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S05.E07: From Monogamy to Polygamy

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Meri's jeans (and I say this as a less-than-petite woman myself): honey, when you have big hips, highly decorated/blingy back pockets are NOT your friend. They draw attention exactly where you don't want it. Also, the vacuum-suctioned-to-your-leg look doesn't look good on very many women at all.


Oh, the Richards...the husband trying to hide his lust behind "it's in the OldNew Testament (is there a NewNew Testament?)". There are a lot of actions written in the Bible, and some are things NOT to do. Just a thought to blow his poor little ol' mind.

  • Love 2

I'm familiar with the Mormon history, the Missouri war, etc. There's no doubt that all the conflicts had two sides, and the Mormons were certainly not blameless, but I don't think that's especially relevant to how Mormons feel that they are strangers in a hostile land. They lost. They got their butts kicked in one state after another. (Missouri came on the heels of New York, Ohio, and Illinois.) They were passionately hated by the people around them long before they started provoking people, and even before polygamy. Their political and economic cohesion alone was seen as a threat. People also really hated the way they called themselves "Saints" and everyone else "Gentiles" (shades of "chosen people").


But even if you read the history as entirely a story of Mormons getting what was coming to them...Kody et al. certainly don't read it that way. And that's really what's at issue for me in this episode. The BROWNS believe that they were persecuted by the majority, as they've told us many times. And in light of that, their disrespect to someone else's sacred narrative of exile and redemption is especially obnoxious and ignorant.

  • Love 4

Meri's jeans (and I say this as a less-than-petite woman myself): honey, when you have big hips, highly decorated/blingy back pockets are NOT your friend. They draw attention exactly where you don't want it. Also, the vacuum-suctioned-to-your-leg look doesn't look good on very many women at all.


Oh, the Richards...the husband trying to hide his lust behind "it's in the OldNew Testament (is there a NewNew Testament?)". There are a lot of actions written in the Bible, and some are things NOT to do. Just a thought to blow his poor little ol' mind.


and plus, as tight as they are... Meri is the poster child for a yeast infection medication commercial.

  • Love 3

I understand that they feel that this is a religious calling, but I get really aggravated at them claiming persecution.  Christian history - even recent history is full of examples of people who suffered and were in fact persecuted for their faith.  Having to check mark "single mother" on a welfare form is not as wrought with danger as passing out Bibles or conducting services in the USSR or China.  I will admit they have probably experienced prejudice, but seeing as how they mostly lived in a polygamist bubble, I can't imagine that it was that often.  Prejudice is not the same as persecution, to my mind.


Maybe the constant snipes about monogamists is a defensive mechanism, but it's really undermining their message of "everyone should pick their family."

  • Love 8


I'm not even Jewish and I was insulted by that entire scene. The know-it-all is a know-nothing who lives for a spotlight he doesn't deserve. The melon head hosting him was equally appalling.


I was literally cringing during that entire segment.  Like ducking my head and turning away because Kody was just being so revolting and clueless.  I wanted to hit him.  Actually, I spent most of this entire episode cringing.  The Browns seemed really nervous and their anxiety was displayed in different ways for each of the adults.


  • Kody got goofy (goofier) and chatty and physically and verbally aggressive, scaring that little ginger boy because one of his (Kody's) daughters would be attracted to the little boy?!?!  WTF?!
  • Christine became talkative.  I mean really talkative, as in would not Shut The Fuck UP talkative.  I was embarrased for her and her ignorance.
  • Janelle was even more disengaged from the rest of the Browns than normal, if that's possible.
  • Robin was shut down and bored, as someone posted above.  Yes, she was looking at her phone and fallling asleep.  I suppose she's pregnant again.  *yawn*
  • Meri seemed shy but she didn't bother me because she didn't say much.


There is no doubt in my mind that those three weirdos share a bedroom and a bed.  No doubt.  The first wife used the old ruse of mentioning OTHER plygs who share a bedroom but it didn't work on me.  And the Browns were really horrified about that because it goes against their principles.  Mine too, I think.


This episode was hard for me to watch.  I never thought of myself as a prude but maybe I am.


  • Love 5
Kody got goofy (goofier) and chatty and physically and verbally aggressive, scaring that little ginger boy because one of his (Kody's) daughters would be attracted to the little boy?!?!  WTF?!


Well, he mentioned Aspyn, who is considerably older than the boy. I don't think he was trying to say she would be attracted to him - just that she thought redheads were really cute or something. At any rate, Kody singled him out (when several of them had red hair) and the boy is at that age where ANY attention from a girl is verbotten. He should have known better, having so many boys himself. But let's not delude ourselves and think he actually RAISED them. In addition, I bet Kody loved any attention, all attention, all the time. So he just assumes everyone else does. Yikes. 

  • Love 2

Yes, I've seen the show.  It was interesting in a very odd way.  I think that there was a thread for that show or one just like it on TWoP (RIP) that got a bit of traffic.


For kicks and giggles, I googled something about looking for a sister wife and there are lots of people looking- both the sister wife and families!!  Most that I saw were not religious just wanted the lifestyle.  One couple wanted a "triad." Oh my........


I can't even find one husband!!!  Sheesh!! 

Don't worry.  According to the rules of polygamy, you can just pick yourself out a married man to fall in love with.  Just explain to his wife that it's all Biblical, so it's ok.  You should be prepared to run...perhaps in a zigzag fashion.

  • Love 10


I just don't get what the second wife is getting out of it. If you am going to be dumb enough to be talked into becoming a second wife, the guy better be crazy hot, sensitive and all-around awesome.

This is a good question, and my immediate response was, what were her options? How many marriageable men are there in evangelical churches outside Springfield, MO? If this guy is employed, doesn't have a prison record, isn't obese, takes an interest in his children, doesn't beat women, etc....that may put him at the 95th percentile in her community. We don't know. But everybody makes big life decisions in light of the alternatives they perceive. Maybe she thought she was getting too old and had no other shot at a guy with those qualities.

Christine missed the chicken life lesson completely with that little girl. As it has been stated, they are her brothers and sisters not "half-siblings" and lots of kids have more than 1" mom" with the divorce rate in the US. Made up boo hooing. I don't buy the bullying story at all.


Christine, hens lay eggs without a rooster. However IF they want babies,12 hens to 1 rooster is a good ratio and they are happy in the coop. But what happens to the extra males born? Culled shortly after birth,or stewed cockerels in chickendom or "lost boys" in the polygamy world. Sickening! Tranfer that lesson to the Browns. Soloman would get to be a rooster and the other brothers are fryers.


I'll take my "boring", monogamous, 2 by 2 ark Bible story, family life anyday.

  • Love 7

Christine missed the chicken life lesson completely with that little girl. As it has been stated, they are her brothers and sisters not "half-siblings" and lots of kids have more than 1" mom" with the divorce rate in the US. Made up boo hooing. I don't buy the bullying story at all.

Christine, hens lay eggs without a rooster. However IF they want babies,12 hens to 1 rooster is a good ratio and they are happy in the coop. But what happens to the extra males born? Culled shortly after birth,or stewed cockerels in chickendom or "lost boys" in the polygamy world. Sickening! Tranfer that lesson to the Browns. Soloman would get to be a rooster and the other brothers are fryers.

I'll take my "boring", monogamous, 2 by 2 ark Bible story, family life anyday.

And that's the basic problem with these polygamous sects. There are roughly an equal amount of males and females born into this world. In the Browns' sect, if one man has four wives, then there must be three men without one at all. The excess males have to leave or resign themselves to celibacy.

  • Love 2
But everybody makes big life decisions in light of the alternatives they perceive. Maybe she thought she was getting too old and had no other shot at a guy with those qualities.


True. You might as well ask why any modern woman becomes a not so spectacular guy's mistress but, but they still do, and at the very least its all out in the open here. Also I do remember reading somewhere that there are more people like Robyn (and Janelle) - divorced women who become later wives than you might think in polygamous communities, maybe that was also in play here.


I don't think either polygamy or poly in general would suit me in practice in the slightest, but there have been various times when I've thought in theory that a part time partner would be great compared to either no partner or a full time partner. I do think being open about wanting to sleep with other people is preferable to having a secret affair, but that the other partner should also get the opportunity to run screaming in the other direction and not brow beaten into it, which is what often seems to happen even within "polyamory".




There is no doubt in my mind that those three weirdos share a bedroom and a bed.  No doubt.  The first wife used the old ruse of mentioning OTHER plygs who share a bedroom but it didn't work on me.  And the Browns were really horrified about that because it goes against their principles.  Mine too, I think.


I wouldn't want to do it, both for practical, hygiene and emotional reasons, but I don't think its so much worse than having 4 separate houses because your wives who share your dick, your personality and your time can't bare to share a kitchen or even co-exist within the same 4 walls. Women who by their own admission hated seeing the evidence that their "husband" actually does so "romantic" stuff with the others on film. At least you'd get to see them every night.

Edited by Featherhat

And that's the basic problem with these polygamous sects. There are roughly an equal amount of males and females born into this world. In the Browns' sect, if one man has four wives, then there must be three men without one at all. The excess males have to leave or resign themselves to celibacy.

I don't get this either. How do they explain that God lets babies be born roughtly 50/50 girls/boys if they are supposed to live polygamy? If that was really what they believe God wanted, then wouldn't he make more girls be born than boys?

  • Love 7

Was this some kind of joke?  That Richards family was strange.  All that "dream" stuff about how they knew they belonged together, what BS. The sharing a bite thing and taking it as far as him calling home and sharing a bite over the phone with a wife. This guy just wants a girlfriend.   They definitely share a bedroom.  When they were talking about it, but not admitting it was them, the husband kind of smirked.  I am not sure if Christine is trying to convince us polygamy is a better way of life or convince herself.   What a waste of an hour.  In fact this whole season has been terrible.  

  • Love 8

The Browns seemed really nervous and their anxiety was displayed in different ways for each of the adults.




I think I lost my first post.  If this repeats, sorry.  I said....I think it was because the Browns live polygamy because of their faith, but the other guys seem to use faith as an excuse for a threesome.  Say what you will about Kody, he has never come off as a horndog.  Goofball, yes.  Man on the make, not so much.  And Kody seemed to understand the difference between them and was appropriately uncomfortable.   Me too.

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 5
You might as well ask why any modern woman becomes a not so spectacular guy's mistress but, but they still do, and at the very least its all out in the open here.


Every one of the Brown women have shown signs of insecurity and low self esteem.  They probably thought that being with a controlling manchild was preferable to being alone and since they have the pseudo-religious excuse to justify it, they were ready to live in hell rather than live alone.  Since they've been brainwashed to spout the party line, they don't see how miserable they all are.  However, their misery is totally transparent to the rest of the world and they have become the poster children for polygamy as the worst possible way to live.  


And that's just talking about the feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and dislike for each other. Don't get me started on the welfare fraud, bankruptcies, and grifting....

  • Love 4

That was... interesting...


My random thoughts:

I got the impression the VonTrapp kid call out thing was not a regular thing. Those kids were like, "WTH Dad". 


That Richards guy was no looker and seemed low in personality, but I got the feeling he is probably good with words (i.e. able to manipulate well). Frankly, after so many kids year after year, Wife 1 might have been more easily wooed into sharing the marriage bed with someone else so she could get a break. Clearly they do not believe in birth control and she has Duggar like breeding abilities. I am the same way and as the only BC that has not caused me problems is condoms, every intimate encounter does create a little fear. I could well understand her being talked into it from the perspective of getting a break from marital duties, especially since in these types of religious types there is very much a "do it whenever your man wants even if you don't" type thing.


The Richards kid babbling on about how animals are polygamous or whatever... huh? I hope that was a script or she was very very poorly brainwashed.


The most interesting episode of the season but that isn't really saying much...

I would agree that Christine is not making a good impression by repeatedly making fun of/putting down monogamy. Granted, I like Christine and she seems kind enough, but she also seems oblivious at times to the way her words come across. She should remember that some of their children will probably be monogamous and she is already putting down that way of life.  

I agree with others also that Janelle and Robyn seemed bored and tired throughout this episode! I don't know what's going on with them. 

What is up with the ominous background music these days during the TH segments? I think they are trying to change up the tone of them for some variety but it's weird. 

  • Love 2

Rebecca Richard is a Looney toon! I found the whole "needing a stunt double while baking cookies" a bizarre explanation.


What is with the Inspirational sayings plaques? Their house was littered with them just like all the Browns. 


The little girl Abigail who was talking to Christine was SO obviously fed her lines. It came across as so scripted.


Robyn finally had a nugget of truth in the previews when she said she initially thought of Cody: "He's probably an idiot."  

  • Love 6

I know they like to claim they were persecuted, but the historical facts tell a different story. Early Mormons declared war on the people of Missouri, claiming the state as their inheritance from the Lord. They attempted a political takeover, and harassed and threatened non-Mormons to keep them away from the polls. Early Mormon leaders were the ones who called for extermination of the citizens of Missouri. Retaliation by those citizens was inevitable. If you're interested in reading about those times, it's called the Missouri War of 1838.


ITA, and it irks me no end every time the persecution crap is given a venue. At every place they located (even temporarily, let alone where they settled in) they pilfered stored food/crops in the field/livestock and lured/tried to lure the citizens' wives/daughters/sisters into their fold. People in those days didn't cotton much to thieves/rustlers in their midst and, especially in the outlying territories, often had to assist law enforcement or be their own law enforcement. The true history tells a much different story; the true story is one of self defense against predators rather than persecution of outsiders. Another very enlightening incident is the Mountain Meadows Massacre.


I can picture the responses if the Browns were asked about the above instances. Kody would get the doing-long-division-in-his-head look, Christine would be *crickets,* Robyn would snarl something, and Meri and Janelle would look at the floor.

  • Love 6

I will agree that all sorts of people were persecuted for their religion, and others for their skin color, disabilities or disaformities.  However, I don't believe in ancestral persecution being used as a reason to whine about your own life... which is what Kody does.  Kody and his wives have never been persecuted.  Yes, they were told not to tell strangers about their illegal lifestyle when they were kids. Yes, they were being investigated for doing something illegal and to rule out welfare fraud.   Yes, Christine's grandfather (who she seems to have never met?) was thrown in jail.... for doing something which was illegal and which the Mormons had already declared inappropriate.   However, Kody and his family seem to have lived in various places and have only once claimed to have left because they were being investigated.... and that time they were on television shouting their status out to all and thumbing their nose at the law.   If you are going to live an alternate lifestyle, you have to recognize that it is ALTERNATE, meaning not the standard, and that  you will get funny looks and some people won't want to be friends with you.  It's like wearing 16 piercings, even more tattoos, and blue spiked hair and getting mad because someone looked at you funny. 

  • Love 5

Just half-watched, I read the posts here and then decide if I want to watch, if I do, I try to pay attention to what has been commented on here. Color me confused. When Christine was talking with the Richards  rooster girl, the child stated something about not knowing how to refer to her half-siblings. Then I heard that all 9 of their children are biologically the first wife's. So all of her siblings are her siblings. What did I misunderstand? Asshat Kody embarassed the little ginger boy- what a jerk. I do think Christine is the only one drinking Kody's kool-aid now.


I will agree that all sorts of people were persecuted for their religion, and others for their skin color, disabilities or disaformities. However, I don't believe in ancestral persecution being used as a reason to whine about your own life... which is what Kody does. Kody and his wives have never been persecuted. Yes, they were told not to tell strangers about their illegal lifestyle when they were kids. Yes, they were being investigated for doing something illegal and to rule out welfare fraud. Yes, Christine's grandfather (who she seems to have never met?) was thrown in jail.... for doing something which was illegal and which the Mormons had already declared inappropriate. However, Kody and his family seem to have lived in various places and have only once claimed to have left because they were being investigated.... and that time they were on television shouting their status out to all and thumbing their nose at the law. If you are going to live an alternate lifestyle, you have to recognize that it is ALTERNATE, meaning not the standard, and that you will get funny looks and some people won't want to be friends with you. It's like wearing 16 piercings, even more tattoos, and blue spiked hair and getting mad because someone looked at you funny.

I'm from Wyoming. One thing I'm always watching for is suggestion of persecution while they lived here. They may have specific evidence to the contrary, but let me say this generally: the "live and let live" mantra here is real. Not to say it's all hand-holding and Kumbaya singing. (I personally can attest to that as a member of the minority party.) Rather, the attitude of Meri's former employers (and all of their friends from the area that we've met) is the general attitude that I would expect from pretty much anywhere in the state - especially if the Browns simply went about living their lives. The area where they lived is heavily LDS, so there may be a bit more side-eye directed their way. But if they weren't going out of their way to bother others, no one would care.

Now, as I think about this, two things would not have been well received. One of them would be Kody running around town acting like the jackass we know him to be. (But then, I suspect he's always been a jackass. That probably wouldn't be anything new to them.)

The other would be clear evidence that they (Kody) were not taking care of their own (e.g., "bleeding the beast"), especially if it was impacting the children in some visible way. That's one thing that does not go over well in most regions of the state (and is reflected in our public policy). Self-reliance is an ultimate ideal here. Let's just say that having even one more child than you can care for yourself would not qualify you for hero status. But it also wouldn't automatically qualify you for public persecution.

Anything beyond that while they were in Wyoming, without tangible evidence to the contrary, I will credit to being either their endless paranoia or them making such fools of themselves that people eventually reacted.

It's one of several reasons I probably won't be watching the finale this week. I like my TV and don't want to launch my shoe through it.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 4

Just half-watched, I read the posts here and then decide if I want to watch, if I do, I try to pay attention to what has been commented on here. Color me confused. When Christine was talking with the Richards  rooster girl, the child stated something about not knowing how to refer to her half-siblings. Then I heard that all 9 of their children are biologically the first wife's. So all of her siblings are her siblings. What did I misunderstand? Asshat Kody embarassed the little ginger boy- what a jerk. I do think Christine is the only one drinking Kody's kool-aid now.


This bolded statement gave me the most awful visual in my head ever.  Ew.

  • Love 4

This episode was so boring that it took me three days to get through it. I kept getting distracted by other stuff and abandoning the DVR. I probably only stuck with it so I could read and understand the posts here.


I was looking for some information on the strange Richard family and didn't find much, but this statement by a TLC spokesperson in their local newspaper was interesting:


Shannon Llanes, a spokeswoman for the show, said the Richard family appeared on the show after a friend of the Browns learned about the Richard family in a polygamy chat group online.


I was wondering how these people got booked on an episode of Sister Wives, but I doubt that a "friend" of the Browns found them in a polygamy chat group online. It was probably the producers who found them online and figured they could base a couple of episodes on the Browns meeting the Richards. Before I watched the episode, I thought maybe they were trying these people out for a new show, but they were so boring, I doubt that would work.


This show really is out of ideas and it's time to pull the plug. These last two episodes sucked, and now next week looks like a flashback episode. 


That creepy Richard dude is simply some tool who had his wife perpetually pregnant and then thought it would be fun to move in a girlfriend. That's all they are; a guy, his wife, and his live-in girlfriend who gets stuck helping out with the cooking, cleaning, and caring for nine kids who aren't hers. Plus, she has a job and ends up spending all her money supporting someone else's family. Crazy. She seems to be totally used by both Richards. It's a shame she doesn't have any family members or friends who could make her realize what a raw deal this is for her and help her get out of it and find a more normal and satisfying life. I suspect her low self esteem, coupled with the fact that she's having fertility issues, is what's keeping her there. Sad, very sad.

Edited by LuckyBitch
  • Love 9


His thought was that if he is a good man then why shouldn't another women or several be married to him instead of one of the many bad husbands.

Well, this was my theory about Mrs. Richards #2. We can all say that it's better to be alone than in a crummy situation, but apparently she doesn't think so, and she doesn't think she can do any better.


This may be the theory about why so many boy babies are born when only some will be able to take plural wives. The rest of the men are unworthy, and the women are better off sharing a worthy man than having a bad one to themselves.


I thought it was very telling when the Richards guy told his wife he wishes he could clone her so he would have someone to cuddle with while she is in the kitchen baking cookies. NOT that he wanted a clone to bake cookies while he cuddles with HER?

Interesting because I interpreted it differently: He knows she prefers to bake (for whatever reason, eg she likes to bake for her family or she wants to avoid cuddling), and he'd rather cuddle. End result is the same, and he gets everything he wants.

And -- god I hate to write this -- I think the Browns honestly believe they practice polygamy because their religion commands it. The Richards seem to want polyamory but can't take responsibility for it, and they've selectively chosen scripture to hide as polygamists. By doing that, the Richards are mocking the Browns' beliefs. I understand why the Browns were rude to the Richards. I also think the Browns should've have the discussion with the Richards instead of being assholes after the fact, but the Browns don't have the knowledge about their religion (and only selectively follow portions of it as well) to have an honest debate with anyone.

That written, I hate all of them. Go to school, at least get a bachelor's or a technical or professional degree, and stop spending every penny you have because you consider welfare and bankruptcy viable solutions.

Edited by Kiddvideofan
  • Love 3
...the Browns don't have the knowledge about their religion (and only selectively follow portions of it as well) to have an honest debate with anyone.


I absolutely agree but I maintain that they don't practice polygamy because of religious reasons.  If you don't know the tenets (not "tenants" as they like to babble idiotically) of their religion then what they do has no religious basis.  I could make anything up like my religion says that I need to spit on my hand and turn three times before I eat bread because of my religion.  But if I don't know a damned thing ABOUT my religion and cannot site any doctrines then it's just something I made up.


And saying "I do it because it's in the Bible" is just as feeble.  There are a slew of bizarre rules in the Bible that they don't pay any attention to.  There's is a shopping cart religion - take what you want and leave the rest.  Too bad there isn't a rule about bankruptcy and welfare fraud in there that we could refer them to.  Of course they would ignore that one.

  • Love 2

I think the Christian plygs contacted TLC to be on the show.  The Richards group was picked to be the "example" like the Browns represent the Mormon plygs.  Of course it didn't go too well because the Richards are not interesting so there will be no show.   Maybe this group of Christian plygs who want their 15 minutes will try to come up with another family to represent them.  I wonder what cult will next show up trying to make a buck on TLC?

  • Love 2
I found the whole "needing a stunt double while baking cookies" a bizarre explanation.



Well, to be fair as a working mom I do find myself not infrequently wishing there was another version of me, the one who stayed home and did the cleaning and laundry and organizing which I hate doing.  I tell my husband all the time that I need a wife.  But never in my craziest moments have I ever even considered the idea of that other person also sharing my husband and raising a joint family with me.  I'd rather have a messy house, thank you!

  • Love 3

Well, to be fair as a working mom I do find myself not infrequently wishing there was another version of me, the one who stayed home and did the cleaning and laundry and organizing which I hate doing.  I tell my husband all the time that I need a wife.  But never in my craziest moments have I ever even considered the idea of that other person also sharing my husband and raising a joint family with me.  I'd rather have a messy house, thank you!

I must say,  somewhat off topic, that I think it's awesome when the mod is actively participating in the conversation!!!  Thank you!

  • Love 6
But if I don't know a damned thing ABOUT my religion and cannot site any doctrines then it's just something I made up.


That's sadly not uncommon. You'd be amazed at the number of (reasonably intelligent) people who know nothing about what they believe or why they do anything to do with their religion, its history, its doctrines, its symbolism. 


I think the Browns at least do (or at least did) have a much stronger link to their religion than they ever advertised. Before Vegas a lot of the places they lived were quite heavily AUB and the kids went to “plyg school” organised by their church. One of their (or the AUB itself) conditions for the show was that they didn’t talk much about religion, thereby giving the impression that they were almost randomly polygamist instead of part of a community that 3 of the wives were born in to. They might not have been able to argue doctrine much, but no worse than many people from more mainstream groups. 


The Richards OTOH do seem to be using the Bible as cover for Daddy Richards wanting to move a girlfriend in. Of course Kody’s teenage conversion (and his father’s late in life one) can be considered in much the same light.

  • Love 2
I thought it was very telling when the Richards guy told his wife he wishes he could clone her so he would have someone to cuddle with while she is in the kitchen baking cookies.  NOT that he wanted a clone to bake cookies while he cuddles with HER?


My response to him would have been - "Bitch, it takes ten minutes to make some cookies. You can't wait to cuddle? Or cuddle one of the kids???"


He would have had to sell me a lot harder than that ridiculous nonsense. 

  • Love 5


Well, this was my theory about Mrs. Richards #2. We can all say that it's better to be alone than in a crummy situation, but apparently she doesn't think so, and she doesn't think she can do any better.

I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian environment with traditional gender roles.  Girls mostly only attended the denominational college to try and meet a husband.  If you graduated from college, and were not at least engaged, then you were considered an old maid.  You were destined to become the spinster Sunday School teacher.  The guys of course, continue to look to college age (or even 17-18 year olds) as fodder for wifing even after they graduate.  I have witnessed many of my friends get out of college and panicking, so they then marry the first guy who comes along, and for the most part, it's been rough going. 


The Richards didn't go into a lot of detail about their faith, so I'm not sure what doctrine they are associated with.  I got kind of an evangelical/fundamental vibe from them, but who knows.  But I can honestly see how the new Mrs Richards would be flattered to even be considered, and I can understand why she would feel like this was her last chance to be married.  It's sad. 


Also would like to mention that I made it through a couple years of college without being married off, because "I was too opinionated, and didn't submit very well".  LOL. 

  • Love 8

I think the Browns at least do (or at least did) have a much stronger link to their religion than they ever advertised. Before Vegas a lot of the places they lived were quite heavily AUB and the kids went to “plyg school” organised by their church. One of their (or the AUB itself) conditions for the show was that they didn’t talk much about religion, thereby giving the impression that they were almost randomly polygamist instead of part of a community that 3 of the wives were born in to. They might not have been able to argue doctrine much, but no worse than many people from more mainstream groups.

The Richards OTOH do seem to be using the Bible as cover for Daddy Richards wanting to move a girlfriend in. Of course Kody’s teenage conversion (and his father’s late in life one) can be considered in much the same light.

If I remember right from reading the Browns' book, only Christine was born into this lifestyle. Kody was grown and away serving on his LDS mission when his parents converted. Meri's parents were also mainstream LDS. They took a second wife when Meri was 5, but she only stayed 2 years. They didn't go plural again until Meri was 10. Janelle's family was and is mainstream LDS. She got involved with Meri's brother. Their marriage only lasted 6 months. Then came Kody.

The thing that really surprised me is that, in the book, they all talk about how warm and inviting the lifestyle is. But when they had the episode with all their mothers, they talked about how hard their lives have been. Was this bunch just completely clueless when they were kids that they never picked up on the tensions and tears?

You're probably right that a lot of people don't know all that much about their church's history. Janelle said (in the book) that when she met Meri's family, she was surprised they were polygamists. She thought polygamy was a myth.

Edited by technorebel
  • Love 2

Thank goodness most of their kids have seen what it truly is.

Yes and, with the exception of Mariah, they don't seem interested in it.

It's interesting to me that Meri was the child of a first wife (the legal marriage), and the only Brown kid seriously considering polygamy is her child who is the daughter of a first wife, the legal one. They may say it doesn't matter which wife is first, but it must make a difference.

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Check out what I just stumbled across totally by accident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a2r21TSMTY.  It perfectly encapsulates the sheer douchebaggery that is Kody Brown.


I don't think it's possible for me to hate this dude any more than I do.

Again, how in the hell did he get four women to marry him? (Robyn looks extremely witchy in this clip.)

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