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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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In my opinion, pre-gaming is inevitable with these All-Star seasons.  Even if it wasn't actual scheming prior to entering the house--which I don't care for, but these hamsters have no shame and no scruples so there's no way to stop it--the BB alumni crowd is quite chummy as they rub shoulders at this or that BB fan event.  It is how they seem to make a living.  They can't help making friendships and relationships that turn to alliances.  I don't blame them for that.  I don't like it, it makes BB boring for the viewers, but it is what it is.

It is production's job to shake things up, to get those pre-game alliances scrambling, to force pre-existing groups off balance, to ensure that foregone conclusions are no longer foregone, and that the game remains interesting, random, and present.  Right now, I feel like the game has been decided off camera, and we're just enduring until the finish.  BOring.  Ordinarily I'm not in favor of production manipulation, but for All-Stars it is required because there is nothing natural about how the house shakes out.  So I don't really view it as interference but a catalyst to get....something....going.

However, it appears that production could care less about making this season interesting.  It is like they don't believe they have to try because with all the repeats and COVID-19 affected programming, BB is the only show offering new content and they believe viewers will naturally gravitate there without any effort on their part.  Habitual viewers like myself are bored, bored, bored, and I've actually not watched BB either "live" or via On-Demand for the last week or so.  I wonder what their ratings are?  If they're down, Grodner et al will just chalk it up to COVID-19.  Sigh.

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9 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

In my opinion, pre-gaming is inevitable with these All-Star seasons.  Even if it wasn't actual scheming prior to entering the house--which I don't care for, but these hamsters have no shame and no scruples so there's no way to stop it--the BB alumni crowd is quite chummy as they rub shoulders at this or that BB fan event.  It is how they seem to make a living.  They can't help making friendships and relationships that turn to alliances.  I don't blame them for that.  I don't like it, it makes BB boring for the viewers, but it is what it is.

It is production's job to shake things up, to get those pre-game alliances scrambling, to force pre-existing groups off balance, to ensure that foregone conclusions are no longer foregone, and that the game remains interesting, random, and present.  Right now, I feel like the game has been decided off camera, and we're just enduring until the finish.  BOring.  Ordinarily I'm not in favor of production manipulation, but for All-Stars it is required because there is nothing natural about how the house shakes out.  So I don't really view it as interference but a catalyst to get....something....going.

However, it appears that production could care less about making this season interesting.  It is like they don't believe they have to try because with all the repeats and COVID-19 affected programming, BB is the only show offering new content and they believe viewers will naturally gravitate there without any effort on their part.  Habitual viewers like myself are bored, bored, bored, and I've actually not watched BB either "live" or via On-Demand for the last week or so.  I wonder what their ratings are?  If they're down, Grodner et al will just chalk it up to COVID-19.  Sigh.

They used to have food and luxury competitions which were often good at shaking up the game. Winning teams often got some sort of prize and they bonded. The show has just gotten super-lazy with the sequence of HoH, veto, eviction. There's nothing to shake up the game and HG's already know what kind of competitions are in the pipeline. 

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Speaking of pre-gaming, do we just assume Tyler and Christmas hooked up pre-game because of the Kaycee/Josh connection or do we have actual evidence of it? 

I am pretty sure Christmas/Tyler had a conversation in the first 3 days that they were surprised that their partners weren't on this season and they have to stick together. 

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27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Speaking of pre-gaming, do we just assume Tyler and Christmas hooked up pre-game because of the Kaycee/Josh connection or do we have actual evidence of it? 

I've read that both Angela and Josh have said in Instagram lives that Christmas/Tyler were going to be working together, which seems to confirms the pre-game stuff. But, to be fair, I didn't hear it myself to confirm because...no thanks.

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

This season though...?

I more than half suspect Cody’s begun to believe his own press clippings about being “half of the HitMen”.

Cody is half of the Hitmen in the same way as Garfunkel is half of Simon and Garfunkel. Mathematically and technically true,  but not REALLY true 

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

present.  Right now, I feel like the game has been decided off camera, and we're just enduring until the finish.  BOring.  Ordinarily I'm not in favor of production manipulation, but for All-Stars it is required

Welp, the one thing this season has given me is the desire to go back and watch a good season. So I’m watching season 6 right now and they just finished the Pressure Cooker. Sigh. 

Watching BB6 again- I’m really missing the old competitions. Way less physical but more of a knock out. I love when pecking orders are revealed. If current BB is going to continue to cast sheep at least they could throw in more pecking order comps. That might help to wake people up from their slop stupor. Imagine if Bay and Day we’re constantly getting picked off first. That would stir  things up. And I do miss food comps. I’m actually enjoying watching BB 6- not hate watching like I have tended to do in the past - what- 6 years?

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Don't get me wrong, I love this show and have watched every year since season 1. But this year for some reason, the HGs conversations come across as so stupid and moronic. Enzo with his constant "yo" and Cody seems to have a low IQ and Nicole is hateful and they seem like a house of idiots. 

I watch the news and then the feeds and with all that is going on in the world, these people have conversations that are good for a laugh. 

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I find it interesting that there's more chatter in this thread when the feeds are down as opposed to when the feeds are up this week. They should use us as a focus group rather than Ida Mae from Bumfuck, Idaho. (Hi, Ida! Sorry they didn't bring back Battle of the Block for you this year. I know it was your favourite.)

Edited by Callaphera
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I think Cody was a bit underrated in BB16 he has always reminded me of Drew Daniels boring, but a good social player who teamed up with a strategist. However he didn't cut the strategist at the Final 3 like Drew did. I think Cody's relationships with Hayden/Nicole/Donny/Jacosta is why that side didn't figure Derrick out until the Jacosta boot by then it was too late. I think if you put Cody in any season of Big Brother he does well since he plays a great social game and can win comps. Derrick does give Cody a lot of credit when he doesn't have too. The biggest flaw in Cody's game is because of his first season he doesn't know how to handle when things don't go his way and he's not a strategist.

Edited by choclatechip45
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8 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

They're talking about 6-word ghost stories. Or creepy stories. Ian told this one:

"For sale - baby shoes. Never worn."

Ian didn’t make that up. It’s usually attributed to Ernest Hemingway, but that was never substantiated. Definitely a brilliant example of less is more, though.

I know Ian thinks Cody and Nicole are at the center of this, but has that actually been proven? I suspect a strategy that builds on the Cody/Derrick model of a core duo alliance by adding elements of Tyler’s promise-allegiance-to-multiple-people strategy. Cody and Nicole seem very tight. But so do Cody and Enzo, and Cody and Tyler. Because Cody is known for staying loyal to a single partner, it’s very easy for Nicole, Enzo, and Tyler to each think they are that one true partner.  And Cody doesn’t  even have to decide which of them is “real” until closer to the end, when he sees how things play out. 

I can definitely see Derrick working with Cody to develop this kind of triple-duo strategy, and Cody certainly has the charisma to pull it off.  So I don’t think it’s actually Cody and someone else at the core. I think it’s just Cody.

That said, I’m hoping it all blows up and Cody is taken out. Not because I dislike Cody, but because I’m bored with the game. I actually enjoyed watching Derrick’s run, because it was really masterfully done, but I binged it in 5 days. I think I would have had a different reaction watching it in real time like most people. Right now, I’m rooting for Ian, and maybe Memphis— mostly because I only watch night feeds while grumpy Grandpa is sleeping, so I never see him and he hasn’t had a chance to annoy me yet.


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22 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian didn’t make that up. It’s usually attributed to Ernest Hemingway, but that was never substantiated. Definitely a brilliant example of less is more, though.

I know Ian thinks Cody and Nicole are at the center of this, but has that actually been proven? I suspect a strategy that builds on the Cody/Derrick model of a core duo alliance by adding elements of Tyler’s promise-allegiance-to-multiple-people strategy. Cody and Nicole seem very tight. But so do Cody and Enzo, and Cody and Tyler. Because Cody is known for staying loyal to a single partner, it’s very easy for Nicole, Enzo, and Tyler to each think they are that one true partner.  And Cody doesn’t  even have to decide which of them is “real” until closer to the end, when he sees how things play out. 

I can definitely see Derrick working with Cody to develop this kind of triple-duo strategy, and Cody certainly has the charisma to pull it off.  So I don’t think it’s actually Cody and someone else at the core. I think it’s just Cody.

That said, I’m hoping it all blows up and Cody is taken out. Not because I dislike Cody, but because I’m bored with the game. I actually enjoyed watching Derrick’s run, because it was really masterfully done, but I binged it in 5 days. I think I would have had a different reaction watching it in real time like most people. Right now, I’m rooting for Ian, and maybe Memphis— mostly because I only watch night feeds while grumpy Grandpa is sleeping, so I never see him and he hasn’t had a chance to annoy me yet.


I see Cody/Enzo as the core of the power structure in the house, but Cody's ideal f2 partner is Nicole.

Edited by choclatechip45
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8 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

Welp, the one thing this season has given me is the desire to go back and watch a good season. So I’m watching season 6 right now and they just finished the Pressure Cooker. Sigh. 

Watching BB6 again- I’m really missing the old competitions. Way less physical but more of a knock out. I love when pecking orders are revealed. If current BB is going to continue to cast sheep at least they could throw in more pecking order comps. That might help to wake people up from their slop stupor. Imagine if Bay and Day we’re constantly getting picked off first. That would stir  things up. And I do miss food comps. I’m actually enjoying watching BB 6- not hate watching like I have tended to do in the past - what- 6 years?

About 2 weeks ago, I also decided to re-watch season 6. I couldn't even try watching the episodes for this season any longer. Seeing the old school shows really underscores how lame and pathetic the new style has become.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian didn’t make that up. It’s usually attributed to Ernest Hemingway, but that was never substantiated. Definitely a brilliant example of less is more, though.

I didn't say that he did. He didn't say he did either - he read it in a book or article about one sentence stories. He told the baby shoes one as an example and I think he found it the creepiest.

I've been watching season 1. It sure is different from now. I like how everyone is just themselves and there isn't this alliance talk. I also like the challenges - building a potato clock, riding the exercise bikes, each person being someone else in the house for a few days (I'd like to see that one on every season). Mega as Chicken George was pretty good. 

By the way, Kaysar is up and meditating on the bathroom couch. Friendship, TN (Memphis) must be sleeping in. And that is the State of Tennessee's tribute to season 19.

14 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Rob Has A Podcast. It is run by Rob C from Survivor Amazon and All-Stars. They have a live feed update every day and have pretty good Big Brother content. 

Rob C is really good, and Taran does a great job on the live feed updates. When I am unable to watch the feeds, I catch up by listening to Taran's morning updates.  

15 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

While the invite is tacky as hell, her response is petty.

Why is everyone enamored with her?  Fake hair, fake tits, fake face and she's still lamenting Kaysar's lack of a semi.

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Friendship is up and talking with Kaysar in the kitchen. They are talking about employment and careers.  Now they are talking about current young generation and influencers.

BB Chat RHAP room was saying there was a wall-yeller last night and that it was Mike Boogie. He was arrested for trespassing. That's why feeds were down.

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Christmas is up, joining David in the kitchen. Friendship and Kaysar have taken their conversation elsewhere. No, Friendship, TN moved to the living room, trying out the On the Block chairs. Christmas comes in and calls Friendship an idiot. David and Kaysar conversing in the kitchen. David likes going to sleep because he likes to dream, but he also likes being awake. Looks like David is making scrambled eggs with onions and other ingredients. Now Christmas, Kaysar and Friendship are in the living room. Kaysar and Memphis in the On the Block chairs.

9:00 am Pacific time - at Stars now, so it must be the wakeup call.

Friendship says: "Episode 12, Memphis flies off the rails."

Kaysar says "Dom (Friendship's girlfriend) is going to be so embarrassed because Friendship is acting like an old man."

Christmas's dream; She heard the voice go on saying the HOH must move out and all the clothes flew over. Then she got a message on an old-ass phone that ? was playing me and she was losing all her rights in him (Loyal?) and she couldn't call her lawyer. And she had to decide between going home right then and fight it, but not be able to get him back right away, or stay a few extra days and potentially win. And ? was lauging at her, saying she bought all his bulls*** and really ruthless and cruel.

Kaysar says coming out of this show he needs to be more balanced and more interesting.

Christmas says she finds Kaysar plenty interesting. Kaysar says he's working too much. He's been thinking about which project to start next.

Christmas says she is going back to bed. Friendship says No, she'll miss Mornings with Memphis.

Christmas says Friendship's show is more interesting with them (she and Kaysar) in it.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is why I can't fully quit loving Day even though she's blatantly stupid and terrible at the game lol.

Every time I give up on Day because she is terrible at this game she gets me to like her again. I love her convos with Bay and her non game talk with Kaysar. Ugh what could have been I remember in the first week Day said she wanted to work with Kaysar because she loved talking to him.

2 hours ago, Slider said:

Rob C is really good, and Taran does a great job on the live feed updates. When I am unable to watch the feeds, I catch up by listening to Taran's morning updates.  

Taran is great. I love how he just gives you the facts. Evel Dick was talking shit yesterday about RHAP and Taran so they are doing something right.

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