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S11.E08: Doubting Polygamy

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34 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Meri said that they went over to a friend's house and Robyn was there. Then there was somthing about a church dance maybe and then Robyn sashaying back and forth in front of kody trying to get his attention at church. It's all so confusing.  I just read the book a few weeks ago but I can't remember all of the details. That's how impressed I was.

Yeah but even before meeting at Reba's house (friend/cousin) Robyn and Kody had noticed each other (with a little bit of "eye fu*king") during a church service. I don't think Meri was aware at that time. I think after the initial meeting (for lack of a better term) Kody wanted to meet Robyn and sought her out. To Meri it seemed like they were just going for a drive but like I said Kody had ulterior motives. 
Kody also says in the book he had already been considering taking a 4th wife, a younger wife before he met Robyn so he was on the hunt.

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I’m still puzzling over something Janelle said this week. Paraphrasing: she gets why it’s easy for monogamists to give up on a rocky marriage because they’re not in it “forever,” but polygamists are in it forever so sticking things out through the bad times is “worth it.” Pretzeling logic. If you’re in a crappy family relationship, why would you want it to be forever?

Disclaimer: I’m of the belief that if a relationship is always HARD WORK, you might as well face facts and bail. Seems like most of the issues we see with this crew have been going on forever. I also don’t think Robyn is the devil or a puppetmaster; this family structure was always ripe for trouble. Kody is the shit stirrer and I don’t think Robyn seems that crazy about it either. 

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22 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I’m still puzzling over something Janelle said this week. Paraphrasing: she gets why it’s easy for monogamists to give up on a rocky marriage because they’re not in it “forever,” but polygamists are in it forever so sticking things out through the bad times is “worth it.” Pretzeling logic. If you’re in a crappy family relationship, why would you want it to be forever?

Disclaimer: I’m of the belief that if a relationship is always HARD WORK, you might as well face facts and bail. Seems like most of the issues we see with this crew have been going on forever. I also don’t think Robyn is the devil or a puppetmaster; this family structure was always ripe for trouble. Kody is the shit stirrer and I don’t think Robyn seems that crazy about it either. 

Yeah, I feel like plyg life is a recipe for disaster.  A monogamous relationship can be hard enough, add more "variables" (wives) and it gets even harder. The only thing holding it together is the "religion", which tends to treat women as second class citizens and is even abusive. 

It sounds terrible. The Browns probably aren't even that bad compared to some other families not on TV. At least Mariah was able to come out and go to college versus getting married off right away. 

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53 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

Okay Okay Ladies (and gents?...)

While sipping my tea and reading this thread...the craziest notion has popped into my head. Bear with me, I'm going to take some artistic license with the Browns storyline...

Lets go back to the very beginning...Supposedly Christine was very active with an organization to "promote normalcy of polygamy" and Kody was trying to be a television star.  Bringing a fourth wife into his very established family seems to be what seals the deal with TLC.  Cue the lyrics "The Devil went down to Utah...lookin' for sum Mormon souls to stiil..."

So. Just as we are discussing how/why Kody/Meri/Robyn first came together...others over the years have brought up that Robyn wanted to be in their sights and she put herself into their path in the hopes to catch their eye with that TLC deal in the works.

Kody has an established family culture (what they like to call it) that is mostly due to the hard work of the OG Three. Robyn wants THAT culture to wedge her kids in, Kody wants the deal.  So (I am taking a lot of license because I only have this thought in my head...no proofs).

So. Kody has to sell this idea to the OG. And he does it by insisting that bringing in a fourth wife will NOT upturn their lives...because he is just going to add her for the sake of the show, they are going to add her kids...cause they just LOVE kids and what is a couple more (poor little fatherless mites...).  The finances will work themselves out...because they will have the TLC money and don't worry ladies...Robyn is so sweet, and desperate for fitting in, and so willing to help and she will be grateful and we will just bring her in for the show. He sells it to Christine as "oh honey, you can try again for that next baby that you have wanted (because not long before she had had a very bad miscarriage) and Robyn will be here to help out and add another set of helping hands to take the "mom" load off of you.  Don't worry...it isn't real...it's just for the show." He sells it to Meri by agreeing to let HER be front and center to choose the fourth wife.  Meri agrees because she really wants someone to be close to in the family, and to align with against the Janelle/Christine union. Kody is desperate to get the show...he needs to get on telly and be the great Messiah of polygamists to free them all and make the state see that they are all just so damn normal. He figures he can make it work, he married Christine when he wasn't into her and managed to make it work and make plenty of babies with her...and since Robyn just seemed to be so kind and sweet and wanting to be helpful. Why not?

If you go back and think of the impact that Robyn had.  Janelle pissed as all hell at the 11 day Honeymoon, refusing to even talk with Kody on the phone.  Christine's stomping off when Kody was really into picking the wedding dress and planning every detail of "his" wedding, when he could care less about any other wedding details. Even Meri being just rattled when she also believed that Robyn didn't deserve equal nights with Kody as a girlfriend. Christine's semi-hysterical couch scenes when she declared that she didn't want her boat rocked, and the fact that she had NO testimony about Robyn, but the others did. THEY had met her, and yet Christine didn't meet her early on (knowing Christine, she flat out refused to...)

Thinking back, just add on another layer. What if Kody sold them on the idea but insisted that it was just all for show.  And they wouldn't have to change their lives because it wasn't going to be real. And then Robyn in her persona of "sweet, malleable, grateful, pious, darling new wife" who took the time to learn exactly how to speak Kody's language...worked her way in and he fell so blindly and so hard (guided by little Kody no doubt).  Then it was really really real and that pissed ALL the wives off.  THAT isn't what they signed up for, but now it's too late because they are stuck with her. And it is all on camera now, contracts signed...check sitting on the table...

Meri is used to squashing her feelings because she has done it this long, and now she at least has a friend to be on her side in family issues. Christine falls apart because she now has to watch front and center as Kody falls over the moon and back in love/lust with Robyn and puts her needs and her children's needs front and center (at the expense of Christine's feelings/children) Janelle is pissed because she wants fair and balanced.  She signed up for the sharing a husband and the big, communal living, but she gets really pissed when it isn't fair (in her eyes anyway).

And Robyn has a very clear vision of what she wants with "this family".  She wants her kids to have what she sees the Brown kids having.  Close connections within siblings, living in one house as a big happy happy unit.  She uses her skills with communicating with Kody to seed all these ideas in his head, she is the new thing and of course she only wants what is best for the family as a whole (chin quivering, pearl clutching, squeezing out just one tear...). I can even remember Janelle putting her finger in her mouth making the "gagging" motion when she was describing how she felt about Robyn's "damsel in distress behavior" with Kody. Robyn speaks Kody (and little Kody) with perfect pronunciation. Maybe she learned it in that Calculus class 😂

When Kody says only one wife is cut out for polygamy.  Everyone jumps on the Janelle bandwagon, but I disagree.  In Kody's eyes...I think that HE thinks only Robyn is cut out for it. She has made herself "the perfect polygamist wife" from day. one. For some reason he can cut himself off from giving any kind of shits about the OG wives feelings and emotions, but he really really cares about Robyn's feelings, emotions and thoughts. He listens to her in a very different way and you can see how when Christine talks he just ices over at the sound of her voice. They all were suckered into this life...they all signed the deal with the TLC devil and are way too used to the money now.

I mean..come ON.  Them trying to justify bringing in a fourth wife (cause it felt like God was willing them to...) when the wives cars were falling apart in front of our eyes, Janelle explaining how they made the money work...well...sort of.  Christine was on food stamps and had declared bankruptcy as a single woman right when/before the TLC cameras showed up at the door.  The others had also declared bankruptcy times before that. They were NOT in the financial position to be adding an unemployed woman with three children (who needed outside housing expenses) to their spread sheet. Kody strutted around in his sports car and giant motorcycle because "he had to look good for clients" while that Suburban was on its last legs (which we got to see when it kicked it in...) and Janelle had duct tape holding her car together (and eventually Robyn's car not far behind theirs).

Robyn sealed the deal for the show, she has kept up the drama over the years to keep the show going and this season she seems to no longer be able to hide her "keepin sweet" face and the cracks are starting to show. She made sure she put on camera how HER business money went back into the family pot. She makes sure to put on camera how SHE thinks that the decisions for the house sales needs to be a committee decision NOT as individuals and then the kicker of announcing (to crickets...) how HER house money is "sittin in her account, but in her HEAD it is FAMILY money".........

And yet, because of the delay this show has, we know that she happily moves to Coyote Pass in her ready to go million dollar heated driveway mansion, surrounded by those terrifying trees and shuts down her "business" website and all but disappears from social media to spend her time on her throne overlooking the faces of the family she stepped all over to get herself (and her children) to the place she deserved. They are all there because of Robyn, and, they are all there because of Robyn.

Wow.  Great post.  Sure makes sense to me!

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On 2/24/2020 at 6:05 AM, MV713 said:

If kids are in college full time, you do not have to emancipate them until they graduate.

What exactly do you mean?  Once the kids turn 18 in the US they are adults. A parent has no control over that unless there are issues requiring guardianship or a conservator ship. Or do you mean parents can freely decide to keep funding their adult children to some degree as many of us do?

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21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not a Meri fan, but, I do agree that at some point, you have to move on, if you think the person has any redeeming qualities.  If she had gotten a prison sentence for what she did, how long would it have been........?  Okay, so however long that is should be her sentence and either forgive and move on or determine her unworthy of forgiveness and set her free.  lol  Holding on to hurt is just nonproductive and actually eats you alive. So, I'm curious as to what Kody will do with her.  Maybe, they both are okay with each other, only not as spouses, but, are staying together on the show for the paycheck.  That would not surprise me at all.  

She is totally staying for the paycheck but since she's stuck, she's just trying to make it work and maybe have a pleasant relationship. I don't think Kody wants a divorce no matter how much he dislikes his wife. He doesn't want that strike against him as the almighty poly husband. 

5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Meri said that they went over to a friend's house and Robyn was there. Then there was somthing about a church dance maybe and then Robyn sashaying back and forth in front of kody trying to get his attention at church. It's all so confusing.  I just read the book a few weeks ago but I can't remember all of the details. That's how impressed I was.

Ohhhhh yes, I can't remember if it was these guys or another tv polyg family but one of them said actually the female shows interest in the male and it is frowned upon if the male actually seeks out the female first. I'm not sure either actually looks good.. either someone is trying to hook up with your husband or the husband is looking to step out on his current wives. 

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I believe Robyn said something like, "it's bad form for a man to go after another wife, it's up to the existing wife/wives."  I'm not buying it in Kootie's case.  He panted after Robyn like a dog in heat, and the others would just have to dill with it.  He also wanted to score a TV show.

I like @Roslyn's scenario.  Robyn could "read the room" and absolutely wanted in that family, for the TV show, and so she wouldn't have to work.  She said early on that she was working, but it's never been said what her job was, AFAIK.  I don't remember reading it in her "best seller," either.

"Family money in my head," my ass.  

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21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm not a Meri fan, but, I do agree that at some point, you have to move on, if you think the person has any redeeming qualities.  If she had gotten a prison sentence for what she did, how long would it have been........?  Okay, so however long that is should be her sentence and either forgive and move on or determine her unworthy of forgiveness and set her free.  lol  Holding on to hurt is just nonproductive and actually eats you alive. So, I'm curious as to what Kody will do with her.  Maybe, they both are okay with each other, only not as spouses, but, are staying together on the show for the paycheck.  That would not surprise me at all.  

Isn't Kody already divorced from Meri?

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1 minute ago, texasbluebonnets said:

Isn't Kody already divorced from Meri?

Yes, but, they are still spiritual husband/wife.  I know there is a procedure for getting "unsealed" in the LDS church.  Not sure how they unseal you in the fundamentalist sect. 

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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Yeah, I feel like plyg life is a recipe for disaster.  A monogamous relationship can be hard enough, add more "variables" (wives) and it gets even harder. The only thing holding it together is the "religion", which tends to treat women as second class citizens and is even abusive. 

It sounds terrible. The Browns probably aren't even that bad compared to some other families not on TV. At least Mariah was able to come out and go to college versus getting married off right away. 

I will also give the Browns credit for not limiting their kids in general - they didn’t Duggarize them into little clones spouting the party lines.

And something else I just remembered: what was Kody saying about there being no other plygs in Flagstaff to “fellowship” (ugh) with? @Galloway Cave, was it you who once mentioned that there is indeed a plug community there? Of course, Kody and them might be a tad too worldly. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

I like @Roslyn's scenario.  Robyn could "read the room" and absolutely wanted in that family, for the TV show, and so she wouldn't have to work.

Don't forget - and to have someone else pay her outstanding debts.  What in the world did she bring TO the family?  It's understandable that she didn't bring any financial assets with her - but besides her jewelry hobby (and come on folks - that NEVER paid the bills!) has she WORKED - AT ALL - to help support that tribe?  Nope.  Well.. ok then.  Does she cook for the group?  Help anyone out with housework or other chores?  Uh.... help with the kids?  Take care of her OWN kids?  (Hard to do when you are snoozing the day away!)  So.. what DOES she contribute? One big fat chin and lots of entitlement?

She freaking needed a nanny with TWO small kids - when she didn't even WORK!  And Kody thinks she's the best suited for polygamy?  SNORT!

Edited by Kyanight
I forgot about her needing a damned nanny for TWO... count 'em... TWO kids! The others were old enough to function by themselves.
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2 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Don't forget - and to have someone else pay her outstanding debts.  What in the world did she bring TO the family?  It's understandable that she didn't bring any financial assets with her - but besides her jewelry hobby (and come on folks - that NEVER paid the bills!) has she WORKED - AT ALL - to help support that tribe?  Nope.  Well.. ok then.  Does she cook for the group?  Help anyone out with housework or other chores?  Uh.... help with the kids?  Take care of her OWN kids?  (Hard to do when you are snoozing the day away!)  So.. what DOES she contribute? One big fat chin and lots of entitlement?

very well said

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18 hours ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange that Kody never acknowledges or gives praise to Janelle for wanting the one home idea?... She really is a non entity in Kodys segments. 

Oh and I fully believe the one wife Kody believes is all in with polygamy is Robyn. It looks like next week Kody gets mad on Robyns behalf cause she always puts her sister wives first and gets the short end of the stick. 

I felt certain Kody was referring to Robyn, as well.  When he said he wasn't going to say which wife has the right personality for polygamy because it would hurt the others, he all but shouted "Robyn."  Because, had he specifically called out Janelle as the pnly one cut out for polygamy, Christina and Meri would have agreed, and Robyn would've been pissed, not hurt. Plus, pretty sure Kody remembers well when Janelle took her kids and moved out, as well as the years of conflict with Meri.  It's really only been in the lasr few years that Janelle has seemed to really engage with the others.  I guess she's either figured out how to chill the fuck out m or got some hella good ciaching on how to at least act more warm, agreeable, easy going, etc. 

And I have to say, when Kody was whining like a little bitch that Robyn always gets the short end of things, I would've given my right arm - and maybe a leg - if  Meri had said, "Have you SEEN the house she rented when we moved to  Flagstaff??  You know, the monstrosity that's  way nicer and 4 times as big as anyone else's house.... yeah, that one.  So, I'm gonna need you to explain exactly how you figure she's getting the shaft...."

6 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

Yeah but even before meeting at Reba's house (friend/cousin) Robyn and Kody had noticed each other (with a little bit of "eye fu*king") during a church service. I don't think Meri was aware at that time. I think after the initial meeting (for lack of a better term) Kody wanted to meet Robyn and sought her out. To Meri it seemed like they were just going for a drive but like I said Kody had ulterior motives. 
Kody also says in the book he had already been considering taking a 4th wife, a younger wife before he met Robyn so he was on the hunt.


8 hours ago, Kyanight said:

When the show started it seemed to me that Meri was firmly number one - not Christine.  

Meri has said she and Kody were having relationship issues before the show started and before there was Robyn.  My theory has always been that Meri in fact did mot set them up at all, but after realizing Kody was losing his shit over Rpbyn, encouraged Kody to court her in an attempt to get back in his good graces herself. 

On a final.note, I would love to know if Kody truly doesn't know why they "can't function as one big family" in one home. When he said that in his TH, I wanted to get in his face and scream that the reason his wives cam barely stand each other is because of HIM!  Not only does he do NOTHING to take care of Meri, Janelle, or Christine's needs, he actively fucking  tries to undermines any emotional security they manage to scrape together on their own.  I swear, if he came at me with that statement, he'd be told explicitly that until he put forth substantial actual, real effort himself, he'd better NEVER call me out again. Then again,  I'd never  even be acquaintances with that fool, nevertheless married to him. 

God, he's such an idiot and a fucking asshole.  Words actually seem inadequate to describe just how bad he sucks. 

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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15 hours ago, JulieMackey said:

So Kody says to Janelle, “I heard you went on a 10 day trip...do you have something to tell me?” (He was talking about the sex of Maddie’s baby.) How is that a marriage of your spouse went on a 10 day trip and you found out later?? What a shit show this is...hate Robyn more every time I see her...

Right, so clearly he isnt even spending time with her at all, first he "hears" about her going away - and then did they not even talk ? WTF kind of relationship is that ?  


51 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Don't forget - and to have someone else pay her outstanding debts.  What in the world did she bring TO the family?  It's understandable that she didn't bring any financial assets with her - but besides her jewelry hobby (and come on folks - that NEVER paid the bills!) has she WORKED - AT ALL - to help support that tribe?  Nope.  Well.. ok then.  Does she cook for the group?  Help anyone out with housework or other chores?  Uh.... help with the kids?  Take care of her OWN kids?  (Hard to do when you are snoozing the day away!)  So.. what DOES she contribute? One big fat chin and lots of entitlement?

She freaking needed a nanny with TWO small kids - when she didn't even WORK!  And Kody thinks she's the best suited for polygamy?  SNORT!


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I have a couple of questions about the drainage pond they all love so much.

Is it on one of the 4 properties, or is it shared between a couple of them?

Would there be rules about how far away from it one has to build to reduce the risk of flooding?

What are the odds of the pond flooding above its sides? My city is already talking about potentially record-breaking floods along the lake shore this Spring. What's the likelihood of this in Flagstaff?

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5 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

And something else I just remembered: what was Kody saying about there being no other plygs in Flagstaff to “fellowship” (ugh) with? @Galloway Cave, was it you who once mentioned that there is indeed a plug community there? Of course, Kody and them might be a tad too worldly. 

Yep, I said it. One of the plyg women I knew in my former town was dating a plyg guy in Flagstaff. I was surprised that there were plygs there (I have spent most of my life in AZ and spent lots of time in Flag).  She said it was a small community but had been there since Mormon polygamy in the 1800s. I didn't ask her what sect they were.

2 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

What are the odds of the pond flooding above its sides? My city is already talking about potentially record-breaking floods along the lake shore this Spring. What's the likelihood of this in Flagstaff?

If I remember correctly, it is on one property. Yes, they will have to build a certain distance from it. Yes, if snow pack is above normal or summer monsoons are bad, it could really flood the adjacent properties. They will probably not be allowed to do any modification of the pond or add any structures. They definitely will not be allowed to stock it with fish since the pond can overflow.

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10 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I’m still puzzling over something Janelle said this week. Paraphrasing: she gets why it’s easy for monogamists to give up on a rocky marriage because they’re not in it “forever,” but polygamists are in it forever so sticking things out through the bad times is “worth it.” Pretzeling logic. If you’re in a crappy family relationship, why would you want it to be forever?

Disclaimer: I’m of the belief that if a relationship is always HARD WORK, you might as well face facts and bail. Seems like most of the issues we see with this crew have been going on forever. I also don’t think Robyn is the devil or a puppetmaster; this family structure was always ripe for trouble. Kody is the shit stirrer and I don’t think Robyn seems that crazy about it either. 

They leave so much of their faith, and the role marriage plays in it, unsaid on this show.

i think the unspoken part of Janelle’s statement was the eternal consequences they believe they face for leaving the marriage. 

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9 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Yep, I said it. One of the plyg women I knew in my former town was dating a plyg guy in Flagstaff. I was surprised that there were plygs there (I have spent most of my life in AZ and spent lots of time in Flag).  She said it was a small community but had been there since Mormon polygamy in the 1800s. I didn't ask her what sect they were.

If I remember correctly, it is on one property. Yes, they will have to build a certain distance from it. Yes, if snow pack is above normal or summer monsoons are bad, it could really flood the adjacent properties. They will probably not be allowed to do any modification of the pond or add any structures. They definitely will not be allowed to stock it with fish since the pond can overflow.

I stayed up all night worried about Janelle not living the dream of sitting by the pond in her fold up chair fishing whilst munching on doritos, but I found her a solution. I would buy her this and mail it, but she may be in the middle of yet another move so it may not reach her



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19 hours ago, Absolom said:

What exactly do you mean?  Once the kids turn 18 in the US they are adults. A parent has no control over that unless there are issues requiring guardianship or a conservator ship. Or do you mean parents can freely decide to keep funding their adult children to some degree as many of us do?

My kids were eligible for child support until they graduated college in NJ.  Thats what I mean.  They were 23.

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5 minutes ago, MV713 said:

My kids were eligible for child support until they graduated college in NJ.  Thats what I mean.  They were 23.

I wonder why that was?  My ex was terrible about paying child support and when the oldest son turned 19 he petitioned the courts to remove him from his child support obligations.  He owed me so much back support and interest by then so I hired a lawyer and took him to court.  I DID receive back child support and interest but when each child turned 19, that was it - regardless of whether they attended college full time or not!

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3 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I stayed up all night worried about Janelle not living the dream of sitting by the pond in her fold up chair fishing whilst munching on doritos, but I found her a solution. I would buy her this and mail it, but she may be in the middle of yet another move so it may not reach her



Ha! Just because they aren't legally allowed to add some fish doesn't mean they won't do it. They generally act like they feel they're above the law anyways, what with being plygs and all.  
But who would eat fish that came from a poo ditch? Not I, but then again Janelle might just be into catch and release since I don't recall her ever talking about eating fish in her Strife Posts. 😂🤔

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1 hour ago, MV713 said:

My kids were eligible for child support until they graduated college in NJ.  Thats what I mean.  They were 23.

Arizona only requires child support until 18.  The non custodial parent can willingly choose to extend it longer and pay for college, but it is not required. 

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When we moved to Arizona about 35 years ago, we bought a house across the street from a public park/playground.  We noticed a big hollowed out (but grassy) area in the far side of the park.  Had no idea what it was for.

Two weeks later, monsoon season hit.  I went out to pick up the Sunday paper, saw that the hollowed out area (which was probably 10 feet deep) was close to overflowing.  I went into the house and asked Mr. AZC, "Was there a lake across the street last week?"

Ours was a retention basin, created to collect overflow water from a local canal (we Phoenicians use snow melt for irrigation) and to give the massive amount of rainwater we get in monsoon season somewhere to go.

Anyone building on an open property in Arizona (especially surrounded by mountains) needs to be aware of how MUCH water is created by snow melt and monsoon rains.  This could be yet another in the series of disasters that is Brown World.

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4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I stayed up all night worried about Janelle not living the dream of sitting by the pond in her fold up chair fishing whilst munching on doritos, but I found her a solution. I would buy her this and mail it, but she may be in the middle of yet another move so it may not reach her



This reminds me of the fishing game at my grade school carnival.  One would throw a fishing pole line over a barrier, and someone would tie on a little toy or present.  Heehee, I remember cake walks, too!

That muddy hole would probably kill any fish with toxins.  Janelle's going to have to look for a nearby lake to sit next to and cast her line.

So Christine rolls out the red carpet for Mr. Abuser.  Did she rilly say "how do YOU like your piece of heaven" or words to that affect?  She's wacko.

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27 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Anyone building on an open property in Arizona (especially surrounded by mountains) needs to be aware of how MUCH water is created by snow melt and monsoon rains.  This could be yet another in the series of disasters that is Brown World.

And probably explains how/that plot of plague was available and financially accessible to these grifters. 

i can’t wait for the furrowed brow on Robyn as she morosely explains that this is just another way that the world isn’t built to dill with plyg families and how being prohibited from doing what they want to the ditch makes them second-class citizens. 

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:
1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

The only person in the Brown family who likes to eat fish is Meri.  She used to love catfish.

But when she eats it, does it taste like banana?

Only if you perform fellatio using a catfish and take a selfie while doing it.  

Edited by Kyanight
Grammar be ours friend. I needs to fixed that.
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On 2/25/2020 at 7:44 PM, LoneWolf said:


Please know that your snark and intelligence has brought me great joy during some rough times. I appreciate everyone's perspectives, even when we disagree, and I think you all are wonderful. 

Aww. Can’t wait to have you back @Lone Wolf

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2 hours ago, MV713 said:

My kids were eligible for child support until they graduated college in NJ.  Thats what I mean.  They were 23.

If the parent paying child support agrees to have it put in the divorce decree that they will assist with college education expenses, it can be.  It's difficult to collect if the paying parent decides to stop.  You have to go back to court as it isn't technically child support.  At least in this state, since the person is an adult no state agency will assist in collection.  The person is still legally an adult though and can still make their own decisions. 

In the Browns' case, most of the children wouldn't be affected since Kody isn't legally married except to Robyn and by the time her two with him are old enough for college, I have to wonder how much money will be left.

Edited by Absolom
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23 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

And probably explains how/that plot of plague was available and financially accessible to these grifters. 

i can’t wait for the furrowed brow on Robyn as she morosely explains that this is just another way that the world isn’t built to dill with plyg families and how being prohibited from doing what they want to the ditch makes them second-class citizens. 

Furrowing the brow and setting her pinched little face in an expression of concern, spitting out "this isn't the America I know".

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22 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I like @Roslyn's scenario.  Robyn could "read the room" and absolutely wanted in that family, for the TV show, and so she wouldn't have to work.  She said early on that she was working, but it's never been said what her job was, AFAIK.  I don't remember reading it in her "best seller," either.

+1 to all of this.  Robyn is a fascinating (yet frighteningly chilling) person.  I too can see Kody bringing Robyn into the fold "for the show," especially if TLC presented it to Kody along the lines of "hey, we're considering your family for this show - and if you bring in a 4th wife?  You move to the top of our list."  And I had forgotten that Christine, who we all know wanted to be a third and FINAL wife - had been doing some promotion on her own regarding normalizing polygamy, so if Kody came to Christine and presented the TLC show as an extension of what she was already trying to do, Christine wasn't really in a position to say no.  As for Janelle, maybe she found the idea of TLC income attractive, as the "smart" one in the family.  Meri was still fairly comfortable in her position as HBIC, so why not do a tv show about how great polygamy is, as seen from the top of her comfortable perch? 

Enter The Dark Cookie of Montana.  She may have sidled up to Kody in order to get her some of that fine TLC cash as well, and played her role as the sweet, eyelash-batting, down and out former wife of an awful, awful man...coyly demurring to her future sister wives while also learning exactly how to play Kody like a fiddle.  And once she had her hooks in, she drew blood.  Her manufactured tears, her stolen cookies, her inability to pay those pesky lingerie tall jeans bills...all carefully designed to get herself firmly wedged into the Brown family not as an outsider, but as the Legal Wife.  I think she had that planned from the moment Kody saw her at the church hoe-down and whispered to her, "baby, I can make you a STARRRRRR."


Edited by laurakaye
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So if Kody dies, they are all screwed... well except.. wait for it.. Meri.  Christine has never worked a day in her life ( not saying raising kids aint a full time job, but you get where I am going with this ) so 0 in social security. Janelle - what maybe 10 years ? that would equate to about 180.00 a month maybe, same goes for Robyn if she did ever have a job or was just giving away her cookies at home. Meri at this point could be the only self sufficient one with selling those crusty smocks, there is probably little to no equity in that B&B, but she could move in and rent out rooms after setting down spike strips to weary travelers. This is what really is so aggravating about them, they really don't plan very far ahead or for the future.  


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14 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Meri at this point could be the only self sufficient one with selling those crusty smocks, there is probably little to no equity in that B&B, but she could move in and rent out rooms after setting down spike strips to weary travelers.


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On 2/27/2020 at 8:48 AM, Kyanight said:

Don't forget - and to have someone else pay her outstanding debts.  What in the world did she bring TO the family?  It's understandable that she didn't bring any financial assets with her - but besides her jewelry hobby (and come on folks - that NEVER paid the bills!) has she WORKED - AT ALL - to help support that tribe?  Nope.  Well.. ok then.  Does she cook for the group?  Help anyone out with housework or other chores?  Uh.... help with the kids?  Take care of her OWN kids?  (Hard to do when you are snoozing the day away!)  So.. what DOES she contribute? One big fat chin and lots of entitlement?

She freaking needed a nanny with TWO small kids - when she didn't even WORK!  And Kody thinks she's the best suited for polygamy?  SNORT!

Robyn’s also only ever been in the coverted power positions of either the favored last wife and the legal marriage wife within polygamy (and now she holds both titles). The only real way to see ‘how suited for polygamy’ she really is, is if a hotter, younger, 5th sister wife, with kids also needing adoption was trotted in (ideally while Robyn was pregnant). 

That said, Robyn’s manipulative and not afraid of stealth tactics to clamber her way up the ladder, so actually Kodouch wouldn’t be wrong if she was the one he considered ‘well-suited to polygamy‘ (though not in the way he thinks). 

The only other contender for who would be suited for polygamy would obviously be Janelle, due to her ability to share her resources, live in one house and her thinking of the family as a whole. She brought the damn Lehi house on her own, if that doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what does. 

Obviously Christine has jealousy issues and really prefers a monogamist lifestyle despite her original intro spiel, she was just brain-washed in childhood and knows no different.

Meri is definitely not cut out for this lifestyle. She is a narcissist with no concept of conserving funds, compromise or sharing her wealth creation for the good of the greater family. We’ve seen this time again, with the over-indulgent rentals, wet bar, french doors, More-riah’s expensive school that the family had to chip in for (despite Meri taking an equal share of the budget for her one child). We learned last season that she doesn’t contribute any of her earnings from pyramid schemes or b&b to the family pot, whereas the others all do with their side hustles. Interesting as she only worked part time initially in the early days (so presumably was happy to take family funds off Janelle and Kody,  who worked full-time for her quarter share then and live in a house paid for by Janelle) but no has no desire to contribute anything now for the younger kids. She’s confirmed time and time again the younger kids are not her responsibility in any way either, financially or in the form of child care. She also probably only offered the divorce (if that’s even what really happened),  as she already thought she had a foot out the door with an potential online lover, (unsure of the time line) but in any case I doubt she made the ‘sacrifice’ out of any obligation to the kids, she was just defeated by Robyn’s superior relationship  with Kody and she knew she’d better bow out gracefully. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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If Kody died tomorrow, Robyn would be the only spouse or ex-spouse to receive a social security benefit.  She could get a benefit until the youngest child at home turns 16 and then again when she turns 60.  Meri would have to wait until 60.  They could both receive a benefit at 50 if they meet disability standards.  The other minor children could also receive checks.

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8 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Robyn’s also only ever been in the coverted power positions of either the favored last wife and the legal marriage wife within polygamy (and now she holds both titles). The only real way to see ‘how suited for polygamy’ she really is, is if a hotter, younger, 5th sister wife, with kids also needing adoption was trotted in (ideally while Robyn was pregnant). 

That said, Robyn’s manipulative and not afraid of stealth tactics to clamber her way up the ladder, so actually Kodouch wouldn’t be wrong if she was the one he considered ‘well-suited to polygamy‘ (though not in the way he thinks). 

The only other contender for who would be suited for polygamy would obviously be Janelle, due to her ability to share her resources, live in one house and her thinking of the family as a whole. She brought the damn Lehi house on her own, if that doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what does. 

Obviously Christine has jealousy issues and really prefers a monogamist lifestyle despite her original intro spiel, she was just brain-washed in childhood and knows no different.

Meri is definitely not cut out for this lifestyle. She is a narcissist with no concept of conserving funds, compromise or sharing her wealth creation for the good of the greater family. We’ve seen this time again, with the over-indulgent rentals, wet bar, french doors, More-riah’s expensive school that the family had to chip in for (despite Meri taking an equal share of the budget for her one child). We learned last season that she doesn’t contribute any of her earnings from pyramid schemes or b&b to the family pot, whereas the others all do with their side hustles. Interesting as she only worked part time initially in the early days (so presumably was happy to take family funds off Janelle and Kody,  who worked full-time for her quarter share then and live in a house paid for by Janelle) but no has no desire to contribute anything now for the younger kids. She’s confirmed time and time again the younger kids are not her responsibility in any way either, financially or in the form of child care. She also probably only offered the divorce (if that’s even what really happened),  as she already thought she had a foot out the door with an potential online lover, (unsure of the time line) but in any case I doubt she made the ‘sacrifice’ out of any obligation to the kids, she was just defeated by Robyn’s superior relationship  with Kody and she knew she’d better bow out gracefully. 

Great post!  I agree with EVERYTHING - except the part about the Meri/Kody divorce and that she only agreed because of the catfish episode.  That definitely came after the divorce.

But you are right - what did she contribute?  She and Robyn were Kody's favorites at one time and both take and take and don't seem to donate much in any way, shape or form to the family's welfare.

I SO wish a younger wife would come along and have BABIES.  Robyn would implode.  But Kody is totally pussy-whipped by the wicked witch of the Flagstaff swamp and wouldn't dare - even if wanted to.

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48 minutes ago, Absolom said:

If Kody died tomorrow, Robyn would be the only spouse or ex-spouse to receive a social security benefit.  She could get a benefit until the youngest child at home turns 16 and then again when she turns 60. 

If Kody has acknowledged paternity (on the birth certificate as father) of Savannah, Ysabel? and Truely, their mothers would receive social security benefits on the children's behalves after his death until they graduate from high school.  Parents do not have to ever been married for the child to receive SS death benefits.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

The other minor children could also receive checks.


9 minutes ago, TeacherWoman said:

If Kody has acknowledged paternity (on the birth certificate as father) of Savannah, Ysabel? and Truely, their mothers would receive social security benefits on the children's behalves after his death until they graduate from high school.  Parents do not have to ever been married for the child to receive SS death benefits.

I think you may have skipped over the part I quoted above.  Also they could receive even without Kody being on their birth certificates.  All it takes is acknowledgement and he's done plenty of that documented by the TV show.  

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3 minutes ago, Absolom said:


I think you may have skipped over the part I quoted above.  Also they could receive even without Kody being on their birth certificates.  All it takes is acknowledgement and he's done plenty of that documented by the TV show.  

I sure did miss that.  I just looked at your post two above my reply.

However, it all makes me wonder if Kody is listed as father on his children's birth certificates.  If he was, that could have limited social services the moms applied for when the kids were little.  

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12 hours ago, TeacherWoman said:

I sure did miss that.  I just looked at your post two above my reply.

However, it all makes me wonder if Kody is listed as father on his children's birth certificates.  If he was, that could have limited social services the moms applied for when the kids were little.  

If I recall in earlier seasons that they did home births as not to be found as Polygamous, I also thought they didn't list the birth father for that same fear which is the reason why they all got assistance. It made sense for him to stay married to Meri, with only one spawn the others with 6 kids each got the most benefits.

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38 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

If I recall in earlier seasons that they did home births as not to be found as Polygamous, I also thought they didn't list the birth father for that same fear which is the reason why they all got assistance. It made sense for him to stay married to Meri, with only one spawn the others with 6 kids each got the most benefits.

When the first few episodes aired, Christine was still on food stamps.  Janelle was employed, so she would not have been eligible, nor Meri.  Christine proudly displayed her well-stocked pantry and if I recall correctly, Meri and Janelle had a merry chuckle that they all "shopped" in Christine's cupboards.

They should write a new book, From Foodstamps to Flagstaff in 10 Easy Years.

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17 hours ago, laurakaye said:

 And I had forgotten that Christine, who we all know wanted to be a third and FINAL wife - had been doing some promotion on her own regarding normalizing polygamy, so if Kody came to Christine and presented the TLC show as an extension of what she was already trying to do, Christine wasn't really in a position to say no. 


I didn't mention it, but I also found it interesting that when they were all asked on the couch (while deciding to "flee" to LV) if, knowing what they know now, would they do the show again.  All of them said Yes, except for Christine. To play along with my earlier post and add to my own theory it would be understandable for Christine to say no, although she was wanting to "normalize polygamy" she would not want to do the show again after knowing what it took to get the show....adding Robyn.

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24 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

When the first few episodes aired, Christine was still on food stamps.  Janelle was employed, so she would not have been eligible, nor Meri. 

Employment does not mean you are not eligible for food stamps and Medicaid.  If they had quite a few children by that point and a low income (which is highly likely as they do not have the skills for a high paying job) then they could still have qualified for food stamps.  

23 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I didn't mention it, but I also found it interesting that when they were all asked on the couch (while deciding to "flee" to LV) if, knowing what they know now, would they do the show again.  All of them said Yes, except for Christine. To play along with my earlier post and add to my own theory it would be understandable for Christine to say no, although she was wanting to "normalize polygamy" she would not want to do the show again after knowing what it took to get the show....adding Robyn.

Who has been anything BUT an asset since she contributes diddley squat to the family dynamics except greed and entitlement.

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