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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m not super invested in this, but I have been voting for Day. I don’t dislike Tyler and it’s great that he apologized, but the fact remains he did a shitty thing and it would suck to see him get rewarded.  If Da’vonne wins, it means at least one good thing happened this season.

I don't think Da'Vonne should be rewarded either for her treatment of David and Kevin. She believed NicoleF's lies about David and called him an "Uncle Tom." She continually minimized Kevin's African American heritage, implying that he wasn't truly "black." She was no saint for sure.

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

That for sure but also he tried to quit lol. 

Right? That's, like, unforgivable to me. Sure, Bayleigh apparently threatened to quit - in the DR - and then dropped it. Sure, Ian wanted to quit - I never liked him anyway, I'm just nicer when it comes to him now, so whatever. But Tyler went on and on and on for weeks, in between dropping coupon codes and #sponcon #ads for everything Mother Angela ever thought she could shill to their weirdly obsessive fan base. He basically hosted a HSN channel in his HoH room and then threatened to bounce the next week. He talked about wanting to quit and go home to Angela about as often as Franzel cried. This is All Stars. You've done this before. You know what it takes. You're getting paid $40K + stipend + prize money to be locked in a house. As someone who is getting paid $0 to be locked in my own house during a pandemic, the constant whining about it was grating.

Also I hate Tyler so fuck him. 

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4 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I actually think Cody thinks Nicole is sort of a VIP in the BB-alumni-influencer circles and if he takes her and splits the prize her fans might migrate over to him and he'd get more followers and thus maybe solve some of his financial woes. (Keep in mind he like hasn't really worked since BB16 and his gf is ill with cancer.) 

I also think he probably has a slightly better shot with Nicole. Enzo is like a semi-employed divorced guy with bills to pay and kids to support. He's also a pretty nice guy. Nicole is charging 3k for a ticket to her wedding and talks about her endorsements and whatnot in the house. I think some jurors would be more sympathetic to Enzo. 

Besides some modeling and acting parts and a little influencer posts he hasn’t made enough to live without a 9-5 (student loans and lives with parents). He’s getting into real estate but I’m sure he’d rather live the Instagram life.

24 minutes ago, Michichick said:

What? When did she do this? Da’vonne taunted Kevin by repeating “half black” to him?

I don’t remember if she said that but she never counted him as an AA the only ones were her, Bayleigh, and David.

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28 minutes ago, Michichick said:

What? When did she do this? Da’vonne taunted Kevin by repeating “half black” to him?

I also would like the receipts for this.

It's exhausting being a Da'Vonne fan this season. First the claim is that she's racist to white people because she didn't want to vote out a Black person over a white person but now the claim is that she's racist to that same Black person. I dunno anymore. 

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

I don’t remember if she said that but she never counted him as an AA the only ones were her, Bayleigh, and David.

To add on to this, both Kevin and David talked to her about it and she continued to not count him. The DR tried to ask her about it some way, and she bitched to Bayleigh that they wanted her to discuss how different it was for her (Da'vonne) being darker and Bayleigh being lighter and she was offended by it. It didn't have anything to do with Bayleigh, though, it was about her not counting Kevin and she could not see it. It's been a pretty hot button issue for many of us who are lighter skinned.

Personally, I'm much more annoyed by other parts of Day's personality and actions, so that comes across as just par for the course to me.

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How the heck is show going to fill 2 hours on Wednesday? I always thought they should have a 2 hour finale but they already showed the prejury. They’ll show Part 2 which didn’t last long from what I heard. Then the live Part 3. Usually, the one hour show does all that. Maybe, more jury questions?  I’ll be watching of course but I’m ready for this season to end. It had a lot of potential but due to the blob alliance and said blob alliance winning almost all of the HOH’s & Veto’s it became a very boring season. I had no idea it was going to turn out this way. Actually, the wall yelled did but thats another story. LOL!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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28 minutes ago, Christina said:

The DR tried to ask her about it some way, and she bitched to Bayleigh that they wanted her to discuss how different it was for her (Da'vonne) being darker and Bayleigh being lighter and she was offended by it. It didn't have anything to do with Bayleigh, though, it was about her not counting Kevin and she could not see it.

I don't know if the DR questions can be dismissed as having nothing to do with Bayleigh because I remember Bayleigh talking about her experiences of colourism growing up around that same time. I don't remember if it was a discussion with Da'Vonne or if Bayleigh brought it up to Da'Vonne after the fact but I'm pretty certain that conversation happened not that long before the DR asked her about it.

ETA: The only reason I remember Bayleigh having this conversation is because the anti-Bayleigh side of the fandom melted down and kept shouting that because Bayleigh grew up with money, she never faced racism or something like that. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I overall like Day. I think she's a nice, fun person. However she has one of the worst cases of confirmation bias I've ever seen. She has some idee fixe in her head and then everything she sees just enforces that idee fixe. That idee fixe is usually wrong. In BB, it's almost always wrong. 

I'm voting for David. In a season of dourness and humorlessness he at times brought the funny. He seems to be a fairly nice guy. That's enough for me. It doesnt matter that I don't think he even knew which game he was playing.

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35 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

How the heck is show going to fill 2 hours on Wednesday?

Well, we learned tonight how they were going to pad out the “extra” episode... a second clip show! On Friday we had a full fledged clip show that was actually pretty entertaining. Tonight we had a quick comp and a long “road to the finals” recap that was actually another clip show, just the usual boring version. So on Wednesday we’ll get the last 2 comps, a jury round table led by Dr. Will on a Zoom call (probably— lets just hope he wears pants), obviously the final vote, and if we’re lucky, maybe more clips! You know they don’t want all that mesmerizing feeds footage to go to waste. Or maybe they’ll check in with the F3’s friends and family back home to see how they’re feeling about things. More Victor!

Whatever they show, I’m sure it will be a complete and unequivocal waste of our time. But we’ll watch anyway, gluttons for punishment that we are.

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

(In other news - my iPad’s predictive typing has learned over time that if I type the word “correcting”, the next two words in sequence will be “damn” followed by “autocorrect”....)

My kindle suggests autocorrect after I type damn. I thought it was pretty funny the first time.

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2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I think I know what you're talking about (because I sure as shit didn't watch) and I'm pretty sure those are birthmarks.

Yeah, I’m 90% sure I’ve seen those on her before. Strawberry birthmarks.

So, I listened to just a few minutes of feeds tonight. They were drunk and playing cards. Cody was doing accents. (Main reason I had to bail.) Nicole was talking about her giant family. Her parents have like 15 siblings, and with that much family in a small town, you know there’s got to be a little inbreeding going on. Could explain a lot.  I heard Cody say that he had counted the plates and glasses, and there were enough to get him through to the end. He’s planning on dirtying everything and just leaving it all there for someone else to clean, just because he can. What a guy.

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12 hours ago, lisette said:

I don't think Da'Vonne should be rewarded either for her treatment of David and Kevin. She believed NicoleF's lies about David and called him an "Uncle Tom." She continually minimized Kevin's African American heritage, implying that he wasn't truly "black." She was no saint for sure.

And she sucked at the game. Had terrible reads on people and not a comp winner either. 

I may go on and vote. Wasnt going to bother but I would love Janelle to win afp. She is one of my faves plus it would irk Nicole.

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I'm sure that the first 5 will be on-screen, via Zoom, but I wouldn't put it past Janelle to throw shade at Nicole during the show, about losing sponsorships, although, I think she'd stop short of saying it was because of Nicole's making fun of Ian, just to spare his feelings, on-camera. I can also see her throwing shade at Dani for her obsession with Cody. I saw an Instagram chat with Kaysar/Janelle, & Janelle trashed Derick, & said that he should never come back, since he basically ran this season from the outside. She might drop some Derick bombs, too. I predict that she'll go off-script, & tell them about the outside world. That'll be the highlight of the whole season, if she does. Since it's live, they might not have time to react to quiet her down.

The Kaysar/Janelle segments that they've shown on both clip shows, are the highlights of the entire crap season. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm voting for David. In a season of dourness and humorlessness he at times brought the funny. He seems to be a fairly nice guy. That's enough for me. It doesnt matter that I don't think he even knew which game he was playing.

I would vote for David but my main goal in voting is keeping Tyler and Janelle from winning it and Day is the person with a chance of beating them.

3 hours ago, Ellee said:

What is worth watching?  Anything?  

Obviously not lol. There wasn't all season!

26 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I'm sure that the first 5 will be on-screen, via Zoom, but I wouldn't put it past Janelle to throw shade at Nicole during the show, about losing sponsorships, although, I think she'd stop short of saying it was because of Nicole's making fun of Ian, just to spare his feelings, on-camera. I can also see her throwing shade at Dani for her obsession with Cody. I saw an Instagram chat with Kaysar/Janelle, & Janelle trashed Derick, & said that he should never come back, since he basically ran this season from the outside. She might drop some Derick bombs, too. I predict that she'll go off-script, & tell them about the outside world. That'll be the highlight of the whole season, if she does. Since it's live, they might not have time to react to quiet her down.

See, I feel pretty sure the prejury will not be on the finale at all. They already gave them their time in last night's ep, probably because they didn't wanna deal with the logistics of them being live from Zoom and, as you said, the possibility that someone (Janelle lol) would say something they didn't want said.

Which makes how they're gonna fill a 2 hour finale even more questionable. @30 Helens is probably right that they'll pad it with more useless clips like they have the past 2 eps. I don't see how they have anything left though.

I tried to watch the prejury segment from last night's ep but it started with Cody praise so I was like nope. I don't think I'm gonna be able to watch the finale.

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See this is where I differ. I love Day's one-liners in the DR. I think she's an amusing reality tv personality. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to take her IRL though. She's very smug about her own opinions. Which are usually wrong.

Janelle is the opposite -- I still can't forget how she wasted an HoH on Chicken George in All Stars and was totally snowed by MIKE BOOGIE of all people. However as a person? I could listen to her and Kaysar talk about Blueberry the rabbit and her makeup regimen all day. 

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17 hours ago, Nashville said:

(In other news - my iPad’s predictive typing has learned over time that if I type the word “correcting”, the next two words in sequence will be “damn” followed by “autocorrect”....)

Same, although I use another word instead of "damn." And my phone has finally accepted that it's not "ducking." Man, 1; Technology, 0.

The thing that most excites me about the finale: I can finally close the browser tabs for this and Hamsterwatch. That's literally it. Fewer clicks to navigate the internet on a daily basis! Although maybe I'll keep one open to monitor the media thread and watch the fallout from this season, since that might be livelier than anything from the last three months.

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7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I could listen to her and Kaysar talk about Blueberry the rabbit and her makeup regimen all day. 

I could, too. It's less about that and more about her opinions on real life issues/her values that make me not wanna actually know her in real life. Day I think would be fun to hang out with and her values would align with my own.

1 hour ago, PhoneCop said:

Although maybe I'll keep one open to monitor the media thread and watch the fallout from this season, since that might be livelier than anything from the last three months.

The social media aftermath is gonna be fun. As I've said though, I am kinda worried a lot of them will go into hiding. And some of them, like Memphis, simply will not care at all about the valid criticism.

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10 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I would vote for David but my main goal in voting is keeping Tyler and Janelle from winning it and Day is the person with a chance of beating them.

I voted 7 for David and 3 for Ian each day.  Those are my favorites and so that’s how I voted.  Pretty sure neither will come close but I don’t want them to have no votes and feel badly!

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Last night of feeds: Cody is working a puzzle that has uneven surfaces and squiggly lines, all of which need to line up. Looks like he’s exercising his brain for the final comp. The good news is, he’s doing a terrible job.

Nicole is grazing in the kitchen. Enzo is MIA.

Oh God, Cody’s starting to do accents. I figured I would watch tonight since it’s the last one, but he is determined to drive me away. We’ll see.

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They are packing up now. It took all three of them to deflate Moolan. The air exited in a low moan that made it sound like she was crying. They killed Moolan! But just for awhile. She’s now folded up and in Enzo’s suitcase. Soon, she will be a real Jersey cow.

Then they rummaged through clothes the others left behind. Enzo took a pair of Tyler’s (unopened) underwear and some shorts. Nobody wanted Memphis’s shirt.

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Cody got to walk in on Enzo on the toilet one last time. Then they both packed up what they wanted of their toiletries, which didn’t look like much. There’s still a lot of stuff there, on the countertops and in the drawers. Fuck Tyler’s underwear, I’d have taken a bunch of those shampoos and lotions and whatever. That shit is expensive. Wonder if Janelle left any Fucking Fabulous products behind.

Enzo tears 2 ducks off the wall for his kids. Then he goes to the Love Room to deliver a message to his ex-wife: If one of these dodos cuts me tomorrow, tell the kids that they had to do it because they knew Daddy was gonna win the money. Tell them not to feel bad. Then turn them away from the TV because I’m gonna snap. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Whoever cuts me is getting cut right back.

He says that he doesn’t think Cody will cut him, but he doesn’t know. He goes out to the kitchen and walks around. I can’t tell if the sink is full of Cody’s dirty dishes of entitlement. It’s not empty, though. Enzo paces back and forth between the kitchen and the bathroom, a duck in each hand. “C’mon, lets get this shit over with, yo. Tired of this shit,” he whispers.

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15 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Mostly because I just don't like her as an actual person lol. I only like her as a BB character. I

My feelings exactly. I always enjoy watching her play but she can be scary. Some of the stuff she's been tweeting and saying about people still in the game seems to go past snarky and "all in good fun", right to mean, considering these people can't defend themselves. She admits she loves confrontation. 

I guess I have a love/hate relationship with her. I love to watch her play, would hate to know her personally, except maybe from a distance. 

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