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"The View": Week of 7/27/2020

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11 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Meghan says Barstool Sports is "huge." I asked the 4 male sports fans in my family. They never heard of it.

its big with the college crowd - every big school has their own version of Barstool.  I'm not sure if they're official offspring, but theyr'e out there on Twitter.  Honestly, the college run ones are a million times better than the Mothership.  

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Oh Good Grief!  Megan is having a Hissy fit today!  She got into it with Whoopi...I think Whoopi would know if she was there or not, why is Megan arguing with her?!  She is just upset that she did NOT get invited to put her photo up by all the "cool" women...

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3 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

"I was there!"

"No you were not."

"I was there!"

"No you were not."

"I was there!"

"No you were not."


Meagain is really challenging Whoopi ?

Begs the question...WAS Whoopi there?

I tend to believe MM in this instance since Whoopi is...Whoopi.

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1 minute ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Oh Good Grief!  Megan is having a Hissy fit today!  She got into it with Whoopi...I think Whoopi would know if she was there or not, why is Megan arguing with her?!  She is just upset that she did NOT get invited to put her photo up by all the "cool" women...

You would think Whoopi was trying to argue she was in the frontline of the America Revolution, the way Meagain was arguing with her. It was about an interview which Whoopi said she was there, sitting next to the guest. 

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20 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

That guy sounds terrible. What he said about Colin K was disgusting.

I adore Sunny too. She's one of the bests hosts The View has ever had. A talented, classy lady. Learn Megs, learn. 

Sunny is not a classy lady. You can tell she is a mean, vile woman who always has to be right! 

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Chris Dodd who has a sketchy past to say the least regarding women and race should not be trashing Kamala Harris. You guys should google Mr Dodd.  If Biden is still salty over a debate with Kamala, then he is not ready.. As Joy said, it is par for the course.

Megan honey, Kamala did not run a bad campaign, the media was gunning for her for bizarre reasons, they were constantly dragging her and others while praising their preferred candidates.

Nutmeg needs to go on maternity leave yesterday, her going after Whoopie was weird even for her. Of course, she had to play the victim card regarding conservative women, the most persecuted group of people in the country..

Edited by Pearson80
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Chris Dodd's comment was not on the record.  Goodness, Meghan backed down when Sunny pressed her on this.  That was a rare smart move from Meghan.  Here's the quote from Politico -


“She laughed and said, ‘that’s politics.’ She had no remorse,” Dodd told a longtime Biden supporter and donor, who relayed the exchange to POLITICO on condition of anonymity.

Wtf does Tulsi Gabbard have to do with whether or not Kamala's a good campaigner or not?  Kamala didn't have a well-run campaign (there were two national campaign headquarters, with two different people in charge, one of them being her sister), but that's different than what kind of a campaigner she was/is (interviews, speeches, rallies, etc).

Lol - Whoopie and Meghan's "I was there"; "You were not"; "I was there"; "No you weren't"; "I was there, I was there"; "You weren't"; "Yes, I was;  I sat right there".  I so hope Whoopie's recollection is right.  

Meghan must really be pissed.  It took her several seconds to work up a smile at the beginning of the Andy Cohen segment.  

Edited by lusinia
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McCain was having quite the snit today. First Sunny corrected her about the leak, and then Whoopi corrected her when she tried to smear both leaders of the Women's March (and everyone who attended, apparently) as being guilty of the same thing. I guess her only comeback was Whoopi wasn't at the interview, so what does she know? So what if Whoopi hadn't been at the interview (and it turned out she was), she could have read about the controversy in the news. McCain must've had a tantrum, because she was gone in the next segment. I think Whoopi was glad mostly because she finally got a chance to speak, and she's been fighting to get a turn the past two days now.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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20 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Anyone else chuckling over the parallel of trump lying about being invited to throw the first pitch and Meg throwing a hissy fit over not being invited to the Women's March? Both a couple of victims. 

Why the fuck would Meghan have been invited to the Women's March?  She has made it abundantly clear she didn't agree with what women were marching for.

19 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I find it weird whenever Meghan says that Conservative women are usually left out of these movements. She seems to always bring this up in response to why she doesn't do any kind of activism.

There are plenty of movements for conservative women.  But Meghan would rather join a movement that doesn't agree with her and then expect the movement to change and agree with her.  Fuck that. 

5 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

then Whoopi corrected when she tried to smear both leaders of the Women's March (and everyone who attended, apparently) as being guilty of the same thing.

I was at the 2017 Women's March in DC and whatever Meghan is trying to say is absolutely wrong. I don't even care to know what it is because I feel safe saying she is wrong because 99% of the time she is.

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7 hours ago, lusinia said:

Wtf does Tulsi Gabbard have to do with whether or not Kamala's a good campaigner or not? 

Tulsi Gabbard challenged Kamala Harris on her enforcement of marijuana laws during a debate and briefly caught Harris flat-footed. In Meghan's mind, this was incontrovertible proof that Harris was a faulty candidate. 

Meghan's the only person to hold a grudge against Feminism because a) most feminists are pro-choice and b) no one sent an engraved invitation to her. They had a party and didn't invite her! Now they must pay! Entertaining from someone who only acknowledges sexism when it's being used against her or one of her endless parade of "friends."

Edited by Vanderboom
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I'm loving these very polite, but firm, Meghan smackdowns.  That's 4 times in three of the last four shows (Mary Trump, Sunny yesterday and today, and Whoopie today.  Glad they're putting the clip online, too.

I'm wondering if Meghan would've returned if the guest hadn't been one of her "good friends".

Edited by lusinia
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4 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

Meghan's the only person to hold a grudge against Feminism because a) most feminists are pro-choice and b) no one sent an engraved invitation to her. They had a party and didn't invite her! Now they must pay! Entertaining from someone who only acknowledges sexism when it's being used against her or one of her endless parade of "friends."

Meghan wants so badly to be part of that "club".  She doesn't seem to understand it's a belief system and she doesn't share those beliefs.  

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MeMe arguing with Whoopi “you can watch my interview with them”. It looked more like Whoopi’s interview to me. And why didn’t we get to see the look on her face at the end when Whoopi told us that they found the clip and yes, she was , in fact, there?  We were robbed!!

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Not a good couple of days for Meg. Corrected about the Barstool Sports guy, corrected about the Kamala leak, corrected about whether or not Whoopi was there. And it’s only Tuesday. 😊

Tulsi Gabbard?  Why’d she drag that name back up?  Is Meg still sore that she isn’t the nominee?  Or in the running for VP?  (If only the Dems would listen to her!  She’s been in politics since before she was born you know!)

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6 minutes ago, OnTime said:

As a conservative woman.........

(if I hear this one more time...)

And that is the difference between Meghan and well just about any other woman.  If she was so secure in her beliefs she wouldn't find it necessary to preface all her remarks with "As a conservative/Republican woman".  We don't ever hear Rachel Maddow say "As a progressive woman".

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1 hour ago, geekburger said:

Begs the question...WAS Whoopi there?

I tend to believe MM in this instance since Whoopi is...Whoopi.

but even if MM was right, why argue about it? is it that important to her to be right? wait, it's mm, so, guess so

insufferably bitch

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1 hour ago, mxmummy said:

Sunny is not a classy lady. You can tell she is a mean, vile woman who always has to be right! 

She usually is though.....  She generally comes with researched facts.   Of course I also disagree that she's mean and vile.   Lots of things to be critical of her of, questionable hair and makeup, over the top jealousy when it comes to her husband, her love affair for Kamala, and her love of chickens, but mean and vile... that I haven't seen.   Even in the face of disrespect from her cohosts, she's always been professional.   

MM stating that "she" not "we" interviewed the Women's March participants as if she believed she did it all alone.   Maybe that's why she was so insistent that Whoopi wasn't there?.   I also wonder if she brought it up the women's march woman who supported Farakhan in response to what Sunny did to the Barstool guy yesterday...LOL.   

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8 minutes ago, After7Only said:

 I also wonder if she brought it up the women's march woman who supported Farakhan in response to what Sunny did to the Barstool guy yesterday...LOL.   

She can't even throw shade effectively.  

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33 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Not a good couple of days for Meg. Corrected about the Barstool Sports guy, corrected about the Kamala leak, corrected about whether or not Whoopi was there. And it’s only Tuesday. 😊


canadian smile GIF by CBC

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I haven’t seen the smack down but saw Joys face during MeeAgains First  long ramble.  At one point I think Steve must have said something to her.  She was sucking in her cheeks. Funny Not one of these women ramble on and one like she does. She loves the sound of her own voice. 
I like  the small figure on Whoopi’s background. 
Question do you have to be invited to a woman’s  March? 

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3 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

Question do you have to be invited to a woman’s  March? 

No, they pretty much opened it up to everyone. MeMe must have thought she should have been invited to speak to sway everyone to her side.

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2 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:


I also find it weird when Meghan uses cases like this to discredit women of colour (because it's almost always women of colour). It doesn't matter if people in her tribe have problematic people that they like, like Tucker Carlson, but if someone else who isn't from her tribe does one thing wrong or says something she doesn't like then she blasts them. It's a double standard and it's always done to women of colour.

When they discuss Nick Cannon, I came to the realization that Meghun seems to only call out black people for antisemitism.

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1 hour ago, After7Only said:

 I also wonder if she brought it up the women's march woman who supported Farakhan in response to what Sunny did to the Barstool guy yesterday...LOL.   


MeAgain, the political pundint, proclaimed it was not a leak, which, according to her is a deadly sin.  Only it was a leak and she had to walk it back.

But the best was the exchange with Whoopi, watching Sunny literally sipping tea, and Whoopi ending with informing the audience that she also participated in the challenge and showing her picture.  Icing on the cake was at the close when Whoopi announces that she was there and they are putting the clip on their site.  Such a civilized smackdown.

According to this article there were two different occasions interviewing the woman they were talking about, and Whoopi was present for the second one but not the first one.  So MeAgain will claim she was right after all.

I also didn't even understand WTF MeAgain was on about when she referenced her blog from a decade ago and clicktivism.  And the story she told about something going viral and getting a billion views.



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2 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:



She also sighed heavily when the camera wasn't on her.

Also, Whoopi was there.


Wow. two things about Meghan that never change: 

1) her tendency to ask a guest a question, then interrupt them while they are answering to continue asking the question AND insist that they are not answering - when they WOULD if she would just shut her trap!  (Along with her unique journalistic style of confronting someone by reading long quotes from someone else).

2) her weird logic - if someone is affiliated with the Women's march, and they agree with something someone else says, she assumes they agree with everything that person says, so if that  person  holds anti-semitic views, then  the Women's march organization is anti-semitic.   (It reminds me so much of Meghan's hero, Elizabeth Hasselbeck holding Barack Obama  responsible for anything Reverend Wright said.)  

Oh, and Meghan - nobody INVITED you to speak on behalf of the anti-abortion movement  at the march, because limiting women's access to health care is the opposite of what the women's march is about.   Besides, if you've never participated in a women's march or any event to do with women's rights, then no, they don't owe you a platform.   go have your own march. 


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3 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

"I was there!"

"No you were not."

"I was there!"

"No you were not."

"I was there!"

"No you were not."


Meagain is really challenging Whoopi ?

I was surprised by that at first, but my experience is people who are nasty to most people but have their few exceptions of folks they'll be kind to usually end up being nasty to their exceptions too. 

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3 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I find it weird whenever Meghan says that Conservative women are usually left out of these movements. She seems to always bring this up in response to why she doesn't do any kind of activism.

I also find it weird when Meghan uses cases like this to discredit women of colour (because it's almost always women of colour). It doesn't matter if people in her tribe have problematic people that they like, like Tucker Carlson, but if someone else who isn't from her tribe does one thing wrong or says something she doesn't like then she blasts them. It's a double standard and it's always done to women of colour.

She just gets off on being a victim. 

YES. I'm so grossed out by that racist Tucker Carlson and the fact so many people love this man. Meghan's sister Bridget is a young woman of color. I would really expect Meghan to be more sensitive regarding anything racial. But no she's always got to side with people of her tribe, no matter how terrible they are. 

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7 minutes ago, lusinia said:

So what I want to know is: will Meghan apologize to Whoopie tomorrow?

No. No she will not. She may take the day off but she won’t apologize. 

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4 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I find it weird whenever Meghan says that Conservative women are usually left out of these movements. She seems to always bring this up in response to why she doesn't do any kind of activism.


3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Meghan wants so badly to be part of that "club".  She doesn't seem to understand it's a belief system and she doesn't share those beliefs.  


3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Why the fuck would Meghan have been invited to the Women's March?  She has made it abundantly clear she didn't agree with what women were marching for.

Zero self-awareness.

She needs to look in a mirror and ask herself: "Am I the baddie?"

Edited by steelyis
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3 hours ago, 2JEWELL said:

MeMe arguing with Whoopi “you can watch my interview with them”. It looked more like Whoopi’s interview to me. And why didn’t we get to see the look on her face at the end when Whoopi told us that they found the clip and yes, she was , in fact, there?  We were robbed!!

You don't really believe Meg stuck around until the end of the show do you????😅😅😂

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3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Why the fuck would Meghan have been invited to the Women's March?  She has made it abundantly clear she didn't agree with what women were marching for.

There are plenty of movements for conservative women.  But Meghan would rather join a movement that doesn't agree with her and then expect the movement to change and agree with her.  Fuck that. 

I was at the 2017 Women's March in DC and whatever Meghan is trying to say is absolutely wrong. I don't even care to know what it is because I feel safe saying she is wrong because 99% of the time she is.

She's the Princess of Arizona! She should have been First Daughter too! 

Seriously, Meghan prefers movements that don't agree with her so she can whine about her victimhood. 

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On 7/27/2020 at 10:37 AM, OnTime said:

Sadly, I think The View has forgotten Ana was/is even a co-host.

She isn't even listed on the website.

The more I think about it, the more sad it is. They missed so many opportunities to have Ana part of the show during these difficult times. Also, just to make us feel a little better.

I follow Ana all over social media. Her husband had a bad fall earlier this year and she's been home in FL nursing him back to health. I think she's not keen to travel right now.  I always look forward to Ana on Fridays, I miss her!   

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5 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I find it weird whenever Meghan says that Conservative women are usually left out of these movements. She seems to always bring this up in response to why she doesn't do any kind of activism.

I also find it weird when Meghan uses cases like this to discredit women of colour (because it's almost always women of colour). It doesn't matter if people in her tribe have problematic people that they like, like Tucker Carlson, but if someone else who isn't from her tribe does one thing wrong or says something she doesn't like then she blasts them. It's a double standard and it's always done to women of colour.

In my west coast city, I participated in that first women’s march and there were no restrictions on who could come and march.  No one asked and no one checked...you just showed up!  Perhaps Mm is talking about the main organizers didn’t want conservative women in leadership?  Maybe because the right to choose is seen as a basic right, and as MM made clear she is not in favor of that right?  Also, much of those marches were anti trump and she wasn’t?  Maybe that’s why she felt she couldn’t go?

Edited by Rainyhawk
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2 hours ago, falltime said:

When they discuss Nick Cannon, I came to the realization that Meghun seems to only call out black people for antisemitism.

I'm noticing this more and more. Meghan is not very forgiving when it comes to black and brown men and women, in and out of politics, but she'll defend the Tucker Carlsons and be cool with the Dave Portnoys. There are certain people that must not make any mistakes, must be abundantly clear they're patriots, must not be linked to anyone troubling, but then there are other people that are fine so long as Meghan likes their ideas and finds them cool and interesting enough. Says a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Goodtimes said:

I follow Ana all over social media. Her husband had a bad fall earlier this year and she's been home in FL nursing him back to health. I think she's not keen to travel right now.  I always look forward to Ana on Fridays, I miss her!   

Ana doesn't need to travel to be on The View. 

They could easily have her on remotely like the rest of them and give Meghan an extra day off!!

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

According to this article there were two different occasions interviewing the woman they were talking about, and Whoopi was present for the second one but not the first one.  So MeAgain will claim she was right after all.

I also didn't even understand WTF MeAgain was on about when she referenced her blog from a decade ago and clicktivism.  And the story she told about something going viral and getting a billion views.



The writer must not have watched the first clip. They only talk about Tamika, not interview her in that one. So far I can only find 1 interview with the Tamika and Bob, and Whoopi is there for that one.

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1 hour ago, Rainyhawk said:

In my west coast city, I participated in that first women’s march and there were no restrictions on who could come and march.  No one asked and no one checked...you just showed up!  Perhaps Mm is talking about the main organizers didn’t want conservative women in leadership?  Maybe because the right to choose is seen as a basic right, and as MM made clear she is not in favor of that right?  Also, much of those marches were anti trump and she wasn’t?  Maybe that’s why she felt she couldn’t go?

Meghan doesn't want to ATTEND the march - she wants  (demands)  a platform to SPEAK at the march.  She wanted to be invited to talk to the group about her anti-abortion agenda.  which will NEVER happen, and she knows it, but wanted to be able to say that the Women's march is not inclusive.  

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6 hours ago, mxmummy said:

Why does Sunny put on her pout lips for the show! Such an arrogant woman!

I'd call her vain, rather than arrogant. 

3 hours ago, bannana said:


According to this article there were two different occasions interviewing the woman they were talking about, and Whoopi was present for the second one but not the first one.  So MeAgain will claim she was right after all.



In 2018, it was a Hot Topic, not an interview.

Whoopi was physically there for the 2019 interview. Mentally, probably not. 

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1 hour ago, falltime said:

The writer must not have watched the first clip. They only talk about Tamika, not interview her in that one. 

This must be Meghan's fantasy of the perfect "interview" - confronting someone who's not even there, doing all the talking, going unchallenged, and winning by default.

Edited by lusinia
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3 hours ago, Goodtimes said:

I follow Ana all over social media. Her husband had a bad fall earlier this year and she's been home in FL nursing him back to health. I think she's not keen to travel right now.  I always look forward to Ana on Fridays, I miss her!   

She can remote like the rest of them!

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Thanks @Blissfool and @falltime for clarifying that.  I am happy to hear that MeAgain has no way out on this one.  But there are  more articles repeating that Whoopi was not there for one interview.  The important thing is Whoopi proved her wrong right on the show.  While Sunny was ...

The Tea Lol GIF by Shalita Grant

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