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S22.E09: Power of Veto #3

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I am going to wake up screaming when I dream about Christmas being my mom... or anyone's mom for that matter. Some people should NOT continue their genetic line and she's wayyyy up on the list.

I was so bored I FF'd most of the inevitable comp losses by K&J... and most of the rest for good measure.

At this point this season is bordering on "there's an hour of my life I'll never get back" territory for me.


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I still enjoy watching, I just don't like how entitled some of the houseguests are...Nicole, Cody etc. I like seeing the bond between J and K. I will miss that.  It's charming.  

The comp was actually quick and fun to watch. 

The punishment was funny, and annoying.  But they all are.  

Edited by Cherry Cola
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5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was so bored I FF'd most of the inevitable comp losses by K&J... and most of the rest for good measure.

For the first time ever, I did the same. Apart from the mildly amusing star business, getting through this episode was almost a chore, maybe because the outcome was inevitable. 

I don't know if it's just the edit, but Dani seemed especially unpleasant tonight. Kevin and David were invisible. Everyone else was sort of blah.

I don't blame production though. You can't plan chemistry or magic, and so far this season has neither. It's bound to happen I guess, even in the best reality shows. It's just that we all needed a great BB season way more than usual. Oh well. Thank goodness I discovered Alone, which I'm obsessed with. 

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The amount of rage I feel watching these assholes is not good for my health.

Nicole “waah Janelle is mean to me waah” Christ she is whinier than Christmas’s babies.

Daniele is aware that only one person can win, right?  God she is so bitchy.  I wanna see her try to corner Bayleigh if Bayleigh is in power just to see what happens.

Kaysar I still love you even though you really are terrible at this game, even though it was a HOH crapshoot your first season that was really the start of your downfall. Also Howie was stupid.

Edited by mojoween
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Well, that's it then. Barring Julie miracuously pulling out some twist out of her hat like a "Roll back the week" to reset things its the end for Jaysar.

What a shame really. Kaysar was right. They never had a chance. It was almost like they were set up to fail. They needed to stack the deck better for OG players like pumping up their ranks with the likes of Kent, Hardy, Nakomis, hell even blonde Allison that wound up on TAR. But nope.

Part of me wonders how the producers feel. Any normal powers that be would be dissapointed in the way the season is going but we are talking Allison Grodner who has got pets on hand like Tyler and Cody so who knows. The only thing for certain is there should be a drop in viewers coming up with this perfect pair split up.

Any scene between Kaysar and Janelle was pure gold tonight...the rest not so much. It was a tour de force for my FF button as the minute Janelle lost I FF the comp and ANYTHING having to do with Christmas and whatever those star-babies were.

Forgot Kevin was even in the house until the veto. What a travesty that he is taking up space in there but we lose either Kaysar or Janelle.

Sorry but an alliance that consists of 99% of the house is not good TV

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5 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

don't know if it's just the edit, but Dani seemed especially unpleasant tonight.

I loved the segment of her trashing the outlying members of her "alliance(s)".   She probably thinks she's coming across as a big time gamer, but really she just seems bitchy.  I hope it gets turned around on her soon and she has to actually fight for her place.  She thinks she is much better at this than she really is, but unfortunately the cast this season is just feeding her delusions.  

3 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Daniele is aware that only one person can win, right?  God she is so bitchy.  I wanna see her try to corner Bayleigh if Bayleigh is in power just to see what happens.

I loved Bayleigh's response to her and the corresponding TH where she let us know that she totally has Dani's game pegged.   I can only hope that there is a turnaround and Cody/NicF/Dani are targeted soon.  These people are too much.  Memphis WON his round and they were still trying to say he threw it?  (Which he probably did, but that was best for HIS game.)  Someone should clue Dani and Cody in on the fact that (despite what they're trying to push) no one is playing for THEM to win.  

HATED the professional shots of Tangela in the background of the HOH room conversations.  It looked less like someone's personal photos and more like a frame display at Walmart. (both the photos themselves and the arrangement.)


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I stopped watching this show after BB16 out of lack of interest, but with some of the old schoolers returning and a depletion of original programming in COVIDland, I was excited to give this season a try and yikes. I'm out once J&K are gone, which I assume will be next week - not because of who's in control, but because this show is so effing boring. Predictable and tension-free, no "game" conversations are of any consequence, the non-game scenes and DRs are ridiculous and BORING. Seeing Janelle & Kaysar together again has been fun - seeing Dani, Kevin, & Ian...less so. Cody & Nicole...did I mention I bailed after 16...? I like Day but she alone isn't enough to keep watching. 

Been fun reading these forums again though - way more fun than the actual show. 

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So, Tyler, dani, Cody, franzel, and I don't know who else, are each in several "alliances". And they each think they're being so clever, having deals with nearly everyone in the house. But do they realize that everyone else is doing the same thing?  And that many alliances pretty much negates all the alliances, since you end up having no choice but to betray an alliance at some point.

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This season is such a slog to get through.

A Jocks plus Mean Girls alliance is just not compelling.  The Bros- Cody, Tyler, Enzo are simultaneously too much yet utterly boring. And Dani and "Frazzled" (Nicole) just bring out the worst in each other.  It's impossible to root for any of those people.

The only part I was kinda interested in was Memphis looking bad in / "throwing" the veto and not realizing all the kids want to throw his oldster's ass out.

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2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Well, that's it then. Barring Julie miracuously pulling out some twist out of her hat like a "Roll back the week" to reset things its the end for Jaysar.

What a shame really. Kaysar was right. They never had a chance. It was almost like they were set up to fail. They needed to stack the deck better for OG players like pumping up their ranks with the likes of Kent, Hardy, Nakomis, hell even blonde Allison that wound up on TAR. But nope.

Kent passed away a couple of years ago -- cancer. But yeah, I would have liked to see some of the earlier players. (Not Cowboy!) There probably wouldn't be that many people who remember them, though. 

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I missed the last three eps due to moving and I come back to Kaysar or Janelle leaving?! That really sucks. I'm glad that they still have a bond and agree there were not enough OG players. Do we really have to see Nicole 3 times? Dani 3 times? What feels like Cody 3 times? Yeah I know K&J have been on 3 times too, but they're not annoying ... maybe because they're always the underdogs.

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Dani really doesn't seem to understand that it's Janelle's personality that people adore. Janelle could be a dead ringer for a decomposing corpse and she'd still be adored. 

As a side note, how do they pick the host of comps?

And everybody but Janelle and Kaysar needs to shut the fuck up about being offended that other people are making alliances, etc. 

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Dani is getting a lot of DRs, obviously having been on multiple times before she must be a producer's favourite, but still the producers could be less obvious.

Bayleigh's screeching voice is too much for me, I wouldn't have invited her back on that basis alone.

4 minutes ago, mertensia said:

As a side note, how do they pick the host of comps?

The HoH normally picks, and the picked HG acts like it's the most amazing thing ever (always annoying).

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Cody proclaims that he’s been trying to get Janelle and Kaysar out for WEEKS and it’s been a sum total of THREE, so settle the fuck down.  I really don’t get his rabid feelings about them.  Did they kiss his dad behind his back or something?

Or perhaps he knows that are adored in a way that he wil never be.

God Kaysar and Janelle are so mature, I can’t stand it.  Where’s the cootie-taw, Julie?

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You've all summed-up my thoughts pretty well. But, I though the most ridiculous Dani moment was when she said that she's planting seeds of distrust, so that people will want to get rid of Memphis sooner, rather than later, but then was enraged when Memphis didn't nominate/backdoor Janelle or Kaysar last week, because that was what was best for her game. There's no balance, I genuinely think that she thinks everyone is there to celebrate her winning $500,000. 

That Kaysar/Janelle segment, again, was gold. I loved them their first time, I loved them their second time, I love this time, if they come back in 10 years, I'll love them then, too. They're just so genuinely fond of each other. It's just lovely to see. Plus, oh my, the pretty hasn't diminished 1 iota on either of them, maybe it's even improved. 

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I know Ian can't help it, but his constant rocking back-and-forth annoys the crap out of me.

I know we had the Very Special Moment with his talking about being in the spectrum but I think they only did that so that they wouldn't have to edit out every time he's seen rocking back and forth... so we're seeing it more now. It doesn't bother me it just makes me uncomfortable for him...

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I'll be so sad if Janelle is the one to go.  She is more beautiful then I remembered.

Cody is no player without Derrick who kept him grounded.  

Nicole is hard to watch.  Kind of a snake in the grass.  Always wear eye make up because you look like a raccoon and really unwell with those dark eyes.  Aging is hell!

Tyler is still the lifeguard.

Dani probably got play advice from evil Dick!  You go get em girl!

I think Janelle's undoing was when she thought Memphis a friend and revealed the alliance which he was part of!

Edited by Jeanne222
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Part of me wonders how the producers feel. Any normal powers that be would be disappointed in the way the season is going but we are talking Allison Grodner who has got pets on hand like Tyler and Cody so who knows. 

It's hard to believe ('tho entirely possible) even Grodner thinks the audience wants to watch Cody and Tyler run the game from start to finish. What makes the show interesting is when the power shifts from week to week and everyone has to scramble. This is just so boring and predictable. There's no way in hell I'll care about it one way or another when it's down to Cody, Tyler, Enzo, Dani, Nicole and Christmas. Gah - who cares?? And it's just going to be frustrating as hell watching Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Kevin, and Ian help them get there because they think they're with them.


Bayleigh's screeching voice is too much for me,

Her voice is like gravel when she's in the DR. It's not so bad when she's talking quietly with another HG but yeah . . . screech city in the DR. Beautiful girl but a voice like nails on a chalkboard.

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2 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

If Ian rocks to self-soothe, as he said, then every time I see him rock I wonder what has him agitated at that moment.

You can definitely gauge his anxiety level at any given time by the speed and extent of his rocking. When he’s comfortable, he barely moves at all. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but it is an unfortunate tell for his BB game.

Edited by 30 Helens
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The only reason we went back to this show (we stopped at season 18, after watching every season prior) was to watch Kaysar and Janelle, and they have not disappointed. Most of the rest of them have. No one left is compelling enough for me to keep watching this. When Janelle and Kaysar are gone, I wonder if the ratings will go down. I will have to remember to come back and vote for fan favorite for Janelle, and maybe watch the finale just to see Dani and Nicole react if Janelle wins. 

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