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MAFS Couples Cam

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Whether or not events are "scripted," the show chose to show us Beth and Jamie acting irresponsibly regarding COVID.  That's the story they're showing and that's the story I'm judging.  The producers, as well as Beth and Jamie, showed us why there continue to be COVID spikes in that many people are acting irresponsibly and continue the COVID cycles.   I certainly hope the producers tested Jamie and Beth before allowing them to interact with Greg and Deonna.  Perhaps the parents' infection came after that as I am a bit confused by the timeline. 

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2 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

You could absolutely be correct, but the previews for next week where they are home and she is now sick do not give me hope that they acted responsibly.......

We have visibly seen them over and over on screen not wearing anything protective in public. There is nothing to fabricate. Even if every other time they are off screen, they are taking all the precautions. It doesn't matter. 

  • Love 9
31 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Whether or not events are "scripted," the show chose to show us Beth and Jamie acting irresponsibly regarding COVID.  That's the story they're showing and that's the story I'm judging.  The producers, as well as Beth and Jamie, showed us why there continue to be COVID spikes in that many people are acting irresponsibly and continue the COVID cycles.   I certainly hope the producers tested Jamie and Beth before allowing them to interact with Greg and Deonna. 

Shawniece/Jepth, Keith/Kristine, Jessica/Austin, Greg/Deonna and AJ/Stephanie are added to the list of the irresponsible with no masks and no social distance.

The stories that they are showing are not following CDC guidelines.  What happened to the premise of show to have the couples in quarantine, not non essential cross country travel?


  • Love 6
2 hours ago, spunky said:

In the past he tried to blame growing up in a Haitian/Caribbean household for him being an ass to Shawnice. I do agree that they're together only because of Laura, which is truly sad. He has no regards for Shawnice's feelings whatsoever. I won't be surprised if they split up in the near future.


Another problem with Shawnice and Jephte is Shawnice is too damn emotional and Jephte isn't and that drives Shawnice crazy because she thinks he doesn't care and that drives him crazy because he thinks she's a drama queen.  They don't know how the other one communicates. 

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49 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Another problem with Shawnice and Jephte is Shawnice is too damn emotional and Jephte isn't and that drives Shawnice crazy because she thinks he doesn't care and that drives him crazy because he thinks she's a drama queen.  They don't know how the other one communicates. 

I have to take Jephte's side on that one. He strikes me as a real asshole husband but damn, the amount of crying Shawniece does makes me uncomfortable. Baby girl just leave him. They aren't fooling anyone especially Laura.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Another problem with Shawnice and Jephte is Shawnice is too damn emotional and Jephte isn't and that drives Shawnice crazy because she thinks he doesn't care and that drives him crazy because he thinks she's a drama queen.  They don't know how the other one communicates. 

You just summed them up perfectly.  They don't know how to communicate with each other.  Shawnice is such a sensitive soul who wears her emotions on her sleeves. Jephte does come across as insensitive during their arguments. I agree with Shawnice's mother, they need couples counseling so that they can learn how to communicate better.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

This! I seriously could not believe my eyes that she thought the next step after getting exposed was to get on a plane! What!??!! They should have stayed with her parents and quarantined! Unbelievably stupid! I cannot fathom why the show decided to even air this knowing they violated rules about traveling during this pandemic.

I can only imagine the ire she will receive on social media for their reckless behavior. It is well deserved in this instance!

At the very least, I wish the show would put disclaimers saying they don't condone the reckless behavior being exhibited on the show. It's really disconcerting to watch all of this happening, but I guess more than anything it's a realistic example of how careless the average American is being right now. Mostly it makes me feel like a chump for being so cautious and following the guidelines. I'd sure like to visit my friends and hug my mom. 😔

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, spunky said:

In the past he tried to blame growing up in a Haitian/Caribbean household for him being an ass to Shawnice. I do agree that they're together only because of Laura, which is truly sad. He has no regards for Shawnice's feelings whatsoever. I won't be surprised if they split up in the near future.


Shawniece is a victim of her own choices.

  • Love 3

Shawniece and Jephte, at the very least, give me something real on this show. At this point, if I was someone new to this world, I would think we were in a super fun time. At least, they show that quarantine properly while married or with family can be really tough. We got good sprinkles of it early on but not so much now. Also, no I don't want doom and gloom all the time on the show. Just a little balance. 

It's pretty good distraction tv but often I just feel empty watching segments. 

  • Love 2

This episode infuriated me.

I had been a fan of Beth/Jamie, but this goes beyond the pale. A spoiled brat, a stupid trip, NO precautions and I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone who tested positive when I know for a fact (actual friends and family who live in the 'Carolinas') that  masks and social distancing are avoided, ignored, discarded, and ridiculed! For B/J to travel home (if that is what actually occurs) without benefit of any testing is stupid heaped upon stupid. I will withhold a nano byte of judgement until next week.

JOtis - WOW, that must be THE fastest EVER recovery from PPD!!! Never had it myself, but those I know who did have it DID NOT just snap out of it! I guess they must have thought they needed a JOtis resume sex!!!!! episode for all their fans. Please. No. Really, NO!  And, really, WHAT fans? Sorry Doug - you're the only mostly real one in those segments.

I was happy to see the JAustin and KKristine segment at least paid some attention to the fact that there is a damn PANDEMIC in this country!

Also liked JAustin stepping back from a real estate purchase that looked a lot like impulse from the start. Good on them. I am sure they will find the perfect starter home in the not too distant future. And Rex will be much happier, too.

SAFSteph/AJ are still my faves (along with JAustin), but I was stunned to see them fall in to the same trap as people in my own neighborhood - namely that just because someone is family/close neighbors with whom they've had interactions in the past, they MUST be safe and precautions be damned!. NO NO NO NO!!! I don't relax precautions with ANYONE who doesn't live in the same dwelling as me. Seriously. Really. OK, I'm old and just don't want someone else's stupidity to be the end of me.

No problem with  AAshley - but they didn't have to go anywhere to advance their storyline...which I'm kinda liking right now - it's just so 'normal', as it were.

The part that makes me so angry is:

I had come to like Jepthe again after the screwing around during Shawniece's pregnancy phase, but he has gone back on my sh*t list. During their season, I would watch Shawniece curled up in a ball crying every time Jepthe threw the 'stranger' word at her and wanted to scream at him  that whenever he said 'stranger' all she heard was ' I'm rejecting you', so there MUST be a better way he could phrase his intention. He IS a smart guy. BUT he is also apparently caught up in the culture of his personal upbringing of no marriages, no father figure in the home, and doesn't seem to be able to see beyond it. His behavior this season of CouplesCam has shown no growth...he is stuck in the misogynistic dynamic that (-implied-) women have to give up everything and men get to  screw around whenever and wherever life at home with wife and child/ren gets a bit intense or demanding, or just because he can't handle what life really is for new parents. And, of course, he always presents a calm and reasonable facade to anyone outside of their family unit - cameras included. I want to call him a pig, (all caps. of course) but will hold back a bit longer.

Shawniece needs to build some self esteem and I don't know who beat it out of her. But she has got some really good ideas of how to expand her business and impact in the esthetic industry (which Jepthe would see as a plus if he weren't SUCH an A**HAT) and should have the opportunity (AND support of her partner) to explore them. Sadly, at this point, Jepthe is perfectly fine with whatever Shawniece wants to do AS LONG AS she takes care of Laura, the house, and Jepthe's needs (whatever he decides what they are).

I abhor the idea that he thinks taking their daughter away is the solution. Shawneice does not want Laura gone....she wants Jepthe to actually BE there...with BOTH of them.

At this point, I am saying Run Shawniece, Run. And I hate that I think this.

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, spunky said:

You just summed them up perfectly.  They don't know how to communicate with each other.  Shawnice is such a sensitive soul who wears her emotions on her sleeves. Jephte does come across as insensitive during their arguments. I agree with Shawnice's mother, they need couples counseling so that they can learn how to communicate better.

I don't see Jephte as being insensitive and I don't see Shawnice as sensitive.  Shawnice to me comes across over the damn top.  If I had to deal with someone like her every day of my life, I'd be out the door.  She needs to learn how to express herself without screaming and crying.  Shawnice acts like a toddler and Jephte acts like a parent who just walks away as their child has a meltdown.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

SAFSteph/AJ are still my faves (along with JAustin), but I was stunned to see them fall in to the same trap as people in my own neighborhood - namely that just because someone is family/close neighbors with whom they've had interactions in the past, they MUST be safe and precautions be damned!. NO NO NO NO!!! I don't relax precautions with ANYONE who doesn't live in the same dwelling as me. Seriously. Really. OK, I'm old and just don't want someone else's stupidity to be the end of me.

Yea, this seems so common right now. My social media feeds are full of people taking "totally safe" vacations with extended family and friends, going camping with 10 other families and whatnot, but there are zero precautions being taken. AJ seemed to think that because they are close friends it's fine to just be all up in each others' business without masks. Being someone's best man at your wedding doesn't make you magically immune to the virus if they have it. If all of them got tested and then quarantined for two weeks before the trip, they should have told us that. Otherwise they're just perpetuating this irresponsible behavior that is leading to cluster outbreaks. 

Sorry I get so heated about this. It's a huge frustration for me and we don't get a lot of "real time" entertainment right now, so seeing these people so flagrantly flout the guidelines on a popular show really makes my blood boil.

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

This episode infuriated me.

I had been a fan of Beth/Jamie, but this goes beyond the pale. A spoiled brat, a stupid trip, NO precautions and I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone who tested positive when I know for a fact (actual friends and family who live in the 'Carolinas') that  masks and social distancing are avoided, ignored, discarded, and ridiculed! For B/J to travel home (if that is what actually occurs) without benefit of any testing is stupid heaped upon stupid. I will withhold a nano byte of judgement until next week.

I feel exactly the same way.  I used to be a Beth/Jamie fan but now my opinion of them has taken a very steep nosedive.  I don't  believe Beth's mother that she was being so careful.  Here in the Northeast most people are careful but obviously a lot of people in the Carolinas are not being so careful or the numbers wouldn't have been going up, up, up.  What I don't understand is them sitting at the table with her parents before knowing the test result.  Or did they already know and sat near her anyway?  And then she replayed the message especially so the camera would catch the result?  It's hard to tell what's going on there.  The irresponsibility of going there in the first place and exposing yourself is one thing, but going home without getting tested would be the final straw - I really hope that's not what happened, but the previews don't leave me hopeful.  And why would you hug you mother if you knew she had Covid?  I don't get these people that don't think past their freaking noses!  When my father got Covid I didn't even want to be in the same STATE with him much less hug him - even though there was nothing I wanted to do more.  He died and I never got to see him, or have even a phone conversation with him because he was too weak to talk.  They held the phone to his ear so I could say "I love you".  But even though I knew I'd probably never see him alive again I wouldn't be so stupid as to go there to be near him.  Fortunately the hospital wouldn't have let me anyway.  I have been sick to my stomach watching what's been going on in other areas of the country and this episode only fed into that sickness.  What Jamie and Elizabeth are doing is freaking insane, sorry to be so blunt about it.  I am getting more and more disgusted with Couples' Cam because of this.  At first I liked it but now like everything else it seems, it is coming off the rails.

3 hours ago, sometimesjennifer said:

Sorry I get so heated about this. It's a huge frustration for me and we don't get a lot of "real time" entertainment right now, so seeing these people so flagrantly flout the guidelines on a popular show really makes my blood boil.

Don't be sorry, I feel the same way!

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

I had come to like Jepthe again after the screwing around during Shawniece's pregnancy phase, but he has gone back on my sh*t list. During their season, I would watch Shawniece curled up in a ball crying every time Jepthe threw the 'stranger' word at her and wanted to scream at him  that whenever he said 'stranger' all she heard was ' I'm rejecting you', so there MUST be a better way he could phrase his intention. He IS a smart guy. BUT he is also apparently caught up in the culture of his personal upbringing of no marriages, no father figure in the home, and doesn't seem to be able to see beyond it. His behavior this season of CouplesCam has shown no growth...he is stuck in the misogynistic dynamic that (-implied-) women have to give up everything and men get to  screw around whenever and wherever life at home with wife and child/ren gets a bit intense or demanding, or just because he can't handle what life really is for new parents. And, of course, he always presents a calm and reasonable facade to anyone outside of their family unit - cameras included. I want to call him a pig, (all caps. of course) but will hold back a bit longer.

Shawniece needs to build some self esteem and I don't know who beat it out of her. But she has got some really good ideas of how to expand her business and impact in the esthetic industry (which Jepthe would see as a plus if he weren't SUCH an A**HAT) and should have the opportunity (AND support of her partner) to explore them. Sadly, at this point, Jepthe is perfectly fine with whatever Shawniece wants to do AS LONG AS she takes care of Laura, the house, and Jepthe's needs (whatever he decides what they are).

I abhor the idea that he thinks taking their daughter away is the solution. Shawneice does not want Laura gone....she wants Jepthe to actually BE there...with BOTH of them.

At this point, I am saying Run Shawniece, Run. And I hate that I think this.

I agree with you.  Shawneice is acting insufferable because she is miserable and feels like she's in a trap with someone that is not responding to her feelings and needs.  I am convinced that Jephte is one of those passive-aggressive types that looks all rational and willing to work with you but just says "yes" to everything then doesn't do a damn thing, or does destructive things thinking he's doing the right thing.  And she's run out of patience and ways to approach him - and I don't blame her for that.  I think he's the type that's impossible to work with.  He is a rock - there's no moving him, not even with counseling.  Then he looks to the world like the rational one and she looks like the needy, whiny victim.  It's not fair.  I've witnessed other relationships like this and I refuse to buy into it being all Shawneice's fault or to blame her for the way she's acting.  The real mistake she made was getting pregnant by him and then keeping him around after he cheated on her.  She created that trap for herself.  I feel for her because she doesn't want to be a single mom and feel like a failure next to the other "successful" couples on the show.  I could sit here and say she should have known better but I have sympathy for her, knowing her background and what she wants out of life.  

I agree with you that Jephte's culture has something to do with his attitude towards so-called "women's work".  He seems to have internalized a very outdated version of that.  He reminds me of men from my parents' generation.  My own father, as wonderful as he was never did much housework nor took any major responsibility in taking care of me, which made my working mom very unhappy at times.  She felt she might be forced to quit, but then he didn't make that much money so she couldn't do that.  My father acted very progressive - he accepted my mother working and didn't act threatened by her, but then again he didn't take much responsibility at home. To the world she looked like the problem but in reality it was HIM, not her.  And I never faulted her for the way she acted about this because I saw it for what it was.  But this was 50 years ago, not in 2020 when men are expected to be much different.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I feel exactly the same way.  I used to be a Beth/Jamie fan but now my opinion of them has taken a very steep nosedive.  I don't  believe Beth's mother that she was being so careful.  Here in the Northeast most people are careful but obviously a lot of people in the Carolinas are not being so careful or the numbers wouldn't have been going up, up, up.  What I don't understand is them sitting at the table with her parents before knowing the test result.  Or did they already know and sat near her anyway?  And then she replayed the message especially so the camera would catch the result?  It's hard to tell what's going on there.  The irresponsibility of going there in the first place and exposing yourself is one thing, but going home without getting tested would be the final straw - I really hope that's not what happened, but the previews don't leave me hopeful.  And why would you hug you mother if you knew she had Covid?  I don't get these people that don't think past their freaking noses!  When my father got Covid I didn't even want to be in the same STATE with him much less hug him - even though there was nothing I wanted to do more.  He died and I never got to see him, or have even a phone conversation with him because he was too weak to talk.  They held the phone to his ear so I could say "I love you".  But even though I knew I'd probably never see him alive again I wouldn't be so stupid as to go there to be near him.  Fortunately the hospital wouldn't have let me anyway.  I have been sick to my stomach watching what's been going on in other areas of the country and this episode only fed into that sickness.  What Jamie and Elizabeth are doing is freaking insane, sorry to be so blunt about it.  I am getting more and more disgusted with Couples' Cam because of this.  At first I liked it but now like everything else it seems, it is coming off the rails.

Don't be sorry, I feel the same way!

I'm in the northeast too. Maine to be specific. A short time ago, just a matter of weeks I think, there was a wedding in a small town north of me. The other day on the news it was reported that one of the wedding guests had just died of covid. Whether that person caught it at the wedding or already had it and brought it with them, the result is there is a whole bunch of people who have been exposed and should be doing a voluntary 2 week quarantine - but I betcha few if any are. We have good numbers here, but the population is quite small and particularly spread out in the northern half of the state. Still, go to any Walmart on any given day and you'll absolutely see about 50% of the shoppers with no masks and many of the rest will have their noses exposed. It really is true: you just can't fix stupid.

  • Love 4

Laura brushing her teeth with Jepthe was adorable.   More Laura, less of her parents...lol.   Jepthe’s comments about Shawniece drinking wine during Keith and Kristines’s visit felt controlling.   Unless Shawniece has a drinking problem we haven’t seen that he’s concerned about, it came across very passive aggressive.  

The Beth/Jamie scene with seemed totally unnecessary.   The moment mom felt she needed a Covid test, is the moment you don’t let anyone in your home.   Or at the very least everyone should have on a mask.   When the dad put on his mask after they heard she tested positive.... was another... what? moment for me.  It’s too late now....lol


  • Love 9
14 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I've witnessed other relationships like this and I refuse to buy into it being all Shawneice's fault or to blame her for the way she's acting.  The real mistake she made was getting pregnant by him and then keeping him around after he cheated on her.  She created that trap for herself.  I feel for her because she doesn't want to be a single mom and feel like a failure next to the other "successful" couples on the show.  I could sit here and say she should have known better but I have sympathy for her, knowing her background and what she wants out of life.  

Shawnice has 100% power over her reactions and what she does.  She can either leave Jephte or stay.  If she stays, then she has to deal with it.  If she doesn't want to be a single mom, then she has to deal with Jephte's nonsense.  He is a rock.  He is one of those people who will not change.  There are people like that, screaming and getting emotional doesn't help and it's sad. 

It's not that it's Shawnice's fault, but Jephte was like that at the beginning of their season.  Shawnice turned herself into a pretzel and I didn't think that was right.  But she wanted the frame (being married and having a family) more than the picture (the way Jephte was).  A lot of people do that, they want the picture of the happy family and don't care about who exactly they're married to.  I feel bad that Shawnice didn't leave Jephte in the dust when he cheated on her while she was pregnant.  I personally have never felt that Jephte was all that attracted to Shawnice in the first place. 

I also am in the Northeast and Beth and Jamie really, really piss me off.  When COVID first broke out, folks felt that it was only in Northeastern cities, some thought they were immune and said, "this virus is nothing."  Then BOOM, July hit.  Cases in places like NYC started going down while they went up in places where they thought the virus was nothing.  That's what bugs me about Jamie and Beth and many of the other couples on this series.  It's called "Couples Cam" BECAUSE they're supposed to be in quarantine.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I don't see Jephte as being insensitive and I don't see Shawnice as sensitive.  Shawnice to me comes across over the damn top.  If I had to deal with someone like her every day of my life, I'd be out the door.  She needs to learn how to express herself without screaming and crying.  Shawnice acts like a toddler and Jephte acts like a parent who just walks away as their child has a meltdown.

I think her crying is learned behavior, being the oldest she probably had to cry and scream to be heard over the others. I don’t think Jephte likes, or respects his wife. I’m also against him taking their daughter with him when he goes to Boston for a few days. She isn’t asking for a break from her child, she’s asking for her husband to man up and help her out.

  • Love 5

The premise of this show has apparently been outlived. None of these people are in quarantine and seem to be intentionally taking vacations and hamming around with any friends they can find because they've gotten bored of the idea that they're not supposed to. Newsflash - the pandemic isn't over because you're bored or "need a break"! Greg and Deonna meeting Beth and Jaime indoors directly after a flight (no masks), Keith and Kristine gallivanting around Maine without masks and then meeting up with Jess/Austin and Shawniece/Jephte back-to-back indoors without masks!! Not to mention Stephanie/AJ having a beach party in the Hamptons (super essential guys) or Jaime/Beth staying with her parents without masks after flying cross country. The should rename the show "Couples Flout Social Distancing."

It will be super ironic if Beth/Jaime wind up with COVID after weeks of Jaime resisting the trip home - and the fact that her parents exposed them, rather than the other way around. Again, a great example of why your mild homesickness doesn't take priority over a global fucking pandemic, BETH. 

Shawniece/Jephte are just cringeworthy to watch. Between allegedly waking up at 10/11 every day (as a parent of a toddler?? ok) and the alcohol guzzling, Shawniece may have a depression issue. Her defensiveness over the wine and the fact that Jephte asked her to slow down in front of Keith and Kristine also suggests she may have a drinking problem. I can see both of their arguments - Jephte seems like a lump who I'm betting contributes hardly anything to housework or childcare (much less Shawniece's extreme emotional maintenance), but Shawniece's preferred modes of communication seem to be crying, yelling, and lecturing. They both refuse to take any accountability or accept even the tiniest lifestyle change because they blame each other for all their problems. What a fun visit for Keith and Kristine forcing them to marriage counsel the entire time, lol.

The less said about Doug announcing his horniness to the group and making his mission to get laid an entire episode plot, the better. It made me laugh that Ashley didn't want to name a boy Milo because it was too similar to Mila - that's always bugged me with Henley and Hendrix.

Might have to skip next week. I can't bear to watch Henry (the dog, not the current participant) die. 😞

10 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Might have to skip next week. I can't bear to watch Henry (the dog, not the current participant) die. 😞

I'm waiting on results of a biopsy for my cat. I'm not up to watching that level of sads.

Also done watching them all live it on up while us poor schmucks sit around, hardly leaving the house, & when do are always muzzled. This show is not what I need these days.

  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm waiting on results of a biopsy for my cat. I'm not up to watching that level of sads.

Also done watching them all live it on up while us poor schmucks sit around, hardly leaving the house, & when do are always muzzled. This show is not what I need these days.

Rooting for your cat, hope the news is good ❤️

19 minutes ago, spunky said:

I think she’s so afraid of being a single mother that she’s holding on to a marriage that’s on life support.

I know it would suck but living that way sucks too. She's still young, just one child, & has so much support, living right under her family & all. At least I hope she has support; her mom might be pushing her to keep at it.  Seems like her mom will at least still be there to help with Laura, which is huge for any single mom. Maybe right now Shawniece also needs the show money to get her business going, then once she's off the ground she can pull the plug, because they're pretty toxic together.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I know it would suck but living that way sucks too. She's still young, just one child, & has so much support, living right under her family & all. At least I hope she has support; her mom might be pushing her to keep at it.  Seems like her mom will at least still be there to help with Laura, which is huge for any single mom. Maybe right now Shawniece also needs the show money to get her business going, then once she's off the ground she can pull the plug, because they're pretty toxic together.

I follow her on Instagram and her wigs are beautiful, hopefully she can get her business up and running soon. I agree with everything you said in regards to her toxic marriage and her having support from her family. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, After7Only said:

When the dad put on his mask after they heard she tested positive.... was another... what? moment for me.  

For real, WTAF was that all about?  So the mom has the mask on, clearly because they already know the results and she has COVID.  Then the dad puts it on only after playing the results, as though they were just hearing the results for the first time.  But clearly it wasn't for the first time, cause the mom already had the mask on!  So instead, the mom and dad knew that the mom has COVID and knowingly chose to expose Jamie and Beth to it?  Again I say WTAF?  

19 hours ago, Yeah No said:

When my father got Covid I didn't even want to be in the same STATE with him much less hug him - even though there was nothing I wanted to do more.  He died and I never got to see him, or have even a phone conversation with him because he was too weak to talk.  They held the phone to his ear so I could say "I love you".  But even though I knew I'd probably never see him alive again I wouldn't be so stupid as to go there to be near him.  Fortunately the hospital wouldn't have let me anyway.  

I'm very sorry for your loss, and the circumstances around it, Yeah No.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I do wonder if part of what keeps S/J together is the money they get from the show which could definitely help get her wig line off the ground and supplement their incomes. Of course that could be said for other couples as well. 

I think S/J are likely only together because of their daughter. I don't know how much they are  making off the show, but "Couples Cam" isn't going to last forever. Not sure what could be a next spin off.

Shawniece seems to be instagram pals with Sherri Shepherd who also has a wig line. Shawniece can hold her own but I really think she doesn't want to be divorced.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

I'm in the northeast too. Maine to be specific. A short time ago, just a matter of weeks I think, there was a wedding in a small town north of me. The other day on the news it was reported that one of the wedding guests had just died of covid. Whether that person caught it at the wedding or already had it and brought it with them, the result is there is a whole bunch of people who have been exposed and should be doing a voluntary 2 week quarantine - but I betcha few if any are. We have good numbers here, but the population is quite small and particularly spread out in the northern half of the state. Still, go to any Walmart on any given day and you'll absolutely see about 50% of the shoppers with no masks and many of the rest will have their noses exposed. It really is true: you just can't fix stupid.

My husband just went to Maine last week driving a client to a fishing trip in his new "pandemic proof" stretch limo. with sealed partition and completely separate AC/vent system in the back.  His expenses were paid so he just holed himself up in the hotel and didn't leave much.  He said that there weren't as many tourists in Portland as there were last year.  But he told me basically what you just said, that it seems like people in Maine are thinking that because their numbers have been low they can be more casual about things.  But the problem is when tourists come in.  Despite the Governor's mandatory mask requirement and either doing a 14 day quarantine or producing a Covid negative test no more than 3 days old I'm sure a lot of people aren't doing that.  I'm still wondering if Keith and Kristine did that given how lax they were about social distancing with the other couples they visited.  Here in CT we just had a sudden mini-spike in Danbury which they think was brought about by a traveler.  We've been lucky that that's the only spike we've had in the entire state for a long time.  Now the town is back on lockdown for a while and we hope they will comply - so far people have been for the most part cooperative here because they haven't forgotten how many deaths we started out with a few months back.  It just illustrates that you can't let your guard down even if the coast looks clear.

4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

For real, WTAF was that all about?  So the mom has the mask on, clearly because they already know the results and she has COVID.  Then the dad puts it on only after playing the results, as though they were just hearing the results for the first time.  But clearly it wasn't for the first time, cause the mom already had the mask on!  So instead, the mom and dad knew that the mom has COVID and knowingly chose to expose Jamie and Beth to it?  Again I say WTAF?  

I'm very sorry for your loss, and the circumstances around it, Yeah No.

Thank you for your wishes!!  I know, that's what I said.  Something smells weird about that entire scene.  It seems CRAZY that her parents would either hide the results until they were sitting right across from them, knowingly exposing them to it before they told them, or if Beth and Jamie knew the results in advance that they would go there knowing her mother was Covid positive.  None of it makes any sense at all.

  • Love 3

As an older, single woman who lives alone and is also working from home, the feeling of isolation has been really difficult. Not something I, as as an introvert and homebody, ever thought could be a problem! But I haven't had a damn hug since MARCH! I'm still very much grieving the loss of my mother last September, then had major surgery this year, then got a MRSA infection from it which I spent two and a half months battling, and then was furloughed from my job--which thankfully ended up only lasting for a month--so what I need the most is just to have a friend hold me for a while.

Therefore, it really pisses me off to see the tenants in the apartment complex across from my triplex, all hanging around the gathering area (less than 20 feet away from my patio) never wearing masks or social distancing. There's also a few kids from different families running around together as well as playing right next to adults that they're not related to. It's probably from smoking but one guy has had a bout of coughing at least every other day for the past week and a half. This stupidity and total disregard that so many people have is one of the primary reasons I still can't have much-needed human touch. WTF! If I was really vindictive, I'd alert some official as to how they are in violation of our governor's latest orders, which are even stricter the second time around and include tighter rules for outdoor gatherings. 

So, I too was quite appalled by the lackadaisical attitude toward COVID-19 in this episode.

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

As an older, single woman who lives alone and is also working from home, the feeling of isolation has been really difficult. Not something I, as as an introvert and homebody, ever thought could be a problem! But I haven't had a damn hug since MARCH! I'm still very much grieving the loss of my mother last September, then had major surgery this year, then got a MRSA infection from it which I spent two and a half months battling, and then was furloughed from my job--which thankfully ended up only lasting for a month--so what I need the most is just to have a friend hold me for a while.

Therefore, it really pisses me off to see the tenants in the apartment complex across from my triplex, all hanging around the gathering area (less than 20 feet away from my patio) never wearing masks or social distancing. There's also a few kids from different families running around together as well as playing right next to adults that they're not related to. It's probably from smoking but one guy has had a bout of coughing at least every other day for the past week and a half. This stupidity and total disregard that so many people have is one of the primary reasons I still can't have much-needed human touch. WTF! If I was really vindictive, I'd alert some official as to how they are in violation of our governor's latest orders, which are even stricter the second time around and include tighter rules for outdoor gatherings. 

So, I too was quite appalled by the lackadaisical attitude toward COVID-19 in this episode.

Scout, I know EXACTLY how you feel.  It's especially angering when you're in a high risk category and you see other people acting irresponsibly as if your life doesn't matter.  Their attitude is "if you're worried, well just stay at home", as if well, too bad for you but they have to go out there and have a life, even if it means that you don't get to have yours.  This show is starting to remind me all too much of that, and I wonder if the producers know how it's alienating some of their audience.

BTW, I am very sorry for your loss - as you might have read above, I lost my father in NYC to Covid in April.  It's very hard for people who haven't gone through this to understand that grieving a death is ten times harder in this situation.  One of the ways we get over a death is by being able to get hugs and be physically near our loved ones.  I wasn't able to have a funeral or a memorial for him - not yet anyway, and I don't know when that will ever be feasible now because we haven't gotten this pandemic under control and don't know when we ever will.  These people don't understand how they are impacting others' lives with their irresponsible behavior.  Or maybe they do but they just don't care.  Seeing the young people on this show not showing any recognition of how their behavior might impact others is infuriating for people like us who are the most negatively impacted by it.  But of course us older people and otherwise high risk don't matter.  It's all about them and their TV show.  It only puts my anxiety level over the top and makes me even angrier.

I too have thought about contacting someone about some of the things I've seen.  I think if the numbers were worse in my state right now I would.  My friend lives in an apartment complex like yours on Long Island and says the same things about how people are not wearing masks and social distancing - and this is a senior community too!  It makes her doubly afraid to go outside.

Anyway, not that it is a worthy substitute but many virtual (((hugs))) to you!

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 4

The show could have sent a strong positive message about appropriate behaviors related to COVID, but instead chose to show many participants ignoring science and government advice and policies.  Interestingly, it was not that many episodes ago that both Keith/Kristine and Jessica/Austin were expressing concerns about working in health care and the precautions that they were taking.  Jessica was crying in her car.  Yet, in this episode all of that seems to be forgotten.  

I certainly hope that the producers aren't behind the change in tone as that would indicate that the participants are willing to expose themselves, their loved ones, and their friends in order to be on the show and gain whatever financial or social media rewards that are attached to being on the show.

  • Love 7

I am annoyed at how irresponsible these folks have been regarding COVID.  The reason for this show is COVID, so to have people violate simple measures, masks, social distancing really pisses me off.  I mean WTF folks, it's not hard to wear masks or social distance.  No one is saying you have to say home 24/7/365, there are ways to socialize, but just do it safely.  COVID won't last forever, so chill out and wear a fucking mask.

Where I live in NY is a private development, we have a lot of green space and the management company sent a letter around that said NO gatherings on the lawn AT ALL.  Why?  Because people were being irresponsible, no masks, no social distancing and having parties all afternoon into the evening.  Stupid all around.  

Look, I go to a senior yoga class.  It's only an hour.  Everybody social distances and wears masks during the class.  It can be done.  No need for parties in the Hamptons.  

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Scout, I know EXACTLY how you feel.  It's especially angering when you're in a high risk category and you see other people acting irresponsibly as if your life doesn't matter.  Their attitude is "if you're worried, well just stay at home", as if well, too bad for you but they have to go out there and have a life, even if it means that you don't get to have yours.  This show is starting to remind me all too much of that, and I wonder if the producers know how it's alienating some of their audience.

BTW, I am very sorry for your loss - as you might have read above, I lost my father in NYC to Covid in April.  It's very hard for people who haven't gone through this to understand that grieving a death is ten times harder in this situation.  One of the ways we get over a death is by being able to get hugs and be physically near our loved ones.  I wasn't able to have a funeral or a memorial for him - not yet anyway, and I don't know when that will ever be feasible now because we haven't gotten this pandemic under control and don't know when we ever will.  These people don't understand how they are impacting others' lives with their irresponsible behavior.  Or maybe they do but they just don't care.  Seeing the young people on this show not showing any recognition of how their behavior might impact others is infuriating for people like us who are the most negatively impacted by it.  But of course us older people and otherwise high risk don't matter.  It's all about them and their TV show.  It only puts my anxiety level over the top and makes me even angrier.

I too have thought about contacting someone about some of the things I've seen.  I think if the numbers were worse in my state right now I would.  My friend lives in an apartment complex like yours on Long Island and says the same things about how people are not wearing masks and social distancing - and this is a senior community too!  It makes her doubly afraid to go outside.

Anyway, not that it is a worthy substitute but many virtual (((hugs))) to you!

I knew about your dad and feel so sad for you because at least I got to be with my mom when she died. That's what breaks my heart about this pandemic is that SO many people are dying alone because their loved ones can't be by their side. I haven't been able to have a memorial yet, though. Had planned to do it this spring but then health problems hit and also, now no one obviously wants to travel to one. I'm considering doing a virtual memorial, though, since it's nearly a year since she died. In her memorial wishes she had written that she wanted lots of champagne so I'm thinking everyone can have a glass ready during a Zoom gathering! I need to sit down with her address book and start calling to find out what would be best times of week/day for people and then go with the majority of availability.

  • Love 2

They had the following on the screen at the very end of last week's show. Will it be on again this week?

"Lifetime and it's producers encourage the following COVID-19 safety protocols, which include wearing masks, socials distancing and hand washing.  Go to https://www.cdc.gov/ for additional information for how you can prevent the spread of COVID-19."

All of them are above and beyond idiots.


  • Useful 1
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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I certainly hope that the producers aren't behind the change in tone as that would indicate that the participants are willing to expose themselves, their loved ones, and their friends in order to be on the show and gain whatever financial or social media rewards that are attached to being on the show.

I hate to say it but I think that's the case.  I doubt Keith and Christine could have afforded that trip to Maine staying at that expensive $430 a night resort and eating all those lobsters.  I'm picturing all of them crying "Free trip!!!" and throwing caution to the wind when the producers said they would pay them to go away for the show.  Otherwise why would all of them suddenly be traveling now while only a few weeks ago they were acting like they hadn't set foot out of the house in months?  It makes me think that all of that quarantine stuff was just an act too.

41 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I knew about your dad and feel so sad for you because at least I got to be with my mom when she died. That's what breaks my heart about this pandemic is that SO many people are dying alone because their loved ones can't be by their side. I haven't been able to have a memorial yet, though. Had planned to do it this spring but then health problems hit and also, now no one obviously wants to travel to one. I'm considering doing a virtual memorial, though, since it's nearly a year since she died. In her memorial wishes she had written that she wanted lots of champagne so I'm thinking everyone can have a glass ready during a Zoom gathering! I need to sit down with her address book and start calling to find out what would be best times of week/day for people and then go with the majority of availability.

Thank you - I have been considering a virtual memorial too although that might be tough to arrange because a significant number of people are older and not up to handling video conferencing.  My Dad was 92 so a lot of people he knew are too old to handle it or have already passed on.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I hate to say it but I think that's the case.  I doubt Keith and Christine could have afforded that trip to Maine staying at that expensive $430 a night resort and eating all those lobsters.  I'm picturing all of them crying "Free trip!!!" and throwing caution to the wind when the producers said they would pay them to go away for the show.  Otherwise why would all of them suddenly be traveling now while only a few weeks ago they were acting like they hadn't set foot out of the house in months?  It makes me think that all of that quarantine stuff was just an act too.

Thank you - I have been considering a virtual memorial too although that might be tough to arrange because a significant number of people are older and not up to handling video conferencing.  My Dad was 92 so a lot of people he knew are too old to handle it or have already passed on.

Well, my one and only experience with Zoom so far is having lunch with my best friend. Luckily, she has an account for up to 100 people in a meeting and said she would handle the logistics for me! I've never used Facetime or Skype (other than as a text chat at work). I was eager to start having virtual dinners and things with friends on Zoom, but apparently no one has wants to share a meal besides my best friend!

Lots of complaints about Elizabeth and Jaime on the MAFS Facebook page and Reddit. I just checked their Twitter feeds and neither of them has addressed what they did yet.


  • Love 1
1 hour ago, OnTime said:

They had the following on the screen at the very end of last week's show. Will it be on again this week?

"Lifetime and it's producers encourage the following COVID-19 safety protocols, which include wearing masks, socials distancing and hand washing.  Go to https://www.cdc.gov/ for additional information for how you can prevent the spread of COVID-19."

All of them are above and beyond idiots.


I never watch the "Next time on" stuff so I missed that, but it's pretty lame to put it at the END of the show. Why not up front, before broadcasting all of this irresponsible behavior? If they encourage all of that, why did they just show a bunch of people very clearly doing the opposite??

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Yeah No said:
4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I certainly hope that the producers aren't behind the change in tone as that would indicate that the participants are willing to expose themselves, their loved ones, and their friends in order to be on the show and gain whatever financial or social media rewards that are attached to being on the show.

I hate to say it but I think that's the case.  I doubt Keith and Christine could have afforded that trip to Maine staying at that expensive $430 a night resort and eating all those lobsters.  I'm picturing all of them crying "Free trip!!!" and throwing caution to the wind when the producers said they would pay them to go away for the show.  Otherwise why would all of them suddenly be traveling now while only a few weeks ago they were acting like they hadn't set foot out of the house in months?  It makes me think that all of that quarantine stuff was just an act too.

The show has ALWAYS paid for everything they do that is filmed. That is nothing new. You're in quarantine and go drive through Taco Bell. Ok, fine.

What is not acceptable is all their behavior with such blatant disregard for the COVID-19 advice from the CDC.


Edited by OnTime
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, sometimesjennifer said:

I never watch the "Next time on" stuff so I missed that, but it's pretty lame to put it at the END of the show. Why not up front, before broadcasting all of this irresponsible behavior? If they encourage all of that, why did they just show a bunch of people very clearly doing the opposite??

I know, right?  Are they trying to imply that they had nothing to do with it?  I REALLY doubt that!

6 hours ago, OnTime said:

The show has ALWAYS paid for everything they do that is filmed. That is nothing new. You're in quarantine and go drive through Taco Bell. Ok, fine.

What is not acceptable is all their behavior with such blatant disregard for the COVID-19 advice from the CDC.

Yes, of course, but I further believe that the show put them up to traveling like that.  They never would have gone to those places and done those things without encouragement from production.  I doubt that it was strictly the couples' idea.  They didn't have to do all those unsafe things either, and if it was their idea production should have said something to them about it, or shown some effort to discourage it if they were going to be consistent with the message they put on the screen at the end of the episode.  At least put the message at the beginning of the episode to disclaim their approval of what some of the couples were doing.  Their not doing that looks a little suspicious.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 3



2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

There are so many MAFS pages on Facebook and I couldn't find it - can you post a link to that and Reddit with those comments?

The comments about them start a ways down in the Couples Cam post.


There's more than one post about them on the Reddit page so I had to scroll down through to find all of them. Realizing now that there's probably a simple search function! 



Edited by Scout Finch
  • Useful 1
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Just a follow up on what I had posted earlier about the consequences of not taking precautions. The latest I have seen reported is that the person who died of Covid after that wedding was NOT at the wedding but in contact with someone who was. The wedding was only 65 people. There have, so far,  been 60 known cases of Covid traced back to that wedding. Only 38 of the 60 infections have been traced back to people actually at the wedding. This outbreak has been linked to a nursing home and a jail that are 124 miles apart. It is not yet reported whether or not the venue owner was actively enforcing or attempting to enforce masks and social distancing. What angers me the most is that someone who was not even at the venue is dead.

To those who demand their rights to not wear masks and not social distance or engage in any other medically/scientifically recommended precautions I can only say, your rights end where they violate mine. Rights come with responsibiities.

To all the couples and MAFS production PTB who seem to have great fun showing off irresponsible behaviors - are you going to record and air in-depth details if any of the couples, their families/friends contract Covid?

  • Love 1

In fairness to some of the scenes, especially the ones here in Maine. The rule has been to wear the mask to enter the establishment, but it can be removed once you are seated and as long as you remain at your table. If you get up for any reason (bathroom break or on your way back out for example) you must put your mask on. Tables/booths are set up at least 6 feet apart, inside and outside. At my fave brewery/restaurant, there are no longer any bar stools & tables have been re-positioned to maximize social distancing. Servers wear masks continuously, flatware is the prepackaged plastic variety, all napkins are disposable and I felt quite safe while there. So, any film of KKristine while eating all that lobster could well have been according to guidelines if they were at a restaurant or even having a picnic on the beach, as long as there were no other people too close by. When I am taking my morning walk, I do not wear a mask, but do have one with me so I can put it on if I encounter someone I don't wish to walk away from. When JAustin went out for their first pub visit, their seating looked like it was within the guidelines I am accustomed to. It can be done and still be fun.

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, becauseIsaidso said:

In fairness to some of the scenes, especially the ones here in Maine. The rule has been to wear the mask to enter the establishment, but it can be removed once you are seated and as long as you remain at your table. If you get up for any reason (bathroom break or on your way back out for example) you must put your mask on. Tables/booths are set up at least 6 feet apart, inside and outside. At my fave brewery/restaurant, there are no longer any bar stools & tables have been re-positioned to maximize social distancing. Servers wear masks continuously, flatware is the prepackaged plastic variety, all napkins are disposable and I felt quite safe while there. So, any film of KKristine while eating all that lobster could well have been according to guidelines if they were at a restaurant or even having a picnic on the beach, as long as there were no other people too close by. When I am taking my morning walk, I do not wear a mask, but do have one with me so I can put it on if I encounter someone I don't wish to walk away from. When JAustin went out for their first pub visit, their seating looked like it was within the guidelines I am accustomed to. It can be done and still be fun.

To their credit, Keith and Christine did not seem to be doing anything unsafe while in Maine.  It seems like your restaurant rules and practices are the same as they are here in CT.  I very cautiously ate at a local restaurant in their outdoor seating area for my birthday and didn't feel unsafe at all, although it isn't something I'd do on a regular basis.

5 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

The comments about them start a ways down in the Couples Cam post.


There's more than one post about them on the Reddit page so I had to scroll down through to find all of them. Realizing now that there's probably a simple search function! 


Thank you!  I see a lot of similar opinions there as here!

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yes, of course, but I further believe that the show put them up to traveling like that.  They never would have gone to those places and done those things without encouragement from production.  I doubt that it was strictly the couples' idea.  They didn't have to do all those unsafe things either, and if it was their idea production should have said something to them about it, or shown some effort to discourage it if they were going to be consistent with the message they put on the screen at the end of the episode.  At least put the message at the beginning of the episode to disclaim their approval of what some of the couples were doing.  Their not doing that looks a little suspicious.

I too think the show had a lot to do with this.  The first season of CC, the couples were really staying inside, or having very little contact with people.  People enjoyed the show but the producers probably felt that no one wanted to watch a bunch a people just staying home, hence the trips.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I too think the show had a lot to do with this.  The first season of CC, the couples were really staying inside, or having very little contact with people.  People enjoyed the show but the producers probably felt that no one wanted to watch a bunch a people just staying home, hence the trips.  

well, even if the show wanted to have them out mingling unsafely, they still have the right to say no, we want to stay safe and keep others we love safe and they did not

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, cinsays said:

well, even if the show wanted to have them out mingling unsafely, they still have the right to say no, we want to stay safe and keep others we love safe and they did not

They may have felt that since things are opening up a bit, it IS safer. Who knows? I know I have been surprised by all of the people vacationing in my state late in the summer.  They may be wearing masks, but there's no way they are observing social distancing, not all the time, nor are they quarantining themselves when they get here from out of state. And there's not great enforcement of that anyway. I ventured out this month to a couple of my favorite spots, given that my state's numbers were low, and I immediately turned around and came home because both places were too crowded. 😞  I think LOTS of people feel like it's over, or mostly over, since things are opening back up.  Which is a big mistake. 

Edited by cardigirl
  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yes, of course, but I further believe that the show put them up to traveling like that.  They never would have gone to those places and done those things without encouragement from production. 

Perhaps this is true of Keith and Kristine, but I don't believe that of Steph and AJ - they live to travel. And I also don't believe it of Jamie and Beth either.

  • Love 1
On 8/21/2020 at 4:50 PM, OnTime said:

Shawniece/Jepth, Keith/Kristine, Jessica/Austin, Greg/Deonna and AJ/Stephanie are added to the list of the irresponsible with no masks and no social distance.

The stories that they are showing are not following CDC guidelines.  What happened to the premise of show to have the couples in quarantine, not non essential cross country travel?


Even when the other couple went to the Hamptons they talked and scanned on all the vehicles that showed up at the beach, i figured they were going to say.......  ya know this is not for us....... and head back home wtf? Again no masks, no social distancing.  

Edited by endure

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