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S08.E16: Leneatha's Story LIVE CHAT

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot

Leneatha represents only Leneatha. Do not extrapolate from her to others of her race, class, gender or any other category.

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I like how the ad for '90 Day Quarantine' is trying to be serious and classy when you know those people are a hot mess.

I want to know what Yolanda and The Williams are up to during quarantine.

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9 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I made a pineapple upside down cake recently.  Never tried--or heard of- a pineapple pie. 

I've heard of a cheesecake with pineapple in it.   However, there are a lot of pineapple filling pies on the internet.    I've been told that the secret to flaky pie crust is either shortening, or lard. 

She needs to accept his help, and get with the program, before her health takes a turn for the worse.   Getting a snotty attitude with someone who is trying to help her save her life, is a terrible idea. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Dear TLC: 

I do not find two people having a Skype conversation for 10 minutes compelling TV. Christ. Can they not afford a decent producer to craft a better TV SHOW? 

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2 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

I wore my pajamas to a Zoom meeting today!  At least I did brush my hair. Nobody even cared. (they were nice looking pjs)

My mom got complimented on her nice pink flowered shirt she wore to Zoom church last week. Yes, she was wearing her pjs.

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2 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

I love pineapple upside down cake!  I think it's been years since I've had it.

My mother used to make great ones;  I usually get the ready to make in the cake box aisle, but what with being stuck in the house, I decided to see if we had the correct ingredients.  I had to use light brown sugar instead of dark, but that didn't seem to make much difference.  I did miss having cherries to put in the center of the slices. 

I keep hearing Leneatha is eating fried chicken.   That may be the first thing I get when I am loosed from my house.

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1 minute ago, Giant Misfit said:

Dear TLC: 

I do not find two people having a Skype conversation for 10 minutes compelling TV. Christ. Can they not afford a decent producer to craft a better TV SHOW? 

100 percent.  I can get this on the streets of my city...in the parking lot of a Dunkin's.

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1 minute ago, Twopper said:

My mother made the best flaky crusts;   mine, unfortunately, look like a frankencrust.  I guess graham cracker is easier, but I do prefer the flaky crusts instead.  My daughter inherited my mother's pie making ability. 

Haha! I made an apple pie for Christmas that was probably the most god-awful ugly pie in the history of piedom. My family enjoyed it though. I will make crust sometimes but they are never all that pretty. 
hmmm...apple pie....German almond apple cake....ooh pretzels...lol (small voice) “help me!” 

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It's like listening to Charlie Brown's teachers arguing with each other.

Sorry, I haven't had substantive discussions with actual humans in 2 weeks where they haven't been pounding on me to produce data. I'm crazed.

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

This one is so dull that we're getting long speeches from Dr. Now. I'm about to go hit up the chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing I made last night (at 2 am, judge all you want, I'm living my best quarantined life over here) in memory of all the past trainwrecks that entertained me. 

I'm missing the premiere of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Dorit's magically changing accent for this? 

I regret that I already ate my emergency pint of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia the other night. This monologue of excuse after excuse is killing me. 

Edited by Scratches19
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Holy fuck, I went to give my cat his nightly anti-anxiety pill and feed him his "potato chips" (Temptations, he's like a crack fiend for those things) and they're STILL HAVING THE SAME CONVERSATION.

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5 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

Does a Pharmacy Tech put the medication into bottles for the customer?

Hey, wasn't the mom last week or the week before a pharmacy tech?  This is sounding familiar.  It was the mom who had her mouth open the whole time she was in Dr Now's office.  Must have been two weeks ago. 

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This season has had more black poundticipants then probably all the seasons combined and they are following a script/typecasting/directing them to act in this fashion---not sure.  It feels as if they are constantly trying to find and showcase stereotypical "sassy black women" for this show is getting old, very annoying and it is pissing me off.

Do better show.

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