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S08.E03 Bethany's Story

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1 hour ago, WonTon said:

6. So far this season, we haven't had many people with dogs. For me, if the episode is a bore I usually at least can focus on their cute pets.

Lindsey had a dog and a cat, but I think we were halfway through before we saw the cat. Only saw the dog once or twice even later in the episode. And both were black; I almost missed the cat entirely.

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15 hours ago, kicotan said:

Why doesn’t she eat the same diet as Sheldon...it seems to be working for him.

Hahaha, Sheldon isn't quick enough to grab a slice of pizza before it disappears down Bethany's gullet, that's all. He probably goes through the trash for a crust when everyone's in bed. You know, like a raccoon.

15 hours ago, Hellga said:

I did take a look at her blog... it says she lost 150 pounds on Nutrisystem a few years back.  So this is her third time (at least) that she has lost some, only to regain it and then some.  And she still insists she has no issues driving her to eat, yeah right... 'counselor'

150 pounds? So she was still at 450. A drop in the bucket and hardly a success story.


1 hour ago, Twopper said:

Speaking of Dad,  he was rather sad  looking.   He definitely could use a decent haircut and dental work for starters.  He also could stand to gain a few pounds.  I would bet he weighs less than Zowie (I want to scream every time I type that spelling).  He was always thin based on the pictures we saw, but I would think he would be pretty stressed out about the family finances with the restitution hanging over them.   I suspect she will figure out how to avoid paying it.


I was very unimpressed with their choice of a restaurant in Kansas, but at least they were seated at a table unlike when they all eat in recliners at home for every meal.   Have they never heard of a kitchen table?   I eat all my meals at a table, although we might snack in front of the tv during a movie or game.    She did seem to manage to not cheat on the diet in front of the camera or scream at her enablers like most of them do.

There is no money for dental work for poor old Sheldon. Every penny in the family coffers goes for pizza and brownies for Bethany.

No one on this show has a table. Its a rule. Its even on the bingo card. 😉

38 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

She did blame 6 years of post partum depression on quitting her job and sitting home eating (not getting arrested for fraud). She also said she suffered from Anxiety. Why didn't she seek out help from a Psychiatrist for her anxiety? She said she had panic attacks too. Another reason to seek help from a good mental health professional. 

I am prepared to bet anyone here a shiny American quarter that Bethany does not have anxiety and had never had a panic attack in her life.

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7 hours ago, Azubah said:

Capella University is essentially a diploma mill. A for-profit, online diploma mill.

Northwestern Oklahoma State U. is at least a real college, but with low admissions standard and probably low graduation standards, particularly for a degree in counseling. I'm betting their counseling masters program isn't exactly rigorous.

Another MASSIVE stress she must be facing is repaying the tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands of $$$) of STUDENT LOANS she presumably amassed obtaining (what became to her) worthless degrees!!  

Bethany is a tangled web of self-destruction and "denial and delusion."  Too bad she had to birth 2 daughters who, through no fault of their own, are saddled with this "basket case mother" forever, unless they get intensive therapy for years and years (not sure who would pay for it)!!!  

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7 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Her husband looked thoroughly beaten down. Look at his posture, his teeth, his hair: he looked and acted like someone who had checked out of life and just didn't give a damn anymore.

The husband appeared to have some level of cognitive disability.

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 I have to say I find absolutely no redeeming value in Bethany. She says she wants to be there for her daughters, but never talks to them, never eats meals together as a family at the table, and couldn't care less that they are significantly overweight. There is no relationship with her husband. No friends, no hobbies, no dreams. Some daughters of dysfunctional families try to compensate and give their children what they didn't have.  Not Bethany.

I am amazed that she was licensed by a counseling program, but has  no belief in the value of therapy! And no idea that if the current therapist isn't a fit, you can change therapists! Obviously she has never put herself in the shoes of a client. I have to infer that she became a counselor solely in order to scam.

Losing weight would mean that she would have to face looking for a job, and revealing her legal past. Unless she tried to work from home, and there's no sign she has that skill. So I can see from her point of view why she quit. I hope Sheldon is a good father when she goes.

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2 minutes ago, 7788BeaconHighway said:

Losing weight would mean that she would have to face looking for a job, and revealing her legal past. Unless she tried to work from home, and there's no sign she has that skill. So I can see from her point of view why she quit. I hope Sheldon is a good father when she goes.

I work in Technical Support for a major online university (not Capella) and can tell you we have students who will occasionally "quit without quitting." What happens is this: they find that going back to school is harder than they imagined but don't want to admit that to everyone (especially themselves). So what do they do? They wait until something in their online classroom doesn't work right, call us in Tech Support and demand we fix it whilst refusing to troubleshoot their own computers, even after we explain that it works for everyone else and problem is most likely with their browser. They then drop out/flunk out and tell everyone it's because we wouldn't help them.

We saw the same thing with Bethany: she was looking for an excuse to quit/fail, and found it with Dr. Now's reasonable insistence on psychiatric counseling.

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According to her blog, she sees a therapist every week. It's not the therapist the show picked out for her.

Are we allowed to talk about the stuff from her blog on this thread? I know we're not on the live chat. 

7 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

So what do they do? They wait until something in their online classroom doesn't work right, call us in Tech Support and demand we fix it whilst refusing to troubleshoot their own computers

I've had similar experiences volunteering with unemployed people to help them apply for jobs. "I'm desperate, I'll take any job!" "How about this one?" "Oh no, that's too far from my house. No, that one sounds like it would be boring. Ehhh, this third one just doesn't appeal to me." Then they complain that they went to the job search program but no one helped them.

My favorite was an RN who was weeping about how she was three months behind in her rent, was going to be evicted, didn't have food, etc. "You should sign with one of the nursing temp companies til you get a permanent job." "Oh, no, I hate working temp." Okay then. See you on the streets.

Edited by Azubah
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This chick is full of S**t!  I’m only 17 min into episode and I already know she will fail. I would love to see The suicide letter her mother supposedly wrote blaming her, that’s BS! I would also love to see the records from the facility she was in that she didn’t want to leave.. so her father decided to give up his parental right /obligation?  And where is her proof that she was ever a successful addiction counselor/therapist??? I have a feeling this chick tells tall tails as often as she eats big meals. 

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19 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

Bethany has her own blog. 


Sheldon had custody of his other two kids, before her. She quit her job with an office and opened her own practice. She lost her counseling license, took a plea deal to charges. She's committed medicaid fraud and identity theft.

http://www.okdrugcounselors.org/download.php/269/Agenda 072015.pdf

I wonder how many comments she deleted, since the only comments are positive. 

“I was charged with charges and lost my license.” Um...charged and found guilty. (Details.)

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Those poor daughters, especially the oldest. The burden Bethany has put on them both physically and psychologically is indefensible. All I heard this episode was "me me me." Only a couple of times did she mention about wanting Isabella to have some sort of life outside of taking care of her.  But we all see how that never came to fruition because Bethany is too selfish and lazy to actually be a mother. I truly hope those girls are able to get out of that house and away from Bethany some day and have a good life. 


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I can't believe that someone who at least had the intelligence required to get licensed is dumb enough to not realize that all board actions against a professional's license are public record...   Can't tell if she is delusional or just dumb. 

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I don't know if Isabella and Zowie are too damaged to have a normal life... kids are amazingly resilient, which speaks in their favor, but they haven't had any experience with "normal", I would guess, they don't seem to have any life outside of serving their beast of the a mother hand and foot... do they even have friends?  any chance to visit other homes, see other families?   I really worry they will just perpetuate the pattern of eating themselves into oblivion because that is all they know.

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What a peach. And a felon to boot. I learned everything I needed to know about her when near the end of the episode the younger one came in from school, and asked for a snack. Bethany of course told her husband to get it for her. Then, not even 5 minutes later, this bitch gets up to get her own snack!! Poor kid was still eating her cheese-its as she wanders on into the kitchen. Hated her. Awful woman and I can only hope that the lack of the older daughter in the later part of the show means she escaped.

Edited by Arynm
too many extra words
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36 minutes ago, zengirl1215 said:

Those poor daughters, especially the oldest. The burden Bethany has put on them both physically and psychologically is indefensible. All I heard this episode was "me me me." Only a couple of times did she mention about wanting Isabella to have some sort of life outside of taking care of her.  But we all see how that never came to fruition because Bethany is too selfish and lazy to actually be a mother. I truly hope those girls are able to get out of that house and away from Bethany some day and have a good life. 

The only possible happy ending for this family would be for Isabella to go away to a real college and Sheldon to grow a spine, divorce the cow and demand sole custody of Zowie which should be a simple matter considering her criminal past and inability to care for herself much less a child. Yes, with Bethany's self imposed inability to work Sheldon might have to give up a good chunk of his income to her but it couldn't possibly be more money than she spends on gorging herself now.


17 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

Bethan reminds me of Pauline. I couldn't stand to watch what she did to her son. Now we have another one  who is suffocating both her daughters.


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Wow reading her blog she reminds me of Penny. She is lying through her teeth!! She claims she got a negative reaction and she knew it would be negative but all the  comments are nice, she is doing damage control. She claims she is dieting and exercising bla bla bla, no way to comfirm this. 

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Since I already concur with everything said about Bethany, I will just point out that in this episode I noticed that on the wall at the weigh-in station there are 2 paintings by Thomas Kinkade. I find it amusing that Dr. Now is a fan of the prolific "painter of light".   

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It may seem irrational but I'm really disappointed Dr now took her into the program knowing she had scammed medicaid. That's a big deal, she falsified 1,000 patient visits, that's accounts for a substantial chunk of time to be committing fraud, months maybe years since it was just for  three patients. That's a lot of paperwork to be submitting and then just skipping off home to inhale food and ignore your kids. You'd think he would steer clear of her because she clearly doesn't think rules apply to her, so her success in the program is questionable, and as a medical professional he must see how destructive medicaid fraud is. 


They're all delusional; Sheldon said she is his world. I never once saw them have an actual conversation with each other. They did not exchange one word except for the scene where he brought her lunch and said hello before he was required to keep quiet so she could eat without distraction. How can he even consider her his world?!?

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50 minutes ago, LilMissKnowitall said:

That's a big deal, she falsified 1,000 patient visits, that's accounts for a substantial chunk of time to be committing fraud, months maybe years since it was just for  three patients. That's a lot of paperwork to be submitting and then just skipping off home to inhale food and ignore your kids. You'd think he would steer clear of her because she clearly doesn't think rules apply to her, so her success in the program is questionable, and as a medical professional he must see how destructive medicaid fraud is. 


I'm unsure just how thoroughly the production team (Dr. Now's son,Jonathan's company) does background checks on the poundicipants??  I think the team corrals these eager "subjects" mostly based upon their weight and whatever background story they present (note they always have photos that I'm sure the team demands when they sign up).  It would probably take a designated team member to dig up these collateral facts that are obviously available online about certain legal issues that are rather easy to uncover but still take time and a certain degree of skill.  

My belief is that the production team is specifically focused on a particular format for the show (that I'm sure we all know by heart) and any other issues either avoided or ignored.

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The look on Sheldon's face when she was going for the weigh-in. He looked so resigned. It said "I know you've been cheating and now you are gonna act like you don't know how this happened". He just looked like he was supposed to be quiet and go along with it. My ex husband had that same look on his face when I was trying to rationalize certain things. 

I just cannot get over all her lies on that blog. We want to see photos! But of course she can't show they due to the contract so who is going to know that she is a primo bull shitter? Claims she is doing exercise, healthy eating (for her daughters), and therapy once a week. Yeah my fat ass.

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I found her facebook page and she lists herself as a Blogger/Influencer at Parenting in Progress. There is her page as well to Parenting in Progress, which is her own business. I can't tell from the page what on earth it does or she does. Looks like givaways and links to articles on various fluff. She sells a "Media Kit". 

I think she is trying to get freebies by featuring certain products, you know AN INFLUENCER!


Edited by calpurnia99
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3 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I am not sure if it would be ethical to refuse to treat someone because of psst criminal history.

It wouldn't be once they are already a patient, but I don't think you have to accept everyone as a patient.   He can quit treating her because she is non-compliant with his program.  


29 minutes ago, calpurnia99 said:

I think she is trying to get freebies by featuring certain products, you know AN INFLUENCER!

Sounds like she came on the program for publicity.   I am surprised she didn't promote Sheldon's poetry, but I guess not since it is all about her.

She was so annoying.   She made Isabella take Zowie to school;  at the beginning of the show I thought it was because she was too big too drive,  then it turns out she can drive all the way to Houston.   I want to slap her. 

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Ugh, this bitch.  

Hey, Bethany, your tale of woe about your mother and the suicide attempt/note?  You long-suffering twat, hold my beer...

Yeah, been there, done that.  Only my mother left assorted notes throughout the house with such sentiments as "When a body isn't wanted, they just crawl away and die," then ate a bottle of Valium.  Took all of my dad's siblings and father to keep her ass up all night pumping her full of coffee and holding her up to walk her nonstop around our wraparound porch so she wouldn't fall asleep and die.  They also didn't want to take her to the hospital because it was the 1960s in small-town Texas, and her ass would have been institutionalized (and she should have been, BTW). 

I was 8 years old and remember it all like it was yesterday. 

I won't even go into other fun details about my childhood with this maniac, including her throwing me into a wall when I was 3 with sufficient force to put me into a coma for five days or her chasing me around the house screaming demented nursery rhymes and laughing as I tried to hide from her crazy ass.  

You can miss me with blaming mommy at your age and your current 600 lb weight.  Some of us choose to overcome and some of us choose to wallow (like you). 

Your kids watching you eat your way to a certain death is actually not much (if any) different than your own mother's suicide attempt.  Hell, you won't even have to leave your girls a note.  They've got all of your bullshit on TV for eternity any time they want to take a walk down memory lane.

Fuck you, Bethany. 

Gimme back my beer and take a seat.  


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17 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Ugh, this bitch.  

Hey, Bethany, your tale of woe about your mother and the suicide attempt/note?  You long-suffering twat, hold my beer...

Yeah, been there, done that.  Only my mother left assorted notes throughout the house with such sentiments as "When a body isn't wanted, they just crawl away and die," then ate a bottle of Valium.  Took all of my dad's siblings and father to keep her ass up all night pumping her full of coffee and holding her up to walk her nonstop around our wraparound porch so she wouldn't fall asleep and die.  They also didn't want to take her to the hospital because it was the 1960s in small-town Texas, and her ass would have been institutionalized (and she should have been, BTW). 

I was 8 years old and remember it all like it was yesterday. 

I won't even go into other fun details about my childhood with this maniac, including her throwing me into a wall when I was 3 with sufficient force to put me into a coma for five days or her chasing me around the house screaming demented nursery rhymes and laughing as I tried to hide from her crazy ass.  

You can miss me with blaming mommy at your age and your current 600 lb weight.  Some of us choose to overcome and some of us choose to wallow (like you). 

Your kids watching you eat your way to a certain death is actually not much (if any) different than your own mother's suicide attempt.  Hell, you won't even have to leave your girls a note.  They've got all of your bullshit on TV for eternity any time they want to take a walk down memory lane.

Fuck you, Bethany. 

Gimme back my beer and take a seat.  


Bravo! We ALL have scars.

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4 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I am not sure if it would be ethical to refuse to treat someone because of psst criminal history.

While you can refuse non-emergency care for a lot of reasons, someone being an unsavory character is not usually a valid one.   As long as she satisfied all the criteria he requires of his other patients, he would not have sent her packing.  If you cannot separate the personal and the professional, you do not belong in healthcare - there are PLENTY of patients who are extremely unpleasant, vile human beings - yet they do deserve healthcare just like even the most despicable violent criminals deserve due process.  Not for their sake, but for ours as a society.  As far as the show including her... they may have decided it's not relevant, or even that it would generate more attention and discussion for the show.  

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4 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I am not sure if it would be ethical to refuse to treat someone because of psst criminal history.

I don't think of shows like this as "doctor treating patient," because the medical treatment is like being selected as a reality show participant (like "Survivor") . . . lots of people apply, but the producers only pick the ones that will garner the most viewers.

And, as someone else says, doctors (especially in a non-emergency situation) are free to accept new patients or not.  I would assume that if Bethany had showed up with enough cash to pay for the weight-loss program on her own, Dr. Now would have treated her.  But I wish the production crew had looked at her criminal history and decided that it was not in the best interest of the show to grant a prize worth more than she frauded Medicare out of.  


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I sometimes watch the Supersize version of the show by FF'ding thru and watching the new sections and posting them, but I am serving notice I will not ever re-watch this woman's episode.  

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On 1/16/2020 at 9:56 AM, Twopper said:

Having seen her record with medicaid fraud (i.e., theft),  I have zero sympathy for this woman.   ( I am probably in a handbasket headed for hell after that remark.)  I want to rescue her children.

Every time I saw Bethany and Sheldon next to one another, I recited that old nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat.

Is there room in your handbasket?

Edited by the-grey-lady
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11 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Every time I saw Bethany and Sheldon next to one another, I recited that old nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat.

Is there room in your handbasket?

yes, come and sit by me while we fill up the basket.   I glanced at the FB page for Sheldon and he is lamenting the hostile, negative comments her episode has received so I think there are many others who will fill up the basket.

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5 hours ago, Twopper said:

yes, come and sit by me while we fill up the basket.   I glanced at the FB page for Sheldon and he is lamenting the hostile, negative comments her episode has received so I think there are many others who will fill up the basket.

I'm currently about 140 lbs, and my eating habit consists of too many brownies, lots of coffee, and a whole lotta gateway fruit.

I hope I don't sink the basket.

Edited by the-grey-lady
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On 1/16/2020 at 7:12 AM, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Her husband looked thoroughly beaten down. Look at his posture, his teeth, his hair: he looked and acted like someone who had checked out of life and just didn't give a damn anymore.

He looked like she didn't allow him to eat because she ate the entire food budget.

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10 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

I hate when I see an obese parent with overweight children.  If you wNt to eat yourself to death, fine, but don’t ruin your children’s lives too. 

Unfortunately bad  habits are learned and so-called fat acceptance is now the norm ..until it gets out of control ...

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Ha! First trainwreck of the season. 😄
Last time it took us about 6 episodes to get it.

It really pissed me off how Bethany just blatantly lies to Dr. Now during each visit, not just the "I'm doing everything I'm suppose too" thing, but didn't she tell him Sheldon didn't bring her bad food (we saw him being her burgers) and also, she says she's doing everything right, but just 2 minutes ago said she was going to therapy because it was a requirement of the program, but she wasn't exactly committed to it was she? She said she thought she didn't need it.

I don't know if it was my imagination, but everytime I looked in her eyes, when Dr. Now was talking to her, I could see her dismissing it immediately and I knew she was going to go back and keep doing what she wanted. Did anybody else see it? Dr. Now called it in the beginning, she wanted a quick fix, and when she realized how much work was going to have to go into it, she couldn't be bothered, it was easier to just say "Oh, Dr. Now doesn't understand what I'm going through..." etc etc. I have to say, I also get a manipulator vibe from her.

I am seriously worried for that family, I mean seeing Isabella walk in the door and just plop into a chair that is identical to her mother's and you see Zowie, Isabella and Bethany side by side by side and it's a bit disturbing, I have to say, especially when Isabella says that her life revolves around taking care of her mother. I can't get a read on Sheldon, I mean I never see him around with the family, it's weird how much he's absent. Maybe he's camera shy?

This weeks gaggables (shit that made me gag 😄 ) included Bethany dipping her burger into a plate of what must've been half a bottle of ketchup... I doubt she could taste anything but that salty-sweetness... and did I see a whole pizza box of garlic bread? 😮

Edited by Ben.w
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2 hours ago, Ben.w said:

and did I see a whole pizza box of garlic bread? 😮

Agree with your entire post, and yes, this was a whole pizza box of garlic bread!

The funniest part of the whole 2 hours was when she took 2 slices of pizza, and put them on a plate, so I was like, ok, 2 slices is fine.  But no, she handed that plate to her daughter and she kept the rest of the pizza for herself!

Then she added in about half the garlic bread, and the brownie box was an entire box, and she just dug her fork into the brownie box, rendering it useless (or gross) for anyone else.

My mom had a food addiction.  She'd buy a half gallon ice cream and eat it with a spoon.  If she didn't finish in one sitting, she'd put it back in the freezer, which even as a kid, I thought was too gross to go into.  Plus, we knew she'd come back wanting that later.  She also ate 1 lb. bag of M & M's in one sitting, only giving us a small handful if we asked.  

She (my mom) would be up all night most nights, as she was a night owl, and her tortilla chip crunching was so loud when I'd stay there (as an adult), I'd have to wear earplugs to sleep (not kidding).  She'd go through an entire large bag around 2 am.

She died a year ago, with diabetes, heart disease, barely able to walk, and had a nasty, selfish demeanor.  I'm 1000% convinced that her diet played an enormous role in all of this.  So when I see the Bethany's of the world, inflicting their habits onto their kids, I shudder for those kids.

Edited by Sterling
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I watched some of the extras episode. I know I'm torturing myself. I noticed that once she lost the first turdy pound, Dr. Now scheduled her surgery but said she needed to lose another turdy pound in next munt. Upon leaving his office she said: I wish I could just get the surgery now, I'm mad that he gave me ANOTHER weight loss goal.

That was the clue right there that in her brain it was magic bullet. Honey, if you are on the program you are going to have weight loss goals until you are at your normal weight, then you are going to have maintenance goals. 




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I look forward to Snarky Night so much and this past Wed was incredible.  I cut & paste the best comments the next day and email Mrs Formerly Heavy J.  Being she is a state employee she does not have free use of the web at her workplace so I keep her in the loop.  And to think I went to bed at my usual 845pm so I could get up to go the gym at 445am the next day....AND DID NOT GO!!!  But I won't come up with the usual b.s. excuses like the Poundicipants.  It had nothing to do with sugar-free jam, grapes, oranges, or the mattress making me look fat.

I strained an abdominal muscle earlier that morning going a little overboard with stomach and was still sore Thursday morning.  God's honest truth.  Did not want to make it worse.

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I'm glad my Pizza Hut doesn't have the giant box of garlic bread (I guess it was Pizza Hut), because I really love a good garlic bread, and that looked good.   

My question is why for a two day trip to Houston Bethany took enough clothes for a month?   I'm watching the Supersized, and the first stop on the road trip was four hours in, with a giant bag of food, enough for several people, and needed to stop for the night already.   The little pop ups are less than impressive this time too.   They should have subtitled this episode "Betheny: Cry Me a River of Denial"       Her first loss of 14 lbs was pathetic, at her starting weight, that's skipping food on the way to Houston for a couple of days, she's not even trying.  So her breakfast was a protein bar?   They're full of junk.   Her plain chicken and squash is awful looking.   I love her 10 minute walk at a snail's pace.    I guess it never occurred to her to take her walks early in the morning?   Sheldon looks like a little kid sitting in Dr. Now's huge chairs.     

Bonus scene added:    I wonder if Dr. Now knew that Sheldon would only stay a day or so, and Bethany would be alone at the hotel until her follow up visit the next week?   So Sheldon says Bethany has been wanting surgery for 20 years, before or after her other weight loss programs?     At least Sheldon says the whole family will change how they eat, not that Bethany will keep that up long term.   I love how Bethany wants to win the lottery to buy her dream home, and give to charity, and I wonder if that includes paying her restitution?  

I love her post surgery office visit where she only lost 4 lbs, instead of the minimum of 15 Dr. Now expected.   And Bethany's voice over on exiting that Dr. Now beat down is "that didn't go as badly as I thought".   That therapist in Oklahoma never stood a chance against Bethany hiding things from her.   One tidbit from the pop ups is that her favorite meal since surgery is baked ricotta-is that on Dr. Now's plan?    I still can't believe instead of losing 30 lbs, she instead gained 6 pounds, and is over 500 again.     My guess 600 will be right around the corner.  

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Bethany has deleted her one and only blog post on her "Bariatric Mama" page. Because, like everything else in her life, she quit that, too.

I finally got around to watching the beginning of the show and laughed out loud when she said she was a a busy "mom" caring for her kids when, beginning in the very next scene, all we saw was the exact opposite -- a couple of kids caring for their lazy slob of a mother. 

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49 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Bethany has deleted her one and only blog post on her "Bariatric Mama" page. Because, like everything else in her life, she quit that, too.

I finally got around to watching the beginning of the show and laughed out loud when she said she was a a busy "mom" caring for her kids when, beginning in the very next scene, all we saw was the exact opposite -- a couple of kids caring for their lazy slob of a mother. 

She deleted the front page that was basically a short story about herself, but the site is still there and she has posted a couple recipes and journal entries instead...

She writes there (after whining about people sending her negative comments after watching the show):  



I recently found this great technique to overcome negativity in your life and I am using it to help me through this bad period of time.  I wanted to share it with you and hope you find it helpful.

This is called cognitive restructuring.  The process involves taking your negative thoughts, restructuring them and changing your thoughts. 


The technique is great, but seriously, she has been a counselor and got all the way up to a doctorate without ever having heard of it before?  Either she was a truly terrible student, or was in a truly terrible program, or this is some kind of a sympathy ploy.   Or all of the above.

She also calls herself a mom to FOUR beautiful daughters.  We have only seen two on this show... the other two must be Sheldon's daughters from his previous relationship, they would be in their 20s at least and must be living on their own now.  That's encouraging in terms of Isabella and Zowie at least having a chance to get out eventually... though stepmom vs. mom and Bethany's continued deterioration may make it more difficult for them.  I would also love to know if Sheldon's daughters are skinny as he is or obese like everyone else in the family, or maybe they lucked out and they have normal weight and normal lives...

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