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"The View": Week of 1/13/2020


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15 minutes ago, Tosia said:

Speak up Abby!

This CNN article mentions that she did.  ABC just doesn't care.  It's all about coddling Meghan.


Huntsman met with Barbara Fedida, senior vice president of talent at ABC News, last week to inform her that she had decided to leave the show. During the meeting, Huntsman brought up what she saw as the overall toxic work environment at "The View," something she had done before, three of the people familiar with the matter said.


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41 minutes ago, Tosia said:

Who would you believe?  Me-Again or Abby?

Meghan saying that they're friends for life seems like a threat.


Like, Bitch, you better not talk bad about me. Or else.

IDK. At this point Megaphone seems absolutely evil.

On another note: 

Also, think  about a then and now comparison:  Abby being at Fox and not speaking up about what she knew re. Ailes, to now with Nutmeg's spoiled brat demands behind the scenes. 

Methinks I see a similarity.

Sad, disgusting, and unfortunately understandable in this present-day atmosphere of the president and so many others harrassing/abusing women/girls and men, too,  And getting away with it.  

Speak up Abby!

You have a daughter or 2 (?),  don't you? 


Ohh I believe Abby over Meghan all day. Abby strikes me as someone good to her core. She wasn’t my favorite host, but she does truly seem sweet and honest. I just thought they both said something about still being friends. If someone were as toxic to me as Meghan has been to all of them, no way would I pretend to still be besties. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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9 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

 I wonder how many behind the scenes people have complained.

I feel especially sorry for them.  If particular hosts don't have any pull or influence with upper management, these people sure don't.  They also most likely don't have the luxury of just up and quitting their job when they reach their limit. 

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51 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I enjoyed the first segment. I’m glad they’ve stopped treating Bernie with kid gloves compared to the other candidates.

Joy thinking Leslie Jones said her friend's name was "Tomato" had me rolling.

Since when have they treated Bernie with kid gloves? If anything they treat Biden with kid gloves. They have always bashed Bernie. 

2 hours ago, Jaded said:

I didn't make the mistake even though the screwed up quoting system made it look like I did. Hopefully people read further up in the thread. 😄

Oops sorry. 

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They do protect Biden, but I can't agree on the other part. They've mostly avoided ever being critical of Bernie up 'til now, aside from McCain painting the whole party as "socialist," I mean. Joy in particular always made excuses for him; I love Joy, but even a great person has to have flaws. Compare how Bernie has been treated by this show to Buttigieg, Harris, Warren, O'Rourke, Castro, etc., and it's been almost nothing but positive.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

So, I wonder if when Whoopie mentions that someone famous has died, if Meghan thinks Whoopie is trying to make her relive her father's death.

Then please talk about babies and death! 

They need to just fire Meghan and put her on a reality show I don't watch.  Surely there is a show out there that needs a cigar smoking, whiskey drinking, republican shooter where the other castmates have no children or have experienced death.

Man this show is going to be worse without the shiny haired buffer/emotional support republican.  I ever knew how much I appreciated you Abby til it was too late!  🤣

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18 hours ago, Tammee said:

'McCain has felt isolated at "The View" for months, and mulled leaving the talk show over the summer.

"Meghan has been miserable there for quite some time, and not because of Abby. She wishes her nothing but the best," one of the people, a person close to McCain, said.'

OMG dont tease us


A person close to Meghan ...come on the source is Meghan🙄

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23 minutes ago, Axie said:

Joy named her dog after Bernie Sanders.  She’s always been a Bernie Sanders 

Well if so, she should of done a better job defending him today with all those smears. 


1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

Well that’s rich Megan saying Bernie looked like he was sucking a lemon.  Does she watch this show? 

She is THE LAST one who should be talking about looks, with her angry looking pouty face. RBF 

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If I'm remembering correctly, Joy was very pro-Hillary in 2016.  I didn't watch all the time that season, so Joy may have said some good things about Bernie as well.  I know I've heard her say negative things about him in the past, but that could have been in the period after the 2016 election, when she may have assigned him some of the blame for Hillary's loss.  She obviously got over any hard feelings, but I know I was surprised when she named her dog after him.

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19 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I was reading the responses to Ana's tweet about Abby and someone said they read a rumor that Sara Huckabee Sanders was in the running for the position.  OK, that would definitely be the deal breaker for me.  🤢😬🤮

SHS is said to be considering a run for governor in Arkansas. I don’t think she’d be good TV, either. Team Tera!

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8 hours ago, Anthea84 said:

'McCain has felt isolated at "The View" for months, and mulled leaving the talk show over the summer.

"Meghan has been miserable there for quite some time, and not because of Abby.

 Meghan, Princess of Arizona, since you are so miserable suggest you do the following

1) get your future website together now

2) hide out at a $14 million dollar mansion

3) resign from The View using an Instagram post

Not sure what to do for #4, just watch the news. Maybe it will be hot topics on The View.

Edited by OnTime
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When Me-Again got her chance to ask a question of Shumer, she had to make it about her, and awkward giggle, and then say they go way back.  She is seriously the most inadequate and unprofessional host.

let it go eye roll GIF


So the stories all broke yesterday about Abby leaving and the toxic work environment, thanks to Me-Again, that pushed her out.  Interesting that they were talking today about how if Trump was telling the truth, he would have no problem have witnesses etc., at his trial.  Hmmm... if the stories about the toxic enviro and the "baby fight" are untrue, wouldn't MeAgain do her rootin-tootin head-roll with snarl and rolled eyes toward the audience to lash out at the world and twitter and say that that is simply untrue.  But no.  That tells us all we need to know.

  • Love 14
53 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

It really pissed me off when Meagain said the Republicans and Democrats can't be friends.  It wasn't cute and it wasn't funny.  

She doesn't practice that in her own life. Didn't she once say Amber Tamblyn was a friend?  She loves Joe Biden. Clay Aiken ran for office as a Democrat and she calls him her best friend.  I personally think Meghan is trying to prove she is a bona fide conservative Republican.  All evidence to the contrary of course.

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45 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

She doesn't practice that in her own life. Didn't she once say Amber Tamblyn was a friend?  She loves Joe Biden. Clay Aiken ran for office as a Democrat and she calls him her best friend.  I personally think Meghan is trying to prove she is a bona fide conservative Republican.  All evidence to the contrary of course.

Yes, I agree with all of the above

Which makes Megaphone  a hypocrite par excellence. 

I also think she says  crap like the above to stir shit up.  To get attention. To get a reaction. 

Which means that she will continue to do so. 

I imagine the other hosts don't contradict her or point out that MM herself doesn't do what she says because they understand MM's game and don't want to add to her already inflated ego by actually responding as though she said something worthy of their time. Or worthy in general.

They're done with her.  


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Joy was right that everything between Bernie and Warren is about taking one another out because they're dividing the same vote, that it's not some kind of personal vendetta like McCain implied. Of course everything is "personal" for McCain--Abby mentions her kids, McCain feels personally insulted, for example--so how could she possibly be able to tell the difference?

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Whoopi, please just stop!  OMG, she has beaten this horse to death.  And when Bloomberg didn't agree with her, and/or didn't understand the WTF she was trying to say, she just kept repeating and rambling!

frustrated power rangers GIF

They are all so repetitive and predictable.  Sunny asks about whether his apology is politically motivated and about reparations.  Whoopi asks about Amazon and taxes. MeAgain, after he has already explained the whole billionaire spending his own money, asks him whether he is buying the presidency.


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21 minutes ago, bannana said:

MeAgain, after he has already explained the whole billionaire spending his own money, asks him whether he is buying the presidency.

Meghan prefacing a question by telling someone facts about themselves just makes me shake my head.  She does it more often than not.  She could say something like "now we all know that you...." as a way to begin the question, but it's always, "You were in this movie" and "you played this part", as if to make sure they know.  

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3 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Did I hear Bloomberg correctly? He or his company has NDA's with women because of things like  him telling a bawdy joke? Yikes. 

I'm glad you posted this, cause I thought he said "body" jokes and I wasn't sure what he was talking about.  So now I know he said bawdy jokes.

I was shocked when Joy dismissed that so easily by saying something like "who hasn't"

I thought all the hosts should have given him a little more push back on not releasing the women from his NDA, and making "bawdy jokes" towards women in the workplace.

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