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Doubling Down With The Derricos - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Dad has a shady past.  Does TLC NEVER run background checks?  (Looking at you, Paul from 90-Day Fiance.)

And to add to the "really?" factor . . . all of their names start with "D."

A shady past? Should I google? And I’m side-eyeing the “all conceived naturally” part. I mean...how would you verify that? You can’t.

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Just google his name, and you'll see the charges.   He wasn't convicted, but his buddy did plead guilty.    

The couple do claim that they didn't use IVF, but I find it bizarre that one person would have so many multiples without any type of assistance.      I suspect there was some assistance of some kind involved.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 8/9/2020 at 5:26 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Just google his name, and you'll see the charges.   He wasn't convicted, but his buddy did plead guilty.    

The couple do claim that they didn't use IVF, but I find it bizarre that one person would have so many multiples without any type of assistance.      

We were discussing this in the Duggar thread, it’s possible the Mom (I cant remember her name) has taken Clomid (which she may consider natural conception since the conceptions arose from sex) and I also wondered if the Mom has any Yoruba ancestry- the Yoruba tribe has the highest incidence of twining in the entire world. 

While it’s unlikely, it is POSSIBLE, it’s believed that this 18th century Russian woman is the most prolific mother in recorded history. 

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I find it sad to see parents who can’t be content with a manageable number of children. It’s sick to see the insatiable obsession to have so many kids that you can’t give them all, individual time and attention. And with that many children, I just don’t believe it’s possible. The parents seem giddy with high number of children. It’s disturbing to me. And sad. Best wishes to the children. I think the parents are selfish, just like all the other parents of tv multiples. I won’t be tuning in.

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5 hours ago, Quof said:

Even if it were simply a fluke that she always conceives multiples, a sane person would put a stop to conception altogether after having eleventeen children, wouldn't they?

You’d THINK wouldn’t you????

5 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I find it sad to see parents who can’t be content with a manageable number of children. It’s sick to see the insatiable obsession to have so many kids that you can’t give them all, individual time and attention. And with that many children, I just don’t believe it’s possible. The parents seem giddy with high number of children. It’s disturbing to me. And sad. Best wishes to the children. I think the parents are selfish, just like all the other parents of tv multiples. I won’t be tuning in.

I won’t be watching either. I feel attached to the Duggar kids and started following them before I knew better. 

Outside of their reproductive choices, their children have a right to privacy. By 2020 no parent is naive enough not to know what “reality celebrity” brings. 

I won’t continue to watch. 

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My first reaction is: Their poor 13-year-old daughter.  I have no doubt that she’s missing out on a ton of experiences (and now has even less privacy due to this show) by acting as her parents’ de facto nanny/assistant.  Shades of Duggar daughters.  I don’t think there’s a thing wrong with older kids pitching in, but when they’re helping to take care of double digits of siblings and they don’t even have a driver’s license, I view that as wrong.  It’s already very plain to see that Mom and Dad (in his damn chef outfit while cooking dinner) love attention.

Cute kids, though.  That’s my only positive takeaway thus far. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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9 minutes ago, seasons said:

Can't someone come help them while Karen is in the hospital? Family? Church? 

They are so loving. I'm in.

Someone will be pitching in from the church, her/their friends/family - no one can take care of 11 kids alone, let alone work full time.


7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

it’s possible the Mom (I cant remember her name) has taken Clomid (which she may consider natural conception since the conceptions arose from sex) 

I thought this too - you are still having sex but oh yah forgot to mention I am taking this fertility pill.


6 hours ago, Quof said:

Even if it were simply a fluke that she always conceives multiples, a sane person would put a stop to conception altogether after having eleventeen children, wouldn't they?

One would think!  I have mixed feelings:  The parents seem somewhat sane and the kids are clean, fed and loved, but FOURTEEN?  Leave some oxygen for the rest of us, would ya?

I won't be a regular watcher but I am curious if they homeschool or send them to public school.

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16 hours ago, Quof said:

Even if it were simply a fluke that she always conceives multiples, a sane person would put a stop to conception altogether after having eleventeen children, wouldn't they?

My husband has a cousin that had twins with her first pregnancy, got pregnant again  with twins so she had some test done, her dr told her she would "probably" have twins or multiples with every pregnancy. She had her tubes tied after the second set lol. 

Edited by Whyyouneedaname
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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I find it sad to see parents who can’t be content with a manageable number of children. It’s sick to see the insatiable obsession to have so many kids that you can’t give them all, individual time and attention. And with that many children, I just don’t believe it’s possible. The parents seem giddy with high number of children. It’s disturbing to me. And sad. Best wishes to the children. I think the parents are selfish, just like all the other parents of tv multiples. I won’t be tuning in.

This is my issue with such large families. Even if the parents are super loving and attentive, it is simply not possible to give that many children the individual attention they each need, and the older kids inevitably end up having to take care of the younger ones because the parents can't do it all. Or if they are wealthy enough they can afford a handful of nannies. You would think after having the first set of twins that would be more than enough kids, but this woman just seems insane for having that many multiples pretty much back to back. And now they get even less privacy because of the TV crew in their house. Regardless of how nice they are, at the end of the day they are exploiting their children and should never have had that many in the first place.

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I always liked the Hayes family of Table for 12.  He was a cop, she stayed at home, and they did only 2 seasons, no doubt to supplement their income especially since one of their kids had CP.   I wouldn't mind seeing an update on them. They were no nonsense parents, and the older kids seemed to be genuinely sweet but realistic.

But they had 4 healthy kids (2 sets of twins) before deciding to give it another go with follicle stimulation, and ended up with sextuplets including one with serious challenges.

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48 minutes ago, overtherainbow said:

This is my issue with such large families. Even if the parents are super loving and attentive, it is simply not possible to give that many children the individual attention they each need, and the older kids inevitably end up having to take care of the younger ones because the parents can't do it all. Or if they are wealthy enough they can afford a handful of nannies. You would think after having the first set of twins that would be more than enough kids, but this woman just seems insane for having that many multiples pretty much back to back. And now they get even less privacy because of the TV crew in their house. Regardless of how nice they are, at the end of the day they are exploiting their children and should never have had that many in the first place.

Exactly.  Money doesn't solve the issue of time and attention.  Plus, there isn't room for any kid to have privacy and real alone time with a parent. What I find the most offensive is that the parents don't seem interested in having that kind of individual relationship with each child.  They pay it lip service, but, it's just not feasible with that many kids.   For them, it seems like a contest. Like to make them special as parents they have to hit a high number.  Like someone trying to get into a world record.  Even kennels and animal shelters have limits, but, with children, there are no precautions.  It's very sad to me.  I hope the parents use the money from the show wisely and provide for the kids long term needs.  

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Quof said:

I always liked the Hayes family of Table for 12.  He was a cop, she stayed at home, and they did only 2 seasons, no doubt to supplement their income especially since one of their kids had CP.   I wouldn't mind seeing an update on them. They were no nonsense parents, and the older kids seemed to be genuinely sweet but realistic.

But they had 4 healthy kids (2 sets of twins) before deciding to give it another go with follicle stimulation, and ended up with sextuplets including one with serious challenges.

(Bolding mine) Yeah- because they wanted to have two girls since the mom had issues never having a sister.......yeah. People do what they want to at the end of the day. 

I really wonder what case law is going to pop up in the next 10-15years regarding minors on monetized social media and reality tv. These children no longer own their likeness in the digital age. 

I don’t think the Derricos don’t love their kids or are neglecting their basic needs, but again it’s 2020, people KNOW the problems that pop up when children grow up on reality tv and what it does to families. 

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My understanding is that the parents receive the show money.   Only a few states (California was first with the Coogan Act) require that a certain percentage has to be saved for the kids.    Pennsylvania apparently has that law now, partially from Jon Gosslin testifying about it.  Apparently the Pennsylvania law did cover reality TV, but too late for the Gosselin kids, and I wonder if it even passed.   I remember Kate was saying that if Pennsylvania passed the law, she would move the show to North Carolina.    

Last time I checked, Coogan Act requires 10% of the child's earnings go to savings, but a lot of expenses can be deducted from that, so the children might still have nothing when they grow up and get their money.   However, does California extend this to kids on reality shows?     

I don't think any children on these multiple shows are better for having been shown off on TV in their most personal moments.    I noticed on the commercials that all of the Derrico kids have matching outfits, so I'm wondering who is sponsoring and supplying those clothes?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Last time I checked, Coogan Act requires 10% of the child's earnings go to savings, but a lot of expenses can be deducted from that, so the children might still have nothing when they grow up and get their money. 

The Coogan Law protects child performers not children who have had their likeness monetized via social media or reality tv. 

Many of the “family vlog” or “life style” channels/pages make a pretty penny because people are attached to the kids. And we continue to have families with multiples (or other non typical conditions) have reality shows. 

Again laws don’t get formed until people bring suits, when a bunch of these kids become adults they may or may not push for legislation to stop kids from appearing on these types of programs, or if they do it must be very limited and money must be saved (like the Coogan Law). 

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Okay, so I was impressed that they are so organized and involved with the kids. Mom seems to try to get teaching moments in everywhere. Dad seems to enjoy the simple stuff like cooking and home haircuts. However, there seems to be something almost "too slick" about him. And the money management lessons he's having the little ones spout seems odd too. I did like the fact that they underlined in a TH that they'd have as many as "they could provide for adequately". But the thing that is bothering me mostly is that Karen is having bedrest issues with every pregnancy. With 11 small children at home already, you cannot go stay in the hospital for 8 weeks with each subsequent pregnancy! This is something that God or whoever is trying to tell her that she's had enough! This is also the problem I had with the Duggars, after they lost the baby before Josie, and then Josie wound up as a micro preemie. It's time to stop when a normal healthy pregnancy isn't in the cards anymore! It cannot be good for her body to carry that many multiple pregnancies anyhow. A Dr. recently told a female friend of mine with a newly discovered heart murmur (she is late 40's, with 5 children, last two being twins), that "many women have slight heart murmurs from pregnancy that they aren't even aware of, from the stress of carrying the pregnancies." Not sure if that is truth or not, but it seems legit. 

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23 hours ago, seasons said:

Can't someone come help them while Karen is in the hospital? Family? Church? 

They are so loving. I'm in.

That is one of my  many questions too. On one hand the Busbys can't function without extended family - friends, and this family seems to be without extended help. With follows to say maybe they should consider moving closer to family - or - finding a family member(s) to move closer,  to them. 

I do like how they are organized. 

I'll hang around. It's not like there are a bunch of new shows on now. And TLC seen to be running less espoides on many of the series, anyway. Please stay  - I like to read all of the postings.

48 minutes ago, sATL said:


Edited by sATL
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On 8/9/2020 at 6:23 PM, kacesq said:

A shady past? Should I google? And I’m side-eyeing the “all conceived naturally” part. I mean...how would you verify that? You can’t.

Please post the link  or state detail to the shady...We can take it..

Did it have something to do with his running buddy Eric? Sidenote: my eyes are on him - he wouldn't have been my 1st choice to call to babysit in the middle of the night when going to hospital. 

Does it  have something to do with the real estate investments/ flipping  & related paperwork- the dad's job ? Please don't tell me we have another Joe Guidice (RHONJ) in the making without the immigration issues, that will take 7 seasons to play out..  I'm still trying to figure out what "mail fraud" is -- mailing the gas company check to the electric company? Surely it can't be for tax evasion , with all of the dependents. Now failure to file--- gotta admit 14 kids, doing taxes would fall toward the bottom of the honey-do-list.

Edited by sATL
On 8/9/2020 at 10:43 AM, overtherainbow said:

Not another multiples show! 🤢

TLC really needs to stop. They are the Duggars but with D's.

TIC won't stop until people stop trying to get in tv. Shall we take bets on this family tying or surpassing the bates/duggars? How old is the mother here?

I've been saying for a while on the Busby site that as soon as TLC finds younger multiple babies, it's onto the next. 

Plus TLC loves a good birth to get episode mileage... for years... I mean how many YEARS have we seen the same Duggar births?? Jackson is what 14 yrs old ? Jessa's "bllleeeedddiinnngg "after Spurgeon is 4 years old now and we see it every season.

Edited by sATL
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What are the odds that this couple simply loves kids and wants an extraordinarily huge family; can provide financially for that many kids; has conceived many sets of multiples without medical interference; has 11 kids who are well-behaved and perfectly fine with the situation; and is completely at home in front of the cameras and clearly loves exposing every detail of their lives on TV. Any one of those things on its own would be pretty rare. Together the whole thing is very shady. 

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1 hour ago, sATL said:

Please post the link  or state detail to the shady...We can take it..

Did it have something to do with his running buddy Eric? Sidenote: my eyes are on him - he wouldn't have been my 1st choice to call to babysit in the middle of the night when going to hospital. 

Does it  have something to do with the real estate investments/ flipping  & related paperwork- the dad's job ? Please don't tell me we have another Joe Guidice (RHONJ) in the making without the immigration issues, that will take 7 seasons to play out..  I'm still trying to figure out what "mail fraud" is -- mailing the gas company check to the electric company? Surely it can't be for tax evasion , with all of the dependents. Now failure to file--- gotta admit 14 kids, doing taxes would fall toward the bottom of the honey-do-list.

With fraud case tossed, father of Las Vegas quints feels vindicated

Doubling Down With the Derricos: Dad Deon Charged With Real Estate Fraud in 2014


In April 2014, Doubling Down With the Derricos’ Deon was charged with forgery, theft, and false representation according to a criminal complaint filed by the Nevada Attorney General’s Office as per this story by Las Vegas Sun. Derrico was accused of taking over properties that were flipped during the recession through quitclaim deeds in which the embattled owners would sign over their names. A quitclaim, for reference, allows a homeowner to grant their property to someone else. The homeowners in Deon’s matter had no idea of transferring any property to the reality TV star because he allegedly forged their signatures on the quitclaim deeds. The Doubling Down With the Derricos dad was accused along with his partner Olujuwon Devin Bryant who notarized these deeds by two homeowners, one of whom, according to his wife, was dead at the time at the deed. However, things started looking positive for Deon in 2018, when even after four years, no more victims came forward, making the case fizzle out. In April 2018, Deon was cleared of most charges, excluding two, which were dropped later in August, but his partner Bryant pleaded guilty for notarizing the fake deeds and was duly fined.

Back then, Deon had claimed that he was attacked because he came from the well-known family. “You can be totally innocent but can be made to look like someone else,” the Doubling Down With the Derricos star was quoted saying amidst reports of him writing a book. In a recent interview with Review Journal Deon revisited his tumultuous experience while talking about his TLC show. The father said that more than 10 production companies had gotten in touch with him to give the Derricos their series in 2013 after the birth of the famed quintuplets. “I had a bogus criminal case that came up,” said Deon about the allegations which had put his reality TV career on hold. A day after the senior Derrico said goodbye to his legal matters, producer Lori Rothschild Ansaldi approached him, and their conversations directly lead to Doubling Down With the Derricos.

The TLC show has Deon put on an invisible cape as he takes on the highly strenuous task of playing a doting dad to 14 children. Be it managing the finances which run up to $3,500 for groceries alone, or doing a headcount in birth order as he drives the little Derricos to school, his role as a father compliments Karen’s resilience as a mother. Perhaps Doubling Down With the Derricos is what he earned for standing by the truth amidst all the torment that tried to tarnish the family’s happiness. The past is in the past for the Derricos as they await a whole new wave of fame and love from the fans.


Edited by druzy
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I don't know if there's been anything shady with the dad or how all the kids were conceived, but I have to say that this family, even with 5 more children, is so much more pleasant to watch than the Busbys.  The children are happy, disciplined (but not cowed in fear or robotic), and smart.  There's no whining or crying or fighting.  They all seem to love and enjoy each other and the parents aren't bitching and complaining.  And, the parents seem very invested and interested in their kids. The kids can sit at the table and eat a meal; they all do chores.  They talk to each other and share ideas.  I know we don't see everything that goes on, but overall, I was pretty impressed with how they manage.  Even if I wouldn't advocate for such a huge family, these people really seem to be able to make it work and more importantly, they aren't dialing it in.  

  • Love 14
On 8/12/2020 at 9:59 PM, sATL said:

That is one of my  many questions too. On one hand the Busbys can't function without extended family - friends, and this family seems to be without extended help. With follows to say maybe they should consider moving closer to family - or - finding a family member(s) to move closer,  to them. 

I do like how they are organized. 

I'll hang around. It's not like there are a bunch of new shows on now. And TLC seen to be running less espoides on many of the series, anyway. Please stay  - I like to read all of the postings.

The Busbys can hardly function because they don't want to do the work and don't have the discipline it takes.

  • Love 4

I'm watching this new series even though I told myself I wouldn't!

I don't know!  They all seem like robots!  Can there be that much order and cleanliness in a house with that many?  

I'm also shocked the guy friend is so involved with all of them.

Can Karen pack it up and leave for the hospital for this long of a time.

The only time I saw reality was when the little girl got off the bus crying and wanting to hug her mother.

Something's wrong but I haven't figured it out just yet!

Edited by Jeanne222
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To me, the kids seemed very coached in their THs. We'll see how that develops.


all of the Derrico kids have matching outfits, so I'm wondering who is sponsoring and supplying those clothes?  

I took the outfits to be school uniforms.


What are the odds that this couple has conceived many sets of multiples without medical interference

Nil. Mom kept saying "Not one round of IVF!" as though that's the only reproductive technology in the world. If you're using Clomid, you're not conceiving "natually." These multiple pregnancies are risky to mom AND babies; they've already lost one baby, and the previews make clear that she's in for another preterm birth. This is really irresponsible when you're already mom to 11.

I really wish reality TV would show us a family with kids with severe disabilities. That's the reality of triplets-plus for most families.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wondered if they were school uniforms, but the previews I've seen, they seem to always be matching.   That could be they don't want competition for different outfits or something too.   

I've seen some matching outfits, but when they were getting ready to go to school in the van the morning Karen was due to leave for hospital bed rest, the outfits they were wearing matched, but were blurred where a school name/insignia would go on the front right side at the top.  So, I think it's both that sometimes their street clothes match and sometimes they're wearing school uniforms.

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3 hours ago, readheaded said:

I've seen some matching outfits, but when they were getting ready to go to school in the van the morning Karen was due to leave for hospital bed rest, the outfits they were wearing matched, but were blurred where a school name/insignia would go on the front right side at the top.  So, I think it's both that sometimes their street clothes match and sometimes they're wearing school uniforms.

I would not be surprised to find that a clothing company was donating to the family. 

Meh.  I started off liking them during the episode but then saw his bio on IMDB and read about the dropped charges.  He definitely is a self-promoter.  The bio mentions that they adopted a 17 year old son Derron, but he doesn't show up in the show.  Not sure when the bio was written (sorry, forgot to copy the link).

I think the kids are cute.  I am not concerned too much about the frozen waffles unless that is all they ever have for breakfast.  It would be fairly simple to cook oatmeal overnight in a crockpot;  I can't see getting all those eggos heated at the same time.  We heat ours in the oven on cookie sheets so maybe they do that, too.

I don't think this will be must-see tv for me.  I like them better than the Busbys, but not as much as the sweet home Alabama sextuplet family.   The Duggars have unfortunately returned with Ma and Pa this season.

I also do not really care for the "D" names they have chosen.  I think they are tied for bad names with the sweet Alabama children.

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On 8/12/2020 at 9:18 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

My husband has a cousin that had twins with her first pregnancy, got pregnant again  with twins so she had some test done, her dr told her she would "probably" have twins or multiples with every pregnancy. She had her tubes tied after the second set lol. 

When I was a kid, I twirled baton with a girl who had older bothers that were twins and younger sisters that were twins. Mom specially signed her up for baton so she could have something to do that was all her own and gave her something special to talk about. 

A few years ago, I was having dinner with a friend. We were just sitting there talking at this point and a woman came in with triplets, they looked to be about 12 or 13 years old. They were all clean and neat, but their clothes and shoes were threadbare. Mom had that rode hard, put away wet look. She kept counting and recounting her money. I saw the waitress bring them their order, 3 kids meals and something for mom, and to go boxes all at the same time. Mom instantly started packing up half the food. The waitress also took them a whole big plate of rolls/corn bread muffins. This was Cracker Barrel, so it's not like a kids burger or grilled cheese comes with bread. Mom packed most of those up too. I looked at my friend and told her I was going to pay for mom and her sons. I went to pay for my meal so I could pay for theirs before the waitress took mom her bill. I snagged the waitress, and told her. As we went to the register, she told me mom had older sons who were twins. Apparently she got pregnant with the twins, and her husband died, she got married again, had the triplets, and that husband died too. The waitress said that mom always said she was afraid to get married again, she was sure she'd end up with quadruplets and another dead husband.

On 8/15/2020 at 1:09 PM, readheaded said:

I've seen some matching outfits, but when they were getting ready to go to school in the van the morning Karen was due to leave for hospital bed rest, the outfits they were wearing matched, but were blurred where a school name/insignia would go on the front right side at the top.  So, I think it's both that sometimes their street clothes match and sometimes they're wearing school uniforms.

They are school uniforms and they are the school my kid goes to. 

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On 8/15/2020 at 4:41 AM, Jeanne222 said:

I'm also shocked the guy friend is so involved with all of them.

Something's wrong but I haven't figured it out just yet!

Or maybe you have figured it out... 🤔

That dude being so involved made my spider senses tingle.

Hopefully he's just a good guy but leaving him alone with all those little kids made me uncomfortable.

  • Love 5

I'm in! I watched the Duggars up until Josie (?) and then I was done.  

The fact that this is a Black family is what drew me in.  I'm watching the first episode and I am impressed with the way the Derricos are raising their small army with little to no help from what we see. They all love each other and show no signs of dysfunction or neglect. I like that. 

Karen has been on bed rest with every pregnancy; she has 3 babies in her belly and is now freaking out about how necessary bed rest will impact the other 11 children?  Ma'am. I need you to lay down immediately and let Deon run the place until the triplets are safely born! 

A minor quibble: The triplin' you lost got a name that started with C, instead of a D? Seemed odd.

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1 hour ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

I'm in! I watched the Duggars up until Josie (?) and then I was done.  

The fact that this is a Black family is what drew me in.  I'm watching the first episode and I am impressed with the way the Derricos are raising their small army with little to no help from what we see. They all love each other and show no signs of dysfunction or neglect. I like that. 

Karen has been on bed rest with every pregnancy; she has 3 babies in her belly and is now freaking out about how necessary bed rest will impact the other 11 children?  Ma'am. I need you to lay down immediately and let Deon run the place until the triplets are safely born! 

A minor quibble: The triplin' you lost got a name that started with C, instead of a D? Seemed odd.

I think his name is Carter, which is Karen's maiden name.

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