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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Actually, unless the picture of Dr. Will is airbrushed, he looks pretty good here. Of course he doesn't have to move his face. That's usually where the Uncanny Valley effect comes into play. 

I'm just listening to RHAP, and they're speculating that Dr. Will may have pretaped all his parts and will never or barely interact live with the HGs. 

In other disappointing news, they're positive Day knew all about Nicole's lie due to the wall yeller, and faked not knowing for show purposes. So the whole hug with her earrings getting ripped off happened AFTER Day already knew. 

I can't believe that after all this time, BB can still fool me, even though I'm a faithful reader of this thread. 

It just struck me how funny it is that "wall yeller" is now a thing. I have to remember that my friends who don't watch BB are going to have no idea what I'm talking about if I throw this phrase into the conversation. 

All that was confirmed prior to the show. Day had already apologized to David. David had already lamented that it took a wall yeller for Davonne to believe him. Day's whole live speech was calling out Nicole again but they had already hashed it out.  I do think Davonne was shocked about Dani being in the Committee though via Tyler's message. That's about the only real moment I saw. 

I think the show is dumb for not just incorporating wall yellers into the show but I guess that would encourage more wall yellers so they're kind of stuck. 

My biggest question of the week is wondering who Cody is more loyal to? Dani? Nicole? Enzo? Memphis?. He has F2's with all of them. He doesn't with Tyler and X so if one of the noms come down, I'm guessing he'd put up Tyler or X- not sure which. Memphis and Enzo would want to keep Tyler. Nicole and Dani would want to keep X.

Edited by Tuxcat
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Cody said last night he would put up Xmas if Kevin or David won veto, so our only hope is if Kevin wins. I assume Dani and Nicole would vote out Xmas so they can be the last women standing, and I’d hope Kevin would also vote her out. We’d just need Enzo to be the deciding vote because I don’t trust Cody to break the tie in David’s favor. Of course none of this will happen because 2020 lol. 

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13 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I absolutely did not recognize Will and never would have known it was him if he didn’t announce himself. I don’t understand. He’s a plastic surgeon; shouldn’t he have access to the best fillers and implants? Where’s the professional pride? 

That's been his problem.  Easy access to all thing plastic surgery. 

That picture someone posted from social media... that picture he doesn't look that bad. But whenever he gets on camera he's always so shiny 


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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

No because they were just watching Will on the TV screen in the living room like they do with Julie.

Are you sure? 

I thought they were all standing in the backyard looking up at Will on the balcony.

Edit to add: Nevermind you're right, jeez I guess I was so shocked by Will's appearance that I thought they were in backyard. 

Edited by Joan of Argh
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4 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Are you sure? 

I thought they were all standing in the backyard looking up at Will on the balcony.

It was on the TV. They were out there looking up at Zingbot. They were called back to the couch on the live show and the video of the neighbor, Dr. Wil, was on the Julie screen.

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2 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

It was on the TV. They were out there looking up at Zingbot. They were called back to the couch on the live show and the video of the neighbor, Dr. Wil, was on the Julie screen.

Ohhhhh right, it was Zingbot!

Thanks I thought I was going nuts... I guess Plastic Will and Zingbot look similar  😂

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo has been agitated all night about the need to shake things up in the house. First to Kevin earlier, and just now to Tyler: “Gotta make a move, yo. It’s time to make a move.” (pause) “If not this week, then next week!”


Thanks for your input, Enzo Helen.


8 hours ago, Ellee said:





Changed my mind; less Kyle McLaughlin, more Jane Lynch.


7 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

My thoughts exactly. What is left? Endurance? Hanging on to things or corn hole/sports/accuracy? I have no idea. She was saying not the slip slide race because that favors fastest male runner with long legs and not the holding a ball up arm strength thing or the short term memory visual questions or long term game memory questions. So the wall or a crapshoot or puzzles? 

Well, there’s always the Sausagefest comp - don’t recall what it’s actually called, but the one with the carousel of dangly sausage-looking things you have to hang onto while rotating about and being pelted with shots of water and assorted condiments and such.  Seems to me a good sausagefest would be right up Dani’s alley.... 😈

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Yeah Dr. Will sadly isn't really there. 

So I think David will be very bad at OTEV. He won't know the answers. He's not keeping track of anything is he? 

Kevin could do really well possibly. Xmas and Nicole have been studying things. Not sure about Cody but he might have a chance. But if Xmas gets picked I vote for her to win. Or Tyler of course... (not that I want them to win though my order of dislike from most disliked to least is:  dani>nicole>memphis>xmas>cody>tyler>enzo>David.  I didnt' rank Kevin because I don't dislike him but I don't care at all either. And I don't like Memphis really as a tie with Dani and Nicole but I'd prefer for them to go asap).


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I am very excited about the triple eviction, because these "hurry up, no time to endlessly discuss about what the alliance wants" double--and now triple--eviction nights have the potential to really shake up the house.  People not only flip out over the pace of it, but they literally flip their votes as they either get confused or they realize this is their opportunity to play against the alliance to their own endgame.  These nights give us hope.

Sadly, that never really happens because when there is a big alliance with all the big challenge beasts in it, then the HOH remains within the alliance and the boots are predictable.  The best scenario is that whomever of the David/Kevin pairing that doesn't go home wins HOH, but even typing that sentence felt ridiculous.  That will never happen, they're both pretty lame at comps. 

So, buh-bye to David, Kevin, and to whomever is lowest in the alliance clingers: Dani?  Nicole?  Xmas?  You'll see, even a triple eviction will be boring with this lot of boring players.

I can't wait for OTEV, but that will likely be the only "big" comp shown this week.  There's no way they have time to do a "hide and go veto" during the live show, even though it is two hours long.  There's also no way they'll have time to do any elaborate set-ups like the face morph game, unless they step it waaaay down compared to recent years.  I think we're in for a lot of booth standing and Julie Q&A comps, with some simple and quick shoot-out comps like "spin and bowl," skee-ball, or golf shots.  Again, geared toward the big athletic guys...  BOring.

I am one who purely hated Dr. Will on his original season, but who has come around on him.   Turns out I hated his henchman, Boogie, even more and I have come to realize that Boogie was also completely manipulated by Dr. Will, while maintaining a completely loyal Igor to Frankenstein relationship.  Dr. Will is a master.  I don't want to be his friend, I can't deal with that much stress in my life, to always be questioning and second guessing what his motives are, but I can admire him for his mastery of the game, and his astute and snarkily sarcastic commentary on it.  But ohmygerd, his face!  His face was not well served by the backyard lighting that seems to be all set up for lighting the hamsters on the ground, and not someone standing on a balcony up above.  That lighting did him no favors.  Is BB so cheap that they can't afford to direct a couple of accent spots up high so he can look less like a mannequin?  Geeze, never mind.  Forget I asked...I know the answer to that.... 

And as a poster upthread mentioned, yes......I lived in fear there might be a stray breeze through the backyard that flipped that bathrobe open.  I had my hands positioned to cover my eyes just for that eventuality.  I do kind of hope that he's "live" with the hamsters in the backyard just for "hanging out" purposes.  That might be fun, and less boring than this current game we've got going on.  Please.

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

I don't understand the point if he's note really there live.

Exactly... It's all so annoying

I used to watch BB like it was a religion and watched the feeds 24/7 but it's become more and more fake much like Will's face.... It's all manipulated and manufactured.

I was waiting all week to see Days reaction when she found out about Nicole's vote and they even robbed us of that... Everything is fake, at this point I'm not sure if I'll watch again next year. 👎


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23 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

So I think David will be very bad at OTEV. He won't know the answers. He's not keeping track of anything is he? 

He is not, because he doesn’t know there’s a need to. Cody had to tell him to study the faces.

Am I wrong, or have all of the competitions been physical in nature? If they had had more of the kind where you stand at podiums and answer “true/false” or “A/B/C/D”, maybe we wouldn’t have a BroOH every week. I especially want to see the comp where they get to throw shade on other HGs, like “Who do most houseguests say they’re most likely to take out a restraining order on?”

Xmas, obviously.

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5 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

OK I don't live in the area but how is it that the wall yellers are able to access the area so easily?

do people access that area on foot or are they able to drive right up get out and holler?

Check it out for yourself; the House is bordered on one side by “Gunsmoke Avenue”, on the other by the LA River.

Wall yellers and Production have had a cat-and-mouse game going for years.  If I recall correctly:

  1. Vehicle and foot traffic used to go by the House and BY daily, until the very first wall yellers started doing drive-bys - so TPTB blocked off the street.
  2. Yellers then went pedestrian - walking right up to the side of the BY and shouting - so TPTB put extra lot security staff around the House to keep them away.
  3. Enterprising yellers then came at their prey from a different angle - literally.  They came up the usually-next-to-dry LA River riverbed and scaled the fence by the House for their fun.  TPTB would LAPD to people trespassing on the riverbed (which is city property), but how high it hit on LAPD’s priority list varied from night to night.
  4. Cut off from direct access, some enterprising yeller went indirect - driving up to the back of the housing subdivisions which abut the LA River on the other side, then shouting across with bullhorns.  TPTB/LAPD interaction lather/rinse/repeat.

None of which covers airplane banners, balloons, drones, inflatable dolls, etc.

This season’s crop of yellers appear to have reverted back to options 1 and/or 2 with a somewhat surprising degree of success; not sure what the deal is, unless COVID-19 has put a dent in available lot security staff.  Last I heard TPTB were hiring a private firm for increased security around the set, though - so we’ll have to wait and see.

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Just now, DakotaLavender said:

Who is Dominique?

Memphis’ girlfriend. She sent him his HOH letter. He is telling Christmas that he feels lucky to have her. He says that he feels lucky that, at their age, it fit and it worked. He knew it was possible out there, he didn’t think it would be her. Talking about timing and how the man he is today is so different from the man he was 5 years ago and he says it probably wouldn’t have worked if they met then. But he has changed and grown so much and is capable of making it work. I have heard him speak about her like this before. He thinks very highly of her and has talked multiple times about being grateful for her and to now be a man that can have a real relationship with someone as amazing as her. It shows a rare glimpse of sensitive grateful Memphis that has clearly been through some stuff to evolve to understanding how to love and wanting to do it right. It is nice to hear that he has developed this personal insight and is quite caring about his son and girlfriend and not just grumpy and bossy all the time. 

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31 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Who is Dominique?

thanks for asking.. I was wondering the same thing.

so Christmas wanted to tell dominique about nicoles vote? I don't get it

I'm also wondering... if Day just found out about the vote after she left the house like BB wants us to believe then Kevin still wouldn't know for sure if it was David or not.... so is Kevin supposed to walk around the house like he doesnt know?



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51 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Who is Dominique?


43 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Memphis’ girlfriend. 


10 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

If you’re referring to the clip that peachmangosteen posted upthread, Dominique is a black woman that appeared on Christmas’s first season.

I think you’re both wrong; personally, I suspect National Research Administrators Day has already forgot the name of the lady just evicted was Da’Vonne, and she’s fucking up the reference.  🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

TELL me that doesn’t make more sense in context.  G’wan, I double-dog-dare ya.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Thanks for your input, Enzo Helen.


1 hour ago, Jobiska said:

So I think what we're learning here is that his full name is neither Lorenzo nor Vincenzo, but Helenzo?

OK, I’m feeling very dense here for not getting the joke, so can someone please explain it to me like I’m Kevin?

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13 minutes ago, Nashville said:


I think you’re both wrong; personally, I suspect National Research Administrators Day has already forgot the name of the lady just evicted was Da’Vonne, and she’s fucking up the reference.  🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

TELL me that doesn’t make more sense in context.  G’wan, I double-dog-dare ya.

That was my point. Lol. Dominique is a woman who Christmas spent three weeks with, three years ago. Yet she somehow confused her with Da’Vonne, whom she just spent two months with, because she also happens to be a black woman whose name begins with D.

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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:


OK, I’m feeling very dense here for not getting the joke, so can someone please explain it to me like I’m Kevin?

Helenzo, as in Enzo is acting like BB15 Helen with his “make a move next week” baloney. Helen was famous for saying “it’s too soon!” until it was too late.

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9 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:


OK, I’m feeling very dense here for not getting the joke, so can someone please explain it to me like I’m Kevin?

It’s too soon Helen.  Though it appears Enzo has truly changed his name to Helenzo, it’s too soon Helen to actually commit to such a big move. 


Edited by Ellee
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3 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

That was my point. Lol. Dominique is a woman who Christmas spent three weeks with, three years ago. Yet she somehow confused her with Da’Vonne, whom she just spent two months with, because she also happens to be a black woman whose name begins with D.

Well, racists are gonna be racist, ya know? Ugh, Christmas sucks.

Just now, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Hold up (said in my best Erykah Badu voice)....is Memphis girlfriend AA?

No idea, but I don’t think his Dominique is the same one who played BB. 🙂

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43 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

That was my point. Lol. Dominique is a woman who Christmas spent three weeks with, three years ago. Yet she somehow confused her with Da’Vonne, whom she just spent two months with, because she also happens to be a black woman whose name begins with D.

Well, they’re all interchangeable, right?  Right?  Isn’t that right, Christmas?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right?  Right...?




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Us: What can you tell us about the twist?

Dr. Will: The “neighbor” kicks off one of the greatest weeks in the history of Big Brother. Immense powers and opulent prizes are at stake. Plus, it’s capped off by the first ever triple eviction. This will be a defining moment for the series!

So there's gonna be more powers up for grabs as well. I thought it was gonna be more like 'go for the power of hoh/veto or forego that for this trip to Hawaii.'

Have any of them talked about the prizes/powers or anything about the HOH comp?

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Aaah... Thank you @Michichick and @Ellee! I don’t know why I always forget about Helen, because I liked her... until she frustrated me.

Helen will always be good for two things - jokes about how “It’s too soon” and responses to any random thing happening in the house of “Helen was pushed”.  She truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

Edited by Katesus7
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15 hours ago, Ellee said:


@Coco88  Lol ... I didn’t even think of it as an early morning surprise.  Maybe I should hide it. 😁  Just out of curiosity ... do you think he looks as ‘bad’ there as he did on the show?  For some reason I didn’t.  I don’t know. 


Lol!  @Ellee, Will does look better in that picture, it was just so big.  I think he looked really pale yesterday and that made it worse.  

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Day calling Tyler out for using BLM like that warmed my heart. I almost want him in F2 now so he has to answer for that in the final questioning.

If Tyler hadn’t done two things, I think I really would be rooting for him.  One, he used BLM as an excuse for wanting to self evict and that’s just no.  And two, he nominated Janie and Kaysar and am still bitter.
Actually three things, third thing, he aligned with nutbar Arbor Day.

Edited by Coco88
Added a third thing
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Ok I'm going to get some hate for this opinion, but IMO Day believing that Tyler would quit the game because of BLM is why she's such a bad player. If anyone told me that he's quitting the game because of BLM I'd laugh in his face. Because that's ridiculous virtue-signaling. This is when you needed a Dr. Will in the house to make a snarky DR about that. 

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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok I'm going to get some hate for this opinion, but IMO Day believing that Tyler would quit the game because of BLM is why she's such a bad player. If anyone told me that he's quitting the game because of BLM I'd laugh in his face. Because that's ridiculous virtue-signaling. This is when you needed a Dr. Will in the house to make a snarky DR about that. 

That's also a super gross thing to do considering how much BLM means to Da'Vonne and Bayleigh. This isn't pretending to like someone's hobby and then laughing behind their back about how much it sucks. This is a human rights movement. Especially coming from Tyler, a guy who is all about positive vibes only music and talks about how much he hates Zingbot because he's mean and being mean isn't nice and having conniption fits over having to lie and scheme in Big Brother? Nah. I hate that Tyler is completely sliding on this because it's been played off as a game move or a joke or "look how bad Da'Vonne is at this game!". He did a shitty thing, he should be held accountable. 

All it did was confirm for me what I always knew: Tyler is the male Nicole Franzel, who is super concerned about his image of being a nice guy. Mother Angela is probably disappointed in him. How dare he do this when her super awesome and original bland as fuck vegan cookbook was about to come out?

I totally agree that Da'Vonne is horrible at Big Brother but I consider that part of her charm. 

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