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S01.E04: Baby on Board

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Parker feels the strain of being on charter and his lack of maturity shows; Jenna criticizes Georgia's laundry system and sends her away in tears; Parsifal greets a newborn and baby talk fills the yacht as Adam and Jenna's relationship blooms.

Airs February 24, 2020.

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Jenna and Paggg are really bad managers.  T.

They seem totally unable to recognize their peoples' strengths.

Parker is a friendly guy.  These guests seem to enjoy the interactions and tightass is jealous they don't want to talk to him.  He's a greenhorn.  Deal with it.

Now Mr. Engineer is a mind reader.  Go to Vegas and play poker.  How the hell does he know what the guests know?  That "diamond machine" comment was incredibly condescending..

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What the heck are you thinking bringing a one month old on a yacht for a few days?  Maybe an hour or so to get the baby used to it and see how the baby does.  I just shake my head.

Hey.  Welcome to sailing.  If the wind is strong you're going to heel.  I think it's probably hard for people to understand it if you've never done it because a TV screen doesn't give you the full effect.  When those sails go up and the engine is turned off, it's incredible.  It goes into silent mode but yet you're still moving.  And seeing the sails, you get to see how incredibly huge those sails are.  Ok.  I won't get into seeing a spinnaker. 

I'm not really caring for Jenna and Paget so far.  Maybe I'll change my mind.  And I do like Cierra's (whatever the spelling is) responses to Paget.  I'm  tired of the flirting between Jenna and Adam.

I am liking Madison.  

I don't think Parker is awful.


Edited by breezy424
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Jenna is a bitch, grubby  one too. She can't wait to brag to Adam about her crappy behavior,, she's trying to flirt and it's gross.  

Bringing a 1 month old on a yacht? Pretty crazy to me,  how can you really enjoy it.... and it seems dangerous.  

Poor Parker is slow and scared to make a move without permission.  He's an odd bird....

Ciara... Paggg is flirting right in front of you.  I think he's over it. (Meaning you)


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I don’t like Adam or Jenna and their flirting is annoying to watch. Adam seems so arrogant. Jenna thinks way too high of herself. 

Paget seems like a dud to me. Ciara should move on from her teenage bf because from what I see so far she could do better lol.

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I don't understand taking a one month old baby on a vacation like this.

I've never had children, so I have (eta:  NO) standing to really comment, but it just seems like a bad idea.

Edited by PaperTree
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I kind of like that the Chief Stew and the Chef are getting along. It seems more like a real workplace where the heads of department hang out and the underlings bitch and moan.

The laundry room seems to be a disaster and the third stew is really not cutting it. She was the one over serving that drink last week and she seems to spend most of her time hitting on the Hansen brother. She can go quick.

Edited by The Ringo Kidd
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Jenna barks at Georgia to organize the laundry but she doesn’t even know the difference between the washer and dryer.

Then after shitting on her repeatedly she wants to hug her?

Didn’t she say to Madison and Jenna just to follow her orders, do things her way in the first episode?  But no direction on how she wanted the laundry organized and then tells Madison at the last minute she’s going to the beach.

Meanwhile so thirsty for Adam, probably hanging out in the galley and relegating the others downstairs.

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after the evening out, why on earth were Parker and Madison sleeping in the crew mess? That can't be comfortable.

And yeah, I've experienced newborns as a parent, and cannot imagine bringing a one month old on a boat of any sort. I barely remember those first few weeks, why would you want to add more stress? All you crave at that time is a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep. And BTW, babies that young can't wear sunscreen.

I was intrigued by the orange wine they were drinking (right after Jena said "no red wine for me tonight." not sure orange wine is any less potent!)

Edited by dleighg
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11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

I don't understand taking a one month old baby on a vacation like this.

I've never had children, so I have (eta:  NO) standing to really comment, but it just seems like a bad idea.

I have three littles and wouldn't take them on a vacation beyond the Jersey shore (driving distance) at a couple months old minimum then not again til maybe 3 years old. Problem is with kids, they progress so quickly, your vacation options are limited. Pregnancy to infant stage may feel like your last chance. Once they start crawling, running away from you without comprehension of boundaries or putting things in their mouth, you can become homebound. Depends on the parent and their beliefs. IMO taking a swaddled, bottle fed or breast fed one month old is better than a 1.5 year old screamer bopping around with limited food options and mid-toilet training. 

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I watched WWHL last night because Jenna was on it and she had on so much eye makeup that she could barely keep her eyes open - and that was unfortunate because honestly her eyes are her best feature.  She explains that the stew service area is basically in the same area as the galley so that's why it looks like she spends so much time with Adam.  She wasn't any more likeable on this show than she is on Below Deck Sailing.

Quite honestly the opportunity to get away from being closed in four walls with a newborn doesn't sound that bad - plus you add in a doting grandmother who wants to take the baby at times, your husband not working so he is available to help out at any time, having someone else cook your meals and clean up after you - and it isn't like the baby is going to be crawling around - I was just happy at that point to go and spend the weekend with my mom so somebody else cold take care of the baby!

I find Parker mostly harmless but his self-affirmation does get annoying - "I'm just trying to be the best Parker I can be."  

Edited by RoxiP
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Parker was sleeping in the crew mess, because he wanted to give Adam some space. Parker was loud when he got up for anchor watch in the middle of the night and Adam was kind of a dick about it. I guess Madison slept there to keep him company. I feel like I am suppose to find Parker irritating, but I do not think he is intentionally doing things wrong. I hope he starts getting the hang of his job more. He seems afraid to do anything now without a direct order.

I did not mind Adam in his second season on BD Med without all the Malia drama. This season he seems easily annoyed by anyone not named Jenna. 

Again, I do not mind Georgia either. I could not tell if the laundry area was really a mess or not. None of Georgia's mistakes right now seem to be that big of a deal to me. When she replied "f**K me" to Jenna saying Madison was going to the beach, I thought that Georgia knew she was behind, appreciated Madison's help, and now that was gone. Georgia does seem willing to learn and want to do better.

I feel like most of the time I see Jenna in the galley flirting with Adam. 

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Judging from only a few comments here it doesn't seem like there is a whole lot of interest in this show. I started out liking it but the last 2 episodes have soured me on this show. The bikering couple are not only uncomfortable but downright anoying.  Jenna is a horrible boss. Everytime one of her stews says something or does something she doesn't like she runs to tell Adam about it. then thy have a good laugh. She tattled on Parker when he asked about a vacuum. At the end of the show and in the previews when she was discussing  Georgia with Adam did I hear him correctly when he said something to the effect that she should beat her down to a pulp and then in the preview he said I'd can her ass?  She is running the risk of alienating both of her stews in order to amuse her boyfriend. Not smart.

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I am still enjoying this show. I would rather have this petty, stupid drama over any of the last season of original recipe Below Deck. That was awful. I kind of expect to see petty drama on these types of shows. I know they do not cast this shows to have everyone get along. It is still early though. Like I said, anything is better than last season of BD. Though, that is a very low bar.

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8 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I didn't get what was so awful about that. Maybe he should have said it differently, like, do we have something that can vacuum glass? I mean, it's not a stupid idea.

I did not think that was that big of a deal either. He probably should not have said it in front of the guests, but I did not see anything particularly malicious about it either to warrant Jenna complaining to the captain and Paget. It just seemed so minor.

Edited by Misslindsey
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This show is a snooze. Jenna is a bitch with no redeeming wit. Adam's Adam - baseball cap dirty apron and teaming up with mean girl Jenna to demean the crew, complaining about anyone with any dietary restrictions, and telling the Capt to STOP SAILING WTF! The couple is annoying and their relationship is uncomfortable to watch.

The 2 other stews are ok and I think third stew as well as Parker are trying. I like Glenn.

I just don't think this whole scenario makes for good tv. Everything seems cramped and there seems to be no effort in making this a special experience for the guests. I just find it all boring.

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This crew is kinda useless. Jenna's too busy flirting with Adam, Madison's too busy trying to "help" Georgia and Parker with their woes, Georgia's too busy trying to get with Paget (but still can't figure out how to do laundry, do turn downs in a timely manner, or at least not give women's shirts to the male crew), Paget's too busy flirting with Georgia in front of his girlfriend and fighting with Ciara, Ciara's too busy worrying about what (and most likely who) Paget is doing and fighting with Paget, Parker's too busy trying to figure out how to use a little bit of common sense to NOT air boat business in front of the guests, and Adam, well he's actually NOT useless, he is whiney, but has managed to pull thru so far. So, yay Adam? 

I'm all for not completely changing your life when you have kids, but a sail boat vacation with a newborn just seems a bit too much. I'm sure the whole boat at any point in time can hear the baby's cries and maybe the poor baby has sea sickness, how would you know? Plus, I'd be terrified of a rouge wave, heat stroke, dehydration, or sunburn. 


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A newborn on a sailboat is absolutely ridiculous. What if you had the baby on a changing table & the boat "heeled"? I'm not against taking a baby on a vacation if you choose to do so, but geez...go on a cruise ship or at the very least a motor yacht if you need to be at sea with the infant.

Paget & his gf are both really unattractive IMO.


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I didn't mind the infant being on the trip - definitely better than a toddler, but what bothered me more than anything was the parent carrying the baby onto the boat on that skinny ramp. She had her hands full so couldn't hold onto the skimpy rail and what if she tripped? Wouldn't it have been safer to have the baby in a carrier?

I am very noise sensitive so don't blame Adam for being pissed about being woken up by Parker. Sounded like he was unintentionally banging around, and that could have been avoided.

I am not impressed with Jenna or her chief stew skills at all and she shouldn't be shit talking about the other stews to Adam.

I also think Paget is a crappy bosun and his girlfriend should not be working for him. She has no respect for his authority. I think that might be why he is treating Parker more harshly than he deserves.

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I think the key to this season is space.

The space on the sailboat is severely limited so the crew is always in close proximity to the guests. There is no place for the crew to hang out and argue like the docking part at the back of the boat on the regular Below Deck. It is very understandable that they don’t want to alarm the guests by arguing or running like something is wrong. I guess it is important to keep a tight reign on the crew to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to a smaller tip.

Jenna is taking a different approach to running her crew. Instead of picking a favorite and isolating the other one she is uniting her subordinates in not liking her. That is a very recognizable technique. Fear instead of love. 

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6 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Fear instead of love. 

They don’t seem to fear her they seem to not like or respect her because she doesn’t appear to know anything about the job to teach them.

Edited by biakbiak
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Even if you argue that they should know enough about doing their job that they do not need to be taught, if she is going to reprimand Georgia for the condition of the laundry room then she should have set out what her requirements were at the beginning so that Georgia would have known what was expected (and of course yes, Georgia should be able to tell a man's shirt from a woman's).

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Jenna completely lost me when she was positively gleeful that she made Georgina cry and quickly ran off to tell Adam.  Adam, who is like a bottomless pit of negativity. Even learning that he also loves chicken fried steak didn't make me hate him any less.  Watching him futher encourage Jenna to fire Georgina made me seethe.

Why do they have to iron the sheets for turn down? We've seen BD & BD Med staff press the sheets (using the large iron) before putting them on the beds, but ironing them with a handheld iron during turn down service every evening seems like a lot of wasted time & effort. 

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I don't how anyone would keep up with all of that laundry. She is basically doing laundry for the entire crew washing, drying, folding and ironing and keeping up with whose laundry is whose. Changing and washing towels folding towels in addition to all of the other duties. All this while Jenna hangs out in the galley and flirts and laughs with Adam about how hopeless her stews are.  

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12 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't how anyone would keep up with all of that laundry. She is basically doing laundry for the entire crew washing, drying, folding and ironing and keeping up with whose laundry is whose. Changing and washing towels folding towels in addition to all of the other duties. All this while Jenna hangs out in the galley and flirts and laughs with Adam about how hopeless her stews are.  

Also, I am still confused about the issue with Adam’s jacket. It seemed he didn’t ask for it, didn’t need it immediately, and had others. When the load of laundry was actually done I am assuming she would have transferred it to the dryer and it be “found” but it didn’t seem like it was ever really lost to begin with and Jenna just wanted to score brownie points with Adam.

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Why would anyone bring a new born on a sailing yacht? I don’t care how much they clean, that baby is still susceptible to everyone’s germs.

Jenna has managed to do something that Kate has never done. That is unify her stews because they both loathe her. Instead of being thirsty for Adam, she should focus on learning the difference between a washer and dryer. Her pure joy over making Georgia cry was disgusting. I was so glad Georgia declined her fake hug. Adam is just as disgusting as Jenna. If I were Parker I would intentionally wake Adam up every night, just for him being a jerk.  Can Captain Sandy come get her chef?! Paget and Ciara are becoming annoying. In fact Paget is annoying.

Madison and Georgia are stew gold. Captain Glenn is quickly becoming  my favorite Captain due to his calm demeanor. If I were on that boat Byron would be the main person I want to hang out with.


Edited by spunky
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2 hours ago, spunky said:

yacht? I don’t care how much they clean, that baby is still susceptible to everyone’s germs.

Not to mention it doesn’t seem like the baby was born in Greece so your looking at multiple flights to get to Corfu where the boat is docked. 

Edited by biakbiak
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44 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Not to mention it doesn’t seem like the baby was born in Greece so your looking at multiple flights to get to Corfu where the bought is docked. 

I was thinking the same thing. Lots of opportunities for baby to be exposed to germs.  Lots of opportunities for fellow travelers to be exposed to an infant crying.  

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1 hour ago, tvfanatic13 said:

I still can’t figure out what the commotion over the docking was about. 

Well, to put it simply, they were docking in windy weather.  It's much more difficult to control a boat when there is wind involved.  And Capt. Glenn couldn't see where the back of the boat was from his vantage point.  It can get very intense.

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I see that Adam is still a legend in his own mind. "Can we stop sailing?"

He's playing Jenna, throwing out non-stop, insincere compliments. She's too desperate to realize it.

I don't mind the infant on board, other than the possibility of it getting dangerously ill without a nearby ER.

I think yacht crews confuse their own value with that of their wealthy clients. Working in a luxury environment doesn't negate the fact that you are in service, sweating over a grill and cleaning toilets.

Paget will jump the nearest available bones in a heartbeat. He and his wife are THAT couple who ruin every occasion with their whiny bickering.

I may not finish out the season. At this point, I'm over all of them except the captain and two stews.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Why would anyone bring a new born on a sailing yacht? I don’t care how much they clean, that baby is still susceptible to everyone’s germs.

It just seems nuts to me to put the parents and newborn through the ordeal of international travel.  I mean, how much of a vacation can they really be having with a one month old?  

I did kind of laugh at Jenna and Paget's comments about how Parker "just doesn't get it," in terms of his job.  Have they even been on the boat for a full week?  Maybe give the guy a few weeks before you act like he'll be a perpetual failure at his job?  

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Jenna having zero redeeming qualities brings out the mean girl in me, tempting me to snark on her huge nose and horrible gummy smile.  And why does she pronounce infertile inferTILE? So weird.

I am annoyed at Georgia continually flirting with Paget. Paget is gross, he's lucky to be with Ciarra (who also is no prize, but she has the gift of youth) and I am waiting for Ciarra to put her foot down on the increasingly grosser flirting.

Adam annoyed that a nursing mom has dairy restrictions? But of course he is. No semblance of the realization all of that stuff passes onto the baby and could make the belly upset.  That said, I thought a one month old on a yacht was stupid, did not make good TV, and I was annoyed at the crying, and I can choose to turn off the TV set.

Parker was looking for attention with all the emo business at dinner. It was pathetic. He has zero instincts for the way to act around guests, its almost comical. And he's my only eye candy so I am going to give him a pass.

The Adam/Jenna story arc is foolish. I don't think Adam is into her, he is just enjoying the banter and the invitation to snark on the crew. She was so drunk and disgusting that night in the hot tub, with the running mascara and inability to hold her space.  I think he will string her along and possibly exchange a kiss, to earn his spot for another season. I will say I prefer him holding Jenna at arms length than when he was desperate for Malia, which was not a good look.

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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Adam annoyed that a nursing mom has dairy restrictions? But of course he is. No semblance of the realization all of that stuff passes onto the baby and could make the belly upset.  That said, I thought a one month old on a yacht was stupid, did not make good TV, and I was annoyed at the crying, and I can choose to turn off the TV set.


I'm not a fan of Adam's, although he's a better cook than several of the other chefs we've seen on the show...when he's in a decent mood and not hormone addled.

I think the guests could have let the company/boat know about the new dietary restrictions.  It sounds like they'd booked a long while ago, then updated to say that the baby would be coming.  It'd have been easy enough just to pass along the new dietary requirements.

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On 2/24/2020 at 10:56 PM, PaperTree said:

I've never had children, so I have (eta:  NO) standing to really comment, but it just seems like a bad idea.

It seems to be common sense.  They do have infant life jackets from newborn on.  I like how on Below Deck the children MUST wear life jackets outside the main areas.  Why this isn't a rule on sailing ships is beyond me.

2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I see that Adam is still a legend in his own mind. "Can we stop sailing?"

Same old Adam.

13 hours ago, spunky said:

Captain Glenn is quickly be my favorite Captain due to his calm demeanor.

Mine too.  Captain Lee is getting really grouchy.  I understand he has massive grief.

23 hours ago, dleighg said:

I didn't get what was so awful about that. Maybe he should have said it differently, like, do we have something that can vacuum glass? I mean, it's not a stupid idea.

You can vacuum up glass.  You pick up the big pieces then run a vacuum, designed for glass, over the area.  Especially on a boat where everyone is barefoot.

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12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Well, to put it simply, they were docking in windy weather.  It's much more difficult to control a boat when there is wind involved.  And Capt. Glenn couldn't see where the back of the boat was from his vantage point.  It can get very intense.

Should have been more clear. I meant with the lines and Paget getting all bent out of shape. 

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1 hour ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Should have been more clear. I meant with the lines and Paget getting all bent out of shape. 

Parker through a line before he was told to and the dudes at the dock also weren’t prepared.

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I would suspect (although I am definitely not a sailor) that the lines have to be tied off in certain order to make sure that the boat is pulled into dock properly and will not veer off in the wrong direction - plus an inappropriately done line could snap and injure someone either on the vessel or on the dock.

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I thought the captain said something about the lines to Paget and the deck crew over their radios. I think that is where Parker got confused and threw the lines, because he thought that is what the captain wanted. He probably should have just listened to Paget. Paget was not communicating to the captain very well while he was sorting out the whole mess.

Edited by Misslindsey
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The problem was with only one line attached the force of the wind could swing the boat into the dick.

The communication was horrible and they really need to figure it out The Captain was absolutely right that the boat has momentum and he can’t break or stop on a dime. These chuckleheads better shape up fast.

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1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

I would suspect (although I am definitely not a sailor) that the lines have to be tied off in certain order to make sure that the boat is pulled into dock properly and will not veer off in the wrong direction - plus an inappropriately done line could snap and injure someone either on the vessel or on the dock.


You're right.  Depending on your technique, lines are tied off in a certain order so that the boat can be drawn the appropriate distance from the dock.  Whether you are tied up along side a dock, or stern in as this boat seems to do often, you have the bow and stern line then some combination of spring lines (run at a sharp angle to the boat).  The combination depends on how long you're going to be at the dock and what kind of dock or slip it is.  The goal is to hold the boat in place in a way that it's not going to whack against the dock.    If you tie it up right, your fenders (the balloon looking things) won't get mashed between your boat and the dock.

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"Onions" Adam is such a douche. I loathe him. He has the nerve to run up to tell the Captain how to Captain the sailboat. Who does he think he is? I know what he is: he's a mediocre cook with a bad attitude.  And the single Mom he dated dodged a bullet by getting rid of Onions. Can you imagine having a guy like Adam talk about being a good 'dad' in one breath, and then calling kids 'loud little shits' the next? Please, for the love of humanity, get snipped. 

Parker is a bit dim, but he's tender hearted. Not many guys would sleep out in the galley to give space for another crew member. I'm sure why Piglet is jumping down his throat every chance he gets. He's seems to want to flex his muscles and prove he's a big man. 

In what world is Jenna considered attractive? I find her the least attractive out of the female crew. Besides, her personality sucks. She's not funny, unless you call mean-spiritness humorous. Makes sense why Adam likes her. She seems to coast by and expects the less experienced staff to take the brunt of the work while she giggles and flirts with Onions. 

Poor parenting is hauling a 1 month old on a sailboat. Seems like a recipe for disaster. Baby overboard. 


Edited by Barbara Please
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2 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

...why Piglet is jumping down his throat every chance he gets. He's seems to want to flex his muscles and prove he's a big man.

It seems one of the prerequisites for a bosun position on these shows is being a jackass, in one way or another.

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