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"The View": Week of 6/15/2020

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2 minutes ago, Axie said:

Meghan, for a few years you said you weren’t sure you wanted children, but, today it’s, “when you’ve waited as long as I have to have a baby.”  Which is it?  Plus, because it can’t be said enough, Free the Cribs!

Can someone please queue up the video of her saying she wasn't sure she wanted kids. I know she said it on the View and she started in October/November 2017 so that is less than three years ago. 

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I’m glad Joy gave it back to her finally. It gets on my nerves how McCain will make comments to other people, but when they respond back then it’s suddenly an issue and they have to go to commercial. If she wants to denigrate somebody, they should be able to respond to her bullshit. And when they came back and had another segment, it seemed like it took less than five seconds for them to dismantle her point and she wouldn’t even argue Sunny’s point directly, she diverted back to the “MY BABY!!! MY CRIB!!!” nonsense.

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If she wants to go out...Like Joy says, "Use common sense"  I'm almost 79 years old, and I follow all the guidelines when I go out, even if I were pregnant, that is what I would do.  She is playing the


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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

Maybe I'm too much of a cynic but I think Meghan's pain is Barbara Ferida might no longer be there to be an ally for her.

Same here.  I could see her being that upset because of what Fedida said if she had just found out before the show, but for her to be that upset yesterday morning, when she'd known for at least a day, if not two (since the article came out Saturday), rang phony to me.

Meghan of course also had to make it about her, too, by saying, "if you're attacking one of us, you're attacking all of us".      

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2 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Meghan of course also had to make it about her, too, by saying, "if you're attacking one of us, you're attacking all of us".      

When we are attacking Meghan for things only she has said or done, we're just attacking Meghan.

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8 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

We need more of this softer Meghan. 

That's not happening today.

Gosh, she made my head hurt. And she still can't go buy a crib in person.

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1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:

How can she even THINK of giving birth if she can't go out and buy a crib in person? 

At this stage, it's more important to buy a car seat to take the little one home.  Most hospitals won't let you leave w/o one.  Or maybe she's planning an at home birth?  Hahahaha

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Oh boy herewego hehe 🤪  now you know I love me some Joy, but she has a bad habit (and could be because of tech) but when she cues it back to someone and then jumps in again to add on.  They need their dam ping pong paddle signs!  Whomever gets theirs up first taaaaalks *bam*. thats right.  🎤

18 minutes ago, pachebo said:

For Greta- allow me to paraphrase Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" .... "yes and how many totes can one woman have?"

hah!  Good one 🙃!

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At the beginning, Whoopie compared "A change is coming" to "winter is coming" from Game of Thrones.  I wonder if Whoopie actually watched GoT.  Maybe I interpreted it incorrectly, but I thought "winter is coming" signified something ominous, not something that you look forward to and want to happen.

Meghan was so incensed this morning about NY's governor she mistakenly called him "Chris".

Meghan - "I'm removing politics from this.  We have to be consistent" and then proceeds to be political.

Meghan's 'I don't like Trump' but "YOU'RE MAKING ME DEFEND HIM".  No, dear, you're choosing to defend him.

And here she goes giving advice that she almost never follows - "So let's be careful with our rhetoric right now.  This is already a heightened time and already dangerous".  She trots out this line every once in a while.

To Meghan's inability to buy a crib in person - so what!  This is a little girl who is used to getting what she wants when she wants it.

Meghan - "This is an American problem.  This is a problem that is bipartisan.  It is not just a Trump administration problem.  This is a problem that is globally and is really happening in this country".

It seems like Meghan is not so much concerned about the people who are out and about than she is resentful that they aren't staying at home.  More like, "No fair", and with a nasty attitude of 'If I have to do it, so do you!"  


Edited by lusinia
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42 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

At this stage, it's more important to buy a car seat to take the little one home.  Most hospitals won't let you leave w/o one.  Or maybe she's planning an at home birth?  Hahahaha

complete with video of the magical event


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10 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

One thing Meghan is very good at is being part of a team, and defending her "teammates." It's what makes her so annoying when she can't say anything even vaguely critical about Republicans. But it also means she gets extremely upset when Sunny is attacked. Girlfriend has loyalties, I'll give her that.

Unless your name is Ana.

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Meghun's whole rant was hilarious. Her pretending to care about 'hypocrisy' in who can gather in crowds but really she's upset about not going to a high end baby place in person to buy a crib, pretending like she hasn't been out of New York. She must not watch the Cuomo dailies because I'm pretty sure he has been saying to wear masks. But she did say Chris Cuomo, so she's watching the wrong Cuomo. Meghun said she's not going to the BLM protest because of covid. Yeah, right. She wouldn't go no matter what.

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I just can’t get over the look on Missy’s face on camera.  She looks like her head is going to explode.  She could easily go on leave now for the sake of her baby.  (And go get that damn crib!) Her anger and vitriol can’t make for a good environment in her system.  I have said before I feel sad for the baby having to look at that face for a lifetime.

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As time goes on I just keep finding what MM says odd.  I can't think of another word at the moment.  Saying things like "You make me defend him" (referring to Trump).  As someone upthread said, "NO, you are choosing to defend him."  It's not her job to defend him, she doesn't work for him (hmm, or does she?  My own conspiracy theory!) 

She talks about going out to physically buy a crib - please!  My niece was pregnant before the virus started, lost her job (don't blame employers;, they wanted to do something different that she was not qualified for), has a toddler and a pre-teen.  She and her husband have been trying to get things ready and somehow managed to get what they needed. 

Then she said this - "No end in place" ??????   Does she not know any idioms in English?  This is not the first time she has gotten an idiom wrong.  I am a second language learner and I know what it should be ( no end in SIGHT).

When Whoopie was kind of teasing Joy about signing waiver for Trump's rally and they all laughed except....who else but MM.  She looked really angry.

I thought the interview with P. Floyd was good.  It must be hard to lose your brother like that and yet still try to see how it affected others to the point of trying to make changes to policies, procedures, and structure of the police system.  Sharing his memories of George to try to show him as a real person not just a symbol.  It made me sad for him and also respect for going on these interviews.

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1 hour ago, lusinia said:

It seems like Meghan is not so much concerned about the people who are out and about than she is resentful that they aren't staying at home.  More like, "No fair", and with a nasty attitude of 'If I have to do it, so do you!"  


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2 hours ago, lusinia said:

To Meghan's inability to buy a crib in person - so what!

Has she be able to buy anything in person?

Why is she so adamant about a crib? Is online ok for a dresser, but not a crib?


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3 hours ago, ABitOFluff said:

I was born in 1968. My mom laid me on the dashboard of our Buick while she lit up a Lucky Strike. 😄

And sadly there were no beverage holders in cars back then to hold a beer or wine glass.

Edited by deirdra
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OMG! What the hell is Meh-gun screeching about now? Trash-talking Cuomo and whining about her fucking crib. Can one of the producers please mute her and her stupidity.

I also have to ask - when did she start wearing a cross? it's very prominent now; is this a new thing?

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13 minutes ago, UpTooLate said:

Can someone PLEASE do a GoFundMe for a crib for Meghan and spare us the draaaammmmaaaa?

It's not about the money for Meghan.

Never has been and never will be.

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1 hour ago, pinguina said:

Then she said this - "No end in place" ??????   Does she not know any idioms in English?  This is not the first time she has gotten an idiom wrong.  I am a second language learner and I know what it should be ( no end in SIGHT).

I don't recall exactly what she said right before this, but I remember wondering if she meant "no plan in place".  With her, either could be right, or she might've been trying to say something entirely different.  If she would just calm down, and slow down, she might be able to speak a bit more coherently.

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33 minutes ago, lusinia said:

I don't recall exactly what she said right before this, but I remember wondering if she meant "no plan in place".  With her, either could be right, or she might've been trying to say something entirely different.  If she would just calm down, and slow down, she might be able to speak a bit more coherently.

she misspoke because she couldn't remember the phrase hubby had written on her cards and didn't want to look down to check

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Loved that Joy wasn’t having the what aboutism of MM.  and joys right..there are some differences..especially that one is indoors and crammed with people and one outside where you could do some social distancing.  Also, in my city, almost all of the protestors and marchers were wearing masks. So far we haven’t seen any spike. And a recent poll showed that progressives are more likely to wear a mask (73%) an conservatives (59%) and people of color more likely than white people.  So I’d guess that those in the marches were in the more likely groups and the less likely are those going to a trump rally.  So yes, MM, there are some differences.  She just can’t get off that Baby crib thing, can she?  I think she also noted that ‘you know I don’t like trump...’ yet I actually don’t know that at this point.  She certainly can’t bring herself to say she won’t vote for him.  I think someone upthread hit the nail in the head when they said she basically stays on the fence as she doesn’t want to upset her own base. 

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5 hours ago, pinguina said:

When Whoopie was kind of teasing Joy about signing waiver for Trump's rally and they all laughed except....who else but MM.  She looked really angry.

I noticed that, too. It made the moment even funnier. That's why I wasn't really surprised when she tried to start something.

2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

Loved that Joy wasn’t having the what aboutism of MM.  

Same, and she used that exact word, too, which is what I'd liked. They all need to call it what it is.

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2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

 I think she also noted that ‘you know I don’t like trump...’ yet I actually don’t know that at this point.  She certainly can’t bring herself to say she won’t vote for him.  I think someone upthread hit the nail in the head when they said she basically stays on the fence as she doesn’t want to upset her own base. 

Imagine how difficult this election is going to be for Meghan.   She doesn't like trump (or so she says) she professes that she likes Biden, yet she's a conservative republican who is going to piss off a lot of people if she doesn't vote for and endorse the republican candidate. 

I do know this, though - no matter which way t goes, it will be an "I told you so"  moment for Meghan.  Because she's always right. 😉

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5 hours ago, lusinia said:

I don't recall exactly what she said right before this, but I remember wondering if she meant "no plan in place".  With her, either could be right, or she might've been trying to say something entirely different.  If she would just calm down, and slow down, she might be able to speak a bit more coherently.

She also said, "I never write Trump out," when I think she meant, "I never write Trump off," when Whoopi asked her about the effect of today's Supreme Court decision on Trump's election chances.

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Megan was a piece of work today, I was just flabbergasted and annoyed by her attitude and her pity party.  I was happy that Joy was not having it with her false equivalency. Even after Sunny explained to her why her comparisons were not valid, she still doubled down.  

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12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Imagine how difficult this election is going to be for Meghan.   She doesn't like trump (or so she says) she professes that she likes Biden, yet she's a conservative republican who is going to piss off a lot of people if she doesn't vote for and endorse the republican candidate. 

If Biden wasn't the candidate she would be denigrating whoever the Democratic candidate was.  If Trump wasn't the candidate she would be singing the praises of whoever the Republican candidate was.  She publicly said on the View she would either vote or campaign for Uncle Joe. This might have been before he even declared his candidacy but I remember her saying it.  But now that he is actually the nominee she has gotten a lot quieter. Whether it's to keep peace in her house or she doesn't want shunned by her tribe I don't know.


12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I do know this, though - no matter which way t goes, it will be an "I told you so"  moment for Meghan.  Because she's always right.

No matter the outcome she will be insufferable on the day after election day.  She will act like she knew things would turn out this way and only she saw this coming.


8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Megan was a piece of work today, I was just flabbergasted and annoyed by her attitude and her pity party.  I was happy that Joy was not having it with her false equivalency. Even after Sunny explained to her why her comparisons were not valid, she still doubled down.  

It's all part of her victim identity.  Republicans/Conservatives are being warned to not go to rallies because it might not be safe.  If Meghan had been paying attention she would have heard that people were also warned about going to protests because it might not be safe.  I seem to remember her not being too upset when Conservatives were rallying for the right to get a haircut.  She said she could understand their frustration. But I guess people's frustration with systemic racism and police brutality doesn't meet Meghan's standard of a high enough level of frustration to warrant protests.

And her incessant whining about the fucking crib is so tiresome.  Why doesn't she talk about something positive?  Without knowing her due date I'm guessing she is at the end of her second trimester or beginning of her third trimester.  There is so much to look forward to and all she wants to do is bitch about a crib.

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Now she's yelling about how HER show opened teasing that HER party isn't doing enough.  Who yells at the announcer lady?  

Megs is NUTS. 

Edited by JayD83
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About Meg’s pearl clutching re calling Scott the only black gop senator, out of curiosity I googled. The last black gop senator was Brooks, 50 years ago. Before that there were 2 more than 100 years ago. Not exactly an admirable record. Granted the Dems can do a lot better too, but their terms have been more frequent.

Shut up, Meghan. “Your show?”

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I don't like Meghan's question. A lot of the rioting was done by white people and the vast majority of protests were peaceful. If she stayed in New York, she'd know that. She'd also know that most of the violence was from the police towards protesters and not the other way around.

If she has so much problem with us blaming Republicans for not doing enough and how we should be fair with how we look at things, then she needs to do the same with this issue. Because if she keeps focusing on the violence/rioting then she's basically telling the world that black lives don't matter.

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Meghan - "Let's not crap all over Republicans".  "I would really like to see us all put our differences aside".  "Please stop making this so partisan".

Boy, Meghan was super-sensitive today.

Oh, hell.  That's all this country needs.  To be just like The View.

Prompter gremlin strikes again.  Meghan then has to "just ask you from my own thoughts".  Only she could make this sound like an anomaly, and not something other interviewers do on tv every day.

So, $200 off a $1,095  countertop oven.  I'm sure there'll be a run on these.

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17 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Prompter gremlin strikes again.  Meghan then has to "just ask you from my own thoughts".  Only she could make this sound like an anomaly, and not something other interviewers do on tv every day.

It is an anomaly; normally she reads the Republican Party Line or Ben's own thoughts off blue cards. 

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10 hours ago, lusinia said:

Oh, hell.  That's all this country needs.  To be just like The View.

What could possibly go wrong?

Edited by OnTime
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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

About Meg’s pearl clutching re calling Scott the only black gop senator, out of curiosity I googled. The last black gop senator was Brooks, 50 years ago. Before that there were 2 more than 100 years ago. Not exactly an admirable record. Granted the Dems can do a lot better too, but their terms have been more frequent.

Shut up, Meghan. “Your show?”

She should remember Senator Brooks who had an affair with Barbara. 

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