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B90 Strikes Back!

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Seeing Stephanie "singing" & "playing the guitar" made me realize who she reminds me of - singer/actor Jewel (Kilcher) in one of her Hallmark Fixer Upper Mystery roles.  It is like she is mimicking every eye & mouth expression that Jewel ever "acted" for the camera.

Tom, have you gained more weight since last week?

Edited by deirdra
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5 hours ago, Ucross said:

Who is "cheesestick?" Apparently dating someone from Colombia (not sure whether male or female). Maybe we get a different version  here. I don't remember anyone from Colombia.

It's the ginger-haired guy (Tim?) who's dating Melyza(?) It's a childhood nickname. I about died laughing when Molly said his girlfriend might turn him into shredded cheddar on account of his cheating.

And Ash coming into the frame wearing those fake buggy eyes? That was a scream! Probably the only time he took a comment with good grace. Good on him. I could have done without his demonstration of how he could spread his legs apart in those leggings, though.

  • LOL 4
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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

So many posters have said they no longer like Rose.  I think Rose's raspy voice, which we didn't hear a lot of during her episodes, and ugly faces--which looked cute--are giving a lot of us a hard time feeling as sympathetic as we did before.  She is doing something with her mouth that's really unappealing.

Rose seems to want to make viewers hate her (I guess she gets paid either way and Ed deserves her comments) whereas all the others are trying to show themselves in a better light with some self-deprecating humour (though Tom fails).

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Mothra said:

So many posters have said they no longer like Rose.  I think Rose's raspy voice, which we didn't hear a lot of during her episodes, and ugly faces--which looked cute--are giving a lot of us a hard time feeling as sympathetic as we did before.  She is doing something with her mouth that's really unappealing.

I actually like her, I think she's a hoot, but the fact is I despise Ed so much that she could be a brick and I'd still prefer her to him.

  • Love 23
23 hours ago, Ucross said:

Who is "cheesestick?" Apparently dating someone from Colombia (not sure whether male or female). Maybe we get a different version  here. I don't remember anyone from Colombia.

He’s on The Other Way.

15 hours ago, renatae said:

could have done without his demonstration of how he could spread his legs apart in those leggings, though.

It’s how he delivered Avery’s best sex ever.  She has mentioned that almost as many times as Stephanie’s illness.

  • Love 6

I think rose is young, and is just trying to figure all this out.  she is obviously not coming from a place of education or experience being on television.  her opinions seem overly emphatic, but I doubt she knew what all of this would mean for her...and is trying to make the best of it.  

I hope she is able to parlay this into a better life for her son and her dad.  her dad seems like a good man.

  • Love 11

David is really waspish with his retorts. Yes, it *is* dumb to spend so much money on that scammer chat site, David. Even though you claim it's a drop in the bucket for you, it's still a foolish waste, and you've been taken. Have a little grace, like Yolanda.

Still laughing over Ash and his googly-eye Slinkies. I'm very glad he went to the doctor as a result of the comments and his Graves' was diagnosed.

Erika is still fun.

Oh, no, Ed in the shower again. Please, TLC!! Way too much Ed on this show.

Rose: Ed doesn't look like an ATM to me; he looks like a gas tank. 🤣



Edited by renatae
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, renatae said:

David is really waspish with his retorts. Yes, it *is* dumb to spend so much money on that scammer chat site, David. Even though you claim it's a drop in the bucket for you, it's still a foolish waste, and you've been taken. Have a little grace, like Yolanda.

Still laughing over Ash and his googly-eye Slinkies. I'm very glad he went to the doctor as a result of the comments and his Graves' was diagnosed.

Erika is still fun.

Oh, no, Ed in the shower again. Please, TLC!! Way too much Ed on this show.

Rose: Ed doesn't look like an ATM to me; he looks like a gas tank. 🤣



Darn I should have finished that last semester of medical because that’s what I thought. 

  • Love 1

ash's eyes do look better. 

ed tries to hard to make fun of himself, at a certain point you don't do that. ash did it right with the glasses, but then stood up for himself.   it's like the kid in high school that made fun of himself to try to fit in with the cool kids...but just looked pathetic and desperate...he doesn't have the right balance of good qualities vs negative to pull off the humor. 

if ed took it down 10 more notches, he could be ok. it's not his looks that make him an unlikable toad, it is his personality.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Are we talking about Rose's blue tongue yet?  Or the shots where her kid (or some kid) was seemingly laying there beside her passed out cold? 

I have no earthly idea why Erika & Stephanie thought they make a good couple.  WTF.  Such an example of contrasts.

David is a charmless moron.   Even more so than this one. 


Rose's blue tongue looked like a video artifact to me,  not its real color.

Edited by Gobi
  • Useful 1

Ash with his googly eyes was hilarious. I'm glad he got his health issue sorted! I can sympathize--it took a crusty old Brit telling me "you've got the thyroid eyes!" (he's a friend and his insults are hilarious, he wasn't being a dick or anything) to finally get my thyroid tested and treated.

Erika continues to be the star of the show. I love her and her cool accent. No one cares about Stephanie. Her screen time should be limited to those cute dogs.

David is trying way too hard to clap back at people but he's so humorless it's just pathetic.

I think Rose is trying too hard to capitalize on the backlash Ed got from the way he treated her and it's just over-the-top. I understand her beign mad about how he treated her, but she could dial it back a bit and still be funny without being a try-hard.

Is having Ed's semi-nude body continually foisted upon us some sort of punishment for Rose having to go through the same thing (except in person, while being insulted)? More Teddy, less Eddy.

Since the world has gone on pause and I've got nothing better to do I'll keep watching these spin-offs for more Anny. I could listen to her accent all day. And she's funny! And surprisingly, so is Robert. Maybe I had these two pegged wrong.

  • Love 8

David is a special brand of special. His reactions were so unnecessary.  Props to Ash for being able to make fun of himself.  Stephanie you're two steps behind Ed, just accept it. Speaking of Ed, please TLC give a disclaimer anytime he's going to be shirtless.  I hope the producers and editors get hazard pay. I'm sure they're traumatized everytime they have to edit a scene with shirtless Ed.

Edited by spunky
  • Love 10

I paused on a flashback scene when David was showing his evidence of texts with Lana over the website he claims was his only means of communicating with her. In one of the messages he reminds her to send him an email with some details of something or another. Are we being punked? They can email each other, but he is supposedly spending thousands on website chat?

  • Useful 6

Both Ed and David are reacting to criticism in ways that I think show that they are very sensitive to what is being said.  Ed's insistence on over-the-top agreement with remarks about his neck I think show that he is indeed hurt by those remarks and is trying his hardest to build a wall of self-deprecation to protect himself from his true feelings.  I think he really does hate the way he looks, wishes desperately that he had a "normal" neck, and wishes people would stop noticing/mentioning/making fun of his unusual appearance.  The more we see of him, the more desperate imo he seems to try to force himself onto Team Make Fun of Ed, and it's just sad, because the more he seems (pretends) to find the remarks hilarious, the more desperate he appears to me.  I think he's a very, very unhappy man treading water like crazy to be on the side of the "normies" (tm Shameless).

David I think knows that he has been a fool, and looks like a fool.  Anyone appearing on this show has to expect criticism, and I think David is pretty much OK with comments about his wig and pleather duster, but the thing that matters most to him, that he knows how to take care of his money, is the criticism he just can't tolerate--which says to us students of The Dr. Lola Institute that this is the area of his life that he is most insecure about.  He probably should write a letter to some relative.

Someone who brags about how much money he has is worried about how much money he has.  Through odd coincidence, my shit-kicking family knew Jay Rockefeller pretty well, and my father one day asked him how much money he had.  Rockefeller sort of giggled and said "I don't know."  He didn't say "Enough to buy 14 1/2 RVs."  I'm not saying that David doesn't have plenty of money; I just think he is more concerned about how he is spending it than he wants to let on, and being pressed about it triggers deep feelings, maybe anger with himself for spending so foolishly.  I wonder if there is some episode in his past that would enlighten us about his sensitivity because his reaction is so out of proportion.  Or maybe he has no sense of humor about himself at all--which is a psychological problem of an entirely different sort.  Paging Dr. Paradise.

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David really should not be on a show where he has to deal with comments. He comes across as a grumpy asshole. If he can afford so many RV’s what is up with the old mismatched furniture. 

Ed put some damn clothes on, nobody wants to see you in various stages of being undressed. 

Avery put away the pot and the klondike bar. I have been eating too much ice cream, no weed involved. You will regret it later. 

Tom please stop trying to get more attention. That robe bit was scary.

  • LOL 1
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3 hours ago, Mothra said:

Both Ed and David are reacting to criticism in ways that I think show that they are very sensitive to what is being said.  Ed's insistence on over-the-top agreement with remarks about his neck I think show that he is indeed hurt by those remarks and is trying his hardest to build a wall of self-deprecation to protect himself from his true feelings.  I think he really does hate the way he looks, wishes desperately that he had a "normal" neck, and wishes people would stop noticing/mentioning/making fun of his unusual appearance.  The more we see of him, the more desperate imo he seems to try to force himself onto Team Make Fun of Ed, and it's just sad, because the more he seems (pretends) to find the remarks hilarious, the more desperate he appears to me.  I think he's a very, very unhappy man treading water like crazy to be on the side of the "normies" (tm Shameless).

David I think knows that he has been a fool, and looks like a fool.  Anyone appearing on this show has to expect criticism, and I think David is pretty much OK with comments about his wig and pleather duster, but the thing that matters most to him, that he knows how to take care of his money, is the criticism he just can't tolerate--which says to us students of The Dr. Lola Institute that this is the area of his life that he is most insecure about.  He probably should write a letter to some relative.

Someone who brags about how much money he has is worried about how much money he has.  Through odd coincidence, my shit-kicking family knew Jay Rockefeller pretty well, and my father one day asked him how much money he had.  Rockefeller sort of giggled and said "I don't know."  He didn't say "Enough to buy 14 1/2 RVs."  I'm not saying that David doesn't have plenty of money; I just think he is more concerned about how he is spending it than he wants to let on, and being pressed about it triggers deep feelings, maybe anger with himself for spending so foolishly.  I wonder if there is some episode in his past that would enlighten us about his sensitivity because his reaction is so out of proportion.  Or maybe he has no sense of humor about himself at all--which is a psychological problem of an entirely different sort.  Paging Dr. Paradise.

To quote Buffy from Real Housewives of Atlanta  "Wealth whispers,  money jingle jangles and screams."

  • Love 6
On 7/14/2020 at 5:58 PM, linthia said:

I paused on a flashback scene when David was showing his evidence of texts with Lana over the website he claims was his only means of communicating with her. In one of the messages he reminds her to send him an email with some details of something or another. Are we being punked? They can email each other, but he is supposedly spending thousands on website chat?

He actually showed an email at one point. They didn't do a good job of blurring it out.

  • Useful 1

That David sure has some sense of humour, doesn't he? He is still living in a land of delusion. He says that Lana is not in contact with him - translation: not responding to him relentlessly stalking her. His reactions to the tweets are so defensive and childish, and he is proud as a peacock that he proved everyone wrong by the fact that a real person did finally show up to meet him. Even Yolanda has been able to make light of her stupidity. 

Rose is not nearly as funny as she thinks she is. And I was quite distracted by her blue-green tongue - maybe sucking on breath mints? Enough of her, and Ed for that matter. No more shower scenes and no more hair removal with a paint roller please, for the love of humanity. And free Teddy!

I think Avery must have had a case of the munchies, but that ice cream bar did look yummy. I like her better high on weed than on rose. I am glad that Ash has a sense of humour at least., and that he got his thyroid issue sorted.

I wish that Erica would realize that she is very pretty without the botox, fillers, makeup and hair. To me they don't add anything but again I think there is something deeper that makes a person want to stand out like that. 

The fact that Darcey doesn't think that there is anything wrong with her appearance or behaviour tells me there is no hope for her. I hope that her daughters have at least on parent who is not as shallow as a puddle. And Tom, please GTFO of our screens. The only time that you are entertaining is when you are not trying to be.

  • Love 11
On 6/25/2020 at 8:32 PM, mamadrama said:

And really, I'd venture to say that most of the relationships on this show are transactional:

- BGL gets a young, good-looking "rapper" while he gets a woman with money and possibly a green card

- Russ gets a hot Latina and Paola gets to come to the US.

-Jorge gets a hot trophy wife while Anfisa gets a "millionaire" and green card

- Matt gets a beautiful wife and homemaker while Alla gets a nice home and a better life for her son.

Etc. Etc.

And it's not necessarily a bad thing for it to be transactional. The idea of marrying for love is a relatively new one and not something all cultures practice. Historically, marriages have almost always been transactional. Doesn't mean they can't work or that they don't turn into love eventually. I personally know Matt and Alla and they're both genuinely lovely people who, IMO, adore each other. Now, anyway. Being allowed to marry whomever you want, regardless of social status or wealth or name, is a luxury in many places. 

Ed got himself some young, cute ass that he could dress like a doll and pose in the clothes he bought her. Rose gets a middle class American and a green card. Neither one is really conning the other if they're both getting something out of it. My problem is only in that the women are often unfairly targeted as the con artist, and slut shamed, when the men have just as much to do with the situation. 

I didn't know there were any Lerner's left, either! Huh. Ed was wrong about something, though. He said there's no other way she could've gotten a dress from a store in Mission Valley, but that's not true. Only a TINY percentage of Salvation Army and Goodwill clothing donations make it to the floor. The majority of them are packed off and sold in bulk to companies in Africa...and the Phillipines. It's become such a problem that there's a pretty good documentary out there about how the donations are killing some of the village economies. My husband shows it to his students every semester.

I think the dress probably came from Ed, but lots of our castoffs do make it abroad.

Lerner's changed it name to New York and Company.  I used to work at a Lerner's back in the 70's.  I noticed someone said their sizes were larger.  They did have a preteen section at the one I worked at and the sizes started at 1,3,5,7,9,etc.

On 6/25/2020 at 8:32 PM, mamadrama said:

And really, I'd venture to say that most of the relationships on this show are transactional:

- BGL gets a young, good-looking "rapper" while he gets a woman with money and possibly a green card

- Russ gets a hot Latina and Paola gets to come to the US.

-Jorge gets a hot trophy wife while Anfisa gets a "millionaire" and green card

- Matt gets a beautiful wife and homemaker while Alla gets a nice home and a better life for her son.

Etc. Etc.

And it's not necessarily a bad thing for it to be transactional. The idea of marrying for love is a relatively new one and not something all cultures practice. Historically, marriages have almost always been transactional. Doesn't mean they can't work or that they don't turn into love eventually. I personally know Matt and Alla and they're both genuinely lovely people who, IMO, adore each other. Now, anyway. Being allowed to marry whomever you want, regardless of social status or wealth or name, is a luxury in many places. 

Ed got himself some young, cute ass that he could dress like a doll and pose in the clothes he bought her. Rose gets a middle class American and a green card. Neither one is really conning the other if they're both getting something out of it. My problem is only in that the women are often unfairly targeted as the con artist, and slut shamed, when the men have just as much to do with the situation. 

I didn't know there were any Lerner's left, either! Huh. Ed was wrong about something, though. He said there's no other way she could've gotten a dress from a store in Mission Valley, but that's not true. Only a TINY percentage of Salvation Army and Goodwill clothing donations make it to the floor. The majority of them are packed off and sold in bulk to companies in Africa...and the Phillipines. It's become such a problem that there's a pretty good documentary out there about how the donations are killing some of the village economies. My husband shows it to his students every semester.

I think the dress probably came from Ed, but lots of our castoffs do make it abroad.

Lerners changed name to New York and Company.  I used to work at one and we had a preteen section that started at 1,3,5,etc.

Edited by justdoit10
  • Useful 1
On 6/30/2020 at 1:55 AM, Luckylondon said:

Darcey looks fantastic! Tom... you’ve put on weight 👀👀😒 #karma 

Her plastic surgery is awful with the duck lips, boobs way too big for her height and the ridiculous hair extensions.  She dresses like trash.  I can't stand her.  When is she not crying?  No wonder she goes overseas for boyfriends, she went through the USA.

Edited by justdoit10
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, justdoit10 said:

Her plastic surgery is awful with the duck lips, boobs way too big for her height and the ridiculous hair extensions.  She dresses like trash.  I can't stand her.  When is she not crying?  No wonder she goes overseas for boyfriends, she went through the USA.

For those who believe that "more is better," just look at Darcey and realize that more is not ALWAYS better.  More lips?  More boobs?  More hair?  Nope.  She was so pretty in her "before" pictures.



  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

For those who believe that "more is better," just look at Darcey and realize that more is not ALWAYS better.  More lips?  More boobs?  More hair?  Nope.  She was so pretty in her "before" pictures.



Totally agree her" before surgery" was so much more attractive.  She needs to works on her mental health.  She shows herself to be very insecure and an emotional mess.  

Edited by justdoit10
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, justdoit10 said:

Her plastic surgery is awful with the duck lips, boobs way too big for her height and the ridiculous hair extensions.  She dresses like trash.  I can't stand her.  When is she not crying?  No wonder she goes overseas for boyfriends, she went through the USA.

To clarify, I felt Darcy looked cartoonish and overdone the whole season with lips, Botox, fillers, her boobs on display and the thigh high boots and sky high heels. It was all waaaaay too much and looked desperate. At the quarantine style zoom reunion, she appeared to have skimmed down quite a bit and did not look so incredibly bizarre, so in relative terms, of all the times I have seen Darcy, that was the best she ever looked. In contrast, Tom looked awful compared to when we last saw him on the show and appeared to have put on weight and his man bun looked greasy and his overall appearance was sloppy. I don’t normally comment on anyone’s weight, however Tom opened that door with his insult to Darcy when they met for coffee; so I was pleased for her to see her look (relatively) refreshed (I mean it IS still Darcy!) and more natural and for Tom to get his just desserts with his weight gain on display after he was cruel and smug to her only months before that. I originally couldn’t stand Darcy and mostly still can’t until that coffee meeting with Tom kinda broke my heart for her with how cruel he was to her. So now I can’t help but root for her to find her inner strength to love and care for herself first and then ultimately find an appropriate man. 

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

To clarify, I felt Darcy looked cartoonish and overdone the whole season with lips, Botox, fillers, her boobs on display and the thigh high boots and sky high heels. It was all waaaaay too much and looked desperate. At the quarantine style zoom reunion, she appeared to have skimmed down quite a bit and did not look so incredibly bizarre, so in relative terms, of all the times I have seen Darcy, that was the best she ever looked. In contrast, Tom looked awful compared to when we last saw him on the show and appeared to have put on weight and his man bun looked greasy and his overall appearance was sloppy. I don’t normally comment on anyone’s weight, however Tom opened that door with his insult to Darcy when they met for coffee; so I was pleased for her to see her look (relatively) refreshed (I mean it IS still Darcy!) and more natural and for Tom to get his just desserts with his weight gain on display after he was cruel and smug to her only months before that. I originally couldn’t stand Darcy and mostly still can’t until that coffee meeting with Tom kinda broke my heart for her with how cruel he was to her. So now I can’t help but root for her to find her inner strength to love and care for herself first and then ultimately find an appropriate man. 

Understand.  Tom I just dismiss.  I see no redeemable qualities in him.  Tom was a downright  jerk to her.  What bothers me about Darcey is that she thinks she has to have it all hanging out there to attract someone.  I mean that wedding dress she tried on was an absolute trashy hot mess.  You don't see her, you see boobs.  If she tucked some of it away she may meet a better quality person than the 2 she has dealt with. She needs to halt on the plastic surgery.  Maybe she does, but I don't think it would be a bad idea if she had therapy.  She takes rejection very poorly and cries at the drop of a hat.  She builds up this fantastic relationship in her head and when it doesn't come to fruition she just melts.  She is almost so desperate  she becomes clingy and chases it away.  I understand her and her sister and kids are getting a show so who knows what that will be about.

  • Love 1
On 7/19/2020 at 11:34 AM, justdoit10 said:

Lerners changed name to New York and Company.  I used to work at one and we had a preteen section that started at 1,3,5,etc.

I remember that! I was able to wear their pre-teen sizes up past the age of 18. They were good on the ego, lol.

I promised myself I wasn't going to be watching this train wreck any more, but all y'alls comments on the live thread made me curious. Drat. So I was subjected to more of defensive David. The more I see of him, the scarier he seems.

He was angry when there were comments about him stalking Lana and following her around. His retort was "She never complained." She probably never knew.

Besides which, I'll never forget him grimly saying after she evaded him yet another time, "She'll see me whether she wants to or not."

There is a lot of chatter about Paul and others being scary, but to me, David seems to be the dangerous one.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, renatae said:

I remember that! I was able to wear their pre-teen sizes up past the age of 18. They were good on the ego, lol.

I promised myself I wasn't going to be watching this train wreck any more, but all y'alls comments on the live thread made me curious. Drat. So I was subjected to more of defensive David. The more I see of him, the scarier he seems.

He was angry when there were comments about him stalking Lana and following her around. His retort was "She never complained." She probably never knew.

Besides which, I'll never forget him grimly saying after she evaded him yet another time, "She'll see me whether she wants to or not."

There is a lot of chatter about Paul and others being scary, but to me, David seems to be the dangerous one.

Haha.  Same here.  It was one of the few pre teen shops at the time.  I didn't watch this last week but David is demented .Is she even responding to him?  What kills me about guys like David is he has fallen for Lana purely on her physical appearance, like Ceasar  It is like their trophies.  His love is very superficial and obsessive.  He wouldn't be interested if she weighed 50 lbs more.  He knows nothing about her, has spent no time with her, let alone have any physical intimacy with her.  She wouldn't even touch him.  How does his mind work that he thinks these women find him hot.  He needs a reality check


  • Love 3

lana was physically repulsed by David, and only was nice to him at the airport because the cameras were rolling and he was about to get on a plane.  I wouldn't be surprised if she is married. im sure when she realized the ring was a CZ, she hated him even more.

I don't understand why he doesn't move onto a more available ( older) Ukrainian, who would be happy to get the hell out of there and live in his RV with his cats.



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