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"The View": Week of 1/27/2020


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15 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:
25 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

There is no doubt in my mind that she is anti- trump.  It’s just that she is so anti-democrat she’s willing to fall in-line behind trump. 

Well put!  Exactly what I'm thinking as well.  I do think if he hadn't attacked her father she would be more vocally supportive of him.

100% agree.  When Joy, Sunny and even Whoopi speak about their beliefs I believe them. But with Meghan I don't believe her.  She has said so many contradictory things.  

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I am enjoying how the panel is just basically dismissive or barely tolerating MeAgain, when she says stupid shit and is off in left field with her commentary.

Re the Ari Melber reference, she looked stupid once again, but the more entertaining thing was that she positioned Ari as the MSNBC host who came for Joy's birthday!  Just like qualified the poll she was quoting as being ABC.  So sneaky, that MeAgain. 🤣

Ari is live tweeting the hearing so he is not likely to address her idiocy.  She just needs to read his twitter feed, if she wants to know what he thinks about the Democrats presentations, vs. the Repubs.

One other odd thing, when Show put up the female lawyer clip instead of the Joni Ernst clip, MeAgain could be heard in the background saying that isn't Ernst, she looks nothing like that.  What was the point she was making there?

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23 minutes ago, bannana said:

Re the Ari Melber reference, she looked stupid once again, but the more entertaining thing was that she positioned Ari as the MSNBC host who came for Joy's birthday!  Just like qualified the poll she was quoting as being ABC.  So sneaky, that MeAgain. 🤣

People could just as easily throw shade at Meghan.  Dismiss her as a  View co host.

She is a viper.  She will attack anyone that isn't on her team.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Rainyhawk said:
1 hour ago, hisbunkie said:

There is no doubt in my mind that she is anti- trump.  It’s just that she is so anti-democrat she’s willing to fall in-line behind trump. 

Well put!  Exactly what I'm thinking as well.  I do think if he hadn't attacked her father she would be more vocally supportive of him.

The one thing the Trumps and McCains have in common is their vitriolic dislike for Former President Barack Obama.  

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In the segment about Amy Klobuchar, was Meghan trying to say that the woman in the clip wasn't Joni Ernst because she "knows what Joni Ernst looks like"? Um, she grew her hair out, Meghan. I can't believe a Red State Middle of the Country Expert Political Pundit can't recognize an Iowa senator just because she changed her hair. 

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1 hour ago, heysmilinstrange said:

In the segment about Amy Klobuchar, was Meghan trying to say that the woman in the clip wasn't Joni Ernst because she "knows what Joni Ernst looks like"? Um, she grew her hair out, Meghan. I can't believe a Red State Middle of the Country Expert Political Pundit can't recognize an Iowa senator just because she changed her hair. 

I thought she was trying to say that Joni Ernst looks completely different from the lawyer (Bondi?) because Bondi is more attractive or whatever.  It was just odd that she went there.  She didn't say that but that was I thought she was implying.

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50 minutes ago, bannana said:

I thought she was trying to say that Joni Ernst looks completely different from the lawyer (Bondi?) because Bondi is more attractive or whatever.  It was just odd that she went there.  She didn't say that but that was I thought she was implying.

I'll have to listen again. It was an awkward moment for sure.

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4 hours ago, bannana said:

I am enjoying how the panel is just basically dismissive or barely tolerating MeAgain, when she says stupid shit and is off in left field with her commentary.

Re the Ari Melber reference, she looked stupid once again, but the more entertaining thing was that she positioned Ari as the MSNBC host who came for Joy's birthday!  Just like qualified the poll she was quoting as being ABC.  So sneaky, that MeAgain. 🤣

Ari is live tweeting the hearing so he is not likely to address her idiocy.  She just needs to read his twitter feed, if she wants to know what he thinks about the Democrats presentations, vs. the Repubs.

One other odd thing, when Show put up the female lawyer clip instead of the Joni Ernst clip, MeAgain could be heard in the background saying that isn't Ernst, she looks nothing like that.  What was the point she was making there?


2 hours ago, heysmilinstrange said:

In the segment about Amy Klobuchar, was Meghan trying to say that the woman in the clip wasn't Joni Ernst because she "knows what Joni Ernst looks like"? Um, she grew her hair out, Meghan. I can't believe a Red State Middle of the Country Expert Political Pundit can't recognize an Iowa senator just because she changed her hair. 


1 hour ago, bannana said:

I thought she was trying to say that Joni Ernst looks completely different from the lawyer (Bondi?) because Bondi is more attractive or whatever.  It was just odd that she went there.  She didn't say that but that was I thought she was implying.

I'm pretty sure MM was just shading producers who set up the clip. As in, "Ernst and Bondi look nothing alike, fools, how could you mess this up!"

It's The View, MM. You should be used to production gaffes by now. 

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The babying... I can't. I missed Whooping introducing the 3rd(?) topic, something about Bernie and Biden. I did catch this exchange tho.

Joy: Is this the topic you wanted to talk about earlier.

Meghun: No, it isn't. 

Migraine McPain didn't even speak in the 2ND segment. Yay! for us. I hope she is closer to quitting the show. 

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A friend told me a couple of years ago that her husband forbade her to listen to NPR because of their liberal bias.  This has been a long standing but quiet campaign by Faux News to brand NPR as liberal.  Now it has become somewhat of a right wing talking point. So Meghan is just spouting the party line. I have never heard anything more ludicrous in my entire life.

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8 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

A friend told me a couple of years ago that her husband forbade her to listen to NPR because of their liberal bias.  This has been a long standing but quiet campaign by Faux News to brand NPR as liberal.  Now it has become somewhat of a right wing talking point. So Meghan is just spouting the party line. I have never heard anything more ludicrous in my entire life.

I have a coworker whose family is OBSESSED with Faux Entertainment.  One day she was trying to pretend she sometimes listens to other news sources but "Fox is the only one that REALLY is fair and balanced."  I just rolled my eyes.  She said "well, what do you listen to?"  I told her NPR and I know she wanted to tell me it was liberal, but I said I get both sides, even when I disagree with the other side. 
Now to get on topic. Meghan drives me crazy because she says she hates trump and all his administration stands for, but then she supports them. 

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16 hours ago, heysmilinstrange said:

In the segment about Amy Klobuchar, was Meghan trying to say that the woman in the clip wasn't Joni Ernst because she "knows what Joni Ernst looks like"? Um, she grew her hair out, Meghan. I can't believe a Red State Middle of the Country Expert Political Pundit can't recognize an Iowa senator just because she changed her hair. 

I thought she said something like "they don't know what Joni Ernst looks like" and it was directed at the control booth or whatever its called.  

  • Love 7

Meghan really shouldn't talk - sometime last year they were discussing the kids in cages at the border and she got the identities of two women, one an attorney for the Trump administration, the other a child advocate, mixed up, and criticized the wrong one.  Unlike yesterday, neither of these women were public figures, but part of her job, journalist or not (she varies on whether she is one) is to get things like that straight before opening her mouth.  (True to form, if my memory serves me correctly, she blamed the producers for her mistake.) 

  • Love 11

Meghan - "Let me make this more clear".  How condescending was that?! 

And she was getting ahead way ahead of things when she said those four senators definitively weren't going to vote for impeachment.  She said herself that Feinstein said they weren't done yet.  I read yesterday that Doug Jones felt one of the two articles wasn't proven, but he doesn't need to vote for both to convict.  

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When Meghan kept talking about the four Democratic senators that hadn't committed to voting to impeach she neglected to mention that other than Senator Feinstein those senators are from states that Trump won in 2016.  Details like that matter but Meghan only wants to push her narrative.  And Joy was correct in saying the issue right now is voting on whether there will be witnesses. But Meghan was refusing to listen to that.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

They really shouldn't have had Alan Dershowitz on if they aren't going to let him talk.  Whether you agree with him or not, this interview is worthless with everyone yelling.

It was beyond ridiculous. But he is also at fault. When Whoopie kept trying to explain to him about time issues and a plea to dispense with the history lesson, he wouldn't listen and shut up either so both sides were to blame. 

I find it so ironic that he thinks Trump is innocent in all this. Did he not hear all the facts or is he getting this case confused with some of other fine, upstanding people he defended, like Jeffrey Epstein, Klaus von Bulow, OJ, etc. You know...pillars of the community.

I feel like I need a need a bath in antibiotics just looking at that vile man!

What's with Mags' look today? She trying to wrangle a spot at Fox?

Edited by Sam Spayaid
  • Love 18

I LOLed when Joy continued to upset McCain's attempts to obfuscate poll numbers because she's conflating a poll on one specific thing (should witnesses be called) with a different poll about something else entirely (should Trump be convicted / removed). She wanted to dismiss everything and say the majority don't want any part of this so badly, but they wouldn't let her.

I was also glad that Joy pushed back on Whoopi's naiveté. No, they didn't find anything on Hillary for thirty years, but Joy's right that it's not about proving anything in the meantime, it's about smearing the candidate (now Biden) while the election is going on in the heat of all the vitriol. That nothing will be found post-election won't really matter in the scheme of things because, in the interim, the damage will be done.

Even though I got where I really didn't like Whoopi, she's really pulled it together (as much as she can) the past year or two. I like that she didn't let Dershowitz spin and lie to his heart's content. If you don't want to answer questions about past statements that make you look like a hypocrite, then don't go on TV at all. 

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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On 1/28/2020 at 8:29 AM, blondiec0332 said:

This will feed into her victim mentality. It's them ganging up against her.  Which that is how Meghan thinks. If you don't agree with her you are the enemy.


I think she knows her team has no defense but she cannot/will not acknowledge that.

And she does keep bringing up the Biden argument which is irrelevant.  The question isn’t whether there was anything there, it’s the fact that he withheld congressional approved aid unless Ukraine until they investigated so he could gain a possible advantage in the election. MM doesn’t really ever make that distinction...hence why i don’t think she’s that anti trump.  

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I'm "viewed out".

This show was fun to snark on. Then I got tired of it and could only watch when it was recorded to get through the endless commercials. I could still snark on Meghan but now that isn't even too much fun.

Anyone else feel this way?

Yes. After twenty years, I am finally done with it. Thanks Megan.  No-really, I mean it-thanks, Megan.

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MM needs to shut up once in awhile.  Yes, they were talking about two different things...the vote for witnesses and then the vote to convict.  She just kept talking over everybody to get in her little dig that 4 dems might not vote to convict...surprised she didn’t have an evil laugh attached to that.  Was she trying to ask why they weren’t being condemned like the Rs were?  It was hard to tell but I can answer that question Meggie...because they’ve said this after listening to the prosecution and defense teams...they didn’t say before anything started that they were acquitting.  Biiiiigggg difference but her small mind wouldn’t understand shades of gray. Also, why does she keep having to say “from my state” every time she mentions those senators?  No one else does that.

finally, Whoopi came through today in making it clear why the Biden’s are irrelevant to this impeachment trial.  As she noted, it’s about whether he told Ukraine  they wouldn’t get their approved aid unless they investigated.  Whether or not hunter Biden was qualified for his position, or if there was an appearance of conflict ( I honestly don’t think there was anything nefarious there) has no bearing on what trumps alleged to have done.  Stop trying to put the two things together Meggie.

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MeAgain had her little blue card talking points and simply could not answer Joy because Joy was talking about Americans want to hear from witnesses, and MeAgain just had her four Dem names she had to repeat over and over.  She also asked whether these Dems were bad people.  Then she accused Joy of saying earlier that anyone that voted against Trump were heretics.  Joy said, did I say that, and Whoopi replied, no you didn't.

MeAgain was just trying to get her gotcha question in, and when no one else on the panel was falling for it, she started speaking in tongues.


Eyes Looking GIF by A24


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27 minutes ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Yes. After twenty years, I am finally done with it. Thanks Megan.  No-really, I mean it-thanks, Megan.

On the west coast the trial starts at the same time as this show so I haven’t watched this week or last week.  Haven’t felt like trying to find it anywhere else either.  Just checked a few comments to see what’s up.  I can see that it is SOS, same old shit.  And I feel I haven’t missed much.  Do miss Joy though.  Not too sure about coming back, even though I am a Since Day 1 watcher. But, the last few years have been mostly hate watching.  😤

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Sam Spayaid said:

It was beyond ridiculous. But he is also at fault. When Whoopie kept trying to explain to him about time issues and a plea to dispense with the history lesson, he wouldn't listen and shut up either so both sides were to blame. 

I find it so ironic that he thinks Trump is innocent in all this. Did he not hear all the facts or is he getting this case confused with some of other fine, upstanding people he defended, like Jeffrey Epstein, Klaus von Bulow, OJ, etc. You know...pillars of the community.

I feel like I need a need a bath in antibiotics just looking at that vile man!

What's with Mags' look today? She trying to wrangle a spot at Fox?

I believe the 2nd bolded is why the 1st is bolded.  Trump/Epstein had/have a lot of deets on people like Dershowitz.  I find it almost insulting they booked him and Pam Bondi.  

I will watch Hot Topic but I will not watch this segment.  Thanks y'all for the warning!

3rd bolded.  They are the only "news" source that is in line with her thinking so most likely.  Trying to find a place to land so she can quit and talk about how mean the ladies were to her.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, OnTime said:

I'm "viewed out".

This show was fun to snark on. Then I got tired of it and could only watch when it was recorded to get through the endless commercials. I could still snark on Meghan but now that isn't even too much fun.

Anyone else feel this way?

Yep. And I hate to say this because I wasn't her biggest fan, but without Abby, it seems Meghan's twisted-logic tirades are even more tiresome. It's like the other 3 are having a perfectly normal conversation, while Meghan sits silently, waiting for her turn to disagree with them all, then adds nothing but yet another wtf moment.

Yeah Meg we know you're really the lone wolf at the table now, but if you can't even make a coherent counterpoint to their point(s) then shut up Jane, you ignorant slut.

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3 hours ago, Lilaclily said:

Is MM starting a new trend? At first I thought it was just my screen, but nooo..., someone in the hair department applied yellow clip in extensions to her hair today! What a look.



She had fake eyelashes that looked like the ones you wear for Halloween.

I don't get what the stylists are doing to Sunny and MeAgain.  

Sunny's eye makeup is atrocious.  Stop it.  She is a beautiful woman.  

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Lilaclily said:

Is MM starting a new trend? At first I thought it was just my screen, but nooo..., someone in the hair department applied yellow clip in extensions to her hair today! What a look.



Wow.  I thought the color was going on my tv.  I couldn't stop looking at the big chunks of yellow in her hair.  Or the eyelashes.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

It's like the other 3 are having a perfectly normal conversation, while Meghan sits silently, waiting for her turn to disagree with them all, then adds nothing but yet another wtf moment.

I'm enjoying the other three having an adult conversation and then they look over at the kiddie table to see what the toddler has to say.

14 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

Yeah Meg we know you're really the lone wolf at the table now, but if you can't even make a coherent counterpoint to their point(s) then shut up Jane, you ignorant slut.

Meghan really is floundering since Abby left.  Abby would sometimes bail her out when she would start her word salads but now Meghan is left on her own and Joy God love her helps her dig the hole even deeper.

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