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S22.E12: Power of Veto #4


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I’m reading a book called “John Adams Under Fire” about the Boston Massacre and I’m not enjoying it too terribly, but I continued reading while watching BB, which I never do, because I basically hate everyone who appears on my screen with the exception of one beautiful man who is too good for all of these assholes anyways.


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This show is waaaay too predictable. I mean, was anyone fooled by those maybe Ian or maybe Dani edits?  Of course he was going to nominate Christmas the whole time. I know the show is trying to create suspense, like, omg who is he going to nominate? I'm biting my nails here. But don't they realize that when the "big moves" that are being presented to us in each episode don't happen it takes the "expect the unexpected" out of the show? Not only is it boring and predictable, it's insulting to the audience to even think that their "suspenseful" edits will work on us. And then, even though I already know the big move isn't happening, I still manage to feel disappointed when it doesn't and then I don't even want to watch the show anymore.  

Honestly their new slogan should be "expect the expected". 

Edited by Samwise979
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19 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

I was only slightly interested with this in the first few weeks but  I’m completely out now.   No one to like; no big moves and all the alphas lining up together.  There is nothing to watch and after 20 seasons there are no surprises. 

This is a perfect summary of everything wrong with this season...especially no big moves. Did anyone think for a moment Enzo wouldn't take the easy way out with Christmas. I wanted to throw something at the screen when she suggested going up because it eleminated ANY chance of anything interesting happening.

This was the hardest episode of the season fro me... ALL ENZO-ALL THE TIME...this walking, talking Jersey stereotype is so grating I thought my FF button was going to break.

BB-so desperate to keep Janelle linked to the game they are using her clips to promote LOVE ISLAND.  You had a gem in the Jaysar pairing but you brought them back with the perfect formula for them to fail. Great work Allison.

Finally Kaysar...give up the fight. This game is not worth it and the people you are trying to work with aren't worth it. Go home-work with Janelle to get a joint agent and maybe do some commercials together and make some lemonade out of this lemon of a season. It was impossible for him and Janelle to play with a group like this...simply impossible.

I have one simple question: Why is Kaysar "the big target" since what exactly is he going to do at this point?

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45 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I have one simple question: Why is Kaysar "the big target" since what exactly is he going to do at this point?

Because he dares to not be in a meathead alliance? That's naturally "against the House" and that's what's important these days.

Nice work outing your sidehustle alliance to Nicole there Dani. You're a real stealthy threat.

There used to be Fessy being on the wrong side/shocked by EVERY boot that I loved to see and now this season every time someone outs members of his alliance(s) in front of him we get the 'What the f is going on here?? Does anyone know how to play this game??" look from Tyler and I find it almost as funny.

That comp was literally like watching paint dry.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

Just when I started to like Bayleigh a little bit...


Yes.  She didn't have to be so bitchy.  She was the one being condescending, IMO.  Up on her high horse thinking how dare Kaysar come to her highness and tell her something when she's actually knows soooo much more than he does.  Then she doubles down with the attitude in the DR without an inkling that she might actually have a fake immunity idol in her bag. 

The only plus side to Kaysar going this week is that now I can enjoy watching the rest of them fall.  Too bad they all can't go down.  But I'll enjoy the ones who do. 

Any predictions on boot order?  I'm thinking (without watching the feeds) Kevin, Ian, and David first, obviously.  Then Bayleigh and Dayvonne??? Then who?


Side note: Does anybody remember Kaysar's shirt from way back in the day that said 'Redundancy Department of Redundancy'?  Even his shirt was memorable, I loved it.  lol


Edited by eskimo
to add
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2 hours ago, Peper81 said:

Every time I think I can’t get more disappointed in this show...Ugh.  This is so bad!

It feels like I am watching episode reruns from many past seasons in a mash up. I cannot get into this season. The episodes are so boring. They talk and talk and talk and there is no real action. It is just ongoing nonsense. 

Even the HGs seem bored. There has to be major conflict with a lot of histrionics or it flatlines. 

This will be a slow crawl to the end. Once they get out the targeted weaker players who have no strong alliances, maybe it will pick up when they have to turn on each other. 

  • Love 7

I wonder why Ian is rocking so much this season, while in his previous season we never saw him do it even once. 

Yes, dull episode for sure. I understand why everyone is playing it safe, since the point of the game is to survive to the end, not to be as funny and entertaining as possible, but it isn't enjoyable to watch. Also, there aren't any truly smart, funny and charismatic people in the house right now. It's like a house full of.... I was about to write "straight men" then I realized people would misread that. 😁. I mean it in the comedic sense. They'd all be the perfect balance for someone with a big, wildly entertaining personality. Which is exactly what we're missing. 

I enjoyed the comp though. It was weird and intense. I wonder if it hurt to hit the mat like they did? 


  • Love 4

Christmas and Nicole talking: “I feel bad for Kevin.” “It’s a safe move.” “Yeah, it’s safe.” ... “I’m just gonna go with the flow and not push anything.” “No, I’m not pushing anything.”  And that set the theme for the rest of the episode. 

This was perhaps the most boring episode of BB I have ever seen. It’s clear the editors know they have nothing to work with. Every time somebody mentions a name, there is a cut to the person. If three names are mentioned, we see shots of each of them, one after another. There are lots of long reaction shots of people nodding, and thinking hard about whatever banality they have just heard. It’s all just to kill time, because there is absolutely nothing happening. And yet, everything is underscored with music that promises something exciting is just about to erupt. (It’s not.)

The challenge may have seemed interesting on paper. It certainly looked like a lot of work went into setting it up. But watching them hang there and contort was pretty dull, IMO. And once they were covered in paint, I couldn’t even tell who was who. 

The show is lucky there are no broadcast alternatives right now. 

  • Love 10
14 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

Just when I started to like Bayleigh a little bit...


11 hours ago, eskimo said:

Yes.  She didn't have to be so bitchy.  She was the one being condescending, IMO.  Up on her high horse thinking how dare Kaysar come to her highness and tell her something when she's actually knows soooo much more than he does.  Then she doubles down with the attitude in the DR without an inkling that she might actually have a fake immunity idol in her bag.

My read was that Kaysar hadn't said two words to her before, but now suddenly wants to talk game. He was obviously talking to her as a last resort and she knew that, so she already had a chip on her shoulder. Acting offended at his slightly condescending "Let me explain this to you" tone was the easiest way out of the conversation.

10 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I wonder why Ian is rocking so much this season, while in his previous season we never saw him do it even once. 

Rocking back and forth is a form of self-stimulating or "self-stimming," and people on the autism spectrum tend to self-stim more when they're nervous and/or bored. I speak from personal experience.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
  • Love 2

So, did anyone else think of this during Veto?  No, just me?  Ok then.  

  I mean damn, you get N*Sync's old production manager and this is the best you can do?   It would have been more entertaining if they had just played this video on a loop for an hour.  

 Also, since the episode was so devoid of anything to talk about, JC > JT.  Discuss. 


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I think Kaysar is a good, decent person, but he's not a good BB player. As such, he needs to go home, figure out something to do with Janelle (Youtube channel, podcast, something,) and be happy. People I didn't care much for before (Ian) I sort of like now, people I didn't really mind before (Dani, Tyler, Enzo) I dislike intensely now, and those I hated (Christmas, I'm looking at you) I somehow hate more. I'm sure I will end up hating every last person except possibly Ian by the end of this, if I'm still watching. Oh who am I kidding, I will still be watching.

I think the casting got messed up due to Covid, since at least two alternates had to be used. If Kaycee and Josh had been there to form strong pairs with Tyler and Christmas, there would likely have been two fully formed sides of the house, instead of one giant alliance and three floaters. Because even if they tried to form a power four, Josh would somehow blow it up. That would also have been terribly, but possibly at least interesting.

  • Love 9

The ONLY decent part of this episode was "Mornings with Memphis". They should've shown an hour of that, rather than any of the other pointless dribble they showed, especially when they know Kaysar is likely leaving. Once Kaysar is out, I'm out, too. I've kind of resigned myself to never seeing him again, & I'm honestly pretty sad. He's a total class act, he elevates the show, & let's be real, he's smoking hot, even with 15 years added to him. He'll forever be my favorite BB houseguest, with Janelle as my very close runner-up. 

One thing I'd love to see in the finale, since there's a 99.99% chance I'll hate the winner, is 2 America's Favorite Houseguest winners. The Slick 6/Quack Pack/Hitmen/Whatever would be in fits, because obviously Janelle & Kaysar would win. As it is, 1 or the other is a shoe-in to win now.

Most delusional houseguest: Dani. OMG, when you think you're pulling the strings, & you brag about it, you get lumped with Raven. 

  • Love 18

Unless I missed it (which is possible since the boredom from watching this episode resulted in me reading a book simultaneously), I wonder why the "legendary" Ms. Anita Veto didn't make an appearance. And all this fuss about sneaky Dani surely will contribute to Cody's spreading bald spot and stressed-out dark circles under his eyes. Does Derrick have any advice about dealing with those two issues?

I detest Paul, but now I wish he and Josh and Kaycee were back because it would be much more lively. A Paul vs. Cody battle would bw fun to watch. Or even Cody N back for a rematch of Paul vs Cody N. The two Codys ally vs the evil duo of Paul and Josh, while the underground third alliance of Janelle, Kaysar, Bay, Day and Ian swoop in and take all.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Christmas and Nicole talking: “I feel bad for Kevin.” “It’s a safe move.” “Yeah, it’s safe.” ... “I’m just gonna go with the flow and not push anything.” “No, I’m not pushing anything.”  And that set the theme for the rest of the episode.

When Nicole was talking snidely about "safe moves," I was wondering what big move would she prefer Enzo to make. Any big move at this point would involve going against Nicole or one of her close allies (Cody, Dani, Ian). Maybe Tyler?

36 minutes ago, springbarb said:

When Nicole was talking snidely about "safe moves," I was wondering what big move would she prefer Enzo to make. Any big move at this point would involve going against Nicole or one of her close allies (Cody, Dani, Ian). Maybe Tyler?

I don’t think she was being snide. I think that’s just her voice. 😉  “Safe” moves are good for her at this point because they keep her protected.

9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Every time somebody mentions a name, there is a cut to the person. If three names are mentioned, we see shots of each of them, one after another. There are lots of long reaction shots of people nodding, and thinking hard about whatever banality they have just heard. It’s all just to kill time, because there is absolutely nothing happening. And yet, everything is underscored with music that promises something exciting is just about to erupt. (It’s not.)

Edit: I was able to attach clip in next comment. 


Edited by eskimo

Do Cody and enzo know that wearing caps and hats all the time is only marginally better than combovers. It screams “male pattern baldness”

What is with the stocking caps worn all floppy atop, Dopey-style? They look so silly. Are they trying to be 2 of the 7 Dwarfs? 


Up on her high horse thinking how dare Kaysar come to her highness and tell her something when she's actually knows soooo much more than he does.  Then she doubles down with the attitude in the DR without an inkling that she might actually have a fake immunity idol in her bag. 

It's hard to believe that Bayleigh and Da'Vonne actually think they're part of a big power alliance, rather than low-tier members of a sub-alliance just to keep them from coming after the alphas. Then again, we're talking about Bayleigh, someone who willingly hooks up with someone who calls himself Swaggy C. Her judgment is clearly not great.

Neither is her voice. Dear God. She takes vocal fry to the next stratosphere. It's as though her vocal chords are made out of sand paper.


I think houseguests are being far more careful inside the house simply because they don't want to do or say something that could affect their lives in a negative way outside of the house.  Cancel Culture.  People can apologize all they want, but in the era in which we live an apology seems to be never enough.

This wouldn't be such an overarching issue if they cast people other than 20 and 30 year olds whose aspirations are to be social media influencers. 

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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

She has this bizarre way of speaking where she pulls her lips back so far you can see her back teeth. It's so odd and off-putting.

Yes! And slightly creepy. 

I thought the Meow Meow was all about big moves.  I could tell by all the big move talk, he was going to go the easy route. How disappointing.  

  • Useful 1
6 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I agree here too, it made them all almost indistinguishable. Nice work bringing us a new comp but you didn't think it through quite enough.

6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

They used it for an HOH last season.

More accurately, it was the HoH comp last season where Jackson took a weird perverse pleasure in peeing while hung up in the ropes and the entire Live Feed thread (because the comp played out on the feeds in BB21) started posting "FALL IN YOUR PEEEEEE!" Holly won the comp in the end but the entire Live Feed thread was the real winner because Jackson did fall in his pee and there was much rejoicing. 

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2 hours ago, Runningwild said:

Does Kevin ever smile? It seems like he is always frowning. I kinda feel bad for his husband. Kevin just seems like a negative person. JMHO

He does seem to be toting along his own private rain cloud with him wherever he goes... I wouldn't exactly term him "upbeat" for sure.

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

More accurately, it was the HoH comp last season where Jackson took a weird perverse pleasure in peeing while hung up in the ropes

Ahh... yeah, so I had definitely done my best to block that particular comp out... explains everything.

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

More accurately, it was the HoH comp last season where Jackson took a weird perverse pleasure in peeing while hung up in the ropes and the entire Live Feed thread (because the comp played out on the feeds in BB21) started posting "FALL IN YOUR PEEEEEE!" Holly won the comp in the end but the entire Live Feed thread was the real winner because Jackson did fall in his pee and there was much rejoicing. 

I feel a deep and burning need to score multiple hearts and laughs for this post.
Probably not as much of a burning as Jackson felt when he was in the comp, but hey.…

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On 9/3/2020 at 2:57 PM, nkotb said:

The ONLY decent part of this episode was "Mornings with Memphis".

Really?  I thought both that and the monkey wrench DR script just shows how bad the producers are at scripting jokes now.


The edit somehow made it very obvious what was going to happen in this episode, I suppose that can make it satisfying for some but it is playing it very safe.  Instead the producers try and find more long term deception through the DR such as trying to push the Slick 6, but I think most of the audience are more interested in the episode suspense.

Edited by amazingracefan
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