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S10.E04: One Night Spouse

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14 hours ago, princelina said:

Not in any I've ever stayed at!

Me neither. I stayed in one in Mexico a few years ago that had a hot tub (I could have lived in that tub. That tub was GLORIOUS) that was kind of in the living space, but the bathroom was separate with a door.

1 minute ago, KateHearts said:

But hey, I am all for being comfortable while traveling.

Yeah, I wear comfortable clothes to travel unless the trip is short, like less than four hours. If I have a transatlantic flight, I plan to sleep and dress accordingly (no makeup, no contact lenses, sweats, I let the flight attendants know I'm going to be sleeping, etc.). I've had to fly cute when I had to go overseas for work and was expected to get off the plane and go right to the office and it SUCKS. (And even then, they got me in my glasses and I put makeup on in the car on the way from the airport.) So I didn't really notice Mindy's sweats - I think most of them were in sweats.

However, one of the reasons going straight to the activity off a flight sucks for me is that I am one of those people who wants to shower right after travel, so I did think Mindy saying she was just going to crash without showering was kind of gross. Even if it's late - my showers are short unless I'm washing my hair (which I don't do every day), so I can force myself to stay awake for 5 minutes to get the travel funk off.

However however, Zach's "I'm not gonna cuddle with oil" was ... like, dude, it is not that serious.

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1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

Yet another reason for me to believe Meka's version.  She was showing emotion and was genuine about what she was saying.  Michael was just spewing camera-ready platitude diarrhea in a completely non-emotional tone and never said one single genuine word in that conversation.

Oh there's been plenty of comments in that department over the years...this group seems to give equal-opportunity weight commentary.

The one who gives me weird vibes is grandma.  She really and truly thinks Austin is the greatest thing since sliced bread and mentions it way too often and too earnestly.

All of this!  She just gushed about all his fantastic-ness, which is clearly what he is used to from EVERYONE, and it disgusted me.  


This . One of my pet peeves is when girls tell a hot guy how hot he is or vice versa . Believe me , he / she knows .. and they hear it all the time . 

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54 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I probably would have looked at Zach like he was nuts and said nothing.  Sometimes being silent speaks volumes besides, I'm too tired for any type of revenge, uses up too much energy.  

I don't think he would get any message if you just stayed silent. And if it has struck you as prissy and self-important as it has to others here I think it's more upfront to call it out in some fashion even if it's a little joke. God and the way he said it... so indignant! Take the crown off a******!   I love the sarcasm. " oh I'm sorry is that holy water?" He needs to be knocked off his throne.

I'm not one for giving the silent treatment. And I don't like getting it in return either. It's too much energy to try and read minds so just say it or get over it.

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4 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I think they look adorable, but I'm biased because when I got married, I was 4'10" and my husband was six feet tall. I always liked taller guys because they didn't see my height as a bad reflection on them the way shorter guys did.  I didn't date one single short guy who didn't have issues about it and didn't lust after tall women.  Also, my mother was 5'2" and her second husband was 6', but she would tell me that because I was so short I couldn't expect to have someone tall.  

Sorry, but I'm team Katie and Derek.  He's adorable and reminds me a little of my husband, who died in 2013 and whom I miss every day.

You are right.  I was wrong.  Sorry.  They do make a cute couple, and he seems thrilled.  Her too.

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I didn't see the scene with Zach washing his face because I changed the channel for a bit due to boredom.   So I wonder if he told her not to talk to him while he washed his face was because he couldn't talk to her.  Maybe it was how he said it, not what he said.

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On 1/23/2020 at 9:11 AM, Silver Bells said:

Oh hell.  We know the men want sex as they are married now.  I’m sure the girls aren’t virgins, so why don’t they all drink a bottle of wine, let loose, and do it already.  Enough!  (I’ll go hide in the corner now.)

What the heck.  I’ll confess.  I didn’t have sex with my husband until we were married after two years of dating, so who am I to talk.  I was scared shit of getting pregnant.  Now, I regret it.  We could have had a grand ole time in the day.  But, after over 50 yrs we are still married, would you believe?  We did “ park” a lot in those days tho.  Everyone did then.  Now, they just go to a hotel.  Times have changed.

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1 hour ago, Cammi said:

How Zen of you! But like I said, I am too petty to keep quiet when I'm besmirched. If they're someone new to me and they set that tone, I'll set it to my tune as well. Even playing ground for all. Wouldn't take but a few minutes to know where they stand with me. But it looks like Mindy took the silent Zen route... let's wait with baited breath and see what it will get her! I'm sure not speaking up for herself until it's too late will earn Zack's respect for sure. Zack is rude, and he's used to people kissing his ass or saying nothing. Shake his reality just a little Mindy damn, you might be surprised at the result. Meeka DID speak up for herself, and no doubt will cause some pain now, but better than wasted time and energy in the long run. 

Not about being Zen but, "how important is it?"  Maybe he's serious about washing his face.  I don't have the right to tell someone if he's right or wrong with face washing.  What Mindy stayed quiet about was when Zach said he wasn't feeling attraction to her, he asked her what she wanted to do about it, she said something along the lines that she was done, and he said it wasn't the response he was looking for.  The problem was that Mindy was into Zach instantly and he wasn't into her the same way.  I don't agree with her walking out the same way I don't agree with Michael walking out.  If the way you deal with conflict is to not deal with it, that speaks volumes.  

You can't change other people.  Meka spoke up because of something she heard Michael clearly say and then he denied he said it.  She was probably stunned and confused, maybe she' never dealt with someone like that before.  And I know Michael said it, or some variation of it, because he didn't deny what he said.  Not cool at all.

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5 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I didn't see the scene with Zach washing his face because I changed the channel for a bit due to boredom.   So I wonder if he told her not to talk to him while he washed his face was because he couldn't talk to her.  Maybe it was how he said it, not what he said.

They didn't show anything prior to that about him not wanting to have a one sided convo, which would totally have made more sense. I also think you are exactly right - I don't disagree with the sentiment of not wanting to be talked at while doing my pre-bed routine (I don't care to try to carry a conversation while I am using my electric toothbrush because I can't really hear or respond) as well as not wanting to get into bed with someone who is grimy, but the WAY he talked to her was so needlessly rude and nasty. So, unless they only showed us the tail end of a longer, more polite conversation in which he attempted to ask her to not talk to him while he couldn't engage with her and expressed his hesitance at cuddling with someone in her unwashed state and she refused to listen so he felt the need to be more forceful with her, he was just being a dick. Motivations mean a lot but the manner of expressing your desires goes a lot further in getting your point across.

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4 minutes ago, sometimesjennifer said:

I don't disagree with the sentiment of not wanting to be talked at while doing my pre-bed routine (I don't care to try to carry a conversation while I am using my electric toothbrush because I can't really hear or respond) as well as not wanting to get into bed with someone who is grimy, but the WAY he talked to her was so needlessly rude and nasty.

Right. I actually had the thought that maybe he didn't want to talk while he was washing his face because he couldn't hear her over the water and couldn't talk to her while he's washing, but it was the WAY he said it. If he'd said "Hold on a sec, let me finish washing my face" that would be one thing, but he was like "Are you seriously talking to me while I wash my face?" in this "how stupid of you" tone.

4 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

What Mindy stayed quiet about was when Zach said he wasn't feeling attraction to her, he asked her what she wanted to do about it, she said something along the lines that she was done, and he said it wasn't the response he was looking for. 

Which I think is weird, because ... what is she supposed to do? I guess she could have said, well, let's keep hanging out and we'll see if this grows, but she can't MAKE him be attracted to her. Either he is or he isn't. And if he was hoping she would say "let's keep hanging out and we'll see if this grows," why did he need to say anything to her, let alone ask her what he should do? Why couldn't he just keep that to himself a few more days while they spent time together to see if the attraction grew?

Edited by Empress1
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I don't agree with her walking out the same way I don't agree with Michael walking out.  If the way you deal with conflict is to not deal with it, that speaks volumes.  

I can't help but laugh at how quickly all the lofty platitudes & promises of the wedding vows disappear the moment life isn't perfect. For seasons now, I've expected someone to say, "But you said in your vows you would always listen to my point of view and talk it out, why are you splitting?"

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5 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Which I think is weird, because ... what is she supposed to do? I guess she could have said, well, let's keep hanging out and we'll see if this grows, but she can't MAKE him be attracted to her. Either he is or he isn't. And if he was hoping she would say "let's keep hanging out and we'll see if this grows," why did he need to say anything to her, let alone ask her what he should do? Why couldn't he just keep that to himself a few more days while they spent time together to see if the attraction grew?

I don't know how that conversation went, since it wasn't on camera.  If Mindy told Zach she was REALLY into him, and he said he didn't feel the same, what do you think we should do about it?  According to Mindy, all Zach said was he wasn't attracted to her right then.  Sometimes I know that people hear things depending on their life experiences.  

Attraction is a funny thing.  You might not be attracted to someone right away, but then someone can happen that makes you see the person differently.  Also, you could be very attracted to someone right away and then something happens that make you see the person differently, as well.

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2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't know how that conversation went, since it wasn't on camera.  If Mindy told Zach she was REALLY into him, and he said he didn't feel the same, what do you think we should do about it?  According to Mindy, all Zach said was he wasn't attracted to her right then.  Sometimes I know that people hear things depending on their life experiences.  

Attraction is a funny thing.  You might not be attracted to someone right away, but then someone can happen that makes you see the person differently.  Also, you could be very attracted to someone right away and then something happens that make you see the person differently, as well.

I'm just going by what Mindy said, which I think (doing this from memory) was that she was walking the halls because she didn't want to be in their room because Zach had told her that he wasn't "growing an attraction to [her]" and asked her what she wanted him to do about it. I just think "I'm not attracted to you, what do you want me to do about it?" is weird framing. I would never want to be in a romantic relationship with someone who wasn't attracted to me (for what?) so if a man told me he wasn't attracted to me, I'd be like, cool, thanks for letting me know, good luck to you.

Since they are married and it's only day 2, I think it makes sense for them to keep spending time together, but I also think there's a point of no return. That's how you end up with a Kate/Luke or Matt/Amber situation, where both men knew from the start that they weren't feeling it and the women were really disrespected.

I also think that when dealing with straight relationships, women are more likely to have attraction grow than men are. 

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21 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I can only imagine how horrible the comments would be for people who are less than attractive after reading the comments on these folks who are at least decent to attractive looking.

I didn't watch last night- got stuck down a rabbit hole looking at Disney World hotel reviews on You Tube with my kids. It got too late with the stupid 2 hour run time. Now I'm debating skipping this episode since so many here said it was boring. Is there any reason I should watch it tonight? Or is it enough to know Meka and Michael are already imploding and Zach has proved himself to be the phony asshole we all assumed he was......

To be honest I think you about covered it, they should maybe have a pillow talk episode where we can just catch a few hi-lights  of the episode.  I too cannot imagine the comments if they had less attractive people, it's not snarking to comment on peoples looks.

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17 hours ago, Mrs. Button said:

the women's shoe from that one guys' trunk (can't remember his name sorry)  ... so many treasures await.

His name was Nate and he was an absolute dog that got the good edit at Sheila's expense.......

Perhaps all of these treasures could be displayed on the cabinet that Dave and Amber built?

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4 hours ago, Cammi said:

If somebody ever asked me if I was "going to talk to them while they washed their face?", my sarcasm meter would immediately set to a 10!

I hate defending that asshat, but I will say it's hard to hear what someone is saying when you are washing your face. My son always comes in to talk to me when I am washing my face, and I always have to pause and tell him to wait until I'm done because I can't hear a thing with the water running and my face in the sink........

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What DO you do if someone asks what they should do about not being attracted to you? That is fucking weird. He was also putting the responsibility on her to change the situation - what does SHE want him to do?  I have no fucking clue what to say to someone like that, except as said above, wish them a nice life & be done.

Maybe after the initial let down, they come to some sort of agreement on how to move forward, even w/o any attraction on his part.

I just don't want to see the acting anymore. IF he really said that (& I believe he did), then admit it to the cameras. This is a publicly documented experiment arranged marriage, so let it out there. And if Michael is having issues with Meka, then it needs to come out, honestly. Let's see if any of this gets to the 'experts' next week - so Pastor Cal can tell both couples to commence fucking to build attraction or some other stupid shit like that. 🤬

And Zach needs to lose the passive aggressive irritation with her. I'm all for bathroom business being private time, but if he doesn't want chit chat when he's washing his face, as others have said, just be polite about it.

Edited by gonecrackers
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1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

Zach's face when Mindy said she wasn't showering was a huge tell. I don't know how long the flight was, or if she showered right before (I'm not super fastidious about that kind of thing- it wouldn't be a requirement for me or my spouse to shower after a flight), and a quick google tells me it's about 5 hours, which I don't consider as shower-worthy as a transatlantic trip.

Here is my take, and maybe I'm reaching, but she was pretty shlubby looking there at the end. When she laid down in that tank top it looked like some pretty hairy armpits to me. Is it possible she hadn't showered that morning either? Like, she hasn't showered since before the wedding? If that's the case, I would be pretty grossed out too.

If she had showered that morning and it's a five hour flight, I don't know why it's necessary to take another shower. I know I wouldn't. The only time I got off a plane and showered immediately was when I flew from California to London last year and it had been about 24 hours since my last shower.....

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On 1/22/2020 at 9:59 PM, Adeejay said:

"I am not building an attraction to you." What the hell does that mean?

Well not for anything but she said she'd shower in the morning! She just got off a gross plane, it's the first night of the honeymoon, why not shower and put on something cute. Instead she says, you don't have to cuddle with me! Damn straight cuz you're gross!

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54 minutes ago, Empress1 said:
42 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't know how that conversation went, since it wasn't on camera.  If Mindy told Zach she was REALLY into him, and he said he didn't feel the same, what do you think we should do about it?  According to Mindy, all Zach said was he wasn't attracted to her right then.  Sometimes I know that people hear things depending on their life experiences.  

Attraction is a funny thing.  You might not be attracted to someone right away, but then someone can happen that makes you see the person differently.  Also, you could be very attracted to someone right away and then something happens that make you see the person differently, as well.

I think Mindy's walk down the hall happens further in the week. It certainly isn't that evening.

Mindy kind of questioned him gently during the "washing of the face' ritual,  about how they didn't seem to be as close as other couples ( did Mother Teresa wash faces too? Just curious nevermind.)

I'd be curious to know how much she pressured him after that to bring on such a straightforward and callous response.  He made up some good excuses to her and to the camera about PDA and not comparing their timeline to others. I'm anxious to see what it was that brought on that comment.

Assuming she asked again or complained I think it's foolish to do so. If you're not feeling it with somebody, possibly  'yet', it doesn't help when someone is pushing you. Actions revealed he wasn't that into her. She couldn't wait. She couldn't play it cool.

Is it not obvious to her that he has a huge ego and can act like a prick?? Why would she play into it and leave herself open?

If she had to ask then she got her answer. I hope she sees the bigger picture of zackass and stops dreaming.


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The situation between Michael and Meka was so frustrating, troubling, and hit close to home to watch. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since we don't know what he said, or what he had meant by it. But the fact that he's not trying to clear it up or explain himself at all is a huge problem whether he said it or not. If he misspoke or Meka misunderstood, then clear it up. And for the people that thought she was going on too long or was too abrupt, Michael was being vague and not addressing it. She finally was like, yes or no, did you say that, out of frustration and lack of answers. 

One time a friend who was annoyed snarked a comment at me that really hurt my feelings. I told her I didn't think it was a fair comment, and asked her if that's what she really thought about me. She wouldn't answer that and was just giving vague justifications. I finally told her flat out she needed to be honest and tell me if that's how she felt about me or had just been lashing out in anger. She still responded with illogical word salad so I told her that was my answer. She's never contacted me again.

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2 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I hope Zach doesn’t turn into this season’s Luke.

Sadly, I think each season will have a "Luke" since Luke.

Matt filled the spot last season and Zach seems to be in first place so far this season.

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2 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Sadly, I think each season will have a "Luke" since Luke.

Matt filled the spot last season and Zach seems to be in first place so far this season.

I think the only guy who got over not being initially attracted to his wife was Jephte.

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10 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I think the only guy who got over not being initially attracted to his wife was Jephte.

But Jephte cheated on Shawniece before the 8 weeks was even over.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the drama we see in the previews between Mindy & Zach is due to texting others, or worse.

Edited by Sterling
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So here's how I imagine Zindy-gate going down... After the cameras left, something happened which made Mindy feel friend-zoned again. She resumes picking at it, as she had done earlier when they were in the "bathroom" together. Sensing there's not a snowball's chance in hell of Mindy chilling out and letting things just "be" for a while, Zach blurts out how he's feeling in that moment. And no surprise, his attraction to her isn't increasing exponentially at this point for many reasons, not the least of which is that she basically has him backed into a corner, blocked from escape by her desperation and insecurities. 

Upon hearing Zach say he isn't "building an attraction" to her, Mindy, understandably, gets butt hurt and defensive, saying that their marriage is clearly not going to work. Zach, however, who perhaps actually doesn't want Mindy to just take all her toys and go home, tells Mindy her response isn't "what he was hoping for." 

IMHO, for this marriage to have had any chance of working, Mindy would've needed to be way more self-assured and at ease from the outset. Unfortunately, especially once she got in her head about things, she was in a spiral she couldn't pull out of. 

* Not at all saying I think Zach's a good person, as my sense is he's not, most likely. Just saying I'm not convinced he was really that much of an ass in this particular interaction. 

In other news -

 - I can easily imagine Jessica and Austin being BFFs, but I see ZERO chemistry between them. Nothing  none, zip, nada. I mean, they were lying in bed, not facing each other, not touching at all, showing no physical affection or interest in the other.  I know they just met, but it still felt weird to me, and potentially not a great sign.

 - I've sensed some shade towards Taylor, but haven't sorted out yet where that's coming from, as she's been kind, oatient,  and quite gentle both in word and  action with Brandon so far.  She's also quite beautiful, IMHO.

 - Katie, OTOH, is kind of cute, sometimes, if you squint and hold your mouth just right. Like Mindy, however, Katie has a challenging teeth/gum to face ratio, which is unfortunate and not helped by her somewhat annoying personality. And on that shallow note, I'll show myself to the prayer closet and join you afterwards at the mean girl's table. 🙂



Edited by SabineElisabeth
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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Zach knows Mindy likes him more than he likes her...so he going to toy with her emotionally.

It's been said that in every relationship, one person cares more than the other; and the person who cares less has the upper hand.  

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

What DO you do if someone asks what they should do about not being attracted to you? That is fucking weird. He was also putting the responsibility on her to change the situation - what does SHE want him to do? 

Not to be crass, but I thought he expected her to immediately start giving him an enthusiastic blow job. He just screams entitled to me and his entire douchy, God's gift to women persona makes me think he'd expect her to do anything she could to make him happy in that moment. I hope I'm wrong because that would make him an extra big creep. 

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27 minutes ago, SabineElisabeth said:

- Katie, OTOH, is kind of cute, sometimes, if you squint and hold your mouth just right. Like Mindy, however, Katie has a challenging teeth/gum to face ratio, which is unfortunate and not helped by her somewhat annoying personality. And on that shallow note, I'll show myself to the prayer closet and join you afterwards at the mean girl's table. 🙂



Skip the prayer closet and come straight to the table. We have wine. 😂

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1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

I hate defending that asshat, but I will say it's hard to hear what someone is saying when you are washing your face. My son always comes in to talk to me when I am washing my face, and I always have to pause and tell him to wait until I'm done because I can't hear a thing with the water running and my face in the sink........

That's what I thought as well, but he didn't have to be a jerk about it. How hard is it to say something like, "Please hold that thought for a second until I'm done and can hear you," or to simply hold off on washing his face until she was through with her thought? I mean, it's not like they were rushing to get ready to go somewhere, and he absolutely *had* to wash his face then and there. On the other side of the coin, we don't know how long she was talking beforehand. FAIK, she had been on a verbal roll for 30 minutes, and he got annoyed and thought if he started washing his face, she'd stop talking. But if *that* was the case, he was being passive-aggressive by trying to give her a hint, and then being annoyed and jerkish when she didn't get the hint. 

I don't want to make assumptions, because I know stuff gets edited to hell. But I can't see how the way he handled the situation (if we can even call it that), regardless of what led up to it, was the right thing to do/say.

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5 hours ago, answerphone said:

If Mindy really wanted Zach show her some attention, wouldn't she want to shower and freshen up? 😲





If for no other reason than that! She seemed open to the idea I believe, so who wouldn’t want to be fresh?  If she was exhausted she still should not have worn the sad sack airplane clothes to bed. Housekeeping doesn’t always change sheets when making the bed now a days. 
Since  it’s been years since I bought anything from VS i moseyed  over to take a look and the same pjs are there that I used to always buy, pages of the same silky tailored pjs.  One of them wore a short version of them.  When  searching for anything that would be considered sexy were flimsy and very revealing. Perhaps when the camera is off.  I’ve seem a groom get under covers in athletic shorts. 
Mindy was using a selfie stick on the walking the hall filming  correct?  
I have said it before , they claim to have so many apply for this show you would think the psychological screening would weed out these matches.  

Edited by athousandclowns
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1 hour ago, Sterling said:

But Jephte cheated on Shawniece before the 8 weeks was even over.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if the drama we see in the previews between Mindy & Zach is due to texting others, or worse.

The sad thing is they are still married with a very cute baby.

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On 1/23/2020 at 2:23 PM, 2727 said:

Who even takes headphones on their honeymoon, much less wears them in a group social situation? Someone who plans to retreat and block others out, that's who.

Whoah, harsh! I take headphones anywhere that air travel is involved. I'm not wearing them in a group or at dinner with anyone, but on a plane with babies screaming and people playing loud video games, plus the engine noise and insipid announcements? Absolutely. Yes, even if I married a stranger the day before and am supposed to be getting to know him. Sometimes, as an introvert, you just need to carry your shell on your back or your Beats on your head in case you need a moment alone with Taylor Swift.

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I get that Meka was hurt and surprised at Michael's change of attitude but she did go on a lot longer than she needed to.  A more direct "hey, so on camera you were so deferential to my comfort regarding sex and then on the plane you said I'd better put out on the honeymoon- WTF? Because I have big reservations about someone who talks out of both sides of his mouth."  Her "I went all in on this... DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT SAY THAT? IT'S A  YES OR NO" gave him an excuse to retreat and turn the tables on her by labeling her an overreactor/shrew (not to say that he would be right in that at all).

Like others have said, she started out more gingerly, but then got frustrated.  And I was cheering her on, the same way I yell at the host "Make him answer yes or no!" on tell-alls.


2 hours ago, endure said:

I too cannot imagine the comments if they had less attractive people, it's not snarking to comment on peoples looks.

I'm always on the lookout for editing high jinks--like watching the time on the giant wristwatch one of the guys was wearing.  Or the levels of liquid in glasses during a conversation.  Or Mindy's hallway walking in footage that was positioned in a way to make us think it happened that first night in Panama, while it appears from her makeup that that's not the case.

With people's looks, unless the editing team has put in an enormous amount of work to always use footage only if the person looks horrible, for example, at least we can have some confidence that what we're seeing as people looks is relatively real.  So at least we can have confidence that it's knowledgeable snark.


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Me thinks that Mindy stayed grungy from the plane and declared dramatically to the camera that she was sooo tired so she would not be expected to give him a wink wink nudge nudge 

Meanwhile Zachy is minty fresh and squeaky clean to receive his bj

Zach shouldn't MIND(y) sweaty...he is a personal  trainer for Pete's sake.... perspiration should smell like money in the bank...

Edited by humbleopinion
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4 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I am not going to jump on Zach for wanting some time alone to wash his face, brush his teeth, etc. Depending on how long he has been single, and now he has this other person permanently attached to him, he needs some breathing room.

Plus, we don't know how long Mindy was standing there, drooling over him while he was washing his face.  Oh well, at least he didn't have to take a dump.

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11 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Whoah, harsh! I take headphones anywhere that air travel is involved. I'm not wearing them in a group or at dinner with anyone, but on a plane with babies screaming and people playing loud video games, plus the engine noise and insipid announcements? Absolutely. Yes, even if I married a stranger the day before and am supposed to be getting to know him. Sometimes, as an introvert, you just need to carry your shell on your back or your Beats on your head in case you need a moment alone with Taylor Swift.

Co-sign. And some of them were shown to be sleeping on the flight, so it's not like they were all talking the whole time.

Also one of the ways I know I'm truly vibing with someone is if I can be in companionable silence with them. If we're having a "chill on the beach" day and I can read a book or listen to music and the other person is next to me doing whatever and that feels comfortable, that's a huge sign that we're compatible. (This is part of why my best friend and I make good travel partners.)

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

I think the only guy who got over not being initially attracted to his wife was Jephte.

Dave never was attracted to Amber after he found out that he was a sloppy second even though he tried really hard by having sex with her twice every night...

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Showering frequency is such a personal thing. There's a wide range of what would be considered hygienic and socially acceptable, and it really depends on one's individual skin type, sweating tendencies, fabric choices, etc. I think a lot of people would be shocked to find out how much or little a given stranger showers. If Mindy were really gross, that's one thing, but even then, it's best to tread lightly when commenting on the grossness of anyone you're not actively trying to burn a bridge with.

The travel clothes thing makes me feel like such an old throwback, but I do wish people would try just a tad harder to look decent while flying. It's really not hard to sub a more finished pair of Ponte leggings and a sweater-blazer for the thin leggings and hoodie, some cute flats for flip-flops, and a thin scarf to tie it all together -- and keep warm on the plane without having to use a pseudo-sanitized airline blanket! Honestly, how cute is this outfit? And none of it is uncomfortable, and you can wear a super soft drapey tee under the blazer and no one will know that it feels like pajamas.

So, if you see a lady in this exact outfit, wearing pink Beats, speed-walking through an airport with an energy drink in hand, and giving stank looks to the screaming children, go ahead and introduce yourself! I don't bite!

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1 hour ago, Captain Asshat said:

That's what I thought as well, but he didn't have to be a jerk about it

You are absolutely correct. The nice thing to say is, "Hold that thought - I can't hear anything you are saying while I'm doing this!" Of course, if he had responded that way, that interaction would never have seen the light of day because it's too mundane and normal..........

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When I fly international I look like Kenny from SouthPark but without the brown gloves...the surface and floating germs from the revolving door of umpteen passengers past and present on the plane skeeves me....so I hazmat suit up

No coronavirus for me....

Edited by humbleopinion
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I just pictured the movie Bridesmaid when Melissa McCarthy used the sink to take a dump...but I digress...

There was a shower and toilet behind a door in the suite so Zach can poo in peace without Mindy standing next to and yapping at him incessantly...

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5 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

I just pictured the movie Bridesmaid when Melissa McCarthy used the sink to take a dump...there was a shower and toilet behind a door in the suite so Zach can poo in peace without Mindy standing and yapping at him incessantly...

She can yap from behind the door. He'll be pulling his lovely, overdone locks out of his swelled head by day 3 (& I don't care 😈).

Edited by gonecrackers
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50 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Also one of the ways I know I'm truly vibing with someone is if I can be in companionable silence with them. If we're having a "chill on the beach" day and I can read a book or listen to music and the other person is next to me doing whatever and that feels comfortable, that's a huge sign that we're compatible. (This is part of why my best friend and I make good travel partners.)

I'm with you.  How about when the "experts" sternly informed us that these newlyweds can NOT spend their honeymoon having cocktails on the beach because they married a STRANGER and need to get on the WORK that needs to be done to be married!!!  😏 

Edited by princelina
Quotation marks are required around the word "experts" at all times :D
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3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

It's been said that in every relationship, one person cares more than the other; and the person who cares less has the upper hand.  

To add to that, why oh why does Mindy have to show her desperation?  For her age, she should be smarter than that.  Little does she know that kind of behavior pushes him away.

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3 hours ago, Treehugger9 said:

Not to be crass, but I thought he expected her to immediately start giving him an enthusiastic blow job. He just screams entitled to me and his entire douchy, God's gift to women persona makes me think he'd expect her to do anything she could to make him happy in that moment. I hope I'm wrong because that would make him an extra big creep. 

Ha.  If that were me, I’d give him a kick in his ass, a fuck you, and walk out the door.  Already,he irritates the hell out of me ;  he thinks he’s Gods gift.  To boot, she’s falling all over him.

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Dave never was attracted to Amber after he found out that he was a sloppy second even though he tried really hard by having sex with her twice every night...

I can't think of who they are. Can you refresh my memory? I'm losing track of all these couples. Thanks. I'm assuming they were USA couples. I don't know shows in other countries.

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