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S05.E13: It's a Super Life


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SUPERGIRL'S 100TH EPISODE - Mxyzptlk (guest star Thomas Lennon) returns with a proposition for Kara - what if she could go back in time and tell Lena her secret before Lex did, would things turn out different? Looking back over key moments throughout the series, Kara must decide if she wants to change history to become friends with Lena again. Familiar faces return in this special episode.

Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Derek Simon & Nicki Holcomb.

Airdate: 2/23/2020


Ok...so for the 100th episode, I wanted way more Alex and J'onn. I didn't love the idea of it being centered around Lena/Kara, even if I understand why they had it as the Major Milestone Episode. They have set it up all season to do so. 

But honestly? I really, really liked this episode. I thought it was fun and I loved seeing snippets back from the show, both old and temporarily new. 

Plus, it led to Kara finally standing up to Lena. She got to accept that she can't change her past and she can't be held accountable for Lena's actions.

Thomas Lennon was absolute perfection as Mr. Mxy. I didn't really like Mxy 1.0. I think it was more the actor, from what I recall (though maybe that was more because of his first appearance being around one of the worst periods of the show for me, with the worst of Mon-El/Kara). I guess I remember first Mxy being fun, but also an asshole. But Thomas Lennon was able to really bring some fun into the character. I loved his facial expressions and various moments. 

We got to see cameos from characters we haven't seen in a while. Even with the characters that have been integral to the show and didn't show up physically (Mehcad and Calista), we at least got to see clips or pictures of them. 

I think they did a decent job with having Kara pick out various moments where I think we all called out when Kara should have told Lena but didn't. I think they also did a good job at explaining what kind of changes happened if Kara had told Lena in those moments. 

I love that the episode ended with Kara, Alex, and J'onn, so that DID almost make up for the entire episode being about Kara/Lena. 

Genuinely, I didn't have high expectations, so that helped. And I think this was a pretty well done 100th episode. 

  • Love 13

I always love getting a look at alternate ways things could have gone in shows. On one hand, it's a bummer that each alternative was worse than the last one. (Lena as Metallo? HUGE yikes!) But on the other hand I'm happy it helped Kara realize that she is trying to do what's right even if the actual reality isn't perfect either. (There's a comparison to be made here of Lena playing with the VR contacts and Kara using Mxy's magic that I hope someone more eloquent than I can expand on!)

Did not like Kara at the end calling Lena a villain again though. Didn't she learn that lesson in one of the alternate realities? Glad she understood her part in the rift but driving a wedge there was not the best call, IMO.

I hope Lena comes to her senses soon though, and breaks ties with Lex. And not just because he has worn out his welcome with me on this show. THANK GOODNESS he wasn't actually in this episode at all!

I'm left wondering why Kara can't just have some alternate human identity for times when someone is threatening her to reveal herself? Just some made up person who doesn't wear glasses and doesn't have a job or loved ones? Would save some trouble!

Loved that the episode ended on Kara, Alex, and J'onn. The space fam!

Edited by shantown
  • Love 7

Outside of being distracted by Melissa's wigs since this was all before her bangs, I enjoyed it.   Everyone has those moments of "if I had this instead of that, things would have been different" and Kara is no exception.  Of course, her issues are more complicated than just lying to her best friend, it's lying to her best friend and dealing with alien stuff, WorldKillers, etc. 

Thomas Lennon has (mostly) redeemed himself from that thankless and horrible voice over job at last year's Emmys.  I had to chuckle that his BetaMyx tapes all started with The One Where... to the point I wondered if someone on the writing staff was a Friends fan, given he is Joey's hand twin. 

"I don't what you see in (Mon El.)" Heh. 

  • Love 6

k...so for the 100th episode, I wanted way more Alex and J'onn. I didn't love the idea of it being centered around Lena/Kara, even if I understand why they had it as the Major Milestone Episode. They have set it up all season to do so. 

But honestly? I really, really liked this episode. I thought it was fun and I loved seeing snippets back from the show, both old and temporarily new. 

I agree. For the 100th episode there should have been more Alex and J'onn. But outside of that it was a fun show and I liked this new version of Mr. Mxyzptlk. 

  • Love 5

It was fairly enjoyable with all the what-if scenarios but there was no real consequence...messing with time to the extant Mr. Mx did...take it and have some repercussions!

I am 100% over the secret identity plotline! I just want it to be over and move on with our lives.

Thomas made a great Mr.Mx, he did a pretty good job of embodying the character. 

Liked seeing Mon-El again since I love Chris, but such a shame that they never were able to really redeem his character

  • Love 3

I was going to come here and rant about everything being Kara's fault, so I was so glad that the conclusion was that Kara is going to stop blaming herself. However, I still wasn't fond of centering the 100th around the Lena/Kara feud.

I do like seeing alternate realities, so that was interesting. Mxy was fun,

And yes, this needed more Alex and J'onn; and I was disappointed that I didn't get the cameos I wanted (James, Cat, Eliza).

Still annoys me that we hardly ever see Brainy and J'onn in their alien forms


  • Love 4

I forgot this was the 100th episode. Now I'm wondering when Legends reaches that mark. Given how many episodes the CW doles out, they might not get to that 100th episode for ages.

Watching Kara and Mxyzptlk try to "fix" things . . . haven't the other two "Arrowverse" series dealt with their pasts and alterations thereof? Arrow had their anniversary smack-dab in the middle of the "Invasion" crossover, and we had the main cast (along with Sara and Ray) in a weird "nothing went wrong" reality set up by the Dominators. Flash had Barry and daughter Nora get stuff from past seasons. This is an interesting trend.

Thomas Lennon works well as Mxy. I think the only portrayal of the character that was done better was by Gilbert Gottfried in Superman: The Animated Series. Unnerving teleportation, fast-forwarding through old episodes, bringing out "Betamx" with old tapes . . . great stuff. And Kara finally accepts that she needs to accept what's happened between her and Lena. I don't think there was never a moment where things would have worked out with a revelation, but that's more Barry Allen's territory. Unlike Barry, Kara got out for any fallout of altering her past.

Cat Grant got murdered in one of the realities. Anyone else thing she took as many of her killers with her before she died?

  • Love 1

I was hoping for more Alex and J'onn for the shows 100th episode instead of focusing so much on Lena and Kara drama, but I cant complain too much, because this was a really fun episode and it did do a good job of feeling like a celebration of the show with lots of appearances by different characters from the shows run (Mon-El! Winn!) and Mr. Mxyzptlk showing up to facilitate the many different What If stories was a really good idea.  Even the characters we didnt get to see, like Cat and James, got shout outs. I did want to see maybe Alex and Kara's parents, or even Kara's mom or some of the people of Arus, maybe even Clark and Lex for a second, but I guess they didnt have time to fit everyone in. I love new Mxyzptlk, I felt like he wasnt really used to his full potential in his debut episode, mostly existing to shill Mon-El/Kara at their most unlikable, so I was happy to see him here, as a new and improved version thats whimsical, but in a fun way, not a weird creepy way. 

The old time newspapers that described the awesome partnership between Lena and Kara was especially hilarious. "Every party needs a pooper thats why we invited Kara!" And Mxzy is apparently a Friends fan! The One Where Lena Starts Working With Lex. 

I liked the What If scenarios, even if I knew that it would inevitably end with Kara realizing that she shouldn't mess with the past. If she had just had the time to text Barry, he could have warned her about all of this! I was getting annoyed that so much of these problems were put on Kara, so I am glad that she realized that she cant keep kicking herself about Lena being pissed at her, and that Lena needs to start taking responsibility. Maybe being called a villain could be a jolt for her to realize what she’s become. Thats a real sore spot for Lena, and it could just widen this rift, but on the other hand, it would be nice if it could be a wake up call where Lena realizes that her bitterness and hurt is turning her into the kind of person she has always hated and had pushed back against being judged as. 

So no matter what timeline, Ben Lockwood is always a dickhead who blames the wrong people for whatever is going wrong in his life. 

Very happy they ended the episode on Kara, Alex, and J'onn hanging out! A nice ending that helped make me feel at least a little better about the lack of Alex, and J'onn.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 7

I liked that the video app Mxy was using on the laptop was ... MYXFLYX (a la NETFLIX), and it was buffering.

Thank goodness, no Ruby in the various what-if scenarios.

I'm a little confused about why Kara's past isn't any different in this new universe.  Lex's past is clearly different and Kara has her pre-Crisis memories, but her past in this new universe should be substantially different what with her long history of working with the Flash and having been on the same planet all along as other metas/supers (as shown in Part 5 of Crisis).

  • Love 2

On the one hand, I have to admire the chutzpah of the writers pretty much saying flat out, see, if we'd listened to your complaints and let Kara tell Lena sooner, things would have been much, much, worse, and on the other hand, writers, as an excuse for some questionable past decisions, this just does not work.

Amusing as Mr. Mx. was this time around. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, shantown said:

Did not like Kara at the end calling Lena a villain again though. Didn't she learn that lesson in one of the alternate realities? Glad she understood her part in the rift but driving a wedge there was not the best call, IMO.

Lena tried to brainwash the planet, and showed no remorse after the fact. In fact she's planning on doing it again. That's some top-tier villainy right there. Kara made the right decision, letting her know that if she's going to behave like a villain, she'll get treated like one. 

Anyways, this is one of the best 100th episodes of anything I've seen. Mxy was great, and seeing Kara relive her life like a soap opera was hilarious. J'onn and Alex not trading along kinda sticks, but they were there at the end, where it matters most with a nice speech at the end. 

  • Love 7

That was fantastic.

Lena looked genuinely hurt by what Kara said to her.  Maybe that will be the thing that Lena needs to get over her issues with Kara, start to mend fences with her, and become a force for good.

Here's a theory, the reason that everything kept going wrong, was because Mxy was showing Kara that she can't blame herself for everything.  If she sees a version where everything went right, she's gonna blame herself even more and carry the weight of the universe on her shoulders.  Mxy was just showing her that not everything is her fault.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I liked that the video app Mxy was using on the laptop was ... MYXFLYX (a la NETFLIX), and it was buffering.

Thank goodness, no Ruby in the various what-if scenarios.

I'm a little confused about why Kara's past isn't any different in this new universe.  Lex's past is clearly different and Kara has her pre-Crisis memories, but her past in this new universe should be substantially different what with her long history of working with the Flash and having been on the same planet all along as other metas/supers (as shown in Part 5 of Crisis).

The writers did a poor job of wrapping up Crisis, especially with the stupid "Lex is awesome" rewrite of the Book of Destiny. However, Lena remembers the original history, so her interactions with Kara from original Earth affect her choices now, instead of the patched together post-Crisis history.

The Lena arc is similar to the Rosenbaum Lex Luthor arc on Smallville. They start out being honestly good people trying to make up for the bad name of Luthor, then suddenly become villains because they didn't get praised enough for their efforts. Coddling Lena wasn't working. Kara needed to tell her she was on the wrong path.


  • Love 3

The episode itself was ok.. Tho I'm more than a bit miffed that all these folks make it for episode 100... But James didn't... Not sure why I expected any better... Winn gets a two-parter and closure with damn near everybody... Extended time with the star of the show... James got.. Well... We know  what he got... That said all this timey-wimey nonsense was worth it... For that scene with Lena at the end... Kara remembered she had a spine and laid it out for Lena ( I woulda preferred her listing all the shady shit Lena did before she knew and the really scummy stuff she's done  since)  but at least she's not gonna let Lena emotionally blackmail her anymore .. I hope

6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

She probably shouldn't have referred to Lena as a villain though, even if she has been increasingly acting like one.

Lena experimented on ppl and faced no consequences.. She lied to her friend gained access to her most intimate space stole from her and assaulted her.. Then tried to brainwash the planet.. And faced no consequences... She sold Catco without telling anyone and that ruined that place... She's a villain... And I didn't even bring up what she did to ms. Tessmacher... Maybe she deserved something to happen to her.. But she seems like she was a pawn of leviathan... Lena took over her body and then forced her to do her dirty work ans then let her go to jail for her screwups... That girl is a villain 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Diapason Untuned said:

Anyways, this is one of the best 100th episodes of anything I've seen. Mxy was great, and seeing Kara relive her life like a soap opera was hilarious. J'onn and Alex not trading along kinda sticks, but they were there at the end, where it matters most with a nice speech at the end. 

I had a blast at watching the various ways that Mxy and Kara watched the scenarios unfold. I actually really love how they handled that, with Mxy allowing her to watch out the scenarios before deciding to go through with it. Plus, I like the sudden switch from a new format of watching (Mxyflyx) to an older format (actual VHS). 

It really looked like Melissa was having a blast, and I feel like this is one of the first time in ages that she's gotten to have fun in multiple scenes, and not just a one off scene where she's singing karaoke or something. It felt very reminiscent of season 1, when Kara was smiling a lot more. 

Also, if Mxy can bring out this fun side of Kara, bring him back! Thomas Lennon also looked like he was having a blast. I had a good laugh at one point where he teleported and was sitting cross legged on the back of one of Kara's chairs. It really looked like he was hovering. Plus, when Mxy was copying Kara's facial expressions while she was watching the TV and I had a good laugh at a couple of them. 

Man, I really, really enjoyed this 100th episode more than I thought I would. I am absolutely going to rewatch it this week. 

9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I'm a little confused about why Kara's past isn't any different in this new universe.  Lex's past is clearly different and Kara has her pre-Crisis memories, but her past in this new universe should be substantially different what with her long history of working with the Flash and having been on the same planet all along as other metas/supers (as shown in Part 5 of Crisis).

Well, on top of Kara remembering her pre-Crisis past, as well as Lena remembering her pre-Crisis past, so does everyone else. And, as Mxy is a fifth dimensional being, I assume he kind of just knows all so he adjusted to what Kara does remember.

Plus, I assume that the way they'll handle any backstory of the bigger plots over the years is that the other superheroes in the universe either were too busy in their own cities, or they weren't integral in the final takedown. 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I forgot this was the 100th episode. Now I'm wondering when Legends reaches that mark. Given how many episodes the CW doles out, they might not get to that 100th episode for ages.

Probably not until a hypothetical Season 7 unless they get an 18 episode order next year, but the only time they've ever had that many was Season 3.  This year they are down to 15 including the Crisis episode.

Edited by DavidJSnyder
4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

The episode itself was ok.. Tho I'm more than a bit miffed that all these folks make it for episode 100... But James didn't... Not sure why I expected any better... Winn gets a two-parter and closure with damn near everybody... Extended time with the star of the show... James got.. Well... We know  what he got... That said all this timey-wimey nonsense was worth it... For that scene with Lena at the end... Kara remembered she had a spine and laid it out for Lena ( I woulda preferred her listing all the shady shit Lena did before she knew and the really scummy stuff she's done  since)  but at least she's not gonna let Lena emotionally blackmail her anymore .. I hope

I'm glad James didn't come back because both the actor and the character always deserved better and if I was him I would never come back to this show. The writers gave an interview talking about how they wanted Cat and James to return but Mechad Brooks was shooting a movie and my first thought was good to hear the actor moved on to bigger and better things.

I'm glad Kara kept it real with Lena at the end because Lena has been ridiculous this whole season. And yes I see her as a villain now.

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 2

I think this was the best 100th episode the Arrowverse has had. I was weary about the premise but the resolution was great. Finally Kara can stop beating herself up over her past mistakes. The ball is now in Lena's court and I am optimistic she's going to make the right choice. She was visibly affected by what Kara was saying.

I have had my issues with the Kara and Lena dynamic this season which is why I wasn't too happy with the episode being focused so much on their relationship but it's been a while and Melissa and Katie are very good together. I found it interesting and a bit concerning that in the scenario where Kara and Lena never become friends Lena turns into some sort of dictator. 

I cheered when Mon-El told Kara that she needs to show herself the same compassion she shows others when they screw up. I was getting tired of her mopey attitude. The last scene with Alex and J'onn was very heartwarming.

I liked seeing the various cameos from past characters like Sam and her mom, Agent Liberty, Otis and Coville. Sure, the show acting like whatever Kara does leads to a catostrophe ( her own death, the death of all her loved ones, Lena turning into pure evil ) was too much but that was clearly by design. A part of me thinks Mxy did it on purpose.


16 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Here's a theory, the reason that everything kept going wrong, was because Mxy was showing Kara that she can't blame herself for everything.  If she sees a version where everything went right, she's gonna blame herself even more and carry the weight of the universe on her shoulders.  Mxy was just showing her that not everything is her fault.

This. You explained it better than I could.

  • Love 8

I loved it!

It's like they said "instead of a clip show..." and went with a great end to that sentence.

Thomas Lennon is a delight and a national treasure.

I noticed, and appreciated, that they owned that the bangs were a subject of discussion.  (The challenge for MB is that when you're really good-looking, lots of hairstyles work.  I do NOT know this from direct experience.)

  • Love 3

I really enjoyed it. Thomas Lennon made a great Mxy - his interactions with Kara were a lot of fun, and I'm so glad that the ultimate lesson was Kara realizing she can't keep beating herself up over what happened with Lena. The various methods of memory-sharing (projector, Myxflyx, Betamyx, hee!) was a nice touch, and I cracked up at the old-timey newsreel voice.

I agree that I'd have liked to see more Alex and J'onn, but I did smile at Mxy sending them off to play paintball (cue Alex, "Magic rules!"), and that final scene was beautiful.

Nice that they snuck in a bit more Jeremy Jordan (good ole Winn, giving pep talks in any timeline!), and I enjoyed seeing Mon-El again. That line, "You need to show yourself the same compassion you show others," was excellent. Nice to see Reign too, and Ben Lockwood sucks in any reality.

  • Love 6

I am glad that Kara will hopefully stop beating herself up so much about what is going on with Lena, her just begging for forgiveness while Lena tells her to fuck off over and over was just getting depressingly repetitive. I hope that seeing the alternate timelines taught her that there really was no "perfect" option, and that she cant control what other people do. While I do definitely think that Kara should have told Lena ages ago, and I did sympathize with Lena's feelings of betrayal, but at this point, Lena has really lost a lot of that sympathy. When you have to saying that your not a villain that many times...maybe its time to check and make sure your not engaging in villainous behavior. The lady doth protest too much Lena! And while Kara messed up, she really did think she was protecting Lena, and she has done just about everything she could to try and make up for not telling her. I also like that the episode was a sort of fifth dimension version of what a lot of people engage in, a sort of "If only I had done it this way..." thought experiment of regret that leads people to sometimes spend too much time wallowing in their own regret and obsessing over what could have been, instead of looking to the future and just dealing with the choices already made, which is where Kara landed. 

  • Love 4

Well, I guess that's settles for us "what ifers", huh? 😀 I wasn't at all surprised by the moral implication that you cannot change the past without consequences; you have to live with them, but if I'm being honest, this is as unbelievable as Ben Lockwood's decent in to madness last season. Too much bad shit is happening in every reality, there (just like in last season all of main cast were sort of dicks to Ben). Also, it made me realize how underutilized Supergirl's and Martian Manhunter's powers in this show are.

Also, also, I could get behind that Ben's lackeys in that alternate universe killed Winn, but Martian Manhunter? Get the hell out of here with this shit! 🤣

Also, also, also, get the fuck out of here, again, with Lena able to harness the Fifth Dimension power. The plot-devices every season seem to be more convenient and convenient, which verges on the point of absurd, and it even begins to rival Once upon a time plot devices. To think that none of this shit would have been remotely plausible in Season One times... God, I miss eco-terrorists Non and Astra wanting to create New Krypton on Earth plot. 🥺

Also, also, also, also, again, Kara isn't human. All she had to do was say I'm Kara Zor-El from the House of El in that alternate world. Technically, she would not have been lying at all, because that's who she is, but since for the sake of forced drama...

Also, also, also, also, Mixys reminds me of a Genie. I mean, he will grant you your wish, but only what you are asking for, not what you mean by that wish.

Addendum: too much alsos. 😀

Oh, I just remembered: were the "Super Friends" in that last reality real or from what if world? Because, if from what if world... um... how do I put this... they did not question anything (from where and how Kara got there).

Edited by Rushmoras
  • Love 1
On 2/24/2020 at 5:06 AM, shantown said:

I'm left wondering why Kara can't just have some alternate human identity for times when someone is threatening her to reveal herself? Just some made up person who doesn't wear glasses and doesn't have a job or loved ones? Would save some trouble!

Why does she have to have a human identity at all, for that matter? Why can't she go by her given name and surname? I mean, the aliens have human jobs ever since S2. So...

  • Love 2

I’m a terrible person, because I was darkly amused that every timeline was either, ‘Lena takes it badly and goes evil’ or ‘Lena takes it well but people die’. 

On 2/23/2020 at 10:44 PM, quarks said:

On the one hand, I have to admire the chutzpah of the writers pretty much saying flat out, see, if we'd listened to your complaints and let Kara tell Lena sooner, things would have been much, much, worse, and on the other hand, writers, as an excuse for some questionable past decisions, this just does not work.

It sort of felt like the writers making this excuse as well as (in show) helping Kara let go of her guilt, because something would have went wrong, no matter when she told Lena. 

I noticed Mxy left behind a tape of the current timeline (“The One Where Lena Works with Lex”). I’m curious if Kara watched it and if that also pushed her to go speak with Lena. Being called a villain is one of Lena’s triggers, but there’s no other way to describe the path she’s on, so I’m glad Kara was straightforward about it. Hopefully this will get Lena to snap out of it.

I enjoyed Thomas Lennon as Myx and I hope he comes back. Curious if they’d ever do a Mxyzptlk/Batmite Supergirl/Batwoman crossover.

For the 100th episode of the series, there was sadly a lack of both Alex and J'onn in it, and I guess they weren't able to get Mechad Brooks back for James other than archived footage (although, I really don't blame him at this point.)

Other than that, I thought it was a pretty good episode that balanced out nostalgia, callbacks, and recognizing the past, but also pushing the story forward in a way that will hopefully give the rest of the season a jolt.  I'm definitely happy that this has all ended with Kara finally getting over her guilt over what went down with her and Lena, and putting the responsibility of any future wrongdoing on who deserves it: Lena.  Because while I still think Kara handled a lot of her identity aspects poorly, Lena took legit grievances and; unwittingly or not; escalated things to a point that goes beyond hurt feelings.  Not only has she put numerous lives on the line, she is now willing to work with Lex: a guy she knows is ten times worse than Kara on his best day, but does so because of her grudge against Kara's lies.  So, I'm glad Kara has finally drawn a line and while she did say she would be there for Lena if she does finally want to rekindle their friendship, she also said she will she do what she needs to, if Lena keeps doing down this selfish, dark path.  Finally!

Loved all the returning faces here.  Obviously Winn has been around these past few episodes, but it was still great to have him here.  And it was fun seeing Reign, Ben Lockwood (yeah, he might be a tool, but Sam Witwer is awesome), Otis, and Coville again.  And, just as I suspected, Mon-El is actually tolerable now, compared to William, because at least Chris Wood actually has charisma and doesn't put me to sleep when he's on screen.

Thomas Lennon was perfection as Mxyzptlk.  I hope he comes back.  Hell, it doesn't even have to be on this show.  I can only imagine the craziness that would go down if Mxyzptlk crossed paths with the Legends!

Glad the show remembered Nia is actually still a character here.  Still wish we got more of her, but I'll take what we can get for now.

Happy 100th, Supergirl!

  • Love 3
On 2/26/2020 at 10:09 PM, BaggythePanther said:

I enjoyed Thomas Lennon as Myx and I hope he comes back. Curious if they’d ever do a Mxyzptlk/Batmite Supergirl/Batwoman crossover.

That would be fascinating, since the comics actually DID do a Mxyzptlk/Batmite Superman/Batman crossover back in the early Silver Age. Batmite and Mxy hated each other and declared war on each other -- and guess who got caught in the crossfire. It was a hilarious story!

I really like Thomas Lennon's Mxy. I agree that Mxy, in the right doses, could be a welcome addition to Team Supergirl, especially now that he's determined to no longer be the pain in the ass that he was when he first met her -- and not just as part of his court-ordered reparations, either.  And Supergirl probably COULD use an occasional ally who knows a thing or two about magic, given that Leviathan is still out there!

And finally, well done, Kara, for finally telling Lena to stick her martyr complex where the sun doesn't shine. It's about time you told her off and made it clear that whatever happens next between you and her is strictly on her from now on!

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 1
On 2/27/2020 at 2:28 AM, thuganomics85 said:
On 2/27/2020 at 2:28 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Thomas Lennon was perfection as Mxyzptlk.  I hope he comes back.  Hell, it doesn't even have to be on this show.  I can only imagine the craziness that would go down if Mxyzptlk crossed paths with the Legends!



Ha! I can just see him interacting with Charlie, Nora, Sara, Ava, Ray, Gary, and ESPECIALLY Constantine, even if he's no longer a mischievous imp who generally gets off on being a pain in the ass. He and Constantine would be a particular hoot!

I don't enjoy flashback episodes too much, and I admit I groaned when I saw this was going to be one of those, but Mxyzptlk was enjoyable and though I will not put this down as being a favorite episode, it became likeable enough. It was nice to see the return of Sam/Reign (could have done with Ben Lockwood).

Kara/Lena, I'm glad Kara finally stood up for herself, because I was growing tired of "guilt-ridden" Kara/Supergirl and sick to death of "wah wah, you lied to me" poor little Lena. They make villains so uninteresting on these shows because it's almost always some BS reasons why they become villains in the first place.

I've always waited for the other shoe to drop with Lena... like this underlying part of her that was as evil as her brother. Maybe it's the Luthor in her (maybe it's me remembering the actress on Merlin), I don't know, but I'm just surprised it took this long to surface. I'm not saying I want evil Lena (I don't), just saying that her going in villain mode (despite her protests about not being one, she sure has done some despicable stuff this season) didn't surprise me, she just needed an excuse (and a lame one was good enough) to do it. I hope Lena turns "good," again, but I think Kara is going to have to always watch her back with her now.

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