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S06.E09: There's Something About Harry

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I picked next weeks episode, but pick anyone you want. If at any time during the season they had showed us a preview of Jill showing up at the Hampton's, or in Montana, or at Carole's party, folks would have tuned in to watch. Even if she had been the same terrible person she always was, folks would want to see it.

I agree with you. There's that curiosity factor of what the villain will do now.  However, if made a full cast member I don't think the audience would stick around the whole season just for her

I deplore Bethenny, so people might wonder why I tuned into her 'talk' show.  But it was only for the reason above.  I knew she'd fuck it up and I wanted to see that happen.  The show was so bad I could only muddle 3 or 4 episodes and that's what I'd think will happen if they brought Jill back as a full timer.


Give her a 'friend' status, don't let the audience have to see her mug too often and they will come. 

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Here's my take on how to improve ratings, at least for my taste:


Please do NOT bring back Jill and/or Bethanny. Neither of them was content to be part of an ensemble, particularly Jill was only satisfied to be the star of the show. 


Please leave the husbands and assorted relatives out of it. They can come to dinner, but cannot be a storyline. 


Products cannot be hawked. That has seemed to tone down on RHNY, but it is irritating to always have a close up of Ramona Pinot and seeing Josh in his ever present e-boost shirt


NO MORE TRIPS! hate them, hate them. Bravo's theory is to put 5 women under one roof and that equals drama. They are right, but it's bad drama. The kind of drama that you get when Aunt Dottie gets drunk at Christmas dinner and vomits on the table or you  go on vacation and you and your sister fight over  serving hotdogs and how she stole your boyfriend in 8th grade and how mom likes you best. I just don't want to watch. It's annoying. 


I want to see fabulous venues in NY with beautiful people doing fabulous things and eating fabulous food and shopping in fabulous stores. I want to see house porn, hotel porn, restaurant porn and shopping porn. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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There are a lot of weird things that happen on this show, but I'm absolutely vexed why Carol wanted a "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" themed birthday party.  I read the book, saw the movie...almost 20 years ago.  What's her connection to Savannah, GA?

Literary cred?


LuAnn is very blunt in her blog. And Harry borrowed the ring to give Sonja? 

"I know both Harry and Sonja pretty well. I think they are cute together, but definitely not good for each other. They are both good friends, not lovers! That was over ages ago and everyone knows that, since Sonja and Harry both see other people all the time. I think he borrowed that ring from Ramona? A man who is serious about a woman doesn't borrow a ring or leave his girl at a party!" 


Can't believe I called it with my True Faith comment.  Harry is just a trust fund lush.  Might be fun to hang out at a party with but that's about it.


According to Heather's blog on Bravo everyone was instructed to wear either black or white, so it kind of was a "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"-themed black and white party.  However, everyone ending up wearing black except Heather, Sonja, and Heather's husband Jonathan (who had on a custom-made 1/2 black-1/2 white suit)....oh, and also, obviously Carole (who was in red).

NYers wearing black.  So surprising!


Mama is a term of endearment that us NY'ers use for anyone no matter what age. It's just a sweet little thing not "gangster" whatever. Many people use it from all walks of life. I don't get the annoyance over it it's not that serious.

Not all NYers.   It's very prevalent in some ethnic groups and has been appropriated by others.  So while it's not 'gangsta', it is not dissimilar in how its usage has spread.

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I showed this clip to my husband this morning and he laughed and laughed.  I said the funny thing here is that there's a new parody show on Hulu about the Housewives, but how in the world can you parody this show?  It parodies itself!



I watched the clip & I was horrified.  How will she retrieve the leg?  Guess someone gets it for her?  OK, I acknowledge everyone has a different sense of humor, but I just don't find this hilarious.  Where do they go from here?  Aviva gets up & stabs Heather in the chest?  Real or fake, who knows?  This show really is going in such a dark direction & I blame Aviva for that.  Maybe they need a villain, but she ain't it.  And they ain't bringin' Jillzy back cuz she was a nightmare to manage, with all of her manipulations.

I want to see fabulous venues in NY with beautiful people doing fabulous things and eating fabulous food and shopping in fabulous stores. I want to see house porn, hotel porn, restaurant porn and shopping porn.



Yes!  That's exactly what I want to see too.  They need a completely different cast.  Tell the Moaner to go fuck off.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Not sure if this article has already been posted.  It talks about how Ramona and Sonja planned the whole faux-almost-engagement deal. I guess this is what Lu was talking about in her blog when she mentioned that Sonja got the ring from Ramona.  


It really does seem like Ramona and Sonja think they are part of a show that is very different from the one that Lu/Carole/Kristen/Heather believe they are on. 



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Not sure if this article has already been posted. It talks about how Ramona and Sonja planned the whole faux-almost-engagement deal. I guess this is what Lu was talking about in her blog when she mentioned that Sonja got the ring from Ramona.

It really does seem like Ramona and Sonja think they are part of a show that is very different from the one that Lu/Carole/Kristen/Heather believe they are on.


Oh Carol, did disappointing book sales necessitate an US Weekly informant paycheck?

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To save the show, my recommendation would be bringing back Jill and Bethenny.  Avivia can be dumped and Kristen can be made into a friend.  I'm sure the ratings would go up.  I said on TWOP that Andy/Bravo must have mistakenly thought that the Real Housewives franchises were bigger than the stars and would be successful no matter who was cast, but just like any other television shows the stars make the show.  Jill was the tie that bound New York together.  

I don't see Bethenny coming back, that would be a backwards step for her.  And PLEASE let the show get rid of Kristen! All that dull drama she brings is sooo boring.  I tried to watch the parts with her and Josh but lost interest, so I fast forwarded through her scenes and when I'd stop it was still going on, so I had to ff even more.  It's like the show has no storyline and so we sit through a dull counseling session with two unlikable people. 

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Not sure if this article has already been posted.  It talks about how Ramona and Sonja planned the whole faux-almost-engagement deal. I guess this is what Lu was talking about in her blog when she mentioned that Sonja got the ring from Ramona.



How's Andy gonna spin this?  He still insists everything is real.  Uh-huh.  Yeah, keep sayin' that shit, straight boy.  Btw, when is he gonna introduce us to his wives & 10 kids already?  Have you ever ever ever seen Andy with another man on a date?  I never have.  Just sayin'.  I don't believe one fuckin' word he says.  Complete & total phony.  


If Veevs' persona on the show is a total fabrication, it's still scary as hell & I don't get why anyone would wanna fake being so unlikable & awful   Bottom line is she's painful & horrible to watch.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Oh Lord that clip of Aviva throwing her leg........what in the hell? I'm speechless. I am now very curious how she gets the leg back and leaves the restaurant.


I think it would be funny if a waiter walking by, picked it up and tossed it back to her, like it was a common occurrence.


I picked next weeks episode, but pick anyone you want. If at any time during the season they had showed us a preview of Jill showing up at the Hampton's, or in Montana, or at Carole's party, folks would have tuned in to watch. Even if she had been the same terrible person she always was, folks would want to see it. A clip of her listening to George talking about sex? Her comments when Ramona threw a glass at Kristen? What she would say about Aviva and her asthma? I believe that many people would deny they would watch it, both before and after they did, but I have little doubt ratings would increase if she was back on.

If they had Jill back for ONE episode only, just enough of Jill to remind everyone why they can't stand her.......then yes, that would probably bring ratings, but full time Jill? No. Fucking. Way.

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I don't see Bethenny coming back, that would be a backwards step for her. And PLEASE let the show get rid of Kristen! All that dull drama she brings is sooo boring. I tried to watch the parts with her and Josh but lost interest, so I fast forwarded through her scenes and when I'd stop it was still going on, so I had to ff even more. It's like the show has no storyline and so we sit through a dull counseling session with two unlikable people.

God yes! Normally I don't actually find the castmembers as boring as Kristen. I'm easy and get a kick out of just watching these ladies drive around pretty towns wearing too much jewelry. But god, Kristen and Josh! You're horrible and not in a good way! We get it. Kristen is shallow and needy so she married some alpha male asshole that she thought could support her. Josh is shallow and selfish so he married a model so he could die telling people he married a model. They don't know or like each other and listing to them is like having dinner with THAT couple. You know you're friends with at least one. That couple that is miserable and dull and awful that you agree to have dinner with once a year because you can't put it off any longer without feeling guilty and you have 3 drinks just to get through it and then you go home and hug your SO because you guys may have your problems but at least you're not that!

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I think it would be funny if a waiter walking by, picked it up and tossed it back to her, like it was a common occurrence.



Yeah, or maybe put it on a tray & serve it back to her.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I watched the clip & I was horrified.  How will she retrieve the leg?  Guess someone gets it for her?  OK, I acknowledge everyone has a different sense of humor, but I just don't find this hilarious.


I said that we laughed and laughed - but I'm not sure I find it hilarious.  I have complex feelings, I guess.  The fact that someone would voluntarily go to such extremes for attention is, yes, funny in a certain way.  It's not like anyone got hurt (as long as Heather ducked in time).  It's not funny like a good episode of the Office, but funny in a sort of dismayed fashion.  Aviva has been acting out for the cameras all season - quoting direct lines from past seasons/casts (like Kelly's fight with Bethenny, "you're up here and I'm down there," or Kyle's accusation of Lisa, "she's playing chess), making up drama and illnesses, throwing fits for no apparent reason.  She may or may not be certifiably mentally ill (I would guess narcissistic personality disorder is the most likely diagnosis, if we were taking bets), but she is a woman who is choosing to behave this way.  No one forced her to throw her leg. (That's just a funny sentence to write, you know?)  She wanted attention.  She had a prosthesis.  She threw it.  


So I'm not going to feel bad for her.  Maybe for her children, because they have to deal with her as a parent, but then again, her kids are better off than poor Gia, Melania, et. al.  Maybe we should have a rule that only childless housewives are allowed to be on camera.  I'm kind of not kidding there; kids don't deserve to have to deal with what their parents subject them to.  

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I would like to see more reality.  I think Kristen is actually the only one giving it.  More of Heather at home - where does she live in the City?  More of Heather at work.    I think Kristen is actually what Simon and Alex were supposed to be.  She has got to be dealing with a lot of what Alex was - my genius kid is a genius stuff, getting into the right preschool.  Jill would latch onto her like a mama bear and tell her the right way to raise her pale, sickly looking kids (isn't that what Jill called the chums?).  More of the women meeting for lunch or dinner - just two on two and not to bitch about or tattle on the other women (ahem Sonja).  


Carole and Heather going out for martinis and getting drunk last year was entertaining.  They gave us a glimpse of their real life.  


I think ratings are down because of producer manipulation and manufactured drama.  Like Luann leaving with Harry.  Much more interesting to see Jacques get caught being a dick with subtitles.

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Kristen and Aviva should go.  They bring nothing to the show.  Sonja should be reduced to a 'friend'.  I'd like to see someone who has 'old' money and has some class.  That would be an interesting dynamic with Lu and Ramona.  I wouldn't mind them bringing back Alex or Jill as a 'friend'.  I don't think Any would ever bring back Jill - I think he really has a personal beef with her after Jill decided on her own (after he nixed the idea) to create the Jill/Bethenny fiasco.


I don't mind the trips but make them to places more suited to more extravagant adventures.  I really liked the trips to St. Barths, St. Johns and England. 

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Still say if they caught Mario with the skank that woulda been ratings gold.  Or the Moaner discovering the skank in her bed.  Not sure it happened that way, but a set up just to get the Moaner's reaction mighta been fun.  Fake shit with Harry is a snooze.  He's a haggard old drunk, who can barely stand up & speak.  Why bother with him?

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someone who has 'old' money and has some class



But therein lies the problem.  98% of people with "old money" and class would never consent to be on a reality show like this. 


I like the vacations too.  I doubt they'll ever get rid of those, as those are the times the most drama happens--- lack of sleep, lots of alcohol, and being *forced* to be with one another almost 24/7 makes for some reality TV gold.  I do agree that the more "exotic" locations were more intriguing though.  Loved the trip to Morocco and St. Barts!

Edited by Duke2801
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I didn't feel any sympathy for Moaner during the scenes with Avery.  Yes, Ramona, it seems like "only yesterday" that Avery was a little girl because you've been drunk for the past several years.  I'm sure that girl couldn't wait to leave for college.

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I don't know if Aviva has any friends in real life or not, but in her lame ass blog, Carole put up a copy of the toast she made at her party and the only friends she acknowledges in it are the Hos.  And the two instances she refers to about never taking herself too seriously, are when she dressed up like a bear and then like a mermaid - both happening on RHONY. Either the whole party really WAS staged for Bravo or her circle of friends is smaller than Aviva's. Celebrating fifty years and that's all you've got to talk about? 


Big fat side eye to anybody, anymore, who jumps through hoops like a trained seal for Andy Cohen.

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If Veevs' persona on the show is a total fabrication, it's still scary as hell & I don't get why anyone would wanna fake being so unlikable & awful   Bottom line is she's painful & horrible to watch.


I don't believe Aviva is amping up her crazy for TV. I think she's actually this nuts, 24/7. I remember Fran Drescher was a guest on WWHL before Aviva's debut in season 5, and Fran said that she tried to warn Aviva against doing the show. I'm sure all the Dreschers have been dealing with Aviva's hypochondria, histrionics, and apparent rage disorder for some time.


I personally love the RH trips. Some are more successful than others, but overall, I enjoy them immensely.


ETA-- I think Carole tried to have some of her real-life friends attend some events last year, and both times Ramona/Sonja got drunk and sloppy. I think she learned her lesson and decided to leave the real parts of her life off camera.

Edited by Lakewood27
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But therein lies the problem.  98% of people with "old money" and class would never consent to be on a reality show like this.



Not true.  I think there are some  eccentric types that if approached in the right way, might be up for it.  I just get the hunch Jillzy could connect the producers up with some of 'em.  But would they wanna deal with Jillzy & her shit?  Um, no.


See, I think where they're veering off is by going with older women.  They need to go with the next generation of high society types in NYC -- maybe 21 to 35.  I'm sure they could find plenty in this age group who would be fine & dandy with making fools of themselves on this show.


Do we really wanna see more of Heather's life?  Doubt it.  It's probably pretty humdrum & ho hum.  I'm thinkin' total recast.

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I had posted on TWOP way back when the season started that i thought it was Aviva who threw her own leg.  I really just felt like that is what happened. I knew it would be her being overly dramatic.  So, I haven't been on pins and needles waiting for the scene to play.


I have no idea what would make this show better.  I know most of the scenes seem boring to me, but the Housewives franchise in general has lost me.  I skipped a lot of OC and I totally stopped watching Jersey after they brought on Melissa.   Maybe I'm just tired of it, it is just too much and I can find better things to watch.

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I don't know if Aviva has any friends in real life or not, but in her lame ass blog, Carole put up a copy of the toast she made at her party and the only friends she acknowledges in it are the Hos.  And the two instances she refers to about never taking herself too seriously, are when she dressed up like a bear and then like a mermaid - both happening on RHONY. Either the whole party really WAS staged for Bravo or her circle of friends is smaller than Aviva's. Celebrating fifty years and that's all you've got to talk about? 


Big fat side eye to anybody, anymore, who jumps through hoops like a trained seal for Andy Cohen.

I am going to assume this party, as with pretty much every party that these gals have (Heather's being one of the exceptions), was for the show. Especially since Carole's birthday is in August and we are supposed to be at the end of September at this point. I think that is the reason her toast was only about the HW's. They were the only ones really there.  I am sure her real birthday party was far different. 


I think it was Alex who said that when they start filming they look at what big events each gal might have going on - birthdays, anniversary's, graduations, etc., and they try to find a way to work in those big celebrations with a party. The party however is not necessarily the real party, but the event and sentiment behind it are real. For instance, Tamra's bachelorette party last year was just for the show. She had her real party in Vegas a couple of weeks before the wedding. When Lisa had her vow renewal, the only people who were there were the Bravo folks, along with a few other friends we have seen on and off.  Mauricio/Ken's joint party last year garnered about 20 people total. You know that either one of these guys would have had more folks than that at such an event. I have heard this is for a lot of reasons, but mainly because most of the folks who would actually want to attend one of these celebrations might not sign off on being on the show. I personally wouldn't want to go to a wedding that was being filmed for TV and apparently a lot of other folks don't either. 

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I don't see Bethenny coming back, that would be a backwards step for her.  And PLEASE let the show get rid of Kristen! All that dull drama she brings is sooo boring.  I tried to watch the parts with her and Josh but lost interest, so I fast forwarded through her scenes and when I'd stop it was still going on, so I had to ff even more.  It's like the show has no storyline and so we sit through a dull counseling session with two unlikable people.

There isn't enough money in the world to bring Bethenny back. She would perceive that as a huge step backwards. Plus she's too busy wearing her 4 year old daughters clothes. That is Bensimone level of crazy!

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This is amusing.

http://perezhilton.com/2014-07-17-aviva-drescher-throwing-her-prothetic-leg-has-to-be-the-greatest-real-housewives-moment-ever#.U8hDFHnD_rc  As much as I hate to admit it, because Perez is a tool, but he might be right.  This could be the greatest HW moment ever.


The last frame with the blonde is funny.  Heather is fug and scary.


Let's play devil's advocate and say that Aviva really does have asthma and Heather got all up in her grill with her big, flaring horse nostrils and waving those man hands  to tell her she's a liar.  I would'vet thrown my leg at her, too. 

Edited by ryebread
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I didn't feel any sympathy for Moaner during the scenes with Avery. Yes, Ramona, it seems like "only yesterday" that Avery was a little girl because you've been drunk for the past several years. I'm sure that girl couldn't wait to leave for college.


And I remember Avery complained in one episode that Ramona/Mario were never home at night, and ate dinner alone often.

I'm not sure if it was the same episode that Ramona threw Avery in a cab, so she (Ramona) could attend a Perez Hilton party. Priorities.

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I think the show needs to stop having staged ways to get the women together.  I'd rather seem them in their day to day life with maybe one party or vacation where the women are together.  Too much drama and fighting can make things kinda boring.  I watched the first episode of RHONY on hulu yesterday.. it was so surreal seeing Avery as a pre-teen and Jill being almost likable.  The women knew each other, but didn't know each other.


The OC this season has slowly built up the Heather/Shannon fued, with the slow gaslighting of Shannon by Heather and Tamra.  It was built up for weeks until this past weeks episode where Shannon finally lost it.  Meanwhile, the episode Shannon loses it has started the seeds being planted for Tamra's downfall. 

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I said that we laughed and laughed - but I'm not sure I find it hilarious.  I have complex feelings, I guess.  The fact that someone would voluntarily go to such extremes for attention is, yes, funny in a certain way........She may or may not be certifiably mentally ill (I would guess narcissistic personality disorder is the most likely diagnosis, if we were taking bets), but she is a woman who is choosing to behave this way.  No one forced her to throw her leg. She wanted attention.  She had a prosthesis.  She threw it.  

I agree with you. There's no doubt this was planned. By the producers and Aviva. At the very least, she went along with it. There's something very disturbing about that. I almost think it would be better if she were truly insane to explain such behavior, but I think it's just desperation and narcissism and the addictive drug that is reality tv fame/attention.

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I am going to assume this party, as with pretty much every party that these gals have (Heather's being one of the exceptions), was for the show. Especially since Carole's birthday is in August and we are supposed to be at the end of September at this point. I think that is the reason her toast was only about the HW's. They were the only ones really there. I am sure her real birthday party was far different.

Yeah, I thought it was pretty clear that this was a party for show purposes. We've seen Carole host things where her non-HW friends have appeared (the baby shower this season, the book deal party last season), and they weren't super over the top. The theme party looked like it was meant to be for Bravo cameras specifically, hence the fun little toast she gave to each of the HWs she can actually stand and/or truly likes.

Though, I'd hazard a guess that if Carole had, in fact, written a toast that was all about her friendships with Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols, or how Peter Jennings inspired her, or what her mother-in-law means to her, she'd be accused of name dropping. *eye roll*

Edited by Mozelle
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Oh lordy, lordy, lord the leg toss. Am I the only one who is offended by the fact that Aviva takes a prosthetic leg that had to have cost a small fortune, is the type of prosthesis that people in need yearn for - as witnessed by this week's scene of the Boston Marathon victim - takes this invaluable aid to her ability to walk with no apparent disability and first smashes it on the table and then throws it onto the floor as though it was nothing of import?

I don't care so much that it was inappropriate and loony tunes as I do that it bespeaks of a spoiled, entitled shrew who has NO concept of how very, very lucky she is. As a military dependent I go often to a large Air Force/Army base and with each visit see people who would love to have that quality of prosthesis instead of the general government issue they have been given.

Aviva cannot get off my TV screen fast enough.

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The weirdest moment from Kristen and Josh's therapy session was when they were describing their date and when Kristen was questioned about why she didn't agree, she said she "took a picture" and got too emotional to describe what the picture was. So as a viewer you're like, "did he have his hand on some other woman? did she catch him in the middle of a drug transaction?"


She took a picture of him talking on his phone. Was that necessary? Couldn't that story have been told and verified without the picture? What would even make her want to take a picture of that? Weird.

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Since some here are posting about seasons past and given that this season's ratings have gone further down hill, what do you all think happened to this franchise? 


This was my favorite housewife franchise the first three seasons.  Kelly was wacko and I don't miss her but do you think canning her plus Jill and Alex was too much at one time?  Plus Bethenny leaving for her own show?  For me, I think why I liked the show was because of the NY lifestyle; fashion week and going to the Hamptons (remember some of the extravagant parties they went to?) to name a few,   It seems like that the 'drama' has taken over the lifestyle and it's become boring.  I do like the addition of Carole and Heather but it's not enough.  I want to see more of the parties like they had on the last episode.  What do you all think?

In the early seasons not every RH showed up or was invited to every event.  Now if they are invited and don't come it is a storyline, if they aren't invited it is a storyline.  First season Jill was mad because she wasn't invited to Ramona's in the Hamptons.  Now they make too damn much money and are all clamoring for camera time.  The show was better when there was more one on one time with each other. 


I agree about the Carole's party, very nice affair.  No more fishing trips, and boat rides on yachts only. 


They threw out too many characters at once and the new ones bonded with one another instead of the previous cast.  Last season was all about taking shots at LuAnn, Ramona and Sonja.  No one in real life would associate with someone who was so harsh with them as a newcomer (Aviva seemed to be the exception -no one really likes her).  Kristen came on insults blazing at Ramona and to a lesser degree Sonja.


No one liked Josh but I still think a tennis match between he and Mario would have been interesting.  Children need to be of a certain age  to be entertaining.  Kristen's and Heather's children just aren't entertaining.  Where were Luann's children?  Aviva's son was okay. 


Heather is too brash, Carole too clever, Kristen too whiny and Aviva too crazy.  LuAnn who had the ability to bring the two sides together was just out for herself.  Luann will destroy Ramona and Sonja at the Reunion but I think she realizes the ship is sinking and has moved on to new opportunities. 


If Jill Zarin were to come back it would only work if she stayed bonded with Ramona, LuAnn and Sonja.  If she came back on and just immediately was drawn into Heather, Carole and Kristen it would not work.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Yeah, I thought it was pretty clear that this was a party for show purposes. We've seen Carole host things where her non-HW friends have appeared (the baby shower this season, the book deal party last season), and they weren't super over the top.

See, now that baby shower seemed the most faked party of them all.  Carole throws a baby shower for a friend, yet the honoree didn't know hardly any of the attendees.  That was the first time I ever gave Heather's husband, whatziname, the side eye.  My husband is as sensitive a teamplayer as there is, but if I asked him to go in my place to a baby shower for a woman I didn't even know....whoo boy.  LOL.  And if he ever did agree to such an unbelievable scheme, he would have at least brought a gift.  Remember how none of the Hos arrived bearing even a token gift?  Yeah, that was real.

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Carole put up a copy of the toast she made at her party and the only friends she acknowledges in it are the Hos.


Her blog wouldn't be interesting to me if she talked about friends that we don't know and, as stated above, if she talked about any of her famous friends, she'd be criticized for that.  The blogs are about the show, so she's of course going to acknowledge the other housewives.  I remember when Kelly joined the cast, her blogs were about everything but the show, and the comments people made were saying they wanted to hear about the show, not the mundane crap she was talking about. 

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Oh lordy, lordy, lord the leg toss. Am I the only one who is offended by the fact that Aviva takes a prosthetic leg that had to have cost a small fortune, is the type of prosthesis that people in need yearn for - as witnessed by this week's scene of the Boston Marathon victim - takes this invaluable aid to her ability to walk with no apparent disability and first smashes it on the table and then throws it onto the floor as though it was nothing of import?

I don't care so much that it was inappropriate and loony tunes as I do that it bespeaks of a spoiled, entitled shrew who has NO concept of how very, very lucky she is. As a military dependent I go often to a large Air Force/Army base and with each visit see people who would love to have that quality of prosthesis instead of the general government issue they have been given.

Aviva cannot get off my TV screen fast enough.

YES! That has been buggering around my mind and I'm glad you something because its much better than what I would have said.

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Carole put up a copy of the toast she made at her party and the only friends she acknowledges in it are the Hos.


Her blog wouldn't be interesting to me if she talked about friends that we don't know and, as stated above, if she talked about any of her famous friends, she'd be criticized for that.  The blogs are about the show, so she's of course going to acknowledge the other housewives.  I remember when Kelly joined the cast, her blogs were about everything but the show, and the comments people made were saying they wanted to hear about the show, not the mundane crap she was talking about. 

I agree with you.  I don't want her to write about people we don't know in her blog either.

My point is about what she said in her toast. She didn't acknowledge any one else of importance in her life except the Hos in her toast.  Not a brother or sister or mother or her friend she gave the fake baby shower to.  Her editor...nobody except the Hos.  Of course I don't want to read about these other people in her blog on the regular as they don't matter to the story - I agree with you. But to only mention the Hos in her toast is odd, imo.

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But to only mention the Hos in her toast is odd, imo.

It's not odd at all if you take into account it was a Bravo party paid by Bravo for a Bravo tv show featuring a Bravo cast member. All filmed as part of a storyline for said Bravo show.

(Carole's a fun girl who's had a rich life and seems to have lots of friends. Something tells me she had a second 50th birthday party).

Edited by LotusFlower
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I think the show needs to stop having staged ways to get the women together. 

It's not odd at all if you take into account it was a Bravo party paid by Bravo for a Bravo tv show featuring a Bravo cast member. All filmed as part of a storyline for said Bravo show.

Yes!  This is my point.  I'm tired of all the staged events.  The storylines.  Carole's fake parties, Aviva's fake leg toss, Heather's fake drunk, Ramona's fake tears, Sonja's fake ring, Kristen's fake inability to wash lettuce.  Nothing is real.  Yet the viewing public that doesn't read forums, blogs and gossip sites like we do, are expected to be lemmings that believe it all is as Andy is showing us.  Take all the bullshit he/they manufacture at face value.


Remember the Real World? The first few seasons were brilliant. Pedro? Puck? THAT was real. "This is the true story...."  Alas, I outgrew RW as they stayed in their 20s while I moved on.  Looks like I'm getting too damn old to appreciate RH who are acting like a bunch of mean teenage girls.  Nothing real about this franchise anymore. 


Maybe Josh really isn't even a dick!

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Yes!  This is my point.  I'm tired of all the staged events.  The storylines.  Carole's fake parties, Aviva's fake leg toss, Heather's fake drunk, Ramona's fake tears, Sonja's fake ring, Kristen's fake inability to wash lettuce.  Nothing is real.  Yet the viewing public that doesn't read forums, blogs and gossip sites like we do, are expected to be lemmings that believe it all is as Andy is showing us.  Take all the bullshit he/they manufacture at face value.


Remember the Real World? The first few seasons were brilliant. Pedro? Puck? THAT was real. "This is the true story...."  Alas, I outgrew RW as they stayed in their 20s while I moved on.  Looks like I'm getting too damn old to appreciate RH who are acting like a bunch of mean teenage girls.  Nothing real about this franchise anymore. 


Yes! Totally agree. The zenith of this was on the Miami show (maybe I was the only one that watched this). Adrianna got engaged at the end of a season, and then between seasons, she was exposed as having been married for years. But the next season was all about the planning of her beautiful, dream wedding. ALL FAKE. They planned engagement parties, showers, trips, and tons of meetings and discussions revolving around a wedding the viewers knew was fake. It was ridiculous and so embarrassing to watch it all play out. They really treated the audience like idiots, and I think that's what turned people away.

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YMMV, but all long running television shows suffer from viewers turning away.  These shows were so new and fresh at first.  But gradually, the participants became the story because they all became famous and then, it stopped being fun.  The effort to insert fresh blood never seems to mix well.


It would be interesting to re-assemble the first season cast just to show where they are now.  That would be worth watching, I think.


But these shows are no longer the fun they once were.

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Yes!  This is my point.  I'm tired of all the staged events.  The storylines.  Carole's fake parties, Aviva's fake leg toss, Heather's fake drunk, Ramona's fake tears, Sonja's fake ring, Kristen's fake inability to wash lettuce.  Nothing is real.  Yet the viewing public that doesn't read forums, blogs and gossip sites like we do, are expected to be lemmings that believe it all is as Andy is showing us.  Take all the bullshit he/they manufacture at face value.


Remember the Real World? The first few seasons were brilliant. Pedro? Puck? THAT was real. "This is the true story...."  Alas, I outgrew RW as they stayed in their 20s while I moved on.  Looks like I'm getting too damn old to appreciate RH who are acting like a bunch of mean teenage girls.  Nothing real about this franchise anymore. 


Maybe Josh really isn't even a dick!

Well if they could parlay the housewives into the housewives challange I am all in! But it must be hosted by TJ Lavin and he has to give the " quitters speech" to anyone that leaves the event early.

I also agree with many up thread about Aviva tossing her leg with no regard for the cost or how fortunate she is to be able to afford a high quality prosetetic . Those prostestic running legs cost upwards of 30,000.

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Well if they could parlay the housewives into the housewives challange I am all in! But it must be hosted by TJ Lavin and he has to give the " quitters speech" to anyone that leaves the event early..

I love The Challenge! I know you were kidding, but I think it's a great idea. (Of course Nene would get the first "quitters speech."). MTV created the whole reality show genre with a The Real World, and they were smart to constantly revamp and adjust as years went by. I think that's the problem with the HW franchise - they haven't changed the format or adapted to changes. New additions to the casts know how to play the game, and act so obvious and thirsty. Some original cast members become popular because they're fresh and likeable, but once that happens, they become legends in their own minds, and next it's all about their book or their products. Or they become criminals, and all the ink makes Bravo treat them like stars - featuring them in story lines and giving them hefty pay checks - instead of the criminals they are. I say put 'em all in the jungle, or a beach house, or a volcano, Challenge-style, and let them duke it out for the fame and fortune they desperately want!

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Oh, Carole, I know you don't like attention or the spotlight or making over yourself; you're just a simple girl with simple tastes who wants to blend into the background...So long as that background includes Spanish moss, rose petals and trained butterflies. One day she'll cut loose and decide to put herself and her wishes first. Can't wait.

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For me, I think they *could* be interesting and even likable if they'd stop trying so hard to be cool.  Another thing I found to dislike about Heather this epi - it's been there all along but shrouded by her desire to let you know she's the best at everything is - she's LOUD.  Shouting on the conference call, shouting at the party, shouting while singing that 'song'.  I don't like loud.  Especially when the message she's usually yelling is "I'm the best, baby. Aren't I awesome?"  I find that obnoxious in a man, equally so in a woman. 

I agree....trying to be cool at their ages, IMO, makes them look like idiots,  They are both way past the age when most people have a desire to be seen as "cool"....it seems so highschoolish.  I don't like loud either.  I don't know how Bravo manages to find the women it does for these shows.

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Kristen and Aviva should go.  They bring nothing to the show.  Sonja should be reduced to a 'friend'.  I'd like to see someone who has 'old' money and has some class.  That would be an interesting dynamic with Lu and Ramona.  I wouldn't mind them bringing back Alex or Jill as a 'friend'.  I don't think Any would ever bring back Jill - I think he really has a personal beef with her after Jill decided on her own (after he nixed the idea) to create the Jill/Bethenny fiasco.


I don't mind the trips but make them to places more suited to more extravagant adventures.  I really liked the trips to St. Barths, St. Johns and England. 

I doubt that anybody with old money and "class" would want to be one of these shows.

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