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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, For Cereals said:

I don’t know what any of that means. I’m also having a dinner Mai Tai but it sounds really cool.

Also, I can’t stand Natalie. I’m drunk yelling at the TV. 

Drunk yelling at the T.V. - lolololol

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2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

My late husband was tight with Berry Gordy and pllayed trumpet on the Supreme hits.

I worked for him at Jobete in '96! We were on the project to re-create the Motown/Tamla Top 1000 songs in MIDI. They worked us like 🐶  🐶and paid us 💩. I didn't get invited to his big parties, but I heard he brought in a circus(?!?!?!?). I guess that's where all the money went. 

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Pretty sure Yara knew Jovi’s work schedule before coming over here? Did she think he’d quit his job? That schedule isn’t for everyone (my brother works offshore 28 on/28 off), but why is she acting like it is a big shock?! 

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48 minutes ago, Twopper said:

It's 2021, and people living in apartment buildings aren't surprised when other tenants divorce and re-marry. 

Well, I doubt if many other tenants divorce and remarry two young foreign studs they bring over on a K1 visa 

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2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

My late husband was tight with Berry Gordy and pllayed trumpet on the Supreme hits.

I will think of you, Doublemint, and your husband next time I play my Motown Hits CD in my car (which I often do because I love Motown) My 14-year-old Camry has a 6-CD player! 

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Just now, FrancescaFiore said:

Pretty sure a miscarriage does not require surgery. What require surgery is an abortion.

Not to defend what I still think was a fake pregnancy, but it could be explained by a D&C.

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1 minute ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Pretty sure a miscarriage does not require surgery. What require surgery is an abortion.

So that’s not even a little bit accurate. An incomplete miscarriage requires surgery. 

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1 minute ago, Mercolleen said:

Oh no! What triggered the sale?

I took over the house in '17, with some other fam members. Economy ravaged our businesses last year. I don't want to sell/move, but I'm out-voted. I put about $20k and 3 years of back-breaking labor (sometimes on crutches) into renovating the house and building that recording studio/theater. I still am somewhat of denial, but it goes on the market...this week, actually

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10 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:


Root beer is beer???

When I was in college I spent a weekend visiting some high school friends who attended BYU. They lived in the dorms, and there was a soft drink vending machine in the basement. Caffeine is forbidden, the selections were “Lemon-Lime”, “Orange”, and “Root DRINK”. I kid you not.

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Well, THAT was interesting!!!!  Happy Birthday to you January birthday people!  Where the HELL is Amira??? In a Mexican detention center??? WHOA!

See y'all Friday.  I'm gonna go have a root beer.  It's BEER, Natalie!  Made out of sassafras roots. You dumbo!

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Just now, Frozendiva said:

Yara, you're not another Pao, are you? Wanting your future husband to change jobs and move to LA?

Right?! You want the money you have to let him work. She is for sure not getting a job, even when she can

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glad we had dinner before the show.  So much food temptations--scallops, steak, root beer float, fried chicken and waffles, french toast.   I think we have visited every brewery in the Charlottesville area. 

Speaking of food, why was Grandpop Brandon already eating salad when Julia and Brandon arrived?  Don't people wait until everyone has arrived to order and  eat.  I could see if the couple were running late and the parents and Grandpop ordered an appetizer, but this just seemed odd.

Farewell until next time.  If there is a next time.

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49 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Why do I have the feeling that Brandon's parents are going to start locking her in at night? "For your safety, dear". 

Those parents would be great inspiration for a horror movie.  

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