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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo liked his. He was the Meow Meow, as predicted. He liked his tail. He seemed possibly annoyed that his whiskers were gray.

A man who has a huge bald spot on top of his head was annoyed that the whiskers were gray?  I think he should be grateful they didn't try to make Meow Meow Man look like a hairless cat.

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Well now is the chance to get Cody out. This might be the only chance to ruin Derrick's plan. If Nicole does not use her veto to take down Christmas and put up Cody, I suppose she thinks in her own mind she will win against him.

As much as I dislike Nicole, I dislike pre game planning more. So leave Memphis, Enzo, Christmas and Nicole in the game and let it ride to finale night.

If Nicole does not use that veto and put up Cody, I suppose she is delusional and thinks she will win against him? Not using the POV will be the stupidest move since Marcellus played BB. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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16 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Have they talked about everyone’s comics?  I’ve read Enzo’s and Nicole’s.  Don’t seem to be finding anyone else.  

Someone posted about a few of them on the last page.

I wish Nicole would own what a heinous, manipulative little bitch she is. Fucking hell, that bitch is good at being cunning. If she would just own it, she would be rootable tbh. That being said, if she were to cut Cody (even though you know she'd just cry about it and not own it) I would legitimately root for her to win. She would never do it though. 

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It’s going to be a long week in the house. They all know they’re voting out Memphis but have to act around him like he’s staying, I can’t stand that Cody & Nicole most likely will make it to the Final 2. I want Cody to get a real job and not win $500,000. I also don’t want Nicole to have the satisfaction of getting 2nd place and (some) bragging rights that she was the last woman standing. I guess all future HG are going to make 7 people alliances on Day 1 and hopefully win either a lot of HOH’s or Veto’s. I’m not sure they’d be as successful since their cast sorta knew each other but there anything to prevent it from happening again. I guess a new format could but it won’t stop some jocks from trying to form a big alliance on Day 1. 

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5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I guess all future HG are going to make 7 people alliances on Day 1 and hopefully win either a lot of HOH’s or Veto’s. I’m not sure they’d be as successful since their cast sorta knew each other but there anything to prevent it from happening again. 

That's what's been essentially happening since BB16 so it doesn't matter whether they know each other or not. That's just how the game is played now. Which is why the game/show is so boring and stagnant. Cancel it already!

I didn't actually watch this because just seeing the cap of Derrick's ugly pig face made me sick, but if someone else could take one for the team and let me know what it says, I'd greatly appreciate it lol.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That's what's been essentially happening since BB16 so it doesn't matter whether they know each other or not. That's just how the game is played now. Which is why the game/show is so boring and stagnant. Cancel it already!

I didn't actually watch this because just seeing the cap of Derrick's ugly pig face made me sick, but if someone else could take one for the team and let me know what it says, I'd greatly appreciate it lol.

Derrick swears on his children that he had no idea Nicole was going to be on this season and therefore the idea that he set her up with Cody is ridiculous.

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I like how Derrick is set on the Ratcole part of it all when that’s pretty much irrelevant. Cody and Ratcole have several different kinds of connections with each other so of course they’d link up. Maybe talk about how you called people that you/he didn’t play with/know when you weren’t even gonna be on this season. Shut up, you pig faced asshole!

OK, now back to me not giving one shit about the rest of this completely-horrible-in-every-way season.

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2 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Well now is the chance to get Cody out. This might be the only chance to ruin Derrick's plan. If Nicole does not use her veto to take down Christmas and put up Cody, I suppose she thinks in her own mind she will win against him.

As much as I dislike Nicole, I dislike pre game planning more. So leave Memphis, Enzo, Christmas and Nicole in the game and let it ride to finale night.

If Nicole does not use that veto and put up Cody, I suppose she is delusional and thinks she will win against him? Not using the POV will be the stupidest move since Marcellus played BB. 

It pains me to say this because I can’t stand Nicole and would love to pile on her for potentially making a dumb move, but I actually don’t think it would be smart for Nicole to take out Cody now. Now, I would love it (finally something interesting!), but I don’t see how it makes sense for her game. Backdooring Cody would arguably give her the best resume of the remaining houseguests, and in turn, she would almost certainly get cut next week if she didn’t win the veto. Keeping the Memphis/Christmas duo in the house does nothing to help her. Cody will at least take her to final 3. 

I do agree that she won’t beat Cody in the end, so I think she should absolutely take Cody out at Final 4 or 3 if she has the shot. However, she has to make it to the end first, and I think her odds of making it past next week are better with Cody in the house than with Memphis.

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It’s not the ideal time but the cards are aligned for it to be done now and it likely won’t be possible after this. But for her it probably isn’t worth it because there’s a solid shot he’ll take her to the end and then she gets an additional 50K. Cutting him now increases her odds of winning by a ton but also increases her odds of not making F2 by a ton. It all comes down to whether she’s trying to win or she’s just playing for second. And if seems like she’s at least fake fine with second so she’s just not gonna cut him.

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39 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It’s not the ideal time but the cards are aligned for it to be done now and it likely won’t be possible after this. But for her it probably isn’t worth it because there’s a solid shot he’ll take her to the end and then she gets an additional 50K. Cutting him now increases her odds of winning by a ton but also increases her odds of not making F2 by a ton. It all comes down to whether she’s trying to win or she’s just playing for second. And if seems like she’s at least fake fine with second so she’s just not gonna cut him.

Yeah, I think definitely that’s the question. Cutting Cody could pay off for her, but it could just easily cost her the shot at getting any money, and for me at least, $50k is better than $0. 

I just always feel like final 4 is so risky. The only way to be safe is to be HOH, and Nicole already cannot be HOH. The next way to be safe is to have other people in the house who won’t evict you. Cody, Enzo, Nicole, Christmas - I don’t think she gets cut. Enzo should cut her at that point, but I don’t see it. However, a final 4 with Christmas, Enzo, Memphis Nicole - well, she better win that veto or she’s gone.

If Christmas was HOH, there’s no way she would get rid of Memphis and keep Cody, because Memphis would take her to end and Cody wouldn’t. I don’t see how it’s all that different for Nicole. Those are my thoughts at least, but again, I would be thrilled if she did cut Cody now - it would finally be good tv. 

Edited by Jess14
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1 hour ago, Michichick said:

Derrick swears on his children that he had no idea Nicole was going to be on this season and therefore the idea that he set her up with Cody is ridiculous.

Yeah..... he’s lying. I don’t care if he is the undercover puppet master. He can’t hide his micro expressions and tells when the focus is on him only. My read is that he feels comfortable saying this on camera because Nicole told everyone that she wasn’t going on the show. And her family told everyone that. With certain people, *I* am not certain how she responded when pressed on her obviously short response of “I’m not doing it.” Wait... Nicole doesn’t want to talk about Big Brother? Knowing Cody and Derrick, they would be like, “No?! Why not?” and then, “Yes you are Nicole! You are such a bad liar!” And she could say, “Noooo! I swear I’m not.” And they say, “Ok Nicole.” and proceed to operate as if she is because she is obviously telegraphing that she is going to be there and Derrick knows how to read people... and Cody does too (he just knows less what to do about it to give them what they need to manipulate them constantly— however, he is not terrible at it, he just lacks the emotional control of his anger and his need for extroverted thinking style drives introverts a bit crazy with too much nonsense talking of every thought as he has it interferes with his ability to completely manipulate; however his good looks, athleticism, social ease makes others want to comply with him and be around him as much as possible.) 

So did Derrick know? He can say that he did not know because he was told by EVERYONE that she would not be there. Yet, is he showing deception in that video posted? Yes. He is showing signs of deception because he knew she would be there despite her telling him that she would not be there. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Winning again would also make [Nicole] the BB equivalent of Survivor’s Sandra, which is just too sad to contemplate.

Russell H:  You're either for me or against me.

Sandra:  I'm against you, Russell.

Nicole:  blah blah Janelle likes to talk about me.

Nicole in DR:  "Did I say that out loud?"

Don't worry, there is no comparison.

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52 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

Cutting Cody could pay off for her, but it could just easily cost her the shot at getting any money, and for me at least, $50k is better than $0.

Well she’s getting at least 40K and then whatever more they got for making jury and then whatever more for F4, so she’s walking away with a nice chunk of change regardless. At this point, personally, I’d go for the win since I’m already getting paid nicely anyway.

20 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

I hope that when Members is voted out this Thursday, Julie says to him “Congratulations Memphis, you succeeded in getting out David, your arch-rival in the game and helped Cody’s path to the F2.  You Dumbass!”  And then I hope she throws her shoe at him from her safe six foot distance.

Remember how for like the first month or so the show was trying to sell Memphis as the mastermind of the game? That was equal parts maddening and hilarious. Anyway, Julie is acting like all these fools are actually all stars so she’ll just congratulate him and move on lol.

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well she’s getting at least 40K and then whatever more they got for making jury and then whatever more for F4, so she’s walking away with a nice chunk of change regardless. At this point, personally, I’d go for the win since I’m already getting paid nicely anyway.

Well, if she’s already walking away with that much money (I didn’t realize it was that high), then maybe she should go for it. But idk, this just seems like a move that the viewers want (myself included) because it’s interesting, not because it’s actually a smart move for her. 

I can just see Memphis winning the veto next week, cutting Nicole, and then Julie saying in the interview to a teary Nicole ....”Nicole, last week you decided to keep Memphis over Cody. Cody was your #1 ally. He kept you over Dani; he kept you safe at Final 6, and he would almost certainly have taken you to the final 3. Do you regret that?” 

However, that would be SO fun to watch tho... I hope she does it! 

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I don't think there is anyway she backdoors Cody despite it being a potential "big move" and a shot at first place. I truly think she's fine with second place. If she is the position to choose at F2, she'd still take Cody over Enzo. They just have that thing that seems like it's a done deal on HER end unless...

On Cody's end? He wins either way but he really looks like an ass if he cuts Enzo at F3 - knowing that Enzo has kids, needs money, isn't a previous winner and got cut last time. Cody is very much hoping that Nicole and Enzo shoot at each other next week so he doesn't have to look like an ass.

If Nicole or Enzo cut each other at F4 that leaves Xmas in at F3. In that situation, would Nicole choose Xmas for the sure fire win? Maybe, because that way she can prove that she does in fact like girls. haha!


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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe talk about how you called people that you/he didn’t play with/know when you weren’t even gonna be on this season. Shut up, you pig faced asshole!

Right? I howled when Bayleigh said on the feeds that she got a call from Derrick. They didn't know each other. It sounded like they had never met (although it's possible they had at some event). Derrick did the most out of all the pre-gamers and he was the one that wasn't even playing! It sounds like Dan just did one, maybe two pre-season deals for Memphis (one was definitely with Cody via Derrick), Janelle just called people to see who her competition was and had a pre-season deal with Dani because they were friends, and Dick called people because he was Dick and he thinks he gets internet points if he leaks the cast early. 

I know I love crowing about the fact that we didn't have Josh and Kaycee because he sucks and she's boring and they both got positive or false positive COVID results but if they had been on this season, the Josh/Christmas/Tyler/Kaycee pre-game alliance with David as an outlier would have been able to take on the Cody/Memphis/Franzel/Dani core and there might actually have been a power struggle. 

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5 minutes ago, Ellee said:

So I read where Nicole is saying she is not as close to Xmas as she thought.  Also that she respects Memphis’ game. 

Oh, look. Franzel is planting seeds in case she decides she wants Christmas out instead so that she can be Last Girl Standing. Because let's be real, Franzel would never say Last Woman Standing. It's Last Girl. 

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48 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

I’ve seen a few tweets today saying that something is going on with Memphis and Christmas and they may have kissed last night. Then someone pulled up this preseason interview where Christmas gets brought up (after 5 minutes). Thoughts?


Christmas looks great in that picture. As usual I think he's all talk. Pompous frat boy. He talks up Dominique a lot in the house so I think in this interview he's just trying to generate buzz. Now, I have seen a softer side of him with Xmas and there is definitely flirtation. She gets all giddy with him but I think that's where it ends. In his mind, he may be using it for game but honestly I'm not sure how that benefits him since she's not winning comps.

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1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

I’ve seen a few tweets today saying that something is going on with Memphis and Christmas and they may have kissed last night.

This feels like the BB19 "Kevin kissed Christmas!!!!1!" thing where it started out sounding like they made out in the storage room, then it was "he went for the lips, she turned and gave him a cheek", and then no video or time stamp could be produced but people swore up and down they saw it. 

Basically I call bull.

Edited by Callaphera
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13 hours ago, mertensia said:

Depends on the gummy. I love the Haribo peach ones. I grew up with Fazer fruit jellies which maybe might be considered gummies.

I’ve had a long-running personal addiction to the original Haribo gummies myself.  Back in the early ‘80s you couldn’t buy them in the U. S., but I had a friend who worked transatlantic flights and would pick up the odd case of Haribos every now and then. 😉 

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11 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:


Cody looks so much like Paulie here. 

Also, why does Derrick pronounce Nicole's last name like Fran-ZELL? Also, he's lying through his teeth.

Also, IIRC he lost quite a bit of weight and was in pretty good shape by the end of his season. He should have agreed to go back for that reason alone. He clearly has issues eating well and exercising with the distractions of real life getting in the way. 

Edited by Victim Noises
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12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

This feels like the BB19 "Kevin kissed Christmas!!!!1!" thing where it started out sounding like they made out in the storage room, then it was "he went for the lips, she turned and gave him a cheek", and then no video or time stamp could be produced but people swore up and down they saw it. 

Basically I call bull.

Here's the video:

They are definitely just whispering but lol.

4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Christmas is sitting alone like a psycho on the bathroom sofa, with the empty shower running and running. 

They sometimes let the shower run because it takes a bit for the water to warm up. However, not sure why she'd be getting a shower at 2 am lol. Also, this reminded me that I don't think I've had my annual rant about how annoying it is that the HGs will just leave the water running while they brush their teeth, shave, wash their face, etc. It drives me nuts.

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So Norma, TN (Memphis) is probably going this week. I'll kind of miss the guy with his black and purple hoodies and going over the map of Tennessee to find new names for him. 

Let's say Norma goes this week:

  • National Kick Butt Day wins HOH - Cody and Enzo on block. I think she keeps Nicole.
  • Cody wins HOH - National Kick Butt Day on block for sure, I think Enzo, too. Cody will sell it as a backdoor to get Nicole out to Enzo but lie.
  • Enzo wins HOH - National Kick Butt Day and Nicole on block. Yo he has to like save like his boy Cody, yo.

Everyone is still sleeping.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, dmeets said:


So pretty much the only interesting scenario would be if Enzo wins HOH and Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day gets Veto?


Prayer circle for this scenario!
Speaking of prayer, at church yesterday a family of casual watchers randomly mentioned they were down to rooting for Enzo. So, yeah, that’s where our all-star season has landed.

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