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S04.E05: Our Lips Are Sealed

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7 minutes ago, RealReality said:

If so, she is really playing the long game because I think they have been taking for a while, right?  

Either way, she seems fun and laid back and I love that she is not falling for any of his tricks.  

Yeah, good point. Maybe it's b/c she seems so together, I have a hard time understanding why she would fall for that idiot.

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On 3/20/2020 at 12:32 PM, Kid said:

So tell me. If Rose lives in such abject poverty, how does she have a computer and 4000 friends on Facebook?   Maybe if she spent her time more constructively to better her life, she would not need a green card and a sugar daddy.

On 3/20/2020 at 1:04 PM, RealReality said:

There was a podcast that kinda got into this.  Apparently second hand electronics are often refurbished and sold overseas for a fairly small amount.  And at least for phones I guess there are per minute plans that are fairly inexpensive.  

Even visiting our home country, which is very small and impoverished, people had cell phones and data plans and were able to afford them.  I found the internet VERRRRY spotty, but around the world people have access to whatsapp and it's a much less expensive way to communicate.  

There is not much opportunity for rose in her country/situation even if she put buckled down or whatever.  I think in the US we have this wonderful luxury of having access to education and opportunity as a means to craft our own life path. 

It's just not the same in other countries.  It's not unheard of certainly.  But it's a much harder path, and your odds are a little better than the lottery if you're from a small, impoverished country.  My dad made it out, but combined with a ridiculous amount of work and hustle and grind, it took luck.  

He was lucky to have a sister who could sponsor him in the US, lucky that the US was open to immigrants, lucky that he was smart and the US had so many educational opportunities.  

So TL;DR - I don't think the fact she has FB, a computer and 4000 friends says anything shady about her or that she could do better if she tried harder.  

Also Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and some other manufacturers of Android phones flood 3rd world markets with deeply deeply discounted phones to do a couple of things:

  1. To begin building customer and user data on those markets about likes and dislikes and what to advertise to those individuals and
  2. Get those individuals so used to an operating system that they won't switch from Android to Apple or Apple to Android at a later date when they come into money.  They are trying to build lifelong loyalty without having to earn it.
8 hours ago, Dobian said:

He didn’t say it but I suspect it’s because he doesn’t trust the clinics there to use clean needles. In which case, why are you making Rose do it?  He never should have demanded she do that unless he was willing to get tested himself.

The flaw in Ed's logic is that if he can't trust the clinic to use clean needles on him, he can't trust them on Rose to either give her accurate results that haven't been contaminated or to not infect her with something. The clinic is untrustworthy for Rose too because he wants to have sex with her. He should be afraid the clinic will give him AND her a disease.

46 minutes ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

Ed's main issues are first-world entitlement, racism, and toxic masculinity

43 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

I totally agree with the first two - not so much the last one.  He reeks of childish pussy.


Toxic masculinity isn't only about being an abusive shit like Geoffrey. It's primarily about reinforcing traditional gender roles. So it's conceivable that a guy getting into a snit when he demands to know how many other men his much younger foreign "girlfriend" has been with, insisting that she take an STD test but he doesn't, and treating any situation where she questions his decisions or opinions as a war might be fixated on gender roles and masculinity.

7 hours ago, InternetToughGuy said:

“He’s in the dark with me” - we can see you’re both black, no need for the metaphors.

Whut?!?!? The stock photo model is a white Italian man. Yolanda believes that Williams is white.

Edited by HunterHunted
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5 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I'm the same way, re: low energy and the gym.  It's taken every ounce of self discipline for me to get up this morning, put on my workout clothes and go out for a walk/run and then (hopefully) do a workout video.  And I'm still just sitting here posting and not outside. 

I ordered a foldable stair climbing machine off Amazon so hopefully that'll help.  But I feel you, i spent most of the weekend in a giant nightshirt.  But I showered everyday and washed my hands a lot, so there is that.  

We will get through this RR! I just looked outside and it's snowing. SNOWING. It's mixed with some rain, and won't accumulate where I'm at but some places with get a couple inches. Maybe even 3 inches which is basically how much Big Ed lied about  his height. 

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9 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

We will get through this RR! I just looked outside and it's snowing. SNOWING. It's mixed with some rain, and won't accumulate where I'm at but some places with get a couple inches. Maybe even 3 inches which is basically how much Big Ed lied about  his height. 

And probably length, too.  

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I don't see why it's a problem that Varya might have made an effort to meet an American man to build a life with.  She's single.  If she wants to come to America it makes perfect sense for her to take a shot at maybe finding love with an American guy.  Why not?  Does Geoff have any interest in living in Russia?  It would be a problem if she was just willing to marry ANY WARM BODY to get to America (a la Usman?) but if she's honest about trying to find a real relationship with an American it seems fine to me.  He's an idiot afaic...she seems great to me.  I mean she's lucky he's an idiot because he's also dangerous, but he's an idiot to not see how great she is...

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Ed will settle for the test but he really wants to know how many lovers she has had.  Like the guys who want a virgin, he doesn’t want to be compared to other guys both on technique and equipment.

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8 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

That knowing "Ah" when Lisa tells her friends she's dating SojaBoy is people thinking she's claiming to date Soulja Boy, who I understand is a legitimately famous rapper.

Remember when she told her friends her Nigerian boyfriend was “Soldier Boy” and Rocky asked if he was “in the army or something”? 

Edited by magemaud
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Just now, magemaud said:

Remember when she told her friends her Nigerian boyfriend was “Soldier Boy” Rocky asked if he was “in the army or something”? 

Well the real one was a one hit wonder and not a genre I envision Rocky embracing.  

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Okay. I have a lot to unpack and there is a rumour that the state of Minnesota is going on full lock down at 5:30 - so yeah.

Half of the Americans came off as complete jackasses last night.  Rude, pushy, entitled, badgering and toxic.  Where shall I start?

Ed/Rose:  OMG SHUT UP!  You have been communicating with her for THREE MONTHS via Facebook, met her yesterday and are now demanding that she take an STD test but you want to wait till you return?  You act all high and mighty that you did not force for pushy sweaty self on her the first night but now this?  Then you would not let it go!  The girl was crying!  Maybe Prince was conceived not of her will, did ya think of that?  You lied about many things too, so take a seat, Tiny Man.

Geoffrey/Varya - Okay, I kinda love her right now.  He clearly hooked up with someone sharper than him and no way is he having that.  He can sit down now as in last week's episode he was promoting Knoxville to her and how beautiful it is but oh know - she is planning on coming and it is her who wants to come, not him begging her to come then his mood changed.  I loved loved LOVED it when her friends said "Oh yeah, she has been talking to other Americans!"  Geoffrey, she is from friggin' SIBERIA - of course she wants out of the tundra.  Wake the hell up - you are not the only game in town.  Yes, her friends had every right to quiz you.  You just did not like being under the lights as you knew what would come out, correct?

Melissa - Look, if my man showed up to work and started telling me to not talk to other men - well I am laughing as I write that because I have a (sort of) work husband as I case a kid in his classroom and during February we talked all the time as the IEP meeting was coming up, then we sat next to each other during an interview process that spanned several days.  My hubby was like "Good!  Talk to him, less talking with me in the evening!"  Kidding, of course.  Lisa, you are a complete fool if you think when an artist writes a song, his/her SO should be in the video and not a model.  I have a secret wish that the director edits the model back in at the premier party.  LOVED the friend:  "Are you trying to ruin his career?"  Oh and that recording studio?  Well it was no Paisley Park that is for sure.  Nice to know you can run down for a birthday card if needed.

David - too dim to care at this point.  He wasted seven YEARS and $100,000 on this scam and he could have had the love and affection of a woman his own age but that is ll on him.  I would like to thank him as now when I ask my hubs a question and he wants to respond in the affirmative he simply says "Hmmmmm!'  David, you need to get out in the sun!  Pasty Man!!!  I hope the man on the other end of the chat likes Cubic Zirconia.

Gay Girls - I don't care how you want to swing but they are both so boring and only in it for their careers.  American Girl - you show your plumpies via YouTube so you can take all your "Should we kiss or not" and go take a seat.  I had to mute their airport meeting, it sounded like two girls in junior high.

Yolanda - he could tell you ANYTHING and you will believe him.

Per the STD talk - when I was first dating my first husband, he asked, in a very nice way:  "Should I be concerned about STD's?"  I was 27 - fair enough.  I said no and hae dropped it.  

36 minutes ago, Eme said:

Geoff hasn’t told her “His Secrets” but is defensive and ANGRY when he believes she had the nerve to be American Husband Shopping

100% this.  

I wanted Rose to get back to her home and block Big Ed entirely.  Your humble existence is better than life with that badgering, smug and entitled fool.

Avery/Ash - oh for the love of all that is good and holy:  Bone each other senseless for three weeks and call it a day.  He is not a drinker nor a smoker and HE IS NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO MOVE HIS SON TO THE US - EVER!!!!   I loved his brother!!!  Just calm cool and collected!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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Lisa’s volatile temper is driven by insecurity about her looks, her age and being scammed.

BGLisa is being treated with kid gloves by her fiancé, he’s treating her lady parts right and being a good tour guide of his home and life.

Soja Boy’s gracious manners is going beyond the call of duty to be solicitous of her feelings in face of ridicule from his work colleagues and friends questioning why he is with this post menopausal, beer gutted, rough, LOUD, impolite, pushy, unfeminine lout.

BGL  wanted a fairy tale trip where she had unfettered  and unlimited sex, got to bask in the adulation of her fiancé’s celebrity when their song(she was the inspiration and don’t you forget it)became the sensation of the state and she got a basic cable teevee show to follow their love story and throw more publicity to Soja Boy’s rap.

Understandable why she is on edge...she is being laughed at by everyone she meets.
Her feelings are being bruised and her lashing out and storming away is her knee jerk reflex to the unrelenting humiliation.

BGL is woman in love LUST no doubt.


Edited by humbleopinion
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4 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I have to say I loved it when Psycho Geoffrey stood up at that dinner and immediately so did the Russian man.  I noticed Geoffrey left soon after.  Not such a bully when faced with a man bigger than him.

That dude was unfortunate looking.  Is there a shortage of men over there?

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On 3/21/2020 at 8:57 AM, humbleopinion said:

Can’t wait to see the slack faces of the crowd at the premier when Lisa’s bloaty face and blimp body is super imposed into the video.

They are gonna think Sojaboy did a remake of The Monster Mash.


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46 minutes ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

I don't see why it's a problem that Varya might have made an effort to meet an American man to build a life with.  She's single.  If she wants to come to America it makes perfect sense for her to take a shot at maybe finding love with an American guy.  Why not?  Does Geoff have any interest in living in Russia?  It would be a problem if she was just willing to marry ANY WARM BODY to get to America (a la Usman?) but if she's honest about trying to find a real relationship with an American it seems fine to me.  He's an idiot afaic...she seems great to me.  I mean she's lucky he's an idiot because he's also dangerous, but he's an idiot to not see how great she is...

Right?  David has been to the Ukraine several times to meet women there before he met "Lana" (I use quotes because I think she is actually a "Dimitri") so Lana is like his 4th or 5th woman he "dated" there.   So he likes Ukraine women.  Why is that ok, but if Varya likes Americans, Geoffrey has to have a freaking hissy fit?

48 minutes ago, Spike said:

Ed will settle for the test but he really wants to know how many lovers she has had.  Like the guys who want a virgin, he doesn’t want to be compared to other guys both on technique and equipment.

Both of which I am very confident he is greatly lacking in.

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30 minutes ago, Spike said:

That dude was unfortunate looking.  Is there a shortage of men over there?

I actually think there is a shortage of young, eligible men in Russia/Ukraine.  No joke, I remember hearing it somewhere reputable.  

I couldn't tell if the guy was ugly, or if it was the haircut.  The haircut was veeeeery unfortunate.  He looked like a reincarnation of one of the three stooges.  

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40 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Lisa’s volatile temper is driven by insecurity about her looks, her age and being scammed.

BGLisa is being treated with kid gloves by her fiancé, he’s treating her lady parts right and being a good tour guide of his home and life.

Soja Boy’s gracious manners is going beyond the call of duty to be solicitous of her feelings in face of ridicule from his work colleagues and friends questioning why he is with this post menopausal, beer gutted, rough, LOUD, impolite, pushy, unfeminine lout.

BGL  wanted a fairy tale trip where she had unfettered  and unlimited sex, got to bask in the adulation of her fiancé’s celebrity when their song(she was the inspiration and don’t you forget it)became the sensation of the state and she got a basic cable teevee show to follow their love story and throw more publicity to Soja Boy’s rap.

Understandable why she is on edge...she is being laughed at by everyone she meets.
Her feelings are being bruised and her lashing out and storming away is her knee jerk reflex to the unrelenting humiliation.

BGL is woman in love, no doubt.


The bolded brings up an interesting question about what exactly love is.  

I think BGLs feelings aren't love, but rather some weird mix of obsessiton and possessiveness.  Entitlement and control and ego.  

I think she is an abusive bully ....and doesn't seem to know much about Usman other than that he is a celebrity and has agreed to look at her naked body and is desperate to get to the US.  

But it begs the question of what love really is.  Are people who play on and take advantage of a great power disparity even capable of love since they rely on their upper hand to control a relationship?  Can that be love?  Can an abusive personality be capable of love?  

I don't know.  But it's interesting.  

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9 minutes ago, RealReality said:

I actually think there is a shortage of young, eligible men in Russia/Ukraine.  No joke, I remember hearing it somewhere reputable.  

I couldn't tell if the guy was ugly, or if it was the haircut.  The haircut was veeeeery unfortunate.  He looked like a reincarnation of one of the three stooges.  

I thought he looked like Vladimir Putin.

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BigEd pitched his story to 90D casting this way...

I have an unnatural obsession with my co worker but have been “dating” with a look alike named Rosemarie from a poor village that I fell in love with on FB a month ago.

She is 30 years younger than me but the same age as my co worker, Kara....creepy transference of lust.

The camera will love and lap up my beautiful object of hidden desire....she is poised, professional and hides the fact that she knows I’ve been crushing on her....

I have coached Rose to call me her king, I’ll call her my queen to go along with her son whose name is Prince...catchy huh?
I am willing to pretend to woo her with sending useless items like $39.99 “silk sheets” sets that cost $125 to send by UPS to her village 2 hours out of Manila.

So if you cast me and we get this production setup then we will have dated 3 months...

The story is while I am the way I am from birth I still am a hopeless romantic in search for love from a woman who love me for me....all 4’11” 200 pounds of me....

In reality, I still feel entitled to use my wealth by her standards to entice her into a sexual relationship where I have all the power and can feel manly and large and in charge.

You can portray me as a jovial, happy go lucky, cheerful man with an adorable scooter, a cute doggie in a backpack, a full sized beautiful daughter, and a doting mother that acts to hide the fact that I am an insecure, egotistical, delusional, horny, lonely old man.

I have a series of hoops for Rose to jump through before I dangle America as her prize for sex and pretending to love me....I’ll spare you the details but I have a lot of pent up fantasies, kinky kinkiness that may be stomach churning....

So look at my sizzle reel and let me know if you want to cast me and I will double up on the mayo treatments to luxuriate my flowing Fabio locks....

BigEd is ready for his spotlight.....



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24 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

I have to say I loved it when Psycho Geoffrey stood up at that dinner and immediately so did the Russian man.  I noticed Geoffrey left soon after.  Not such a bully when faced with a man bigger than him.

But Geoffrey is an idiot because he went on an international site looking for women, what did he think was going to happen, he was going to find women that would want to meet American men and move to the US, is he really that stupid about what he was doing and the desired end result when he set up his account on that site?

Varya admitted to talking to other men but when she found out that Geoffrey was coming to meet her she could have paused contact with other men till they figured out if they were going to move forward with their relationship.   

Varya's friends are really bitchy, why did that one have to say anything about Varya speaking with other men or maybe it's producer driven so we can get that phone call from Geophrey (tee hee) to some voice of reason pointing out red flags, etc...

David the Unicyclist seemed way too comfortable driving in Russia even with his GPS.  Show of hands from those of you who really thought Lana would get off that train and run slow motion in to David's open arms!

If I were dating someone for seven years and still did not have their phone number I would never admit it.

Bi Girls, they seem suited for each other, possibly the most annoying duo.

Baby Girl Lisa throwing her weight around about who can come to a party that she is an invited guest, telling the producer to cut out the model from the video and general ickyness...she is not pleasant to look at or listen to with her fake broken Nigerian accent.  Can she say "Baby love," any faster?





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48 minutes ago, Spike said:

That dude was unfortunate looking.  Is there a shortage of men over there?

LOL, when I was in Russia, I didn't find that many attractive ones.  Except for my host's brother who was hot AF.

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I love how all these folks start out with excitement as they are about to meet the "love of their life" and then it all spirals down from there. It ends up being a storm of  weeping fits and angry tantrums. 

My advice. Drop your expectations. Meet people in real life. Take it slow. 

Of course, that doesn't make for good tv but it's clear that this type of show may no longer exist in the future. Unless they plan on FaceTime/Skyping for the remainder of their lives. 

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1 hour ago, DanaMB said:

I have to say I loved it when Psycho Geoffrey stood up at that dinner and immediately so did the Russian man.  I noticed Geoffrey left soon after.  Not such a bully when faced with a man bigger than him.

No way Geoffrey would do that if there wasn't a crew with cameras following him.  When I was in Russia, I thought the last thing I'd wan to do is break bad with them.  They are tough people.  The men are scary looking and for the most part burly.

The women in Moscow were gorgeous and thin!  Darya would not be considered that good looking in Moscow.

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25 minutes ago, RealReality said:

The bolded brings up an interesting question about what exactly love is.  

I think BGLs feelings aren't love, but rather some weird mix of obsessiton and possessiveness.  Entitlement and control and ego.  

I think she is an abusive bully ....and doesn't seem to know much about Usman other than that he is a celebrity and has agreed to look at her naked body and is desperate to get to the US.  

But it begs the question of what love really is.  Are people who play on and take advantage of a great power disparity even capable of love since they rely on their upper hand to control a relationship?  Can that be love?  Can an abusive personality be capable of love?  

I don't know.  But it's interesting.  

Most relationships are based on a power dynamic.  And in sexual ones one party is usually the penetrator and the other is the penetrated.

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Seems to me that Rose‘ is true feelings about big Ed came out when he asked her to take the test, eh???  Just a bit of an overreaction as she sees her meal ticket slipping away.

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Jeez, Ed really thinks he's something special to make this girl jump throughout hoops to have taste of his tiny friend.  

Sideshow Erica and the youtube chick are boring and fabricated as shit.  The arbitrary use of the face mask is obnoxious as shit.  She can barely keep her eyes off the camera while she's meeting this chick for the first time.  I cannot tolerate the glottal fry, good god.  

Jeffery or whatever the fuck his name is looks like he's dying to flip the table and start hitting girls.  I hope to god this dummy is not with him anymore.  How dare he act affronted  when he is a lying criminal with a history of beating women.  TLC really shit the bed with this guy.  Freaking sociopath.  He's actually scary.  His neck was all red.  I really think he would have hit her if the cameras weren't on. He was going to go after that poor dude that didn't want to be there.  How could they let this guy on television?

Baby girl Lisa is just ridiculous.  I'm kind of surprised we didn't catch her going off to eat a cigarette in anger.

Tom and Darcy.  Tom wanted to come back on to show the world that he does NOT look like Bunsen Honeydew's assistant!  Darcy's lip injections are practically in her nostrils.  Good god, woman.

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

New isolation suggestion.


I could NOT just use the laughing emoji.. I am laughing so hard.. I just talked to 2 of my "married" friends.. empty nesters.. and they were ALL IN THEIR PAJAMAS. I just made a DASH to the store to get some carrots and celery cause I made some chicken stock - with chicken - yesterday. and there were  PARKING SPACES near the store.. it is so quiet here.. kind of scary.. no one is out and I live just outside the city (not Boston..Lowell.. near the NH border)… I thank all of you for being so funny.. I try not to watch the news too much.. it is too horrible.. been watching Everybody Loves Raymond - pee your pants funny.. and King of Queens.. OMG.. I need to laugh!!

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1 minute ago, Kid said:

Seems to me that Rose‘ is true feelings about big Ed came out when he asked her to take the test, eh???  Just a bit of an overreaction as she sees her meal ticket slipping away.

I think it was more a reaction to him demanding she take the test but coming up with stupid rationalizations for why he couldn't take it. She's realizing any future with him is going to include copious helpings of "Do as I say, not as I do."

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On 3/23/2020 at 11:26 AM, AZChristian said:

New isolation suggestion.


except on Sunday nights when all of us should make the switch a little earlier so we can be in place for our Snarknado

Edited to add: I have changed the pajama switch times to noon and midnight at my house

Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

And probably length, too.  

dear GOD, I was thinking the same thing.. i'm going to take a shower again and get this DIRT off me..OMG..too funny

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I lol’d at Varya’s friends.    First they insist she not spend the first night in Geoffrey’s hotel and now they are deliberately testing him with remarks about other American men.   Good for them.  They made him reveal his true self.  

Edited by DEL901
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2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't like Varya.  I don't like Geoffrey, but I gotta side eye Varya.  I think she's only in this to be on TV.  

I can't unsee her wonky eye

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

except on Sunday nights when all of us should make the switch a little earlier so we can be in place for our Snarknado

I put on new clothes EVERY Sunday..lol.. all my friends know NOT to call me during 90 Day.. they think I should be institutionalized.. but hell, it's my guilty pleasure.. with a drink and some cheese and crackers.. (you can tell I am not married now and have been single for 5 years and ENJOYING IT).. sad, really.  but I can still laugh.

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Poor Geoffrey...NOT!!!  He is so outraged yet he has been withholding information from her that is much more serious. Also, it’s a surprise to him that she’s going after Americans for a green card?   A little common sense would’ve told him that.

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2 hours ago, sasha206 said:

I like the lesbian couple.  They both seem really sweet and I hope they work out.  One of the few couples on this series that seem like they are actually in love.

I have to disagree. I think Erica might be sweet and in love, but I don't think Stephanie is either one. I believe she's doing this for the attention and You Tube fame. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Okay. I have a lot to unpack and there is a rumour that the state of Minnesota is going on full lock down at 5:30 - so yeah.

Half of the Americans came off as complete jackasses last night.  Rude, pushy, entitled, badgering and toxic.  Where shall I start?

Ed/Rose:  OMG SHUT UP!  You have been communicating with her for THREE MONTHS via Facebook, met her yesterday and are now demanding that she take an STD test but you want to wait till you return?  You act all high and mighty that you did not force for pushy sweaty self on her the first night but now this?  Then you would not let it go!  The girl was crying!  Maybe Prince was conceived not of her will, did ya think of that?  You lied about many things too, so take a seat, Tiny Man.

Geoffrey/Varya - Okay, I kinda love her right now.  He clearly hooked up with someone sharper than him and no way is he having that.  He can sit down now as in last week's episode he was promoting Knoxville to her and how beautiful it is but oh know - she is planning on coming and it is her who wants to come, not him begging her to come then his mood changed.  I loved loved LOVED it when her friends said "Oh yeah, she has been talking to other Americans!"  Geoffrey, she is from friggin' SIBERIA - of course she wants out of the tundra.  Wake the hell up - you are not the only game in town.  Yes, her friends had every right to quiz you.  You just did not like being under the lights as you knew what would come out, correct?

Melissa - Look, if my man showed up to work and started telling me to not talk to other men - well I am laughing as I write that because I have a (sort of) work husband as I case a kid in his classroom and during February we talked all the time as the IEP meeting was coming up, then we sat next to each other during an interview process that spanned several days.  My hubby was like "Good!  Talk to him, less talking with me in the evening!"  Kidding, of course.  Lisa, you are a complete fool if you think when an artist writes a song, his/her SO should be in the video and not a model.  I have a secret wish that the director edits the model back in at the premier party.  LOVED the friend:  "Are you trying to ruin his career?"  Oh and that recording studio?  Well it was no Paisley Park that is for sure.  Nice to know you can run down for a birthday card if needed.

David - too dim to care at this point.  He wasted seven YEARS and $100,000 on this scam and he could have had the love and affection of a woman his own age but that is ll on him.  I would like to thank him as now when I ask my hubs a question and he wants to respond in the affirmative he simply says "Hmmmmm!'  David, you need to get out in the sun!  Pasty Man!!!  I hope the man on the other end of the chat likes Cubic Zirconia.

Gay Girls - I don't care how you want to swing but they are both so boring and only in it for their careers.  American Girl - you show your plumpies via YouTube so you can take all your "Should we kiss or not" and go take a seat.  I had to mute their airport meeting, it sounded like two girls in junior high.

Yolanda - he could tell you ANYTHING and you will believe him.

Per the STD talk - when I was first dating my first husband, he asked, in a very nice way:  "Should I be concerned about STD's?"  I was 27 - fair enough.  I said no and hae dropped it.  

100% this.  

I wanted Rose to get back to her home and block Big Ed entirely.  Your humble existence is better than life with that badgering, smug and entitled fool.

Avery/Ash - oh for the love of all that is good and holy:  Bone each other senseless for three weeks and call it a day.  He is not a drinker nor a smoker and HE IS NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO MOVE HIS SON TO THE US - EVER!!!!   I loved his brother!!!  Just calm cool and collected!

Mrs. Hanson, have you been holding out on us? Were you Canadian at some point? Rumour??

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

I have to disagree. I think Erica might be sweet and in love, but I don't think Stephanie is either one. I believe she's doing this for the attention and You Tube fame. 

Ah could be.  I keep thinking maybe she just has never actually had a sexual experience with a woman but believes she is gay.

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Welcome to the new world


3 minutes ago, judylo said:

Mrs. Hanson, have you been holding out on us? Were you Canadian at some point? Rumour??

I have been wondering.. and missing (Mrs Hanson) the same thing.

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I'm no fan of Ed, but I gotta say... if I were dating someone who refused to talk about their past relationships, I would take it as a red flag, too.  It's just not OK.  What happened in their past will likely have a lot of bearing on how they handle current/future situations.  And I personally wouldn't be willing to accept a clean STD test in place of open & honest communication.... Now I have the impression Rose may have suffered some horrible trauma- abuse, rape, betrayal? If true, that takes a long time to get over and a lot of patience from future partners. Ed wants an insta-wife, so I doubt he is willing to put in the time & effort to help support her recovery. I feel for her, I really do.  I hope she walks away from Ed, because I don't think he has her best interests at heart.

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Too Much Time On My Hands.. STYX.. great song.. still have albums from them.. KMN

1 minute ago, Snewtsie said:

I'm no fan of Ed, but I gotta say... if I were dating someone who refused to talk about their past relationships, I would take it as a red flag, too.  It's just not OK.  What happened in their past will likely have a lot of bearing on how they handle current/future situations.  And I personally wouldn't be willing to accept a clean STD test in place of open & honest communication.... Now I have the impression Rose may have suffered some horrible trauma- abuse, rape, betrayal? If true, that takes a long time to get over and a lot of patience from future partners. Ed wants an insta-wife, so I doubt he is willing to put in the time & effort to help support her recovery. I feel for her, I really do.  I hope she walks away from Ed, because I don't think he has her best interests at heart.

More red flags than North Korean army.. I heard that on tv last night and i was laughing so hard.. and the first person that came to mind?  wait for it.... BIG/LITLLE ED..

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15 minutes ago, Kid said:

Poor Geoffrey...NOT!!!  He is so outraged yet he has been withholding information from her that is much more serious. Also, it’s a surprise to him that she’s going after Americans for a green card?   A little common sense would’ve told him that.

Yeah because so many women go on international dating sites because they want to date local.

12 minutes ago, judylo said:

Mrs. Hanson, have you been holding out on us? Were you Canadian at some point? Rumour??

That's how Fleetwood Mac spelled their album too, but three out of five members were Brits I suppose.

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2 hours ago, hookedontv said:

She is now demanding that Usman doesn't allow Abba to the party?

I think Abba said he wasn't attending-"you won't see me there" but Usman said that he would consider it an insult if he didn't come. So Lisa barring him would be an easy solution. 

I liked Abba's parting shot, "Have a nice flight back to the US"

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41 minutes ago, Kid said:

Seems to me that Rose‘ is true feelings about big Ed came out when he asked her to take the test, eh???  Just a bit of an overreaction as she sees her meal ticket slipping away.

I don't see it that way, because if she was worried about her meal ticket slipping away all she had to do was say "yes" and keep it moving. 

I was pretty shocked by her reaction because I, and clearly Ed, would have thought that he had all the leverage given the power differential and that rose would silently accept whatever Ed demanded because she is desperate. 

She agreed to take the test, so she clearly doesn't think she has an STD, so it's not that she is worried Ed is gonna run when he finds out she has the clap.

She just, in the midst of all that depression and poverty, managed to keep some kind of pride and dignity...even if it means giving up her ticket to a better life. 

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