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S05.E04: She's A Wolf

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Did Debbie cook four steaks because Baby Huey Colt eats two?

Larissa called Colt a whale and then we see Debbie and Colt have a framed cartoon of a whale on the wall.  It looked like something you see in a nursery or pediatrician’s office not in the home of two alleged adults.  

I may have misheard but I thought Colt said in his talking head that they invited Vanessa over to thank her for agreeing to watch their cats while they go to Brazil but then they announce they are going to Brazil at the dinner as if it’s the first she’s heard of it.

I at first thought those were lemons not unripe oranges and was expecting a sour face tantrum from Asuelu.

Classy that both Kalani and Asuelu were spitting out pulp all over someone else’s yard.  Do they think it will decompose overnight?

i googled the bus Asuelu boarded and it appears to be in the town of Orange in Orange County and it’s destination was the beach.  Asuelu apparently thinks he will just see a hotel out the window and pull the cord?

i think Asuelu would be better off on a short bus.  

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Debbie and Colt: The wolf and the whale.  Larissa just went up in my book.

Andrei: "I strongly believe in traditional roles for men and women.  Except for the part where the man works."

Aseulu: "I must run from these American women.  By incredible luck, there is a bus to Utah right over here at the corner."

I never agree with Pole but he does have a point.  His crappy car isn't really any worse than Kreeny's digs back home. 

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3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Soooo....Asuelo has limited capacity.  Eating fruit that he has picked from trees is one of the most natural and best skills he has. But. Unpopular opinion. KALANI PICKED HIM! And sucked him into a mess of a family. I would run too.  I am a little on his side that he is fed up with the Family Kalani dysfunctional bullshit THEY are all afraid of Lo. Lo is a terrifying blowhard who has used control, threats and domination to steer his family since the beginning of time. I hate the whole fundie bullshit vibe I get from Family Kalani. Sorry not sorry. 

Asuelo was in the back seat being well, Asuelo, and Kalani went at him, flipped him off in his face while he was at a disadvantage with the language and his limitations. He has had enough.  She is no prize in the backseat with no seatbelt, sideways carseat and traveling with sick kids. Family Kalini is a mess too. 

They don't belong together. Asuelo can be a better father divorced and getting better support. 

I agree about Asuelo in some respects. I'm not sure about his parenting skills developing.  It'll take a lot, but, he should be able to grow with the right help.  His behavior is deplorable, but, not unexpected for someone who is in way over their head.  Kalani ADMITTED that he was that way in the beginning and NOW she's upset that he hasn't changed.  IMO, she took advantage of a terrible situation and ignored what Asuelo was capable of.  So, now, don't act all insulted.  The big insult was by her long ago.  Their expectations are not reasonable under the circumstances, imo.  

Ref. Andrei....man.  He's such a negative force of energy.  I got the feeling his family understood when he said that Libby's family didn't like him.  They know him.  And, it's not good.  But, Libby picked him.  I'll never get why.  He's not a nice person. 

Pole is getting his car ready to use.  I didn't see the issue with that. So, it's messy...it's running.   Pole needs a roadmap to get to where he wants in life.  Does Karina know how much a car, tags, insurance, taxes, costs?  Probably not.  She's going to hound him for the best of everything and end up with nothing.  I still don't get why she insisted on marrying him and getting pregnant TWICE.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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3 minutes ago, Dobian said:

never agree with Pole but he does have a point.  His crappy car isn't really any worse than Kreeny's digs back home.

I wonder if it runs or his parents had to have it towed from the last house.

That trailer in the preview looks like it was the site of both a meth lab explosion and a tornado.  

1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

But, Libby picked him.  I'll never get why.  He's not a nice person. 

She thinks he is hot.  She is vapid.

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I really enjoy Michael's positive attitude about Angela beating the billion-to-one odds of getting pregnant and toting that baby.  It's heart-warming.  I also enjoyed that doctor telling the camera that pretty much no one needs laughing gas for that procedure, just Angela.

Time warp blooper: Angela's mom didn't have that mole/scab/whatever on her chin last week.  Now it's back.

Angela is good with her mom and her grandkids, I'll giver her that.


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I must not have remembered well, because, I thought that with Larissa and Coltee, the arguments were due to her wanting expensive items, wanting Debbie out of the the apt. and her violent outbursts, not Coltee cheating on her.  So, Coltee is a ladies' man?  Hard to believe. I've never seen anyone who has less game. It's actually rather funny that they have him playing that part.  He acknowledges that Vanessa has zero romantic interest in him.  And, I don't believe there was any kind of hook up with them.  That's a fantasy in his mind, imo.  I guess she approved him saying that for the storyline. Still, she must be very embarrassed. 

Andrei and Larissa stand out in my mind as two people with the biggest streak of cruelty in them. I'm talking about the entire cast of 90 Day.  And, that's saying a lot. There are a lot to pick from.   

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16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I agree about Asuelo in some respects. I'm not sure about his parenting skills developing.  It'll take a lot, but, he should be able to grow with the right help.  His behavior is deplorable, but, not unexpected for someone who is in way over their head.  Kalani ADMITTED that he was that way in the beginning and NOW she's upset that he hasn't changed.  IMO, she took advantage of a terrible situation and ignored what Asuelo was capable of.  So, now, don't act all insulted.  The big insult was by her long ago.  Their expectations are not reasonable under the circumstances, imo.  

Ref. Andrei....man.  He's such a negative force of energy.  I got the feeling his family understood when he said that Libby's family didn't like him.  They know him.  And, it's not good.  But, Libby picked him.  I'll never get why.  He's not a nice person. 

Pole is getting his car ready to use.  I didn't see the issue with that. So, it's messy...it's running.   Pole needs a roadmap to get to where he wants in life.  Does Karina know how much a car, tags, insurance, taxes, costs?  Probably not.  She's going to hound him for the best of everything and end up with nothing.  I still don't get why she insisted on marrying him and getting pregnant TWICE.  

Those tires looked bald and that car had been sitting there for two to three years.  Never mind the garbage and the funk, at the very least he needed to replace those tires and have the systems checked before taking a baby out in that car.  

it would have taken Paul all of a day to get that done and he could have cleaned the car and hit up the carwash.  

at every turn he says he is hoping to impress karine with America so she stays, but thus far everything he has done has been half ass. 

Karine left her comfortable position with her family and being close to her mother who seems like she helps with pierre. She is in a position where she is in anew country with no one to rely on but Paul.  Paul has managed to make the situation with his mother uncomfortable so not only can he not stay there, he apparently cannot even be in her house.  Less than a day after they land, Paul loses his shit on one of the only two people she knows in a brand new country.  If there was ever a thought that Paul might be able to sweet talk his way into his mother's house that illusion is over.  

I don't think karine should expect Paul to have a suburban tract home and good paying job in a matter of weeks, but Paul's mom is going to stop paying for that hotel in a few weeks and then they are homeless.  

so, karine is in a new, unfamiliar country with a small child, shackled to a weirdo, not fully conversant in the language and is facing possible homelessness. 

With just the tiniest bit of effort he could have made that car not only palatable but a really nice thing.  Instead he insisted that karine and Pierre go there with him in the sweltering heat because he couldn't clean out old french fries by himself?  

Id bet good money that Paul's mother would have given him money to get that car tuned up, an oil change, new tires, alignment and balancing, ac check. 

Paul's mother is tough, but willing to help, particularly if it means Paul has a reliable car to get to work and to take her grandson around.  

Im not sure his criminal history would allow him to work for Uber/Lyft, but could he work for instacart or door dash?

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6 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Im not sure his criminal history would allow him to work for Uber/Lyft, but could he work for instacart or door dash?

Thankfully they have contactless delivery now.  Imagine interacting with that freak in your home.

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I'm not sure if TLC allows you to pick sensible scenes where you leave the spouse and baby behind.   Karine has some support back home, but, chose to come to the US anyway.   She never wanted to come here before.  I never have understood why she was so insistent on marrying and reproducing with Pole. It really makes me wonder about her judgment.  Just make no sense.  There doesn't seem to be any love there.  Odd. 

Pole seems like one of those people who doesn't know how to get things done. You know, they are always getting ready for a project, but, it's not quite ready.  They want to get this done, but, can't get it going.   They are just not a self starter.  I'm not sure what the solution is.  He needs a life coach bad!  If he could afford it and would listen, it would be nice. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Debbie shouldn't really get any vote as to who her son has a relationship with/marries. Yes, it's great if they get along. She has had her life and cannot continue to live vicariously through him. She can love him and support him, but he has to live his own life, make his own choices, and learn from them. She probably will never like any woman he has a relationship with unless it is short-term. She comes first.

This isn't entirely up to Debbie.  Coltee is more than complicit.  This is a toxic relationship, with lots and lots of co-dependency on both sides.  Exhibit one, your honor:  A thirty-something man afraid to tell his mother that he's dating.

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I hate to say this. I REALLY hate to say this.  But when Coltee  told his mother about his new Squeeze, Debbie was making a lot of sense!!! 

But I don’t know why she is confused. Her son thinks with his dick and the girl wants a green card.

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On 7/5/2020 at 12:29 AM, mamadrama said:

Colt actually does have a lot of friends outside of Debbie. The problem is that they're crazier, and even more of a famewhore, than Larissa. His BFF was on "Marrying Millions". It explained a lot.

Vanessa? Which millionaire was she hooked up with? I watched that mess of a show and don't remember her at all. 

Kalani is just as much as a loser as Asuelu. She picked the jerk, had not one but two kids with him and now she's miserable. In fact, she was miserable before she married him but went through with it anyway. 

Unpopular opinion but I was team Debbie this episode. She made it pretty clear that she is well aware Coltee is very impulsive, jumps in to relationships, makes bad decisions with women and apparently lets them use him for money. I'm not even sure she is that possessive because she said she wished Coltee would find a woman like Vanessa. It's not too much to ask a mother to want her son to stop being such a pathetic pig. 

I love Andreii's dad. He brought flowers to the airport for Libby. He was so sweet to her when he visited them in America, too. He dearly loves his grandchild and Libby, too. He's always dressed nicely and has nice manners. How did he raise such a neanderthal? 

I'm pissed at Karinne. She said she expected Pole's mother to treat her better. WTF? Did she mean she expected a handout, money, a free place to stay from Pole's mother? Entitled much. Another one that knew what a loser Pole was long before she came to America. Then the icing on the cake was she said she was treated better in Brazil. Ok, hun. She misses her mother kissing her ass, and helping with the baby.  If she was so happy living in those piss poor conditions in a hovel with no electricity or water then go on ahead back home. 

Enough with Mikull and Ange. Why can't he come straight out with it and tell Ange that if she can't tote a baby he will most definitely have to find a second wife to give him one. Not maybe. Definitely. Either she can learn to live with that or she can't but it's going to happen. Stop dragging this nonsense out. 

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Hey, asshat!  You do not live in Samoa anymore.  You live HERE!!!  If she went back with him to Samoa, he would be lecturing her on how they live there and  she needs to adapt!!!

(And his kids are as annoying as he is!!  Those apples did not fall far from the tree.)

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5 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:

I have to throw my two cents in about Angela.

Say what you will (including myself) but she's a good grandmother and a good daughter.  She's obviously the primary caregiver for everyone in that house, and everyone appears happy.  I wish my mom would have let me do that for her.

I'm getting that same endometrial biopsy in two weeks.  Everything I've read says that it'll hurt like hell.  Anytime your cervix is dilated, it's going to be extremely painful, let alone someone snipping a sample.  I imagine it's a torture procedure that a man came up with because they can't imagine how painful this would be.  Didn't Robert on Pillow Talk compare having a baby with being constipated??  I'm scared to death but all I can do is put on my big girl panties and get 'er done.

I've had several biopsies done. The cervix is numbed and the biopsy itself doesn't hurt, but there a lot of pressure and it's uncomfortable. I'm sure you'll do fine. Angela likes drama. I'm surprised the doctor is participating in this show. 

The painful part is Angela's constant whining about giving Michael a child. There's not going to be a Baby Michael from Angela. Technology has its limits. 

I'm not sure there's going to be a real wedding, but Angela has a dress, of course. It looks interesting with the black bra, but how is it going to work without one? Stay tuned.  

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1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:
  • The Moldovan food spread seemed way more appetizing than Debbie’s steak and plastic potato offering. But then I’m a vegetarian (livestock factories are cruel and barbaric)

I was laughing at that dinner.  I love me some meat, but just a steak thrown on a plate and a sad watery dish of potatoes, that nobody was eating, is so unappealing.  Ever hear of a vegetable?

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14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Vanessa? Which millionaire was she hooked up with? I watched that mess of a show and don't remember her at all. 

Kalani is just as much as a loser as Asuelu. She picked the jerk, had not one but two kids with him and now she's miserable. In fact, she was miserable before she married him but went through with it anyway. 

Unpopular opinion but I was team Debbie this episode. She made it pretty clear that she is well aware Coltee is very impulsive, jumps in to relationships, makes bad decisions with women and apparently lets them use him for money. I'm not even sure she is that possessive because she said she wished Coltee would find a woman like Vanessa. It's not too much to ask a mother to want her son to stop being such a pathetic pig. 

I love Andreii's dad. He brought flowers to the airport for Libby. He was so sweet to her when he visited them in America, too. He dearly loves his grandchild and Libby, too. He's always dressed nicely and has nice manners. How did he raise such a neanderthal? 

I'm pissed at Karinne. She said she expected Pole's mother to treat her better. WTF? Did she mean she expected a handout, money, a free place to stay from Pole's mother? Entitled much. Another one that knew what a loser Pole was long before she came to America. Then the icing on the cake was she said she was treated better in Brazil. Ok, hun. She misses her mother kissing her ass, and helping with the baby.  If she was so happy living in those piss poor conditions in a hovel with no electricity or water then go on ahead back home. 

Enough with Mikull and Ange. Why can't he come straight out with it and tell Ange that if she can't tote a baby he will most definitely have to find a second wife to give him one. Not maybe. Definitely. Either she can learn to live with that or she can't but it's going to happen. Stop dragging this nonsense out. 

I think Debbie wants colt with someone "like Vanessa" because Vanessa always seems to agree with Debbie.  

Sometimes people can say the right thing the wrong way.  

Substantively I can see why Debbie wouldn't want to see her son go through another painful relationship, but the idea that she has to stop him from doing it and then enlist his friend is.....the wrong way to express real concern.  

It was like colt wasn't going to be trusted to make his own decisions. 

Maybe he makes dumb decisions but at 34 they are his decisions to make.  

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3 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I was laughing at that dinner.  I love me some meat, but just a steak thrown on a plate and a sad watery dish of potatoes, that nobody was eating, is so unappealing.  Ever hear of a vegetable?

As a person who rarely cooks, I immediately recognized the Bob Evans plastic container of microwaved scalloped potatoes.  

If any of you get invited to my house you better either bring the side dish, or you too will get something off the Bob Evans microwave menu to complement my turkey meatloaf or vegetable lasagna, which are the only two things I make. 

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Kalani's dad said he wanted his daughters to marry white men.  I remember that.

Where did Auselu go when he got on that bus?

I'm pretty sure the sign on the side of the bus said "BEACH" on it.  😅

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3 minutes ago, RealReality said:

As a person who rarely cooks, I immediately recognized the Bob Evans plastic container of microwaved scalloped potatoes.  

If any of you get invited to my house you better either bring the side dish, or you too will get something off the Bob Evans microwave menu to complement my turkey meatloaf or vegetable lasagna, which are the only two things I make. 

I have no issues with the microwave side dish.  I have two containers of mashed potatoes in my fridge right now.  But nobody was eating any, so it was just meat plate.  

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12 hours ago, RealReality said:

To add - I was laughing during Angela's scene with the nitrous.  I have the a similar reaction.  

I just start laughing.  And then I make jokes that I think are HILARIOUS, but normally I'm having dental work done so no one understands.  

Last time I had the nitrous, I remember telling my dentist and the dental assistant that they should get married because their children would have great teeth.  I'm pretty sure they were uncomfortable, but I thought it was a fantastic (and hilarious!) idea. 

I'm the same way. I asked my dentist why he wanted to be a dentist because everyone hates them so much. He's actually the nicest guy.

Angela was overly dramatic -- that screaming was ridiculous. I loved gassed up Angela. She was a hoot. I also loved seeing Meemaw with there grandkids. She's a rude, crude, overbearing woman, but there are some kind parts of her and she shows them to her grandkids and mom. I don't see any of that in BGL. 

Asuelu is all sorts of terrible. He is such a vapid man child. 

Anyone notice how much Eleanor and her cousin looked alike? They both favor that side of the family. 

Edited by jackjill89
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3 hours ago, vintagesac said:

 I don’t know why Paul randomly tossing those fries over the fence into the neighbor’s yard enraged me so much.

Paul is awful but I’m pretty sure that was his parents yard. The car was in the drive way and the fence separated the driveway/garage from the grassy part of the yard. 

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Where did Auselu go when he got on that bus?

He told production he was going back to Utah. Since he was (so conveniently) the only passenger, maybe the bus driver agreed to drive him all the way there. But since he was there on the last season of Pillow Talk, I don't think he's leaving Kalani and the kids. And when were those THs in the bed when he was proclaiming what he considered "woman's work" (with K in that yellow, boob flaunting top) filmed? After his CA hissy fit? If so, he's baaaaaaack! Or actually, never left. 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

I may have misheard but I thought Colt said in his talking head that they invited Vanessa over to thank her for agreeing to watch their cats while they go to Brazil but then they announce they are going to Brazil at the dinner as if it’s the first she’s heard of it.

No, you're right. I noticed that, too. 

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

I wonder if it runs or his parents had to have it towed from the last house.

He was shown driving it so it must have started up and runs. 

1 hour ago, Dobian said:

Time warp blooper: Angela's mom didn't have that mole/scab/whatever on her chin last week.  Now it's back.

last time it was covered with a flesh colored bandage. 

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25 minutes ago, RealReality said:

Maybe he makes dumb decisions but at 34 they are his decisions to make. 

Except Coltee keeps dragging Debbie in to his relationships and decisions. He won't move out of the house and he tells Debbie too much information about problems in his relationships. He admitted that. They are co-dependant. He says Debbie will fall apart if he moves out. Well, he has to do it. She will get used to it and all will be ok after a while. I was really surprised when he went to Chicago and didn't tell Debbie he had a girl there but once the relationship starts going south you can bet he will give Debbie an earful.  

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34 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I've had several biopsies done. The cervix is numbed and the biopsy itself doesn't hurt, but there a lot of pressure and it's uncomfortable. I'm sure you'll do fine. Angela likes drama. I'm surprised the doctor is participating in this show. 

The painful part is Angela's constant whining about giving Michael a child. There's not going to be a Baby Michael from Angela. Technology has its limits. 

I'm not sure there's going to be a real wedding, but Angela has a dress, of course. It looks interesting with the black bra, but how is it going to work without one? Stay tuned.  

I wonder why the doctor didn't discuss more of this idea that Angela has about toting a baby.  With all the history of reproductive and breast cancer in her family, would taking hormones to tote the baby make sense? I don't think she's really explored the high risk. (Elizabeth Edwards, deceased wife of John Edwards comes to mind. She was in her 40's and 50's.)  

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1 hour ago, Dobian said:

I really enjoy Michael's positive attitude about Angela beating the billion-to-one odds of getting pregnant and toting that baby.  It's heart-warming.  I also enjoyed that doctor telling the camera that pretty much no one needs laughing gas for that procedure, just Angela.

Time warp blooper: Angela's mom didn't have that mole/scab/whatever on her chin last week.  Now it's back.

Angela is good with her mom and her grandkids, I'll giver her that.


She had a bandage on her chin last week. I was hoping that meant it was removed and the area was healing... but, alas, no. 

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I recently watched Colt’s first season. I know Larissa isn’t popular but Colt and Debbie could’ve easily ended up on another show called Snapped. I think Larissa showed a lot of restraint. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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10 hours ago, renatae said:

The doctor said she had not inserted the needle far enough to even reach the cervix when Angela was wailing! Definitely a drama queen! Good thing there was nitrous oxide around. Even the doctor said she'd never had anyone react to the extreme Angela did.

I re-watched the preview and I was mistaken about what was going on with Debbie. Apparently she was feeling ill, so when she went off on Jess she was saying she needed to rest for a few minutes or they'd wind up taking her to the hospital.

Jess also said, "So far, Debbie is terrible." Thanks for not disappointing us, Deb. Mama drama!

Paul definitely has problems, but Karine is awfully quick to voice high expectations and tell him he's not a good husband. The place they saw was a wreck, but her living conditions in Brazil were nothing to write home about. She wants a "beautiful house" or she is going home. Paul is at least trying. I agree with the poster above that he has issues of whatever type, but he may be doing his absolute best.

Jess said Debbie was "terrible" because Debbie didn't appreciate Colt & Jess sucking each other's faces off in the car.  You'd think that with Colt's relationship with his mother, that he'd know better than to put on such a display.  But, then again, it is Colt we're talking about here.  Ick.

8 hours ago, Kangatush said:

My dad is learning Portuguese and lately he's been adding the Larissa ee to all his words and I find it hilarious.

I don't understand why Pole brought Karine to the US.  Didn't they already try him here to establish things for them and he failed miserably?  Why make it worse by dragging her along this time?  

It's an attempt to guilt his mother into supporting them.  Yes, he tried before, and failed miserably, so he returned to Brazil.  He keeps thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, but he's the same no matter where he goes.

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To Libby and her family, Moldova has had Eurovision Song Contest entry's for the past 15 years, (no wins but semi finalists), so maybe not only the scariest place on earth but quite musical too, lol. I am half watching the new Will Farrell movie so yeah, now I know Moldovan trivia.

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25 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Except Coltee keeps dragging Debbie in to his relationships and decisions. He won't move out of the house and he tells Debbie too much information about problems in his relationships. He admitted that. They are co-dependant. He says Debbie will fall apart if he moves out. Well, he has to do it. She will get used to it and all will be ok after a while. I was really surprised when he went to Chicago and didn't tell Debbie he had a girl there but once the relationship starts going south you can bet he will give Debbie an earful.  

I agree, he needs to move out, but last time I remember there even being a discussion debbie was passive agressively guilting colt for "leaving her behind" or something like that.  

My sister would call it a well worn path. I don't think Debbie is going to release her vise grip on colt anytime soon.  

I thought Debbie needed him to help pay the house expenses. I vaguely remember Debbie woefully claiming that she would just "go off by herself" if they left her.  

Colt can maybe have a relationship once Debbie kicks the bucket.  But until then, I don't see how it could work.  


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5 minutes ago, Kath94 said:

Jess said Debbie was "terrible" because Debbie didn't appreciate Colt & Jess sucking each other's faces off in the car.  You'd think that with Colt's relationship with his mother, that he'd know better than to put on such a display.  But, then again, it is Colt we're talking about here.  Ick.

It’s rude to make out in the same car as other people.  Even if it’s a hired driver. But in front of a senior citizen relative?  Stay classy.

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22 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

I recently watched Colt’s first season. I know Larissa isn’t popular but Colt and Debbie could’ve easily ended up on another show called Snapped. I think Larissa showed a lot of restraint. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've always kinda liked Larissa and can remember her being a good sport about that thrift store wedding dress and that trash cousin who showed up to their wedding in swim trunks. 

Colt comes off as a creep and epic gaslighter.  I'm not a violent person but he would drive me to the brink too, especially if I didn't really have a means of escaping the house. 

Edited by RealReality
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I think the deal with Debbie is that she knows Colt is an idiot when it comes to being with women.  

Why is Larissa still in the US when so many people who have families in this country have been deported?  All Larissa wants to do here is to marry a rich man and get more plastic surgery to look like Kim K. or someone like that.  I don't think she gives a rat's ass about her children in Brazil.

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2 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I thought Debbie needed him to help pay the house expenses. I vaguely remember Debbie woefully claiming that she would just "go off by herself" if they left her.  

Maybe it’s time for her to scale down to an apartment or condo.  Less to clean as well.

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1 minute ago, MrBuhBye said:

It’s rude to make out in the same car as other people.  Even if it’s a hired driver. But in front of a senior citizen relative?  Stay classy.

Let's start a thread on anything anyone on any of the 90-Day franchises has done that was classy.

That thread would win the award for shortest thread in the history of Primetimer and its predecessors.

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Just now, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe it’s time for her to scale down to an apartment or condo.  Less to clean as well.

More steak and scalloped potatoes for Debbie!  

I personally think senior communities sound fun!  Bingo, jello, movie nights, mall walks, casinos and apparently all the seniors are having boatloads of sex, hence increased STD rates in senior communities.  

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1 minute ago, RealReality said:

More steak and scalloped potatoes for Debbie!  

I personally think senior communities sound fun!  Bingo, jello, movie nights, mall walks, casinos and apparently all the seniors are having boatloads of sex, hence increased STD rates in senior communities.  

See before the little blue pill that wasn’t a problem.

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14 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Hey Assholeo

Did you pay for the car you are in? The gas? Food?  Oh, just a sample size spoon of yogart?

I would of stopped the car, asked him nicely to get out, slap him across his moronic face and say......Good Luck and Bye.

Kalani needs to get rid of him. She also needs to do something with that oldest kid. All he does his cry. 

Assholeo is the perfect name for him, well done Cherrio!!

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9 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Let's start a thread on anything anyone on any of the 90-Day franchises has done that was classy.

That thread would win the award for shortest thread in the history of Primetimer and its predecessors.

Andreeii’s father is a classy guy. Other than that, I got nothing.

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I believe Larissa gets a court hearing about any sort of deportation, and the system is backlogged.

I was surprised that Paul’s car started. Wonder if his mother bought a new battery. I am a member of the AAA equivalent here and during the pandemic, you were supposed to run your car for a half hour per week to keep the battery alive. If Paul lives anywhere where winter means cold temps, the car needs to be plugged in for it to start in the cold.

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8 hours ago, Kangatush said:

My dad is learning Portuguese and lately he's been adding the Larissa ee to all his words and I find it hilarious.

I don't understand why Pole brought Karine to the US.  Didn't they already try him here to establish things for them and he failed miserably?  Why make it worse by dragging her along this time?  

He probably thought he would have a better chance of his parents letting him stay with them because of the baby and the wife. It may work yet!

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7 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I believe Larissa gets a court hearing about any sort of deportation, and the system is backlogged.

I was surprised that Paul’s car started. Wonder if his mother bought a new battery. I am a member of the AAA equivalent here and during the pandemic, you were supposed to run your car for a half hour per week to keep the battery alive. If Paul lives anywhere where winter means cold temps, the car needs to be plugged in for it to start in the cold.

I think running the car just drains the battery more unless you actually drive it.  While the car is moving the battery gets recharged.

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21 hours ago, Mothra said:

I hear there's a guy in Australia looking for life-coaching work. 

People on twitter were joking that Asuelo graduated from the Ash School of Understanding Women!


15 hours ago, Cherrio said:


Kalani needs to get rid of him. She also needs to do something with that oldest kid. All he does his cry. 


I think Oliver annoys me more than anyone else on this show.  He is always crying, and he just looks like a pain in the ass.


12 hours ago, Meowwww said:


Pole throwing the 2 year old French fries into the yard.  How is this normal?  He has a problem and it’s hard to watch.  

Yes he tossed them over the fence into the neighbor's yard!  I can only imagine what the neighbors think of him.  You know they are like, "that f-ing a-hole Paul is back in town and now he's f-ing throwing old food into the yard!"  


7 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:


I'm getting that same endometrial biopsy in two weeks.  Everything I've read says that it'll hurt like hell.  Anytime your cervix is dilated, it's going to be extremely painful, let alone someone snipping a sample.  I imagine it's a torture procedure that a man came up with because they can't imagine how painful this would be.  Didn't Robert on Pillow Talk compare having a baby with being constipated??  I'm scared to death but all I can do is put on my big girl panties and get 'er done.

I had it done and my doctor put me under with general anesthesia, thank god.  I didn't feel a thing!  You may want to ask about that.

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5 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I think running the car just drains the battery more unless you actually drive it.  While the car is moving the battery gets recharged.

That is what I meant. I go for a short drive every week. When it was below -30 here, I did plug the car in for a few hours before going out.

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6 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes he tossed them over the fence into the neighbor's yard!  I can only imagine what the neighbors think of him.  You know they are like, "that f-ing a-hole Paul is back in town and now he's f-ing throwing old food into the yard!" 

Luckily the birds and squirrels like fries.  My mom throws them in her own yard lol.

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39 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe it’s time for her to scale down to an apartment or condo.  Less to clean as well.

There has to be room for all those litter boxes and the slot machine. 

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