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S04.E08: Stranger In A Strange Land

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3 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Stephanie needs to go home.  Did Erika shed 1 tear in that fake cry ?? No. 

Erika's crying seemed real to me, and they showed a tear (just a regular shot not a a closeup) that had run down her face and fell from her chin.

I saw her crying.  Stephanie DOES need to go home.  This relationship isn't going to work, it was all a fantasy on Stephanie's part, although I think Erika was genuine.

  • Love 21
6 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

It is also very possible that there is not word for "hospice worker" and he thought of "doctor" on the fly.  Or......he saw it going flat and wanted to pump her up.  I go for the first as he seem like a decent guy!



I'm sure he knows a word for nurse.  He probably used Dr. because it would better help explain to his mom why he chose this ugly American to con.

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That rat looked sick. Ed is delusional if he thinks this is a love story.  If he was a half decent fellow he’d buy a bed for Rose and Prince and maybe look into having a proper roof or the existing one waterproofed instead of complaining. I’m sure he could easily afford it.

Hopefully the family is compensated for allowing filming.

And why not stop being such a selfish lusting toad and book dad and son into the hotel for a treat? It could make Rose like him a wee bit. Because she despises him. She’s paying a high price.
Rose and her family live in poverty but they seem decent, healthy and relatively happy. If you’ve never known luxury you never miss it.

Compare Rose with the mess that is Darcy. Who’s happier?

Beige and yellow are not your colours, Baby Girl Lisa.  It’s interesting that Angela was filmed constantly lighting up cigarettes, but although we know BLG smokes we’ve never ever seen her smoking.



  • Love 24

To address the cellphone "issue", context is everything. If you are relatively affluent a cellphone is actually a bit of a luxury. You probably have a computer at work, a computer at home, an office phone, high speed internet, etc. A cellphone is a convenience item.

However if you are poor your phone is all of those things, it's probably your primary way of doing anything electronically and these days everyone, even the very poor, need to do things electronically, 

And smartphones aren't just some extravagant luxury, you can buy a new prepaid Android phone for less than $40 in the US.

Back to the show:

I'm sorry if it makes me a terrible person but Tom going in for the kill and asking her if she had gained weight was just amazing, it was just the perfect timing to go at something she is obvious incredibly insecure about just for no damn reason but it would hurt her even more, damn, that is just ruthless. And Darcy deserves it.

  • Love 6

 🥚 lacks basic kindness and empathy.

He cannot fathom how RM and her family can live in the conditions that with his First World Googles firmly on he sees a place as unsafe, sinister, unsanitary, deplorable.

Everything that comes from his mouth is insulting, whining, tone deaf, entitled, stupid and self centered.

Throwing banquet food on the floor was beyond the pale...he disrespected their home and hospitality.

Flaunting his spending the night with RM in the hotel would get him knifed in many places...saying it on camera further disrespects RM.

Asking Freddy if he likes his living in his impoverished situation is rhetorically wrong on many levels and TLC is exploiting this family.

This has ceased being entertaining...Lording the promise of a K1 visa at the expense of the dignity of a family’s face is wrong.



  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

My wife is into the big fashion brands like LV, Coach, MK, etc, and she's told me that a lot of the big designers have outlet stores where they sell more gauche stuff than they normally would at a Nordstrom's or wherever. She'll see someone with a loud, obnoxious Coach purse and think to herself "You bought that at a Coach Outlet, didn't you?"


I'm not into the big fashion brands, but I do think it's hilarious that people buy those MK bags at TJ Maxx.  I don't understand why anyone would ever want a bag that just has MK all over it.  It's like people will buy some of the ugliest shit just to have people think they have the means to buy something designer.

  • Love 16
20 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I believe if you owe more than a certain amount in child support you are unable to get a passport as well.  But again, feel free to correct me.

True. I think it's $2500.

If you ever go to a US embassy abroad and ask to renew your passport, the first thing they do is ask you to slide your passport to them under the glass partition and tell you to take a seat. Then they run your name for warrants and child support. And if you have active warrants or child support obligations, they don't give you a new passport, and they don't even give you back your old passport.

Instead they say "We can only give you a special limited passport allowing you to return promptly to the USA to resolve your outstanding obligations, do you want one of those?" And if it's a serious crime you're wanted for in the US, the embassy folks might call the local police and have them waiting right outside the embassy gates to arrest you and start the process of you being deported to the USA involuntarily.

People with arrest warrants (and child support obligations) generally have no trouble leaving the USA, assuming their passport hasn't been flagged or confiscated.  But sooner or later they will need to renew those passports while on the run, and that's one way Uncle Sam gets them.

But American convicted murderers, rapists, drug dealers, child molesters, etc. who have served their time and are off probation/parole are generally free to leave whenever they want and wreak havoc in any country that will let them in.

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21 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

That rat looked sick. Ed is delusional if he thinks this is a love story.  If he was a half decent fellow he’d buy a bed for Rose and Prince and maybe look into having a proper roof or the existing one waterproofed instead of complaining. I’m sure he could easily afford it.

Hopefully the family is compensated for allowing filming.

And why not stop being such a selfish lusting toad and book dad and son into the hotel for a treat? It could make Rose like him a wee bit. Because she despises him. She’s paying a high price.
Rose and her family live in poverty but they seem decent, healthy and relatively happy. If you’ve never known luxury you never miss it.

Compare Rose with the mess that is Darcy. Who’s happier?

Beige and yellow are not your colours, Baby Girl Lisa.  It’s interesting that Angela was filmed constantly lighting up cigarettes, but although we know BLG smokes we’ve never ever seen her smoking.



I agree.  He sees the need.  He should discretely offer help, REGARDLESS of what transpires with he and Rose.  And stop wondering whether she's into him.  She's highly motivated by poverty.  He needs to get over it and help her.  Rose seems to have a good nature, sense of humor and gets along with her family.  That IS A LOT in this world.  He should be grateful for that and stop nit picking. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 11

Ed has no heart. Even his generosity or kindnesses are for his benefit. That boy calls him “dad.”  He could’ve taken Prince on vacation with them. Actually, Rose should have insisted, but I think she’s just that desperate. I’m sure Prince would have loved the trip! Ed just doesn’t want Prince cockblocking. He’s a selfish jerk. 
I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say I could’ve stayed  at Rose’s house. Ed should have known to book a hotel room beforehand, and insist that he doesn’t want to impose. Eat at Rose’s, hangout with the family, meet the neighbors, sure, but I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stay the night. I’m just being honest. If Ed is truly serious about Rose and her son, he’d do what he could make their living situation more comfortable, like whatshisface did for Hazel.


  • Love 19
1 hour ago, gavinmac said:
1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

Omg, why wouldn’t they be clean? 

Because they wash the clothes by soaking them in a bucket  and beating them on the ground....

1 hour ago, readheaded said:

Because of a lack of access to the means to clean their clothes regularly;


Several episodes ago, before Big Ed arrived, there was a scene of RM and her sister washing clothes outside, and I recall water and soap.  No machines.  But there it was.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, zenme said:

I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say I could’ve stayed  at Rose’s house. Ed should have known to book a hotel room beforehand, and insist that he doesn’t want to impose. Eat at Rose’s, hangout with the family, meet the neighbors, sure, but I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stay the night. I’m just being honest. If Ed is truly serious about Rose and her son, he’d do what he could make their living situation more comfortable, like whatshisface did for Hazel.


It was Tarik who got a new place for Hazel - the girl who NEVER smiles.

I agree I could not stay at Rose's either - 90% because of the surroundings (just being honest) and the remainder is....I want and need my own space.  I just want to be alone at night!  Heck, I sleep in a different room than my hubby!  Really not interested in sleeping with chickken and mice but hey thanks for asking.

He 100% should have taken Prince with on the "vacation." I hope Rose asks for her own room just to spite him!

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12 hours ago, iwasish said:

Darcy laying in her bed, in her fancy robe and slippers drunkenly sobbing about wanting to be loved... I kept waiting for Harry Dean Stanton to call her and convince her to enlist. Then the next day Stacey shows up in an Army camo jacket!! 

"I didn't sign up for this Army.  I signed up for the one in Hawaii with the condos!"

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1 minute ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree I could not stay at Rose's either - 90% because of the surroundings (just being honest) and the remainder is....I want and need my own space. 

I'm with you . . . let's go on vacation together and get separate hotel rooms!!!

We're not extensive world travelers, but have been out of the country a few times.  Even when we were going to London and Paris, I was googling like crazy so I'd have an idea what to expect.  Does Ed's computer not allow him to access Google, for crying out loud?

Another thing . . . I would NEVER expect someone I'm going to see to invite me to their home to stay, but if they did I would gracefully decline.  It's better to avoid a situation like where Ed found himself, rather than having to potentially destroy a relationship because of having to dig himself out of it.

Given what he thought of downtown Manila, how could he have expected Rose's home to meet his standards of requiring A/C and 1000-count sheets?

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2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

  I will say one thing (and may God strike me down if it sounds like I am defending him, cause I am not) he does not have to ask for forgiveness FROM HER.

In my eyes, he does. Because he was not honest with her as they were building the relationship. A lie of omission is a lie. And this was a big big thing. Not like "oh, I hate anchovies."

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, KateHearts said:
2 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I will say one thing (and may God strike me down if it sounds like I am defending him, cause I am not) he does not have to ask for forgiveness FROM HER.

In my eyes, he does. Because he was not honest with her as they were building the relationship. A lie of omission is a lie. And this was a big big thing. Not like "oh, I hate anchovies."

I agree with you both.  This happened LONG before he ever met her, so forgiveness for the DRUG conviction is immaterial.    Starting a relationship and allowing someone to become emotionally invested in you two as a couple without revealing something that COULD be very important to someone is wrong - and for THAT he should be sorry.   In this case it COULD be a deal breaker as a loved one of Varya's actually died from an overdose or a bad batch of something.. or something related.  I tend to half-ignore the segments with Geoffrey in them because I don't personally like him. Which has nothing to do with his past.  Maybe it's those horrible nipple tattoos, but he's a big turn-off.

4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Goldie Hawn is Darcy’s spirit animal....

Goldie Hawn NEVER bawled as much as Darcy does, even when playing a role for a movie.  lol

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:


 I would NEVER expect someone I'm going to see to invite me to their home to stay, but if they did I would gracefully decline.  

TLC exploitation of RM’s family.

Gives🥚 situations to be especially ignorant and culturally insulting to their impoverished living conditions.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, cynicat said:

He needs to ask forgiveness for keeping it a secret, not for being a drug dealer.

What about his other secrets? - domestic abuse charges involving more than one woman and he had an upcoming court date after his trip to Russia.  His bad behaviour is not all in the distant past.  How will Varya forgive that?

Did Big Ed even shampoo his hair or soap up his body?  I saw RM's father wash his hair & soap up before being bucket-dumped & hosed off. And her father looked fresh and clean at the pig farm.  Ed complains about the heat, then complains about the cold water, which he should have found refreshing.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, nb360 said:

I actually was curious and went to her YouTube Page. I didn't look at any of the videos (because I didn't want to increase her "views") but one video was called, My Shower Routine, and Steph is shown from the neck up in a shower. 

She actually talks about how she is so sexual in her social media persona.

Steph was bubbly, flirtacious with her...until she met her.  It's hard for me to imagine how you could be so excited, have numerous video calls, then get there in person and suddenly be a cold fish.  This is why I believe that she probably realized she's just not gay or bisexual. She seems to be flat out repulsed by Erika.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, John M said:

I'm sorry if it makes me a terrible person but Tom going in for the kill and asking her if she had gained weight was just amazing, it was just the perfect timing to go at something she is obvious incredibly insecure about just for no damn reason but it would hurt her even more, damn, that is just ruthless. And Darcy deserves it.

Why? Darcey is the only reason Tom and his rosy-cheeked sister are continuing to live their famewhore dreams. He should be thanking her.

  • Love 18


12 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Exactly, I know mama Usman is Muslim, but surely there's an equivalent of a bible verse purse.   

A concealed carry purse, like the bible verse one. If prayer fails . . . .


27 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Did Big Ed even shampoo his hair or soap up his body?  I saw RM's father wash his hair & soap up before being bucket-dumped & hosed off. And her father looked fresh and clean at the pig farm.  Ed complains about the heat, then complains about the cold water, which he should have found refreshing.

The cold water isn't even cold. I've taken showers with unheated water in tropical  countries, and the water temperature is fine. Ed is a big baby. Anyway, he should have cut his hair before the trip to make things easier. He looks disgusting with that greasy mop. 

  • Love 18
9 hours ago, Chalby said:

I have to ask... are African men really this stupid about women. We've heard a couple of times that these men expect children from these dried up ol' 'bags of dirt' (old expression my mother used to point out the most horrible of people.) Angela and BabyLisa are going to be pumping out babies.

In both Michael and Usman's case, they appeared to be clueless about a woman's age as related to re-productivity, but their mothers took one look at the American hags and immediately decided, "Nope, not getting grandchildren out of this one..." 

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Just to add, a felony drug conviction is a BFD not just as a thing about his past, it's got massive relevance to their future.

Forget about renting an apartment, even places that will rent to people with felonies will not rent to people with drug felonies on their record. Same with jobs, employment with a drug felony is going to be difficult.

I'm not saying that it is necessarily a deal killer for a relationship but it's something that she should think about.



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8 minutes ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

Why? Darcey is the only reason Tom and his rosy-cheeked sister are continuing to live their famewhore dreams. He should be thanking her.


It was a low blow.  As ridiculous as Darcy is, I felt bad watching her being hurt over that comment.

That said, it was amusing to rewatch Darcy's entrance.  She walked in with the air of "I'm looking so good, he's going to rue the day he ever met that other blonde!"  

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5 minutes ago, John M said:

Forget about renting an apartment, even places that will rent to people with felonies will not rent to people with drug felonies on their record. Same with jobs, employment with a drug felony is going to be difficult.

Read in a TLC bio that Geoffrey manages rentals either his own properties or for their owners so like prison he has a roof over his head.

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I don't see much difference between Lisa's face with makeup or without. 

You got me there, @magemaud!

22 minutes ago, John M said:

Just to add, a felony drug conviction is a BFD not just as a thing about his past, it's got massive relevance to their future.

Forget about renting an apartment, even places that will rent to people with felonies will not rent to people with drug felonies on their record. Same with jobs, employment with a drug felony is going to be difficult.

I'm not saying that it is necessarily a deal killer for a relationship but it's something that she should think about.



I agree and it IS a BFD.  I do not have a felony, lol, but I did have a mix up with my license in 2016 that led to me pleading to a misdemeanor.  Little. Did. I. Know. what portal, for me, this hell would lead!!  Had I known I would have fought it.  Each time I went to a new school "Yeah, well, when you do a criminal background search......."  I hated it!  It has not had an adverse affect on me as I am upfront:  "Look, this is gonna be on there!" and it has not been an issue.  I can't fathom what a felony, especially drug charges, would do to a career and housing!!!!


8 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

he was acting

He does have an impressive IMDB resume!!

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3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Am I the only one that thought he has and he was acting and she was acting her response?  She didn't really seem all that upset and shocked like you'd think if you just found out your BF was in prison.


She seemed pretty upset to me but also acted like a green card-motivated 30+ year old Russian woman who has few other options and who has already introduced Geoffrey to her mom and put all her eggs in the Geoffrey basket.

The Filipinas on this show will excuse absolutely anything that the American dude does. The Russian women will excuse . . . almost anything.  You didn't see Anfisa run back to Russia when she found out that Jorge was a convicted drug dealer.  And she was probably relieved that he ended up going back to prison. She gets the green card without having to spend any more time with him. What a stroke of luck.

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3 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

"If she doesn't approve, that's too bad because me and Usman are gettin' married!"? 

You're absolutely right. When she first got there, in the car with Usman's friends, she said that they would be getting married, with out without his mother's blessing. 

She also told her friends while she was still in the US that she wasn't concerned for her safety in Nigeria because even if she only had ONE DAY with Usman, she had been with the "love of her life" then she threw a hissy fit when he left her in the hotel room for an hour. 

She talks big

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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

What about his other secrets? - domestic abuse charges involving more than one woman and he had an upcoming court date after his trip to Russia.  His bad behaviour is not all in the distant past.  How will Varya forgive that?

That information was not presented in the series yet, and so although it has been hinted at by many, many on this forum, I view sharing that as something I would consider a spoiler.  I'm trying NOT to be spoiled, that's just how I'm personally watching the show.  YMMV

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6 minutes ago, gavinmac said:

She seemed pretty upset to me but also acted like a green card-motivated 30+ year old Russian woman who has few other options and who has already introduced Geoffrey to her mom and put all her eggs in the Geoffrey basket.

The Filipinas on this show will excuse absolutely anything that the American dude does. The Russian women will excuse . . . almost anything.  You didn't see Anfisa run back to Russia when she found out that Jorge was a convicted drug dealer.  And she was probably relieved that he ended up going back to prison. She gets the green card without having to spend any more time with him. What a stroke of luck.

I honestly don't think she wants to move from Russia unless it's to NYC.  She lives in Moscow, not Siberia and has a radio job.  I think she, like a lot of others, just want to be on TV.  

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2 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I honestly don't think she wants to move from Russia unless it's to NYC.  She lives in Moscow, not Siberia and has a radio job.  I think she, like a lot of others, just want to be on TV.  

Yes - she isn't one of those people who just wants to get to the U.S.  If Varya comes to America she wants NYC, not boring Tennessee (or any other state or city.)  IF she marries that doofus, as soon as she is legally able to she will leave for NYC. 

Edited by Kyanight
  • Love 6

Long time lurker, first time poster (in 90 day fiance) just wanting to put in my two centers re: Stephanie & Erika

On Stephanie's sexuality: I'm not going to speculate. As a young, bisexual woman whose sexual identity is constantly being erased and changed to lesbian (I've given up at this point), I don't think it's fair to try to gauge how bisexual or gay (Stephanie isn't gay; she's said so herself) she is. Which leads me to my next point:

Stephanie and Erika just don't have any chemistry. I've done more than my fair share of online dating, and the oft-spoken, but oft-ignored, tenement of online dating is to meet the romantic interest as soon as possible. You can be as flirty, sexual, etc. online as much as you want but there's nothing like meeting that person face to face. Doing all of that online doesn't have nearly as much of an emotional risk. 

I've been on both sides -- I've been on dates after chatting for a few weeks only to sit down to dinner and have...no spark, despite their clear interest in me. I've also sat down to dinner and went away very intrigued by a girl, only for her to wish me luck with meeting someone new. <-- This is Stephanie and Erika, imo, but they're on a reality show so they can't be like, welp, I thought this would work out but I'm actually just not feeling it. And then walk away forever.

Erika likes the Stephanie she talked to and likes the Stephanie who's in front of her, personality not withstanding, but Stephanie liked the idea of Erika she had in her head and it's not translating in person, hence the numerous walls. 

Edited by cyberfruit
  • Love 16

Tom and Jess are just props for Miss Darcy to continue to peddle her scarred heart on her sleeve to her fans on 90D.

As pathetic as she portrays herself she has a firm foothold in the 90D franchise with her continuing bad luck in picking men.

Stupid Tom thinks the audience is interested in him and his average pretty gf...no

Jessie thinks the TLC audience is interested in his relationship with the cougar...nope

For better or worse, as inexplicable as why watching 2 guys eat food that is decades old  is interesting...because it is horrifying and probably a big mistake.... Darcy is a star....

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