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S02.E19: CPAPs, Hickeys and Biscuits

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I was going to say that this was a nice, low key season finale compared to last year...then Dan finds out there's a foreclosure on the house. Well, fuck. 

That certainly made the switch to the more lighthearted Ben and Mark tag scene a bit weird, too.

But yeah, even with the jarring ending, I enjoyed this episode A LOT more than the last one. I don't know how long it will last (probably until Dan drops the foreclosure bomb on everyone else), but seeing everyone mostly just hanging out, laughing and making good plans for their future was nice. And I was happy to see that Ben DOES still have his own place. (And I'm hoping that the only passing reference to wanting a baby means that they won't have one! PLEASE LET IT MEAN THAT.)

I also loved Harris teasing Darlene for being in jail, just like her mom did to Dan back in the day. (I don't have time for this." "Oh, I think you do.") That said, I'm not sure I believe that Darlene would have reacted the way she did to get into jail. A few one-liners, sure, but that's about it.

I'm all for the Becky and Emilio getting married for his green card subplot if it means they don't actually fall in love and we get to see Becky try to deal with dating other people, while also trying to either hide or explain her marriage to them.

Finally, the scenes with Dan struggling to hide his need for his CPAP machine from Louise were hilarious, as was her response once she found out!

I have no idea how long we'll be waiting for season 3, so have a great summer everyone and please stay safe! 🙂 

ETA: JK forget everything I said about this being the season finale; that's next week. -_-

Edited by UYI
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I enjoy seeing both Ben and Darlene's and Dan and Louise's relationships progress. It'll be nice if Ben and Darlene actually get a place together so poor Dan isn't so crowded. Although it's kind of unrealistic since they haven't done much with their magazine yet. Becky's in a better position to move out since at least she has the restaurant although I doubt they're making a profit yet.

Of course, Dan will have to find a way to stop the foreclosure. It's not a bad story line but I doubt he'll actually lose the house so there's not much suspense there.

I thought it was a little weird that Becky was so concerned with finding love at this stage. I mean, she just had a baby and is busy with a new restaurant! Give it a couple years for crying out loud. Not that she's obligated to marry Emilio but I don't think the fact that he might interfere with her dating life should be her number one concern right now. A baby is a lot of work. I just think one would be very involved with that before worrying about dating.

So, since Mark is gay I guess he can't have sleepovers with boys or girls now? Doesn't seem fair.

I really like Darlene telling Ben that her "kids love and respect him which proves he knows nothing about parenting."

And Dwight asking Ed Jr. to "kindly not appropriate his culture."

And Louise asking if she was "shtill shexy" after putting her mouth guard in.

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3 minutes ago, RocknRollZombie said:

There is still an episode left for next week the real season finale. Remember the live episode was added which made the total 20 instead of 19.

Wait, there is? I can't keep track! 😄 

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Loved this episode it was hilarious especially Dan & Louise's scenes!! I'm glad Dan finally told Louise the truth about his CPAP and that she took it well which why wouldn't she? I just love them so much as a couple, can't wait for what's gonna happen with them in the season finale!

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"She went all Twilight on me even though she knows I'm Team Jacob!" I loved that line :D. I also liked the ending with Ben trying to have "the talk" with Mark, and Mark getting all gleeful over his awkwardness :p. 

Our channel had a couple glitches at times this episode, so I missed bits of it here and there. But I'm glad that Ben and Darlene sorted out their relationship situation-I mean, if they're serious enough to the point where they're talking about having a baby, and if he's going to be more involved in her kids' lives, then yeah, living together would probably be a good idea at this stage. 

Also glad that Louise was able to put Dan at ease with his insecurities :). I really like how the relationship is developing between these two, and how comfortable they're becoming with each other. 

I totally get Becky's conflicted feelings regarding Emilio. I hope things work out for both of them, whatever decision they make.

Also hoping they'll work out something with the foreclosure issue-I liked Dan being all ready to fight to keep his home. 

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19 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

And Dwight asking Ed Jr. to "kindly not appropriate his culture."

What did he say that was appropriating? I missed that line. I did like the jokey relationship between him and the other guys. Glad he and Dan were able to get to a good place.

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

What did he say that was appropriating? I missed that line.

He was pretending to be a Southern belle. He fanned his face with his cards and said something in a Southern accent about hiding the lower half of his face. Dan had just said that his dyed eyebrows took years off the upper half of his face.

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7 minutes ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:

He was pretending to be a Southern belle. He fanned his face with his cards and said something in a Southern accent about hiding the lower half of his face. Dan had just said that his dyed eyebrows took years off the upper half of his face.

Oh! I saw that but I didn't hear Dwight's line. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

"She went all Twilight on me even though she knows I'm Team Jacob!" I loved that line 😄

I liked that line also.  The writers get a lot of criticism on this forum, so I have to give them some recognition here, that was a well written line.

Becky saying she doesn't love Emelio, well maybe she should have thought about that before she climbed into bed with him.  This is definitely the new reality - people used to date, and then decide to have sex.  Now people have sex, and then decide if they want to date.

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2 hours ago, rmontro said:

This is definitely the new reality - people used to date, and then decide to have sex.  Now people have sex, and then decide if they want to date.

Nothing wrong with either scenario if that's what the parties want; the only universal requirement for sex is mutual consent.

I'd find it a lot more interesting if they just co-parented, rather than falling in love, but if the latter, I hope it happens because of them, not the baby.  I'd say she should learn from Jackie and Fred trying to create something that wasn't there because of Andy, but that apparently never happened.

I enjoyed what Dan had to say at the poker table about his upcoming probable overnight date with Louise, but I agree with a poster upthread that having D.J. there with zero reaction to that conversation was unrealistic.  Since this show has a history of shooting more than is used, and particularly of Michael Fishman's scenes being cut, I wonder if there was originally more.

But, then, maybe not since all three kids were just casually teasing Dan about his walk of shame.  I don't buy the universal easy acceptance of his new relationship.  Not that anyone would necessarily be pitching a fit, given how slowly this has played out, but someone should have a bittersweet twinge at being confronted with this development!

Dan's attempt at MacGuyvering a CPAP substitute at Louise's was hilarious.

"We can talk in the morning."
"I hope so."

It's different than growing old with someone to enter into a new relationship as two older folks, and I like seeing that represented.  In general, and especially the different experiences between Louise having dealt with, along the way, wanting to hide X,Y, and then Z early in a relationship before gradually learning you just trust that your partner has his own issues and will get over yours, versus Dan who is a total fish out of water.

(And I love that Dan, while intimidated out of bringing his CPAP machine, apparently brought his sweats, socks, and comfy shirt to don for comfy sleep after the anticipated sex.)

I swore I recognized the actor playing Harper, but in looking her up on IMDb, I've never seen anything in her (impressively long for her age) list of credits.  But she amused me:  "My mom says global warming is a hoax because it gets cold at night. [perfect pause]  She's an idiot."

"You're still gay, right?" to Mark after Ben allowed her to spend the night was funny.  And I like the reveal of how the hickeys happened.  And that this naturally led to a discussion of what role Ben is supposed to play to Darlene's kids.  Mark's face when Ben tried to have The Talk with him was great.  If they'd drop this baby nonsense, this relationship could appeal to me.

Harris ribbing Darlene about being in jail was reminiscent of Darlene doing the same to Dan ("Mom says he's our new daddy now").

Edited by Bastet
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7 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Nothing wrong with either scenario if that's what the parties want; the only universal requirement for sex is mutual consent.

I'm sure no one in the modern world sees anything wrong with it, but I'd say Becky found the problem with it.  She ended up with a child she can't afford.  And it not only changed her life, but also Dan's since they're all living at his house (which is being foreclosed), and also the tias who have to watch the kid every day so Becky can work.  But hey, as long as they can have free drunken consequence-free sex, that's all that matters, right?

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1 minute ago, rmontro said:

I'm sure no one in the modern world sees anything wrong with it, but I'd say Becky found the problem with it.  She ended up with a child she can't afford. 

That can happen in a relationship, too. 

I don't remember whether they skipped the condom or if it broke and, either way, somehow didn't know she needed emergency contraception (or if it was even said when she announced her pregnancy), but unplanned pregnancies happen.  Frequently - near half of all pregnancies in the U.S.  Women need more reliable birth control and better affordable access to it (and abortion), not more judgment on the circumstances that led to pregnancy.

Becky opted to parent (not a wise choice, IMO, but the choice she made, and Emilio encouraged), and here she is, but she's in the same spot she'd have been in had she been in a committed relationship with Emilio.

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IANAL but it bugs me that they are acting like Emilio can just apply for legal status in the US if he marries Becky.  He was deported, which means he is barred from reentering the US legally for years, if ever.  And even if he wasn't, getting a spousal visa can still take forever.  And it isn't cheap. (I know this from watching 2 different family members go through it.) 

There are some plot devices that should just be permanently retired and the green card marriage is up there near the top of the list.  (This makes me sad, because it can actually be cute if done well but too many people actually believe this stuff. Immigration law is not funny anymore.)  

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15 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Immigration law is not funny anymore.

I agree, in that this is a subject that can be addressed humorously but only if also addressed honestly, and "eh, it's a sitcom, not the real world" liberties with the fundamental legalities and other realities cannot just be waved away; not every nuance can be explored, but some pretty big ones must be, and that's incredibly difficult to do right as but one storyline over the course of a sitcom. 

The myriad horrible circumstances undocumented immigrants face and endure now make TV's typical "green card marriage" storyline difficult to find humor in at best, and damaging for the "see, this scam is so easy to pull off" falsehood (and thus further hatred and discrimination) it fosters at worst.  Quite frankly, I don't trust this version of the show with it.

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5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Oh! I saw that but I didn't hear Dwight's line. Thanks!

I miss the was Dan used to pronounce his name on the original show ("Duh-white"), lol. So happy to see Dan and Louise get together (finally!) plus his upcoming stand to keep the house. This show has been pretty good overall.

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The foreclosure line took me out of it. There are two 40+ year old adults living with Dan. How is it they don't know the house has been on the verge of foreclosure? Dan's not rich and with slowing business, his own bills how are Darlene and Becky not asking about the finances? Are they even paying for some bills?

It reminds me of the first season where the basement was flooded and Dan was the only one in there dealing with it. I know we have to suspend some belief for the plot to work but someone like Darlene should've been aware.

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Dan and Louise finally talk.

Darlene and Ben finally lay it out in the open

Becky weighing her options which may finally give Emilio access to Beverly Rose.

Then they had to throw in foreclosure. 

It's always one step forward and two steps back for the Connors.

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I enjoyed Dan and Louise with the CPAP machine and her glasses and cap. 

There didn’t seem to be a lot of Jackie in this episode; I’m not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. 

With the house in foreclosure and Becky talking about marrying Emilio, I have a feeling that the finale will resemble the original series where Becky and Mark eloped. 

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13 hours ago, DoubleUTeeEff said:


I thought it was a little weird that Becky was so concerned with finding love at this stage. I mean, she just had a baby and is busy with a new restaurant! Give it a couple years for crying out loud. Not that she's obligated to marry Emilio but I don't think the fact that he might interfere with her dating life should be her number one concern right now. A baby is a lot of work. I just think one would be very involved with that before worrying about dating.


Maybe the writers are keeping in character with Becky's selfishness. 

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11 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

The foreclosure line took me out of it. There are two 40+ year old adults living with Dan. How is it they don't know the house has been on the verge of foreclosure? Dan's not rich and with slowing business, his own bills how are Darlene and Becky not asking about the finances? Are they even paying for some bills?

It reminds me of the first season where the basement was flooded and Dan was the only one in there dealing with it. I know we have to suspend some belief for the plot to work but someone like Darlene should've been aware.

He has two middle age women living in his house who seem to have no idea that their elderly father probably can not support a ton of people. I can't even imagine the grocery bill in that house. I don't think DJ lives there but I am not sure.

10 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

I was really disgusted that Darlene had the nerve to complain about how Ben supervised her children while she was in jail.    She didn't get arrested for trying to integrate a Woolworth's lunch counter - she got arrested for mouthing off to a cop, undoubtably resulting in significant fines and court costs that she can't afford.  While trying to conceive a child she can't afford and living in her dad's home that is about to go into foreclosure.  

And then she had the nerve to criticize a parenting decision Ben had to make while she was in jail.  I was surprised he didn't say to her, "if you'd want to make all of the decisions, then you need to stay out of jail."  

They are really trying to make me hate Darlene this season. She has two kids that she can not support but hey wouldn't it be cool to have another baby because why not?

Its just so adorable to mouth off to a police officer and spend the night in jail. It does not matter that it leaves your boyfriend in a very tricky parenting situation.

Also, how the Hell is Ben supporting himself? Does he have any idea how expensive it is going to be with Darlene and her two moving in with him and perhaps a  late in life baby on the way at some point in the future?

At least Becky is trying with the restaurant, though it is doubtful that it is viable as of yet. Also, saying things like we use old t-shirts to filter the coffee is probably not a good idea.

My guess is Darlene and kids will go live with Ben. Becky will live with Jackie and Bev for a little while, until she marries Emilio and then maybe move in with his aunts.

I do think there will be, as usual, last minute save on the house. The house is iconic because it did not look like the spotless perfect houses that one usually sees on TV.  In Gilmore Girls, Lorelai ,supposedly did not have a lot of money but her house was adorable and always spotless, even though they never cleaned.


Edited by qtpye
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I was really disgusted that Darlene had the nerve to complain about how Ben supervised her children while she was in jail.    She didn't get arrested for trying to integrate a Woolworth's lunch counter - she got arrested for mouthing off to a cop, undoubtably resulting in significant fines and court costs that she can't afford.  While trying to conceive a child she can't afford and living in her dad's home that is about to go into foreclosure.  

Same. She didn't want him to bail her out because "frankly she needed a night off," and expected him to watch the kids. Then she had the nerve to criticize a decision that wasn't exactly a life or death matter. She's such a snot.

This show has a fundamental problem I think we've all noticed by now. It tries to mix funny, absurd situations and dialogue with serious issues and too often it just doesn't work. The idea of Darlene going to jail for the night for mouthing off to a cop is silly and some of her lines were funny (particularly "if you ate a salad once in awhile maybe you'd make fire fighter") - but then to have her turn around and get into a fight with Ben makes her look ungrateful and self-centered.

Which is why I wish they hadn't added this foreclosure problem. The show just isn't equipped to deal with these kinds of real life dilemmas. By now we've all seen how poorly the choices these characters are making reflects on their intelligence and integrity. The show is still striving to portray a section of society plagued by debt and poverty, but then laughing off all the things that keep them there. They don't seem to realize how this all looks.


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Was Becky not home that night? Why did Ben even need to stay? Harris is 18 and Mark (who could have just been told his friend couldn't stay) isn't really the kind of kid who needs a lot of supervision, at least on his own.

Also, his friend totally sounded like she was lying when she said she already called her mom and got permission, so I was expecting an frantic/angry call from her mom wanting to know where the hell she was, not a "she came home with a hickey from your gay kid" story. And did he say she wanted to practice kissing because she has a new boyfriend? So she's cheating on her boyfriend rather than practicing with him?

And the conversation between Ben and Darlene about not even knowing where he stands with her is all the more reason they shouldn't be trying to have another kid!

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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

she's in the same spot she'd have been in had she been in a committed relationship with Emilio.

I'm not saying she should be in a committed relationship with Emilio.  I'm saying she should have kept it in her pants.

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10 minutes ago, rmontro said:

I'm not saying she should be in a committed relationship with Emilio.  I'm saying she should have kept it in her pants.

Or maybe Emilio should have kept it in his pants.  Why does it have to be all on Becky?

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:


I do think there will be, as usual, last minute save on the house. The house is iconic because it did not look like the spotless perfect houses that one usually sees on TV.  In Gilmore Girls, Lorelai ,supposedly did not have a lot of money but her house was adorable and always spotless, even though they never cleaned.


I wonder if Bev will save the house at the last second, or if they’ll kill her off and their inheritance will pay off the mortgage(s) so the family breaks even. The only other thing I can think of is that Louise has the money and she buys the house and moves in with them. 

Edited by Stacey1014
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That house should have been paid off by now. I guess they've had to keep getting new mortgages in order to live.  I think Dan mentioned a second mortgage for truck repair? My first thought was that Dan should go ahead and let the bank foreclose. He could get a small apartment and the others would have to act their age and support themselves. However, Dan (or many parents) would never do that. I wonder if Dan will ask Bev for the money?  

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17 hours ago, UYI said:

I'm all for the Becky and Emilio getting married for his green card subplot if it means they don't actually fall in love and we get to see Becky try to deal with dating other people, while also trying to either hide or explain her marriage to them.

Here's what I don't understand about this plotline: Emilio was deported for being in the US illegally.  Doesn't that mean that he's barred from returning to the US for a period of several years regardless of whether he marries a US citizen?

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11 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

I miss the was Dan used to pronounce his name on the original show ("Duh-white"), lol. 

This was brought up here a few episodes ago, but I don't think this is the same Dwight character from the original show; I know it's not the original actor. I suppose it's just a recast of the same character (in which case the same pronunciation SHOULD be used here!), but it's entirely possible that Dan just has a thing for befriending dimwitted dopey dudes named Dwight, lol.


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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

He has two middle age women living in his house who seem to have no idea that their elderly father probably can not support a ton of people. I can't even imagine the grocery bill in that house. I don't think DJ lives there but I am not sure.


He doesn't, he has his own house. We've never seen it, but he does have his own house.

And as of last night, we know that Ben still has his own apartment! Thank goodness! 

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

Or maybe Emilio should have kept it in his pants.  Why does it have to be all on Becky?

Woah, I wasn't trying to say it was all on Becky.  I mean they should both keep it in their pants.  I guess I should have phrased that differently.  My criticisms have been about irresponsible sex, not that it was all on one person.  Personally, I like Becky.  Emilio too, for that matter.  But people in the hookup culture think they can engage in unlimited casual sex just because they want to, and there are often consequences.  I'm aware no one wants to hear it.

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27 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Woah, I wasn't trying to say it was all on Becky.  I mean they should both keep it in their pants.  I guess I should have phrased that differently.  My criticisms have been about irresponsible sex, not that it was all on one person.  Personally, I like Becky.  Emilio too, for that matter.  But people in the hookup culture think they can engage in unlimited casual sex just because they want to, and there are often consequences.  I'm aware no one wants to hear it.

Thanks for that clarification.  Too often it is seen as 100% on the woman, and it gets a little annoying.

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5 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

Ok, at the end - what was that white thing on Louise's face?

She had on those under-eye masks that are supposed to help lighten the dark circles and tighten up the skin (evening out the fine lines a little).  Set make-up artists use them all the time on actors, and now they've become common in "real life" too.

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1 hour ago, Steph J said:

Here's what I don't understand about this plotline: Emilio was deported for being in the US illegally.  Doesn't that mean that he's barred from returning to the US for a period of several years regardless of whether he marries a US citizen?

Yes, I said the same thing a bit up the page.  

Technically there are waivers for hardship that he might be able to file for if he and Becky are married and where he can prove there is some sort of dire situation. where Becky and/or Bev need him but IRL it's pretty hard to get. And if that happened, they are still looking at thousands of dollars for fees, plus potentially attorney fees unless they could find someone to work pro bono. 

I know writers don't like to let facts ruin a good story  but just glancing at the first page of Google results might help. 

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Foreclosure doesn't just "pop" up-Dan would have known he was struggling with making his mortgage payments and he should have asked his grown children who live in the home to help him make the payments.  Ignoring notices doesn't resolve anything-and, according to this show, enabling your children to the point that one doesn't even treat a job seriously (I'm still not over the episode in which Harris helped Darlene get a job and then Darlene just blows it off while supposedly working).  Maybe Dan should have asked Bev for the $5,000 that Darlene wanted to take from Mark and give to Harris...

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2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I wonder if Bev will save the house at the last second, or if they’ll kill her off and their inheritance will pay off the mortgage(s) so the family breaks even. The only other thing I can think of is that Louise has the money and she buys the house and moves in with them. 


2 hours ago, MarthaEllisanne said:

That house should have been paid off by now. I guess they've had to keep getting new mortgages in order to live.  I think Dan mentioned a second mortgage for truck repair? My first thought was that Dan should go ahead and let the bank foreclose. He could get a small apartment and the others would have to act their age and support themselves. However, Dan (or many parents) would never do that. I wonder if Dan will ask Bev for the money?  

I am sure there will be a last minute save (maybe Bev dying and having insurance) that will save the house.

Dan living in that home for over forty years and still taking out mortgages is just ridiculous. I agree that he needs to get a small apartment, which are probably not that expensive in Landford. I guess he could also move in with Louise

Maybe the sale of the house will be finale of the show...if get out of foreclosure. Dan would probably share some of the money with his kids and that will give everybody a little bit of "hope money". In some ways, I guess it would be a fitting end to the series.

Just now, seacliffsal said:

Foreclosure doesn't just "pop" up-Dan would have known he was struggling with making his mortgage payments and he should have asked his grown children who live in the home to help him make the payments.  Ignoring notices doesn't resolve anything-and, according to this show, enabling your children to the point that one doesn't even treat a job seriously (I'm still not over the episode in which Harris helped Darlene get a job and then Darlene just blows it off while supposedly working).  Maybe Dan should have asked Bev for the $5,000 that Darlene wanted to take from Mark and give to Harris...

Darlene really has been the worst. Where the hell does she get this "I'm better than every one else" attitude. What the has she accomplished for her to be so snotty? Harris was kind of awesome with that job and her mother just crapped all over it instead of being proud of her daughter for being responsible.

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Becky saying she doesn't love Emelio, well maybe she should have thought about that before she climbed into bed with him.  This is definitely the new reality - people used to date, and then decide to have sex.  Now people have sex, and then decide if they want to date.

There isn't anything new about one-night stands (which often have zero to do with official dating. And what's the difference when someone decides they don't want to date someone?).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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That house should have been paid off by now. I guess they've had to keep getting new mortgages in order to live.  I think Dan mentioned a second mortgage for truck repair?

They took out a second mortgage to finance the bike shop back in the original series. I have a hard time believing they had paid off either mortgage by now. If Dan took out yet another mortgage since then it would be a third mortgage. Although I'm not aware of any bank that would loan him such a thing. Then again they may be retconning or forgetting about that second mortgage back in the original series, as they have with so much else.


Even in the last episode some people also put the blame on Becky, because Ben was helping her.  Some fans were Thinking she was using little Bev to get Ben to help. 

Last week (?) Darlene accused Becky of trying to steal Ben by using Bev. This week she's encouraging Becky to get Ben to help with Bev to satisfy his baby craze. Pick a lane, Darlene.

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 I wonder what Roseanne thinks about seeing her "husband" in love and having sex with another woman.  She says she doesn't watch it (or used to say that) but you KNOW she does.  I'll bet she rants and raves over it.

About DJ at the table when Dan was talking about doing the deed that night.  While if it was MY parent saying this in front of me, I would just drink bleach right then and there and die.  But IIRC, the Connors never shied away from talking about sex among the entire family.  DJ is an adult now, so I don't find it strange ..... for THEM!

I doubt this will be the case, but how can Becky be so sure Emilio wants to marry her?  Yeah, he probably wants a green card, but maybe not enough to be married to her and also, maybe he doesn't want to raise his child.  But since they brought it up as a possible plot line, I imagine he will jump at the chance. 

So while Dan may get rid of Darlene and the kids, he may gain Emilio as a housemate.

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30 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

maybe he doesn't want to raise his child.

Given that he and Becky keep in touch, and he was the go-between for her and the Tias, I think he probably would like to be there, raising his child.

As for marrying Becky, eh, who knows.

Edited by Browncoat
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39 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

But IIRC, the Connors never shied away from talking about sex among the entire family. 

Were there some very dark episodes of Roseanne I missed in the 90s?

I was also a little confused about Ben and Darlene.  Is he supposed to be moving into the Conner house? 

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6 hours ago, UYI said:

He doesn't, he has his own house. We've never seen it, but he does have his own house.

And as of last night, we know that Ben still has his own apartment! Thank goodness! 

If they did lose the house (they won't) DJ's house will be the first house they try to move into. 

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As much as I squeed at the Dan and Louise shimmy-sham, for me it would have been better if there were more of a build-up to it, i.e both of them being nervous, talking a bit about what this would mean to them, etc....but beggars can't be choosers.

Wish they would give Michael Fishman more to do.

Cosign at Bev saving the day with the house, god help Dan.


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