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S11.E02: I've Never Met My Fiancé

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18 hours ago, Irritable said:

I wish Olivia had run away once she realized Brett’s friends and family couldn’t come up with anything good to say about him. Nothing but different forms of, “Brett’s a dick, try throwing food at him and get ready for a lot of frustrating conversations.”

Yes!  Olivia’s family said such wonderful things about her.  At the time, I thought it’s such a shame that not every child grows up with that much love and kindness.  Then Brett’s family talks about what a butt head he is.  Truth tellers!  The funny thing is Brett is so stupid he wasn’t even mad they had nothing nice to say about him on his wedding day.

I laughed at Bennett’s mom saying to the camera she’s concerned for him because he has anxiety.  Then she gets in his face and talks about the upcoming ceremony and her tone was very doom and gloom.  Gee, I wonder why he has some anxiety issues?????

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Thoughts on what I watched...

So Karen starts the marriage with a lie: "One of my bridesmaids got a text that was really meant for one of your groomsmen." She told the producers that she received a text that she thinks she wasn't supposed to get that had his info in it. 

Bret has this fake, weird smile. It's like he's clinching his teeth or something. I'm just not getting what's attractive about him. 

Oh Lord, Woody's wife's voice would drive me insane. It's like a nasal-baby voice. Woody seems all about being on the teevee and the fakeness of him makes me head for the fast forward button when he comes on.

Even in a wedding, Amelia's friends have to be over the top silly with their entrance and giggly, 12 year old like chatter after they sat down. It's just not my thing. 

I held out some hope that they'd marry all 5 tonight but that was dashed once they started with the dances, and speeches and crap. I forwarded through the rest of the show at that point.

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18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

This is what I've seen in weddings I've been in.

When the bride and groom are at the altar, the bride usually hands her bouquet off to the maid of honor.  

When the bride walks back down the aisle after getting married, she's usually arm in arm with the groom.  

If photographs are taken after the wedding, the maid of honor will hand the bouquet back to the bride.

Miles seems nice but he could wind up being an asshole, so you never know.

My until recently retired wedding photog. husband says that in pretty much every wedding he's done in over 25 years, the bride hands the bouquet off to the maid of honor only during the ceremony and gets it back right before walking back up the aisle with her new husband.  They walk arm-in-arm and she holds the bouquet with her free arm.  The bride holds on to the bouquet all the way through the photographs to the reception, where she places it on the table (or a table) near where she's sitting.  Of course in the last few years people have been individually dispensing with some traditional things so you'll see stuff all over the map but for the most part it's still done this way.  I don't doubt that some of these recent variations might be culturally influenced.  We know of a few traditional practices that are different depending on the couple's religion or culture.

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22 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Editing with a blunt machete by the MAFS editors can change the story line to deceive and mislead you so hold your horses on Bennett's  true reaction...

Yes, anticipation grows on the how and why their prior interaction...

Is it too much to hope it was a rom com cute meet?

Amelia's wedding guests look like Mardi Gras threw up on them...

I’m curious too. Bearing in mind that MAFS has misleading and terrible editing. However,  it seems Bennett’s side of the aisle knew who Amelia was. But there was no reaction shown from Amelia’s side, even from her bridesmaids. Maybe they were still traumatized from their tacky dresses and contrived unicycle entrance. 

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I always thought it seemed like the bride just forgot to take her bouquet back when they walk back without it, not that it was done on purpose.

I don't doubt Bennett's mom when she said he's anxious, because some people seem chill but inside maybe not so much. She definitely seemed 'on'; probably a combo of the whole situation & just being theatrical.

Many people are speculating Amelia dated one of Bennett's friends. That cliffhanger was genius on the Show's part.

Maybe Brett has heard so much crap about himself through the years it helped create a jerk. The bunch of them aren't seeming any better so it could be a family jerkness thing. Whatever it is there's a time & place for that kind of sarcastic kidding around. There wasn't even a balance with anything nice, & maybe I'm mistaken but after Olivia's family gushing about her Brett seemed a bit bummed. I would love to see the parents because either they're at least partly responsible or are in hiding out of embarrassment.

Edited by gonecrackers
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So Karen starts the marriage with a lie: "One of my bridesmaids got a text that was really meant for one of your groomsmen." She told the producers that she received a text that she thinks she wasn't supposed to get that had his info in it. 

I don't think that she lied. She said she got a text. When she was talking to Miles, she said that her bridesmaid got a text and forwarded it to her. Regardless, Karen owned the important part - she got a text (wherever it came from) with her intended spouse's name and she made the decision to search him online instead of ignoring the information.

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On 7/22/2020 at 9:35 PM, ShowFan said:

Olivia: “I love to work out”

Brett: “Wow!?”

Someone on Reddit said he looks like a chipmunk that’s hiding nuts in his cheeks and now I can’t unsee it!

For a guy who claims to “love animals” Brett sure doesn’t mind chopping them up and eating them as steak 

I feel like the "wow" was more of a disbelief than excitement.  She's not fat, but she doesn't look like someone who works out a lot.  I think he had a look on his face like, "really? I would never have guessed that."

Edited by Boo Boo
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I sense that Karen and Miles will be the next Dionna and Greg. Guy is a great catch, and so are the women; but the women are introverted, reserved, and take time to thaw. Yet-to-be-revealed dealbreakers notwithstanding, slow and steady wins the race. As an aside, I find it interesting how most viewers are put off by the over-the-top personalities of people like Bennett and Amelia; but when watching women like Dionna or Karen  -- who are actually much more sensible and reasonable in their approach -- there is no shortage of critique and speculation that the guy will walk if they are not more open and demonstrative right away. At least from appearances, as we see now with Deonna, there is plenty of time to work up to openness and displays of affection (especially on camera, we have no idea how they are off-camera); and perhaps not dumping it all on the table in the beginning is actually good for the long-term health of the relationship. 

Good grief, Amelia's and Bennett's mothers. On the one hand, I respect anyone's individuality and choice to do as they please (I didn't love Woody's glasses at the ceremony, but otherwise he looked put-together, so it's a small thing). On the other hand, here you have free hair and makeup artists ready to enhance your appearance -- even ever so slightly! -- for what is ostensibly one of your child's most special *documented* days, and you choose to forego both? They both looked like they rolled out of bed, hurriedly dressed, and showed up just in time. And of all the options, Amelia's mother chose a short dress that was not the most flattering length on her shape. I don't get any of this.

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4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Oh Lord, Woody's wife's voice would drive me insane. It's like a nasal-baby voice.

Amani is  lovely, but she is definitely a slow talker.  I was like, "No wonder they needed two episodes for these weddings!"

ETA: I thought Amelia mentioned that her mother was a doctor and her father was a stay-at-home dad, so that's what she was looking for.  I have to say, after hearing her say that, my wondering about the casting of Landscape Architect Assistant/Actor Bennett made a lot more sense.

Edited by HZAnita
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3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

The bunch of them aren't seeming any better so it could be a family jerkness thing. Whatever it is there's a time & place for that kind of sarcastic kidding around.

I am going to slightly defend Brett's family because my grandfather was the kind of person who showed affection with teasing. Not meanness, but like ribbing - like if he was going to kiss you hello, he would say "Is your face clean?" before he did it. And you were expected to throw it back at him, which was sometimes hard to do because he was VERY smart, so he'd often get the best of you. One of my favorite memories is of being at my dad's cousin's house for a holiday and my dad and two of his cousins started bickering like when they were kids, and it was hilarious.

When Brett's brother said they tease to show affection, I got it - but there is a time and a place for it and you have to recognize if the person you're sparring with isn't into it and drop it. Olivia seems very earnest so I'm not sure she'd take to that kind of ribbing. It's ultimately a communication issue (if it becomes an issue). Also Brett has what, four or five siblings? I've seen that kind of dynamic in big families before.

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2 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

When Brett's brother said they tease to show affection, I got it - but there is a time and a place for it and you have to recognize if the person you're sparring with isn't into it and drop it. Olivia seems very earnest so I'm not sure she'd take to that kind of ribbing.

Luckily, quarantine will limit Olivia's socialization with her obnoxious brothers in laws...one of the few positives of Covid.

Yikes, can totally see why Bratt works out 3 times/day...he is trying to avoid his genetic destiny...none of the males in his family are lean...all that beer adds up.

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15 minutes ago, HZAnita said:

Amani is  lovely, but she is definitely a slow talker.  I was like, "No wonder they needed two episodes for these weddings!"

ETA: I thought Amelia mentioned that her mother was a doctor and her father was a stay-at-home dad, so that's what she was looking for.  I have to say, after hearing her say that, my wondering about the casting of Landscape Architect Assistant/Actor Bennett made a lot more sense.

Amani is an enunciator, which I appreciate plus it is common for folks in the South speak leisurely which you need to have patience out of courtesy.

She is like a chameleon, a different hair style, makeup really changes her...like Shawniece.

If Bennett was a stay home dad then his baby would be the one at the playground with the baby crocs on the wrong feet, snotty nose, wearing breakfast and lunch on their shirt... bless his/her little heart.

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There was definite chemistry between Armani and Woody and I did find myself softening up with him after this episode. The bestman’s speech was great. I had to laugh at the “insert name here” part. He was pretty hot too.
I think those two will be the first out of the gates to take the relationship to the “next level”. 

Amelia’s facial expressions after she got to the altar looked a bit deranged. Bennett looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by a hole at that point. His mom cracked me up but she’s a bundle of nerves too. Forgive the comparison, but like a woody Allen character. 

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8 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


If Bennett was a stay home dad then his baby would be the one at the playground with the baby crocs on the wrong feet, snotty nose, wearing breakfast and lunch on their shirt... bless his/her little heart.

With really messy, overgrown hair

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Olivia is a pretty girl, but she looks older to me than Brett.   Maybe he just has kind of a boyish face.  I'd be a little concerned about how emotional she was during the ceremony as if she's marrying someone she's actually dated.  She's coming off as the crazy cat lady who is grateful to be married.

And when they're sitting together, he looks like he's trying to get a zip code away.

Edited by Boo Boo
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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I think Amelia's father is a doctor, but don't quote me.  I think she comes from money.

Amelia's mother is the doctor. Her dad stayed home to raise the children, which is something Amelia said she'd be more than happy to replicate in her marriage.

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I think most of what I wanted to say has been said already. Love, love, love Miles (so far - I've been caught out like that before).  I thought Woody was sweet and funny, and Brett was surprisingly nice (although I suspect that was just an act).

Karen looked gorgeous, Amani will regret that eye shadow when she sees this on TV (it probably looked good in a mirror, but it glowed like the reflectors on a construction worker's safety vest once lights were shone on it), and Olivia looked very pretty.

Bennett looked like a deer in the headlights and I can't wait to hear how he and Amelia know each other. I already dislike her. The earrings were a quirk too far, and if you're going to make your maid of honour go down the aisle on a unicycle, it might help if she knew how to ride the damn thing.

One of my pet hates is women with lots of teeth who fake laugh with their mouths wide open showing every single tooth. (If you've watched this last season of Masterchef Australia, you'll know Poh did that all the effing time and I wanted to smash her in the face with a skillet every single time she did it. Amelia is affecting me the same way ...)

Edited by essexjan
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8 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Bret has this fake, weird smile. It's like he's clinching his teeth or something. I'm just not getting what's attractive about him.

Bratt self declares himself as attractive with a straight face..No one seconds that motion...*crickets*

7 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Maybe Brett has heard so much crap about himself through the years it helped create a jerk. There wasn't even a balance with anything nice, & maybe I'm mistaken but after Olivia's family gushing about her Brett seemed a bit bummed. I would love to see the parents because either they're at least partly responsible or are in hiding out of embarrassment.

Too bad  charm school was for naught.....

His uncouth brothers think being jerks and assholes at all times is de rigueur or be seen as weak.

 His mother and father must loath each other and cannot be in the same county peacefully....camera shy...not buying it...

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20 hours ago, lids said:

Also for people who keep asking how to see Unfiltered, it comes on 30 mins before the newest MAFS episode. You can set your DVR to record both. FYI, fast forward is your friend. Too much replaying of clips you already saw.

Yes, it's always on the half hour before the new episode. 

I'm feeling shades of Zach and Mindy with Olivia and Brett. I hope I'm wrong.

What was so terrible on Miles IG that turned Karen off so much? Pics of him having fun? Traveling? Lots of friends? The usual IG look at my wonderful life stories? What? 

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10 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What was so terrible on Miles IG that turned Karen off so much? Pics of him having fun? Traveling? Lots of friends? The usual IG look at my wonderful life stories? What? 

All Karen said was something to the effect that he talked about his feelings a lot and seemed to be an emotional guy, which seemed to be a turn-off to her.  😕

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14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Yes, it's always on the half hour before the new episode. 

I'm feeling shades of Zach and Mindy with Olivia and Brett. I hope I'm wrong.

What was so terrible on Miles IG that turned Karen off so much? Pics of him having fun? Traveling? Lots of friends? The usual IG look at my wonderful life stories? What? 

I honestly think Karen just isn’t attracted to him.  I felt the same way at the wedding.  She was looking around like Brett.  Also, isn’t he younger, 26 to her 30?  I picture Karen with an older man.

I find it interesting how the audience typically hopes women give less attractive “nice” guys a chance (Miles isnt unattractive but he’s chubby and less attractive than her), but the audience writes off the reverse pairing as a pointless pairing that will never go anywhere and calls the experts idiots for pairing better looking men (Luke,  Zach, Matt) with “nice” girls who were not on their level looks wise.

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I’m sure I’m the odd one out but I don’t think Olivia is particularly pretty, but she seems like a lovely person but she’s pretty average to me. Karen is the real stunner on this show. Christine could be pretty if she didn’t have such a sourpuss face all the time. 

Edited by Kiss my mutt
Wrong name
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7 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't think that she lied. She said she got a text. When she was talking to Miles, she said that her bridesmaid got a text and forwarded it to her. Regardless, Karen owned the important part - she got a text (wherever it came from) with her intended spouse's name and she made the decision to search him online instead of ignoring the information.

That doesn't explain her saying to the producer: "I got a text that I don't think I was supposed to get." Why would she say that if her friend sent it to her?

That leads to an interesting question: If your friend was going on this program and it was all supposed to be secret until the altar, but you-- a bridesmaid in your friend's wedding-- got a random text that identified the groom, would you tell your friend or keep it under your hat?

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4 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

That doesn't explain her saying to the producer: "I got a text that I don't think I was supposed to get." Why would she say that if her friend sent it to her?

That leads to an interesting question: If your friend was going on this program and it was all supposed to be secret until the altar, but you-- a bridesmaid in your friend's wedding-- got a random text that identified the groom, would you tell your friend or keep it under your hat?

I wouldn’t be able to keep it from my friend, I don’t think.  I wouldn’t be able to resist checking him out on social media.  And I couldn’t keep her in the dark.  That’s just too much to hold on to.  If i found out like a couple hrs before the wedding, no, I wouldn’t tell.  But I couldn’t hold on to the info overnight.

And none of my friends would be able to keep it from me lol 

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11 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m sure I’m the odd one out but I don’t think Olivia is particularly pretty, but she seems like a lovely person but she’s pretty average to me.

Brett said that Olivia looked like the type of girl he would talk to at a bar...quite a ringing endorsement🙄

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21 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m sure I’m the odd one out but I don’t think Olivia is particularly pretty, but she seems like a lovely person but she’s pretty average to me. Karen is the real stunner on this show. Christine could be pretty if she didn’t have such a sourpuss face all the time. 

I agree across the board. I suspect I’m not going to like Christine’s personality, which will make her less attractive to me. Olivia reminds me of Ashley (was that her name?) from the Atlanta season.

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15 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

 Olivia reminds me of Ashley (was that her name?) from the Atlanta season.

Ashley (Moustachley), the nursing student who spent the whole season "studying at the library" but was just avoiding David and the cameras.

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28 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

That doesn't explain her saying to the producer: "I got a text that I don't think I was supposed to get." Why would she say that if her friend sent it to her?

That leads to an interesting question: If your friend was going on this program and it was all supposed to be secret until the altar, but you-- a bridesmaid in your friend's wedding-- got a random text that identified the groom, would you tell your friend or keep it under your hat?

I think Karen is correct in saying she got a text that she wasn’t supposed to get. The grey area is that she said, “I think I got a text I wasn’t supposed to” instead of “I know I got a text I wasn’t supposed to.” She knew when she got the text from her friend that she wasn’t supposed to look Miles up. Hey, I would have done the same thing though. And if I were her friend I totally would have forwarded her the text. In my head, the result would be us laughing and tee-heeing happily as we looked at his Insta. But yeah, the reality is probably more likely to be tears, anxiety and buyer’s remorse. I mean, look at these guys MAFS selects. 😞

You know normally I go really easy on the poor Production Assistants who work on these shows, but in this case, whoever sent the groomsmen’s dressing room assignments to the bridesmaids needs to be fired. It’s just, c’mon PA! You had one job!

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On 7/23/2020 at 1:05 AM, bichonblitz said:

Awww I really like Woody. He's a good guy with a soft heart. He just needs to tone it down a little bit and realize he doesn't need to be "on" all the time. I was happy to see Amani liked him. 

I think what he has a lot of defenses that we see on the outside. Life of the party can cover a whole Lotta pain. Be great if these two could make it.

23 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

When  I mentioned this about Amelia as well, I was quickly schooled that one doesn't brush curly or wavy hair.  I then mentioned that perhaps he should get a better, more manageable haircut for his type of hair, as should Amelia and use some product. The two of them are a hot mess and I'd hope she would look a bit more put together at the hospital for her residency.

I don't know what you think a manageable haircut might be.  anybody here that's a hairdresser I would like them to address how much a haircut can manage curly hair. And what if that look does not look good on you? Should I just get a haircut to conform to what you think my hair should look like? Curly girls spend hundreds of dollars on Keratin  and other kinds of treatments to relax the curls to make the curls look like the Instagram girls. Sometimes you just get tired of trying to fit in to someone's expectation.  Google "curly girls".  Do a youtube search for the same thing.  It ain't easy.........

22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

My hair is straight as a board so I have no idea - but I know many curly and wavy haired people whose hair looks neat and well groomed, so I know it's possible. Honestly in this photo it looks like Amanda's hair was teased and sprayed and knotted up to make it even more of a mess.

If you're not a curly girl I think you should reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make curly hair look like straight hair. Some people are just not gonna put all that extra time into trying to control and make their hair do things their hair doesn't want to do. And sometimes you make it do what it doesn't wanna do and a rain storm or giant humidity comes up and it looks what you think is a mess. Most curly hair is not going to look like curly hair photos which are one shot deals in real life you got a wake a whole Lotta extra time to try and control curly it has its own way of being.

Edited by Kira53
Keratin spelling. BTW, Cost about $150 or more
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21 hours ago, lids said:

I wonder if it’s like other seasons where production has them all living in the same apartment complex. Since they got stuck in shelter in place while filming, maybe they just ended up staying there. They could’ve still filmed from their own apartment in the complex though so I don’t know.

Also for people who keep asking how to see Unfiltered, it comes on 30 mins before the newest MAFS episode. You can set your DVR to record both. FYI, fast forward is your friend. Too much replaying of clips you already saw.


I was looking at the Bennet/Amelia wedding pictures. Yea, his face says it all. Underneath Bennet’s quirkiness is a genuineness and groundedness that Amelia doesn’t have. I bet he thinks her quirkiness is obnoxious... cuz it is. But, I guess men who live in pretentious tiny houses should not throw stones, eh Ben!

During the Karen/Miles wedding, Karen was doing that thing where you mentally leave your body and pretend you’re not really there. Poor thing. You could look at her eyes and see that no one was home. When she got to that part in the vows where she broke down crying, she was thinking about something or someone else. The whole look on her face was pure regret. I wonder if she was supposed to marry the two-timing baby-maker ex-boyfriend.

I'm so worried that they saved the Henry/Christina wedding for last because it’s going to be a doozy. Their wedding pictures don’t look that bad though. If she is the villain and he’s the doormat, his girlfriend-friend-of-the- friendzone-friendship will definitely put Christina in her place. I hope to see it.

I wish I could double like this post, I 100% agree with your observations @lids

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14 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

I don't know what you think a manageable haircut might be.  anybody here that's a hairdresser I would like them to address how much a haircut can manage curly hair. And what if that look does not look good on you? Should I just get a haircut to conform to what you think my hair should look like? Curly girls spend hundreds of dollars on Charitan send other kinds of treatments to relax the curls to make the curls look like the Instagram girls. Sometimes you just get tired of trying to fit in to someone's expectation.  Google "curly girls".  Do a youtube search for the same thing.  It ain't easy.........

No, no, no. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant. Personally, I love curly hair. My hair has gotten a bit of a wave to it as I've gotten older but it used to be stick straight and very, very thin. It's still thin. Even my husband and sons' coarse Italian hair would be preferable. I just mean that there has to be a way for them to tame it. When I first posted that Amelia should brush it, I had NO idea that one doesn't brush curly hair. So, then, what does one do?  Use product?  It just looks messy is all I am saying.  I didn't mean to offend any curly haired people out there.

20 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

I think what he has a lot of defenses that we see on the outside. Life of the party can cover a whole Lotta pain.

Very insightful.

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8 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

I feel like the "wow" was more of a disbelief than excitement.  She's not fat, but she doesn't look like someone who works out a lot.  I think he had a look on his face like, "really? I would never have guessed that."

Exactly. It absolutely was

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44 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

No, no, no. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant. Personally, I love curly hair. My hair has gotten a bit of a wave to it as I've gotten older but it used to be stick straight and very, very thin. It's still thin. Even my husband and sons' coarse Italian hair would be preferable. I just mean that there has to be a way for them to tame it. When I first posted that Amelia should brush it, I had NO idea that one doesn't brush curly hair. So, then, what does one do?  Use product?  It just looks messy is all I am saying.  I didn't mean to offend any curly haired people out there.

Very insightful

1 hour ago, Kira53 said:

I think what he has a lot of defenses that we see on the outside. Life of the party can cover a whole Lotta pain. Be great if these two could make it.

I don't know what you think a manageable haircut might be.  anybody here that's a hairdresser I would like them to address how much a haircut can manage curly hair. And what if that look does not look good on you? Should I just get a haircut to conform to what you think my hair should look like? Curly girls spend hundreds of dollars on Charitan send other kinds of treatments to relax the curls to make the curls look like the Instagram girls. Sometimes you just get tired of trying to fit in to someone's expectation.  Google "curly girls".  Do a youtube search for the same thing.  It ain't easy.........

If you're not a curly girl I think you should reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make curly hair look like straight hair. Some people are just not gonna put all that extra time into trying to control and make their hair do things their hair doesn't want to do. And sometimes you make it do what it doesn't wanna do and a rain storm or giant humidity comes up and it looks what you think is a mess. Most curly hair is not going to look like curly hair photos which are one shot deals in real life you got a wake a whole Lotta extra time to try and control curly it has its own way of being.

But we’re not talking about you. 

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52 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

I just mean that there has to be a way for them to tame it. When I first posted that Amelia should brush it, I had NO idea that one doesn't brush curly hair. So, then, what does one do?  Use product?  It just looks messy is all I am saying.  I didn't mean to offend any curly haired people out there.

LOL. My hair is curly, but very fine, with no set pattern. I get a special dry cut & finding products that work is tough since some are too heavy, but if I use something too light it frizzes easily. I have a whole routine with washing & styling. It tends to fall apart a bit if I'm working around the house, etc., & don't pull it back. I don't know about Amelia's hair/curl type, but she's active, or sometimes lying all over someone, & both could mess it up a bit. I didn't think her wedding day hair look was pulled together too well, though, & the bird just emphasized it.

I did chuckle at Bennett's mom telling him to comb his hair. She would've really lost it had she seen his socks.

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That doesn't explain her saying to the producer: "I got a text that I don't think I was supposed to get." Why would she say that if her friend sent it to her?

I don't think she spoke that carefully with the idea that someone was going to pull apart what she said. She was basically saying "I got information I wasn't supposed to have." Which is true.

Or as someone else said better:


I think Karen is correct in saying she got a text that she wasn’t supposed to get. The grey area is that she said, “I think I got a text I wasn’t supposed to” instead of “I know I got a text I wasn’t supposed to.” She knew when she got the text from her friend that she wasn’t supposed to look Miles up. 

I think if I were her friend, I'd have to tell her that I got the text and had her husband's name. I'd ask her if she wanted me to forward it or keep it to myself. I don't think I'd want to make a decision for her or withhold the fact that I had the information, even though I knew I wasn't supposed to get it.


If you're not a curly girl I think you should reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make curly hair look like straight hair. Some people are just not gonna put all that extra time into trying to control and make their hair do things their hair doesn't want to do. And sometimes you make it do what it doesn't wanna do and a rain storm or giant humidity comes up and it looks what you think is a mess. Most curly hair is not going to look like curly hair photos which are one shot deals in real life you got a wake a whole Lotta extra time to try and control curly it has its own way of being.

I have gigantic opinions on a lot of things but hair isn't one of them. It was just an ordinary opinion. For the record, my husband has very curly hair that only grows out, not down. He does nothing other than wash it. I think curls are gorgeous. I don't think curly haired people should try to make their hair look straight., I only meant to say that Amelia's hair is a knotted up, sloppy looking mess - even on her wedding day when she has a professional to make it look good (curly, straight or somewhere in between). She accentuated the mess by sticking a bird on top of her head. She could put the whole head of hair into a ponytail and it would look neater and tidier.

She can look however she wants to look. I don't think she is a bad person for having messy hair - but messy is messy.


Edited by Elizzikra
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11 hours ago, sarkygal said:

I’m curious too. Bearing in mind that MAFS has misleading and terrible editing. However,  it seems Bennett’s side of the aisle knew who Amelia was. But there was no reaction shown from Amelia’s side, even from her bridesmaids. Maybe they were still traumatized from their tacky dresses and contrived unicycle entrance. 

I imagine people who make a mockery of the wedding divorce at a higher rate. I was at a wedding where groom and bride were giggling like children through out the ceremony. They didn't last six months.

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4 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

I find it interesting how the audience typically hopes women give less attractive “nice” guys a chance (Miles isnt unattractive but he’s chubby and less attractive than her), but the audience writes off the reverse pairing as a pointless pairing that will never go anywhere and calls the experts idiots for pairing better looking men (Luke,  Zach, Matt) with “nice” girls who were not on their level looks wise.

Maybe "the audience" does so because that is actually how people behave.  IMO Luke, Zach and Matt were paired with women who were their equals looks-wise; I'm sure those men didn't think so.

4 hours ago, Kira53 said:

If you're not a curly girl I think you should reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make curly hair look like straight hair. Some people are just not gonna put all that extra time into trying to control and make their hair do things their hair doesn't want to do. And sometimes you make it do what it doesn't wanna do and a rain storm or giant humidity comes up and it looks what you think is a mess. Most curly hair is not going to look like curly hair photos which are one shot deals in real life you got a wake a whole Lotta extra time to try and control curly it has its own way of being.

I must say.  I'm not a "curly girl" - I'm a stringy haired, flat headed  nothing girl.  For those people who put all that time into controlling their curly hair - good for you.  When rain storms or giant humidity come along, I'm sure you feel bad about your big old curly hair. Those of us who have spent all morning trying to make our stringy, straight old hair hold a curl for five minutes spend the rest of the day wishing for something other than stringy old straight old hair - I pray for someone to reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make straight hair look appealing to anyone 🙂 

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24 minutes ago, princelina said:


Maybe "the audience" does so because that is actually how people behave.  IMO Luke, Zach and Matt were paired with women who were their equals looks-wise; I'm sure those men didn't think so.


People or just an expectation of women? On here and social media there were many comments about the looks of the Kate, Mindy, and Amber and them not being “hot enough,” “not their type” and questions why they were paired. Not a lot of comments such as those women are “nice” so those men should wake up and be grateful for what they had, like I’m hearing with Karen and Miles, as if men just need to be nice and women need to meet a much higher list of demands to be considered a catch worth holding on to.

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5 hours ago, Kira53 said:

If you're not a curly girl I think you should reserve a gigantic opinion about how easy it is to make curly hair look like straight hair. Some people are just not gonna put all that extra time into trying to control and make their hair do things their hair doesn't want to do. And sometimes you make it do what it doesn't wanna do and a rain storm or giant humidity comes up and it looks what you think is a mess. Most curly hair is not going to look like curly hair photos which are one shot deals in real life you got a wake a whole Lotta extra time to try and control curly it has its own way of being.

As someone with a lot of fine, wavy, frizzy hair I know how hard it is to make this kind of hair look controlled, but Amelia's current hair is way on the side of doing absolutely nothing or even deliberately making it worse.

Photos I've seen of Amelia with very controlled hair tell me that her current rat's nest may actually be more intentional than a result of nature.  If you're old enough to remember the 80s when women deliberately frizzed and teased their hair to look wild and voluminous, you'll know what I'm talking about.  I think she's going for a "look".  Kind of a 21st Century update on the Cyndi Lauper thing.

I think I know her hair because I have the same hair - all the way up to and including it frizzing worse in high heat and humidity and getting ever smoother and more controlled the colder it gets.  The photos I've seen of her seem to confirm this.  But in none but the most recent photos does her hair look as "wild" and unkempt as it looks now.  Not even close, and not even when photographed candidly in obviously hot and humid locations.  So I vote for "intentional".

Edited by Yeah No
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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I have gigantic opinions on a lot of things but hair isn't one of them. It was just an ordinary opinion. For the record, my husband has very curly hair that only grows out, not down. He does nothing other than wash it. I think curls are gorgeous. I don't think curly haired people should try to make their hair look straight., I only meant to say that Amelia's hair is a knotted up, sloppy looking mess - even on her wedding day when she has a professional to make it look good (curly, straight or somewhere in between). She accentuated the mess by sticking a bird on top of her head. She could put the whole head of hair into a ponytail and it would look neater and tidier.

She can look however she wants to look. I don't think she is a bad person for having messy hair - but messy is messy.

Thank you - see above, I agree 100%, plus I have hair like Amelia's and know it doesn't take THAT much to prevent it from looking that bad.  I mean, run a comb through it every once in a while!  I'm still voting for her look being "intentional".  And I'm certainly not offended by anyone voicing those opinions as I voice them myself!

Speaking of hair growing out and not down - I LOLed when my husband and I ran into a mutual friend in the supermarket last week.  He had not been to the barber in quite some time and had "pandemic hair" - a big poofy, curly hairdo that I'm sure he wore in high school back in the '70s and '80s.  I never even knew he had such curly hair until then since he usually keeps it so short.  He laughed too because he wouldn't wear his hair that way today and would never take offense at people teasing him about it.  He called us this week to tell us he finally had the lawn mowed, LOL.

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11 hours ago, thatsall said:

Good grief, Amelia's and Bennett's mothers. On the one hand, I respect anyone's individuality and choice to do as they please (I didn't love Woody's glasses at the ceremony, but otherwise he looked put-together, so it's a small thing).

Much like Woody himself.

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

As someone with a lot of fine, wavy, frizzy hair I know how hard it is to make this kind of hair look controlled, but Amelia's current hair is way on the side of doing absolutely nothing or even deliberately making it worse.

Photos I've seen of Amelia with very controlled hair tell me that her current rat's nest may actually be more intentional than a result of nature.  If you're old enough to remember the 80s when women deliberately frizzed and teased their hair to look wild and voluminous, you'll know what I'm talking about.  I think she's going for a "look".  Kind of a 21st Century update on the Cyndi Lauper thing.

I think I know her hair because I have the same hair - all the way up to and including it frizzing worse in high heat and humidity and getting ever smoother and more controlled the colder it gets.  The photos I've seen of her seem to confirm this.  But in none but the most recent photos does her hair look as "wild" and unkempt as it looks now.  Not even close, and not even when photographed candidly in obviously hot and humid locations.  So I vote for "intentional".

I, too, have the same hair and I'd hardly define it as curly. If I don't brush it, it looks like it needs a brushing. It's kept, but kind of matted.  If I brush it, it releases the frizz. It's hard, y'all!

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8 hours ago, princelina said:

For those people who put all that time into controlling their curly hair - good for you.  When rain storms or giant humidity come along, I'm sure you feel bad about your big old curly hair.

Nope! Water is good for curls. And wearing my hair in its natural state isn’t something to feel bad about. People get frustrated with curls when they try to force them to do stuff they’re not designed to do. I almost never wear my hair straight. Having curly hair requires a certain “it does what it does” mindset because even when it’s combed & products are in, it might not behave the way you want it to, and that’s fine. You go with the flow or you put it in a bun and get on with your life.

Amelia just looks kind of messy in general. On the most recent Queer Eye season there was a doctor (she’d finished residency & was joining a practice) who dressed like a kid & worried people didn’t taker her seriously, so her makeover focused on giving her a more adult look. She was a pediatrician. That’s what I think of when I see Amelia. She doesn’t have to be in suits but a less rumpled look would probably serve her well professionally.

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13 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

I find it interesting how the audience typically hopes women give less attractive “nice” guys a chance (Miles isnt unattractive but he’s chubby and less attractive than her), but the audience writes off the reverse pairing as a pointless pairing that will never go anywhere and calls the experts idiots for pairing better looking men (Luke,  Zach, Matt) with “nice” girls who were not on their level looks wise.

Yep. Women are skewered if they just try to be themselves around men. Men can be themselves but women? Forget it. Not the make up wearing type? Bad. Don't put on a cute little top and heels for a date? Then you deserve to be alone. He's in old boxers and a tank top at bedtime is fine but if you show up in anything less than ultra sexy then you deserve to be shown the door. Miles being chubby? Never mentioned until you did and would have gone unnoticed all season probably. If one of the brides was chubby, there'd be pages about her needing to get in shape. 

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21 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

Yep. Women are skewered if they just try to be themselves around men. Men can be themselves but women? Forget it. Not the make up wearing type? Bad. Don't put on a cute little top and heels for a date? Then you deserve to be alone. He's in old boxers and a tank top at bedtime is fine but if you show up in anything less than ultra sexy then you deserve to be shown the door. Miles being chubby? Never mentioned until you did and would have gone unnoticed all season probably. If one of the brides was chubby, there'd be pages about her needing to get in shape. 

There was a ton of this re: Mindy and Zach. “She didn’t shower once, she must have BO! Why is she in sweats?” Meanwhile Zach told her he wasn’t attracted to her literally when she was in her wedding gown. 

Miles is chubby?! He does not look chubby to me. At all. He said he plays football and I can see that, but he doesn’t read as chubby to me.

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16 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

I wouldn’t be able to keep it from my friend, I don’t think.  I wouldn’t be able to resist checking him out on social media.  And I couldn’t keep her in the dark.  That’s just too much to hold on to.  If i found out like a couple hrs before the wedding, no, I wouldn’t tell.  But I couldn’t hold on to the info overnight.

And none of my friends would be able to keep it from me lol 

I would check him out and tell her if there was something really bad, but, otherwise, no reason to tell her, in my opinion.

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I found Amelia's hanging all over her friend in the bed to be very odd.  Like, it wasn't just a hug and let go; she was literally hanging all over her friend, the entire time.  I don't know, I just don't hang on to my friends like that.  Personal space & all.

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5 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

I found Amelia's hanging all over her friend in the bed to be very odd.  Like, it wasn't just a hug and let go; she was literally hanging all over her friend, the entire time.  I don't know, I just don't hang on to my friends like that.  Personal space & all.

It’s part of her QUIRKINESS!!!

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