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S45.E16: Online Zoom Episode

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Michael Che talks about tonight's episode and also responses to his grandmother's passing. 

Bowen Yang said in a comment that he doesn't even know what will be in the episode. If there is cut material hopefully they will put it on Youtube. 

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I don't find it especially promising that the cast doesn't seem to really know what the episode will even be, and everything NBC has said about it has been vague as well. I know we're all in uncertain times here and have all been figuring things out as we go along, but maybe at least pretend you know what you're doing.

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52 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

I don't find it especially promising that the cast doesn't seem to really know what the episode will even be, and everything NBC has said about it has been vague as well. I know we're all in uncertain times here and have all been figuring things out as we go along, but maybe at least pretend you know what you're doing.

I get the feeling NBC may have asked for this last minute and everyone else has had to go along. I just wonder if they are planning to do more or if they are waiting to see response. If it's planned for more they'd have time to hone their work - if it's just a one-off then they will make the show look amateurish then they're hanging out to dry until September or October. I'm just trying to leave my expectations very low as a result.

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40 minutes ago, Pete Martell said:

I get the feeling NBC may have asked for this last minute and everyone else has had to go along.

That's good spec.  Or it could be that a lot of the cast wanted to see what they could do with the limited resources a virtual show would give them?

They're creatives and getting paid to do something crazy experimental probably excites them.  While others are probably thinking it's going to be a disaster.  I'm expecting both, actually.  I hope there's some innovative stuff.  There's a lot of good material. I hope they've been reading about people's experiences working from home/

But I also expect some of it to feel like a dumpster fire, especially with no audience.

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1 hour ago, helenamonster said:

I don't find it especially promising that the cast doesn't seem to really know what the episode will even be,

On the other hand, what are they suppose to say? I mean, the company line is always that they don't know what will make any given show anyways. I completely agree that this is going to be a challenge, but I wouldn't read too much into cast members saying they don't know what will be in the show.

One big difference is each cast member being responsible for their costumes, makeup, and wigs. I doubt we see too many quick changes.

1 hour ago, Pete Martell said:

If it's planned for more they'd have time to hone their work - if it's just a one-off then they will make the show look amateurish then they're hanging out to dry until September or October. I'm just trying to leave my expectations very low as a result.

I don't know. I think they will get a lot of goodwill for doing it, and most people won't judge it too harshly given the circumstances. At least I hope not.

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14 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I don't know. I think they will get a lot of goodwill for doing it, and most people won't judge it too harshly given the circumstances. At least I hope not.

You're probably right, but there are some very lofty expectations for SNL and it's always a magnet for bandwagon type reactions...I guess it's a credit to them they were willing to try this knowing the possible reaction. We'll see what happens. 

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Maybe it will be good and maybe it won't, but all I know is that composite photo of all the cast members at home, in varying states of disarray but still smiling, made me smile a whole lot as well.

Edited by tracyscott76
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I'm kinda excited.....Even if all they do is an hour of  Update, that would be awesome.....but how can Judge Jeannine throw up on Colin over Zoom and how can they get Kate into costume(s)???

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Just spitballin' here but I suspect the cast will tap into the material they first presented on their audition tapes for the show.  I expect a lot of impressions and such.  I'll also be sorely disappointed if there's not something akin to the nine-box opening of the Brady Bunch.

Edited by kib
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25 minutes ago, kib said:

Just spitballin' here but I suspect the cast will tap into the material they first presented on their audition tapes for the show.  I expect a lot of impressions and such.  I'll also be sorely disappointed if there's not something akin to the nine-box opening of the Brady Bunch.

The cast intro is definitely the part I'm most interested in seeing. 

I guess we'll also get a lot of Tiger King material. That will sure be something....

This may be the credits they use.


Edited by Pete Martell
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Okay, so I laughed really hard at Colin saying Brad Pitt playing Joe Exotic in a movie would be like Denzel Washington playing him in the Colin Jost Story.

Then I did it again when Che made Colin read the "lazy" joke. So thanks, show.

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19 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

So far I liked that whole sketch the most. Her JoJo impression was pretty dead on. 

“A voice like a wooden rollercoaster” cracked me up.

I think WU would’ve been fine without the Zoom audience for laughs.

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2 minutes ago, SHD said:

“A voice like a wooden rollercoaster” cracked me up.

I think WU would’ve been fine without the Zoom audience for laughs.

It was a huge mistake to add the laughs.  Some of the jokes were just so bad, and to hear these people laughing uproariously from whenever really highlighted how bad the jokes were.

I'm fine with all the other sketches.  So much better without the laughter.

Kenan looks incredibly handsome.  Alex too.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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7 minutes ago, SHD said:

I think WU would’ve been fine without the Zoom audience for laughs.

They were jarring. It would have been way better without them. 

Other than that I'm really enjoying the show. My highlight was Aidy and Kate in the Zoom sketch. I was crying. 

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I Lol'ed when Tom Hanks said "Is it going to make you laugh? Eh, it's SNL, there will be some good stuff with one or two stinkers you know the drill." Heh. Tom Hanks' dry wit is so unappreciated. 

Overall I enjoyed the Zoom conference call sketch and the master classes shorts the best. I didn't like the laughing during Alex Baldwin's call in to WU. The laugh track kind of drowned out his voice.

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This was fun.  A little rough, but needed.  I did love seeing people's houses, especially the Hanks house and Colin's living room. I wasn't crazy about the laughter during Update, but otherwise, a nice job. 

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I liked it and appreciated it. I laughed at Heidi/Bailey saying that Emma stole from Clueless. I was baffled at her promo for Louis CK though. 

Pete Davidson might have found his niche as a home performer. Go, Pete's Mom!

And that tribute to Hal Willner was really moving. 


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I will have to watch again at 11:30 Pacific because I was in the middle of something and missed a lot. But it made me happy just looking up and seeing the cast on my screen. And even if I end up hating every sketch, it was worth it for the Hal Willner tribute alone. That was lovely and moving.

I normally don't comment on appearance but am going to make an exception because I thought Pete looked great and it was really good to see. 


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I think time at home has done a world of good for Pete.

I was surprised Chris Martin only got one appearance. I would’ve thought they’d be desperate to fill time and a filmed musical performance would seem easier to do than another sketch.

I hated the Beck/Kyle bit. 

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I wouldn't want this every week, mostly because it seems like there's more energy needed with a fraction of the resources. Maybe once a month until we get close to "normal"?

Hey, the tech-impaired secretaries came back! Very nice stuff with Zoom in place of PowerPoint.

Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles? Nicely done. Robot Chicken did something similar ages ago [warning: it's pretty dark], but seeing the guys as regular schlub fortysomethings was a neat concept. And Leonardo would up with April! I'm thinking a lot of "shipposters" are happy right now.

Goes without saying that Tom Hanks looking well should cheer us all up. I know this sounds really stupid in the larger picture, but I think him and Rita getting sick was a major "Oh, fuck, this shit is gonna be serious!" moment for this nation.

I liked KMcK as stripped-down RBG. I'm guessing Kate doesn't have a storage closet full of costumes and bodysuits. And is that the cat from Leslie Jones' UWS video?

12 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

We return...eventually, but next week will be a New-To-Me rerun of the John Mulaney episode (yeah, still haven't watched it. So sue me.)

It's John Mulaney. Of course it was awesome.

Edited by Lantern7
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I really liked it for the most part. Was it perfect? Of course not. But like Hanks said in his own way, it never is.

I appreciate the effort everyone put into it. I agree Pete found his calling. He was the best he's ever been in sketches.

My biggest complaint was also the laugh track during Update.  I'm thinking that maybe it was used to get Che into it more though?  At least that was my impression.

Speaking of  Update, I know this is random, but I was transfixed on the guitar strategically placed on Colin's couch. I so wanted to dare him to play it. 

Where was Cecily?

The Hal Willner tribute made me cry. Full of genuine emotion and all the people who submitted video for it.

Good effort. I assume they will be back in May as they will want  a season finale.

Happy Easter one and all.

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27 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:


So yeah, this was...a thing. But I liked this effort and I wouldn't mind if they did another one. Odd that there were STILL cast members not in this show. We had cameos from EVERYONE and yet folks like Beck, Kenan, Ego and Melissa were only in one or two sketches. Bowen Yang wasn't even in this at all save for the opening.

We return...eventually, but next week will be a New-To-Me rerun of the John Mulaney episode (yeah, still haven't watched it. So sue me.)

Was Cecily in it at all beyond the open?

And does anyone know who the woman in the upper left hand corner of all the women singing is? I couldn’t place her at all.

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25 minutes ago, Mystery said:

I liked it and appreciated it. I laughed at Heidi/Bailey saying that Emma stole from Clueless. I was baffled at her promo for Louis CK though.

It's a recurring bit where Bailey yells something politically incorrect at the end of each appearance. ("The Joker director was right! Comedy is too woke!") Doesn't play quite the same when it's not over the audience applause.

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11 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Where was Cecily?

Or Bowen either, right? At least not in any kind of sketch.

eta: Ah, thank you, Dev F! I've never even noticed that before!

Edited by Mystery
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I appreciate that they tried to put together a new show during this crazy time.  I thought it got much better as it went along, as there started to be more interaction and fewer single-person bits.  I think a different ordering of the sketches might have helped.

The laughter during Weekend Update helped a bit by making the performers seem less detached, but it was way too loud.  Next time, please make it about half the volume that it was.

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