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S12.E18: 5 Chefs Compete

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Holy cow! Joy, who kept Kashia around as her goat, quits??? WTH??


Well, when she told the editor of a major magazine "I read it all the time. It's my favorite bathroom literature." The looks on Ramsay and the woman's face said it all.


Not smart. Not smart at all.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Jiminy crickets.

OK, what Andi had to say about people being hard on you because they want the best for you is generally only true if those people are your parents, and frequently not then, but it's way truer than Joy's self-esteem speech. Wow, seriously? She gets within sniffing distance of the finals and she quits as soon as she doesn't have Kashia to draw Ramsay's attention away during service and help game the vote afterwards? It sound like she has a fairly accurate view of what she's capable of.

Also, not that Stan Lee is best known as a great boss, but he made kind of an adorable greek chorus.

Edited by Julia
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she quits as soon as she doesn't have Kashia to draw Ramsay's attention away during service and help game the vote afterwards



And there you have it. I wonder how well Joy would have done if Kashia had been eliminated early?

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Holy cow! Joy, who kept Kashia around as her goat, quits??? WTH??


Well, when she told the editor of a major magazine "I read it all the time. It's my favorite bathroom literature." The looks on Ramsay and the woman's face said it all.


Not smart. Not smart at all.

Thank you for clarifying what she said to the editor. We rewound 3 times and still could not figure it out. 

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I hate how this show promises dramatic developments every week and usually fails to deliver. This was indeed a stunning shocker! Never saw that coming, I guess the pressure finally got to her. I had her picked to make the finals. She wins the Miss December calendar challenge. Then she's the first to be awarded a black jacket. Then this? Jeez Louise, Joy, that was dumb. When Ramsay chased her into the hallway and she blew him off and ran upstairs I knew she had crossed the line and wasn't coming back. Wow.


Things I learned while watching Hell's Kitchen: jets have propellers.


My 5-year-old nephew knows the difference between a jet and a prop job. GR came off as a bit of a dumbass there.


I still can't believe Joy just up and threw away her shot.

Edited by Tabasco Cat
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Wow. I kept saying 'wow' to myself. This woman has thrown away the opportunity of a life time. It doesn't matter if she didn't win the grand prize, to paraphrase what Richard Blais said about life after Top Chef, if people see you are mature, can be worked with, there will be opportunities for you. I like to look up HK contestants and see what they are doing, and some have been able to parley their time on the show, even though they lost, on a local TV show, gigs at fairs and food tastings, food products (James from Masterchef has a line of sauces), etc. Who knows what Joy might have done if she just kept her head down, did her work, and stayed in the game as long as possible, even if she didn't win at the end?


My stepfather used to talk about fear of success. I wonder if Joy started to see success on the horizon and was afraid she couldn't handle it? People do foolish things to sabotage themselves when they see no way out.


I have no idea who's going to win. Jason lacks maturity in many ways - that time he yelled at Saundra when GR sent the women to the men's side was all I ever needed to know about him. Rochelle tries really hard, but is not serious in her demeanor. I could never work with her. Scott, I dunno. Melanie? Could Melanie win? Jeez...  There really wasn't much to chose from this season.


I see they are already advertising for next season. How many freakin' restaurants does GR have?

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And also.

You know who I would not put in charge of my big room full of fire and sharp things? The two people who had the vapors and flailed while the person who cut a chunk off of her finger cleaned and compressed her own damn wound and went off to find the medic for herself.

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Yeah, just wow.  I'm happy this blowup was kept a secret, though.  In her defense they really work the hell out of those people.  If they really had to lift, seed, roast the seeds, and cut up all that squash, omg.  It's not like they're getting a day off ever.  I'd crack too. They want them to lose it. 


I liked Melanie a lot today until they started showing too many of her stupid poses.  Stan Lee:  "That little girl isn't going to make it"  Ha!


Michelle is so far out of her element but I did enjoy her rabbit face.  What stupid thing did she say, options confuse me or something like that?  The chunk of thumb didn't bother me until they showed the close up then I gagged too.


I'm sorry, but I tend to get distracted during this show as much as I like it.  Can someone tell me what happened to set GR off on Joy exactly?


And fuck you Jason you are such a manscreaming jerk all the time.  Good lord, we're stuck with Scott or Melanie winning now??

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I wasn't upset that Joy left, but Gordon pissed me off too. He tells people to speak up, then yells at them when they do. I also think it is a sign of being a bully when you ask people questions and then refuse to let them answer. From what I could see, he was badgering Joy about the fish and when she presented the fish he yelled at her that Jason's garnish was supposed to be done first. It looked like she was trying to explain to him that he was asking her for the fish, so she gave him the fish, and nothing was said about the garnish. 


I guess the only thing you can do is say yes chef, no matter what the statement or question. I also think GR has it in for Scott for some reason and finds an excuse to constantly yell at him while Jason is rarely criticized. No idea who will win at this point but I hope it is either Scott or Rochelle.

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My 5-year-old nephew knows the difference between a jet and a prop job. GR came off as a bit of a dumbass there.

This was so blatant, it wasn't even a turbo prop. Maybe I can cut some slack for Ramsey because he is a chef and is totally ignorant of technology but where were the directors and editors? This is just as pathetic as when the History channel thinks that 50 mm is the same as .50 caliber. Reminds me of a situation where a tech editor kept changing "ordnance" to "ordinance" on reports on munitions.

Edited by DoctorK
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Eh. I think people are allowed to quit reality shows, if they want to. While I realize that the producers have sunk a lot of money into the show and they don't want people to just drop out, it always annoys me when they do the "Quitters are the Worst" edit. The pep-talk they had Chef Andi give her annoyed me, too. It seemed like it was more about defending the show and making her feel guilty than anything else.


I'm sorry, but I tend to get distracted during this show as much as I like it.  Can someone tell me what happened to set GR off on Joy exactly?


As I remember it, there was a period of time where Melanie and Jason were calling out times and Joy wasn't acknowledging them or calling out her own time for when her dish would be ready. Gordon got frustrated and asked her how long it was going to be, which she might have interperted as him asking her to hurry up. She called out and said it would just be a second, and then she said she was walking, and he flipped out because she didn't wait for Jason to come with the garnish. It's not clear why she went quiet for so long, but, once he went all screamy, it was over.

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She brought up her fish ahead of the garnish without warning Jason on the garnish station that she was ready, and Ramsay explained to her fairly calmly that the garnish needed to come up first. Then on the very next order, Jason told her he needed more time and she ignored him brought her component up first again. I know it's a cliche on this show to say someone's given up, but Joy gave up before she gave up.

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Food question... what do they put on top of the halibut when they cook it in HK? It looks like a dark slab of something almost like a graham cracker. I'm sure it's not that, but I have no idea what it is. Doesn't look like the fish skin, it distinctly looks like it's separate from the fish. It seems to form some sort of crust on top while cooking.

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Food question... what do they put on top of the halibut when they cook it in HK? It looks like a dark slab of something almost like a graham cracker.

I know what you mean because I recall sometime the other week somebody broke the halibut and slapped that thing on top but I don't know what it is either. There's so much more they could be showing us.  I think I'd fall down if they put an actual recipe on the screen, for instance.

Edited by QuelleC
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Maybe it's just me but calling the first challenge a "Leftover Challenge" seemed a bit inaccurate. The contestants all still picked from very select choices of raw meats, seafood and vegetables. When I think about cooking with "leftovers" I think about what I'm going to do with last night's cooked chicken breasts, meatloaf, pasta, Thanksgiving turkey, etc. and how I can change those things up enough so my family and friends don't feel like they're just eating last night's dinner reheated.  


The real challenge here would have been for them to have to work with the typical HK menu and do something with all of the wellingtons, scallops, chicken, halibut, etc. that they often waste since it's not quite "Gordon Ramsay" perfect (especially as I always cringe at the incredible waste of food on this show). Or even if it was pretty much perfect, have them still have do something with it once it was already prepared and then sat in the fridge overnight. I think I've seen things like that done on Top Chef and I think it really helps to see how creative and adaptable a chef can be.

Edited by Rapunzel
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If nothing else, at least this season won't be ending in the predictable victory for Joy that it seemed to have been sleepwalking towards. Funny to think that only a few weeks ago the final was looking near-certain to be Joy vs. Anton.


Of the remaining contestants, Rochelle deserves the win based purely on personality, but in terms of skill Jason seems to be the best of the remaining cooks. Melanie seems to be gradually unravelling, and Scott's performance this episode is probably going to be too little, too late.

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I'm both sad and not.  Sad, because Joy was my favorite, I thought she would take it all, and really wanted her to.  But not, because of the reason she quit.  At least she acknowledged that she pissed it all away.


Anyone else think Ramsay had sort of a look on his face that said, "Crap!  My chosen winner's gone, and now, I have to pick one of these people now!"?

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Anyone else think Ramsay had sort of a look on his face that said, "Crap!  My chosen winner's gone, and now, I have to pick one of these people now!"?

That's actually the worst part of Joy's decision to quit. Had she screwed up so badly in the final two episodes that there was no way Ramsay could have justified having her win, chances are he'd have still found a job for her somewhere in one of his restaurants, like he did last year after Jon did well for most of the season, but did a spectacularly awful job running the pass in the second-last episode. Joy's actions last night will have pretty much destroyed any chance of anything similar happening to her.

Edited by OlfinBedwere
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Wow. The person who looked like she was fated to win the whole thing just flakes out and WALKS?




The worst news is that it means that disgusting clown Jason now actually might have a tiny chance of actually winning?  Feh!!! 

What a selfish, whiny loser.  I never liked Joy.  She put better chefs on the chopping block just to save her pathetic "friend" Kashia.  At least Kashia wasn't a quitter. 

It's flustrating, to be sure!

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I don't get why Joy just quit over that made no sense to me, I think Jason has a pretty good chance of winning now though. I think it is Jason vs Melanie in the final most likely. Stan Lee was hilarious with his commentary during the dinner service, I wouldn't mind him doing commentary over the narrator to be honest.

Edited by xcrayon2215x
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 Once upon a time it was pronounced "FRustrated", but so many people have bastardized it, I'm wondering which incorrect version will take over -will it be Kashia's "FLustrated" or Joy's "FUSStrated"?


My dad was a Navy pilot and flew some of the first jets.  Those planes were not jets.  I'm just glad we didn't have to hear Scott & Jason call each other Goose and Ice Man. I'm also eternally grateful we weren't subjected to Jason heaving all over the cockpit.


I am surprised Joy flipped out at such a late stage in the game, and I did have her pegged as the winner. I still like Rochelle so I'll root for her now.  Scott is OK but seems too timid. Melanie irks me. I don't like Jason's screaming and bloviating about how sucky women are, but since I don't like him that means his chances of F2 are pretty good.  

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I was never a Kashia fan, but at least she had the integrity to finish service, show up (knowing she'd bombed) and let him eliminate her. 


It may be Joy>Kashia as a chef, but it's Kashia>Joy as a human being. 



The most immature part of Joy's meltdown was that when she realized she'd F'd up, and thought about going back in to apologize and ask for a second chance, she didn't. 


Since she felt she wouldn't get a second chance (and she wouldn't, since everyone else had a great service) she skipped the apology... which is what's really going to doom her. 

Edited by Drogo
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Eh. I think people are allowed to quit reality shows, if they want to. While I realize that the producers have sunk a lot of money into the show and they don't want people to just drop out, it always annoys me when they do the "Quitters are the Worst" edit.


People are absolutely allowed to quit reality shows, but I have no problem with the producers give them a "quitters are the worst" edit - lots of people want to be on any given show, they could have cast someone who would stick to the end and instead wind up with someone who quits.  Especially this late in the game - Joy might have survived last night despite her screw-ups (based on her past performance and if she fought back) putting her in the final four, she seemed the odds-on favorite to win and instead she walks out.  I think she was relying far too heavily on Kashia both as a voting partner and for moral support, she clearly wasn't ready to win on her own.  At least she recognized that her walking out was entirely on her.


Of the remaining four none are a good choice.  I'm thinking Scott might win - he's been beaten on by Ramsey all season, he's been put up for elimination many times yet he's won the last two individual challenges, he's generally done okay in the team challenges earlier, he helps out others in the kitchen and he's not overly dramatic.  Melanie clearly thinks she's the winner but I find her attitude to be annoying.  Jason is an ass, nothing more need be said and Rochelle lacks the confidence to project as a winner.  Scott's biggest problem will be running the pass (I assume next week) - I'm not sure he can be assertive enough to give the appearance of a leader.

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That was unexpected. I really thought Joy had a shot at taking it all. I really don't want to see Jason win because he's just another angry, misogynist dudebro. Melanie is delusional. Scott still makes me laugh when I think of him saying he's going to be really angry, but hasn't impressed. On to team Rochelle for the win.

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I wasn't upset that Joy left, but Gordon pissed me off too. He tells people to speak up, then yells at them when they do. I also think it is a sign of being a bully when you ask people questions and then refuse to let them answer. From what I could see, he was badgering Joy about the fish and when she presented the fish he yelled at her that Jason's garnish was supposed to be done first. It looked like she was trying to explain to him that he was asking her for the fish, so she gave him the fish, and nothing was said about the garnish. 


I guess the only thing you can do is say yes chef, no matter what the statement or question. I also think GR has it in for Scott for some reason and finds an excuse to constantly yell at him while Jason is rarely criticized. No idea who will win at this point but I hope it is either Scott or Rochelle.


I agree. I mean, clearly Joy screwed herself, but I find it hard to blame just about anyone on this show who has ever blown up at Ramsay. I don't have any idea what Ramsay's like in real life, but on this show he definitely amps up the asshole/bully factor to 11 and beyond at every opportunity. After all, it's called "Hell's Kitchen" for a reason. It does kind of boggle the mind that any contestant who has ever watched this show before (let alone competing in it) wouldn't ALWAYS keep in mind that Gordo is playing a character, and be more sanguine about it when he really lays into them. Especially since they all should know that once he smells blood in the water, then it's really on. But I suppose in the heat of the moment, people just snap sometimes. Certainly not the first time, nor the last.


To wit...


Melanie's cappellini: "No cilantro! Where's the cilantro?!?" Weren't they shown sprinkling the cilantro on top at the last minute at the pass?


Scott: "Calm down, slow down, we don't need the scallops yet." Two seconds later: "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY SCALLOPS?!?"


And then the thing with Joy. Since when can the fish not sit on the HOT PLATE(!!!) at the pass for 30 fuckin' seconds while the garnish is walking?


At first, I didn't get the impression that she was "talking back" but rather just trying to explain/answer his freakin' question, for crying out loud. And he kept interrupting her to further browbeat her after having asked her a question. Flustrating, indeed. The second he cottoned on to the fact that he was getting under her skin, there was no way in hell he was gonna stop. He'll never pass on an opportunity to strike when he smells blood in the water.


And hey, that's what this show is. That's the character he's playing. And (for me, anyway, because I harbor no illusions of this being a legit competition, or a meritocracy, or a "show about cooking" or anything other than "Ramsay being a dick to donkeys for our amusement") that's why "we" (meaning I) watch. They should know that and be better able to keep their wits about them amid all the over-the-top hysteria. Joy obviously regretted it almost immediately, as she should have. She totally boned herself, no doubt.


But I certainly understand that for some people that can be incredibly difficult, and in a particular moment, downright impossible. I don't think it makes Joy weak, or stupid, or a bad person that she had a momentary lapse of self-control in the face of Ramsay's latest made-for-tee-vee tantrum.

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Melanie's cappellini: "No cilantro! Where's the cilantro?!?" Weren't they shown sprinkling the cilantro on top at the last minute at the pass?

Scott: "Calm down, slow down, we don't need the scallops yet." Two seconds later: "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY SCALLOPS?!?"

That could be the editing monkeys. Since I noticed this show didn't get nominated for an Emmy, LOL.

I think the reason Ramsay goes apeshit and jumps down their throats is his way of seeing how they deal under pressure when they screw up. Because there will certainly be a clone of him in all of his restaurants making sure things are perfect. Joy failed that test. Scott passed because he's still there. Rochelle hasn't really been yelled at yet, because she's basically been doing a pretty good job.

I really wish Gordon would go off on Jason and Jason would flip out and turn psycho, thereby eliminating him from my TV screen.

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My favorite moment of last night was Stan Lee saying, "oh he's shouting again," causing Gordon to turn and look at him, and Stan giving him a grinning, "I salute you, Sir!" nod of acknowledgment.


Oh Joy. YOU WERE GOING TO WIN. I mean, I don't care that she (or any reality show contestant) quits, but I can't see any of the other four beating her if she were in the finals. After seeing the retrospective clips at the end, though, it's more understandable to me. She looked five years younger in episode one; I know that everyone is exhausted, but for whatever reason, Joy just got pushed past her breaking point last night.


What's strange to me is this is two weeks in a row where we've seen cheftestants give Gordon some blowback, first Scott and now Joy. This year I was thinking that Gordon was doing a lot less yelling. There's still the classic, "HOW LONG?" "30 seconds, chef!" "OH MY GOD! YOU'VE GIVEN UP!" but I don't think he's called anyone a donkey once. But now that two of the contestants have fought back, it makes me wonder if he's actually been worse this year but, knowing that the frontrunner ended up walking out, was edited to look less like crazy angry dude.

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What really pissed me off about Joy (and Melanie) this episode was their reaction to Rochelle being hurt. 


They knew that a chunk of her finger had been cut off, yet they broke into the type of little girl hysterics that kindergarteners break into when one of their classmates throws up.  Neither tried to help Rochelle or even stood near her in case she passed out. 


Instead:  "Medic, #OMFG, please come get this thumb out of here bc it's totes disgusting..."

Edited by Drogo
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The one thing last night's episode proved is that for all the complaints that reality TV is scripted, that most certainly was not. You cannot script that. That was almost as disturbing (on a different level) to watch as the Brandon Hantz meltdown on Survivor. Someone so completely losing control of themselves to the point where you begin to feel uncomfortable watching. That is real reality TV.


I do think it's Scott vs. Melanie, and then I think it's a toss-up. I have to wonder if there's a reason we keep seeing "the softer side of Scott."


(Also, it was a no-brainer he'd pick Jason for the reward. Scott is married. There was no other choice.)

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If I'd been Scott I would have held out for going alone rather than  go with Jason, but honestly I'd probably have gone with Jason before I went with the women who threw him under the bus repeatedly .

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Well there went my prediction that Joy was going to win it all. I got complacent because it was so easy to predict the last two winners (Janel and Christina) and Joy seemed to be getting the exact same treatment. Nice job of misdirection from the editors. Although the problem with that is they have made everyone else seem like incompetent nincompoops.


Joy running out like that is so totally bizarre to me. He wasn’t even yelling at her that bad. At least if you are going to walk out, wait until he gets to the point where he’s calling everyone over and smashing the halibut with his fist. She could have still probably saved it if she would have just come back and apologized after Andi talked to her, but she was either too proud or stupid to do that, and so it’s sayonara $250,000. Hope she can afford it.


At least Rochelle has a decent chance to win this thing now. She looked more assertive this episode when she was calling out times in the kitchen, but on the other hand, her saying “I just don’t know how to plate stuff” does not inspire confidence.


Quote of the day from Stan Lee: “I think we wrecked this place by ordering halibut”.

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I sure didn't see that coming.  I didn't like Joy for several reasons but I thought she had a good shot at winning.  When Andi went up to talk to her and then they showed a lot of footage of Joy talking to the camera, I was afraid she was going to go back into the kitchen and kiss Gordon's ring or something and be allowed a second chance.  I was very glad Gordon did the right thing and let her go.


I hope Scott wins.  I've liked him all along and he seems like the only deserving one now.  Rochelle is nice and does OK on the line but she hasn't much self confidence and she seems to have a hard time with decisions.  Jason is an immature jerk and I absolutely can't stand Melanie.


I got a kick out of Stan Lee.  I never realized that he's so small.


he'd have still found a job for her somewhere in one of his restaurants, like he did last year after Jon did well for most of the season,



Did Gordon give Jon a job?  I wanted him to win last season and I've wondered what became of him.

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Jon's at Gordon Ramsay Steak in Las Vegas. I'm glad he got a nice position after all the hard work he put in. He did have a few highly rated dishes, but could never overcome the drag of the blue team's poor performance overall.


I think this will be one of the seasons where the 'winner' winds up being a line cook with a big paycheck. None of these idiots is capable of running a GR restaurant.


Can someone in the industry give me some info?  What does an executive chef at a GR type restaurant do? Is s/he responsible for ordering, pricing, personnel, etc? What percentage of time is spent cooking? I ask because some of these contestants (across all the seasons) couldn't run a hot dog stand, much less a fine dining restaurant. Are they delusional thinking they can really qualify for such a job? It's one thing to get on the show with the idea that you will learn something, advance your skills, get some advice from GR, and eventually get kicked off. I can deal with that. But the idea that people who can barely speak understandable English, have no idea about the business end of a restaurant, or who would not make a good spokesperson would ever be chosen as winner seems not to dawn on contestants.

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She could have still probably saved it if she would have just come back and apologized after Andi talked to her, but she was either too proud or stupid to do that, and so it’s sayonara $250,000. Hope she can afford it.


I disagree that she could have saved it by coming back and apologizing - there's no way Gordon would have any credibility if he let someone walk out in the middle of service and didn't send them packing.  Now, had she done so she might have had a chance to get back on Gordon's good side but in terms of continuing to compete she was toast.  And since she didn't have $250,000 before filming started she's no worse off.  She can clearly cook fairly well, she probably hasn't damaged her short term prospects all that much.


I don't think Gordon was far off when he said they're all essentially even at this point.  None of them has been given a traditional winner's edit.  Melanie is somewhat delusional and immature, Jason is a misogynistic pig, Rochelle is unsure of herself and lacks creativity and Scott is a wet noodle and a bit of a kiss ass.  I'm leaning towards Scott because he's got the "comes from behind" angle given how many times he's been up for elimination, he's done well in challenges and he was shown to be a decent guy when he used his shopping spree to buy something for his wife.  Jason has been shown to be just too overall offensive to be a credible winner, Rochelle is clearly in over her head.  Melanie is the only other somewhat viable candidate from an image perspective.

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Can someone in the industry give me some info?  What does an executive chef at a GR type restaurant do? Is s/he responsible for ordering, pricing, personnel, etc? What percentage of time is spent cooking? 


My impression is that what they're being offered is a head chef job. You're right, Executive Chef is a corporate position which involves the business of the restaurant, and generally not very much cooking, if any. The only winner I know of who got an Executive Chef position is Christina, and that was only after she served her winning year as a Head Chef (which I think is more of a lead line cook position) and at a different GR restaurant.

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Can someone in the industry give me some info?  What does an executive chef at a GR type restaurant do? Is s/he responsible for ordering, pricing, personnel, etc? What percentage of time is spent cooking?


I know more about GR's UK restaurants including his first and his three star on Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. In the UK, the term is still "Head Chef". That one is run by Clare Smyth and she does the aforementioned. The higher up you go in the kitchen ladder, there is less cooking, and there is more business. GR is still involved with the restaurant so he's technically the "executive," but the day to day is run by his chosen Head Chef. Also, Smyth gets to share the accolades. The head chef will still often run the pass during the peak services and still chooses the specials, recipes, etc. Gordon's head chefs make a lot of money if the restaurant does well.

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The head chef will still often run the pass during the peak services and still chooses the specials, recipes, etc. Gordon's head chefs make a lot of money if the restaurant does well.


When we were at Bryan Voltaggio's first restaurant, Volt, recently, this was the case. The head chef, who'd been on Top Chef Masters with Bryan V, ran the pass.

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