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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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2 minutes ago, kacesq said:

I think the editors hate Tim, he has the most unflattering intro card pic.

But he doesn't deserve a flattering intro pic! Haven't you heard? HE'S A CHEATSTICK!

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Just now, goofygirl said:

Let's see here.... Mom is a nurse.  Dad is a doctor.  And YET, those two medical professionals have a complete MORON for a daughter!  No birth control talks when she was a teenager?? Naaaaa....  Just go with the flow, send MORON to a foreign country and wait and see what happens??

CheeseStick sure did need to leave that poor cat at home.

She’s 29, I think her biological clock was ticking and Baby was the winner. 

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Just now, goofygirl said:

Let's see here.... Mom is a nurse.  Dad is a doctor.  And YET, those two medical professionals have a complete MORON for a daughter!  No birth control talks when she was a teenager?? Naaaaa....  Just go with the flow, send MORON to a foreign country and wait and see what happens??

CheeseStick sure did need to leave that poor cat at home.

I suspect Ariella was a huge brat growing up. 


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Just now, goofygirl said:

Let's see here.... Mom is a nurse.  Dad is a doctor.  And YET, those two medical professionals have a complete MORON for a daughter!  No birth control talks when she was a teenager?? Naaaaa....  Just go with the flow, send MORON to a foreign country and wait and see what happens??

CheeseStick sure did need to leave that poor cat at home.

I really hate that guy for dragging his poor cat to another country! 

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Just now, goofygirl said:

Let's see here.... Mom is a nurse.  Dad is a doctor.  And YET, those two medical professionals have a complete MORON for a daughter!  No birth control talks when she was a teenager?? Naaaaa....  Just go with the flow, send MORON to a foreign country and wait and see what happens??

CheeseStick sure did need to leave that poor cat at home.

But that’s the thing! She got married at 18 for a DECADE and no kids. She knows all about BC. 

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She's going to make Cheesestick pay for the rest of his life.

That's eggs-zactly what Mrs. FB and I were just saying! She shouldn't torture him forever if she chooses to take him back.

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1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

I love when people say it was great until he/she cheated. Clearly it wasnt that great if someone cheated


I think Tim is probably a nice guy but has not storyline other than the cheating when they were just dating, were they engaged? But seriously if Myliza keeps bringing it up she is not over it, not by a long shot...she will throw that in his face every chance she gets, she will use it to guilt him into doing things for her, buying things for her, it will be her weapon of choice.  

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If you’re actually moving to another country, you should take the pets you have.

But cheese stick is going to be there for 2.5 seconds, so he should’ve had his mom watch the cat while he went on his little trip.

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Oh joy.  Yet ANOTHER MORON!!  I'm happy Deavan is miserable.  She is completely stupid and deserves whatever comes her dumbass way. She just needs to go home with Mommy and be done with it.  "The market is crazy but it's super fun".  DIPSHIT!

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1 minute ago, OoogleEyes said:

Aren't animals quarantined when you take them to another country?

Depends on the country. I’ve moved a few different places with my cat, and only one required a 7-day quarantine. You have to do lots of paperwork beforehand and have proof of vaccinations.

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2 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Let's see here.... Mom is a nurse.  Dad is a doctor.  And YET, those two medical professionals have a complete MORON for a daughter!  No birth control talks when she was a teenager?? Naaaaa....  Just go with the flow, send MORON to a foreign country and wait and see what happens??

CheeseStick sure did need to leave that poor cat at home.

Ari is a spoiled, entitled pain in the ass who probably just wanted to have a bAYbEEee!!1 to dress up and post pics on IG but make others take care of it. Which her parents will 100% do if she tells them to. 

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2 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

I might be a little quiet tonight. I just watched Happily Ever After and am still traumatized by Colt on the beach. Traumatized. 

We are all here for you...shared trauma...

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