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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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Mike could have bought her some tea, but she is being very inflexible. She said his house is not clean? Go live with Tarik and meet not clean. She needs to loosen up and roll with the new place for a bit before she hates it.

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9 minutes ago, kacesq said:

Pardon me for being crude and/or rude but is there something wrong with the 1000 lbs sisters other than the weight? Their eyes look weird.

Yeah, but I cannot recall what it is.  There is something wrong with the forehead of the heavier one, and I don't recall what it is.  I think the other one has serious vision issues, but as I said I can't recall it right at the moment, and I hope I do not wake up at 3 am and remember it.

That cat needs to keep away from Natalie.

Enjoyed being back, although I couldn't keep up.  Now I am off to put a Boston Butt into the crock pot to cook overnight.

Good night until next time, if there is a next time.   

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Dear bunny boiler,

I left one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world for po dunk fort Walton beach. It was a one bedroom apartment with no washing machine on a 2nd lt wages and apart from missing family and friends I had never been happier because I was with the love of my life. I think you have made a huge mistake 


love me xx

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28 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

They seem to be looking at Julia as though they're adopting a foreign daughter instead of their son marrying a foreign spouse. 

It’s like they’re finding an au pair to babysit Brandon

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Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! My girlfriend's daughter, son-in-law and their two kids will be here Christmas Eve and we'll have our traditional Christmas dinner and unwrap presents. See y'all next week for more snarky fun!

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22 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

@mamadrama, is your son getting chemo? How’s he holding up?

He just went through his third round. He was on homebound all of last year because of it and, of course, he's been home this year because of COVID. It's been rough. Not only has he had trouble fighting it, but it's almost completely killed his immune system so he's been in and out of hospitals for 1.5 years now. Even allergies or a slight cold sends him into pneumonia. The prognosis is actually pretty good, though. The last round of chemo was really a precaution. He's starting to get his appetite back. 

At one point, no kidding, we were in the hospital at the same time. Since neither of us could have visitors they put us in the same room so that he wouldn't be alone. 

This was from mono, by the way. He had mono 4 years ago and apparently this is a rare complication from it. Mono can kiss my ass. 

ETA: Little Mister Drama


Edited by mamadrama
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17 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Bitch just shunned a tortie.

Cat v dog; Christian v Alienist (and not the psychiatric kind), city v county, children v not ready for children.   I could go on and on, but this couple needs to  get over to wherever it was Andrew and his sister were chatting.  They need to listen to her talk about being on the same page about issues.   I am beginning to think TCL should create a roving role for the sister, and she could go talk sense to most of them. 

Run, kitty, run.  

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18 minutes ago, Twopper said:

There is something wrong with the forehead of the heavier one, and I don't recall what it is.  

I think it was determined it’s just a big ol’ fat deposit. I find those sisters to be unwatchable with their childish bickering, belching and giggling 

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m not in the demographic, but does a celebrity endorsement for a perfume make you want to buy it?

Hell no, I can’t stand the Julia Robert’s Lancôme ad and I love me some good perfume.

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