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S08.E05: Grumpy Old Men

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Jax and Brittany's dual bachelor/bachelorette trip charges on as Sandoval, Schwartz, Jax, and Beau plan a surprise disguise for the girls, while Stassi finds herself caught in the middle of a friendship-ending fight between Katie and Kristen.

Airs February 4, 2020.

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I used to like Katy when she was sort of REAL.  Now she's just a chucklefuck.  Hope that house is paid for because it's gonna be a loooonngg time before that witch makes any $$$  with that stellar personality once VPR is gone!

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17 minutes ago, Psycho Suzy said:

I fucking hate Katie so much. So. Much. The only thing she brings to the show is her negativity and hateful expressions. Why is anyone friends with her? What did Schwsrz ever do to do deserve such a horrible, miserable person? I can't find a single redeeming quality. Not one. And who the hell are all these other yahoos running around?? 

I can’t stand Katie either. She’s always such a downer. And she’s looking more matronly every week.  Schwartz needs to grab his balls back and make a run for it. 

Beau didn’t look any different with makeup. 

Brittany is going to need rehab to come down from all the pre-wedding bullshit. Or to detox from Jaxass after he cheats in the first month  of being married. 


Edited by nytonc
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Lisa has such a strange style of making table visits.  She duck-walks up to a random table with her purse on her shoulder, leans in and asks if people are ok.  I swear to God, if I were there and I didn’t know who she was, I’d think she was a drunk, confused older woman who might need to be escorted back to her own table.  She’s a horrible actress.  

There is something so wrong about being close to 60 and visiting your own busy restaurant in a diamond turban and a dog in your arms (I only mention her age, because it might be cute at either age of the age spectrum—chic early 2000s Paris Hilton if she were 25, and charming and eccentric if she were 80+).  Exactly how much attention does she need though?  Now I know what Dorit on BH meant when she said Lisa didn’t get enough attention as a child.  

They all are horrible actors though, with scenes that are fake A-F (TM Stassi).  Why would Danica and Dayna ever, ever, ever be allowed to sit down to a clean, set table and have a glass of wine to discuss who Max slept with during a shift?  This has never happened in the history of America in a restaurant this size!  If they can’t duck out back to the famous Sur alley for a quick smoke and chat anymore, would it be so hard for them to be like all the other frenemies on the Bravo shows and have a drink and sling barbs against each other off the clock?  If there was a gun to my head, I would side with Dayna over Danica (not that I care), but Dayna’s starting to rub me the wrong way, picking up right where Ariana left off as Amazing Amy.

I vacillate so much on Kristen!  I don’t like people being mean to her, but she is her own worst enemy.  Brittney is really dumb (she said “fastly” at one point y’all), but she had it right about Kristen:  don’t talk behind her back, and she also needs to stop bitching about her life.  Stassi asked her why she doesn’t just get back with Carter.  What is the answer?  As a friend, I would only have so much time and energy for this.  Indulging each thought that enters Kristen’s mind about Carter starts to have the effect of the law of diminishing returns.  At some point, if you are her friend, you will set firm limits.  

Why was Flat Iron coming up with the “can’t serve booze without food” excuse in the eleventh hour?  If it had really been his objection, it would have been on the tip of his tongue from the beginning.  

Why did Ariana need to mediate the conversation between the Toms?  More often than not, she seems extraneous to the plot.  I am not sure she should be a full-time cast member.  I think they can cut a good half of them from the main cast, not even counting the newbies—James, Ariana, Beau, Lala and Brittney don’t need to be in the opening.  Scheana can stay full-time if she gets a storyline independent of conduit to the newbies.  

Did Jax claim that he never drinks the day after he drinks?  Is he caught in some kind of roofie circle or something??

This was not a strong episode, although the Miami scenes were so much stronger than LA.  The only part that was good was the old men, which was really funny.  It seems like the older cast is just phoning it in, or the show is edited so wonky that nothing organic can happen, because they have to shoehorn in the newbies for reasons that I can’t understand, given that they had five episodes to make an impression and I care less now than I did at the beginning of the season. Did anyone want to see the party with the giant cardboard cut-outs of Jax’s and Brittney’s heads get cut short so that we could have Danica saying (again) “I jost wanted to warn you about Mox or whotover.”  Is there *literally* one person who cares whether Max is a player?  I care so much more about the current status of Beau’s mustache.

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Boo to the new ppl. They still suck. I FF their dumb scenes. Max comes off as a huge sleaze.  He seemed to be smirking when talking to Dayna at her place. Douche.

Katie just seems so miserable. Seems like she’s gets more miserable with each episode. At least Stassi was trying to talk to Kristen. 

Lol Sandoval has more excuses. Over him.

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I’m in Dayna’s court at this point.  She’s been warned, she’s not a young 18-year-old.  Take your chance!  Also rolled my eyes at the two of them (Dayna, Danica) having a “talk” in the midst of dinner service.  Please.

Lisa’s costume with “crown” was weird.  Is she featured more often on this show now that she’s not on RHOBH?

Same with Kristen (like Dayna). I totally understand her friends’ frustration.  But whatever, stay with the guy if you don’t mind providing for him.  He does appear to be using her, however, saying “I love you” only to draw her back into his web.

Have we celebrated the upcoming nuptials enough yet????

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I can’t imagine ever wanting to go to a strip club and doing what these women were doing to each other and with the strippers.

My friends do not need to see my breasts. I do not need to see theirs. 

ETA: And truly that was the most minor offense.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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What I learned on this episode:  According to Tom and Arianna, Tom's 'buts' are special 'buts' so what people say about 'buts' doesn't apply to Tom because he's special.  Eye roll.

the make up was excellent.  Too bad I really don't like any of these men. 

LVP - too much.

Everyone of this cast are just trying too hard to have some sort of a storyline that's not all that interesting.

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1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Lisa’s costume with “crown” was weird.  Is she featured more often on this show now that she’s not on RHOBH?

She likes to think of herself as a "Dear Abby"/counselor to this group of unstable young people.  She's really just the nerd trying to get in on the cool kids' gossip 😄 

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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I care so much more about the current status of Beau’s mustache.

It was terribly tragic, wasn’t it? Yuck.

Oh, Max: “Like, they don’t seem to understand they’re just servers at SUR. I’m the general manager over at TomTom. I can tell them like they’re not allowed to come to MY bar. Do you know what I mean?” 

No, Max. I don’t know what you mean. I mean, I know what you want me to think you mean, but sit down. It’s debatable whether it’s FI Tom’s bar so it’s certainly not YOUR bar. I love all these jackasses wielding their perceived power to determine who they will allow in TomTom. FI is going to “ban” Stassi and Max is going to ban any survers who talk behind his back. Sure, dudes.

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4 hours ago, princelina said:

She likes to think of herself as a "Dear Abby"/counselor to this group of unstable young people.  She's really just the nerd trying to get in on the cool kids' gossip 😄 

Well, Lisa's the one who winds all of them up and asks them questions which she knows are going to upset them with her fake concerned face, and as soon as they start explaining themselves, she cuts them off and leaves them stewing.  She's one of the producers for the show and that's one of the main jobs of a reality show producer - to provoke the shit out of the cast to get their reactions.

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6 hours ago, Steph J said:

Because he knows he was in the wrong and needs to find a way to deflect so that he doesn't have to face the fact that he melted down like a toddler instead of acting like a serious businessperson faced with a problem that needed to be solved.

I should think if that were a problem like FI says, that Lisa, who has more experience with the particulars of liquor licenses, would have issued a warning .  Also FI was originally hysterical over BARTENDER. staffing.  Pick a lane, idiot.     

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Between Brittany's "That got really negative really fastly," and Jax's "He's gonna keep milking the cow because the cow is free," from an earlier episode, I'm now wondering if Raquel is their dumb-ass spawn from the future that somehow got sent to our timeline to put her parents relationship back on track like some alcohol soaked version of Back to the Future

You are very, very witty and clever. Please, please, please sit at my table. 

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On 2/2/2020 at 10:57 PM, OnceSane said:

Jax and Brittany's dual bachelor/bachelorette trip charges on as Sandoval, Schwartz, Jax, and Beau plan a surprise disguise for the girls, while Stassi finds herself caught in the middle of a friendship-ending fight between Katie and Kristen.

Why would a bunch of bachelorettes goto a (female) strip club and then, in effect, compete with them? The boys going disguised as old men was funny, but I couldn't help but wonder how they managed to pull it off with "professional makeup artists". Maybe I'm clueless,  but I have never heard of someone doing that before.  I was slightly amused by watching them pretend to immediately recognize them.

Meanwhile, inclusive businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks humblebragged about getting some sort of community award and used it as a pretext for harassing her employees b/c she and the regulars would be partying, err, in the Pride parade next week and wanted to make sure they were going to do their jobs. On a related note,  I'm getting tired of the one girl always discussing her underling's relationship with Max. It's none of your business!  

Flat Iron Tom's apologizes are "but-monkeys". Thanks for pointing that out, show! Oh, I stand corrected; FIT is actually clarifying things. 🙄

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Why would a bunch of bachelorettes goto a (female) strip club and then, in effect, compete with them? 

Not that I am a frequenter of strip clubs of any kind, but I personally would rather be at one where the dancers are chicks. As for competing with them, no--just give me my drinks and leave me alone, haha!

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1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

Why would a bunch of bachelorettes goto a (female) strip club and then, in effect, compete with them?

I have nooooooooo idea why they wanted to go to a strip club unless it was to keep an eye on the guys since they were going too. I also threw up in my mouth when Ariana (i think?) was rubbing asses with a stripper, I would have to burn my clothes if I ever did that (which I wouldn't in the first place) But yuck!!!!!!!!!

Edited by MissFeatherbottom
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I used to enjoy this show, but it is really awful now. It just appears to be a bunch of trashy drunks trying to out trash and out drink each other. Maybe it always was and it just gets tiresome after a while, but I really can't get through an entire episode anymore. There just isn't really anyone likeable on the show, but the fact that Stassi has become the least annoying is somehow a very sad commentary.

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11 hours ago, Thumper said:


Lisa’s costume with “crown” was weird.  Is she featured more often on this show now that she’s not on RHOBH?


She can't show off all of her awards and other BS since she's not on RHBH, so we are subjected to it on VPR.  Hey, producers, we don't care!


9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

WWHL fun fact: Beau has been friends with Edwin for a long time. Stassi and Beau have invited both Teddi/Edwin (RHOBH) and LVP/Ken to their wedding.

Are they the same age? 

10 hours ago, princelina said:

She likes to think of herself as a "Dear Abby"/counselor to this group of unstable young people.  She's really just the nerd trying to get in on the cool kids' gossip 😄 



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How many more episodes do we have to endure the Bachelor-ette parties? Please god, make it stop. 

I guess Beau is now the 4th stooge. 

No, Stassi, you don't give a shit about "still" being Kristin's best friend. You just needed a few minutes of camera time. 

The new people- they are boring AF. They are not working out and the viewers don't like them. Looks like the OG's are safe for a while longer because this new crew is bringing nothing. Bad, bad, casting choices. BRAVO could have done so much better. How may young, starving WeHo actors are just dying for their big break and would do anything for a chance to be on this show?  

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I watched this last night instead of the SOTU.  The only disappointment I'm really experiencing is the miss on Lisa being able to dress down Tom for his behavior regarding Stassi's book signing.

When she gets a look at that rage text (because Stassi will hold on to that for the rest of her life), Lisa is going to have to re-consider her faith in Tom in running one of her properties.  He's behaved badly with all the I'm sorry, but nonsense.  Once 'but' shows up, the speaker is no longer sorry, but looking for a way to still be right.

I still say Stassi should write a check for the event and never go there ever again.  She was right when she said if she'd known it was going to be like this, she'd have chosen another venue.

With regard to Miami, yeah, this Bach party went on far too long and is indicative that there isn't much other story line.  They're gonna jump right from this to Pride next week.  

Oh, and here's one more question I have - since no one actually WORKS at VPR properties anymore, why are they still shown wearing the uniforms that would presume they still work there?  They need a new intro, stat.

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Maybe I'm really old-fashioned.  I remember when the "Batchelorette Party" was drinks, appetizers and maybe an on-call male stripper dressed as a cop at the friend who had the biggest house.  I don't have actual VACATIONS that are this elaborate.

I'm starting to think VPR is really on its last legs.  These guys aren't interesting.  They're the residents of the Hotel Tacky Tacky that are lucky that this gig fell into their lap.  But the one thing they seem to have going for them is the fact that apparently Bravo seems incapable of cancelling shows that have passed their shelf life.  Else why is Kim Zochiak's show still being foisted on us?


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The boys construct perfect “alter”-egos: Jax is a sexual predator; Sandoval a hollow braggart in love with his looks and Schwartz is just an on-looker with the excuse of a language barrier to increase the distance.

Tom and Tom is a true love story.



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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Maybe I'm really old-fashioned.  I remember when the "Batchelorette Party" was drinks, appetizers and maybe an on-call male stripper dressed as a cop at the friend who had the biggest house.  I don't have actual VACATIONS that are this elaborate.

I am aware that destination weddings are popular, but destination bachelor/bachelorette parties?

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4 hours ago, chlban said:

I used to enjoy this show, but it is really awful now. It just appears to be a bunch of trashy drunks trying to out trash and out drink each other. Maybe it always was and it just gets tiresome after a while, but I really can't get through an entire episode anymore. There just isn't really anyone likeable on the show, but the fact that Stassi has become the least annoying is somehow a very sad commentary.

Can't believe I'm saying this - I find Kristen the least annoying, and a few years ago, thought she was completely certifiable.

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1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

I am aware that destination weddings are popular, but destination bachelor/bachelorette parties?

I have several friends who had them basically because their friend group is scattered in various places.

Edited by biakbiak
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Also did anyone laugh at the 

Next time, on Vanderpump Rules:


Scheana accuses Dayna of trying to befriend everyone in Scheana’s circle, or something to that effect.

Dayna responds with, “Are you 35 or 16?” Then the editing geniuses cut to Scheana taking a panicked hit off her asthma inhaler.



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5 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Also did anyone laugh at the 

Next time, on Vanderpump Rules:

  Reveal spoiler

Scheana accuses Dayna of trying to befriend everyone in Scheana’s circle, or something to that effect.

Dayna responds with, “Are you 35 or 16?” Then the editing geniuses cut to Scheana taking a panicked hit off her asthma inhaler.



Scheana is kind of typical of some of my friends who worked in the service industry their whole lives, especially those that fell into it instead of making a career out of it. They get this odd arrested development thing going on. Everyone else gets out of the industry or starts to commit to a career path of managing or something and starts to move out of the social aspect that often comes with the jobs. The ones who keep doing it until “they get their big break” and stay waitstaff or bartenders remain caught up in the 20-something drama that comes with the job  way past when it’s appropriate. One day they look around and realize all of their friends are 20 years younger and they’re still renting the same apartment they moved into when they were 21 and still living off tips and getting in drunk fights with their boyfriends/girlfriends and have nothing in common with people their own age. I see that happening to Scheana. In another 10 years even these knuckleheads will be talking about school districts and remodeling the kitchen and renting a family cabin in Big Bear and Scheana will be talking about how she got drunk and banged the new bartender at Pump and everyone will just stare for a minute and politely ask her how she likes the wine and then change the subject.

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6 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

I have nooooooooo idea why they wanted to go to a strip club unless it was to keep an eye on the guys since they were going too. I also threw up in my mouth when Ariana (i think?) was rubbing asses with a stripper, I would have to burn my clothes if I ever did that (which I wouldn't in the first place) But yuck!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, this. What is going on. I am shocked and horrified by what seems to be a real effort to invent new ways to arouse and titillate straight men. I am glad women are finding ways to be independent and earn money, but, in my opinion, they are willing to do more and more demeaning and humiliating things. Is it really empowering? One stripper was doing something that I think my brain bleached out, but it was really strange. Maybe I have no sense of humor when it comes to sex?

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If you put a gun to my head and demanded that I list out the things I care about less than what Max has or hasn't done in his romantic life, I might end up dead. Seriously. WHO CARES.

Also, I know others hate him, but I feel like this show is suffering from a lack of James. Keep his girlfriend off, but I think this show needs him? The rest are all bores.

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