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S11.E04: Four Wives, One House

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22 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Did anyone notice in Kody's house plan that there was no staircase to his loft sleeping chamber?  Does he plan on donning his Batman cape and flying up there...NO Wait...wrong guy.

If I were one of the Brown wives I would like the idea of Kody having his own bedroom.  That was one of the things I never missed - my husband's big old huge HARD arm slung under my pillow making my neck stick up at an odd angle and the buzz saw snoring echoing throughout the room.  When looking for silver linings, that was one of mine.  

"Ahhhh.... sweet sleep!"

Kody seems like the type that would never shut up about his 6-pack or his hair or how his day went.  You're trying to drop off to sleep and there he is, going on and on and on... and on....

11 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Or, if it was a favored wife he wanted to get jiggy with, her could make like Rapunzel and let down his hair.

It looks too brittle.  It's likely to crack as you are trying to climb it and you fall to your death.

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3 hours ago, lu1535 said:

I must rant about those pillows Christine had made.......isn't she crafty, couldn't she have made them herself and saved some money? Do we really think Kody is going to appreciate them let alone understand what's being said? And finally, she just grabs them up, no bag, no wrapping, nothing? She probably just threw them in the passenger seat with who knows what foulness there. What a complete waste and disregard. The no bag and no care by Christine and the store owner horrified me!

I know, I'm petty. It's the little things y'all.

I just started doing needlepoint and I have to say getting the materials together and the time it takes to create that kind of stuff isn't exactly a savings. 

I think those custom embroidery places generally use machines to do the stitching. 

Also I just flashed on Mykelti's wedding where she assured Kody that they'd save money because they were going to "home make" all the decorations. Ha!! 🤣

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6 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I just started doing needlepoint and I have to say getting the materials together and the time it takes to create that kind of stuff isn't exactly a savings. 

I think those custom embroidery places generally use machines to do the stitching. 

Also I just flashed on Mykelti's wedding where she assured Kody that they'd save money because they were going to "home make" all the decorations. Ha!! 🤣

So true. You do crafts for fun, not to save money. I learned to knit thinking I'd for sure save money on my own clothes, but not a chance. Learning how to make clothing was way beyond my attention span and patience, and the materials to make nice clothing is at least as expensive as the clothes themselves. Now I just make blankets and scarves, but it costs the same or more than buying them, and the only gimmick is that it's a gift that didn't use sweatshop labor and I spent a lot of time on it.

Even things like making my own soup stock and regrowing vegetables from my own scraps only saves a minimal amount, and the time spent doing it is not worth it from a money standpoint. I do it because I like it and it reduces waste, not to save money.

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I just started doing needlepoint and I have to say getting the materials together and the time it takes to create that kind of stuff isn't exactly a savings. 

I think those custom embroidery places generally use machines to do the stitching. 

Also I just flashed on Mykelti's wedding where she assured Kody that they'd save money because they were going to "home make" all the decorations. Ha!! 🤣

I so agree, any hand done needlework is a labor of love.  You can't usually sell any of it for more than the cost of your materials.  The custom embroidery places are a good solution for someone who wants to avoid the additional time of blocking the piece after your sweaty hands have distorted the material.

Mykelti's weddingk and the "home maked" flowers from Christine's wedding gown!  That was the best possible use of that abomination, they should have also incorporated Christine's Renaissance Fair gown from the commitment ceremony and saved space in the landfill.

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47 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

I just started doing needlepoint and I have to say getting the materials together and the time it takes to create that kind of stuff isn't exactly a savings. 

I think those custom embroidery places generally use machines to do the stitching. 

Yes, they do.  Machines linked with a computer, so basically its graphics set up on a computer and push a button and the machine makes the embroidery happen.  Just like 3-D printers or CNC routers.

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13 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Well Kody isn't a compound polygamist nor does he worship with or have a whole lot to do with other communities.  Just my opinion only, but Kody simply doesn't CARE enough about any of the kids (boys OR girls) to have strong feelings about any of that.  He doesn't want his girls to marry in with specific families in order to further his status, and he doesn't view his sons as competition as he has never taken child brides and doesn't seem to even have any prospects for future wives.  I think Kody started out all gung ho on polygamy but now wonders why he got himself into it.  He doesn't have much affection for any of his wives except maybe Robyn, he's not into any of his children, he doesn't seem to have any hobbies or interests besides himself and ...well... himself.   


My personal observation over the years of Kody with his pregnant wives is that he is more possessive about the babies with little concern to the children after around the toddler age.  Kind of a "this is MY DOING!" when he touches their stomachs. It has always made me uncomfortable watching him. 

The children and their constant antics bother him.  He was a real shit when the kids were shouting out names for Robyn's #2 pregnancy and it looked like he was trying to keep from losing his cool when the names "Cleveland Brown" and "Hash Brown" were tossed out there.  He only gives favor to children that he actually connects with (honestly its the same with his wives...poor Christine...she has never sparked him).  So few girls connect with him and the only boys he connected with were the athletic ones, yet...Gabe is also a wrestler but never seemed to catch Kody's attention.

After Kody's comments about how making/having babies (NOT children...babies) stroked his ego, it is kinda obvious that its the pregnant bellies and the cuddle sized babies that makes him feel "manly".  Ohhhh...look what I can do!! This is MINE! I created this!! 🙄

Kody cares about what other people do FOR him.  Not how he can guide and do best for THEM, his relationships are very one sided and he may force himself (trip to California with the younger girls...) to spend time or so with others, but in the end he will always gravitate to the relationship he gets the most out of.  I believe Robyn has used this to her advantage...as well as she knows how to press his spiritual buttons.  She coached her children to be clingy to Kody so that he would bond with them and she figured out how exactly to communicate with him to where he would listen to her.

I see his babies as kinda Kody's "participation trophies", maybe he should just sign up to host the next "Dundies" 😉

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

I so agree, any hand done needlework is a labor of love.  

I embroidered and needlepointed gifts for my mother and grandmother as labours of love, making my own designs with subject matter that was meaningful to each of them. But if I didn't have the time, I never would have had a stranger machine-embroider some words of love or their favourite birds or butterflies on a pillow.  I chose a different, non-embroidered gift.

Edited by deirdra
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On 1/21/2020 at 4:17 PM, Just Wondering said:

It’s interesting that when polygamous “wives” aren’t absolutely forced by necessity to behave like polygamists, they behave like monogamists. 

This is so true!!!  The whole premise of the show "Sister Wives" has been lost.  None of them want the big family- they all want to be monogamists.  As a result of their desire to live in separate houses so far apart, there are 3 single mom households and Kody and Robyn's family.  The other children rarely get to see their father, other "mothers" or siblings.  The love has been divided, not multiplied! What a crock!

  • Love 23
8 hours ago, lu1535 said:

I must rant about those pillows Christine had made.......isn't she crafty, couldn't she have made them herself and saved some money? Do we really think Kody is going to appreciate them let alone understand what's being said? And finally, she just grabs them up, no bag, no wrapping, nothing? She probably just threw them in the passenger seat with who knows what foulness there. What a complete waste and disregard. The no bag and no care by Christine and the store owner horrified me!

I know, I'm petty. It's the little things y'all.

I hated the fabric and the lettering, it looked cheap

And wasn't it Christine who just said that she never tells people that she's a polygamist?

Sometimes Christine really bugs me she's such a drama queen. 

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On 1/20/2020 at 12:07 AM, Sofa Sloth said:

Christine can lose me with her foot-stamping  ‘I won’t live together’ princess attitude. As stupid and unrealistic as Kodouch’s vanity project mega hotel is, It’s still SEPARATE self-contained soundproof apartments he’s presenting to them. They won’t share anything more than regular neighbors in an apartment block or duplex would and they’d probably see each other less than in the cul de sac compound, where all the house windows faced each other. 

While she’s always been an airhead, I can usually tolerate Christine more than the other adults, but she’s coming across more fake every season to me. It’s like she’s trying to erase the one big family aspect, that she claimed to love on old intro ‘I wanted the fambly, I didn’t just want the maaan’ and just wants Kodouch to visit her in her completely separate suburb where she can pretend she’s a monogamist. Why stay in plural marriage at all if you can’t even tolerate your sister wives as close neighbors? 

That all said, that house is absolutely ridiculous. Way too mega of a carbon footprint for a family that will soon barely have 4 kids at home. Also the fact that Kodouch is still thinking the world needs more of his crotch fruit in it, when he has 19 kids already, is self-serving and idiotic. The world is overpopulated and struggling to cope already you dick, you’ve contributed directly to that issue enough now. Get an environmental conscience and a clue! 🛑 ✋🏼 

Maybe she doesn't really like THIS family.  Can't say I blame her.  HA!

This family has a huge entitlement issue.  No, random Betty, you do NOT deserve 3000 square feet when you cannot afford 500.  

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On 1/20/2020 at 8:14 AM, DaphneCat said:

Didn't anyone else notice Robyn's face when Kody was talking about pets?  She was clearly mocking him and then gave him the "sweet" "who? me?" smile when he caught her.  She is so over him.

What is her problem with pets?  How did I miss this nugget?  I watch this shit like it's my job!

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7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

What is her problem with pets?  How did I miss this nugget?  I watch this shit like it's my job!

She rilly hates animals. She thinks they are ‘germy and ughhh’  🙄 It was revealed on an episode where they visited the zoo and Janelle fed a camel from her mouth. God I hate myself that I know this shit! 

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3 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

What is her problem with pets?  How did I miss this nugget?  I watch this shit like it's my job!

I thought I heard her say that she wanted a black lab, instead she's stuck with a Brown mutt.

The faces she was pulling were pho - ny.  She was trying to revamp the public and sister wive's perception of her as the favored one and convey that she too sees Kody for what he is.  She may see it, but she's never going to let go now, she's come a long way from poverty stricken single mom, and she ain't going back. 

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On 1/20/2020 at 11:34 AM, TurtlePower said:

Wow, this episode. My biggest takeaway? Kody = BIGGEST ASSHAT EVER who isn’t happy anywhere. 

He wants them all in one house but wants his own area to “get away from them”? And he says this on Christmas in front of them all? He won’t have any wives left at all if he keeps that up. 

Considering they still haven’t begun building there yet, it looks like that idea has failed.  So Mr Cave Man uprooted all those kids for what?  That’s who I feel the most sorry for—those kids look miserably unhappy. 


Maybe he isn't being his authentic self and therefore cannot be happy?  Being her true self made Mariah go from a surly, humorless big baby to someone who at least smiles and seems happier.  A pain in the ass but happier.  Maybe there is something to his high school friends impressions of him.  Makes ya ponder.

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On 1/20/2020 at 2:13 PM, suomi said:

I might get some flak for saying this but hating pets is very common in LDS culture. It's one of the first things I picked up on when I moved to Utah in '85 and nothing I've seen and heard since then has ever softened that impression. Yes, some people treat their animals well but there is so much neglect and abuse that it boggles the mind. Here is a recent example:

I moved from Logan/Cache Valley to St George four years ago to get away from the harsh winters. (About a month after I moved to Logan I read in a book written by a local that Mountain  Man Jim Bridger scouted the valley and reported to Brigham Young that it was unfit for human habitation, hence the migration to the Salt Lake Valley instead. WTF, that's when I knew I was in for it!). I had to leave St George after the fourth summer there because, with my emphysema, it became too difficult/life-threatening to breathe the hot summer air.

My first week back in Cache Valley (Thanksgiving week) I was in Home Depot and was having what started out as a nice conversation with someone as we waited for a clerk. Then she mentioned that her kids had gotten old enough that they were yammering about letting the cat and dog live in the house during winter. There was 14 inches of snow on the ground and the storm had passed so it was really/really cold, single digits cold. She said the dog could come inside but not the cat, nuh uh. "It'll find somewhere warm."

Ignoring the look on my face, she added "Gah. The dog was tolerable when it was a cute puppy but now I can't stand even looking at it. And it always wants attention." I couldn't trust myself to say anything civil so I just walked away ... 

Yep.  My LDS family never had one after their 1st.  When they did it was too much work and they took her to the pound.  I was so upset about it.  She was a fantastic dog that had adopted my family but our other dog wasn't fond of her so my aunt and uncle took her.  Then about a month later they had her put down.  I never forgave them for that.

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1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

I love how they are now categorizing "monogamists" as in "Monogamists do this and that". There are billions of us, hard to put us in a corner.

I knit and the money spent on yarn alone could have bought us a bigger house. I rent a storage locker just for yarn.

And those polygamists think THEY are the ones who are stereotyped!  They're nuts.

A friend of mine makes quilts.  She's got closets full of fabric, and has made hundreds.  I wish I had a skill like that.  

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On 1/20/2020 at 11:39 PM, Elbow said:

OK. And then we subtract the 800k they spent to buy Robin's Flagstaff house. Add in their 135k from TLC for this year. Does anyone know when their salary was decreased to 135k or if they ever paid off the "six figure debt" from Dayton's injury? Did Robyn settle the 8k Kendra sued her for? It still seems like they're over well 500k in debt. And with no foreseeable income until/unless TLC gives them another 135k season for Winter 2020/2021. And, given their expenses, they'll likely be even further in debt in a year.

There is clearly a missing piece of this math puzzle. If they can't afford to begin construction on the land, meaning: getting utilities set up, and they haven't sold the land, how did they afford to buy an 800k house? Given their 20+ year history of skipping out on (large) bills, why would any bank agree to give them another loan or mortgage? Does anyone honestly think Meri is sharing the bulk of her LLR income? I don't. Did Kody make far more money on the gun shows than we suspect? Did they actually make sound investments with their early paychecks? Is there some other mysterious income stream? Can all these houses be written off as 'business expenses' since they shoot there? What if the show ends?

What the what what?  Kendra sued Robochin???

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On 1/22/2020 at 10:43 AM, deirdra said:

They implied that many of his classmates thought he was gay.  Perhaps Kody thinks having four beards would be more convincing than one.

And it is crazy to have more kids when you can't afford the ones you have or your mortgages & property taxes.

To be honest, I have always had this in the back of my mind.

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21 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Well Kody isn't a compound polygamist nor does he worship with or have a whole lot to do with other communities.  Just my opinion only, but Kody simply doesn't CARE enough about any of the kids (boys OR girls) to have strong feelings about any of that.  He doesn't want his girls to marry in with specific families in order to further his status, and he doesn't view his sons as competition as he has never taken child brides and doesn't seem to even have any prospects for future wives.  I think Kody started out all gung ho on polygamy but now wonders why he got himself into it.  He doesn't have much affection for any of his wives except maybe Robyn, he's not into any of his children, he doesn't seem to have any hobbies or interests besides himself and ...well... himself.   


No but at one point they were courting a gal who was not yet 18

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2 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

She rilly hates animals. She thinks they are ‘germy and ughhh’  🙄 It was revealed on an episode where they visited the zoo and Janelle fed a camel from her mouth. God I hate myself that I know this shit! 

Well then I dislike her more.  Don't trust or like people that don't like animals.  

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On 1/20/2020 at 9:25 AM, Phoebe70 said:

The only one I feel sorry for is Noel.  Poor thing was literally shaking in fear. And take the damn bow off her head!  A puppy is a huge commitment, not something you buy to win your daughter’s affection. Now Christine is promising Truely a kitten!?  I just can’t with these morons. 

ETA: of course Christine couldn’t adopt a mixed breed from a local shelter.  Noooo, she had to get a purebred from Phoenix. Idiot. 

Right?! I just rescued our new dog from a shelter yesterday! Our other dog is a very healthy old mutt.  Purebred, in my opinion, just have problems and don't seem to live as long as your old mutts do. #adoptdontshop. 😃

Anyway, I loved the house plans, but was surprised they didn't even really care. At. All.  Like to even see the layout.  Cool idea, probably not happening though. 

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43 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I just rescued our new dog from a shelter yesterday! Our other dog is a very healthy old mutt.  Purebred, in my opinion, just have problems and don't seem to live as long as your old mutts do.

My shelter dogs have all lived good long lives.  Too may genetic problems with purebreds.

BTW, the new name for "mutt" is "special blend" which I think is perfect!

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2 hours ago, coconspirator said:

Question about the older kids: Is Logan estranged from the family or does he just not show up when the cameras are there? I expected to see Logan and Michelle during the Plyg House presentation.

Not estranged, but living an independent life.  He and Michelle have delayed their marriage to save to pay for it themselves, they have announced that they won't get married until they are done with school and that it won't be filmed either.  He doesn't hound for the cameras, but has been seen in the background of the weddings.  Good on him for finding normal after coming from the Brown family.

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2 hours ago, coconspirator said:

Question about the older kids: Is Logan estranged from the family or does he just not show up when the cameras are there? I expected to see Logan and Michelle during the Plyg House presentation.

I don't know if he's estranged from the family, they may just have been celebrating the holidays with Michelle's family. But that's the stupid thing about building a great big house for when everyone comes home - the odds of everyone coming home at the same time are ridiculously slim. Sometime you celebrate with your family, sometimes with your partner's family. And if you come from such a big family, and your spouse has only 1 sibling (and 2 parents), I would imagine an argument could easily be made that you should spend more holidays with your spouse's family as you're absence would be felt more strongly there. I don't come from a huge family, but I would imagine that in a family with 1 dad and 4 moms and 18 kids and a slew of significant others and an increasing number of grandchildren, the fact that Logan and Michelle couldn't make it would matter to his mother...and really not too many other people.

Did anyone else notice that Kody's greeting of Caleb was so much bigger than his greeting of his own daughter? I'd have thought that man crush would have ended by now.

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Slowly working my way through this episode and wondering if having multiple “wives” stunts the man as completely as the women.  Captain Obvious, I know, but I mean that though I’ve always figured the women secretly hate each other, it just dawned on me that maybe they also secretly grow to hate the man, and he in turn grows to hate them.  And at the end of the day, all that remains is each person’s battle to gain their pound of flesh, piece of the pie, etc.

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5 hours ago, coconspirator said:

Question about the older kids: Is Logan estranged from the family or does he just not show up when the cameras are there? I expected to see Logan and Michelle during the Plyg House presentation.

I like that he’s getting his MBA While working and Michelle finished her masters and works full time so they can pay for their own wedding. I follow her on Instagram and rarely is there even a mention of Logan’s family. They said they won’t allow their wedding to be filmed, don’t plan on having children and Logan wants to build his professional career after school and doesn’t want this circus to negatively impact that! 
Good for them!

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9 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

I don't know if he's estranged from the family, they may just have been celebrating the holidays with Michelle's family. But that's the stupid thing about building a great big house for when everyone comes home - the odds of everyone coming home at the same time are ridiculously slim. Sometime you celebrate with your family, sometimes with your partner's family. And if you come from such a big family, and your spouse has only 1 sibling (and 2 parents), I would imagine an argument could easily be made that you should spend more holidays with your spouse's family as you're absence would be felt more strongly there. I don't come from a huge family, but I would imagine that in a family with 1 dad and 4 moms and 18 kids and a slew of significant others and an increasing number of grandchildren, the fact that Logan and Michelle couldn't make it would matter to his mother...and really not too many other people.

Did anyone else notice that Kody's greeting of Caleb was so much bigger than his greeting of his own daughter? 

Well, coming from a culture where women are married off to be baby machines...........

I’d hate to be a female in their family. One of them could become president and Kody would still see them as second class. 

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10 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

Did anyone else notice that Kody's greeting of Caleb was so much bigger than his greeting of his own daughter? I'd have thought that man crush would have ended by now.

Sometimes I'm thinking, "just get a room, you two."  It really squicks me out how he seems to love and adore Caleb more than literally anyone else in his extended family, except perhaps Sol and Ariabelliola.  And he definitely loves Caleb more than any of his wives.  So odd.

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I'm sorry I can't find the post to quote but I wanted to chime in - I also thought the plans for the house were beautiful and was surprised that none of the wives were able to find one nice thing to say about it.   Wait - I THINK maybe Robyn actually said something nice when she was in the kitchen (?) (another room) and it was just her on camera. But to Kody's face they were all dismissive and bristly.

I have found as I am growing old that it doesn't cost anything to be kind. (HA!!  Not that I am all that kind... but in real life I try very hard.   I utterly fail on this board. ::Snort::)

But my point is this.  "Wow Kody, the house really DOES look gorgeous - you can tell how much time and thought you've put into this!  I just don't want to live under one roof and I don't think my sister wives want to, either."    You then move on from there with your opinions and feelings and reasons.

In a relationship, it really helps to TRY to see the other person's side and have consideration for his or her's feeling.  Even if you think he's an idiot who has been inhaling Drano fumes - you don't have to stomp his project/ideas/feelings into the dirt to protect/promote your own.

Is Kody a douche?  Yes!  But these women obviously were in love with him at one time - enough to marry him.  It's really degrading and disrespectful to not be able to meet him half-way sometimes - even if they have no intentions in following one of his cockamamie ideas, they can be kind about it.  (At least at first!) 

And as for the decisions the family DOES come up with -Robyn leads him around by a chain hooked to a freaking ring in his nose!  So I doubt he really makes ANY decisions for ANY of the wives/children.

Just my two cents.  No need to verbally stone me, lol.

  • Love 16
25 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

But to Kody's face they were all dismissive and bristly.

And to the public they were that way.  We have no idea what went on in private.  They may  have been more reasonable.  Or humorous, if that's possible. 

Only Christine seems to have a sense of humor and then it's all giggly, 5-year-old level humor that enjoys things like having her kid physically destroy the Christmas tree.

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10 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

And to the public they were that way.  We have no idea what went on in private.  They may  have been more reasonable.  Or humorous, if that's possible. 

Only Christine seems to have a sense of humor and then it's all giggly, 5-year-old level humor that enjoys things like having her kid physically destroy the Christmas tree.

I am SO cynical these days over the episodes, but here I am, still watching and commenting.

I think last Sunday's episode was to reinforce an image of Kody the tyrant, not allowing input from the family and totally ignoring the squeaks of disapproval from the peanut gallery.  Next week will probably show a more rational, tolerant Kody, who thoughtfully listens to each wife's objections and then, steamrollers over them anyhow.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Next week will probably show a more rational, tolerant Kody, who thoughtfully listens to each wife's objections and then, steamrollers over them anyhow.

Except that his steamroller apparently ran out of steam (gas?) since this was taped eons ago and there is no Plyg Palace rising from the Plain of Prairie Dog Plague. Nor is there any evidence that any sort of infrastructure installation is underway either.

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3 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Except that his steamroller apparently ran out of steam (gas?) since this was taped eons ago and there is no Plyg Palace rising from the Plain of Prairie Dog Plague. Nor is there any evidence that any sort of infrastructure installation is underway either.

Yep, more story line farce.  When they purchased the Plains of Plague, the realtor pretty clearly told them when the subject of one house came up, that the property was not zoned for that.

Even Kody, with his twisted logic, would not be dumb enough to proceed with having plans drawn and alienating his wives with a concept he had not verified was even a possibility.

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12 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Gotta keep that train on the rails.  And as I understand it, that drawing wasn't even done by an architect.  A real rendering would cost some serious coin.

The girl they had draw the renderings was a draftsperson.  An architect's drawings show cross sections, plumbing, heating, electrical layouts and support systems for the structure.  They cost $$$$ and even then, have to go to an engineer for their stamp as to the feasibility and structural soundness of the plan.  The permit department for the county won't even look at plans without an engineer's stamp.

Edited by Sandy W
punctuation and 2nd thought
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