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S14.E18: Wild, Wild Key West

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I just cannot with the "fat" comments about Gina, Emily, even ol' Vicks. There's a difference between having body fat and "flab" in undesirable places that you'd like to cover up and being "fat" or unhealthy

I think Emily's problem is that she wears shiny, too-tight clothes that make her look like a 10-pound sausage stuffed into a 5-pound skin. She wouldn't get so many negative comments if she didn't DRESS like she believes she's a size 0.

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51 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I don't think she is fat, but I defend your right to call her that!  I defend the right to fat-shame, emaciated-shame, slut-shame, you name it!  It's like freedom of speech, you can't stand for it only when you like what is being said. 

These women sold their souls to the devil.  They get paid a lot of money to take vacations, drink and fight with each other.  It is all fair game. 

Mention it all!!!

Yes, and of course I'm going to riff off this post!

If you think about it, why is ok to "behavior-shame"?  If Gina was feeling stressed so she drank and drove and got a DUI, who are we really to judge?  I made the same argument that Emily made about Vicki earlier this season--I said that Kelly should stop comparing women to farm animals and only attack their character, because she's not setting a good example for her daughter, but if we're going down that road, shouldn't we examine each and every aspect of Vicki's behavior before we criticize it?  Maybe some, or much of it, is genetic, as genetic as her pig-like nose.  Or maybe she was raised with a hyper-critical mother (she was), which taught her from a really young age to shriek when she doesn't get her way otherwise she wouldn't be heard?

I think judging these women who are on our TVs is all a continuum.  It's probably all technically wrong.  We should probably seek to understand them, but since I'm not about to do that, and I'm going to fall short of that standard, I'm going to "mention it all" lol until someone can articulate a bright line rule about what is fair game and what isn't and why.

As far as Gina, I am 100% going to notice her abdomen in a bikini.  I cannot not observe that it's not completely tight.  I think one of the reasons I comment on it is because Gina is that bitch.  She's that shallow bitch that has always jockeyed for position based on sex appeal and looks, and she judges men according to these standards.  They all have to "be hot."  I guarantee Gina wouldn't date a man whose abdomen looked like hers, or at least she'd rag for him it, unless he had a lot of money.

 If "the girl" that Matt was/is fucking had anything other than washboard abs, Gina would be shouting it from the rooftops, so fuck you Gina, fucking schadenfreude is a bitch, what can I tell you?


And just for the record, I don't think Gina "should" be thinner; hell, I hope she puts on more weight.  I don't care.  I don't think being fat or skinny is something to be ashamed of.

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Tres amigas🤮🤮🤮🤮I would give just about anything to have them never appear on my TV screen again.  The screeching, the acting, the thinking they are so cute with their ridiculous “antics”. Someone, anyone, please make them go away.

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23 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Yes, and of course I'm going to riff off this post!

If you think about it, why is ok to "behavior-shame"?  If Gina was feeling stressed so she drank and drove and got a DUI, who are we really to judge?  I made the same argument that Emily made about Vicki earlier this season--I said that Kelly should stop comparing women to farm animals and only attack their character, because she's not setting a good example for her daughter, but if we're going down that road, shouldn't we examine each and every aspect of Vicki's behavior before we criticize it?  Maybe some, or much of it, is genetic, as genetic as her pig-like nose.  Or maybe she was raised with a hyper-critical mother (she was), which taught her from a really young age to shriek when she doesn't get her way otherwise she wouldn't be heard?

I think judging these women who are on our TVs is all a continuum.  It's probably all technically wrong.  We should probably seek to understand them, but since I'm not about to do that, and I'm going to fall short of that standard, I'm going to "mention it all" lol until someone can articulate a bright line rule about what is fair game and what isn't and why.

Behavior that puts others in danger can be judged and shamed. Fat shaming, age shaming- weight (sometimes) and age are things that we have no control over and shaming is wrong. Gina making the idiotic and dangerous choice of drinking and driving (as well as her idiotic choice of reckless driving after that) can and SHOULD be shamed bc that bitch could have killed someone on the road

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54 minutes ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

I think Emily's problem is that she wears shiny, too-tight clothes that make her look like a 10-pound sausage stuffed into a 5-pound skin. She wouldn't get so many negative comments if she didn't DRESS like she believes she's a size 0.

I'll become an OC HoWife for $75,000.00 - $100,000.00 a season and let the entire world shame me for everything and anything! 

But I don't qualify to be an OC HoWife because I don't have a mate, or a soon to be ex, or a soon to be future ex, or obnoxious children, or fake tits. 

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24 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Behavior that puts others in danger can be judged and shamed. Fat shaming, age shaming- weight (sometimes) and age are things that we have no control over and shaming is wrong. Gina making the idiotic and dangerous choice of drinking and driving (as well as her idiotic choice of reckless driving after that) can and SHOULD be shamed bc that bitch could have killed someone on the road

This seems to make sense on its face, but my mind immediately goes to strange places upon reading this:

If shaming is wrong, then shouldn't we not shame Gina for her behavior?  Shouldn't we just hope to teach her?  Or offer her support in changing?

On the other end of the spectrum, Emily is overweight (not fat, but over her ideal weight), yet she never turns down a drink (which is full of calories) and she doesn't seem to be following any kind of diet, yet she's having all these surgeries and getting body parts replaced.  I know some or a lot of it has to do with her RA, which she can't control, but some of it is due to having too much weight on her frame, yet she's not making an attempt to modify the part she can control.  Emily's own behavior and choices are preventing her from fully participating with her children (she said it on the show).  Couldn't one characterize that as reckless? Or dangerous?  

That's what I mean when I say I think it's all part of the same continuum.  

I don't really believe in shaming as a rule, because I don't think it's productive, nor does it result in positive behavior modification.  So I wouldn't shame either of the above in real life.  

But like I said in Small Talk, a lot of what we're doing is just observing and judging, not shaming, and I think Gina and Emily both deserve judgment for their behavior (one 10,000 times more than the other) so I still don't see a bright-line difference.

I'm not going to discuss this anymore in the thread, but if anyone wants to follow up in Small Talk, I'm game. 

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Why put them up somewhere really nice when one of them will pee the bed?  Or be a pain in the ass for their real wealthy guests?  They get what they are worth?

But... I mean...this describes all of the RHW franchises. 

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3 hours ago, ChitChat said:

She acts like she's never seen them before!  Her reactions to certain things baffle me, given that she's a fall-down drunk who whoops it up with no shame.  

They're all ridiculous.  Kelly stating that she has anger issues is the understatement of the year.  She has gotten worse about flying off the handle.  I'm afraid of her from way over here on the eastern side of the U.S.!   I hate that she includes her daughter in all of her conversations about things no child should ever have to listen to, or give advice about.  You're the adult, Kelly!  Let your daughter enjoy being a young lady.  You're supposed to guide her, not the other way around.  

And yes, Tamra, Vicki is clumsy, but she was also very drunk.  It's no surprise that she landed on her ass. 

Well, get set as I’m sure Kelly will be living here in the City and tha Hamptons.  Maybe we will bump into her in Whole Foods or somewhere on the Island, as her boyfriend has residences in both the city and Hamptons.  That’s if you live in N.Y. lol.

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21 hours ago, Marley said:

Love that Kelly threw the cancer scam in Vicki’s face and called her a conwoman. Vicki is a conwoman. Her attempts at insulting Kelly was a joke. Vicki looked fucking deranged screaming. She thinks she’s something special and I think she thought she was funny at the end screaming about wearing masks. I hate seeing her on the screen.

The problem though is that Kelly never had an issue with Vicki being a "conwoman" before, so which is it? Does Kelly really care about the morality here or is she simply looking for ways to defame Vicki? Either Kelly was originally willing to overlook Vicki being in on a cancer scam in order to have a friend on the show or else she is now lying about thinking VIcki is a conwoman in order to make her look bad. Either way, Kelly doesn't have a moral leg to stand on - there's dishonesty on her part in either scenario. Which makes her not much better than Vicki.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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Every time I see Tamra's foobs, I'm reminded of how painful they look. When you get a boob job, can you indicate whether you want them to have some natural sag vs. just bolted on? Either Tamra opted for the latter, thinking it's sexy, or she picked a really shitty plastic surgeon.

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If I hear “ whoop it’s up” one more time, I will throw it up.  Get a new line already, you hag, and act your age.  Who drinks, screams, falls, and jumps around on top of bars?  I’m calling Steve and gonna give him the 411.

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13 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Every time I see Tamra's foobs, I'm reminded of how painful they look. When you get a boob job, can you indicate whether you want them to have some natural sag vs. just bolted on? Either Tamra opted for the latter, thinking it's sexy, or she picked a really shitty plastic surgeon.

How many enhancements and deflations has she had?  I remember when she had them reduced, but now they look rather large again.  Maybe it was the bathing suit pushing them up.  It can't be healthy for her to keep going back and forth on them - assuming she's had multiple enhancements.  I can't keep track.  

To answer your question, I have no idea how that works, but I did have a co-worker once who had an enhancement, and much to me and my other co-workers surprise, said co-worker raised her shirt while we were all in the office kitchen to show off her new pair, and they looked hard as rocks!  That might've been because they were brand new.  I don't know.  They didn't look "pretty" though.  She might've went too big for her body size. 

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2 hours ago, Mar said:

Tres amigas🤮🤮🤮🤮I would give just about anything to have them never appear on my TV screen again.  The screeching, the acting, the thinking they are so cute with their ridiculous “antics”. Someone, anyone, please make them go away.

Tres Amigas my ass.  They are all miserable in one way or another.  Give me my pj’s and Netflix and I’m in heaven.  Add the hubs in too, lol.  They are all full of shit.

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52 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Well, get set as I’m sure Kelly will be living here in the City and tha Hamptons.

I anxiously await your report on your anticipated run-in with her!  😉  She must really be desperate to get married.  I thought she loved the doctor.  Now she's on to the next guy.  It just seems like a weird match.  

5 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

They are all full of shit.

That sums it up in a nutshell!!  No truer words have ever been uttered! 

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Emily is a big lady. I don't think it's a big deal, except that she is always making contradictory statements. She makes off handed comments that imply she's insecure about her weight, but then she also says she embraces her body. My personal thought is that she's a binge eater.  I had a friend that was really big (bigger than she was comfortable being) and she had these dietary restrictions about gluten, and she would always pack a healthy lunch, and she ate healthy. But she admitted that she binge eats at times. Like an entire bag of Doritos and an entire cake and ice cream. She'd "diet" until she felt hungry again, which could be days or weeks, and then do it all over. I'm not saying that Emily has BED, but she's taking in a bunch of calories somewhere. 

Tamra seems to be fine with eating for the most part, so is Vicki, Gina, and Kelly. THis is just me, but as someone with a lot of eating problems and history of eating disorder, I HATE to see it on this show. I hate the ladies with obvious eating disorders, because it just reminds me of how hard it is to be normal, and how obvious it is when you aren't. Brownyn, Lisa Rinna, and Jackie from NJ are currently the folks I fast forward because of how they always have to make a big deal about food and eating. 

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Most of what I’ve read about Emily is that she has a good figure (I agree), and that shes overweight but not obese (I agree). BMI is more of a load bearing calculation than an indication of fat. Most people aren’t over because of “big bones “ or extra muscle mass. Body builders are an outlier, and even though they have very low Body fat (not too healthy) , they are still carrying too much weight for their frames. Doesn’t matter if your ripped or fat. She carries the weight well, but The skeletal structure is stressed. 

Stating that someone is overweight when they are is a fact. Emily herself put her weight on front street. She revealed she has RA, and the extra weight is a big stress. She battled haters on social media, chastising them for body shaming. Then she turns her ass on older women, age shaming them. Then she ridiculed the drag acts by comparing them to Vicki, so now she’s a drag shamer. And let’s talk about how this age shamer doesn’t look a day over 47 and has the voice of a humorless schoolmarm over 65. If she thinks she gets a free pass because she’s overweight and untouchable due to political correctness, well I say let’s discuss that shitty topper and extensions she’s disguising her thinning hair with. And let’s speculate that she and that 3 Homer Simpson hairs having idiot Kelly buy all their faux hair at the poop store. 

I think she’s a complete asshole, and we’re free to say that here. I don’t comment on any of these hags SM. I don’t go into their personal space. 

Now let’s talk about Brownstone’s weird sinewy potbelly.  

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I'm a little disappointed Kelly has made it from my Mom had anger issues and was vicious - and I do too. But not that she has realized she is teaching the exact same thing to her 12 year old daughter. 

So sick of the screeching.

And find it hard to believe Emily has RA. Oh to be able to afford the good drugs and carry on and be fine carrying on.

Edited by maggiemae
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1 hour ago, ChitChat said:

To answer your question, I have no idea how that works, but I did have a co-worker once who had an enhancement, and much to me and my other co-workers surprise, said co-worker raised her shirt while we were all in the office kitchen to show off her new pair, and they looked hard as rocks!  That might've been because they were brand new.  I don't know.  They didn't look "pretty" though.  She might've went too big for her body size. 

Yeah, my ex-BFF got a boob job this past year, and she went waaaay too big. Her body frame was much more suited for her natural petite boobs. Because she already has wide shoulders, her boobs just make her proportions look way off which is a little unfortunate for her modeling aspirations.

(However, as her ex-BFF, I don't mind observing her questionable decisions from a distance 😆)

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Remind me again why we have to endure Gina on this show? Gina who was so excited to see drag queens that she said it reminded her of 'home' on Long Island and yelled, ''Mama's coming home!"  How did this Long Island woman qualify to be a house wife of the OC? She's not a housewife and she's not from the OC and shes broke.  She has the rattiest extensions I've ever seen on tv and her white press on's are always bit to the quick or one missing. (last week) She adds nothing to this show.  

I'm just watching this episode and so far Key West looks interesting, we may have to take a trip down there for a vacation.

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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Yeah, my ex-BFF got a boob job this past year, and she went waaaay too big. Her body frame was much more suited for her natural petite boobs. Because she already has wide shoulders, her boobs just make her proportions look way off which is a little unfortunate for her modeling aspirations.

(However, as her ex-BFF, I don't mind observing her questionable decisions from a distance 😆)

Oohh!  Why is she an EX-bff?

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9 minutes ago, stcroix said:

Remind me again why we have to endure Gina on this show? Gina who was so excited to see drag queens that she said it reminded her of 'home' on Long Island and yelled, ''Mama's coming home!"  How did this Long Island woman qualify to be a house wife of the OC? She's not a housewife and she's not from the OC and shes broke.  She has the rattiest extensions I've ever seen on tv and her white press on's are always bit to the quick or one missing. (last week) She adds nothing to this show.  

I'm just watching this episode and so far Key West looks interesting, we may have to take a trip down there for a vacation.

I’m convinced Gina doesn’t actually have a rental, but couch hops from place to place. I sort of enjoy seeing her hobo ass not giving a shit about appearances, but we’ve come a long way from designer ice and port cocheres to squatting in a garage.

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For being one of the least screechy, more intelligent and overall more innocuous Housewives, Emily sure does inspire some ire. After the laundry list of vile and hideous things that Tamra and Vicki have done over the years, I certainly can’t work myself up to be upset about somebody taking a few passive digs about their age.

Everyone concerned about her weight will be happy (or disappointed) to hear that she’s on a fitness journey and is down 15 pounds so far. 


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For being one of the least screechy, more intelligent and overall more innocuous Housewives, Emily sure does inspire some ire. After the laundry list of vile and hideous things that Tamra and Vicki have done over the years, I certainly can’t work myself up to be upset about somebody taking a few passive digs about their age.

Yeah I'm still waiting for Emily to get one of the other HWs sloppy drunk then siccing a family member on them to sex them up just to prove to the world that the sloppy drunk HW is a also a gold-digging adulterer.


Everyone concerned about her weight will be happy (or disappointed) to hear that she’s on a fitness journey and is down 15 pounds so far. 

Good for her. Now if she could only also dump that excess weight called Shane as well...

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22 minutes ago, Hiyo said:

Good for her. Now if she could only also dump that excess weight called Shane as well...


Yesssss if there’s anything valid to hate about Emily, it’s her shitty taste in husbands! 

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11 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Now let’s talk about Brownstone’s weird sinewy potbelly.

Oh my god, THANK YOU!  I love your entire post but this last sentence made me wonder if you were in my head seeing ALL my thoughts.  I have wondered about this for awhile but sort of assumed it was all about her having 25 kids and probably as many tummy tucks.  I figured I was the only one who was curious about her  (I'm a 10!!!!!) body.

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21 hours ago, dmeets said:

I have no idea how Tamra and Shannon can continue to put up wth her lies when they justifiably iced her out for a year. Actually I do have an idea: Andy Cohen threatened to fire their asses unless they kiss and make up.


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3 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Yeah I'm still waiting for Emily to get one of the other HWs sloppy drunk then siccing a family member on them to sex them up just to prove to the world that the sloppy drunk HW is a also a gold-digging adulterer.

Good for her. Now if she could only also dump that excess weight called Shane as well...

That's probably only another 15 pounds so it is a goal she can achieve.

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3 hours ago, Hiyo said:

Yeah I'm still waiting for Emily to get one of the other HWs sloppy drunk then siccing a family member on them to sex them up just to prove to the world that the sloppy drunk HW is a also a gold-digging adulterer.

Good for her. Now if she could only also dump that excess weight called Shane as well...

Now this is something I think we can all get behind.  Emily needs to lose about 165 pounds, Shane!

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On 12/3/2019 at 10:55 PM, Mu Shu said:

Ok, this is at least the third time that Emily, who whines about being fat shamed, age shames the three abuelas. Yes Emily, they are old. You will be too one day. Old lady jokes are faux pas. You need new material. 

Now put down the fork and shut the fuck up you joyless asshole. 

Not to mention, she actually looks the age she is shaming.

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12 hours ago, Mar said:

For those of you commenting on Tamra’s boobs, I’d say she has definitely increased the size 🙄


13 hours ago, ChitChat said:

How many enhancements and deflations has she had?  I remember when she had them reduced, but now they look rather large again.  Maybe it was the bathing suit pushing them up.  It can't be healthy for her to keep going back and forth on them - assuming she's had multiple enhancements.  I can't keep track.  

To answer your question, I have no idea how that works, but I did have a co-worker once who had an enhancement, and much to me and my other co-workers surprise, said co-worker raised her shirt while we were all in the office kitchen to show off her new pair, and they looked hard as rocks!  That might've been because they were brand new.  I don't know.  They didn't look "pretty" though.  She might've went too big for her body size. 

I'm not flat chested but I don't understand why anyone would want to do the hard as a rock, big boobs.  I thought they were getting better at making them less rock hard?  Whatever the case, both Tamra's and BW's look awful.  BW's talking heads make it look like her rock hard big boobs are actually stomach level.

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9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Oohh!  Why is she an EX-bff?

Many reasons, but a couple of them include offering to be the DD and not telling me she had consumed a bunch of wine before picking me up and therefore running a red light (which is what caused a cop to pull her over and give her a DUI). I don’t like people who knowingly put my life in danger. Also she had an affair with a guy she knew was a married father, and I just can’t put up with someone like that. Among other questionable things.

ETA: she might be good for a franchise like HW except she’s not rich.

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
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5 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I certainly can’t work myself up to be upset about somebody [a younger howife] taking a few passive digs about their age.

I agree.  Imo, shouldn't a howife be in the range of like 25-48?  So being 52+....is old to be one of these howife actresses.  Not about being an older human, but a howife...seems pretty fair game.  Like Gina said, so much to hear about aches and pains and foot cream...give me a break, ugh.

Maybe the issue is half the group is near/at/past menopause and that's what's behind (way behind) this line of 'insults.'

Edited by MajorNelson
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15 hours ago, Mar said:

For those of you commenting on Tamra’s boobs, I’d say she has definitely increased the size 🙄


Yes. And she's wearing tops that smoosh the boobs together so it looks like she has cleavage instead of that big empty space between boobs. Shit, no wonder Eddie can't get it up anymore.

Edited by chenoa333
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23 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Re Gina and Emily--I think it's funny that they think they can make digs about age, about new foot creams and ailments and stuff--you two broads might want to check your birth certficates, cause ain't neither of you 21.  Gina is 35.  She's old enough to be a grandmother.  If Jo was still on this cast at 23, she'd be calling them old, so they can calm down a little with their "youth."


I thought you asked why everyone hated Brooks, so I catalogued Brooks's existence and then I re-read your question and realized you were just asking about Vicki vis a vis "the cancer," so I highlighted that.  I'm too proud of my work to erase it now.  JK, I actually want to see if my account is correct as other viewers see it, because I have a feeling I'm missing a piece of the story too.

Brooks--he and Vicki were allegedly exchanging innapropriate emails before Vicki was estranged from Donn.  He came into her life with weird non sequitors, saying he loved Vicki's vagina, not knowing the ages of his four children, he allegedly told Brianna's husband how to beat her while he was really drunk, gave Vicki a fur coat as a loaner, and she had to buy him a set of chompers when he first moved to OC, cause he had a meth mouth.  No one liked him.

Things took a turn for the worse when Brooks allegedly had cancer and Shannon got involved trying to help save his life, only for it to be revealed that...if he ever had cancer, it was "nose cancer" aka skin cancer, and it cleared up millions of years ago.  He basically fabricated the whole thing, and the majority opinion is that Vicki was in on it because she wanted sympathy in the form of casseroles, and her only defense was the she carried around a binder for him, with lots of tabs, and she never actually saw him get chemo--she'd wait downstairs at the hospital--so how could she possibly be complicit?  No, I'm not making this up!

There was other weird shit going on that involved smoothies and Vicki selling bracelets online allegedly to fight cancer, but I never got into that stuff.  Too convoluted.  And it was off the show, on the blogs and stuff, and I just don't have time for that.

And HE ended it.  She'd probably still be with him if he hadn't broken up with her and moved away.  Dark chapter, for sure.  I'd rather see them get drunk and fall down than go back to that.

THIS. I watched someone have cancer, close to me. There is NO WAY they could have been fabricating it without me knowing it ESPECIALLY if I went to chemo with them. You never waited outside, you generally sat with them,  there's a doc appointment before, blood work, etc. There's fatigue, nausea, other items that just HAPPEN. There was NO WAY she couldn't have known. 

I'll say this, Andy Cohen has made himself very rich with his hatred of women. And we have made it pretty damn easy for him. 

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2 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Many reasons, but a couple of them include offering to be the DD and not telling me she had consumed a bunch of wine before picking me up and therefore running a red light (which is what caused a cop to pull her over and give her a DUI). I don’t like people who knowingly put my life in danger. Also she had an affair with a guy she knew was a married father, and I just can’t put up with someone like that. Among other questionable things.

ETA: she might be good for a franchise like HW except she’s not rich.

OH that is awful!  I would not be friends with this person either. 

I would agree, BUT none of these women are rich either!  Other than Shannon, and I guess Emily (because Shane is rich).  Gina is broke, and her ex is jobless, Tamra only has the show to keep her in her fancy house, Kelly got some money from the sale of her house, but who knows how much she really has.

Brawny's money is a mystery to me.  They must have some money.. but their house is not HUGE.  Of course they may just need to save for 7 frickin college tuition payments!!  I'm sure they are hoping one or two kids don't want college, and go into a trade.

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17 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Every time I see Tamra's foobs, I'm reminded of how painful they look. When you get a boob job, can you indicate whether you want them to have some natural sag vs. just bolted on? Either Tamra opted for the latter, thinking it's sexy, or she picked a really shitty plastic surgeon.

I'm thinking maybe they request them to be lifted up at the time of the boob  job. I think in Tamra's case, she wants to be able to go without a bra so she can show the whole world her boobs at a moment's notice. 

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19 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Yes, and of course I'm going to riff off this post!

If you think about it, why is ok to "behavior-shame"?  If Gina was feeling stressed so she drank and drove and got a DUI, who are we really to judge?  I made the same argument that Emily made about Vicki earlier this season--I said that Kelly should stop comparing women to farm animals and only attack their character, because she's not setting a good example for her daughter, but if we're going down that road, shouldn't we examine each and every aspect of Vicki's behavior before we criticize it?  Maybe some, or much of it, is genetic, as genetic as her pig-like nose.  Or maybe she was raised with a hyper-critical mother (she was), which taught her from a really young age to shriek when she doesn't get her way otherwise she wouldn't be heard?

I think judging these women who are on our TVs is all a continuum.  It's probably all technically wrong.  We should probably seek to understand them, but since I'm not about to do that, and I'm going to fall short of that standard, I'm going to "mention it all" lol until someone can articulate a bright line rule about what is fair game and what isn't and why.

As far as Gina, I am 100% going to notice her abdomen in a bikini.  I cannot not observe that it's not completely tight.  I think one of the reasons I comment on it is because Gina is that bitch.  She's that shallow bitch that has always jockeyed for position based on sex appeal and looks, and she judges men according to these standards.  They all have to "be hot."  I guarantee Gina wouldn't date a man whose abdomen looked like hers, or at least she'd rag for him it, unless he had a lot of money.

 If "the girl" that Matt was/is fucking had anything other than washboard abs, Gina would be shouting it from the rooftops, so fuck you Gina, fucking schadenfreude is a bitch, what can I tell you?


And just for the record, I don't think Gina "should" be thinner; hell, I hope she puts on more weight.  I don't care.  I don't think being fat or skinny is something to be ashamed of.

I totally think judging her for this is fine and I would say it to her face!  She has neither youthful stupidity or inability to afford an uber/lyft/cab/carrier pigeon on her side (not that there is any excuse to drink and drive).  I am judging the fuck out of someone like her for this.  She is also, by what she has shown all of us, a horrible person.  So I could judge her all day long.  I don't really care about her belly.  Show it don't show it but PLEASE change the hair and makeup.  And seriously?  She isn't as cute as she thinks she is.

Will I judge someone for having a wonky eye or something they were born with?  No.  If they PAID for and CHOSE that wonky eye, I am probably judging.  I will judge Tamra's awful boobs.  She paid for them several times and apparently think they are one of her finest assets.  I am judging Vicki for pretty much everything.  I am not sure she has any of the parts she was born with and she is horrid in every way.

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34 minutes ago, evansmom10 said:

he had a meth mouth.

Wow! I knew Brooks needed some dental work to make his teeth up to Vicki's standards.

But I had no idea he was a chronic crystal meth user! 

Edited by chenoa333
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24 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Wow! I knew he needed some dental work but I had no idea he was a chronic crystal meth user! 

No, I didn't say that, it was who I was quoting LOL, I am not that great at the quoting/commenting! I def have no knowledge on his vice habits!!!:)

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i don't think it's you; there was a glitch yesterday too. 

twas me who said Brooks had a meth mouth, but I was just describing the characteristics of his hellish hole, not accusing him of doing meth, although I'm not saying that's not a possibility! 😉

@Natalie68 and anyone else interested, I'm going to reply to the stuff about judging in "Small Talk." I think a lot of us are talking past each other and there might be more common ground than we think.

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18 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I anxiously await your report on your anticipated run-in with her!  😉  She must really be desperate to get married.  I thought she loved the doctor.  Now she's on to the next guy.  It just seems like a weird match.  

That sums it up in a nutshell!!  No truer words have ever been uttered! 

Damn.  If I would have known Kelly, Theresa and Dorinda were at a Meet & Greet up in the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut a few weeks ago, I would have hopped on the ferry and went to see and talk with them.  They all go there often, and Luann appears there too.  By time I get there, they will all be on to another man, lol.  I would LOVE to see Kelly tho.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I totally think judging her for this is fine and I would say it to her face!  She has neither youthful stupidity or inability to afford an uber/lyft/cab/carrier pigeon on her side (not that there is any excuse to drink and drive).  I am judging the fuck out of someone like her for this.  She is also, by what she has shown all of us, a horrible person.  So I could judge her all day long.  I don't really care about her belly.  Show it don't show it but PLEASE change the hair and makeup.  And seriously?  She isn't as cute as she thinks she is.

Will I judge someone for having a wonky eye or something they were born with?  No.  If they PAID for and CHOSE that wonky eye, I am probably judging.  I will judge Tamra's awful boobs.  She paid for them several times and apparently think they are one of her finest assets.  I am judging Vicki for pretty much everything.  I am not sure she has any of the parts she was born with and she is horrid in every way.

All of them on the OC and other franchises are in for the money and to stay relavent.  Especially now, at the end of the season, it reminds me of a horse race.  Who’s the loudest, who’s the prettiest, who’s the nicest, who’s the worst troublemaker.  They are racing for that orange.  I think Tamra would go nuts if she wouldn’t be on this show anymore.  Vikie too.  She thinks she IS the OC.  Tamra too.

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I always thought that Vicki and Brooks were both on the cancer scam, since they were trying to peddle some natural product. I don't think they thought that it was going to be challenged, and that messed everything up. Vicki flat out lied saying she had this binder of his medical history and that she went with him to visits. Everyone knows she was lying and was part of the scam. Brooks is a serial scammer, and Vicki likes money, so I think they tried to partner, but since they are both dumb as rocks it didn't work out. 

I think Vicki is fun to hang out with, but if you try to get close to her, there are lots of secrets and denials. Best to keep it light. 

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20 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Why doesn’t Tamra and Brownstone go to bed together and get it over with already.  They both are hot for each other and are tongue kissing too much every chance they get, like saying good night.  Lol.

What and embarrass their kids? They'd never! (being sarcastic)

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3 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

I'm thinking maybe they request them to be lifted up at the time of the boob  job. I think in Tamra's case, she wants to be able to go without a bra so she can show the whole world her boobs at a moment's notice. 

They keep going under anesthesia, puffy faces, risk of infection, etc. like it’s going to the store for a loaf of bread.  I watched Percilla Presley on the Hallmarl movie “Christmas at Graceland” and her face was really botched up. She looked like the Joker.  If she left things alone, she would have been a beautiful woman.  Crazy.

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5 minutes ago, evansmom10 said:

THIS. I watched someone have cancer, close to me. There is NO WAY they could have been fabricating it without me knowing it ESPECIALLY if I went to chemo with them. You never waited outside, you generally sat with them,  there's a doc appointment before, blood work, etc. There's fatigue, nausea, other items that just HAPPEN. There was NO WAY she couldn't have known. 

I'll say this, Andy Cohen has made himself very rich with his hatred of women. And we have made it pretty damn easy for him. 

I agree.  The only way you could conceivably not know would be if you never asked a single question and you never went with them to treatment.  That's why I cannot stand seeing her on my screen.  I'm only hoping that she wasn't trying to line her pockets with this scam but wasn't she trying to hawk some smoothie holistic drink for cancer patients and then doing some commercial about cancer after the scam was exposed?  LIke trying to drum up insurance biz? 

But then again, Bravo still tries to prop up Teresa Giudice, another disgusting scammer.  No way she didn't know what her husband was up to  

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