I would have known that Commerce does the census if I hadn't read about Wilbur Ross and various controversies last year.

Really, that's the dream, just listening to soundtracks and following current events and converting them into game show answers.  If only I could make it pay, I'd be in clover!

I thought I might recognize Allison but her IMDB reflects few screen credits.  It seems she is principally a stage actor.  So is her husband.  I bet those triplets have fun!

Finally, I couldn't find a good link, but "A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody" always makes me think of the Lucy episode where she books a role as a showgirl era but can't stop stealing the spotlight.  God love her.

Edited by 853fisher
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I was a couple of minutes late tuning in due to wrangling a door-dashing cat back in, so I didn't hear Robin's introductory remarks.  But she, like almost everyone, did a good job.  She has a great broadcasting voice, and I just love how happy all the guest hosts are to get to do this.  Great charity, too.

The Agriculture TS surprised me a bit, but I correctly predicted Commerce was going to go unanswered.

I had a really stressful day, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to properly concentrate, but I did very well in the first round; I only missed one each in podcasts (doing a lot better than I expected based on the category) and I (like Allison, I picked Isaac as the biblical I name).

In DJ, though, I didn't run a single category; I missed three each in Prague and authors, two in serious, and one each in the rest.

For FJ, Hawaii was an instaget, and I knew the other island had to be in Alaska, but it took me a few beats to come up with Kodiak.  I'd have had plenty of time to write it down, though.  So still a good game overall.

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I was answering Hawaii, but what's the island off Alaska, it's right there on my tongue. Oh well. Half doesn't count.

Oh, and then thinking Kodiak bears after the fact.

Edited by nokat
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8 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

What was her charity?

https://bethematch.org/ for donors for bone marrow transplants. Robin Roberts got a transplant in 2012. Her sister was her donor, but most people don't get a match from family. That's where Be The Match comes in. They also provide support to patients and are involved in research and advocacy.

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2 hours ago, dcalley said:

https://bethematch.org/ for donors for bone marrow transplants. Robin Roberts got a transplant in 2012. Her sister was her donor, but most people don't get a match from family. That's where Be The Match comes in. They also provide support to patients and are involved in research and advocacy.

I hope, and trust, she will be able to talk about it more later in the week.  One of my fraternity brothers who donated his bone marrow posted about how glad he was that the organization was getting, hopefully, a good payday.  How utterly worthwhile.

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12 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I got half of FJ instantly, but the other half came to me in plenty of time to write it down. 

I got Hawaii right off, and knew the other had to be Alaska, but neither of us managed to get to Kodiak island. Boo Hiss.

I was going to complain about Kafka being a "one named author" then I realized after looking at J!, that he was in the Prague category. So no complaints.

I thought Robin was fine. I don't really know much about her - I don't watch morning TV because I don't have the time.  I liked her suit, I thought it was quite stylish.


Edited by Clanstarling
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I've never seen Robin before but I like her and thought she did a decent job.

Only two ts's for me: Agriculture and Victoria Cross.

I got Kodiak right away but I just didn't know what the biggest Hawaiian island is so only 1/2 point for me.

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I got Hawaii and knew the second had to be in Alaska, but could not come up with a name. 

Also got Victoria Cross and Agriculture.  

Robin did fine.  I found her a little too chatty while reading the clues, but otherwise I liked her performance.

Funny, I dropped off my car for service this morning and they had ESPN on in the waiting room.  They were talking about Aaron Rodgers.  One of the anchors mentioned him possibly hosting Jeopardy.  

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16 hours ago, HissyFit said:

Be The Match. It supports organ donations.


15 hours ago, dcalley said:

https://bethematch.org/ for donors for bone marrow transplants. Robin Roberts got a transplant in 2012. Her sister was her donor, but most people don't get a match from family. That's where Be The Match comes in. They also provide support to patients and are involved in research and advocacy.

Thanks! Definitely a good cause.

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On 6/23/2021 at 7:05 PM, Roaster said:

If I were ever to go on Jeopardy... I would memorize the name Valentina Tereshkova. She seems to come up a lot over the years....

Valentina Tereshkova was in just mentioned in a NY Times article on the Bezos edge-of-space jaunt: Wally Funk Is Defying Gravity and 60 Years of Exclusion From Space. I wonder if Wally Funk will be a Jeopardy! response in the next few months or so; might be good to know her given name too: Mary Wallace Funk. 

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I like Robin, and today she is rocking an orange outfit that looks so good with her coloring.  Josh needs to talk slower.  I can barely understand him.  And I can’t even with the last category on the right during the first round.  The writers must have been high.

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i did not have a good game because my cat was being obnoxious and getting into everything she shouldn't be getting into.  Then she rubbed up against the plug in for the TV and coicidentally the cable started fritzing.  I was completely blaming her, but the channel went out completely between DJ and FJ and other channels are on, so if she knocked something out, it would be everything.  she's still super obnoxious, though and she always does this during Jeopardy. Now that it's over she has gone back to bed.  AARGH. Cat rant over.

Anyway, I had to look up the FJ question, but it was pretty much an instaget. Just tried to think if there was a better answer for a few seconds.  There was not.

I got the missed clues of auger, Jack London and percy Shelley. I got the entire category of homynym right and Yogi wrong (and I'm not even embarrassed about that).  What was the Sterling K Brown answer?  I know the actor, but couldn't figure out what the character would be and I couldn't make it out when she said.

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Yay! I surprised myself and got FJ.


1 hour ago, PaulaO said:

I like Robin, and today she is rocking an orange outfit that looks so good with her coloring

Yes, Robin often wears orange, and the fit was so much better than the first day's. 


1 hour ago, PaulaO said:

And I can’t even with the last category on the right during the first round.  The writers must have been high.

(Robin: "The way Yogi Berra became Yogi Bear; these should be new cartoon characters".)

I could never come up with those in the allotted time (or, likely, without Google) but I thought they were fun. The NY Times crossword puzzle often has plays on words like that. And I would like to see Timothy Elephant. 


6 minutes ago, Katy M said:

What was the Sterling K Brown answer?  I know the actor, but couldn't figure out what the character would be and I couldn't make it out when she said.

From j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=7096: Starling K. Brown
The clue was: Play with the first name of TV's Randall Pearson to get this new cartoon icon, a bird such as a mynah

I know his name but not his character's name (don't watch tear-jerker shows) but more importantly, I did not know that starlings and mynahs were related.

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Was not my night for TSes...only one I got was Legal Zoom (which I just saw an ad for the other day). I did get all the homonyms and composers/painters/scientists (which I feel like was probably just a way to use up leftover clues without calling it potpourri or hodgepodge.

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