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S08.E06: Travis's Story LIVE CHAT

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1 minute ago, aliya said:

OK, but how is that possible? They teach nutrition in schools. There's stuff about calories, eating light, eating clean, whatev, on TV, in the movies, etc. So how the heck does she have no awareness of the high calories in the food she was giving him? 

Just because you are taught, doesn't mean you learn. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

But... but... I don't watch the show for that. I'm here for lymphedema tables and bathroom Tupperware and the fried chicken stashed behind pillows. 

SAME! The train wrecks give him life -- and this episode is sucking all the life out of me.

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2 minutes ago, Wanda said:

I make my kraft Mac & cheese with water, not milk. Cuts the calories way down, tastes the same imo and I still get comfort food which has been a necessity recently, at a reduced calorie count.

Yup. And you don't need butter in it, either. I'm not against butter, just saying that we don't have to do everything they tell us on the box. What I have found, however, is that while plain soy milk is a good substitute, vanilla soy milk is not. Don't ask me how I know. 

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Just now, aliya said:

OK, but how is that possible? They teach nutrition in schools. There's stuff about calories, eating light, eating clean, whatev, on TV, in the movies, etc. So how the heck does she have no awareness of the high calories in the food she was giving him? 

They do? They didn't in my school. I had home ec/shop class in grade 8 and took cooking class as an elective in grade 9 and 10 and there was no nutrition taught. Lots of english muffin pizzas and chocolate chip cookies, no calories. 

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6 minutes ago, aliya said:

We like our ranch in Iowa , even if we have to disrupt a presidential candidate to get it - ranch girl. Note that she was gonna dip her pizza in it. Obviously I'm a transplanted Easterner, 'cause that just sounds foul.

Pizza dipped in blue cheese....the bomb here in upstate NY.... yummmm

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Just now, WonTon said:

Ugh, "My Feet are Killing Me!!" Please stop! What's next? "I Have 12 Elbows."

Enough TLC! 🤢

I actually like that show. Very informative, if gross.

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I'm moved by Yasmin's self-awareness.  She probably hasn't ever paid attention to her own or anybody else's food choices.  This calls for a comprehensive, whole-family sit-down with a competent nutritionist.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

They do? They didn't in my school. I had home ec/shop class in grade 8 and took cooking class as an elective in grade 9 and 10 and there was no nutrition taught. Lots of english muffin pizzas and chocolate chip cookies, no calories. 

My son is 42. They had nutrition even back when he was in grade school. They took home ec (with the nutrition) 1 term and shop the next. Boys and girls took both courses. 

Good Lord - she walks in the door and he's asking about dinner? It's a good thing she doesn't conceal carry, 'cause there's not a jury of women that would convict her. 

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Nah. I saw that soda at check out.  Those chips too. Those tears in the car dont move me. She knows whats up.

I hope she's for real and not manipulating him.

"I can only have 6 oz protein."  At least he is paying attention.  

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Late to the chat party, but started watching the show in real time (something I NEVER do-- these commercials are horrendous!).  And this is my first time joining the chat in weeks, due to life getting in the way.  HELLO MY POUNDER FRIENDS!!!  Missed you all! (How y'all doin'?-- said in Dr. Now's voice)

Tonight's dinner (which I actually ate prior to the show-- something must be wrong with me tonight!): cup of chicken and dumpling soup, 2 pcs toast, blue moon to wash it down.  



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1 minute ago, Hellga said:

*sticks to the position that dipping pizza is just wrong, even in pesto or marinara!*  A good pizza needs no dipping sauces, and a bad pizza is not worth the calories!

Word! You were raised right, my friend!

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3 minutes ago, Hellga said:

I *despise* that Liberty struggling actor commercial. 

Oh god I love it. I laugh so much when the director says "Cut! We'll dub it!" I don't know why. Just the exasperation in her tone. "Libbety Bibbedy" slays me. I'm easily amused. 

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My M600PL Peeps:  UMGOBLUE?!

Me: Present...finally!

My Eating habit: 1 lemon oreo thin, a spoonful of mac and cheese, 2 brussel sprouts...the dinner of champions (at least for now)!

On to getting caught up...

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh god I love it. I laugh so much when the director says "Cut! We'll dub it!" I don't know why. Just the exasperation in her tone. "Libbety Bibbedy" slays me. I'm easily amused. 

Same. I love it.

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Just now, Hellga said:

*sticks to the position that dipping pizza is just wrong, even in pesto or marinara!*  A good pizza needs no dipping sauces, and a bad pizza is not worth the calories!

Counterpoint: I order something called a Spicy Perogy pizza (Canadians say heeeey!) which is: a sour cream base, sliced spicy potatoes, cheddar and mozza blend, bacon, and green onions. Lemme tell you, that needs to be dipped in spicy mayo. Like, there's just no way around it. Plain mayo is acceptable but spicy is best. 

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2 minutes ago, aliya said:

My son is 42. They had nutrition even back when he was in grade school. They took home ec (with the nutrition) 1 term and shop the next. Boys and girls took both courses. 

They probably cut it along with the arts and music programs because who needs those!

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5 minutes ago, aliya said:

Yup. And you don't need butter in it, either. I'm not against butter, just saying that we don't have to do everything they tell us on the box. What I have found, however, is that while plain soy milk is a good substitute, vanilla soy milk is not. Don't ask me how I know. 

A rare purchase, for me. I'm adding butter and whole milk. :p

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Counterpoint: I order something called a Spicy Perogy pizza (Canadians say heeeey!) which is: a sour cream base, sliced spicy potatoes, cheddar and mozza blend, bacon, and green onions. Lemme tell you, that needs to be dipped in spicy mayo. Like, there's just no way around it. Plain mayo is acceptable but spicy is best. 

Poutine is healthier.

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

Told y'all. Yasmine isnt the only one to blame  but she does  not have a real interest in him losing weight.

Your prison husband upgrade comment still has me thinking...🤔 Very insightful, and a little bit funny, too. 😂

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